WHITBY And DISTRICT Hillcrests cil oc a A Drave Construction Co,, Toron- to, The sewage treatment sys tem is completely new but a few parts of the old system are being utilized, During the spring construction was held up for some time when the footings A $540,000 construction proj. ect in Whithy will be completed by the end of November, The sewage treatment plant, located south of Highway 401 in Port Whithy Is at the present well under construction hy the New Party Hears Anthony Barclay Addressing a group of New|If we are going to get very far" Partly members on Saturday in| "The role of new people inter Whithy was a Toronto social ested In the establishment and worker who was not a member promotion of the New of the CCE party or any trade not to look back on the CCF ree. union movement, ord but to find out what is eom- Anthony Barelay addressed the mon to our needs In Canada, members on methods of promot.| Ve suggested, "These needs must ing the New Party hy outlining albe acceptable to a large number definite political platform of people," he added The members learned that the] The speaker suggested that in speaker was experienced in soelal arder for the New Party to he: work and had gained this expers| come successful it should have a fence in North and South Americ|Platform with an appeal fio ea. Mexico, Africa and Canada| Wider number of liberally and so where he was presently engaged cially minded people." The New in social rehabilitation a mong PAY needs something new and delinquent youths | heneficlal to the concerns of our \ " a A In deseribing his hackground {fellow man," he sald Mr. Barclay said that, like his | In putting foreward ideas for a father and grandfather hefore| Platform, Mr, Harelay sald that him, he was a socialist, He add.| ne baie {hetor which the New ed that his grandfather, a Metho.| Party could affer Canada As dist minister, ance lost a ohureh|leal community planning, "The because he preached that social | NeW Party could give Canada a {sm and Christianity were the|Tea! idea of what the future will same thing, offer and a plan to carry this out," he said, NEED SOMETHING NEW He sald that among the many Mr, Rar stated that most of problems arising out of unplan the sachal Maton in Canada ned areas were cramped housing | was staried hyNthe CCF party! conditions, lack of privacy, eheap which "now needs something new housing and comparative isola - = [tlon from adequate educational and shopping facilities. He said that many city eammunity dwell ers were originally fram the coun try and that these people lived ADDTIONAL WHITRY ON PAGE 4 NEWS Party Is Al ivies alone don't SIWAGE TREATMENT PLANT |T1n Ses period, Goderich was the victim| Pete Shearer, Stan Westfall, Har of the lone home team's gol, * under conch Bus Gagnon, scored! son, : on the loesl team took command of the game of some of the bulldings were damaged by Ice, The plant Is capable of dealing with the re. quirements of from 18 to 20,000 Jeeps, Abave Is the admin: stration bullding and below is the digestation tank, their own lives and never allow. ed themselves to enter the eity to develop their Interests and take advantage of the facllities, Mr, Barelay pointed out that in many unplanned communities there were no public meeting places where such organizations as Home and Behool Associations or political parties eau ld meet {and take an active part In their ) {eommunity, | "Many cities today are planned {for the financial benefit of the hullders, who hulld as many houses In as small a space as possible," he sald The speaker then lamples of suceessfully {communities in Hritain gave ex planned and In | Furope where there tended to he| |an excess of industry, "Big indus. know exactly where the hest business 18," he sald. "They should be regulated hy the community for the henefit (of that eommunity." | Following the address the {members and the speaker dis cussed the possible aims and poe tential * structure of the New Party, which they sald should {have a following of workers farmers, intellectuals