WHITBY And DISTRICT * Best Drunk | FIR RING VEY & ENE pate | Surveyor, Observatory Figs In Traffic ! Pair Fined For Obtaining | You Cubans yovthe were fine $25 wid costs ov 18 Any In fei when they appenied in Wikis pice rowel om Taesdny hprges WHR PERRI E WW AREY Wisk Wy twiming Naver while wader (he wee of 2. Convieted by Magis frle ¥. 8. Fibs were Donidld Alexander Wink, VT. of 112 Monel Avene, and Ben Vanni, 16, of WIR CTEvRE ayamne Festifying ngwinst Bim. PL fhe Whithy sei that he Kinest Sloman of Paice Frepar ment il hewrd complains ml the pe CHEER E DERRYIONE Th RB TEM G07 AN and had picked Wim wp. Be said tht Bint thd Wim he had heen Arinking wine Sgt. Chiflord Partingion, of the sme Ae pariment. lesiyng agmnst Yankuik, seid that he had heen 0 Ihe CriisRy, EFASSIRE Brock street, wt Colborne, on the mat of Oct. I). when he saw The Reewied walle Rrownd (he corner He said il #8 he pulled acres W Yankutk fell from Ihe wn. rg fn front of Wis erviser and he had 1a hreke sharply 16 avend Witting lm. 8gi. Prrtinglon 14 he siid he had heen on his way INVESLIERIE BR RECIAERE When sptied YVankiik WHITBY PERSONALS nA Wr wl Ihe Gordon Brown Habert Brown ow wha wa 0 Mrs 4h the n Mi wedding Haymona Ol atienaen thelr yIinge MArriea mi i Saturday al oth United Miss dean Dimas Chureh, Oshawa, 0 Bireh Mrs Curl ati ng Course of Conrtiee W. Walsh and Mrs, 6G nied the |eaders Train heid at Uxhridge Le giom Hall, on Oct, 25 snd Michasl on of Mr. sud My George Behell, celebrated hig fomirth hirthes on Tuesday, Vor the aeeasion 8 party was arrang ed with ihe following guns! isan Wilde, Wain Ader, Dan ny and Pally Foresiall, Heather Viunns, Ericka Dhillon, his sister Gall and brother Brick Miss Beverley Rodman. Centre elreel south, is opening her home Wednesda BVENINE In Ihe Preshyieen members tor 8 "Hal luwe'en Part Miss Huguetle Leclsre, of Moni real, has returned tn her home alter spending the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Donald Banks, of Lee WVERIE Mrs Fred Daoust of le Perrot is a guest gt the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Louls Rossean 8, of Mary street eas! Mr and Mrs Wen Trottier and daughters Nancy and Dehhie were guests at the home of My. and Mrs, Willard Trelford, of Dove |dale drive DODD & SOUTER THE OSHAWA THES, Webnesdey, October 16, id $ WI Gives Support Police Seek (xmas WHILE Minors To UNESCO Relief Murderer The (hair maetiBg of Witioy | clomimine Wes. IK. Ward will he Women's Instibition wae held wtiihe Aiezaie (6 Contral bre Com the howe of Wes. Forge Curt vention wn Toroms PESETANGUISHENY, (CP) Wills EEN peri rs nd one vii Mrs. Fergus Cl, convener of Pravincisl police seid Tiesdey wr present. Wes. Wel ean. presi Home Economies and Wealth wi, WEVE RIE AEN. PERERA (he TRE tipgE WINK (Gv ERR EE of [Re TRecting Wie . marked similarities in Wary Sewn Coblact flowed by F., Wid ia iE AR ELE A the roll call. The mines of Beh on the mois LErieEy REFINE FRA TREE ETEK [ike 7 hertir row FERA RRA RPV ES (5 itil 6 be shed," AresIng) 0 ¢ jen Harris Kiel Several matiers of business (Re der that must work 16 wrrie Rival vere Macwised. 1 was decided BRher; & CRAIN In oR BS TONE gg 0 COWMETIAE SROUER MOREY (o B6 HE WEEE Tink ly # LIEBCO compen Iv Sana Mrs. BK. Bwith conducts 5 # can relied. A Aonation whe wlan evasion gen to YON False wiz on tool (acts pertain 'Te Georgian ® members expressed Sev Dentin tenis te. WITH IE 460. 