Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 24, 1960 3 [Lodge Officers [or yma mismm go ime om ae es there in Gordon Barton; Bre. J, Pipher, : happiness, DODGY from distriet 43, Canning A According to the DDGM, thelion; Yrs, Arksey, Sister Grand re ns e home ie omy one of the Conducior; Sister Stonehurg, Osh things which has heen sccomphish- awn; Bro, Allan Carson, Brook. The open installation of offic lation team were members of he ed hy Odd Fellows and thelr sis- lin Lodge, 156, Noble Grand; Bro, | en of Corintniss Lodge, No, #1, Fort Perry Lodge ters, the Rebekahs, He mention A. Harper, Noble Grand, Port Independent Ovder of Odd Fell One of the largest turnouts of ed the Cancer, Polio and Tuber. Perry Lodge sud Bro, Bwais, lows, was held in the Bim eoe iis kind in this district for many culosis community work the two viee Noble Grand of Port Perry Street Uplted" Chisels Memorial years was on hand to watch (he groups are doing to help the many Lodge, Hall Setiwdey night installation, The gathering 15- sullerers of these diseases, The third degree team from Officers installed included: cluded 229 members, [nends andl RB, Burton, fatherindaw of the Corintiien Lodge will leave Sol Jick Taylor, noble grand; Gov Rebekhas newly elected noble grand, pre urday, Oct, 28, for Detroit, where don Barton, vicewoble grand; The DDGM, fn his remarks sented bis sonindaw with silt w "be putting on the degrée William Harmer, recording sec mentioned the Odd Fellow'siring on behalf of the two Taylor for the Detroit Oddieliows and retary; Mervis Bobler, fisen Home in Barrie and told the children and a enfidink set on be two Oshaws Bros, eizl seetetary and Willism Man gathering there are approsi- hall of bis parents, A Ladies' Nite dance will he wel, treasurer mately 8 brothers and sisters In) Other speakers at the installa held at the slrport Baturday, Nov, EF DDGM Brother Wanssmaker the home, thelr average ages be- tion ceremony were; newly, i of Distriet 41, 8 member of War- ing # years, riner Lodge, Port Perry, and bis. He sald sccording to Hon. Dr, stall conducted the installation M, B, Dymond, Ontario Minis-| Bro, Wannamaker and his instal ter of Health, the home in Ber. CITY OF OSHAWA Istion staff were assisted by rie Is second to none in Canada DDGW Bro, Miwood snd Mar. The DDGM stated residence in shals, Bros, B, Bear snd Bro. the home is available to any Odd- VOTER LIST 1960 Bruce fellow or Rebekah who has been - It was noted during the fnstal | a lodge member for 15 years or : lation proceedings, thet Bro [ne : sir . : : di Wannamaker's tes is one of the, The speaker sald the home has Clerk's Notice of First Posting of THE NEW OFFICERS of | ing officer was Bro, Glen Wan | Grand; G, Wennamaker, dis | C, Todd, inside guard; BR, Me. | Carnochan, left scene support; loos ever to conduct sn installa- recently been expanded to per- Voters' List Corinthien Lodge, No, #1, Inde: | nameker nssisted by the instal | triet deputy grand master, | Evers, warden; RB. Greentree, | 7. Gordon, left support, NG, |i in Oshaws, Most of instal mit more elderly Odd Yellow: pendent Order of Odd Fellows | lation staff of District No, 41 W. G, Barton, Viee Grand; M, | Rt, support NG; G, Freeman, | and J, Freeman, outside guard NOTICE 15 WEREBY GIVEN that | hoe plied with were installed Ssiurday night The officers are shown, left 10 | Bobler financial secrets chaplain and trustee; W. Sim, | Absent when picture was Laken: Section 9 of The Voters' Liste Act, 1951, or hat | have at public meeting of the orde ¥ | Fight, se sted W Wanuel trens | and J ith, Junior vast left swoprt NG A Jhitlips, { oar frites; " Jazion TRI posted up of my office in the City Hall, 50 Centre