2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, October 26, 1960 GOOD EVENING - JACK GEARIN -- i BARNUM WAS RIGHT ABOUT SUCKERS : Barnum wasn't exactly kidding when he made his immortal quip: "There's a sucker born every minute" and one of the best proofs of this saying is the constant flow of complaints from readers whe continue to get gypped by salesmen from the hard-sell school, most of them of the door-to-door variety who feature the high~ pressure methods, Certainly no one would seriously suggest thet sll door-to-door salesmen are racketeers, or high binders, because such is just not the case -the fact remains, however, thet the door-to-door salesmen have been given # black eye by some ruthless and unprincipled practitioners of this age-old profession, The favorite gimmick of this glib, fast-talking crowd is to make fabulous claims for some produet or goods and then to get victims to sign an iron-bound contract on the line, Too meny get bilked by these shysters each month, Strangely enough, housewives are not the only victims husbands, who are supposed to have more business sense, also get taken to the cleaners in large numbers and sign contrasts Until citizens are thoroughly trained in the art of dealing only with firms and people they know well, this door-to-door racket will continue and many will continue to be "vietimized", ASKS FARLY PARLEY ON HOUSING The Department of Planning and Development ap- pears to be ready for some fast action in getting the low« rent, subsidized housing program under way here, W. W, Beott, director of the housing branch of the department at Queen's Park, was in touch with Alder» man Christine Thomas early this week to arrange an early meeting with eity's low-rent housing committee which will likely be held next week, Mrs, Thomas is hopeful that some of the groundwork may be started this Winter on the Dean avenue project which may include as many as BO units, The city health and welfare departments are anxious for the early completion of the projects as there are peovle living in what they eall "borderline slum houses that barely meet the health and sanitary requirements" The health unit can't do too much about these families until théy have additional quarters, but they keep a close tab on overerewding; for instance, several months #go they found a family of eight residing in a clean, comfortable garage and had to find them new quarters and there are too many families today residing in one FIRST AID FOR An unidentified woman, one of fifty known to have been in | ured in an explosion that col: apsed a department store In downtown Windsor today, re: | eelves first ald Bix persons 'Better Mousetrap' Employment Pla By JAMES NELSON INTERPRETING THE NEWS By ED SIMON Canadian Press Salt Wiker A reluctont French Nations £ | ly has bowed (9 the In levitabie tn recogpiving thet i # wenls Gen, de Gaulle to run the country, he must he showed 1 run 4 Wis own wey In a grudging decision thet fe 5 voles of sending the president hack to bis retreat in (Colombesies-Devx Egises, the 1 deputies swallowed thelr re sentment over his defence policy (Father then free the conse i ho of doing without his ship, The muster of 07 anti « fe Gaulle ballots in 8 vote of confi | [dence probably represents some: th Close to the high-water {ns of peariiamentary resist lance y ! As matters stand, the ps sembly still is prepared to give the president virtually anything he wants badly enough (0 stake his offices on Us support | This fact of lite, # marked "h from the chaotic years of the Fourth Republic, hears no direct relationship lo the degree lof affection de Gaulle commends in the assembly or, for that mat: ter, in the country at large, I is merely # reminder of the whit! of brimstone that penetrated France in the days before he Look over, The apathy and (actionglism that brought France to the brink of civil wer in 1958, are stil prevalent today, The Algerian War goes on, dividing opinion at {home and dangerously enhancing the power of an army that has BLAST VICTIMS were reported killed when the explosion vipped out the rear wall of the Metropolitan Stores building, (Bee story) M (CP Wirephoto) For Fisher TORONTO (CP) Louis Wil lam Baldwin, Visher, 24-year old father of six children, was sentenced Tuesday to he hanged Feb, 7 for the knife slaying of Mrs, Margaret Bennett, 36, The assize court jury deliber ated more than two hours hefore per cent of the Canadian labor returning the verdict without a DeGaulle Seeks is Own Way pledged Ws loyelby to de Grable personally rather then (9 the vi PIWEE Wk TEPrEsEms, i is the biesk knowledge thet Bo other responsible Frenchmen can command this loyalty thet gives de Gaulle bis mandate to ride, And Frapee Is wneomion hy aware that there is no legiti- mate heir in sight The most serious ailment to the succession is Jacques Sous hie, de Galles fiery mide in the wartime resistance and one of the ing figures who rough the genergl to power, GOOD FOOD Breakiost « Lunch - Dinner Business Men's bunch 122 HOTEL LANCASTER GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 142 SIMCOE §7, §, RA 8-645 or RA 3-413) OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY Death Sentence www NU.WAY | RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall Shop PRONE'S wee witkhes ond Gownup Gone ridin! high with $ today for trests to please both Youre these HALLOWEEN BUYS, 100, becuse we've priced "em "wey -downlow 19 give you more tun foods tor lass money! Come fil oN yor Wellows'en and Portytime Mesds of ow Hore , , where scorn up savings Is 65 £05 06 pumpkin pis' SWIFT'S PREMIUM, TENDER GROWN, OVEN READY, ROAST OR FRY 27013 Ne Ib. hp Sproule's Red Brand Beel--Conoda's F SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST WING STEAK or ROAST PORTERHOUSE STEAK or ROAST Cut and trimmed to give complete satisfaction, SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD PURE PORK SAUSAGE LB, AVERAGE 33: inest Grade : x Ib. 49° FREE with 106 Coupon In Every Packege towards your next pusshess of o dozen "oe SWIFT'S 1b, Premium Franks Colle Fig With o Free Hallowe'en Mask in 49 ery Pockoge BARBECUE CH ot SPROVLE'S, Fresh new season's OYSTERS now avellable, ICKENS ore deliciously socked Take Your Extra Savings In Cash at Sproule's SAVE 136 ~-- GEM Canadian Press Staff Writer [force has less than a high school recomendstion for clemency OTTAWA (CP)="The hest way education, he sald In his defence Fisher main to find a solution to the nation's| Production was stimulated dup. tained he had drunk 20 or 25 unemployment problems 1s taling the Second World War and glasses of heer on the night of adopt the bulld-a-hetter-mouse:| its aftermath hy accelerated de. he murder and eould remember trap formula preciation allowances JM nothing of it. In a statement he This was agreed to In princi: Boyles, president of the Canadian gave police, which was admitted and two-room units, and sometimes they have found as many as nine people in two rooms 'We heve no slum areas in Oshawa," said a welfare worker today, "but we do have slum houses," to wall, Rugs, | Carpets, Stair Runners, Margarine 4, 85¢ SAVE 106 MILKO POWDER FANCY GRADE BELLEVILLE LEARNS A HARD LESSON Belleville's property owners recently learned what t will cost them to settle Belleville's indebtedness of $373,000 from deficit financing and losses arising from sponsorship of a world champion hockey team, the Me» Farlands, Council recently gave two readings to bylaws for horrowing and tax levies to cover the deficit, Property owners in "old Belleville" will be assessed 13 mills in a special levy, The first installment is due Dec, 1 and taxpayers may be spread over five years, Taxpayers in that secs tion of the city annexed in 1060 will pay a 5.74-mill levy as their share of the city's floating indebtedness, Cost of the city's sponsorship of the McFarland's hockey team will not be levied against property owners in the annexed part of the city, FORMER OSHAWA MAN JOINS RELIGIOUS ORDER Stephen A, DeBraikeleer, formerly a member of the payroll department at Fittings Ltd, here for two years, is now a member of a Roman Catholic religious order the Franciscan Missionary Brothers of the Bacred Heart, He will spend one year at the order's novitiate, 8t, Franels Monastery, in Eureka, Missouri, The brothers assist the aged, afflicted and chronically ill in a modern 128=bed infirmary in Eureka, Stephen, whe formerly lived in Whithy, will be known as Brother Damien in religious life, His parents are Mr and Mrs, A, DeBraekeleer of Danderleeuw, Belgium, DEAF CHILDREN'S SCHOOL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Parents of deaf children of pre-school age are res minded that they are invited to an important meeting of the Oshawa Association for Deaf and Hard-of=hearing Children in Simeoe Hall Thursday night at 8 p.m, Pars ents are being encouraged to take an active part in the OADC, which holds classes two days weekly under the direction of Miss Nell McDonald at the Hall, Financial assistance is needed, as well as volunteer workers, for this deserving work, Children are prepared for admission to authorized schools for the deaf - others are enabled to attend elementary city schools where instruction is given hard-of-hearing children , , Mayor Lyman Qif= ford was scheduled to visit Ottawa today on eity business , » His Worship will play host role--together with Mrs, Gifford--at a civie banquet Friday, Nov, 4th at the Hotel Genosha , , , The recent "Movie Night" of the Oshawa and Distriet Soccer Association attracted more than 400 patrons, including Alderman Walter Branch, who assured the audience (in a brief intermission talk) that $1000 has been earmarked by the eity for next year to smeoth out some of the wrinkles in the playing turf at the Kinsmen Stadium, This was greeted with wild applause ple by the government and 21 Construction Association, sald so #8 evidence, he admilted leaders of national labor, Indus many delegates supported this hing the woman try and other hodies Tuesday al|gggestion (hat the conference Mrs tah Bennett's half-nude body, the end of a 1%-day conference on employment Prime Minister Diefenhaker, who presided, said all delegates despite their opposing views on such policies as higher or lower tariffs and deficit financing lagreed the government should lestablish a national productivity council, It would be an advisory hody Legislation to put the idea into action will he submitted