Io. ' THOUGHT FOR TODAY Drinking to forget nothing sharpens is foolish & painful memory as much as a hangover, reater Oshawa Community Chest Drive Starts! Oshawa Times Slightly warmer sir will bring sunny skies to the ares, turning later to rain, VOL. 89---NO, 230 Price Met Over 10 Cents Far Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1960 Pr ce" Dameron, Otters FIFTY-EIGHT PAGES $63,700 KICKOFF JAMES SKINNER (LE FT) ACCEPTS CHEQUES FROM E, H, WALKER Red Feather Dinner Starts Oshawa Drive The Greater Oshawa Commu-{can not only reach our objective, give, but of the privilege to BIVe finish with Fougalle, | Chest campaign for 1860,| we ean better it and can be talk-to this United Appeal, The per. When officially ing of it $211,000, sonal human element must not be off to a fine pp in Hold ala wh han he , We {oreo ten during this campaign, ust have 18 participat-|Mr, osha Wednesday night when cheques totaling $63,700 turned over to chest ghairman| James Skinner at the canvass ers' kick-off dinner, E, H, Walker, president of Gen eral Motors of Canada, who pick-| ed up the tab for 275 dinners in| the hotel Wednesday night pre-|of public affairs of the Canadian sented a cheque for $45,000 on| behalf of his company and an other valued at $18,000 on behalf the canvassers the | of Col, R, 8, McLaughlin The other two ¢heques present- ed were one for $600 from the Get Together Club and one for $100 from the Woodview Commu nity Neighborhood Association Chairman Skinner told the 275 canvassers assembled that this Wi four will not Jus were! ing agencies another {each year the Community Chest ichael sald, Jour. bull Mr, Michael said this venture will have 18 Jue partie Pating In ig entirely volunteer and free and the campaign, , Bkinner 10M {hose participating in the came the gathering, paign must be aware of iis Guest speaker at the hanquet, strength and the strength of the Rev, Darren L, Michael, execw|18 agencies represented in the tive secretary of the department Community Chest, A He pointed out that the agen- conference of the Beventh-Day | cies are made up of our citizens Adventist Church in Canada told] and the canvassers' neighbors, they stand oni je said that all the organiza eve of what could well be tions represented in the chest are Oshawa's finest hour, organizations of the people, hy According to the speaker, once the people and for the people "When you as canvassers call canvassers and the people of the on people for a contribution, you community come face to facelare not asking them fo back with this important community something that is foreign to affair, He said we must all real-[them, You are just asking some year's United Appeal objective of|lze that the character of ourione to do his or her duty to $210,021 is a 20 per gent increase community. 1s at stake when this support his or her neighbor, It over last year's objective [United Appeal hegins each year, [must be remembered that what Mr, Skinner sald the nearly] Mr, Michael sald only by reach-| these organizations do is what we $211,000 figure was 'not just pull-|ing the objective for the cam-|should do for our neighbors, They ed out of a hat, but was set after|paign can we hold our heads high| carry on their shoulders what we | | careful consideration and many|in the larger communities which|should carry on our conselence," | hours of long hard work." He sald all 18 agencies were asked to submit statements of their needs to the Chest executive for study before an objective for the campaign could be set, According to Mr, Skinner, there is little question that the $210,021 objective ean he met with every one doing his or her share dur- ing this United Appeal "If everyone connected with the campaign does his part, we 'Bribery' Shouts Greet Mike Starr By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cries of "bribery" an announcement by Labor Minister Starr Tuesday that the Canadian General Electric company in Peterborough has heen awarded a $1,102,826 government contract Roth Liberal and New Party candidates in next Monday's fed eral hyelection in Peterborough riding accused the government of trying to bribe the voters with the contract, for a propulsion system for the government ship Hudson Mr. Bred Starr, visiting Peterbor ough on behalf of Progressive Conservative candidate Harold Matthews, sald the contract will rovide more than 100,000 man ours of work at the Peterbor ough factory over the next 1 months, He sald the contract awarded hy the department of national defence, is effective im mediately CALLS IT BRIBE Liberal candidate ' ( Donald Munro, labelling the contract Yone gigantic election bribe" sait it would only temporarily al CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 participatng| surround us, It is the results| Mr, Michael emphasized of this important self imposed, "As canvassers, you face the test which reflect the characteritask of dollar recruitment, But of our