Hospital Auxiliary Putting Every Ef Into Gift Festival | The snnvel "Festival of City" ed Wy Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor . ~ meeting on Monday. Plans have THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Ocisher 24, 1960 J heen completed wader the eon vener, Mis. A. WW, Armsin ; : Who owiined every facet 4 project, promises 10 be an Teacher, Parent Relationships Zia Discussed at H&S Meetin g Mier the reading of The October mesting of Wood- (By ling education 8 gosl and vies by the secretary, Mrs, Nell crest WH and § Association wes common purpose could he reach- Felt, snd the treasurer's report held recently with the presi ed to provide the best for chll- by Mrs, F. J, Bundle, the metter| ident, Mrs, Glynn Pascoe, pre- dren. Thus all should try to live of the new constiution for the {siding Wp Io tie Home and Behool Creed auxiliary was discussed, Mrs, G | Reports of the secretory, Mrs, and let W he a guide of ethics, D, Conant, convener, covered the : Kovacs, and the Iressur-. One proviem which concerns changes and additions 0d moved #r, Bits John Collins, were se- most HB and 8 Assocketions 8 thet the sonstitution being pre cEpied, The Tom count Was Won "How to get the pougle 10 COME sented he secepied. This was car: hy Mrs, Albert Wilson, kinder om Lo the school y plannin, ried garien special programs to interest ah ' 2 it was decided thet the $1 drive and siress the importance of st A committees of three ~-- Mrs would be held this [all instead of | lending meetings B, W, Bassett, Mrs, Nell Fell and later In the winter season. The! Another topic debated hy the Mrs. J, G, Dioncey, will look into school's used clothing sale 16 he- panel wis "should we disagree the meatier of auxiliary pins, Mrs, ing planned for the esily part of with topics discussed in front of Basset and Mrs, Dancey will bel © November our children Parents were ve pusiliary representatives (0 the = It was announced thet during minded (hat a child's mind waslconvention of the Ontario education week Mr. Arthir V.ivery colored snd sometimes # Women's Hospital Auxiliaries, to Pigott, MA, ditesto) of ftonia smal incident wis built up fo be held next week in Toronto tio adult education would hei big proportions arents show " oo " at Adelaide Me: guide the thinking of the ehiid The conveners of the sanding) committees, reporied: Mrs, Earl peaKer 1 1 Be School on Tuesday, Nor giving him conlidence to over Mi f Ad po DI Jomber B, To permit members 10 come any adjustments in his THAR TOF BEWIRE Mrs, H dames, cards; Mrs, Clare Elliott Y igoit's talk, the regu-igehonl hile Married recently in Simeone Jaan os meeting 15 chang: The next subject was the ease|/roIning school, Mrs, 4, G, Carter] Street Pentecostal Church were od to Wednesday, November 9, of a diffleylt or retarded child, commented on the gift shop whieh Mr, -and Mrs, Norman Arthir land Open House 18 plan 72d It was up to parents and Inter-|\eontinues to expand, Mrs, James| Sanders, The bride the former The next council meeting will ested people to get special help McCansh will stall the shop nntil] Miss Barbara Ann Wanna he on October 26 in BE, A, Lovell and improve his funetioning, the November meeling maker, is the daughter of Mi The H and § Association) Another point dealt with was! Mrs, C.D. Russell reported bo s in favor of having those ehl-ithe importance of homework, the membership committee, Rundle, Mrs, H James, Mis dren who wish to help collect Imr| Parent were reminded that\ There are two new members | R, L, Gray and Mis, E. J, Reed UNICEF on Hallowe'en night with education constantly advanc-\Mrs, H, H, Howe and Mrs. Albert! on conclusion of the business For the Public Speaking ing there was more need for the| rp, an aspciale, A visitor, | meeiing, tea was served hy the Contest promoting Red Featherichild having homework, Parents\Mrs, C, L, Kell was welcomed, social conveners, Mrs, C, 1 campaign, Woodcrest Sehool willlghould realize thal ehildren| Membership now stands at 210 Cousins and Mrs. 1. 