Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 6

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The Oshawa Simes Published by Canadian Newspapers | ogee Monday, Get imited, 86 Ying $. E., Oshawa, Om I ------------ doer 24, 1960 Toronto's Personality Does Not Match Size There's no doubt about it Toronto is the biggest hick-Aown on this continent As evidence, we present only & few re cent events and the reaction to them of Toronto officialdom and Torontonians in general; the opening of the O'Keefe Centre, the squabble over the TTC, the struggle of Jack Kent Cooke to obtain & major baseball league franchise, and Malton airport now the demands that carry the Toronto label It makes Ontario residents squirm to watch such parish pump antics in the provinee's biggest city the second biggest in Canada and a place where big But the grubby one could expect some degree of character and sophistication little sensation-seekers and the jealous new! ony the odd politicians rich combine to give that vast sprawl the manners and hamlet of brick and cement of an Ozarks changed into a boom town mores sudden It is fantastic that Toronto politicians should be bothering busy cabinet minis ters with their infantile squawks about the naming of Malton airport, It would Beauty Bring color brings The leaves fall Autumn's of pageant danger as well as beauty in a erimson and gold cascade, carpeting lawns and roadways providing chil dren with hiding places and when wet treachery then, for covering road surfaces with There is accumulated danger motorists and children As Transport Minister Yarembko points out, children love to play in piles of raked-up leaves, They use the piles as hiding places, and all too often these are in driveways or the edges of streets A driver could erush a ¢hild hidden from sight in the leaves; it It is up to parents to warn their children and to be careful about where and how has happened the leaves are raked and piled Some householders make 8 practice of raking leaves into gutters and burning them, The result is a pall of smoke that often cuts visibility on the street to such an extent that drivers are blinded, these eir When accidents occur under cumstances, the person who has set fire be fantastic even if the ministers were not busy From. what the squawkers are saying, one would gather that Toronto needs its name on an airport so that travellers will know there is such & place as Toronto, and that otherwise the travels fers might miss Toronto altogether and go on to (herrersl) Hamilton on the one side or Oshaws on the other; thet poor little Toronto needs its label on the aire port to earn #& place on the map, How many air travellers do not know where Prestwick is, LaGuardia, or Midway or Idlewild or Orly or Temple- haf? And even if they don't, or have not paid attention to the airport names, or they do not board planes in the vague ill There hope that they be taken to some city they'll are times, of sure like aurse, when they're not where they'll land of tions at their intended destinations, hut hecause weather condis that is not a matter of whim We hope Toronto grows up in pers sonality as well as size, People in other provinces and other countries could get the idea that Ontario acts as Toronto does, and that would be embarrassing s Danger to the leaves may not appear In court, but he is in faet responsible, at last in part In damp er wet weather, the leaves on the street become soggy and slippery, I'he when co then is as treacherous by Ing precautions road surface ered ice, and the same hould be taken dak dri Falling leaves are a sign of approaches ing cold weather, a signal that vehicles need to be prepared for freezing tem peratures, snow and ice With the falling leaves, too, comes the of countless youngsters will be roaming the streets, wearing that are not readily visible at night and masks that prevent the wearers from seeing clearly, The children will be absorbed in the fun of the stupid game of putting obstacles on time Hallowe'en, an evening when clothes trick-or-treat, Older ones may play itreets or removing or damaging street MENS It and motorists, Both need warnings about all adds up to danger, for children the need for caution Free Opinion Curbed I'hose occasions on which there has heen even a suggestion of palitical in terference with the operations of Can hroadeasting Hut radio and ida's government - owned wvatem have, fortunately, been few the will for public vigilance, Current happenings 0 long as the state is in televisipn business there he need in France, where radio and television hroadeasting are