Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 24, 1960 F f= (Mao Sees 'Russians As | Greatest Power (OF) -- Parfiamnet| * By STEWART Macl EOD & Christmas Britain Detours Defence Plans RAF In OTTAWA (te Leter, say defence & new British missile hay be built for the TSRZ. This aireraft is not expected to he switaiie for carrying the Skyhol, Prime Minister Diefon- ployment, they have heen the SVE the world's order for i three years economically in Eresiest Commanisl power and mbes, iW | Addressing Progressive Con Canadian History.' Alered to sofi-nedel ble ldeslog.- has taken another wide detowr {servative Association exeentives. Eighty per cewi of Canadian ¢5 quarrel with Soviet Premier irom its longierm Aelgnee pio and party organizers, Mr, Dil texpeyers how puid less then Khrushehey in the interest of Brom (hat storied (hres years : did onder previews Communist solidarity, ag, enhaker sald: 4 Ih C "There are Show whe sey len £crermmen Mr, Diefen a" gd v anduhis threes lop thet. It will be 5! "But we sre not sotisfied," he ching serting early. added, p gent 4 1 | He sald Consda had » "There are those who sey that velee In intevnationsl and Com- 8 genersl election is Just around monwesith slfairs, the corner, They don't know how Rights to preserve Sh { ber said . Spturdsy wig | nest. 2 loti be 5 spec is na toih 1 Fei adds its potent) perform. officially secret, the o make is rst Might 1's expected to travel st twice the speed of sound ot high | Altitudes and "hedge 10F TERINY " f ' "We have heen in office only, | | 22% years since the 19% election, WOT AS BAD 1 Lone hall of our allotted time un-| Awtometion, srrivel of Wer Ching snd the Soviet Union snd pounced der the constitution, We have »| (ime babies on the 1ahor market! coiied for Com legislative program ahead which Now, immigration and Incressed { eternal hy, \riendebly?" of he peoples of Red TY We , | WILL TMPLEMENT THEM will esrry oul the resi of promises we have made" productivity per manhowr hed the hs But and A oh £ " (the basic of proportion of the imperialism working force, unemployment (o- Mao. simost seemed to wer | eraft, which three years y peared to he awsiling med go a] we from conventional fields at sre usually considered sit # + bunch - Dinner Business Men's Lunch 12.2 HOTEL LANCASTER Smoke pours from stricken Norwegian tanker Polyans early loday alter explosions set Winnipeg Metro [THE BARE TRUTH Investigate . | ABOUT TEACHER 'Death of System Begins | .ou tees petra dents at a Liverpool school | received a surprise Sunday Piey found out that thelr | MARKDALE (CP) Provineisl Canadian Press Sta'f Writer |principsl streets idle pA ng ten hel, Miss police have opened an investige WINNIPEG (CP Metropol-| bridges and subways The Hark, 18.8 uel, tion into the death of Roy Best tan government for the Winnipeg) quite control ( a 16 news was bared when |ahout 70, found shot to death ares will reach the working stage| : | 1e British Sun Bathing Asso- {last Monday on one of severs this week with the election of a|SCHOOLE ARE SEPARATE ciation elected Miss Clark its [farms he owns in this distriet 25 yoliey-making coun-| Existing municipal councils] five {miles southeast of Owen Sound ' land school boards will remain. The embarrassed teacher A rifle was found beside Best's {Metro will not be concerned with re ers later she has |[hody and the was first | education, The municipalities willl been & nudist all her life but |/'ought to be suicide, Police said {retain control of services and op a secret from [they later learned that Best had erations not taken over hy the GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTEPRING 142 SIMCOE 57, §. RA 8.6451 or RA 3-413) OSHAWA garbage disposal including and mos woman president ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY 1-member eil The ernment area---the then control CARE metropolitan gov for a Canadian urban first was Toronto's second it most people nread and Bome par- | objected if Peaching is m3 hutier she sald ents might have they mew FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS You on THE ror face TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS RA 8-6201 years said all was de:| BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-4681 NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET : fi now 8 | The government will earry out dey was not as had as helore Ehrushehev's theory thet ? form an integral part ig duck ister declared Unemployment in the United nuclear sge and thet commu MISSILE CANCELLED "You win't seen nothing yel," States wae ome per cent higher nism, In any event, Is strong] When