Bh Ss TIMES, Pridey, Octsher 18, 1968 = 'Mrs. M Reid Appointed Reeve of Ajax ATA (Biath) -- The Alex Town Council meeting, wenally held on Monday nights, whe this week 10 pay tribe to the late dom J. Mills, reeve of the own for the past 19 years | Al the regiisr town council meeting, held Wednesday, council |eecied Mrs, Mary Heid, deputy Lreeve to the post of reeve for the balance of the year, She will fill the vacancy left by Mr. Mills Councillor Elwin Smyth wes named Aepuly-reeve lor the hal ghee of this year Counell was deadlocked In # yoke for the depuly-Teeve's post thetween Councillor Bmyth snd Councillor Pal Sheean. However, Councillor Sheean slepped down to permit Mr, Smyth to take of fice as deputy -reeve Action to 11 the seat vacated hy Councillor Smyth was not deemed necessary al the Wednes day meeting, due lo the lateness 3 i 4 5 5 AE 3 of the year and the forthcoming! & ' 1 dd ' when the) = _" ll, 1 ' ol FEET mm Hol election SEY YH 40 APY lH READY FOR THE BIG SHOW | Resve Mrs. Mary Reid was ul MARRIED IN AJAX pointed to fill the position of vice DALLAS, Texas Eighteen | Cathleen, 8, the "in between" (| birthday then, too, even though chairman on the Ontario Couny| birthday candles didn't stay | apd Twing Palvick and Pal she wasn't born upttl Oct, 28 My, and Mrs, William Bill | Emerson, "The groom's par. |Health Unit, and Herbert Hunler| fighied long yesterday with five | ricia, 5. 1 sounds confusing Their parents, Mr 3 ' and Mrs. J - f pose for the photographer fol: | ents are Mr, and Mrs. Frank | Wee appointed (0 the High School! Collins eelebrators a lowing. | but really i Both sets of | ' b ' : g lowing (heir wedding af 81, | Hill. A reception wae held for |Board, on the resignation of They are, from left to right, | twins were horn Oct, 27 and | Earle Coline of Dallas, also 4 Ap 4 3 David Claringhold twins Jansene and Michael, 7. | Cathleen was celebrating her | have twa other children E08 f Paul's United Church, Ajax the couple at the Ajax Legion i ail to Fl The bride 1s the former Donna | Hall following the wedding John Banna, appointed to ill a VACANCY OR the eourt of revision Elizabeth Johpston, Her par: | ceremony 1 Ld fa UE I8 CHIAY ¥ ents are Mr, and Mrs, John Park Lane Studia |Wheh had heen held hy Rohe J ] " 0. Rhamer, who has moved from. YANCOUVER (CP) fl (®) n 5 pro L4 ada disarmament Ala 4 Poli # Constable Fredrick posals have earned # ¢ hilly re : 4 / swiord was promated to Hu 8 3 J 1 | position of second class ¢ onsiahle, [sponse from the United Bates tin ) Ai ! The Alax Community Centre External Affairs Minister Green : 4 nn longer he open aNer Six said Thursday The reason, he 0, Y ar | ssue o'clock on Sunday vo cp, #01 10 AD InteTY is that Can-| BLACKETOCK 81 John s WA bed patient ab the home of her | Permission was granied ta Ca met Oct. 20 in Parish Hall th daughter, M Stan Kahr 5) / da wanis to phy disarmament } Fd yi Th, a ahm nadian Legion Branch: 322, Ajax A id i 16 members present. Fresident! About 20 relatives and friends By ELBA WIC . B N H tn hold & sale of poppies on Nov. hy 10cussing wy opinion on Mes J Hamilton opened the| gathered at the home of Mr. and "m y A STORRY nak y he hay Rides 4 oy 8 sald 11 and 12 ; the nuclear powers and pressur: meeting with & hymn. Beripture! Mes, Roy Taylor, Saturday night 0 HAM hen Pie i 0] She School rea Board ve The Chamber of COMMBICE| i.0 them to start disarmament, |lesson and prayers were givenito honor Mr, and Mrs, Arnold ing Township goes fo the pollsiguived $20,000 lo purchase land urged that clubs and organiza The U8, wasn't any too friendly (Dy Mis, MeArihur with the Taylor on their 10th wedding an December 8, it will have an op- lor schools so that they aequive|tions use the new notice hoard) memhers' prayer in imison niversary. The oeceasion was a portunity tn vole on the question,!it as giickly as possible set up in the shopping plage {toward the