and small {husinessmen, WHITBY BROCIK "0 Now Playing Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 Last Complete Show at 8:23 Adult Entertainment Jone Fonda « Tony Perking an cant help Tall'bays 6:35 and 10 pm, Ale 2nd Feature J. smart alec... 0:25 pm, lovin { i One quick telephone call ta Citize $50 10 $2500 for any good reason, A down payment an that house, cash for car hills, money far spr sonveniently. Rely on (the courteous Loan office. Choose a repayment plan 19 suit your budget, & TE Loan Offices in a #4 Wednesday UL chance to see the Whithy tesm| when the Whithy Hilleresis Si Westiall, Ted Waperkoski, Har Horris, Weghorn; forwards, Wek: 6. Whithys 0 vey Burke, 2 Middleton and Mike Gray | [team and It Is good news for the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Oetsher 34, 1960 § Score Win on Opener josat louis v0 be HE esi, hy + |engne 8 $ A wi ® wr COsisting : aperinsii oo" taste of hockey action on Fridey ; : ohooh loved Orillia and Whithy, , , r pit in Cobourg as they pay il 1" Ga B 4 W ; Roberts, Lake ., 16.26 ¢ Middieton 1647 the Cobourg Jr. B's ma exhibi- mens thet thers tion game. The outcome Was RB home games (his yer fast hard fought #1 win for ici esidiap Whe oh me of w 1 wy i Whithy team. The seme 9 EX home. Penal sevens 0, A i Tor 40 Mess '| by J Ab; majors, Westtall 15,16, 4 : I, ! teams Will piey Another game! games on Wednesday Wight, , Will Shearer, two minors, 1511, I Wiadieton, host the Cobowrg Comets 18 8 Chase, major, 15, A , W.12, By CLIFF GORDON Wiithy Hillerests got their first here on Wednesday ment at B30, Don't forget the Wig exhibition This will give the local fans & Esme his wha are making thelr first start in Jr. B company nu setion, Eimer Tron led the attack with & pair of goss with, single counters going io Banifence i935. B hod me thet PIOW: minor isos to be 1) with action te om 1.40, COBOURG ~ Goal, Ewart; de. Third Period y Walsh, MeCarthy, Doyle, 8, Whithys Grey, E Tran tha . Tram, Take 14.17 Ken Roberts, Lyn ley, Breherion, Dunn Beeord, oo ike 1 Chase Tervrenenie, Foote Kins 0 dt ton 0 inte Br 1 HE io 'enton, hes venson, Fer: ' y scorned the lone gosl of Font pAypsb Phong N vEnsom 15.49, HILLCRESTS -- Gol, 1st, Jim, Wak he Same for the losers shots ¥ locsl team used gp platoon) syslem In gonlies os they opping, 2nd, Cll Goderich, fd, tried out a total of three Jim| Wayne Daniels; defence, Bob Topping paved the first period, Tripp, Leonard Bobble, George Cif Goderich played the second by, Jim Fegan, Buleh Kad and Wayne Daniels the third well, Ken Roberis; f(orwans, [Lex Buske, n Middieion, Gord playing | IL Fimer Tran, 4 vhaving aie, Eimer "trun, Mike Mors) the only goal of the initial period |liott, Ron Wright, Mike Gray The Whithy team, The Officers and Men of the TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY FIRE AREA NO. 1 sordially Invite you fo the OFFICIAL OPENING of thelr EW FIRE STATION VIPOND RD, BROOKLIN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th 7:30 P.M. a8 Elmer Tren rounded out a Referees, Doug and Hus Cain, three-way passing play with Luke| SUMMARY and Tripp, Cobourg tied # up Ist Period early In the second but from then 1, Whithy: E, Tran, Luke, | Tripp ; 18.m The locals added! Penalties --~ Waghorn 4.56, Na seven gosls without a reply from perkosk) 6.87, Dunn 9.55, Waghorn the Cobourg team, It was a real! 12.08, Middleton 1250, Dovie robust game with plenty of ge- 12.50 Trip 1584, Bobbie 15,18, tion both in the stands snd on Shearer 19 the ice : | tnd Period | ICE CHIPS , , , We chatted) 2, Cobourg Wakley, Harris with manager DAVIE MEOE LIE] {game and over the weekend and he appeared pleased with his team's showing, He said however {that he Is not ton sure of a few of the fellows that played the other night. Also there are some that are working out with the team that may see action on Wednesday night, This will he {Whithy's first evack at Jr, B| | hockey and it will mean that they twill have to ice the strongest team that ean he had in thes parts , Manager