1. Metcalfe he represented hy David Thomp: have more homework as they Bet "sys, G, 1D, Conant brought wp with Mrs, W, J. Leogmaid pre Mrs R, L, Donald, president, an:| A panel discussion, "Are wel%on In the Junior group and 0 dey Phers Should be a Hope [the matter of recognition of past siding al the tea table nounced that # night of cards willl spoiling today's children?' Sharen King in the senior growp. Hime and sillaiie pace avalamie) oregidents and it was moved: and / Women oil over the country sheerad loudly when new types of skirts ond knitted jerseys wera first advertised a having permanent pleats and being hend washable But, sod 19 sy, hove mr vote Hes So oy Ud ls ppt fo not remein normal permanently new under You con lounder one of these "permanently plested" skirts of home with better success than you could leundsr an often hove had Ld older type of plected skint, but the plests do not quite the seme sharpness end uniformity as they the garment was new For thet ressen, many women prefer to send pleated' skirts to ws for dry cleaning on they thet their fn eins thet the course of homes lewndering, & aH -. TO LIVE IN STRATFORD Or, In some special cases, they hove found thet while the material itself is washable, the garment is designed oF daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John such a way thet it dees not lend itself to washing Richard Bell of Toronte and the bridegroom is the son of Mr Frank James Canning of Strat ford and the bate Mrs, Can Photo by Ireland cur in These are some reasons why the mejerity of swr suster mers prefer 10 Ist we handle the cleaning ond plasting of sven their "permancatly pleated, weavhable" garments, NG PRINCIPALS and Mrs. Robert Wannamaker and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman San ders, all of Oshawa Phote hy Mary's Bludio Pictured alter thelr marriage recently at Knox Preshylerian Church are Mr. and Mrs, Wil am James Canping, For merly Miss John Lillian Bell of Oshawa, the bride Is the | ning Panel Discussion By Students Of Interest At H&S Meeting of Coronation| become members of the associa Home and Behool Association, | tion, And | often wonder if the women wha still #rugale or home trying to keep their pleated skirts and jerseys ooking presentable have ever siopped 10 think how little it would cost them to have ws do a perfect job and save them all thet time and trouble School ana WE party at Eastview toher 25, It will be a toga party and all memhers were asked lo there hy 745 pom, The model] meeting for new memhers will he held on November 1 al the home| of Miss Lyn Bchuerman, Thorn {ton's voad norih, ' will he held] Clubhouse on Op: pr fam [likin ALB meetin [7 Lid Led 4 aw wis a p he held at the school on Wed:(the highlight of the evening| The highlight of the evening the Jem ad hat they could do carried that a suitable pin he pre nesday, November 28 at 8 pm. [Grade B students Dorothes! was an interesting panel on ITE properly sented to our past president and . : | Peas I Mrs, Lloyd Courtice concluded" Convener, Mrs, ¥rank Kalar and|Splinter, Beverley Mills, Hobert|and & Association, Teacher and the Hoar with 8 i So on Allo futire presidents upon comple her committee, Mrs, W, M, Mor:| Brock and Aris Birze felt (oday's|P arent E. Bhob | ehildren are spoiled as they get| lloyd Courtice Mrs, Stanley Waylett| things they want too easily, They|sociated with Home and rison, tiekets; Mrs, 1 brook, and anticipate a successful evening A budget for 1060-61 presented by Mrs, Norman Ralke and Mrs. |preclate how lucky they are to-|A Donald Bugden was approved Delegates to the Home and Sehool conference in Peterborough willlthey felt 1% hours 8 night was) crest R, L. Donald and Mrs I. P, Cobbledick nurse will be at Coronation School on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons On Tuesday, November 8, Open House will be held followed by guest speaker, Mrs, i, J, Mackie of the supervisory staff of the Board of Education, She will have as her topic "Children's Reading." Hoom count was won by Miss Grace Kennedy, Grades 5-6 Mrs. Vietor Kitchen, member: ship ehalrman, urged parents to Church Donations Theme Of Talk At WA Meeting Mrs, EB, D, Cornish, past presi dent of the Oshawa Preshytery WA was the guest speaker at the St. Andrew's United Church WA fall meeting hold recently in the chapel es Cornish spoke on Christian stewardship, beginning her talk by reading the well known story from the Bible about the talents She sald It was a story that all have heard from childhood but which hore repeating. She pointed out that it was elearly understood that Christian people were expect: od to share thelr wealth and goods with those less fortunate and that the size of the contribution was in proportion to the wealth of the person in fact a tithe, Bul that to give money only was nol all Christian people weve expect ed to do, true stewardship In cluded time and talents also She quoted some very startling figures compiled recently hy the bureau of statisties about the spending of funds saying that for women to-say they ean not make a donation to the Chureh because their husbands handled the funds was Just hiding behind @ poor excuse because || Was a statistieal fact that women have a great Influence as to how the family money 