Canadian attitude he Miss Parr, Doveas secretary, eomplete surprise to Arnold and in favor of 8 two-year Schon] Boards cannot antici. the chamber for that use cause It lumped the USB. with yeported thal the hale would soon| Joyce. They were presented with 4 pach Hots cuit. apie Rant be ah ped oes eos" Economy Reading Plan : Council. meeting Oft: W.Va Bavotmany bod | Mrs, T. Langhield gave a splen-| Mrs, John MeKee has heen LAL ave J. Sherman Bett sliled| ned wn," N seall said that Smith and will meel every did repori of the recent Deaneryl spending a few days with Peter that me discussion had taken he understood tha the Bel i meeting in Pickering. It was sug: horough friends ) ) chon Thursday for the next 20 week hal f : Place during the Year on the Auer: Bod war makieg tans 0 laude vn oil 1 Ro gested hy the president thal 86.0 My. Earl Dorrell is visiting Vv y Vv a that oither 2 WViaW 1: sib aE bane {dohn's might have & Deanery! friends in Western Ontario a er specila ea er er Ce stigating a two-year term could how the township could start rais 0 ead CHILDREN'S SKATING meeting | Mr. and Mrs. Krnest 1Larmer of the The Reereation Department Meeting voled to gratefully ac | attended anniversary services al he Va | an opinion LIP mone or them wit Lhe taxpavers could he sought bY need existed The might p Children's Bkating class will get| cept the gilt of a eonksiove from Burketon Bunday and were din Bow MANVILLE MUTA | nderway on Monday, November! Fred Hamilton ner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Har ha Count hy resolution, dé: pow money themselve | 10 1 i old Larmer cided on the latter, Providing a| (hat tne | DAVIE OF th Crest Phe fre, Fors (ah at 8:00 p.m, The class is open| Final plans were made for thi % ; two « year Levin will he decided), ., cg i ad that the ota, will speak at the Lions Com: "oi dren seven years of age and|chicken pie supper and enchre,|, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Hughes and IaH wn EhRoals In the large family, Woodstock, visited a few { { L munity Centre on Thursday, Nov { kal 2% | upon, i ould take efigct al Lhe subdivision had heen alm 4 under who wish to skale Del i] and the hazaar in No-| 4 : ) [] eof the 11 lection phligln bad been amos! con ember 10, 1°80 1m Supervisors wil be on hand tol vember Some icles ware ve, V4 Ihe week with ir. and select an magazines pl Ww the Behool Board Phe publie is invited } a | Mis, Glenn Larmer and Douglas sist where needed from B50 to[0eived for the hawaar and con| ass Mrs, PP. Romeril and guest, The next regular meeting of the mit 3 nied | i} Mitlees were appointed ol I nrama Workshop will he Thurs: 9:00 p.m v Mrs. Russell of the Bahamas require an. additional fourteen players to make a well halanced inn apinton sald Council the neople men Depu announced his faver of the two year term, saying that he did not Mark an "X" before any Four Magazines f MAGAZINES MAGAZINES New Renswal [iL] REDBOOK " i 'EATHOLIC DIGEST 3 ym [10] CORONET [1] CALLING ALL GIRLS ym [1] LOOK (Every other week) [1 MORERN PHOTOGRAPHY 3 ym, [J [] CHATELAINE [1 CHILDREN'S DIGEST [1 C1 MeCALL'S (ages 7:00) ,...\ 3 ym [1 | MAGLIANS (very other [7 [71 POPULAR SCIENCE ve 3 ym [] HUNTING & FISHING ,, 3 yn 6000, HoUsKttrNg [] FREE PRESS WEEKLY 5 ym | 3 TRUE SYORY [1 MODERN ROMANCES ,.. 3 ym | 1 LIBERTY [] HARPER'S BAZAAR vm | 7] HI FI/STEREO REVIEW | SATURDAY NIGHT 3m || | AMERICAN GIRL | FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE 3 ym, ) [1] ARGOSY (The man's [1 CHRISTIAN HERALD ER ansine [7] POPULAR BOATING ..., 3 ym [1 HUMPTY DUMPTY or 3 | k With the exception of Counep lor Harve pang, Council mem: IMM; CONTRO bers agreed (hal a vole of Wei Mrs, F, Page was heard | gay, November 17h at the Lions| The registration fee for this Aifterent tanle Mrs, Jd. A. Johnston and Mrs . penple was advisable Counillor hy Council regarding do Blie| Community Centre, Three