Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Oct 1960, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, October 15, 1960 BROTHER AND SISTER TAKES MATES IN DOUBLE WEDDING ) {AA MR, AND MRS, GEORGE OLDEJANK A-- MR, ANP MRS, ALBERTUS VITVOET Vitvoel are making their home ih the Christian Reform | ceremony, Miss Oldejans and ( voel, Bowmanville, and the late Church, Bowmanville, recently, | Mr, George Oldejans are the | Mp, Vitvoet and Miss Vander | in Burlinglon and Mr, and Mrs Allee. Ruth Oldejans and Al: | daughter and son of My and Meer is the daughter of Ms Oldejans are living at- BR 4, bertus Vitvoet, Hose Vander | Mrs, Meine Oldejans, RR 4, 1 Vander Magy Bowmanville , Meer and Geovge John Oldejans | Bowmanville, Mr, Vitvoet is the and Mrs, Hans Vander Meer, | WW \ Mamta Hed were married in & double-ring | son of Mrs, Everhardus Vit- | RR 8, Newcastle, Mr, and Mrs Photos hy Mary's Bludio NING PROOY 87, JOHNS, Que, (CP) Fly ing Officer Viola Bavage of Yie tori, an administrative at the HCAY station here {where UNICEY works since 1955 UNICEF is financed hy volun tary contributions and local cam paigns, "Shell Out for UNICEY" nominating committee, The slaleljs a familiar Canadian wide Hal thelof officers for 1061 will he pre lowe'en project which was start GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HELPING HAND AUX The regular meeting of Helping Hand Auxiliary of Bim: sented at the Novemher meeting na feck of them to hives paint with field glasses ; ed in 1055. Miss Mildred Price ; s foll capping; and if so, whether the Street United Chureh "Was! plans were N 3 he says that in 15 years follow . : it oY i with Mus | Thang were completed for the oon on the work of UNESCO, ing this hobby she has never heen Mandicap is temporary or pos held in the parlors VOMER annua fall bazaar on November f sihly a permanent prospect George Halnes, president, preside" 0" ne held in the centennial one of the specialized agencies of SLung ing hall the United Nations As a result of the operations Phe meeting opened WHK 81 pooochments were served hy Miss Marie Shantz volunteered HOUSEHOLD HINT are you disqualified for group [to act on the "Bhell Out Com mitiee"! as representative the B and PW Club thanksgiving hymn and prayer, mes. L, 6, Glover and her group Mrs, W, 0, Dewland and Mrs, | Frank Wilson led in the devotion: al period, Mrs, Wilson introduced| The regular meeting was held 11-year-old Larry recently with President, Mrs Sunderland Cleve MeMann, presiding ften to get full henefit from your bath and wash-ups, from BATHE PARK AUX, her nephew Johnson of who has The minutes were read hy Mrs won many awards for singing, Hel g So ewit and Mrs, John was accompanied hy his mother | picker gave the treasurer's ve Mrs, Habert Johnson port, Mrs, Wilfred Ogden gave Members were reminded of the the bingo report, and Mrs, Hob gifts for the cancer cupboard 10) ept Hewitt gave the whist report be brought in next month {Mrs, John Fisher gave the sick Mrs, Dewland introduced Miss convener's report in absence of M. Kells, who showed pletures of Mrs, Byard King who 1s ll In her trip to the west coast, also the hospital views from around Ontario, Thel 1 was decided to buy eurtaln program closed with Larry Johns material and curtain rods for the son singing "Bless This House", | clubhouse, and also aluminum The guests were thanked by {rays for the kitchen, Mrs, Thomas Cowle, Hostesses Mrs, Gilmour Ruth Refreshments were served hy | erford and Mrs, Delbert Olmstead Mrs, Robert Cowie and her GrOUD| arranged a social hour with eon:| 3 . . test and served . refreshments, | . FRIENDRHIP ho P { ol ontest was won hy Mrs, John The Octeher meeting 0 W Fisher, Mrs, Willlam Reed and Friendship Group, of King Breet ype vuoi Brown, who also held United Chureh WA was held re the lucky oup cently, The