community and its eltl-|hy recruiting dollars for the zens, Many heads and hearts are| Greater Oshawa Community awaiting the outcome of this Unit: Chest, you could not work for a ed Appeal," Mr, Michael stated, hetter organization, You will not He continued that by conduet- be walking alone, There will he ing the Community Chest cam: {Continied . an. Pate 3) paign once each year, we demon strate the importance of the in| dividual, During this campaign we salute the individual and re mind him not of the necessity to RED FEATHER DINNER , leviate unemployment in the rid ing, "If the Diefenbaker govern ment has been sincerely inter ested in the welfare of the peo ple , _ , this contract would have heen awarded months ago, and] not delayed in an effort to bol ster a faltering election cam.| paign," he said, | New - Party candidate Walter Pitman sald it was unfortunate! "there could not be bhyelections| to help many unemployed people in other parts of Canada." | SUFFERS SEIZURE Both candidates have stressed Madison Melville Walter, 63, in their | president of the Royal Bank of (Canada, was in hospital in Mon- broadcast Oct, 18 In which he treal today suffering from a said "We can expect that before cerebral hemorrhage His con. the polls open Oct, 81 there willl dition was believed to he erits no doubt be announced that al ical, A native of Orono, Ont, government order has been Mr, Walter was to have heen placed with a local firm." honored at a meeting of the Mr, Starr admitted Peterbor- Rotary Club of Rowmanville ough was a "soft spot" in the! this Friday, He entered the sconomy. He said he hoped move service of the hank at Oshawa work would he forthcoming to the! When he was 16 years old, area to alleviate unemployment ASKS PEACE EFFORTS At Niagara Falls, scene of Monday's other byelection, Lib- eral Leader Lester Pearson called for the Progressive Cone servative government to make unemployment palgns Mr, Pitman quoted a television cam Port Hope Man Dies In Crash PORT HOPE (CP)--Fred Cap more efforts toward obtaining ener, 48, of RR 1, Part Hope peace with justice and freedom. was killed this morning when the Otherwise," he sald, "there is car he was riding in went out of only the peace of the cemetery." control on a township road two Mr Judy LaMarsh, car, IN SHA Five Canadians 'Win Sweepstake By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Irish Sweepstakes of the season Five Canadians each won $137, in a neck-and-neck battle | B00 with Irish Sweepstakes tickets! The judges called for a photo ol Midsummer Night 11, winner pefore deciding the winner, (of the 118th running of the Cam ly 4 |bridgeshire Handicap today at), Midsummer Night was a 4040-1 3 mg shot in the field of 40 run- Newmarket, England ners. ¥ lle 38 to 1 Another five won $55,000 each "CTS Yougaie was #i to 1, | with tickets on Fougalle, the sec Ides of March, the favorite, |ond-place finisher, Third - prize started at odds of §-to-1, Fulshaw { money of $27,500 went to nine per-| C1088, 2 to 1, was fourth, There were two late withdraw: als, Fair Nicolle and Dairialatan, MORE BODIES SOUGHT TTERED STORE ll Scores Injured ld In Store Blast : WINDSOR (CP) -- A downtown We had turned on the gas hut y ® department store crowded with pothing came out but alr, We afternoon shoppers blew apart then decided, after 15 minutes, with a roar Tuesday, killing atiio try something else since no least 10 persons and sending gas was coming, 1 more than 80 to hospital, | "A plumber's helper got a | Right bodies have heen recov: larger wrench and opened the ered and rescue workers sald atifive-inch valve from the main, least two more have heen sighted More alr rushed in and with it in sections of the rubble too dan-|must have come gas, We had a gerous to enter, There still were small summer heater burning in fears that more hodies may lie one comer of the room, under the tons of shattered eon-| "I guess when the escaping gas crete and debris, hit that everything went, fhe [sons with ticketg on Ides of March or ) The $187,500 wi %, hy ticket, Midsummer Night II, a three number, nom de plume and year-old chestnut colt by Djeddah hometown out of Night Sound, was born in _PX850640, Ying, Halifax; (he United Btates, He landed a NMMG6065, Shorty, Toronto; first prize of £4,160 for his Ameri NET01804, Epaires, Toronto NDP41318, Jamesy, Vietoria;| NCJo73587, Froufrau, Montreal, The $55,000 winners: NEA03638, Marianne, North Bay; NKL#4097, Lynne, 1, Sear! chestput filly by Diefou out of water, it 07295, Peler,| Gaating, collected £463 and Ides Toronto, 14; PRROJ20G, Bweetle,| 224A oo, NMR45392 i 2 Be o Mpreh won £216, Both are 4 i, A on ritish-owne Ry on include The Thee Jock place in pouring NHA02508, Albertine, Ottawa, rain over a turf track deep in ' mud, The mist obscured the J! NEWMARKET, England (AP)|tons of the winners uniil he jel Midsummer Night II today won three furlongs, df the 118th running of the Cam-| Intec