the g major por: 4 be Mr, Diefenbaker accused the wes not an issue in the presiden by competition without shooting, tion of Britain's deterrent power y i Liberals of preaching "a ewil of tial election campaign wied {head of the Blue Streak missile, TANKER ON FIRE AFTER EXPLOSION 1 "While those who preach doom prime minister said Communist ay Korie Sige that wor uslyil, missile, it was seid, would fire to vessel while sailing down | Burope. At right is unidentified | area rushed to the Poiyana and | and gloom may have an immed: China should be drawn into dis. "0 4 y i %, | 4 anti-missile missiles would (ake erude ofl en rouie to northern | burning vessel. Ships in the (AP Wirephoto) (ple tell me that you will pever has been acceptance of a dis. 77h Be over the job of fighter planes hi - -- - -- build the greatness of Canada by armament formula hy the United, Mao regards himself as a sup -- A . - Russian missile securne y in | -- doctrine, He has described War 000 ang it was decided that the Khrushehey's revis onl gt doe-| iseiies would he too vulnerable! | y trines tend to weaken the revol- lio aitack, Defence planners | | PY world {ground missiles and the Blue M T ff ul -- | Btreak was cancelled early this) ore 1Ariiis Seeks UN 5. tof thse, mio, te | American-built Skyholt, | shed with| tions and increased tariff and) past president - | iiher protection against imports) The brief sald employment in prime minister's Conference on|time when the labor force is in Red China Crowd Calls Employment by the Canadian creasing, adding thet in the ps. The CMA; noting that one in|single factor *'is the huge volume HFAMILTON (CP) The Gen | s/ ' every four jobs is in the manu-|of fully manufactured goods im. 781 Assembly of the United Na-| a 1 & facturing Industry, sald the] ported into Canada," tions should he convened im | hody | unemployment can he remedied ducing customs duties under the[2dmission of C ist China inh chal { across|is to stimulate the manufactur: General Agreement on Tariffs| Eugene V, Heesaker, president of", L Feinberg, chairman o Wo id J 14 bobo] armament, Sunday was called » sented by T, R, McLagan, CMA tions should be made ot the our- of Ontario, sald Saturday, [ar and a Communist sympath- convention of the war veterans! turn were booed and hissed b C rDrodute ) ) hooed and hiss y| vis Na 1Vrotueea Bods. | organization [150 teen-aged students ro KS ADJUNI 0 oy "We contend that It should he|erned by ome stable government|Blossom Temple, outlined possible within the present/for over 10 years and represents horrors of nuclear warfare and Canadian tariff rates fo levels|tion should be in the United Na-|ernment to refuse installation of which will give existing Cana-| tions." {nuclear weapons on Canadian dian Manufacturers Association; | ha gt . Donald L, Morrell, general man:|™ Me domestic market set of Parliament confirming the meeting of the Canadian Students . : foreign sw Th is the high-school of the Canadian Fed. VEN! dumping of far e group Is Bhs w | Pluses in Canada The "Who Wing of the Combined Universi: than the te ho| fiomicen of Voatar FApoit qu. fought Pg Bh ly RL armament and met at the First i I Saran van | HON period turned into a bitter | tries such as Japan, Control gh prefercnce should be for Can-|dohate between the Pabbi And | imports [the face of a growing labor force, | ing and exporting, fisheries, lum under Canadian, not forei a ! ' gn, au shay forecasts of serious winter un-(Hering, pulp and paper, retailing, | (100 5° Wood, hoth of Brantford, were hue Stan ih Suess. stamping .|elected to the board of directors ) d There are at least si seial- market of the big wartime erop|nadian Legion and commercial p odd nm . Raa a a with of babies od or of the i \raveliors § come tax rates of LL per cent, (of the Ontario command, viet erimes of genocide were 10 the brief said that Canada, faced| A greater stress of education|iimes as fearful as those com | he wor ' OY 20 ie Worying man, is he Lahor already has given an In-| population and high wages, ni levels will be necessary If Can:| 'As a Jew, | consider that dication of its attitude, Earlier have lower rates than Ws ard ads is to meet successfully the statement an Insuli--the state: playment but, with Mr, Diefen- ape forecast the worst period of| Canadian manufacturers' highest | atin d Lahor Minister Starr told dele:|10 times as barbarous as the haker having invited participants oo oo unemployment this win.