one-act class will he $2.00 for the com:| LIST GUESTS Ernest Larmer attended the WMS : Edgal home : nas fot Dresen ald that she had heen accused| plays are being prepared for pro- plete season of 20 weeks The students of Cartwright] Preshylery Fall Rally at Maple 4 5 e S awa ime Count r Spang belies FOF not having tags for her threelduetion on December 8th High Behool donned thelr best|Grove Oct, 18 y the question should not be €Oidogs, hut assured Council that! New members are welcome, [WROOMBALL hillbilly" elofhes for the annuall My, and Mrs. George Dunbar sidered in this particular muniel- she had, and that her dogs had The girls bromball league has gadie Hawkin's Dance held at the| penise and Catherine. Bearboro palit cause of the unpredicl:i never heen at large o i TOWN LEAGUE BASKETBALL [not heen formed yel due to the Recreation Centre on Frida spent the weekend with Roy and ahle ¢ ence In the urban and pound There will he a meeting of the small number of participants We night. Musie was provided hy Bill Ferguson rural p He teil that an eleg! "Dog control is good comp Lions Community Centre, Wed Johnny Jones and his Terriview Mr, and Mrs, Ted MeLaughlin rl indidate may nol he ahie to io what It wa hk i nesday Navember 2nd at 7:80 rin from Oshawa Patsy, Jimmy, John and Paul oY on y a wee say how the widely diverges! Mrs. Pai I think it fired p.m, to discuss plans for the for Among the guests were many | Columbus, were Sunday guests of e are auld be run that someone spoke up for ti mation of Town Jeadue Basket four team league, UW you are Ini Abner Daisy Maes and| Mr. and Mrs, H, McLaughlin dog eontral office 1 "hal Il Interested persons are In: jepested in playing broomball| other Dogpateh characte I'he Mrs, H, Davey, Mrs, Ira Argue . lor Bpang, "it would mean poor run him i off Falher than) vited to attend please contact the Recreation Of:| prize for the hesl Daisy Mae cos-|Mr, and Mrs. Austin Beacock LJ Your magazines will come by mail Ie HOH Mis, Page mentioned ney | FIG RE SKATING fice as soon as possible, All fume was won hy Bobble Mai We | ere Rusanay Renta of Mr. Rus » Y ion ) : [ 5, Oshaw FOR THE PEOPLE a dogs h, ho had iniracied the jhe clas for he newly fri broomball games will be played| Prise Jov_the Des il A sell Apinks, Osha 1 Oilvua onr newspaper will be delivered by curries Couneillor Clifford Layeox said | 10 Contra law hey seem |d HEure SEALING 1GSS0NS WIN Be y B00 to 7:00] Leslie Asselsting lie priee torlwas a weekend guest and f that It took him a good six|!0 think these laws are made for/held in the Memorial Arena under" Monday's from y hw hest a hh won Mrs: by IH Rrok i Vy ' No Money Down! months to feel at home al the everyone hut them," she said, [the direction of Miss Barbara'p.m hy Klaine Mountjoy and Alan{and Mrs, George Rutherford and Council lable and even now Dog Comraol Officer Harv Ash Asselstine, The elimination dance| Allan, Oshawa, were Bunday sup there were some things on whichiton and Dog Catcher 180 prize was won hy Laurie Mackie, per guests of Mrs, George he was a little hazy, He felt thal Gerigs were present at the Coun Rate Q ers John Doyle; One of the highlights] Fowler | . it was a waste of time for thelell meeting, expecting to hea: of the evening was the Sadie] Roy Turner, Dale Gunter, Neill ESTES ESTEE NISL RN GH ATE To1 (OR ARTE LV. FET jazines you want! Reeve to sit far the hetter par complaints from a ralepays Hawkins' race, In spite of the! Bailey and Bryan Hamilton spent iy : of vear 10 teach new Council: Whose pound fee was $11 Hato handicap granted to the boys, It the weekend partridge hunting at v Of a year (© each new Counel: hone ound feo was M1. clue: Hold Meetin SA tare the Tiras Bir] [ee Ja rhe 1 8 ol ut coupon hand to carrier or mail today! economic standpoint, it had il the ratepayer did not appear [Carol Patieonchkl, returned With! The Couples Club of the United | ardvantage