president, Mrs, Doug las Lander, presided { BAND PW CLUR Mrs, L, G, Glover led in the de-| phe Oshawa Business and Pro votional period, Mrs, Ross Glover! fessional Women's Club held al read the seripture dinner meeting at Adelaide Mrs. Clarence Seott read the House pecently with Mrs, Killeen secretary's report, The treas:| Wilson, president, presiding wees report was read by Mrs Miss Audrey Lawlor introdue Le Roy Kellar ed the following new members: It was decided to take a hus Miss Mable Gregd, Miss Marion trip to Searboro on November 2 Qotoe, Miss - Anna MolLead and | Mrs. Douglas Redpath and Mrs o Tarion Rellmor all of Whit H. 8, Myers were appointed as a Final plans were made for the Art Exhibit te he held at the La dies' College, Whithy, sponsored {hy the eluh | Miss Emily Soott spoke on (he work of the UNICEF stating that [this organisation works with the of the countries | Eovernment " ' f | These governments ask for as v | | sistance from this Organization | LOST IN WONDER | \ {and must guarantee to give 50 per cent of the cost of the projet | Daughter of Mp, and Mps Mrs William Musoronehan, {Two hundred and eighty million] Lawrence Sobesak of Ottawa, | Oshawa, and Mr, and Mps, | dollars was spent hy UNICEF! formerly of Oshawa, is ten homas Sobezak, Port Whithy and five hundred and twenty mils! month-old Sharon June, Sharon = Robert Aldsworth, Hon dollars hy the eountries! is the granddaughter of My, and Photographer offleer has a hobhy of tagging wild hees with and following! YONF Change towels and washcloths aetivities sueh as dancing, swim (MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Denr Mary Haworth: | have & problem common 0 many een \agers, | feel sure, | A year ago | wes in the hos pital for two operations on my | ack I had letiers from friends! land for the first few weeks | wrote hack, Bul then | was 160 sick (0 write and they stopped writing to me When finally I got back into ' Handicapped Teenager Asks Spotlights The Sweater How To Overcome Timidity and Imietligent, sturdy, stable hedpinl Interest In the word around you PLACE IN SOCIETY I you can't be & social butler fly, that means you have time to be socially wselwl and conse uentisl in other departments of school, | hed od # it and found WW very hard (0 make lend keep friends, As a result | had a very lonely year and shed many ears, This past summer 1 had a third operation, but was home In 7 east most of the time, 1 had visit whom came pretty regularly, FEARS FRIENDSHIP These three girls have shown me that they like me; but he {eause of my experience last year 1 gm sort of afraid to he friends with anyone, 1 have missed four weeks of the present sehool term but hope to go back soon, I have talked this over with my mother and she says it Is all up to me; and I realize this, But I am afraid fo telephone these girls for fear that they will be busy, or won't want to talk fo me | They haven't visited me sinee school started and 1 have heen out of hed three weeks, Pleas: advis me how to overcome this ridiculous fear, Sincerely --F, 1, {DETERMINE CAUSK, Dear ¥, Lt In order to over come a social handicap, one must first determine the nature of the difficulties it poses, As # proverh wisely says, 'Under standing is half of cure," In the sense that it indicates what to do next, to eure or control one's trouble, Assuming, of course that one's situation 1s remedi able; snd In your case | am sure It Is Bo, let's try to understand your trial; and let's start with physieal condition at pres as to whether it is hand ent, y ming and geiting about freely? Are you to any extent (or notice ably) erippled? Are you sel [apart from the average girl in | galt, or appearance, or mode of dress, due to a structural defect or allment? If such Is the case, then the decisive step towards success in friendships Is to aceept the