state-operated, illustrate how easily government can interfere vith the independence of these avenue If cammunieation In divided el the Algerian war wd recently some 140 af the there Is of France apinion continuation countrys leading writers, actors and teachers put their signatures ta a manifesto support ing the right of Frenchmen to refuse military service in Algeria, This expres sion of opinion, through it was in ne way illegal, was offensive to the govern ment and in retaliation all of the mani have been hanned fram festa signers radio and television The Oshawa Times FL WILTON, Publisher and Generel €. GWYN KINSEY, Bditer Manage ge Daily Net Paid os of April 30,' 1960 ; 16,999 Also mation picture production in France are since the theatre and some subsidized by the state, the government can make its weight felt in these fields Film producers and theatre managers told to boyeott the plays wrights and actors in the group on pain slate While it may have been of losing the subsidy he that some members of the group are only troublemakers Communist-tinged Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Heavalr, for example it alse includes outstanding persons whose lovalty to France cannot be questioned I'he trattors members of the not They not of the But opinions are offensive to the politicians now in office the ment is used to gag those opinions, And group are are charged with breach law theiy 50 the authority of governs this in France, a nation second to none in its devotion to individual liberty and freedom of speech Other Editor's Views MOST DIFFICULT TASK I'he Sat, Review) Security today depends on the control (Norman Cousins in of farce rather than the pursuit of force, This in turn requires a world organises tion with peace making and enforcing as far beyond the present UN bevand the powers the fission hamb as hydrogen bomb is The creation of such an organization may be the most difficult task in human But it i enough people decide there is ne more history is still within veach important business before our generation Bible Thought IH we the walk Wn the Spirit The ly determines our destination but alse the hope of hive in Spirit let us alse Galatians 5:25 principle of life within us not of travel on the OVERS OWr manner way, For the Christian heaven always plies godly ving "4 1777777777 Iz] 7 qd 994 Fi FERRE E FHA { PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES OTTAWA REPORT AT tg Rirmen's Wives Withdraw Favors By PATRICK NICHOLSON The witimate sanction known to mankind--the complete hoy eoitt of hushands by thelr wives lias heen threatened on alr bases In Ottawa unless the gov immediately grants pay lo servicemen ernment noreaces was the plot of written In an wis modernized by the well-known Bootiish writer Erle Linklater Hut it has fallen lo the wives of Canadlgn alrmen to convert thig plot into a reel life tragedy, "No more housework, no cooks ing, no looking after children, not even any love! was how one of a group of three dozen service wives summed up thelr hoyeott, This storm in 8 married quar ters provides a sidelight on a little-known facet of our national le, and on the political fleld It jlves ug yet another example of one the most glaring deficl encles of the Diefenhaker gov ernment Traditionally and reasonably, all employees pald by the tax payer enjoy the benefit of a pay QUEEN'S PARK nis situation & famous comedy clent Greeee; ii in 8 novel ol review and adjustment al about the same time, A pay Increase for Canada's 200,000 civil serv ants Is quickly followed hy a see ond announcement giving a pay boost to our three armed ser lees and to the ROMP, But this year the second boost covered the RCMP only, It Is well-known here that cab Inet and treasury hoard are mak Ing a very searching survey the complicated pay structure of our army, navy and alr force This scale provides Increases In pay for higher rank, for greater technical skill and for longer service, The present government rightly contends that flat across the-board (neveases unjustly dim inish these earned differentials, 80 It is now trying to correct this glaring wrong, But such a study takes time Increases for the armed serv lees ave "in the works" and will be announced soon, certainly he fore Christmas; servicemen will benefit by the justice of the gov ermment deelsion But meanwhile, no official an More Efficiency Means Economies Hy DON O'HEARN TORONTO--Now the coroner business 1s to be hrought up to date Iere are lo beller coroners hey will he pald more money, better tralned and glven more responsibilit Like the appointment of ful time examiners this