Street, on al Bimeoe Bireef United | urer; W. He di red ording | grand gz Is to rights | eonduetor and brug ee 5 | Buditor, and "oliing oy br the 24th doy of October, 1960, the list of all persons entitled Church Memorial Hall, Insta se PL Bl J 1 ayior, Nobile | 1.. Perrin, | ECENE $TIPDO ' Brown, right support NG; R tor Oshaws Times Photo to vote in the said municipality ot Municipal Elections, end thet ] STREETS CLOSED {ton this week, The conference such list remains there for inspection, WEATHER FORECAST 4 Se {| The following streets will be opened officially Sunday and will AND § hereby call upon oll voters' to take Immediate pro- } closed for construction today. |finieh Wednestay Theme of the ceedings to have ony errors or emissions corrected according . ' Stevenson road north from Anna- conference will he, "Planning for to low, the last doy for appes! being the 7th doy of November, avenue to Rossland road Smaller Ciiles 1960 " . polls sla I bo 7 vent; Wilson rosd south from y Cloud Cold , ive avenue to Shakes JEBIE Ve] WORD OMITTED Dated ot the City of Oshawa this 24th day of October, 1960, ' . ony 4 A story about John T. Altiman enue; Blevenson road south, los { Osha pleaded guilty to L. R. BARRAND, ed from Gibb street to the CPR; a, who Court, Friday, sppeered in Bat City Clerk lurries | fn ee vt ont Cots Par pare, Bt i from Prince st rel fo Chureh Times, The third paragraph er NOTE: Copies of the Voters' List moy be examined ot the 4 : treet, Whenever possinie giree roneously quoted Crown Coup City Hall, 50 entre Street; the Post Office; the three Fire TORONTO (CP i y flernoon. Colder tods d . # : will be kept open for local traf sel Bruce Affleck as saying Halls; the Police Station and the Mclaughlin Public Library Vore off sled the weather oince . mae Tuesd - _ fie, Emergency conditions such! iipy, hs " ry re pad 149 : orth west 0 to % ming ; fie, Tanrhenes Cond inne os | Tuat's Why he' was charged IF YOU WAVE CHANGED YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE Ky nop is A tonight and s y to 2 " / oo of treets not on this list A Fda IBY a ouiding Wit THIS YEAR, you should telephone the Clerk's Office, RA Hn Al ena Lo WHENL AN ait ) . IE OF Brees / is Ns inter 0 maim Ek 0 y noved aeross Ontario during the on Tuesda ~~ n ' | seit ne ol vor a crucial word was 5 i 33, on or before MONDAY, NOYEMBER 7th, ond the weekend, As | storm oil ine Forecast Temperatures i FLY UN FLAG ' omitted from the sentence, It Voters' List will be checked ' d : ' The pale blue United Natlons| coud have read; "That's why he " clouds and Wind 3 A , flag flies today from the elty halll yoo" charged with robbery and { d 8, Thom ' W y 4 a flag staff, in recognition of UN| 'wounding with intent to To qualify et Municipal Elections you must be 21 years of } Da Vilteen years ago, on O main age or over; 0 British Subject; an owner or tenont or wife or 20, r he United Nations wa hushand of an owner or tenant end occupying quarters i " 24, 1945 A : } assessed for ot least $400 wingnam Ww 4 wn Hamilton re B i : NOTE; Those who occupy © domestic estoblishment of two , Catharines " ¢ ARIBYIAN gr ig hd MONKEY BUSINESS or more rooms in which they sleep, prepare and ne Toronto 4 : Pr AS ! ond qualify as above are ENTITLED TO YOTE, ROOM Vir | Poterhorou 4 : t [today of Cimist Jesus rietory | F eterhoroug! over death was brought out at all| IS SERIOUS | ond BOARDERS ore NOT entitled to vote, gars, L regions, Trenton . on L Windso of milton, 'Tov- | Killaloe y ' 10.7% ; v Leib thin 4 Christian Science churches on Pel houses report that the obo: ay nariod ko 1 A "s (Sunday, Oct, 23, in the Lesson! monkey business is growing NOMINATIONS ~nD i ---- ; Sermon entitled "Probation