to Par lament, possibly at the forth coming pre-Christmas session, TO FORM COMMITTEES The council, composed of per haps 25 leaders of lahor, man:| agement and government, proh ably will sponsor the formation] of productivity eommitiees in key, industries across the country, A similar body In the United King dom has 100 advisory commit tees Its central office will eosnrdin ate the work of the commitiees and publish reports, pamphlets and hooks, in a drive to find! ways to produce more efficiently turn out hetter quality goods, and meel competition American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson sald that the man who ean build & helter| mousetrap, though he live in the) midst of a forest, would have the world beat a path to his door The government hopes that hy {Greer of Peterhorough and John has "every right te hope' the mutilated hy 15 stab wounds, was government will employ the de. found June 10 on a suburban vice again Searborough service station lot Pisher's wife and mother sal DIEVENBAKER PLEASED {quietly in the court most of the Mr. Diefenbaker was reported day, hut paced the corridors dur pleased on two counts with his ing the intervals, His mother round-table conference on em: averted her head and sohbed as ployment, [the foreman announced the ver On the one hand, It proved to|diet, Installation by eur own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8.4681 ¢ I -- many of the national organi tions represented that they ean not all be satisfied with whatever the government does about unem ployment, Four Saved From Lake PORT HOPE (CP)=Four men were rescued from a rocky is land In Lake Ontarle Tuesday after an 11-hour walt In a gales damaged cabin eruiser, They were found hy Port Hope fisher: | man John Camphell George Clark of Toronto, lan! | Lavin and Vie Hewson, hoth of Cohourg, left Cobourg Monday to deliver the #6:-foot boat te Tor onto, The bow hegan to leak and 16 CELINA STREET | "BRITANNIA" | MALT EXTRACT The unsurpassed quality home brew, Complete Supplies Available 185" 2.60 booper Smith ca RA 3.2312 they heached the hoat hetter productivity, Canadians! lean not only meet foreign com:| [petition hut produce more and [hotter goods at home for less thus encouraging sales without getting Into another spiral wage .and price increases IN OTHER WAYS [ In addition to the plan an {nounced hy the prime minister, idelegates to the conference sald there were indications the fed eral government will aet in two other wavs: To expand trades training for the large numbers of unskilled workers on the lahoy market, and to stimulate industry {10 huild new plant and production facilities through increased de preciation allowances for taxa tion purposes, Mr, Diefenbaker sald there was practically unanimous sup port for more feehnical and ol trades training facilities, Forty CITY or TORONTO (CP) -- Aj General Kelso Roberts sad Tue. ie 1 Sasiaated by # pubic Wo magiirans tod raed 4, 40° of them rivate res ing from the gleani Lue become public, "Magistrates! shouldn't wash thelr dirty linen in publie™ he sald. "There are sof aol such matters having It appear in the CLEANUP WEEK The week of October 31st to November 4th inclusive, has been designated as Cleanup Week in the City of Oshawa , , , and arangements have been made for the collection from nees, on their wavel ge shold accumulations of furniture, clothing, rubbish results up of grounds or from minor household repairs, and domestic waste material sueh as paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles, All materials to be collected should be put out during the above-mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the same place as the garbage for the regular collection MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION quantities of waste building material and waste food 1s (in excess of the normal amount handled in regular earbage collections) are not included in this collection This special collection applies only to private households and NOL 10 apartments, stores, businesses or industries Sdtman Walter R. Branch, heirmen, Board of Werks, OSHAWA day, of all discarded REFLECTING NATURE'S OWN COLOURS forest Ones Here are suiting reflecting the beauty and richness of Nature's awn colours, An achievement in distinctive eye-appeal and elegance of appearance, [TAILORED EXCLUSIVELY 8Y) Proeness Baan Clomnes Blacks MEN'S WEAR LTD, "The House of Style For Men & Boys" RA 3.3611 | SNOW APPLES 6-QT, BASKET 3B, 89° PKG, TOMATO JUICE 3. 79° SAVE 10e~~WESTMINSTER WHITE TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLLS 43° Frozen Foods LIBBY'S GREEN PEAS LA | LIBBY'S Poly Beg STRAWBERRIES har 390 LIBBY'S _-- VEGETABLES por bog 91° Now Available EASY ON SPRAY STARCH Spray It en == Iron Instantly Tin 50: IN SHELL Planters $100 VALUE FOR JET SPRAY Bon-Ami vn, 88° Aluminum Foil Hi" 31¢ AICO " ALCAN HOUSEHOLD Rell Mandarin Oranges 2 ,,, 39° PIECE PLACE SETTIN NO, 1 SMALL YELLOW twenty Sc packages 39¢ bd Peanuls 79: BONUS_ OFFER PATTERN 20 Kar Go only WITH $5.00 PURCHASE 10:40, MESH BAG NUTRITIOUS GREEN NO, | CABBAGE HEAD BACH Cc Fruit baskets specially made up for all occasions. Pumpkin Attractively priced according to size, We have aq size ang price to suit you,