|costs, gates [Nazis the rabbi replied and or: He rites ence 3 all ite promises, the prime min-the Second World Wer, bes become unthinkable in this" oll projected det plans 1957 he added then in Canade, he sald, but W enough now to defeat capitalism being formulated, ¢ Awas to be In the nul war. pessimism," On internstionsl sitairs, the Jiowever, Mao did not specifie-| / f p make hombers obsolete, and Persian Gulf with a eargo of | ship standing by to aid the | picked up 29 survivors ale advantage, | now have peo-| armament discussions once there Ment of national poliey in the H p 2 - tearing i down In thet way | Nations porter of fundamental leninist But then came the display ol as an Inevitable part of com: gine Siveak, and other fixed site utionary drive of the Communist! pinned their hopes on alr-do- | year I OTTAWA (CP) -- Tax redue- president, and lan F. McRae, A | ' # F wled to come into seryic were proposed today to the manufacturing is declining at 8 Mamifacturers' Association | sociation's opinion the greatest most. effective manner by which! Canada had gone too far Inve. mediately and priority given to) TORONTO (CP)~Rabbi Abra- | 4 | 4 v C [1 § ing industry." The brief was pre-|snd Trade, Ho further redue:|the Canadian Corps Assoctation|¢ Toronto Committee for Di Mr, Heesaker told the I iz . in tariffs on imports competing a ANUS izer by adult hecklers, who in "A country that has been gov:| Dr, Feinberg, rabbi the framework of GATT to adjust one-quarter of the world popula: asked students to urge the gov- IMecLagan, president of the Cane y Salat, ioyident of |@lan industries the major Share| pe association ealled for an|s0ll during an address at the first Commerce; H. H, Hannam,| Steps should he taken to pre-\Red Ensign as Canada's national for Nuclear Disarmament, lution slat The brief questioned the effee-|, oc resolution stated [ties Campaign for Nuclear Dis ¢ | Unitarian Chureh, The final ques: that are imposed hy foreign coun. ©! 11s land should state what the o a "should always remain] | William Bristowe aud Gardon| #918, while students supporied FOREST MUSEUMS employment, entry into the lahor|invesiment, universities, the C Referring to corporation Heckler Peter. Pole sald Bor riad factors that affect the econ FEAR MANY JOBLESS with the disadvantages of a small oth at school - age and adult| mited by Nagi Germany, ing called the Conference on Em«| (iis month, the 1,100,000-member|est competitors since taxes are challenge of the future, federal! ment that any country could be {fo "meet around a table," I 18/ja and called on the government Tax Incentives should he of » cited shocking' statistics) dered Mr, Poole to sit down, being unofficially referred to as : A A 2 ing ih A wii lo summon Parliament into spe(fered to provide greater, hy (which indicate almost 70 per cent| Mr, Poole said later the rabbi oe py neionte, rp. til SesEiON ployment, including incentives Ulof youngsters who entered ele-|had lied and challenged him to a B B0OTE h BOVE The CLC said the aim of gov: manufacture goods not now pro . | y o" 3 t participant stuall ill | {mentary school leave before nublic debate, "You aet lke ment participants actually Willer nment business and unions|duced in Canada 0 rie la C " it at a U-shaped table in the y oi reaching Junior matriculation,/a Communist sympathizer," he 6 i | bl should be full employment, | | 5 pp ree " Senate's banking and commerce M Diefenbaker ounced and only 13 per cent receive shauied | ! elenbake announe | ) 00 | training Jr, Felnberg told the students gommitiee room In the Parlls w h F h proper vocationa k 8 ph Rul " Moi tl i Saturday night fo a gath| atc man oug t "These are shocking facts In|that such an accusation required met iin R incus thei ering here that Parliament will themselves," he sald, "Buf eon:|no answer viewpoints with a half-dozen cab "0 afore ) " : | oo meet hefore Christmas, instead Warehouse Bumed sider the fact that only 80 per| In his speech Dr, Feinberg inet ministers, headed hy the 3 p : 9 f y of the normal mid-January, He) 'o ool" ap) A voung|tent of the jobs in Canada still sald nuclear fallout shelters, ins prime minister tressed that it Is not a special i BRIEFS SUBMITTED hiding he Is oF By 2A i watchman told Sunday of sur: remain in the unskilled and semi: cluding those recommended by Nearly all the 21 organigations early start on the regular ses.|Pr8Ing AA invited have submitted written sion (8 west « ene» Taronto hoat elub briefs in advance, After Mr.| Rut unemployment has been|\ENUNE With one of them but Diefenbaker opens proceedings, giving the government serious | Ne Ravitig to let hoth escape they are expected to comment on concern and, to help counteraet| th # fre broke out in the the highlights of their proposals |it, several steps have already. . 