Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY R VER Many sn wrdent believer in the Elou'y Wii Sant Deion Very brotherhood of man exercises o , with 2 chance snow the right to choose the brothers urries, with whom he associates, VOL. B90. 246 PrP OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1960 bon" Srlen" Opn, oars EIGHTEEN PAGES | QUIZ GM PRESIDENT ON SMALL CAR IDEA ---- ---------------------- Gold Prices po 'Closer Than You Think' Rise Again 1 To Assembly In Canada H. Walker of General Motors of Mitted earlier Lo the commission LONDON (CP The price of pare ty are paying Wits nobles 4 ; g Canadas Limited said today the " My Vis Rg fe neming gold on the London marke fe ast week's denial by the firm is "closer than you think" conmeni decision would 20 some surged to almost % above the United Hates treasury of FHmOrs to assembling a British small car, way to reducing the price advan fixed American price today as @ that the UE omight devalue the in Canada tage held by foreign imports over Way orde oured in dollar hy ighe 6 ) Tl sew ly ve ' " orl hoe poured rs ' Vid fixing & higher pri He gave that reply to Prof. Canadian-made cars, That deeis om Europesn res 0" oi 4 en 4 a On. RXDE f a off ect The market moved steadily up Orders were coming in from Vincent Blade n who opened Week ion, expected to take effect Dee, ie ma y - y the. Continent today for dealers long public hearings by the royal 1, would raise the basis of value ward from + de. rang hi ig iy ¢ ob 2 tg beet orice avaliable commission on the Canadian auto- on which duty on foreign cars 8 7.5) and $34.50 an ounce, estab Hy ' tive shry i 5 sulle se Trahan Oe adi. eslare 1h withou oiting a limit, This 4 motive industry which is suffer. based 15h J a ing from tough competition by Mr. Walker sald GM was closer United Kingdom and Fauropean than might be thought to putting morning. and reached just under Was the first time this has bap Phe offic erican selling pened on the London market in $b. The official American sling imports of small motor vehicles. lout the British Vauxhall, produce Prof. Bladen, dean of aris atiof a GM British subsidiary, in . the current hoom, although the he University of Toronto, hegan'il ountr ap- Price touched $41 an onnce last 4 questioning the big three of Mr. Walker also sald OGM of BUY IN VOLUME ' Canadian industry--General Canada is prepared if possible to » Al erians Last week there were continen Motors, Ford of Canada and compete in Britain against GM tal orders tor up to a ton of gold E. BH. WALKER Chrysler. He led off with ques: products here al a time-more than $1,000.000 price is 555 an ounce One dealer sald speculators th al & clip. A Dally Mall » financial expert sald today there Slain In is evidence sme of the buying was by American financiers fear . . ful that John Kennedy will de | feat Richard Nixon in the forth . | Paris Riot | coming presidential election hd 'We must remember," sald the| 1 n u O T1 PARIS (AP Algerian na expert, Paul Barean, "thal the ore tionalist sunday night moved big money bags are with the Re ba a WAH dl - 4 " Liheir rebellion into the heart of publicans, who are apl to fear R ON CROWNED MISS RED FEAR | HER 1960 {Paris with simultaneous attack the worst from a possible Demo OITAWA (CP - Furopean #rious oe of the alto " turer value gave impor an on five Left Bank police posts, |eratic administration built automobiles will continue to dustry before Professor Vincent edge He added to 1 p i lust W. Bladen, dean of arts at the he governmemt Is reported "If the Republican administra éroile the nhdan - Gat : University of Toronto, who is planning (0 raise import valua tion were to devalue the dollar less the government follows conducting a one-man Inquiry tions effective Dee, 1 now, this would mean certain {radition by providing some \a Bul GM said it had studied! "The eombined effect of rising Pamela Peterson, 18, a stue | together Club" ai OCVI audi: | of the title, Is shown left as | and Doreen Campa, 1, a sii (wounding seven policemen dent sf Oshawa Central Col: | torium, Miss Peierson is the | she crowns Pamela, Miss Red | dent at OCVI | Two of the nationalists wer leglate, was chosen Miss Red | deughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ken | Feather, Runners " for the | " bv oe Boras. Osha | slain. And an