fact that you do have these handi caps; and therefore a duty lo rise ahove them, hy being soci student wetivity, Be a joiner Sign up where volunieers are ded, Do tee work (het YOu Can Mansge telephoning mailing, record keeping, ele Don't hang hack; campaign for the assignments you can handle People will overlook and gradu ally forget any physics! handi caps you may possess, that you ors, usually three girls, one of don't let stand in the way of your being a vital personality If, however, the problem is more mental than physical; if it consists of forlorn teelings of he ing forgotten, neglected, and neither missed wor wanted, by the crowd these days, as a re sult of having been out of ere cilation time and again, ast year and this--M such Is the case, you need some firsthand psychological support to help you get hack in stride, at school Check community for these possible sources of advis ory help: A gency, an mental hygiene clinic a Red Cross family service hu your family service requ, or a clergyman schooled in pastoral counselling ~M, H (Mevy Haworth counsels through her column, not hy mall ar pereanitl interview, Write her in care of this newspaper.) EN Science Now Without Pain Finds Healing Substa Tarante, Ont, (Bpecinl)~F or the first Hime science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain and iehing Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance nght in the privacy of their own home without any discomiort or neonvenience In one hemorrhoid ease after another, "very striking improves ment' was reported and verified by doctors' observations Pain was promptly relieved. And while gently relleving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) wok place And most amaging of all==this improvement. was maintained in enses where doctors' observations were continued over a penod of many months In fuer, results were so thorough And Trehing As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids A a (fore | shod. give fiver | surance as to the washahility the garment, I 1 doesw's, shop farther, Wool, as usual, Is an owistand. ing sweater yarn, All-wool sweat 'Men's Knitwear News By ELEANOR ROSS popular #s ever, hut the more : ws aren't a all difficult to Among the many responsi conservative flat lnk fs gaboing [ Pegs. nd upon the modern favor hecause of Ws nest, well Snunder Wu few ries are fob wite is thet of being (ashion co- (aflored look, Many of these fiat ordinator for the mento In her knits are done in bold patterns or family, feature fancy stitching for trim. Of cowrse W's sometimes a it ng, of # tussle to get 5 male to part Before choosing & With a {avorite article of cloth. have in mind where it is to ing, & hat or a sweater, but the worn chances are that he'll appreel For instance, a fat ate & new swenter when # Is Keep the garment under water while squishing i through luke: ah og me support gy WAYS PEM Jvemer. with your hands underneath vhile it Is wel nit, BLOCKING PROCEDURE sleeveless pullover Is perfect for, If blocking Is needed, # card. something quite special, ns AT€ indoor wear or wnder i svoris of hoard pattern should he cut her so many of the new designs, 'casusl jacket, 'ore the garment i ered. Here, In brief, is the men's, There has heen an increased There shold one plece knitwesr news this season, interest fn Knited outerwenr the body an if there are sleeves y ! , perhaps, by the very Wo pieces, POPULAR CHARS on J Randsome. thi swesters of the) Rall the swester In 8 towel 10 popular color, Just #6 Joy. Pst few winters, soak wp excess moisture, then ely purple tones are Tight for WASHABILITY IMPORTANT lay it flat and insert the cord women themselves this 161. 