the twin jobs of w Mr. and Mrs. Him Gihss { a Iwata sen vo May Be Sall (LNO Circle iF EE Civil Aviation [ESHER Chester Mills; Mr. William Beg les possible SRARY Youd In Election : ie to By od a Delightful New WASHINGTON (AP) next Holds Meeting TA a Wes. Ceall Mile sme Work In Congo [ea month's election Ie is clone as y Mr. and Yrs. Man Snowden : i : on ae, 10 the hres me) some experts think it will he, the By MRS, M. E. LAVERTY ihe served lunch were Mrs. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs MONTREAL, (CF)~ The Lion 4 Mm Hatori i R oo I le, 8 nd J name of the nowt president of the Hoss Page, rs, 1. Boivey, Reg Tovlor, Ochaws, vised Mr W0omal Civil Aviation Organiia|(ary Genera g ahourg. 1 plans ov 9 United States may not be known MAPLE GROVE The Octo "% f Mes. Ernest Wilkins, Port oR says is work in The Congo of Montresl on the frst two 8 4 Yrs, Phil Pinney and Mrs y sonnel nls 21 until Dee, 18, or even later, her meeting of the LO Circle 16 Just Beginning months of ICAO operations Ww per Picture Books The slestornl meets met af the home of Mrs, Cedric PIE Hops, mn Sunday od Ji virtually the only The Congo mich valuable 14 rect i rd md tron Ld Ie, 190 to make offieinl the re Russell with nine members pres: PERSONALS ON HOLIDAYS . city to city FErViee a has heen rend. COPE/IeN ive (ilowing reviews werk pre. Beiliiant color snd exaggerated suits of the Nov, § voting oi Mr, and Mrs. W, G, Fallot, Trudy Anse Bussell spent 1081 [nthe a Sava) Sai iw to ih ered by the small growp of ex The Congo has # of 15% pared bry n member of the stall hgures enh each loul| Showid the WOT sectors repre Prasident, Mrs, Bert Snowden, Cincinatti, Obla, vislied B&F week on handays with her grande "(0 the [CAD to try to keep PEFs wnt there, pirficids of all types, of the Children's Tibrary, Me-\rhyme's own wit and fun, senting the #0 states Ia to pro presided for the business period. brother, Mr. and Mrs. John W. parents, Mr, and Mrs, RB the sirporis operating and pro- But tie report makes i clear TERY that 60% handle Laughlin Public Library Na Bang and Wis Wile, Written duce a maforiy for pwyons, Ihe She welcomed wll present, A Noble, last Thursday estowny, Cameron vide the essential ground SePV- that the work is only beginning planes, 01d Kosle the horse nobody W8-\ aad illustrated hy Incqueline House of sentatives of (he { With the rainy season prot The continuing harsssment of wis held on the Jin: Little Tanya Russell, daughter, Mr, and Mrs Snowden derstood by Lian Moore andi Ayer. Mrs, Ayer writes with a With Congress, which won't eof ing of the three civcles Into one, [of My, and Mrs, Cedric Russell, visited ein Ly uh ; ne Whe save. fi will be doubly Whiles by the Congolese was de: Leone Adeison, Wustrated by simplicity most appealing to vene watil Jon, 3, will elect the ie rs for 1960 - 1961 were had her tonsils removed | 88 daughter, Mr, i The Belghan technichans m ig. I Soy ' | De Ao corned in the report 88 7 A Leonard Shortall, Hosie (thought children, about 8 young Blamese new president elected as follows: President, Monday Allchison and Billy at Blackstock, Meld key posts at a Lr i) eld shazardons Ww ow Yor problem." The UN ry it wis fine to be a retired (09m \boy, Nu Dang ois smal boy, Wt woulde't he the first me bees Sack Hurrie; vice - presk| Laird Wilton spent & weekend on Saturday, ihroughout (he & 00 BEF WORE|REOIG sEFVIEeS foree issued special identific, horse ~ for the first few days\ioved nothing better than ying thet the electoral collems dead don ys, Cedric Russell; secre leave from Picton Army Comp w {omong the thousands of BME [CAG now has 26 officials, I passes to ol 16AD Por sommet, anyway, She didn't mean BBY his kite, until one