Reeve Beott said there was ne [her eateh, Art Van Camp, AL this| Church enjoyed a howling party I de believe, 'however hel thing that could be done FPRENCHMAN'S BAY There received & shaking up when their[point, the erowd assembled | in Bowmanville Saturday evening a A GEE A EE OT EE EE RE EE sald, "that this 1s a matler for Mr, Ashton told Council thatiwas a fair attendance at thelcar was involved in an accident around the wee "chapel" to wil-| after which they returned fo the not a group of seven he did not believe that employees Frenchman's Hay Ratepayers' on their way home from Barnia hess the mariage ceremony, per hame of Mr. and Mrs, Harold should he required to take abuse! Association meeting last Friday. [last weekend, . Mrs, Henderson formed hy Mareyin Sam. (Harvey | MoLaughlin for lunch, A hymn Reeve Ross Hawthrone [TOM these people, to whom he|yThe president, W. Fertile, intro-|was admitted (0 the Hrantford| Graham Following the cere: ary was presented tn Mr, and | had talked or listened on the dueed the guest speakers, Reeve Hospital and treated for shock mony, the doomed hridegroom| Mrs, Mike Post. Final plans were telephone, "I am asking for sup: | Sherman Soot and Counelllor|8he is now home but still under Wheeled his bride away in made for the Bmorgashord Noy feel fully equipped nor had full] POM 0 daing the job we are sub pays Deakin, A disoussion took|the care of the doctor wheelharraw, Luring ierrisinn fi. The new officers were In knowledge of Council matters in hippased to he doing, ' he said place on the subject of private] Mr, and Mrs, K, Buck, My. and potate, ins an Sitey Bibl charge of the meeting his first year until the term wa A rangi 1 the only Place 10/000 Most residents on these Mrs, Jack Buck, David and Mrs Ry iki yl tian Au bid HOLD MEET almost aver, The Depuly-Reeve ee roads would like them taken aver| Bonnie Drew had dinner al the numbers. the weary Dogpatohers he Local Association meeting sald that uo long range planning | TOWNSHIP BRIEVS. hy the township but they do not Town and Country in Toronto On| code mein way home of (ir! Guides and Reownies wa eould he done hy a one year A resolution granted Canadian! come up to the required width of | Bunday to celebrate the aeeasion| hold Monday at Blaine Ratley's Counct! Legion, -Claremont. $72.24 the lth feel. Mr, Scott believes roads of Mrs, K, Buek's birthday which CORRECTION MADE with 12 present, Minutes were amount of the 1960 taxe should he taken over hefore serv: was Oct, & and Mrs, J, Huek's| Correction Last weel { Wl pend and adopted. Jean Kyte birthday Ogt, 38 the hort eanrse In millinery | gave the treasurer's report Mr and Mrs, John Herda cele [sponsored hy Nestleton Institute Brawn Ow! Turner reported there "Dw ww Perhaps we would get mare voters out," he sald, "and have al A deed will he given to Picker (ices are installed more interesting election and in Village for a read ta thelr I'he services could be put right partion of brated thelr wedding anniversary! was to he he Id last week af Ovo gre 10 Tweenies and two golden 15 her It 1s tn he the last week of hay in her group. ®™aptain Novembhel fhompson reported there are 40 ym, yn mm added, "hut there will always hepark, west of the Community!under the travelled those who think Coundillors vote Hall, This narvow parcel was!voads thal aren't 66 feel wide, Onion Oot themselves in for a longer term not deeded to the Village when|ithe question of street Hghts, My Mr, W, Barker, wha recently i . for thelr own satisfaction deed was Issued for the Commun: (Seott said (here 18 every chance underwent surgery al Oshawa Vi Toh Marlow is a patient] Guides with 13 Yeoruils and three Said Reeve Scott, "I personal: [ity Hall site treet lights will be installed In General Hospital, 1s now re: in Port Perry Hospital, Mi. Dons pioneer hadges, No meeting wil fy would have to he sold on a two U ¢ auncil directed