1s to he spent and in fact do the spending of the majority of the funds rs. Charles Rowden thanked Mrs, Cornish At the close of the meeting the members of the Heather group under the leadership of Mrs Matthew Leyden served tea. Mrs Murray Miller poured and the fol lowing members served: Mrs Duncan Foreman, Mrs, Erie Not rig, Mrs. Richard Hradley, Mis Harry Fayle, Mrs, Robert Ley dan, Mrs, Norman Naish and Mrs. Russell Sproule, During the meeting the oalling of the roll showed that the Heath: er group had the most members present. The members of the Tweed group held a home baking sale prior to the meeting Several dates were announced he Mrs October 33 the Reverend Wesley Hunnisett will speak at the meet | MARGARINE GEM ing of the Jessie Panton Mission. | ary Auxiliary, November 17, wit! he the annual huifet supper of the WA, with all the members of the WMS groups as guests, Novem: ber § will he an executive meet ing, and October 27 is the date of the WA Preshytery Fall Rally at Alax Group leaders each gave hrief) reports. Committee chairmen alse gave thelr reports, announcing the coming Programs. do not know what being poor | means and therefore do not ap:| |day | | On the question of homework sufficient for their grade, The! school | balance of their spare time was and Mr |eipal at Sunset F spent mostly on reading, hob bles, musie and TV with just a small portion to helping arouna the home | Asked by the adult panel mem:| ther, Mrs, Blanley Mason of Lhe {Children's Ald Boclely whethir | they felt they were old end ma ture enough to have any concep | ton of what they want their life| work to be, they felt that most |of their age group would have a general Idea, Not knowing what is required of them in any given Job makes a decision ditheliit Mr. Mason wondered If parents were hitting enough challenge nto Jobs that need to he done rather than jobs that make the most money? In present unem. ployment situation there was still wide demand. for skilled erafts men He suggested that perhaps too much stress was put on the white collar worker or theorist and forget there were some who could do thelr Jobs in life hy working with their hands There was a tendency on the part of parents to give their ehil dren a better chance than they themselves had Mr. Clarence Guy teacher and moderator panel on the question of de inquency, discovered from the panel that they do not have defi nite home chores to any extent He made the query "Are we chal lenging our ehildren with re sponsibility?" Mr, Mason felt it was the par ents' responsibility to see that the child had responsibility, A child was going to grow aceord ing to his happy relationship and experiences at home by sharing work as well as fun, In regard to spiritual guidance children should be taken to Sunday School Grade # for the | Apple Sauce {ing was affected Relationship' Mrs who bas heen as Behool work, acted as the moderator The panel members were Mrs Allen, vice-president of Home and School Counell; Missi A. Pogacher, teacher at Wood Behool; Mr. A L Win ter, principal at Ritson School Lloyd Welderick, prin Heights Behool It was felt that education was everyhody"s business and closer relalionship could be achieved hy| co-operation with the teachers Freezes Well A good general rule for freezing apple sauce is to add a third of 8 cup of water for each quart of apple slices, After the sauce Is conked, it may he sivained or not whichever you prefer, eooled and sweetened fo laste, Depending upon the tariness of the apples, add from one-quarter to three quarters of a eup of sugar to each quart of apple sauce, Beal In rigid "containers, leaving head space for expansion, and freeze at zero or lower temperatures, When apple sauce is frozen, the color ofien fades but once It 1s defrosted, it comes hack to its natural eolor, Frozen apple sauce can he held for as long as nine months with hath eolor and flaver still rating high T00 COMFY SIMCOE, Opt, (CP)=Maurice Martin was fined $28 for careless driving after police spotted his ear weaving from side to side They sald his girl friend was sit ting so close to him that his driv. the general feeling in favor of the present summer holiday proce dure Mrs, Vietar Kitchen thanked the panel members and modera tor for thelr interesting views Lunch was served hy Mrs and Chureh and not just sent on their own. There was lively dis oussion fram those present with! ¢. W. Campbell and Mrs, Robert Lean, Grade 2 and Grade 3 mothers | BUTTER Shop Daily & Save on Foods at | GLECOK'T | | SUPERMARKET | | 174 Ritson S, -- Open Dally to 10 p.m, Specials! For Mon., Tues., Wed, | GRADE | 7 Child Mrs, Glynn Prarse/tion of