wild and windy locked and threw the election Ino ary' Mis, Cecil Jeffery; treasur: with Wis family here "ANNOUNCEMENT leans wha fled aller The CoMEo| ciuding eight Canadians, #0rking drawing attention to the imports harm, she was Just lonesome, But day the. string slipped from Wie (he lop of the House, The 1ast or "Mes, Albert Bt, Plore. The Courtige Clreyit Country received Is independence JURE i wie Congo, Tunisls, France, ance of their work and ealing what she did eased no end of grasp and his Wits Decomes & dot time It happened was 135 Jers oul.going president, Mrs. Snow | SUNDAY GUESTS Couples' Clup will meet at Cou: 3 ' Spain, the United Aral Republic on ali authorities to give sil pos: excitement, This humorous Late Is 4 the sky, An almost fruitless ago |den, thanked the group lor their| Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Smith and tice Church on Thursday, Novem: whole loss left 5 gap that Im West Germony, Greses, Sweden ible protection and pssistansce (9 suitable for those around the! search slong the river on which! co-operation during her term of family, Whithy, were Bundpy her 8 at 8 pm, medintely sEEravated the coun and the United Boles have #0 the A 14. Grade 3 level of reading Nu Dang lives, ended happily, FIRCYORS office, Warshin service was on ghests of Mr, and Mrs, Ron = Tr ----try's already desperate DUENS, sent personnel, ne ORpers, dumbo, King of sensative lustre! The electors will he chosen WY the theme of Thanksiiving, Those Rogers REAR APPROACH ustrations by Jane Carlson Bil showing the variety of people states Nov, B, Each state Is en: Ken Kuhnke, while lor the child past the Inisl' whe live on and from this streteh titled to one elector for each! sys; vic | Through her i. pe : Written by Edmund Lindop. Vi (jong irs, Ayer Was succeeded Inthe voters In thelr respective) in charge of program were Mrs. Mrs, L, C. Snowden atlended a ( ¥ CAD BENT EXPERTS There are 1 air traffic con SHAVING TROUBLE Bre © Russell snd family gathering aL the home of ALO DEW JUN, Xing When the United Notions was 'POers, Bx radio operaiors, low | nynoN (0p) w Poetory IN, hak at he ner A 4 (radio technicians, one office man : for stages of reading, this book ells of water In # lar-owsy land, | member It has In the House and CO gare: Elmer Dhan are 0 he init 10 this Rew Bonen esked to Intervene (0 Uy 16 6 omen: expert, one sewior air Dulwich howpiiat Lig Tgp Bd the true story of the hest known! gocuse Me Certainly, hy the Senate. While theoretically GIRIA 4-4 Lit. ne ' community, Phere ne LJ) roads iors vied iA ask the 1CAD -- gl Fafhe serviees expert and a ef pions in" th $s he: elephant in the world, One of thely ig bodkin, Willie White and traditionally they cast thelr! The second meeting of Hi in Robert Rogers. Br. Bm to eve the hvias fron 5 (She moves uray do suk the IAD ~ 4 Vi aviotion adver wha le nimi Eors In thelr ba 0 he biggest elephants that Vived he|icorme from his neighbourhood voles for the presidential nom eens club wis Wed a Magh manville. spent Tast Tuesdhy with petesh Fri Bs vgn the front #17 (paifie contiel experts. ang Parke of the mission [have heen told the fr provided happiness [or mony N friends and chiefly from a police: nee who received the largest Hove rth on Fednes pid Hig Mr. and Mrs, Hon Rogers and and vehicles at the hack, where radio operators to the air: | 1CAD estimates that B6 or 60 agement commities cannot afford both sides of the Al'ar man that courtesy ean be fun, vole in their state, they don't) toh ahah n and Mrs, Ken Amily garages ave grouped, fields back in action, men will he needed to carry owt! the expense--shout _ Emile, Wrillen and Hiustrated This is & companion volume Lo have to Charles