PRP TT ALE 77 AA, AEERS P98 py fof ner, BUT LES BE HES HOT WAAE h BG FLU po CLLER if IF == ELIA THINE IAPAIIT | MCE, CON OJ! prmemren SEDMENTALY 8.4 Me Yohan = Kine Ping A Po nes 0 Ae 1] 3 Row Betiers 1s folie i Ww Team Mantings - ang Pine I 10. Joke Mow Watters Hentniks 9, , Wihbones 8, Misfits x Satellites 4 OSNAWA DAIRY PA Boh Feenev's Popsiele oats vt] work of Chuck's team for the over from Inst week i" " balls van inte » string Jud i) fhe first rma, With the first se all aver Tem proms iv il oy ] gr y ; lean the Jeague hy "RIE " vouLL TT / ; hy SrA} {from the Serewnane Te an a 0) 8 a \ oh { y olen SENRY APR In close qoLLy Aa ing ¥ ahi TO BELIEVE ; y ah ay 2 ay taking three points from the Pops IN | At A ff 2 2 4 p ' 4 TO MEET BLONDIE A E+ VIL %, i 4 - h ' Top howler of the mit was Ay AT THE CORN NX a 4 J ) y R / ig bE VN i 4 Boma vi # i" ao oi ON TIME / ; . - oF 4 3} men a a1 d 7 iL 7 : ' gm pnt ih Dat ' Lyi 4 . ll ; 3 5 ~ A MH } 4 [ ¥ / ) : n i Foy Keay Ao Dale iB 80 far this senson here hav he Lamm Las Languers ww the pA] wo 7 i - nts 19, wins 15, Popsries § sod Rorewnans ¥, : 3 I 8 © IRAE . ¥ ORNAWA SHOFFING CENTRE Gdn Ge ii u . i 1 \ Ladiow gh AVOTANE Jon, Yu a u hare, yo Toon ailh LA Yenpo GET READY FOR WINTER DRIVING WITH THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ALL For ONLY FEE un Marion eNelll 383 (12 Point Winter Change Over) $alan ive kira i : 10. Remove ond clean battery cables ond 6 cyl. cars $6.06 " L V. Engine oll drained and replaced with cold wise recommended In factory specifica 6, Lubrisation of steering goer iin N iy Phil bo bid gn 4 oyl oars $0, 25 yaa) or ih trigh wh. Th iat handle BUAMYY tout oil, tions, 7. Lubrication of doors end hinges, sagt lly y M Wl ka on n fd Guardian 9 I ih | a A d ond Hod 4. Chassly lubrication 8, Lubrication of distributer, generator and yy, Tou radiator for leaks and test solution Thete prices, intlude n ol il anil Ine on ery = Maintenance plosed ih sald test oil, (onsept outer aint aml the bovis glare | : ve a ond pig sig TERI drained ond " Leben who betings linings, 9. Cleaning and reselling slr cleaner (slosn 12, Chesk Huid in windshield washer end freane os required Installed TH OVY | Cg he ot windshield wiper blades, oxtre, replaced with sold test oil, unless ethers oe only replaceable type) yo o nn Frat 2a Due: rT NOMA 7, 4 A Ihaineert % ne he yous RE R NOOKIN' Some of the ne: Re SAVE BEA TIFOL | ' 4 flow, lon, fo ro "un Fi hei nt otis any NOTHING | EWIBRY, EXCEPT TWAT ~~ AND WHAT A BU Tides X I pe ELF T DAY 1 DISCOVERED WE KEEPS ONE ROOM LIKED MVE, ; | : re pie We "ot oo IN HIB PENTHOUSE LOCKED, a 1 RP th fa ie fill Fo | NEW MAGIK i i Ay 4 ¢ AVI Alter this week vo, El "honored guests" wi JAme A dandy pow bot it wait alr. Don't forget or you he Moron Bi A oar ol A Sarama hl elon "dos (LEB ohnson 483 hh ip) wh NL od pelt 90 yh i i Viek » {abet 'A fi Helen fir ol A th go fol i, Middiemase 300 B10 Kintoohs AUX it 3 's 3:10, hie 2 We We Fr) RADIATOR DEPY, | AGvi Team standings Ll 0 A h! toners baw Renders 18, Jets 14 ' \ Alley Cats 13, Lek nia . TH NOT " 0" Aud RW : The Mh flying Six Best ware Il RecN) BIN, Np] Nt J eT Nn he ' Sh \ % OE hg ay . PRG Al 8 RE Sen ! RF FAULT) BUT MAYBE IT d ® b \W § { Lusky od wy Bil WO FL Xo CRM an THA f Ach JE, AND A GR 118 IN AY OL. 3 \ . fl iviok, A first Wace th He » vosilted Ate! win the Bibow are the Sleepers; who, with the exes of Al Jamieson must have been "oop With Ross Stevenson showing way, the Jets Joamed hy the oy in another § fo | effort ant, sath, Kp amg hs "8 ing A i OES INTO OLY SWAMI \ hig A RR Dive dosti SE ry ESSN THEY oor A REASON TQ w \| eomE vou OWA IN THE EVE A is toa hy Soni IF YOU ANT HERE TD SPY ON " Al swamp AMP BECAUSE y v, der) hes US, THEN You YELL Me How ? 3 LosTeo. pe a OES ar? \ Fine the You aor Heme / TR DAME a. J Taylor winners wn PH . bowling very OS I Of rank hig Y, hy A Juxlor a Led XJ Hu i [! ine ew A cars ] El we 1 "hy a Tin Bi) in at yo | go Ww ™ PONE INDIAN 10 807 -. » BLEW WP WILL CHANGE The yy BJT HE SNOULON'T RY ray NORE WAS PAC CREEK'S COURRE AND MAKE THE | | NAVE HORNED IN! KRULLY STOP Nim! X INDIANS! PAM, USELESS) dorm 6 rs WEN SG "A Aa] SETTING OFF ne £ ge NL PYNAMITE! A A ea |