10 SOVETHI MEETS Mle who 1s district workshop "Esl to Live | WhG WEE wnatie 16 he present Sevmarket murders on B p P Commit. Boe 15 Hiness w Nov, A Ww tin Comet Pld IO ing "Pro hieity and Pubic Relations" wi il, Hands A H Ld Inspector Pal {theowgh an open Ww the saying of local Chrbstman "AB EAI on Is (ree grower Niver Forge ast Friday and the June 18 morder i", ond Bagshaw, WH, Wn Neoware i I# Perviere, period on # Trwe mH Ing ow the Forget case on Bay enmmwnity WE 16 proper (ood and Mel, Cards. vill confer with Inspector David investigating the | Police snid al three victims were killed by #» shotgun fired 4 H HA he held » the home oF Mis Sinclair's 3 1% A Smith, 909 Bayview av enue | on Baw, V1 om TH pm Ld Honors Graduates mierting closed by repesting the! Sinclair Home and Behan As fords Prayer shar which 0 SEAT (OUERS ciation held Ws rege month gocesses Mrs. Smith and Mrs y meeting with Mrs. Bryamt, Ihe oun who substitiied for Mrs, H resident, openmng he meting FROMPeon All reports were read and Bp waved. The gronp was honored In having he Kiwis Mis. 4 Gauskall, president of Oshaws nd istrict Home and Schoo! Family Monuments Couneil, also Mrs. (6, Moss, vies president of cownell and Mr. H Murdock, council of ey of Osh awn, whe spoke on Cwil Defence Creates Yo The (atlowing past students of Iridividug) Sinclair school were presented Reauioments with gr adduntion Pine, Will MM drews, Mane Guest aller Hen darson, Kdward Kulks, 1 iane STAFFORD BROS, WHITBY 7 Verfaill : Jatiol Anita Veriaille and Nel Monumental Works AUTO TRIM A weleome was exiended 16 318 Dundas font Ww everyone who wishes (0 attend MO 8.3552 301 PUNDAS ' the bazaar to he held Nov, % Ph, MO 8.8121 from 2 to A350 p.m, at Binelal sehom BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY 15 GUARANTEED Current Range of Products include; ® SEPTIC TAMKS ® CURBING ® DURA STEPS ® WALK SLABS ® RAILINGS ® WELL TILE ® PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS ls n LIMITED SPECIALISTS IN no CUSTOM PRECASTING Ph. OLiver 85-3311 | DO IT AGIN! Genuine @P Paint Sale FLAT, SEMI-GLOSS, LATEX, GLOSS, EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT, COMES IN 86 DECORATOR COLORS AND WHITE. Only 6-49 Gallon & 2-49 Quart DAYS ONLY y EF FT TRE THR ap Rey pas Pug 4 SPOT Wie wa Gre Pry SRA BIEN SHIIREL CR ERER WB A Tetley fram Re WAAR BETA a GEL ERE (eery my ai fe a Armes irie. ThE swrveyer showed the saw 2 Pickermg ¥ wet the trees dong the shge of / Liaw Frid Wek (rrr ai my Ride nr LARTER. TIRE BER Re Srey Low (Re swe wo vin Ay 10 estidind glare from Wr. Lesomonih tested ke vis ¢ Ww Eanaed im fo see 27nAed by the sn mE | Eames i 25 wid Wid on # Ince oil of the de of the tres 4 © "To 1 ¥ - we. B Ine i my fa fe Wake ne 2 Pickering nr # v yh hh HAR TRER RW TRE (RTA AR IRE RVR cry, Har y ad ri # Mirection thet ment. WH wes oe le for me ts £. Wi a £8 # we A esthy RUGIA WERE " w ja 4 "RR BE ap I re Ct Vv our 4 # al Iv wm Hig y 2 Hy " yp : : asia JTAWS GAALS ire * Wy MRE | on the nw # £ wi BERNESE He EAiiencE he # KF ny & Wighe bor 4 Ww EONRIRE KOs There were 51 cases me ( ad, ha , ' or five on To Fuesday's docks # P ' s 1 I inlomicn " €h 8 Mien Yhere was mo BECommnodulion ) ¥ J # n# er # Elly tral a IW Re imme his mer ning ne " # a Rf e We 0 IRE said, "ihe cond officials mr my 4 ¢ did A sell. There wi / rd ry 4 ld " wf & andl inadeguiie heat supplied " dls There was ne room lin the mage RACHURIERY REM IRE (rate tn change Win Wis rahe i ehiamhere 4 ' FIN i f # § uniovignaie thal the ire Sno condition improve H Aor elting kicked around NE Said I will not st on this ' v oi b py ole hoe WB RINREN neEnen. The pull Wk Rr ess shove, are estimated 16 be DRE had heen used # Ww ; un recent © With the procedire of He more than 100 years old. The drainage system. He a PAR has heen held CONE WRER NEY REE [REEA With 'E sped form 4A A hard 1o establish the f 7 N ' y Mivig byt TIE Teer of [REE le. Lovns Phompson 4 of the bricks. bh } ' Convict Quintet hice nivl aeenmed