Greenham and bs ih é | 3 i by Toni Ungerer, Emile, writlen iphank' You -- Your Welcome", As recently as 1086, sn Ala: Kuhinke and elght members were by the author of "Crietor #04 othy of whieh were written Wy hama elector refused to give hig Present, The girls were given hat tie Mellops hooks, Is # eourage:| ong" of the hast known writer I= vote to Adlai Stevenson, sithough| Standard pallerns and each hos mE pen Retore trim of Pb ustraters for the young, Stevenson carried the siste hy colaved paper fo 6over heir hat if eturning to his under , hanes, Nex eting will he he Sao Gave, he (Tier oul brian PWido the color maker ie writ: 3606 vos over President Bue (ony 1 § pn. on Octbr 18 cues as a Weruard, performs ten and Histra y ek the ehureh basement Li Re RL, gH dis Whilst on a business trip Wizard Nor do the Hector os id i" covers and caplures & group of Fesk has left his apprentice Fill have to vole As @ i Phe ; COMING UP ( EREMONY : smugglers, All of these would he doe in charge, with Instructions wds show that on Ae¢asion 4 Four Cubs took part in the everyday occurances without the to learn the Master Color hook. | stete gave part of Ms plectorsl Coming Up ceremony last Wed humerous and imaginative | Unfortunately Pitidoe mixes with vote to one candidate and part nesday, New Boy Beouls are Justrations fe abandon and it is only after|to another, | Jimmy Gould, David Rarrahal Peter Piper's alphabet hy inding that the people of the Tim Todd and Daryl Dobbs, Bev Marcia Brown. This is net the land of Eon do not expect hae ANIMAL VISION eral of the parents were pres: usual tyne of A BC hook but is apple pies OF Ehota ale milk only a few (vpes of mammals, ent, Mr, Howard Bradley gave areo'lection of tongue wisting al:| from green ews that he realizes including man and apes, ean see|out the various hadges to Roy Viterstive rhymes. The origingl| perhaps there Is something to be (hinges in color Beouts and Cubs, Scout mothers English edition was first publish: sald for sticking hy the hook, He ed in 1618 and the text of this lustrated with verse and charae: new publieation follows this, with! ter this hook Is further enhanced E Vv | S 1 (®) N L oO G a few additions by Marcia Brown, hy the rhyming couplets | | CHUHATY Channel 1i=Hamilton CBLTTY Channel G=Toronis | 4 : : iR-TV Channel BerBulin) WREN-TV Channel 4--HBuliais| Socialist Leader Run | Channel esto WROUTY Channel iii SATURDAY £VE, itd PM, 88-Truth or y L : Sacrifice 1 EET I dea " ; [ ar Y ui Outside Bros conte 100 P.M, y + we Weathey | t=-Bawling Beries == Adventures of Robin 1! M, v " 4 . Twilight Theatre By M, McINTYRE HOOD Me Wier rg i Jor whith Bile P.M, 7 BTL a peaker of the House | 3 wr r p pe 18 a 118 Cartagn Party | Bpecial to The Oshawa Times might, if he ean persuade all the |'7 Early Show A The spl. which de diesidents to vote for him, garney| S4-Saturday From 116 PM, gMuvie Matiner hetween 756 and 100 votes out of ith PM Ih=-Quesn"s Park Report : oh Could ie You wks al its annual econference|the 360-0dd which would he east |il---Teancense Ernie Ford =u ou Final i P.M plank! handy if all voted, There are likely tof 2} i ! 2 at Beorhoro has now eeme right a-Hong Kang HobmCauntiy Calendar | H-=New out into the open in the Parlla (he some abstainevs--those wha | t= Wrestling T=Premier Playhouse S=Guiding Light Sentary Labor Party, mede up|90 not wish to eommit themael fis PM, t=Fonihall il M HR Social bers of par. VER On either side. But hat |.i-Father Knows Best 100 P.M, HeRiavie Matinee Hook of the Socialist members of § would still leave Mr. Wilsan: far! 8 Ab' Tu H-0HA Junior FE" §~Ahaut Faces ", Wament. Harold Wilson, shadow . y A=Tales of Tones p b-Feutiure Movie | ohancellor of the