8 dealer, who was drowned in Lake The talks, being held behind heen taken, These nelude an ex {Simcoe Aug, 1, was found Satur closed doors, are scheduled fo pansion of the winter works in.[PIAns a $100,000,000 public works day at nearby Bayview Beach, end about noon Tuesday, pos ntive program under which the! 0Eram to be undertaken by the| Also drowned was Cas Chruszes, sibly with a communique giving federal government pays half the| federal works department this 34, of Orillia, whose body was an outline of proceedings to the/labor costs of approved muniel.| winter found last week, public pal works projects, and extension|™ - ---------- a --_-- | Among those invited were of the government's activities in Claude Jodoin, president of the/the housing field, Canadian Labor Congress; T. R.' The federal government alse SIDINGS Front of Home 10° x 20' Com. pletely Installed the government, can achieve nothing but a false and danger: ous sense of security two would-he thieves in skilled categories, FIND BODY BEAVERTON (CP)~The body of Douglas Hanna, a Stayner car {recently heen threatened hy a £ aay Ld y COTIMON APEY 06% lice and fire departments, In cer {the chest and that he removed All or part of 19 municipalities, | garbage and sewage it will not including the cities of Winnipeg | collect it, It will provide water to area An estimated 270,000 Persons .ont is expected to take over will be eligible to vote Wednes: | oon of of parks of more than 15] LOCKPORT. N.¥ AP) --Fire . engulfed most of a long, twe ee ng ar & four protection of rivers and streams. ern hank of the Erie Canal here 4 : WILL BE CHAIRMAN Besides the cities, the Metro| Saturday night, Firemen By KEN KELLY appointed earlier by the Mani-|Kildonan and Old Kildonan, the] Thirty employees in the brick. business, labor and farm repre: nf toba government as chairman of| towns of Transeona and Tuxedo, and - frame building fled (he sentatives put their heads to- president of the Manitoba public utilities|palities of Fort Garry, Bt. Viial All available fire trucks in this ence called by Prime Minister|dian Bankers Association hoard executive director of| Assinibola, Charleswood, Fast 8t.| Niagara County city were sent to| Diefenbaker Other sectors of the economy ell members will be elected forinicipalities, blaze two - year terms and they willl poo operate the new level tered the race for metropolitan proportion to total assessed prop-|ized forest museums council seats, They include new-| erty, arboretums, in Bweden existing councils Responsibilities of the eouneil purposes, water supply and sew: Detroit Mother DETROIT (AP) Mrs, Marg: aret Mary Giunnane gave. birth A nurse Providence Hospi: tal reported the 30 - year - old ahout 450 000 people half the oin fields recroaniviity. will he ale Man who found the population of Manitoba split--while Metro will dispose of it st. Bon Bt. James and Kast! monicinalities but will not de Pl : Pl Kiidonan, le within the Metro|ll or astic Plant ] t Later the metropolitan govern Bums To Ground nemp oymen day to choose councillors in 101.0006" diking and flood control districts to run Metro for its fF8t oivil defence, weed conirol and| storey plastics plant on the west } onnyeastle, inni-|area includes all the municipal- but a small section Canadian Press Staff Writer R. H G. Bonny : | I ani | secutive, was!ities of West Kildonan, North stroyed OTTAWA (CP) Government peg printing firm execu 4 { the council for the first four|and the village of Brooklands |flames safely, firemen sald, No gether today to talk over em: cration of Agriculture, and H years, Elswood Bole, chairman| It includes most of the munici-| Injuries were reported ployment in Canada at a confer- Thomson, president of the Cana the metropolitan corporation, Paul and West St, Paul and|the scene as flames leapt 180| The object is to throw up ideas/to be represented include con After the first four years, coul-ismall parts of three other mu-| feet skyward at the height of the for steps that might be taken in|struction, metal mining, import elect their own ehalrman of government will come through Thirty-one candidates have en-ithe member municipalities in comers to municipal polities as well a8 men with experience on will include public transit, plan ning, public assessment for tax Gives Birth to quadruplets all boys here Sunday and hoys doing well and 20, quite at mother the thrilled Doctors gome Lime quadruples Peter, Paul ard The Giunnanes live In suburban Highland Park. The father earns $68 a week at a machinery manu. facturing firm Abandoned Children Taken Home