Fhe dignity of the court ha Fossil ane i we found ¢ han iN oa yi . Ww Ehainihe hecause the heen destroyed hy the lack of the relies on his fathe an ha ) yeu ey We C Di h - . y 4 oper surroundings." he said Garden street and the third | at ahowt three and one-half alse stu ance ' " ig 1h i is ol pos - gy EE : - } n ph ound level. Mr. ¢ for ; ¢ ) ; iby Ems w, Whithy 7 ip he " groin " wl PICKER] , ' ve 0 apologize, | leel someme ha He 4 he cod wale on se ew f ' y wed ip here," hi spd 9 ih any i ir ala 4 Ihe F200 4 : / FERRE nl e ground A 4 a Fv par Ps ALAN ¢ a ge ¢ y NOTE Most of yoni mre here lor the pi eg re ig in Wi Ald mW ( ¢ £ # i first Lime and have every right 5 RRS th § type of brick y " find y dUEINg * his type hl ae Fimes P ond 0 expect reasonahie facili jes § 15 Wak J in shi ) inn . moisture. This » nen ne i a 0 Vii BRAVE Come rem RB ong tis Fined ad He i M | Ti k t tance, otherwise | would have cancelled Loni eit he id . eal Tickets "ict wih i ) » ' 4 Despite the conditions, His Wor illcres ie da Es / J He fold 8 Times reports h 4 ; one- ai e feller Ing conn! that his feel pere ; cold at the end of the thres Ie } { mo of mea f Wy 1) herr # By CLIFY GORDON er Iva Pirks ' y month on A va : el pig Rey ) wn aemen iorion. #1, Left Recident, Ig al the W ena y gh ame Hr i § i his home n Toren or ' BAN It » e an exhib th wn Roni hm 1 hed iy | I d $25 C f gf 3 ROVE ; ot pleades J £ charge in tion game hetween the Cobourg and Wayne D el | f § i $10 Whit Fri wire Ma ine ' 08 8 Comets of the ern vision player wa with ge # i A ' a nhia frag § } An Oshaws vauth was fined of the OHA Jr. B groupi Hl year hile Vapi ol Hp Ay He Ehittora Vavimgion. of Ihe 826 and. costs or 10 days in 1a the Whithy Hill Is of the Ishawa Harve f . . ' 4 for Whithy 1 DEPATIMEnt, 880 whey he appeared in Whithy Pr j BR ie Fhe P he in action tonight as he that he » of Ol. 4, Bur: yee wrt n Tuesd ck ed and So } om " needa 14 holds 4 victory aver the Cobourg musing a sore leg and 45 a re "A f nr fl approached Wim anf gin failing (6 remain af | th . CFE last Friday night in C4 ie will have tn watch from he ked 1a be placed in the eels ailing 10 FEMain At (16 sens a i ol an accident in which Asmags hourg and word ha onl of Co. sidelines. He also sald thal R mm ---- (01 the pighi He said that duro BERET EL EER A h hourg that they will be seeking Mackey will he wm aclinn 14 WHITBY ng the past month, Burien hadi; ie 7 5" Ehh rel { agi revenge here tonight nigh f eq assisiance from (he Bal om f Wall ma Lo: Lu ihe The local leam W he gelting ith the. dichanding nl the i n Army and the Linited Akai Nain Kirk, 17, of 297 plenty of action ih £8 f } nn 1# | I ture as the new manager, Ivan will now move heir Eames 11 ee Rr He hi im nut of meal | wil GD. BRabinson, of thi Davie and Coach Bus Gagnon Saturday night, Thi wild 1 CAUSED MSTURBANCE ie in Whith aid Chiel Con hin) Rota hment of hus app } is d ' y hl p in Air 141 Ne Invesiigaled an ace want In see just what their fel hig assel to the Whithy Is tahle { Hankin ows pan dn and feel that a teamiboth player wise and fan wise mn H : Kh ; Koneri iol A ant Crown Alarney i nl Ai seventh concession of dea io shi on Mans ] him f I i J VE WO Bruee Affleck read Burten's res An! hithy Township on Sep! needs action to gel int shape, On Many of the Ines! far | ¥ dav fined $50 and eosis ar 10 da i H ted thal # had 12 and found thal a car parks or Saturday might at B00 pm. shifts were unable ol tr | i A, md and reporter ha 16 I 1 ar parked on (please note the time) the King [the games last year and i | INAnce \n ANE spent last Christmas in the On. Lhe his of the road had suffered I y ill an y { tarin Count jail although he $25 damage la a