can owner, Paul Mellon | The victory was a big upset in '\a race famous for longshot win. ners since it was first run in 1630, Fougalle, a three » year » old bridgeshire Handicap in a photo] Ides of March was third, Midsummer Night and Fougalle stormed to the line in the nine- furlong race that carries the last | SHOPPING CENTRE SUPPLEMENT orTAWANL Included with today's issue |Slderatiog of The Oshawa Times is a |IVIeEra 86-page, three section supple. United's ment advertising sales being |WA¥ jo, United m he Aut held Thursday, Friday and [77 4 y te io 20: Saturday of this week at the | Oshawa Shopping Centre, |U v allowing Shopping A merchants {A riadians he e of models are holding the three-day sale to mark the fourth anni i versary of the shopping cent here : manulaclurers vo-country market Wing Canad return tl lume A Wroduction TisnLs A kt Seven of the bodies, all women, roof fell in, have been identified, "Another man, Larry Le The blast, believed triggerd |Vesque, a stock clerk, and myself by natural gas, punched out the|found ourselves under piles of rear wall of the reinforeed--con-|rubble, but still able to move, crete hullding on busy Ouallette| We saw what looked like daylight Avenue and collapsed the npper| through a small hole in the back storeys into a basement toyland,|wall, We crawled toward it snd The disaster came at the height| helped each other through, of the afternoon shopping hour on| Mr, Crozier sald early reports Windsor's main business street, indicated the explosion originated Shoppers were picking out Hal-\near the rear of the building lowe'en novelties; some were alt|/where the gas line was being ins a lunch counter at the rear of stalled as the store switched its the store, The explosion came without warning, As Is reverbrations died out, a brief silence fell across the area, The cries of the injured broke from the wreck: age, STOP 4 RA a, tn Le i ff wree iH heating from coal to natural gas, He sald the lead-in gas line been inspected by fie Windsor building department last Monday, CP Operator arns Wife Was Buried WINDSOR (CF) w= C Hoard, Canadian Press onan mechanie, was sending out the story of the explosion in a downs town department store Tuesday when word came that his wife JY emghGENGY SHPATMENT FOR VICTIMS a ked bu stopped to ald people fallen in the street or thrown into a gulter hy the explosion, which tore oul the front windows of the depart: ment store on Ouelletie Avenue, A cloche hat, price tag dang: ling, lay in the street, A foothall helmet perehed alop a hald: headed mannequin, Thick, sharp glass lay everywhere, Police, firemen and volunteer Andustry n idea In the royal commis This. was the UAW. fo i son on a lieaded hy Py of put Ke those In the auto-producing field, sald such a program should sub- imotive Industry | stantially reduce production costs + Vincent Bladenland broaden Canadian output at 5 a proposal firstla time when foreign imports year by Dr, Hugh|have bitten deep into Canada-car chairman of the|sales and contributed to progress Reitish @lumbia Power Come|sive layoffs y ine . " rescuers moved in quickly, was in the shattered building, DL ominent In a A maverick submission from| A, R, Crozier, ih gl the|, "'! was geiting toward the hots et Foy Dr, Bladen 00 Windsor Loeal 444 of the UAW|Ontario government's energy re:|!om of the story when the switchs 3 AAR aden, Mths | opposed integration and pronased sources department which has hoard operator called my name," BY EO ay Eine adtek a Crown corporation to help put|jurisdiction over gas supplies, Lh re hen | didnt fo fh the out a 100-per-cent Canadian car, Wmpanies what they think eould A third brief from the Inter e done on this line, provincial Farm Union Couneil The UAW, claiming 60,000 Ca-|¥4id higher tariffs to Jiotet Car nadian members and half of nadian auto makers from eheap imports would slash farm export called a meeting of investigators for today, Seven of the dead were taken from the scene to the morgue, A middle-aged woman died in Hotel Dieu Hospital, they. Wil ask parent Us was a call for me, 1 told her to take a message, "Then she sald 'It's the hospls tal, your wife was in the Metros politan store! "T don't know how 1 finished Cuba Hnvg Debate ' UNITED NAT )| Cuba had notice earlier HAS FRENCH CAR Prof, Vincent Bladen, the ones man commission inquiring inte STORIES CONFLICT Hours after the explosion, eon flicting reports eirculated placing the number of missing between slyle race to which the North American industry has become addicted," sald the farm brief which followed the same stand sales h . ' Henry Bird, civil defence direc 7 PROF, V. BLADEN "Increased tariff protection|tor, sald three other bodies were punching out that last paragraph, would do no more than provide known to be in the WFeekage, senate ay Hour, while I was further comfort to the Insane sending out the stary, she had been lying in the rubble," Mrs, Hoar suffered