another step In bringing hdvse andsbuggy machinery of governs nent in lone with the Jet age OTHERS OPEN When you the midd'e obvious just how be done along this Hae Ihe new system for coroners will not only ha mare efficient; It will alse he more economical Ditto that of licence examing tion In both ments were pihlle protest It Just happened somings caught the public eye Hut there are many other branches and arms of governs ment whieh are wide open for tightening up and whieh it is un likely will ever get public at tention NOT TOGETHER As Just one miner instance there is the case of photography Photographers are In somes what the same state of supply here as public relations men They are oaming out af the walls A number of departments have thelr own photographie stails travel and publicity, lands and { sts, highways, to name just be fewer and ata lHeenoe are here sitting In of the machine 1 1s much more could improve about hy oases the hrought the short three There tween them Highways will send out 4 man hire & freelancer, to get a photograph that is already in the wave! and publicity flies. Prob ably in lands and forests too They never think of her and saving money branch serving the nly 18 no codperation he oF warsing Ae centre govermnent would no efficient bat anil he mare mane NES Wh te Wot the © doing things eague Hoover ¢ whatever you want call BH, consi prebably save a great deal of money and bring a0 a PANE ITC Pulse service if given the go-ahead and fall backing I owonkd be mpartant that ach a body have good prodes Wkly b that is 1) wsest A whi mission, ar \ both men had worked In the government serv lee and good business adminis tration men from outside Given such men and authority ik should be able to do a very valuable Job, slonals wha made ex and serv heen vie nouncement has been planing the situation leemen feel they have timiged, Bo while the Diefen baker government really de serves praise for altlempling lo do & more thorough and more falr job than its predecessor, I is undeservedly heing eriticized This Is yet another example of the catastrophic fallure of the whale public relations machinery of this government, which has slumped steadily in public ap praoval as a result of a series of sueh episodes The position of Canada's serv leemen not widely known to their employers, the taxpayers, They are on most eounts the most favored fighting men in his tory To start with, they are exclus ively volunteers, a situation not enjoyed hy our neighbours and almost unique -in the NATO al lignce, To go op with, thelr eon ditions of service are enviable Vor example, even when rotated for ti years on foreign front line defence, thelr wives and children accompany them al the taxpayers' expense, Their. pay scales are the see ond highest In history throughout the world, An unskilled reerul starts at $104 per month In ad dition ta receiving free his food, accommodation, medical eare and uniform, His technical skills 'can earn him as much as $72 per month extra; promotion hased on character can add $176 per long service ean add up 2 per month, If he gels mars he recelves a bonus of $80 per month, & bonus unknown in industry, If he lives out of bar racks, he recelves up to §102 per month in lieu of his bed and ra tions, If he is commissioned as an officer, -he ean alm at (he B10.000 a year of a chief of staff In addition, there are generous pension provisions, His hours work are auch that he can often add to his earn ings hy moonlighting, Here In Oltawa, servicemen are reported to hold down parttime Jobs in filling stations, restaurants, and motels, while one has even heen known to tender for a bridge hullding contract 18 REPORT FROM UK, British Doctors Get Salary Boost Hy M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Thnes LONDON Datars serving under the National Healih Ser vice are to have a substantial in orease in thelr remuneration, and patients are to have a hetler ser vice, This will he the net results of the acceptance hy the Reiltsl Medical Assoclation of propos als made to it In line with he recommendations of a Raval Cammission on doctors' and den tisis' remuneration, These pre poals provide for nearly $40 million in increased pay, and res reactive payments ta he distrib uted among 40.000 hospital and family doctors, The new rates accepted by the British. Meeloa! Association will give some 20.000 family doctors AN Average inerease of over £6 & week, This wili bring the doe ars' average pay up to £3712 a year, from a former level of £3308 a vear. The new Increases will be dated hack to January 1 of 196), in addition to this, a