After! rapid at the rate of 25,000 Death | pli pouring in the U.S, Nominations for the offices of Mar, 4 Aldermen, vi gv little to move fe Win Lar tonight, mighs Tue and colder or snowflurries ' " j '3 THE WEATHER OF ¥ 1 CE | Quebec and snowflurries wil ral il ' ADTG night and Tue le milder to ou oy a e te m a pe this pA Prairies will agaln read every month from the Philip. | of the Public Utilities € . of Tuesday, Wine ! fe K ER : | cold . ki ol : | ids and snow into the north TREE IN BLOOM pines and India, That's at the | Education and Separate School Trustess for the ysars 196) and 15, beeon } iw : y ! f | i A th Hist ok country Tuesday Mrs, Fred Smith, 48 McMil-| average of $40 a head (or tail) 1962 will be held at the City Hell, 50 Centre Street, on Thun. ul z : ) : y : ong | 1 ho her : ir wb- CPW + |1an drive, reported this morning, too! day, November 24th, 1960, ot the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the south esd NIT } } ! all WWE arpy I ) we rapidly across sph an ' 4 of old " " v Georgian burton hd 4 . irepholo her Crab-apple tree has blos-| The Oshawa Times Classi. | evening, Kirkland La g North somed for the second time this| fled Ads don't monkey around ELECTIONS y k h B sudbur dv with sun DIGGERS ESCAPE » vear, She sald the tree blossomed| when It comes to selling no periods and snowflurries toda HARGOW (AP Eighty met OBITUARIE i ' o (98 in the spring and still has apples| longer used household items The Municipal Elections will take plecs on Monday, Des. partly cloudy tonight and Tues: digging a tunnel 70 feet under 4 : on it, Flowers appeared again| When you need exira cash ember Sth, 1960, Polls will open ot 10 o'clock In the fore. i Colder today and a little (he Rive de fled in panic Bat ' B about 8 week ago, she said, The| fast Just make a list of the |} noon end close at 7 o'clock in the Stiots der 'Tuesday, Winds northwest urdn Wen air pressure sid FUNERAL 0) Marguerite) of Oshawa, and FR (ree is about five years old tings i ab yo aud L. R, BARRAN M0 to 80, becoming light tonight denly blew a hole through the JOHN J, MILLS Mrs, W, Smith (Evelyn) of Port a hi RA 3492 for Iriendly City Clerk i. hating Officer ged south 16 Tuesda roof and a 15-fool waterspout shot AJAX John Jame Mil 59, | Hope one son Clarence, of i VIRE IN AUTO ep Pimmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy up from the river hed, IL 100k .ooue of the Ajax Town Council Strathroy; and a brother, Sam The Oshawa Fire Department with sunny periods and a few B0 minutes for all the men to Beli ng & member of the Ontario|uel, of Port Whithy ig i [answered a call to a car fire, snowflurries today. Tuesday through a pressure chamber 10 county Council for the past 10] There are four grandchildren, av al Bond and Prince streets, Sun- cloudy with snow beginning inithe surface |years, was buried In Erskine] The body Is vesting af the | * day evening, There was also a (Cemetery, Dunbarton, Saturday W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, 4 {eall to a home on Adelaide afternoon following a funeral) Whithy, Service will he from the " |street, to attend to a flooded COMING EVENTS service at St, Paul's United chapel, Wednesday, Oct, 26, at 2 4 ! | space heater, early this moming, |Chureh here p.m, 5 a i 4 | There were no other fire alarms | A service was held at the! Nev, H. A, Mellow, of North : during the weekend, There were Rn nah Hm, ond Soout La TEA, WOCTL Centennial All, Dako! avaveside by the members of the/ minster United Church, will eon 0 seven routine ambulance calls, esday, October 36, 9.30 ta 8:80 p.m, and white elephant table, "IAjax branch of The Canadian!duct the service, Interment will b i it, Paul's Preshyterian Church, Wilson | gama i" innyside elubihouse, every Legion be in Unlon cemetery, Oshawa TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Road North Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm, Prizes Rev. Rex Norman. minister at Planning Director G. A, Wand.