Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 8

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"h ir of a al n 0 Hu h B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October "190 Ld 164 Beat Rothers' Awntihary wae held recently in the lounge Knox Preshyierian Church | president, Mrs, George 4s, led iin the Beant Mothers Fromise Ra prayer, The minutes were read by Mrs | Phillip Bell, who wise reporied on thee Feces. comlerence ailended by several members st Bt, George's Anglican Chireh The officers elected for the (year 1090-61 whe will be installed at the next meeting are; pres ident, Mrs, George Lee; vice pres: { ident, Mrs, Larry Osram; secre: tary, Mrs, Allan Cochran; reas wrer, Mrs, Philip Belly social womveners, Mis, Lloyd Annis (Mrs, Kenneth Hann; sewing {eonvener, Mes, William Clark 1 1 was decided to hold the Cubs' Hallowe'en party on the might of October 21, Mrs, Hann and Mrs Annis will have charge of Te freshments, BIRD SCOUT MOTHER'S AUX, | The reorganization meeting of {the 20rd Beant Mothers' Auxiliary Iwas held at Bouthminster United | Chureh Following the husiness agendi Mrs, Gordon Varnum, president of the executive hoard of the Oshawa District Seoul Aux, Wn talled the elected officers fo 1106061, Assisting Mrs. Varanm standard hearer was Mrs | AE {Frank Gravelle, vice-president Lof the Oshawa Distiiet Beal Aus Proud of thelr hahy sister, of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Mcleod, |INary Dame Lyn, ave Hugh Bryan | Powell road. Baby ° Dianne 18 The 1060-61 olficurs are: pros and John Alexander, Hugh, five | h division wh dent, Mrs, , dames Mone; vice cars old. Dianne, SEVER wearing her ehristening BOWR | presidents, Mrs, Thomas Hohn months, and John, six years | WER 16 one Woandved years [som and Mi Benjamin Congin and a half, are the ehildren | old Photo hy Ireland |56CFeLaTY, Mrs, Glen Swindells - treasurer, Mrs, Gerald Buppel LL) Mrs, Varnum turned over the meeting to Mrs, Moore who ad dressed the group briefly and ap Barbara J. Wotton, John M, Barta " nealed to the mothers for full Married In Afternoon Ceremony ww = KOUTH COURTICE WN Barbara dean, daughier of 14+ Barta ave making their home ini Bouth Courtice Home nd SCOUT MOTHERS AUK, [1ackson, president, opened with The Oclober mesting of the # Col, and Mrs. ¥. 8. Wotton, Osh-| Oshawa Behool Assoplation held Ws veg awa, and John Michael Barta Vor travelling, the bride donne: lar meeting on Monday, October wm of Mrs, Michael Barta, Osh-| ed a pale green sult with grey fir(17, Vice - president Mrs. William a. and the late Mr. Barta, were| collar, malching hal and back Henry presided mited in marriage recently In| accessories Her corsage was an! The minutes were read ail i George's Memorial Chureh, | orehid Mrs, Douglas Poole gave hie ie Reverend Clinton D, Cross (reasurer's veport, Mrs Nova Wticigted with Mr, Alan Reesor ' Horniek's room won the attend laying the wedding Wali. THE STARS SAY ance prie he soloist, Mrs. Davi eldon =~ : | Mrs. Homick introduced he ang "The Wedding Frayer' and By ESTRELLITA new principal of South Courtice fhe Lord's Prayer' FOR TOMORROW sehonol vio spoke hriefl The bride was given In mar" A sou "with subtle forces Mrs, Willian Henry introduced lage by her father. Bhe wore A work It You write letters, he he Plesidient of the Assotiation fall-length gown of lee white! cre they don't have a meaning Mrs ichard Balway, who gave a taffeta and chantilly lace, The Head 1A1K on the leadership training you didn't intend to convey Empire hodice of lace with Yong | fei over "carefully for double: |¢amp al Lake Couchiehing 18 fig yo hor at the Beptember apered sleeves, topped a midriff) coer Sled mistakes |summer, Bhe was thanked hy ooeiin of fallle, centered with lace ro i " Mrs. Ross Hawke Pdi eites tipped with Jeune The FOR THE BIRTHDAY . Phe next meeting will he held Mrs, Ross Duncanson and her kirt was styled wiht flaved prin:| If tomorrow Is your birthday, en Monday, November 12, al #15 group led In the devotional period 5 panels and, beneath A pute your horoscope Indicates that|p.m I'he se riptire was read hy Mrs | haw, & hack centre godet of 1ace,| twice during the coming year the {William Smith and Mrs Larant | fanned into a chapel train, Alaffairs you have on hand willl WESTMOUNT WA Heal closed with prayer, Planist waddress trimmed with pearls come to #8 successful conclusion] The regular meeting of West. for the evening was Mr, Ivan ind sequing held her vell and|iater this month and during mount United Church WA Was Mavvison | carried a orescent of mauve| March, Therefore try to wind held recently with Mrs fohn| = Mrs Bunner expressed her | hids and stephanotis things up skillfully and get them [thanks for the efforts of the Group Miss Lorraine Harrison wasiout of the way right now expect ton much from people al the ves ent Feast of the Beven| nad. of honor and the other al The hest part