sum of £11 millon will he. paid owt in retroactive pavinents dated hack to March, 1967, when the Raval Commission was appointed. Bach doctor's share will he 9 per cent of his gross payments in i fhe ave e dae amp sum payment will be abo LH HOSPITAL DOCTORS In the h i fle fap consultants w Rn aiure re ceive KTH & year, & salary of £30 andl a top distinetion avard of S00 a year There are about 0 consuliants in the county They will share lesser awards according to distinetion rating There are 3X at S300 80 as £3150, and 1800 at £179 a year period STE Abont 18,000 doctors and dentists nm the hospital service will share £8 million In vetroactive pay ments A further sum of ane million pounds a year is set aside to in stitute methods of making the best medical service possible avaliable to the publie, The alm is to Improve standards of general practice through some Kind of ihoentive scheme, On this, the Hritish Medical Association oom mented HELP YOUNG DOCTORS "The object is to find some scheme which will make for a still hetier general practitioner service for the patient, Other proposals, suoh as those for bigs gor initial practice allowances, shouk! encourage young doclors to bulld wp practices in wnattrae- ve under<loctored areas Initial practice allowances ave Increased fram £78 to £1330 in the Hirst year, fram L808 to £0 i the second year, £300 in the thivd year, and are extended to & fourth year at £38, provided A doctor has at least 790 patients his 1 he fee pall for patient a doctor's lst remains 0 nineteen shillings and on each on un changed a onpeney Provision mpraved wm amplets oy For wen RLY sOrVioes ay mater VOSEIVIOeS LY & re Us the 00 Is nore fa £17, Hs, 6d from £12. 195 For doctors wot On the Hst, the norease £3, &. Wo £T BA ONE Provision v Ml RIghiY aoe W IN ELITR hil enable POL I ature We for the ta ACOOURLS 10 We won INSIDE YOU Varicose Blues Can Be Removed By BURTON HN, FERN, MD ARE YOU doomed lor plastic srgery? There's more here than meets the eye! Bome of (he neatest knife work repairs varicose veins which nobody sees unless you wear p Bikini around town, Most people ery the varicose blues as they get vider, Walking on gl tours might prevent var cose veins, ut you'd look awiully funny creeping shout, Just |e have the pretliest blood vessels Wn town For the average two-legged eit leon, ngture provides tiny flaps to keep blood from falling hack down the leg veins, Like theatre firedoors, these flaps lel hiood exit but they spring tightly shut to prevent any sneaking hack in once the vein has emptied, Well: working flaps prevent varicose veins : BY-GONE DAYS #5 YEARS AGO Fire Chief A, C, Cameron re ported there were 14 fires with a total loss of about $10403 for the first nine months of the year Albert Btreet United Church held an anniversary supper with Hev, KB, A, Whatliam as master of ceremonies, Bimeoe Biresl United Church Sunday Behodgl or chestra provided the musie, W. MeKay won the senior title and HK, Wilson the junior title making 23 and 25 points respec tively, out of a possible 38 points, al the Oshawa High School field day Cecil Bint, on leaving for a position In Delpolt, was honored at a hanguel which was given hy the Young People of Albert Street United Church Alex Wehster pliched the de ciding game for the machine shop to hecome champions of GM inter-deparimental gofthall lea gue, Mis, A J, Baller, Oshawa was elected treasurer of Ontario WOTU at the 48th provineial eon vention held in Pembroke The Oshawa Daily Reformer and The Oshawa Telegram were amalgamated and published as The Oshawa Dally Reformer hy the Mundy Printing Ce, Ltd Rev, George Pidgeon, DD, was the guest speaker at Bi drew's United Church on ith anniversary of the erection of the church bullding, and the 25th anniversary of the ordina tion of the minister, Hey, ¥, J Maxwell The annua! supper and eoncert of the Ladies' Ald of King Bt United Church was an unguall fled success when nearly 1000 persons attended, Al a Poultry Sheridan hers, gave onstration W. M, Croskery, Ontario Coun tv agricultural representative arranged the Bouth Ontario plow Ing mateh which was held east of Brooklin PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM the hleod get to do is to re heart move It meeting of the Oshawa Association Ihomas one of the elub mem an address and dem on poultry toples, Why tived? lax and around should All It has l6t the Khrushchev is perfectly willing to play hall, provided he 1s allow ed to plieh and to umpire the game according to his own rules whieh are subject to change without notice The 20 years between 45, when a man is eonsidered