| ROCIAL hing, October 34, 8 p.m. Bt | Syis AGE Bale, Bi Andrew's Church St. Paul's United Church con CLINTON LEWIS HENRY less and Planning Board Chalr- is oven Wl Ly basement, Tuesday, Ootober 95 at 10 ducied the church service which! Clinton Lewis Henry died sud man Willlam Woodeock will at. and Jae 5, Novell 4 served ~ vas attended by ant overilow denly at the family residence, 325 tend a part of the Community crowd which eluded nany Baldwin street, Oshawa, Satur Planning Assoclation of Canada, I THE AFTERNOON GUILD owt --_ ; 44 dav, Oct, 22. He was in his tur K of Cc SPEAKER onference being held in Hamil nent members of the to COURT CHARLE X CANADIAN ORDER Of and district's municipal and pro. year Ian McNab, manager of the fessional world Born Dec, 6, 1821, In Prince Ed y A FORESTES 0 v i special activities section pub in CHRIST MEMORIAL | Pallbearers were Mayor W, A, ward County, he was the son off Ie pelations department a a an ANNUAL BAZAAR | CHURCH |Parish of Ajax; R eming,| Mrs, Lydia Henry and the late General Motors of Canada in ald of Cerebral Palsy, to be Hillcroft and Mary) chairman of the Ajax lndustrial| Edward Henry, He married the| Oshawa, will be the guest . . the Orange Temple | sponsoring commit lee D, Wordley, presi. former Ruby Marion Anderson in speaker at the Oct, 25 meeting Visits Nia ara ¢ The Oshawa Weaver' dent of the Ajax Rotar) ih; | Toronto, May 24, 1641 of the St. Gregory's Council No | ) 25 ( : It, D, Thompson, president The deceased has been a resl| agry of the Knights of Colum . wild Ajax Chamber of Commerce; | ent of Oshawa for the past 28 hug Mp, MoNab, horn in Scot NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) . e . ; Hull. chairman of. the Ontario yeas He came here from Wel: Panku Abdul Rahman prime ¢ ; \ and, has lived In Oshawa for | KIN SME N BINGO Demonstration, exhibition [County Health Unit, and B, Sey. lington, Ont, He has been employ-| aver 85 years, He started with [minister of Malaya, Sunday night TUESDAY. OX 25th et representing ti Canadian ed at the Duplate of Canada here| gum hy Was thy rked the switches changing the and sale of handweavine " in 131 and was on the er 8 J: |Leglon or the past 17 years | gineering staff some 10 vears lights {lluminating the Niagara jay, October 26th, 1960 fhe Ajax Town Council at Mr, Henry is survived by his before entering the public rela. [Falls cataract to the red, white, 10 PM tended in a bod and acted a e, his mother, two daughiers,| tions field, "What's In The [blue and yellow of hls country's TEA lower attendants, The members Carol and Bonnle and two sons,| Puture?", will be his theme [18 i fA } Te. : of the Ontario Coup y Council Roy and Jack, In ww 1, On he addresses the meeting Mr, Rahman, visiting Canada IUBILEE PAVILION WOODVIEW PARK Fo ded \ 4 | me mhers of | sister, Mrs, Nellie \1 0 {84 Rond street at 8 p.m t the invitation of Prime Minis the Ajax branch e e Canadian awa and three hrol i {ter Diefenbaker, travels to Tor Legion who were in uniform f Oshawa, Gordon ¢ | 1 | y R AWE | vel | y ' % {onto today and fies to Washing { | B NO ole) MC NS ER E ING O profusion of floral tributes and Clifford, of Chicago, al WT BY HORSE ton Tuesday to meet President ' : Yor nute testimony to the es.