Davie did| {point out 8 few of the new fel-| {lows will he making It mighty [tough for some of last year's | players to make the grade if they don't play all oul, Boh Tripp Is hack with the Whithy SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN WHITBY RA 5.3558 There's no Substitute for Experience! local fans, Bobhy had a try out with Niagara Falls of the Jr, A league Coach Bus Gagnon | Ch Golden Values AUTOMATIC DRYERS AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED HIGH DRYING FOR EVERY FABRIC * EXCLUSIVE G.E, HIGH SPEED and manager Tvan Davie will he travelling to Weston tonight for a meeting that will lay the plans and schedule for the interlneking schedule hetween the Metro league and this league, , , The Eight Injured In Collision On Dundas St. Eight persons were taken fo the Oshawa General Hospital early Bunday morning for treat: ment of Injuries received In a near head-on collision on Dundas street east, In Whithy, Four of the Injured are still in the hos. pital with possible head injuries Bill In hospital with head in furies are Ron Deeth, 20, of 22 Fairlawn avenue, West Hill |" helleved ta he the driver of the west hound ear In the aeeldent Gary Goslelgh, 10, of Highland Creek, a passenger In the Deeth ear Joseph Barnes, 18, of 808 Mor ningside street, West Hill, an other passenger in the Deeth I Alistair Sanderson, 22, of 6 {Pine street, Alax, another Deeth | EEL |" Treated at the Oshawa hosp! tal for lacerations and other minor head Injuries and later re leased, webe four persons In the other ear, the east hound ve. hicle They ave Adam Kzanoskl, 20, of 860 Byron street north, Whit hy, helieved to he the driver; Olive Zacerkowny, 17, of Cireta street, Oshawa; Lisa Feldherg, 15, of Lawson road, Oshawa) Marshall Digehanko, 18, of 404 Athal street east, Oshawa The accident occurred at 8.10 HY KALLE asin i... CONVERTIBLE 16.00 WHITBY AUTO TRIM 301 DUNDAS W, Ph, MO 8.8121 T.V. AERIALS | ww Moved ~~ Repaired Hoel ug | | | | di | SALES & SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD, ay WHITBY PLAZA PRYING SYSTEM * AUTOMATIC DRYING CONTROL FOR ALL FABRICS * AUTOMATICALLY SHUTS OFF WHEN CLOTHES ARE DRY * LARGEST CAPACITY OF ANY AUTOMATIC DRYER * AUTOMATIC DE-WRINKLER FOR WASH 'N-WEAR CLOTHES TDA 520 | Fall Harvest of Vale Price | §€-00 INDEPENDENT SALES AND SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD, We Move--Repair and Instal TV Aerials WHITBY MO 8.2081 am. on Dundas street, just east ! of Garden street, Tt was investi gated hy PC James Hooker and Pred Raker, of the Whithy Police Department What are Non-Forfeiture This is the technical name for a very important feature of your permanent Life Insurance, It guarantees that you can use the cash value or savings in your policy to meet changing needs, Dial away debt worries For example, William Jones is 65 and just retired, He wants to stop paying premiums but still needs protection for hia wife as his pension dies with him, Solution? He takes a "Paid-up" policy for a slightly smaller amount providing protection for life but with No More deposits, Or Arthur Smith finds himself at retirement with no dependents and a smallish pension, He also wants to stop paying premiums and he would like more income for life, Solution? He converts the cash values in his policies inte income guaranteed as long as he lives, phone for CASH from CITIZENS ns, and you ean arrange » loan of ng shopping i's yours sash, confidential service of your Cilaens You too will be glad you have permanent Life Insurance because of these and other flexible benefits, See the Man from Manufacturers today for a fll description of their usefulness, Whithy Plaza, Whithy, MO &-582} Open 9 AM to 5 PA Man they Thum 9 AM 10 8 PM Fil Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering ond all nearby towns i Principal Cities R, J, Branch Representative OSHAWA Teli RA 3 KL Cranley Supervisor OSHAWA P. Andrey Represeniative OSHAWA Tol: RA dat Tel: RA. 32211 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE NISURANCE COMPANY