terms of office, | thanked the panel and empha-| The veport of the evening group) sized parents participation in 'K|of the auxiliary was read, (heir) and Be cent project heing thelr fashion! Refreshments were served hy|show the mothers of pupils In Grade A nominating commitiee 7, Mr, Peter Krawelz's class named consisting of Mrs Wak LY or and Mrs. Vietor Moody Smith of Whithy and the bridegroom is the son of My, and Mrs, Arthur Morley Cook of Oshawa Photo hy Bhaughnessey | ronto, Mi Mrs. William Mor ley exchanged nuptial vows recently at Alhert Street United Church, Formerly Miss Jacqueline May Smith, the | bride Is the daughter of My KARN'S: and Conk w 69° |; FIRST the be the « | tal edical Mirror LWiaT 0008s Sav avout | If It's A Boy) ® Plant Rash ® Hospital Care Q. What is the best age for sin sumeision? Is It always desir able? honored age tor about the end af ral week of lite but It can ne earlier just as well, Give tor leeway by making wrangements before the baby ar Ve For young babies the pro edure simple and all but later t's quite pain fr the important LIL sion | What is meant by sive" hospital caret? | A It is a method ef tailoring hospital services to the needs of the patiént. The very ill pa tient receives round-the-clock at tention comparable to that me 1 "progres: f ainle Aside m there 4. 89° Wt 37 3 us 1,00 wo 10° 2 = 33° BEEF HEARTS «29° BEEF BOLOGNA "i" 31° Shop & Save at GLECOFF'S WE CASN BABY BONUS & PAY CNEQUES WF DELIVER SWIFT'S BEEF STEW ONTARIO POTATOES LARGE, NEW, GREEN CABBAGE CHRISTIES' BROOKSIDE BREAD YOUNG TENDER 10:48 BAGS nal hyglene advantages of evidence in the male in married among practice tact are other p clreumei that loge f pers ible There near frequent routinely and cer women people | eireumeision Q. | have recently developed @ skin condition that leaks Hike poison ivy but | have net heen {moar ivy. | do have & recently acquired philodendran plant on my desk. Could this cause the trouble? A Yes whi Doctors have cases of skin eruptions due to lihis plant. Remove the plant trom your desk for a week or The rash may clear up reported Iw Answers do not necessarily personal physic Torm when possible an etiect the apinion I diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's! Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, inal "AY, Torente, Ontaria, will be incorporated in these | : | Kann Drug vided by private duly nursing As the patient improves he is) given intermediate care asf needed. The last step is assign ment ta a self-help unit, Here the almest-recavered patient does nearly avervthing for himself This method, new being tried in a number of hospitals, is Intended 10 provide better averall service: | without additional cast to the patient | Three a'slack in the morning i Rat the time te acquaint your wi ymp that have bothered vou for dave, M| you develop trouble, coll ar wish our doster during his office ours, Don't wait until the | ness hecames acute, f af all The! dogrors ¢ alarms | Oshawa SOCIETIES BETA BIGMA PHI (Phi-FPhi Chapter) The regular meeting of the Phi Phi Chapter, Beta Bigma Phi sorority, was held on Tuesday October 18, at the home of Miss Breyhara Greig, The president Miss Margaret Blears, presided An Invitation was received from the Pllot Club of Oshawa to at tend an International program meeting on November 17 at Si John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Hall, Oshawa. A film and ialk on India is planned after the supper, The president offered the group's time and awsistance to Hillsdale Manor, Unused hooks will be collected from the mem bers and given to the home to help bulld up the library, The girls plan to help out in the can een, The elub's new social sponsor Mrs, James Grieve, attended (he | meeting for the first time | The next meeting is the rush: | HAIRSTYLING 360 King St, West (CKLB Building) RA. 8-4351 Styled b DONNA & JEANNE MISS MAY BUDD, Sereng ROW In sur stare te sorsetry problems you may h glad to aid and advise you |i MISS MAY SIMCOE ST, SOUTH AT ATHOL STREEY STORE HOURS: WARD'S Fashion co-ordinator in t and advise you, This week TOPAY == TUES This Is your invitation te visit hor and discuss any - WED ave, Miss Budd will be in the selection and fits ting of your foundation garment, Live in SARONG BRA Embroidered nylon taffeta, filling stretch leno terylene back, Moves with you = washes and dries easily needs no onin Sizes: 32-40, $4.00, SARONG GIRDLE With the famous crisverass front = walks with you and never rides up, 8: Mai: $7.00 Other styles from $5.00, WARD'S PAM ARM = WED, ® AM, te 12:30 noon = Friday ® AM. to 9 PM, BUDD lade Marky Regd PHONE RA 5.113) FREE DELIVERY