10. For an outdoors m an, you hosed frame, easing the sweater some SWERLETS, TAPE ones Are might consider & shawl collar to fit In, used ps trim, and this Is very pullover fashioned of washable, Blends and synthetics are usu pretty with chareosl gray, {synthetie "fur" and very hand-\gily a cinch to 4 ome manufacturers prefer some, And speaking of washahil- even he machine-washed, but he heather tones of grape, which! ity, this specification Is of prime' sure you have the assurance of they say are more masculine for importance, the manulacturer on thet score the over-all effect, | Be sure you read the label he- before going ahead, Other popular colors are dork " greens, especially the olive tones, many browns and some DISCOVERY OF CHEESE blues, FAVORED NECKLINES The high V-neckiine is the fav: ored eut, with many sweaters going In for a V-aceent below, in the form of a strived V-denian | rad Nad POS ONE LEGEND HOLDS, GOES BACK in 8 contrasting color or stiteh, a Something to keep In mind Is| ( TO ANCIENT ARAB NOMADS the convertible collar hich may | py CARRYING MILK IN he ndanted to several different | ways of wearing, usually with a| BAGS MADE FROM SHEEP zipper from | STOMACHS ~ THE RENNET, Knit textures are liked and come in a wide range of effects, BULKY AND FLAT The bulky knit seems to he as 1 Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort nee That Relieves Pain that suflerers were Abit, io maki such statements as "Piles have LARGEST censed 10 be a problem!" And CHEESE among these sufferers were a ver; UPTO THAT TIME WAS PRODUCED wide variety of hemorrhoid eon IN INGERSOLL, ONTARIO IN 1666, ditions, some of even 10 10 20 year, 17 WAS 16 FEET IN sanding CIRCUMFERENCE, ® FEST All this, without the use of nai WEIGHED eotles, Anes heties or Ast Nngenia o 10 INCHES HIBH AND any kind, The secret 1s a new hes) 7000186, IN 1692 AN BVEN ng substances (Bio-Dyne) = the BIGGER CHEESE WAS discovery of n [amos soieniifie in: MADE IN PERTH, ONTARIO Mile Alrdy for Dyn i" in wide use [or heating injured issue on all parts of the body Dairy This new healing substance i FOR BEVERY 'A NEED offered In suppository or o1ni men! form Salt / veparallon H Ask for LOOK IN Individually sea convenient Preparation WH Buppositories or HE YELLOW, PAGES Preparation H ointment with special Appitentor JT baration H I5 sold at a TUg stores Batislaction guaranteed or money PID YOU KNOW refunded AGED CANADIAN CHEDDAR CHEESE RATES HIGH ally outgoing In spite of them in a spirit of courage, good cheer BUY "Canadian" NAME-BRAND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Fiest Flest in in Quality Quality and and Sales Service uP TO uP TO MONTHS MOLIHS TO PAY TO PAY Mrmsmm-- * FLEXALUM Colour-Cote Aluminum Siding Wardrobe Wonder EL ADAMS Ho 3 Make To ANNR ADAMS * AIR-SHADE Aluminum Awnings -- 18 Colors x from this Printed Pattern y we Ary the neckline tram mandarin collar 10 lowsquared beauty + FASHION Aluminum Railings and Grilles SOeVes IR Thee voralons b ALY 0 CA -------------- OW Printed Pattern 4608; Miss ever-famous "MULTLLITE" Sizes 10, 12, 14, 6, 18 Niue 10 te * TRI-PRODUCTS Aluminum Window: and Doors quires 2% vards d-ineh -------- amt ne | J MEROURY 55%, MAVESTIO Satan edd) for this pattern. Please print TUL ow Doon JC NEI L1Y Rs d plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Sead ander ta ANNE ADAMS Always a Complete Line of Doors in Stock WO Beat Ouhewy d Tes, Pai "JALOUSIE" SELF-STORING, "TRELITE", Bre, fie Fall am Winter Pattern ¢ RA 5.2431 EN Pda Dig HOLODY SALES 30 Grenfell St, Oshawa [ WITH GOURMETS ALL'ROUND THE WORLD (EARS OF YOUR LIFE Plan ahead buy carefu ly save systematically invest wise ly Buy the new _ANADA SAVINGS BONDS Cashable anytime at Sull face Now available at work or investment trust or loa value at banks, dealers ) n companies AVERAGE YIELD IF HELD TO MATURITY 471% AVAILABLE IN $30, $100, $300, $1,000, AND $5000 DENOMINATIONS w= LIMIT FOR HOLDINGS IN ANY ONE NAME $10,000 TRE

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