of your year| until next Mareh Xahies and also al the men & eluh| tendants were Mrs, William Gill ahead Is the last. part, from A child born on this day will dinner A Tequest wis, made for 3 0 _ i ; Vin eel 1] i ad Miss Judy Reynolds, The|Mareh throughout the end of have a mission in life and will 4 Ioers th Pap With 1 sep maid of honor and Mes, Gill wore) 1061, when you have your thivd he aggressively inclined raval purple satin peau de sole, | eyele of eontrast, May should see| fashioned with full-length stream: you In the full swing of enter ers softly draped over the shoul: prising ventures connecled with ders and caught at the midviff| security, From July through 8ep-| vith a French rose. The neck: tember financial gains are Indl ines were low V's inset with al ented and domestic eoncard will amisnle effect heneath the bring contentment Good fun will draped streamers The skirtslhe on your program for the) featured a succession of un: balance of the coming year pressed pleats, Thelr head) 7, avoid disillusionment; don't LeVian wan 4 iresses were small matching valloped crowns, The Junior . VENI TIAN Bl INDS ) nridesmalds wore a modified grsion in amethyst taffeta with draped cummerbund, They arvied erescent arrangements of mauve orehids "DRAPERY TRACKS Mr. Edward Bednarek was 'RUGS Spo ost man and ushering were UGS SPREADS Messrs, steven Barta and Harold Aldswaorth A reception followed in the parish hall Receiving the ilde"s mother wore a semi-dor mal sheath of llae French lace id matehing satin, The bride agom's mather was in soft, ght Wlue acetate and Freneh lace I'he haneymoon was spent in| (ew York City and Mr, and Mrs INSTALL KOOL LITE CUSTOM ALUMINUM AWNINGS NOW LE J AND SAVE 20% Sounds odd "Install Aluminum Awnings Now" \ with Winter just areund the somer, BUT, Think A Minute! Winter brings anew, sleet, and freesing min pounding against vous windaws and dean, What better protect inst these ol than Alumis aum Awnings, Add 20% seasonal discount with these fasts and you have the perfect reasons to install KOOL LITE Aluminum Awnings NOW! CHECK THESE FEATURES . . . ® TOP GRADE ALL-ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION, A permanent instal: lation requiring ne maintenance, withstands all types of weather, ® UNIQUE VENTED ROOF, Allows light in, keeps weather aut, : ® EASY TO CLEAN, A whip with a damp cloth restores lustre of rich, baked enamel finish, ® EACH AWNING is designed and built by Canadians, wing Canadian materials, REMEMBER: IF IT'S KOOL LITE, IT'S THE FINEST FREE ESTIMATES EXPERT INSTALLATION | PHONE TODAY AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED ' 15 PRINCE ST, -- RA 5.4632 EVENINGS: RA 3.2707 ® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED +o : __ (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES FRyer, he Aevotionsl period wae led of hy Mrs, Gordon Brown The ly Mrs, Perey Nest and Mrs. Gordon Holbrook i Mis, Clifiord Rundle sang two whos "Count Your Blessings, One by One" and "Thanks he 10 God', Mrs, Harry Mellow ae companied at the piano, The of fering was taken by Mrs, Harry Gray and Mrs, John Conk The Reverend Krank Ward, the new Minister at Westmount gave # talk on Thankininess i The tusiness meeting follow el, Mrs, Rupert Harrison read the mines, Carrespimaence & roll eall, Mrs, Byron Boville gave the treasurer's report, Mis Stuart Hall, the manse report, Mrs. dames Bulion, literature re nd Frank Bell supervised p recren Welig heid Wints are emg fiscuoned for the] 3 | hd 0d | your hoes are sonked ol LACHINE, Gus, CF) WAC dinner 1 We held the rain, apy adie snp WIE Em y 4 J earn, In Ira nd 4 Woo 6 meron oo dd Emeriiaa derail, has retired of | ied 0 hold fa pti CEE dry with the sop oR Wallon 4 ie Felowsmp Grow is i f 8 5 8 POF ek upper af The AR wll prevent them from CHI sation in thie Montres) sub TEIRNEY WEA IRE The slate of officers for Wi HOUBEWNAA WIM) LONG BERVICE Mis wel and et Them age 0 aller serving #8 years os) caretaker and Hakel seller al the) wen will he presented and 5 nominat ng commie was formed Mis, Frank Burrows consented 16 wet we Hekel convener for the annual Snowflake Bridge to he held in January, Growp members were pleased to lesen that Mrs Kenneth Proctor is now conviales eng al the 8. John's Conviles cent Home in Willowdale Mrs, Harry Souch and Mrs tionel period after which refresh mente were served hy Mrs, Ross Drincanson and her group ! ---- | port, Mrs, Miles Blowghton, cards, and Mrs. A, J, Hicks, flower re part Birthday greetings to Mrs, Miles Bloughion, Gordon Wherry and Mrs, 1, BleEwan Plans were made lor the bi waar 16 he held st the ehiren on November 8, 10 he opened by Mrs, Frank Ward, Mrs, Frank Owen was al the plane for the evening. Refreshments Were served hy Mrs, Gordon Brown's grimy NORTHMINSTER WA, Were Sng Mrs Says Bai i, Saar, ont L/ ly Wren Contry hortwevs, 1evenling 4d rue sell, brse worry and amber | resment FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF wil be in Oshaws of the Senothe Hotel October 35-0600 I] PHONE RA 3-464) (Konsland Group) The Octaher meeting of the Rossland group of the WA of yorthminsier Uniled Chureh vith 17 mem William Might tok place yeventl hers present, Mis presided Mrs, Willis Kent read he mines and Mis, J. T, McQuade gave the treasurer's repon Phe theme of the devotional was "Amn. Mrs, Ronald Wragg gave a reading entitled "The be ret of the Oak", Beriplure was read hy Mrs, C. M, Me fo. Mrs Blight emelnded with a prayer The rest of the meeting was spent making final arrangements for the Country Fair to he held on November 2 in the lower hall fing of #8 hawasr and a SNOT Easing supper The next meeting 18 to he held nthe ehureh parlors on Novem her 16 FELLOWSHIP GROUP consi fhe president, Mrs, Dwight Hunner, presided at the Octaher meeting of the Fellowship Group of King Btreet United Chureh, Mrs, H, A el the secretary's report and the treasurer's report, A letter from Mrs, Glenn Howell, Bearhoro, was read in which she expressed her thanks for the farewell presenta | RONALD BILIKY, D.C, Chirepraster NERVOUS TENSION Heng trritable, being a vietim of 'nervous tension', helng "more red" upon awakening in the morning than upon retiv Ing at night heeause your nery es will not let you relax well during sleep certainly detracts from the comfort and pleas ures that one should "experi ence during life | Worry ean cause much of this tension, however, many suf fer from nervous tension who have nothing to worry about When nerves are se levitated that we feel "on edge' most of the time, when nerves ave sO levitated that we eannot re lax properly in sleep, when Nerves are so irvitated that we have "nervous tension", then the frvitation 1s detrimental 0 health That habits, tasks, amd acels dents of dally life cause dis placements of the bones of the spinal column is now faot! When we consider that the §i greater percentage of nerve § Paths pass = from between |! these bones and that the spinal I! cord itself passes through J them, there Is no move logioal place to look for the cause of the excessive nerve levitation that, In turn, causes 'nervous tension" than to examine the spinal ealwmn far displace ments It is because the Chiropractor examines the spinal column and carrects the displacements which interfere with normal nerve action that Chivapractie has heen so successial in of fecting recovery fram "nervy ous tension" for many thous ands of people. Every person whe ha nervous tension™ should arvange far a Chive practi examination { One of 4 series of articles pub. Hahed In the public interest to explain and Wustvate the pra: Hee of selontitie ohirapractie, hy Ronald W, Rilsky, doctor of Chivapractic, whose office Is located al 1 King Street East (Plaga Theatre Rall ne), telephone RA S518 v Armstrong present: | for appointment on these doles I. SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA.~MD.A, Ballet, Tap, Tos, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre-School, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ot the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3.7253 WILSON SHOPPING PLAZA LOOK! LADIES! 5.00 DISCOUNT on every PERMANENT WAVE (good tor the month of October arly) Toke advantage of this exceptions! offer now, Bring in this advertisement end got your 5.00 discount on any permanent wavs, 'C Fashion Hair RUDY'S Fein Hor Sn PH: RA 8.235) (sarnar of Wilson and Olive) CALL IN FOR FREE CONSULTATIONS Cathy and Billy are not like most youngsters , , . they can't run and play or go to a regular school, One day... Cathy and Billy may be able to do these things , , , but they need your help, and they need it NOW Medical research, made possible by your donations can continue, Volune teer workers, with your donation, can continue to help Cathy and Billy with | the hope that something can be done for these youngsters, By giving THE | UNITED WAY you help others whe are less fortunate, Cathy and Billy... Need Your Helping Hand! [ ASSOCIATION SOCIETY OANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND OANADIAN RED CROSS OSHAWA & DISTRICT OEREBRAL PALSY SCHOOL & GLINIC ~ These 18 Agencies Need Your Support! BOY SOOUTS' ASSOCIATION OWILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATIC SOCIETY OANADIAN GIRL GUIDE OSHAWA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION JONN NOWARD SOCIETY OF ONTARIO SALVATION ARMY ST, JONN AMBULANCE SOCIETY VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES % | This Year $210,921 Is Urgently Needed ONRISTMAS ONEER FUND WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE YOUNG WOMEN'S ONRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA (Oshawa Branch) -- Support The - GIVE ONCE... FOR ALL! | Greater Oshawa Community Chest OCTOBER 26th - NOVEMBER 10th ¥ "-

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