undetermined num Feather for 1060 at Saturday's | Peterson of 124 Switzer avenue, | coveted title were Keiths Mo- | Photo hy doe Beri Bawa dance mest of (he "Geb | Cathy Puskss, the 1060 holder | sler, 16-yenr-old from OCCH, | Tines Staff Fhotographer Police engaged the aitackers in bu oy hl A He Se - a lively gun battle across the her wounded, police said |defeat for Nixon." if protection, General Motors of caiy the possibility of manu 'mports and declining exports The price this morning before|Canada Limited told the voysl| oo ing or assembling fn Can represents a challenge to the the "fixing of the nominal offi-| commission on the aulomotive In. cae ne peiish Vauxhall, a Gen- Canadian auto motive industry busy Avenue de la Gare, andi co, oo 0% ne day fluctuated dustry today | ih P . Bod Du d d others by automobile in| 18! price for ay fluetuat try : : ii, eval Motors product imported hy|. . « Buch as i has oot faced (®) e ega te £, Y m Pursied othe WA iin the! between $36.50 and $47.50, about! The company made no specific yo" canadian firm in quantity, |sinee its inception," GM said, 4 25 cents shove the closing price|tariff recommendation Wn leading "4 River Seine foward the Place de| {3 cents Chet igi al However, Canadian labor Costs MARKEY SHARE DROPS dos excise taxes made 5 , ? In Bastille, wag NB a y 0, olive, avon ApS wh " ! * pany 'ald ns it, brief: Few of sh ff, Sh Al since 10 62.9 PORT QOLBORNE (CF)~Po- | gerian Moslems, many velsrans required parts could he made on™ oy Cor eompated us O85 - Ql | ess10l] 1 lice have a mystery on theiriof the French Army narc Y eigns {here economically either, with 82.4 per cent in 1969--and hands today which may involve| As the Algerian police and ter | Canadian labor pan' more than | "figures so vy a murder or merely egal dump rorisis slugged it out in the $1 an hour higher than in Brit 1060 do no Au Sviliatie for UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) kend for id jon ln the such weapons, and MH calls onl ing into the Welland ship canal. streets, other nationalists roamed lain, It was actually $61 cheaper jate reversal of this trend." Poland pushed a proposal today | committee those other countries nol to ac rew members of the Amer the area in commandeered taxls I e ongo {to import a Vauxhall than to ry GM sald i plans to produce that the UN General Assembly! Poland was among the fivelcent them can barge Michigan fold police jeprorizing crowds by firing on to assemble it In Canada because one-third of the Corvair eom. 9 i A ' 1 {oops © Saturday they observed two cars, avery policeman In sight, More) od i wy 4 € rvalr 01 hold a special of stopping ( countries thetl wo 0 calle on all countries wi hendligl t I : y Paris was |of the differing application of eX naeis introduced last year and puclear tests If no agreement Is walled out last June 7 on nego to refrain from establishing new wail of o ya Ay my i" p i A Juanes il ih Yen) LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) Con:|Col, Joseph Mohutu having cise and sales taxes In the Wo will import three new smaller . | ' i i 1@ WRlerway an ump y turmoil bh; je series nl le : reac hed by next April 1 | tations in the 10nation Kant i, tallations for misslis or Duelwhat appeared fo be 8 body into parang io oll ny | golese troops today terrorized the|turned to rioting, killing, looting Canon, |ears from (iM lines in the United The assembly's political cotn-| Wen dinabmuthent oonkibile "| olonr weapons at home or abroad the wator, The harge wos fled | population into staying away|and terrorizing civilians fhere is no incvease in evi-|Siates, If conditions warvanted, mittee looked to Yugoslav dele Geneva, charging WeSiand from permitting foreignlup on the opposite wall of the lfrom the elaborate ceremonial| At the ceremony at the sports/dence that Canadians want an|they would be produced here | austerity car but it is true that, Paris producers are an integ gate Dobrivoje Vidic for insight |stalling countries to establish sueh instal: canal awalting good weather be 'o into the thinking of some new-| But her resolution 'would have lations on thelr territories fare entering Lake Erie not er in.i. [parade held in an empty sports| Stadium, Brig. Gerald Michel ofl ony clanadians want a cheaper ral part of the industry and have the Ghana Army roared out