rear fender. Na ston Frontenacs Jv. B team will sult they were nol shle in keeg # § 8 he the visors a! the love! dy Hight up with tht team the same CALL INTERPRETER flamed Forontn as his homs ivy far was on the scene, he This team #8 pose # for: as they mi, 0 nw [ mer Dunnig and Kingston [H There will he a meeting of the ..,[ncause he £Aulsel was ha Ing After ending Burton | 1a! Later. he said. he frestinned player, Ken Linesman OHA at the Incal ern (onIENL gyidenne Magistrate € Guest IT ole mahth His Worship told Kirk af his home and the aceus On Tuesday might of next week, at 780 af which time If 1s hoped goiicd" 10h an internreter in Bick. LL" tn pick same other 10wWn ad said he had hacked out of a Nov, | at 8.90, the Hillcrests will they ean settle all the details] grins' Police Court Monday. Was Vhen he gets oy driveway and struck the parked play host ta the Toronto Marlies not vel troned out in vegard in 0" gop Hannwiez, #82 Cuber fal Jr. B team that is one of the the interlocking schedule and the go ha as fined $50 and stronger teams nf the Meirn league itself. ansle ar 10 dave for falling to BIg aw er I " . isague. Bo one can see that the nal a left turn. Sehastianawicy Hl local team will he getting & real S war wlan instrieted tn pay the §/ | wero cout A uxiliary oie Getting hack Io lonight 8 game is dalre . FAIL TH YIELD . Recei R ft Falling tn yield the vight of TORONTO (CP) AWrence Jailed Month ve epor way enst Willlam George How i Bhanotf, a lawyer in hawrsnoe| es of Rouge Hills Drive, $20 and ipo (he discipline 'committee of On Driving Count Ladies' Auxiliary of Third costs or five da He hacked into ihe Law Boelety of Upper Can {Seouts and Cubs held its vegular|the path of a car driving south onl gia for failing (6 keep hooks and A Whithy man. Harold L.!menthly meeting Monday after. Rouge Hills Drive on Sept. A acenunts and to keep in hig nll} Clarke. 33. of 308 Burns strest/noon at All Bains' Anglican DOUBLE CHARGE ent rust accounts at all times west, was Tuesday jailed for! Chareh, parish hall The presi i sum sufficient to satisfy all in one month on each of (wal dent, Mrs. George Lomax, open Harold Barnes was fined. $100 oi nass ta elient charges arising ont of a motor ac- #4 the meeting with the Seouts|and costs for speeding and Also [ cident at the CPR crossing on Mohers' promise and prayer. He iE fined 840 and. cost Brack street north. He was cons POTTS were read and approved laving a a eenee on 'Mon | inst Bicker voce core Knights Hear vieted of failing to remain at the| During the short hugingss meet. day in Pickeving Police : cene of an accident and driving Ing reports of last week's hazaa: LADY CURLERS hile disqualified. The sentences {were given. It was mentioned J thle Wniiaitied, Now wpcewtul this event par The general meen shawa Pries Po M Nichol i the been. The president thanked (ies section af the Whilh ; rls i non | Club will he held in the iadie Whithy Police Departmen Jicl| @VeTyone wha participated and at th will he in The semi-monthly meeting af at a car driven hy Len Mit.| tended " Del il B pm BUD eauneil Noo 4805 Whithy Knights ¥ i 4 fn 11] ( 1] 1 mn ehell, of Sudbury, had heen stopp. The meeting closed with fhe POV uh § tena {of Columbus was held In (he ed at the CPR crossing on the Migpah and refreshments wer SERVED TIME Fun th ehmber a Wedne day, [Hl , . ip { wah HEN ames evening of Oct. 21, when (helserved hy Mrs, MeGary and her Allan Stewart, of Uxbridge, smyth chalred the meeting whieh red Hashes JUihai BR the 1Facks enmmitiee entenced to 10 days in jal on a was attended hy a good numhe were operating | | a charge of having the care and After the general hudiness was lopped, he said, a car struck