too old to employ, and 65, when he's old enough to deaw social security benefits, might he called the Leaden Years The new US, mall box that ean be operated with one hand will be greatly appreciated hy the busy one-armed paperhanger if he ever finds time to write a letter ZENITH'S tE Bur years of ponding con Weak these blood vessel fie foors, or the vein may sireieh, leaving you with 8 winedont door. Way aad six-foot doors, The eon. Elant gush oA Wood backwards through these flaps turns pene): Hee yes into corkserews of thick ue crayons, or other shapes ranging from eoloriess bulges to tiny spiders with long ue legs, WHO'S T0 BLAME Who can you Wame for this knotty proviem? Provably your parents, your Children, your boss, or your vane liyl Yon may tower over vari cose veins belore you're thirty, if both Mom Dad were Iroithied hy these limpid bine pools, Women ofien haleh varicose veins along with olispring, he cause tumor-like swellings be come ahidominal tourniquets damming blood back to the legs HABITUAL STANDING Blanding long hours takes Is toll, ton, The long arm of the aw usuglly complains of vari cose veins as well a flat feet On the other side of the eell have, liters spending six days & week on the rock pile can expect this lawman's sliment, Bartend ers, burlesque hooters and dent ists all offer varicose veins » standing invitation Vanity leads to vein troubles, also. Tight gariers or hone weak Ing corsets ean elamp you in. a dally tourniquet until your eyes pop and your veins bulge, Bul don't worry; You have a hook full of the hest remedies right in your own home the telephone hook, under Physi clone and Surgeons" In the yo low pages, RELAX WHILE WAITING While you're wating for the first sppoiniment, why wot teke & land ofl your legs oll you san? Play the ng tye. and put your feet up on i desk, table or pillow #2 you lean hack and relex When you finglly get to the doc tor's olfice, he'll test your legs in # sorts of ways, He hardly ever Herds special BERYE OF pressure 16sis Io diagnose Yiricose veins Mier all, yow've no MD and you noticed them first, LARGE VEINS Your treatment Is written Wn thore Wioddy bulges, Unless they sting, spiders cen he left alone, Larger veins need stronger (reat ment ~~ sinee varicose puddles imeriere with proper circulation Elastic bandages and stockings Cin support sagging veins, Your doctor can decide whether you need more than reassurance and support, He may snggest Injee Hons or veler you to the opereiip mom crowd for 8 quick eut cure RAW SORES . Even thongh the surgeon wants & heautitul result, he's more in terested In the patient's veins than the vain patient, Untreated varicose problems can lead to raw pores near the angle, which ean be cured or prevenied by simple operations, Bulging blood vessels can he helped Bow't he blue just be eanse you have varicose veins! Va AWAKE Yéphts VAASLERP Dag, | Many Bevel seem 4 . fu mht The; hed, then are the ul god ns fring day, When kidneys ~ down wastes and sucess acids stay In the system, Diskurhed rest, tired feel ond backache often follow, If you don' vent well ot night if you feel dull in the daytime use Dodds Kir Pilly, io Lodo hi mi VF Fk mvp pi To enjoy its quiet, THE OADILLAC INVITES YOU relaxed atmosphere and supurb hotel service, You will find here the finest in dining room service, spotlessly clean rooms and a friendly dignified attention at the most attractive prices MODERN ROOMS WITH BATH SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES We Specialize in BANQUETS and PARTIES of all kinds, Make Your Holiday Reservations NOW ! And Avoid Disappointment ORGAN MUSIC NIGHTLY CADILLAC HOTEL 394 SIMCOE SOUTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.3743 yeglass Hearing Aid Fenith's all-new Medallion looks as slim as regular glasses - yet it offers all the famous quality of "Living Sound" per- formance, Ask for free demonstration at your Zenith Hearing Aid dealer, w Temple bars oan he easily switehed te sunglass frames--fit most frame styles! w Volume contral and separate on-off switoh! W Powerful fourtransistor airenit! Ww Choice of solors; styled for both men and women! FYOU purchase lenses and frame al your shoice from VOUT awn ayeglass specialist One of the Magnificent New Gold Seal Series Hearing Aids Atal Aize cardboard Veut-awt LE \ SR BLY Fonith Radia Comp. of Canada, Ltd, Dept, CAKE 1470 The Queensway, Toranta 18, Ontarie PT ARBRE "ay of the naw Medallion Eveglan TYOWE 00 hama. Write te Ed AVN ZENITH HEARING AIDS ARE AVAILABLE AT IMPERIAL OPTICAL 11 ONTARIO STREET RA 8.6239

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