burns, outs and a broken leg, From her hospital bed, Coreen A Amabnal Vibe that If the & ing committee the state of the Canadian auto A A | Fidel Castro's he ro fogted Her mand for imme: Industry, does not drive a car, the council took earlier in urging(five and 14, Hoar sald United States diate. aasemly debate on the| the Oshawa Times learned tos (that no steps he taken to shut| Early death reports went as Love siting at the lanch. vasion of C "le ES would try to get the| day, Prof. Bladen is chauffeur. OU textile Imports from Japan, high as 18, but were cut when souiter having FRAY ip] tined today "10 overturn the com. © by his wife in the family [@ Ron Wheat customer dootors began piecing together) tho store fell in on ta te 9 delay in recommendation, Diplo oe a Citroen, built in fifth 3 FLMURE hakitn, With he mangled forms, thing ib Ny BUM 'hans o| France, Ot N > Ml mittee inst gave the Cubans little # luce, Canada could not afford to Joseph Halford, 8, store man "F must have heen buried for Mee of success, however, The US, called the Cuban | charges a "monstrous fabrica oaltion' and warned the steering Slates group against being stampeded| 'mani into hasty action, It said, how-| at the US lever, that it welcomed a full UN airing of Cuba's charges, | The Cuban foreign minister ae- cused Senator Kennedy and Viee-| President Nixon of frying to make Cuba the "scapegoat" off the election campaign, He sald cussion in Demand tion for § ban Fop also ac Tuesday factur presid . backing for Assembly steering com: ated 12 to § with five ab 8 to send the complaint #0-nation political eommit- where the US, said it be Canada supported the The political committee al: break out." ready is hogged down with al Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis. Queen and {heavy work schedule, and the/ter Valerian Zorin {Cuban charges appeared fated to Roa's claim that the United Wind up near the bottom of its States is preparing agenda, against its Caribbean neighbor, | |} | End Proposed For Tax-Rental OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minister Diefenbaker today pro. posed an end to the tax-rental system of shaving the valuable fields of income tax and succession duty between federal and provineial governments, . London Gold Price Down LONDON (AP) - The price of gold on London's free bullion | exchange was fixed at $36.40 an ounce for the start of dealings today--down $1.40 from Tuesday's close, sign . "Wha nearly killed the Parliament Opens Nov, 17 Queen" headlines The Dally CN y Sketoh, OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced seh, could it happen? de today that Parliament will open Nov, 17, Train Kills Pickering Man Arthur Jones, 53, of Bella Vista drive was instantly killed at 9:40 a m. today when his auto was struck by twa CNR trains at the on Rosebank south Pickering township police, who wore still investigating acel Pickering township, |! . road the crossing Pearson was speaking at miles east of here. His daughter, dent at noon, said Jones' auto was struck by one train and tos a rally for Liberal candidate Freya, 18, was the driver of the sed into the path of a second which arrived half a minute later the opposite direction, 'Britons Ask the Cuban government had abun. British « German investigating dant proof a large-scale attack commission assembled at this on Cuban territory 'is about to/southern English town today as supported rowly missed death Tuesday, aggression believed | buzzed an airliner carrying the { royal couple home from a pri: vate visit to Denmark, | West German defence officials LATE NEWS FLASHES sent two lieutenant-colonels to take part in the investigation at lan RA {German border, the two Sabre jets with damn great wings" West German Alr Force---passed 50 feet above the royal plane, an RAF Comet jetliner bers use Sabre jets of US, de {mands The Daily Herald, {feeling of utter horror followed ger." {det fighters "were deliberately bussing the alrergft," ager, was badly burned in the blast, From his hospital bed he gave his version of what hap more than an hour, 1 could hear people digging and tossing rubble ] all around me, but 1 couldn't eall pened: out, When I tried, nothing came 1 was helping to instal a new|out, Then they found me. It was Heating unit in the boiler voom.|a miracle that any of us lived," hoost prices for United Kingdom or West German autos, sald the council whieh represents 60,000 farm families in the four west ern provinees and, Ontan 'Who Buzzed The Queen?' LYNEHAM (Reuters)--A joint angry headlines told Britons the Prince Philip nar Two NATO Sabre jet fighters to he West German, AF base near here follows ng the incident aver the Duteh. All Co-pilot Lt. Frank Stevens sald Iron Crosses on their « the markings of the Several European NATO mem he Dally Express says: "A iy a sense of incredulity that his could have happened, And nally a mounting mood of an The Daily Mail claims the oi } { a