nm . eantral of a mator vehicle while! completed [he guest speaker vehiele in the rear, causing about Pays Tribute ntoxicated, walked out of Whit: Father ¥, Kwiatkowski, OMI, 8 $150 damage 4 vp e court on Tuesday a tree Hodwig's parish, Oshawa, was ome 10 minutes lat ne sald . win He had served the 10 davs introduced hb enunctl laptyrer a car was stopped at the four To Times Reporter fail witle awaiting trial smoe| heather P. MeBaniel Father Kui r f Whithy and Clarke ® Ms @ at | tixhridge pol tl ! poke on Tuvenile De as found to he the driver This Magistrate Crawford Guest | el 16 Imaueney" and ils effects an ou rar, he saul, had suffered about time owt from a lengthy docket communities Hools and ham 300 damage to the front portion. an Monday in Pickerin Palics DECREES GRANTED He oiled causes and reasons fap | Clarke told the court that he Court to pay tribute to the de Mr. Justice Barlow issued de the . steady inorease in de had heen driving a friend's cariceased Oshawa Times reporter, cree nisi in two diverge actions nauency amongst the teen age ay [et lo tu I fapped tthe Reeve Joho Mil othe Fall Assizes al Whithy an Hy . i aoeling, tak he weeident scene. He said that he I S08 2 HOw. 14 \sd automobile has been the wars a ney porte i the Tuesday 4 ' helieved the awner of the car had press table and would like to con Igo leksiuk of Oshaw Shyst hy delinquency in ow mod | made arrangements about the vey my personal and also the depree in her action agal hi hig t speaker w ve | damages alt the scene hal sald court's sadness at the death of chael Oleksink, 172 Mitehell Ay Be a nN ps fit hi " I AUNRaIng ¢ 150 ari JEL Al he had nol given Mitghell John Mills," said His Worship enue, Oshawa George Hoyehyn of Lhe ing ant i nan thy is RAH uy ddross. He admill:| Magistrate Guest eoncluded Oshawa, represented Mrs, Olek: uate of thanks an hehalf af the } ha IIs licence was under 'He was a good veporter and a slik eaynoil i PENSION since a conviction In! friend of this court. We shall' all Tereas M. Hrawn, 188 Central une 'of this year miss him Park Rivd Oshawa wan a ae RIG EATERS | oree 1 Aan Han against Ray Elephants in South Africa's | nd Wo Brown, Oshawa street, Kruger game reserve each de | Oghawa, BR ND Humphreys QC. 'af vour about 500 pounds of vege BROC WHITBY Oshawa, represented Mus. Reawn (tation daily Phone MO B-3610 + Evening Now Playing Adult Entertainment Jane Fonda - Tony Parking that College an who cant, help lovin Tall bays... smart alec... Last Complete Show ot 8:25 Cums T The Horses Mow. Rl Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 | w FLAME with each box of ToR=G's you purchase 0 New; Applicater Bottle. Specially sonpanded Wo give Quick Relief from Arthritis, Rhevmatie, Neuritic Pain, Back-Acha, Sciatica, Lumbaga, Muscular Strains and Wrenches =A waste apply dirgstly fram bothle, Especially etfocive when wad with secommendad doses Be \ BOOTHE PAN AWAY ET YOUR BREE TRIAL 10DAY to sufferers from RHEUMATIC, ARTHRITIC, NEURITIC PAIN, BACK-ACHE TEMPLETON'S ho SELF PENETRATING or LINIMENT look for this special tial offer al your drug wa A COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE o FREE COLOR SCHEMES FREE ESTIMATES ON PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, WALL MURALS LOOK WALLPAPERS UP T0 50% OFF--THURS,, FRI., SAT. ONLY--OCT. 27,28, 29 H! ARE These Prices CRAZY ROOM SIZE RUGS, WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM HALL RUNNERS. JUST COME IN AND SEE DODD & SOUTER PAINT 107 BYRON ST, S., WHITBY ONE BLOCK WIEST & WALLPAPER STORE MO 8.5231 OF FOUR CORNERS, THEN TURN SOUTH FREE DELIVERY DAILY IN WHITBY AND OSH AWA R--_ OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M,