exchequer, for| Short of winning Rangers lor Magazine A=Meet The Millers |} me to him f ' 1 | { PM, §4-2-Foothall 2-Mid-Day Matinee [ fl fie GAITSKELL'S POSITION 4=Newa; Bparie 21h P.M, 180 P.M, sel has decided to saorifice| Mr, Claitske!l can he sure of 0 PM. #-Foathall {=Rivaree fearing Mmecll on the altar of PAAY peaining the support of the ma 116 Deanis The Mennes B00 PM, ra unit hy opposing Hugh Gall ocity of Labor MP's, The impor: | T=Matiy's Punday H=OHA Hockey i ' shell for the party leadership. It iaar question, however, so far as Hy Patval 6 Recital hj Nes 0 mM 1 9 y y S=Highway Palio Ab i M. will be a vain sacrifice, It Wile is" gongerned, is the size of phat Hh mide PM, TL settle nothing, hut will enly make| yo majority by which he |g] $=Johnny Midnight B8-Cleveland Browns | £6 Gh Helene elearer than ever the hopeless) gieated. No party leader can sup | Ti VM, i "Mm Sadan Murray Show | division between left and FEO vive in the House of Commons 4 PEama Bories | 1 Se Hint Il-Bunday Rhawase LJ iD the PAFLY'S UppeE echelons, 4 5 | 2 % mn ha v Playhouse Rilh L PP unless he haa the averwhelming iad WVeR gamvores nee nce Horsey School i LONDON veloped within the Laboy Penge] some reason known onl) 1 9 # ¥ There in much difference of support of Ws party members, rd ry 41h opinion among political ehserv:| Chamberlain found thal to be NPM #=-Foathall Hin Pm ers here as to why Mr, Wilson | true in 1940 mn GURSITAKE | Road Ta R [| Oa 0 wality 110 P.M, 116--0pen Hause his chosen the road whieh ¢an| go even If he has & majority [American Civil Way & wea BA 3a areils Votne apy lead to political suicide fori yness it is a eonvineing one, hi ans ite " House Party [ . himself. Mr. Wilson is not a wn: position. will become AiR Aide PM, a di00 P.M, THE GHURGH FOR ALL , ,, lateralist, nor a "han-the-bomh" [Ho will still be the leader of a's 1A M0 coaver | #=Youlh Confidential wetlany ALL FOR THE CHUREH let winger, He might be termed | divided party. There will still bel §3- The Tal Men Amateur Hour=Ted | 1° ® eH The Church is the greatest factor mss for 1 call Bruce my combination angel-terror, Boon he will be four, and he slightly left of centre in his poll the passibility of an anti-Gait-| $= Oheckmate #-Celehrity Golf \ilane the building of character and good citizenship | fascinatl ixture of mischief and good teal views, So he is not breaking | skell group of members going h:00 PM $30 PM, #=Millianaire Hiding 4 i 4 f 8 A Tasoinating mixture of mischiel and goodness, 8 MH ning 3:80 |] } its 4 Fi | a lanee with Mr, Gaitskell on the [awn way In the House of Com. |'"® Hockey Night In Yhe Rifleman It 15 a storehouse of spiritual values, Without » subjiet of the party defence | \ | Wh ar in the House of Come' Covi i 20(h Century H-Ruhlle Service Gul " & Church, neither demasvacy nor eivilization At bedtime, I always tiptoe inte his room to be sure he's covered, Then poliey 15 own _ declaration Is 83-The Deputy ae that he 1s entering the lists be Silverman has done, to accept hai GE Called Bowl i t can survive: There are four sound reasons why It 1s that I am struck by the innocence of his face in sleep, Then it Is that he t hel that the official party whip. Mr. Wil M yi hpeak Vj ¥ every person should attend services regularly and CHU We aoe no wleve (1 Mr Gaitskell : '[80n has placed himself in (he ha 0 " A ; 3:00 or Rests support the Church. They are: (1) For his I venlise how helpless in this small dynamo, who plunges with sueh bounds defiance af the panty mis position af leader of the antl $=iave Gun Wi Disney Presents Popeye With Capt n sake. (2) For his children's sak, (3) For less energy about our house and yard all day, Then it is that I am struck