that a letter! the future as an outgrowth of the euperating at the home of his! ald Sinclair ts st very (Fin Osh I he held Det J Rig Meeing Vear term. There are certain ad: of congratulation he sent falnew development, Mr, Scott|daughier, Mrs, Audry Esson injawa Hospital, Mrs, C, Hill 15 a [be Nov. 8 a Fh i a Ps vantages hut some Inherent dis: Deputy Chief James Glondin: [stated that he was assured hy Toronto | [ade Ray and hope to 0 yn yn, ym yn ma [J] MODERN SCRFEN INSIDE DETECTIVE 3 ym 1 [) FLOWER GROWER ATLANTIC ADVOCATE 3 ym, | | | | |] | | | | POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY 1 ! ORY J Hite & STREAM 3 ym |] advantages, 1 am hoping someone Bind for passing the Fire De:Mv, Jefferson, (he township ei WEIGHS 11 POUNDS { C1LEARS DRIVER 1. 860d the halance after Christmas q can convinee me that the advan: partment Instructor's Course, peer, that a sidewalk will be in TORONTO (CP) Vincent ges may outweigh the disadvan Part 2, with honor standing talled an the west side of Liver geph Kennedy, 2yearald Toy tages i's per cent pool road to the sehool when Mil yh Mi Tom Folntai A ne onto five truek driver Killed when | Love Is Not . ! Ali \ ' Mr. Scott told Council that! Counell will donate a wreath toliar Paving move in, for the pro: AEX H08pHaL GR his truck went through a ved light | \ \ X haby is named Thomas Joseph Nided with . 1 truck ' most municipalities in this area the Canadian Legion, Dunbarton, [tection of the sehaal ohildren with and collided with & #vave \ Th k most mimieiiag " A hi bad REHON 4 and weighed 11 1hs,, 7 oss in August, was cleared of hlame| a on m to a two-year term, for their remembrance day ser all the heavy equipment working N A | is ext od to Rime er § : Picker ing Village agreed vice on Noy, 6 y near the sehoal, 1 was re Wig Ripathy is extend Sl Kime hy hy Quran 9 hy Thi ay The life of most women is a flag men be used 84% lect nul nothey ew h 1} search but "they mistake machinery 1s the sudden death of their fasion Wilde, 37, was also Killed 4 " N \ their natures", says November ther at Hrougham last Thursday. Phe driver of the gravel ruck A R Also to Mp, John Kendal of was alse cleared of hlame Reader's Digest, when they | A h A search for lovers," Thin pros | | PHOTOPLAY yi (1 [7] HOUSE & GARDEN 1 ". m I ANIRICAN HOME iy yi [0] CAN, HOME 4 SARIN ] i yn ofa! [Vine oe UNG yn HOM MAKERS A ys OI Je, outs ll yr, NS (vo v200 3 YI yw [OI denn STORIE | wd yw. [1] ROD AND GUN Syn, yew, [LIAR amin! thor other ye, | | { [ | | | yn { l [ | | { | | GLAMOUR MADEMOISELLE SQUIRE OUTDOOR LIFE | PARENTS MAGAZINE hahy hoy was born (0 My to a twiryear term this week The Claremont Bay Seauts arelquested that "1 am quite agreeable he authorized by Council te hold an/when this heavy said hat the peaple will have! Apple Tag Day an Opt, 20 crossing Liverpoal voad, especial to decide thi Dog Control Officer, Ha oly at night as they are not equip , : ¢ apart avenue in the sudden ASSESSMENT APPEALS Ashion, was imvited to submit ve ped with olearance Hight : voeative article takes a pene: death of her mother in Searboro GROSSES RIG trating look at the difference i | 1] VOGUE PATTERN ROOK 11 | AOraAR GARDENING = ES fe OTSMAN yi, | [1 AA REVUE POPULAIRE 5 wn, [107 POPULAR ELECTRONICS yr, A 1 [] WIFE (Weakly 3 " Please Note! If you shanse LIFE-=aalost only | other megasine fram the above list PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINE TO ARRIVE 0 1 0 0 4 commendations and estimate 1 ne " 2 | Reeve J. Sherman Scott re port the east of bullding a dog pound RACE CALLED OFF an Oot 4 and to Frank MaeNeill FORONTO (CP) Figure 10: hatwean "in lave", for men ar ed ta Council that there were al Connell directed hak a leit fhe sail hoal races had to hell verpaal road, whose lather died je ased Thu das showed Camelot wamen, and frus lave which a most 300 assessment appeals to i CHET called off Sunday when the wind