com-| " ' fi Py w 1 y, N " vow -- stad J Bf J 9 M 8 --_-- y i tral delegations working on 4 the assembly call on all coun stadium to commemorate United mands on the green foothall field Automobile, sald GM, They gol suffered as much as auto com 4 omise disarmament Pesos |p " 1] 9 MODE: . p ' 8 compromise I V tries not to undertake any 'Mad Bomber | Nations Day here in front of the deserted stands | hat in the European ear, to the panies from imports, GM said lie vg wie f ould vendut P 11 : ' In secessionist Katanga, the/where a handful of UN offic juts Setrment oo! the fanadion lus The W-nation committee ex«|/ the disarmamen peg ialions 0 1Ce al e S | ¥ % med | and Invited uests provided al'™v WOugh price advantages pected British Minister of State more difficult NEW YORK (AP A bomb|FTOVinelal government warned Seats | [brought about by import tax ap:| Kennedy Named David 0: hy. t Ve | hat if the UN does not recall its| weak applause plication full Phin of Britain's ap- | WANTE EARLY AGREEMENT was discovered today In # tele ohigf representative "he will be ewhere in The Congo, only | | a a 8) P rrp ! nl 3 Ide ASE 2 : : hn | Sima the I particular, the resolution! phone booth at Penn # ania fi | removed by military force." De-lin Thysville, where the armored He suggesied these moves Election avorite proach lo disarma i notes owrent Geneva negotia: one Qa (®) 5 tion, one of the world's busiest fence Minister Joseph Yav told| and commande units of the Con I. Elimination of the "dis iden of having techni al. experts tions of Britain, the. Soviet Union [railroad depots a press conference the UN repre-igolese army are stationed, did|eriminatory" 7%-percent excise| By HAROLD MORRISON study inspection problems Uk. land the United States for con The discovery came us pollce| sentative, Ian Berendsen of New| officers appear fo be still main-{tax on automobiles to lower the Canadian Press Staff Writer yidie Sn) MON nd, Xie trolled cessation of nuclear weap. MONFREAL (UF)--~Bquads of known to stay away from the| Were Inve Shighting a 8 mh = |Zealand, and most members of {taining effective command | etail price and increase de-| In the minds of some poll take ralnlan Forelg inte Ake y 4 " Ve 8 a § Sunday aboard a ferr p ' rere i ' a Pilamat irk were listed toons tests and calls for conclusion provincial pollee ralded several polls and whose voles could he plo Bop diy Bliy Manhattan toy mili vid Sommund were 4 Sereaming troops, threatening|mand for Canadian vehicles gps news commentators and pro ol k in the commitles's cone Of AN Agreement on this hy nex! houses Sunday night on the eve|' passed fraudulently ht A uy [ta y Iinadequale a NOMA: | with loaded rifles and using the| What the government lost in rev:|fessional gamblers, De m o cral pea A the comm ¥ [A 1 of Montreal's munieipal election Unfolding arg | platen Isiand [sized that his objections were not|p. iio oe oluhs, Sundé i thelenue would be regained through|john Kennedy I stab . " - ous dis. [Apri amg a arge electoral] Police we lacing Increased Bh ig | § as 5, dunday pu 10 John Kennedy has established a tHnuing hs hate on ri. A "Walling this," It says, "the| Mayeralty candidate Jean Dra-|map of Montreal Mr, Drapeau] 2" hb pa its that the" the UN itself {police in Leopoldville to flight|other forms of tax and a reduc:|definite lead against Republican Armament questions {problem should he immediately pean told aboul 1,000 persons al salt it bore markings showing pee. i toh ih ae the 118 pan.| In Leapoldville fewer than 200|and took over the Negro quarier|tion in unemployment relief pay: Richard Nixon ) 4 Was ¢ 10 ] 9 J B | p " r SUBMITTED RESOLUTION submitted to the United Nations(#n ansiend pally the raids had| showing more than 4,000 votes| 00 50 0 Gonkoless Joa had Jhe giant Ba [of this city of 800,000. The night)ments But Kennedy, in the home Poland's proposal resembled General Assembly at a seshign|netied "positive evidence' of the were felogeaphed in the same The blast was the fourth in the|douin Stadium 10 Wa Pa hetore they fell into a fight with] 2, Correction of the "inequity" |stretch of the election campaign, miles out and|of the 1l.per-cent federal sales|stil faces great tests, Still une aay soviet Premier Khrushehev's specially convened for this pis | exisience of 'a glant telegraph. (distriet in 1957" Almost