TORONTO (CP)--Two infants, abandoned in Toronto by their mother last month, were re: turned to their father in San Francisco Saturday hy two con: siderate airline employees Mrs Stremlau, 29, of Oakland, Calif., left Michelle, 232 months, and Theresa, seven months, with a bahy sitter in a downtown hotel and disappeared after losing her money at a race track, police said The Catholic Children's Ald So- elely traced the father but he could not afford the fare to get the children home Cynthia Cochrane and Barbara Hobson of American Airlines vol: unteered to take the infants to California by jel, using most of their annual 7.500-mile free air travel allotment to0 get them there, There was no charge for the 5. since children under two travel free If accompanied adults The accident -- wasn't his | par fault ! RISTOW (OLSEN ple K i HEAL £5747, How Agents Save You Money Recently we happened to overhear a woman describing @ house she was consid. ering buying "But it's being handled by an agent. ® she said, "and | don't want to pay all that extra money in commission. We wished right then for a chance to explain 10 her that she could actually save money by buying through an agent father, Gerard fold Mrs. Glunrane ago she would have They are named | Vincent and Ger. But he's paying for it! ¥ ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE Former Turkish Foreign Min. deres, the former premier | The other driver ; was at fault but he had no insurance ! ister Rustu Zorlu spol 0 an, . microphones as he hoke inte | along With ex-President Celal dence in his own defense last | Bayar and 3 others, including week during mass trial of for- | %orlu, face the death penalty mer government leaders of the | on charges of abrogating Tur Adnan Menderes regime on | key's constitution PAUL RITSOW ¥ -(AP Wirephoto) . A You don't believe it ? Then look at ¥ this way: Aside from the natural human desive to got as high « os they ean, sellers are notoriously optimistic about how much their houses are worth, and are likely to ask fantastic prices, Unless you, as & buyer, have studied hundreds of houses that are currently on sale=--as we realtors are doing all the time==you may not know whether the seller's asking price ble or Yau lada Island, Turkey, Men. TROUD( CII Sensational Meat Features Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Breakfast BACON 35% | WIENERS 29: | TENDER CLUB ¢ seer gw. 1.00 Yes, it sometimes happens that way . , . Sometimes a driver or an adult member of his family is killed or permanently disabled when the family ear is involved in - accident and the costs cannot he recovered from a river, CIA's Accidental Death and Impairment (AD & 1) protection could help you meet such an emergency ! And accepting the benefits of this coverage would not affect your right to recover damages because of legal liability ef someone else AD & | protection is available to CIA's automobile policyholders ORVAL HOWIE HOWARD FOLEY 27 Burk Street, Oshawa RR 3, Bowmanville RA 3.4945 MA 3.3277 MRS. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle OL 5.4770 Co-operalors Insurance Association Automobile Insurance for careful drivers EASY TERMS Dianne 5 YEARS TO PAY But vou can be sure that If you go to & reputable dealer and tell him what kind of house you want, he will never ask you to consider anything that isn't priced reason ably. He will already have presuaded his clients 10 reduce their prices to a reason 50 a deal can be made quickly and easily; The realtor is not interested in ¢ trying to sell an over-priced. house, even CARL OLSEN though the amount of the commission would be higher, because it would take him far more time and effort than the extra af commission would be worth FOR ADDED BEAUTY & INSULATION TO YOUR HOME PRE-CAST STONE ALUMINUM BRIXITE able level 299.00 149.00 119.00 amount --e- - e-em Am ane . Ts, Rogal Home Improvement Co. Lid. : 3557 ST, CLAIR AVE. E. SCARBOROUGH, ONT, . OX 9.7186 Please send me more information en 1] 0 ALUMINUM This attitude also benefits the seller, who is better off mak ing a deal immediately, instead of waiting months for someone an unreasonable amount for the house TWO MEANINGS? BROMLEY, Eagland (CP) The meaning of the motto on the coat-of-arms of this Kent town is being challenged. For 57 years| the matte "Dum Cresco Spero" has heen translated as: "While! I grow 1 Hope Now, Latin scholars say it should be: "While 1 Hope 1 Grow" 10 pay both buyer and seller benefit materially from the weal s efforts 20 tor Ristow and Qlien [IY EN SKINLESS Ib STEAKS 49 BRIXITE LTORS

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