on Oct. 24 at the Queen Elizabeth! ciaused more than $300 600 during if t. Get your copy of of eonsalation he sent ta the fam h # lifetime act, Liet ye ¥ come before the Court of Revi iv af arthtr Jonas. careiaken at Aor 100 BW ty ta continue after| Hospital its three-week pre Rroadway tin Reader's Digest today sion next manih Rosohank: School. Wha died at alle fret lap of a course set in the Happy birthday wishes to Louls|in the new O'Keefe Centre here | Joiclas af lasting interent and » A taxpayer, Mr. B. § Bowen | aiway ¢ & accident onl BOY doves, son of Mr, and Mrs [It is helieved ta he the highest jane hook conde is appealing some 104 asse Rosebank roa wih on Oct. 36 A successiul hagaar was held atl Charle loyee, Bay street, whol gross ever taken hy a show en BREN ¢ ments on property south of the Na stam k north of West | We Fairport United Church on!will celebrate hs second birth. (a pre Broadway tryout third concession, contending that) o 40 SETH HERET NOTE VE Saturday hy the WA, The bazaar day on October 31 and to Jane wge Sehoal y ) We ' they are not assessed suttielently| oe tic oq ™ hs Mine West Rouse vas opened by Dr. W. MeKay Anderson, daughter of My. and high. Four of these 1M property| comunity Association and was very well attended Mis. Heuee Anderson who will be owners have appealed against Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson three vears ald an Oct. 3 . thelr assessments as being lo ' rave ng verseas high WINS DAMAG This is something we have! WHITRY (CP) William Hink 4 e-- - not had in the past," sald the son, 20 « year - ald University of 3 KING ST. EAST ! Reeve, 'appealing assessments Western Ontario student Thurs ¢ v { Do Not Write Here Carrier's Name Carrier's Route No. Date | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend m present subscription at current rates to TH OSHAWA TIMES, Oshawa, Ont, for 36 months and the magazines chosen for the term indicated, | agree to pay 60¢ weekly for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full payment far not anly the megerines ut alse tor th newspaper. that are 100 low day was awarded $7008 dam OSHAWA The Court of Revision will he &§es resulting from an aute ac sitting for same time," My, Seat eident Oct, 12, 1950 His father RA 5.0444 James Bdward Hinkson of Osh EYES "The said, "hearing appeals which the EXAMINED The modern way te \ h hel dWa, was awarded $1,388 in the CO T T assessor has made, and Which hej gor," aunreme Court Action N A GLASSES FITTED BE travel is by air feels are right" The | elping NO WE ping repair a SRS ATK eal when struck W hie} LENSES ASSESSMENT ESTIMATED that | driven hy Dougla Tah of Ax. OPTICAL | RVICE Assessment Commissioner, D. F Largest wear Select Goslin, had worked out the aver SIGNS AGREEMENT " it Ravan ation 4 a : ade assessment on the 13 modell ayrawa (ep . For information regarding One af the h homes in the Bay Ridges Subd} gest hones of conlon nn hetw ooh vision at Frenchman's Bay Quebec province and the iederal LEWIS or ol Cal sc DIAL RA SON They have heen assessd al abl goverment was oceremoenously NAME Apt, Neo, ADDRESS vias. Phone Ne, ciTy ... PROVINCE eo of $384 at the 88 mill buried Thursday. Quebec avera jnined Wa have @ divect Tolonte telephone Une tor prompt Aubine Ressréatiom rate, the Reeve saul he taxes the vest af Canada in the Trans oP | OME § RIS § S MEA WS TRAVEL SERVICE would work ont ta $358 {Canada Highway agreement whic h provides far federal pra Discuss SCHOOL kaye ox| ae X a \ wo JOHN A. DUTCHAK, B.A, R.O, . Coupe! ect, when Provincial Roads Ain OPTOME TRIST " ides Ho A SL YY " Hv | ORDER TAKEN RY LY ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [0 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER 0 OLD NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER stated "We musk give same ister Bernard Pinard signed the thought to ihe bulldmg of schools) agreement hy RRA. \