Galtskell gray 3 Fave! A=Meel The Fress And . decision can bring unity to the have its bhp. and IW hi Agi 10:00 P.M, Pre Ine Pee | pe Anacican Bandstand the sake of his community and nation, (4) Per hy the awesomeness of my responsibility, WPL | {Law and My. Jones Hart ( and f-Eve Arden Bhaw phy longer has any official position] $-- Gunsmoke 5:30 FOV . §a=Make Room For the sake of the Church iuelf, whieh needs hn TILTING AT WINDMILL Within the Parliamentary Labor| 10118 P.M, stories of the ho bidy 3 wavel and terial iy Wy . I realize it fn entively up to me to see that Bruce learns vight from uliett Gul rai church ular I a y A Mr, Wilson has east himself in |Party =a vm. Wo er Presents 1:0 PM Ih vequiariy and tend Your ible telly C wrong, to see that he grows inte the sort of man whe will be a eredit to the rol of ] Jnbdera hon Quixote It Is acknowledged hy compe: 1 fie u de [obi i ah aise Presents frisndic, fant Day Hook Chapter Verses his family, his community, and his country, I must teach him to keep a gE A windmills € cannon 4 aint ! p 3 Re of Nigh hope to defeat Mr. Gaitskell in| ye p political ert ta at sieand. Jury boku Bi dd . : Hunday faalah 18:16 steady heart and a level head, to veaist the many temptations that will be the hellot of the MP's for th f r 4 0145 P.M, Dayton Allen 14] Monday 'roverbs a he party leader iy Al the best his not he reconciled, The eivil war 11.6 ahd Bay in aii haar iad up Tuesday Galatians | strewn In his path, to hold honor and truth and Integrity high 18 a noble gesture. He has shut! will mtinue slentless > 1:00 P.M, | \=National Velvet MONDAY Wednesday Ephesians ' % . himself out from the deputy Chieu, Telentestly, ME) rned-News: Wea | 3 Laie Temple Show EVENING fhursday 11 Timothy 8 When 1 think of my task, T send a small and special prayer to God to Tia0 PM, (a) cause those opposed to Mr. Gait Spars | ! J hire { i lea 3 Mp of the party, Which con are much more voluble and! * Award Tae [ 10a) of Mush iy Lan | Prides : Hebrew aid me, And I thank God for his Church on earth whieh, for years to come, ould have hien his f th k N H M, ati wel a ¥ 1) i . > : y 3.2 : in And hen i on Hu Hy Md hitter than those wha support |i Heh hb 1. H fa : Contain daliant will be helping me, again and again, in making my small mischief into a man. and Mr. Gaitskell 1s again sa ely 1m, 18 will be war to the death, | [fale Show = Netnis The Measee Tun To lear ™ installed party lecder, Mr. and there will be no hope of res: | +=Spoits 1 PM, HT Wilson cannot expect to remais . 11:80 PM Hdd-Danay Kave H a member of the shadow cabinet |" Aart af 4 complete veversal io Show 34 Naika, Kaive Nusthiet | Makers | Ho wil be aut in the political [®F Polley when the nent Labor| é-Feaiwre Fanarama | Hi BM, 3:80 P.M, Voy wild: ft for years, so far as Party con'erence is held In Geto.) 3- Award Theatre §3-Tab Hunter Show A I Metiraw party preferment is eoncerned. ber of next y §--Mavie 9:00 P.M, y h ; v hy year . 12:30 P.M, 166M A hu mA Five Oaprright 1960, Reiter Adv, lovins, Mvasbung, Wo I§ Mac Show News 8:00 AM, hin PM, Western | " TITS The Islanders # Highway Patrol ! = tah hy w»Ohureh in The Ham STN 1. [EEC TEE fin THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE 0 AM, 10100 hich T=Hera'd of Truth 116 Angel hil PM THE BIRO | a var Home and Artie Sodieey nea MLEM, | KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE JIM HURVID, NORTH. OSHAWA PLUMBING Draw out N . ; 1:45 AM, 11=8aher of Landon Huntiey- Hinkley RA 5.3480 288 Bloor St W\ PLUMBING & HEATING 52 Wave Ave ' ' i _ : GY Es | 7p IRE only FCOWREIRIE AE! [1 wor frat ictors | 4B HSS show A TE HOUITON' SERVICE STATION M0 33 Wien Re 3, A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN ¥ ala UW n N gh \ ev Ora [¢ oh a ¢ ole A + VV me EN Jig Ra Cie RR sey ae [RA 37002 67 King Sv HAMBLY TIRE LTO, 1 fw = i arialie 0 + Popeye Playhouse } M. wall Valley Days \ 17, Nestlin printer's first" Vorlordar's Answer | 3-Vour Church AES 4 8 News) The Vikings RA 8-422 S534 Ritson Rd § ALF LINES PAVIN 18 Sandhill fluid team a7, Blevator listen Natther, Sanita LL IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY 833 Simeon St & e foDipbad ban Rh Commied 3am | ini SNC gH SR et ug [] 4 So6te 1A, GUSCOTT PLUMBING : ap bail basy ue mp H A) ' esser Ehow £0, (Phost flagy . #4, Divisiong Mammal i1-Ts Is The Life Nah Ehexbune wun II METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD, & HEATING LTD, BOR HOY CONSTRUCTION . Exclamas Angelle of cows' 40, Flourished | 1-The Rie Answers | 7) ohne RA 5.3279 23 Celina Sk (John Bondaruk,- Manager) 1154 Nolen 8, ! tian 18 Avable stomacha 41, Doses Public Service ! $100 BM : RA 5.5132 207 Simeon Bt, & - OSHAWA SAND 4 Gravy 84. Winged consonantg all of 44, Game of 10:00 AM, Lale Show 16-- Panny Thomas LORNE GOODMAN 7K N 8. Came iy destyug 4 Gras =The Christophers Background Pele and Gladys 20. The ay 2 Weaken n He i Thue ing Nard TANGA Thead ne Biya De | PLUMBING & NEATING LUDWIG DESI . m Re hl Keyatone A-Lawmn Unto My Feet | MONDAY ri I od RA §-1044 758 Man 8, Painting and -Decorating Contractor : CBA #-Cartoon Playhouse BN AM, & Plavholye RA 3.9453 734 Eastboume Ave N. NH. EDGAR & SONS LTD, abbr.) v wi an Pope Valve Large KENNETH ASHMORE PAINT & WALLPAPER $1, Love story 10:30 AM, +=) TR 2:00 P.M "PAVING CONTRACTOR R. B REED & SONS RA 3-238) M King 8, W, 3. Boy's hed 1% AM. My Sister Eiloeg PRBS ad \mRrawe Theatr RE CAE JH A RA 8.8412 $57 Garard N FLORISTS \ "5. dt Ho BL Panay Thomas HENDERSON CONCRETE Stripe Ano he AN, 130 ® A S113) 10% King St W 7, Wave 3-Vollow ths Entire Romaee Sam Ie ro My STAFFORD BROTHERS "3 3 3 PRODUCTS LTD, i {comb 1:00 AM x hi I-Adventutes in MONUMENTAL WORKS RA 3.4402 1089 Nelvon $b, 4 v a 0 Ve Py "- form) TARE Np Ravers | 4-Peberey Qitrhonee | o PANY MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS : \ #8. Naval This 1s The Li "Naa §-Stase 1, Pram + officer ¢ Nay Noriay wi AM *3 RR AN ROY W. NICHOLS < 34 Athol St. E STEPHENSON'S GARAGE , Want of =The Big Rascals T+ Romper Roam ' 3 € Nauke . ILE AN Romper, Ron FI ABATE Stanwyek G.M. SALES & SERVICE RA 5.0522 13 Chush § #. Sot of T-Chaamionahin Bed : IE RA 3.7242 Courtice GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP BANK'S FLOOR! boxes (ap) 12:00 VRON . 10:30 P.\ MA 3338) Bowmanville 70 Kina 8% § NG ©. Fraternity 1-Buex Bunny owen We So Nemhatons Few RA 81010 Naw candidate T=Miltre Furie ent H Presioaunt gg BROWN'S LUMBER AND A HEI AING'S 130 Nm » (slang h : tot rer SUPPLIES LTD oc han Be Mankhin 5 0 48, Bound May ¥ 1:00 P.M RA 5.4704 463 od A ; MASTER FEEDS 47, Moham- Gene Anlry v EAA 8 News: ¥ Od Ritsx, dh Ny No. 2 Hwy & Thichson's Re, 34 Chueh $i medan title NPM he AM Weather. Sparts RA 3a 48, Steers =Nateline UN LLEAER 8} ' ° in, "ie FE et | Attend the Church of Your Ch nove Sy ll PRL 1 SR e e urcn oO our o1ce & AR 1150 AM 1=The Reba Wendy ond hve CROSSWORD ! 3-Fiotion Theatre A3-Chevy Khaw "R00 A I ~ + SUNDAY GE Theatre ------ rv ---- ¢ 1 Hiatal $-Christian Science Program Knows Best 3 Nr wm FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS ad 23 W BR Birlappad ATA RE §-- Bard Ranch V3 Larella Yeung + Pure 3-Man To Man Twa Faces Weal Repant 218 i" Turkey Cavered, as oar it 1] | T-The Christophers at's My Line Hi ROVER ane 2 Butta Friends 3 Cancentrat on Late Show S-Readiag Ot Lond Sera) Pama Movie FORA mpoashie 12:00 NOON + A Pay A i Bowling Tae Teng Aysiery Theale -- ' '" ---------- * ,