|vive 10 (CP)=Louis Larry, Bisenhower BAZAAR RED BARN een Ln th deceased wa Phe remains Is vesting in the a Toros nber of the Egline| puring his visit here the Ma A iy . : n Ajax aw rounding dis: Arm trong Funer | Home for m item 1 lub, was severely in-|lavan prime minister crossed the! 1.300 PRIZES | orial service In the chapel, || | Saturday when his horse Rainbow Bridge to the United RAN MBP Puesday, ( 25, at 2 prs | § RANGE TI h! £100 DOOR PRIZE RUSSELL E, €, THORNDYKE | |e day, Oct at 2 pm, Inter: stumbled and fell on him after/Siates in a mountle = escorted ie R PRIZES | MUSELL E. ¢ THORNDYKE | ni ithe i Oshawa. Unio somioimt 5. haste on on hes, Springy comfort plus non-slip safety! THURSDAY OCT 27 n ; Ru I Eugene Crawford Thom club meet near Unionville, Larry Rarlier the day. h priv To, JACKPOT NUMBERS [40 died today. at the Ostawa Rev, N, T. Holmes, minister of suffered chest, log and head in-|y( ich it Be Say: Be rived You get both with Cat's Paw, that's why more and more they are becoming Canada's 52 - 53 |General Hospital, He was 79, °|Harinohy United Church, will Juries | Bagotville, Que most popular heels for all the family's shoes, Have them attached to your shoss } : mduct the services 3 | TONIGHT Il a ad M ry 0) ! oS | | The Malayan leader was flown soon and you'll see the big difference that makes Cat's Paw so outstanding. EA ROOM 35 N HH Ha A y 10TH NORMAN WOODLEY was predeceased hy two brothers 3 3 re Seaw | hay hved n 0 Hawa io A 8 Norman James Woodley ae land a sister yvot the St. Lawrence Seaway en 3 By the makers of famous OATS PAW TIPPS, 0A Mw SOLES and GAT-TEX SOLES, years and had been ill for qjed at his family homestead! My Woodley was a member of |. © 10. give him a look at the near Tyrone, Saturday, Oot, 22, |ihe United Church at Tyrone, Hel 'Mea tional Waterway, . . nmin one month l, Rorn n Datong near Lind: He had been in failing health for was a member of the Masonic a - nN | » Sind , Y Thorndyk a more than a vear urder, No, 325, at Orono 0 Hihy Our years ate ! | married Gertrude Olive \ rralan My Woodley was born in Dar I'he funeral was at the Morris ' Tn' on at Lindsay. in 1910 ington Township, the son of the Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, to ST GER TRUDE S AUDITORIUM He was relired employee of ite Thomm Woodley and Ade day at 3 pm, Interment was in 4 Aud the Outario Hosn Whithy and Hrimacombe, He was married at| Bethesda Cemetery, Tyrone, inl 690 KING ST. EAST FAREWELL : go [Tyrone in 1920. He lived all his! the family plot. The " v member of Northminster Unit eo service wa 20 Games 16 Prizes of $10 od Church in Oshawa, He was" : al the fam i hy m conducted hy Rev, G. Lokhorst - ¥ } Aa N Jy | » DOTY | | 2 ¢ Ys 0 #4 member of the Quarter he deceased 1s survived by| Pallbearers were 1. Skinner Each of $20, $30, $ 10, $50 Century Club, Civil Servants As./his wife, the former Pearl Skin:| Ross Sharpe, Stuart Hosey, Lorne ALSO SHARE THE WEALTH sociation, Ontario Hospital, Whit. ner and a sister, Mrs, David Phare, Arthur Youngman and hy, where he worked before his Hicks (Ethel), of Harriston, HelJames Woulley ! ( EXTRA BUS SERV retiremer R - A ---------- p-- ; CANADIAN CLUB | 8 survived by his wife; two Yow can borrow OF ONTARIO COUNTY dmit od daughters Mrs A, Statham Without endorsers DINNER MEETING--HOTEL GENOSHA or bankable security Ra oN Wednesday, October 26-6:30 p.m, : v Speaker: GUY ARNOLD gu d Author, World Traveller and Lecturer eon the Headhunters of Borneo -and Related Problems" Nustrare vith ( od Slide d Movie THE FASTEST GROWING ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY For Tickets and Further Information, Please Call 17 SIMCOE ST. N CALL AL REKUSN AT RA 5.434) JAMES McCANSH DR C. MH VIPOND Branch atfices thraushout Ontarle Treasurer President residen y p > Phone RA 3.2288 Phone RA 8.146)

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