enongh| iy within the last three Weeks rade of British trained African | villagers & few idea that the assembly should | pose. {Ing network" designed to steal|to have returned me to the may-(y explosions oogured on |rooRs Readnloci %o ow hi killed 10 Negroes tax so thai its impact would be|known is the impact of President hold a special session next. The resolution asks the nuclear! yiotory at the polls oralty throughout this city kept the POD'| ypited Nations forces every-|fhe same for both Canadian:|Kisenhower's open campaigning | Sundays, the fourth on a holiday te » ore March or April on disarmament, powers to hold up' tests th] they! Te sul he personally ucom:| He wan deteated at that elee-| police believe a new "mad ulation from attending the ere-| whore maintained a hands « off made cars and imports, Basing|{for Nixon and the anti-Roman | money poliey, 'the tax on domestic manufae-|Catholie campalgn, But while Khrushehev has lim: agree on cessation, It calls on panied police a raid on one tion hy Mayor Sarto Fournier T . i ted himself to mere suggestions, them not to deliver nuclear] rooming house In which fake ball "When I sald in 1957 that] pie explosion aboaid the ferry he Congolese troops oceupie i ------ : hin Poland made a formal move by weapons to other countries or! lots, cards and other documents | there liad been 20,000 stolen voles Wo kOr30 ¢ % OF hattered | he eity Sunday, running off the FERRI pa Tr ubmitting a resolution over the help other countries produce were selved {they laughed at me. Now I've several bench blasted & (wo local police loyal to deposed hee J -- 4 atrice Lumumba oday v were in the house Proven in one small part of one . 4 Y Wd | Tier Four persons we ! | fool wide hole in a deck started 0 soldiers and the policemen none 5 pest ed {electoral district there were 600 x » + | A UNEMPLOYMENT ee pte gift te] es 10 00 in 8, mall re and ent splinter vif pray. The Con " J : LAH I PAT i sontrol rald on the rooming house hat Provincial police have Juris] "After the boat docked at Staten lese appeared out of control of 3 N their officers sald they were not taking: sides diction In oity elections because |yaand, the exits were sealed and in the election, They were ouly all municipal Organizations are police questioned the passengers, SCENE OF CHAOS i acling on gomplaing brotght by Chartered by the provinelal Rove honing they had trapped the! Virtual anarehy reigned § private citizens ernment |homber. But & few hours later all| throughout most of the rest of A 1 Proviagial pollee director, Jos total of MGA voters had been released The Congo, with the troops of| aphat Brunet, sald Mr. Drapeau roughly one-sixth of Monireal's -- . obtained a segrell warrant sign A population are eligible to select conomy 1 1%) by Jiklge Mare-Andre Blain and{a municipal administration for a then visiied him, restricted two-year term My, Drapeau sakl he would ao The voters will choose between 0 our an OTTAWA (CP) The Canadian) welfare, low-rental housing, slum osurt tulay to demand afrest ve Santidates io dio. IRayoralty Labor Congress, warning that|clearance, urban redevelopment, as \ national survival is at stake, parks, roads and development ho oid Sy up alt Jt is ih J dale Rs for. 66. pleotly bi called today for a massive push and conservation of natural re a. pian. 0 SUAPRGIN Too hes wil. aide be askiod in. a oun u } g) stme | pe A V alse ask F Aig, dl J datunegto o Sourey Maps and other cards and doe joint referendum whether 3 ap a . heb raid eth omy WANTS MORE MONEY uments showed plans to tele: pointed "class ( councillors PENETANGUISHENE (CPi tered the cabin through a window "The obi al wou Wiered to the! The money could he raised raph O07 votes tn a section of [should be abolished or retained. The pellet-riddled body of Oliver| opposite the one through Which ) me Pihisiars Ce h bod un |OBly by deficit financing by gov. Klectal Distriol 4, These are appointed by various Forget, 36, was found Saturday Forge! was shot, The body was| i Mu a ais henth | ernments and an increased in the! He claimed cards found in the bodies sueh as universities, la. on the floor of his one room cabin| lying across the doorway, A par | tut , 10 p he le NT a. {money supply. The 1,100,000. Tall bore the nawies and de:(bor groups and business organ On the outskirts of this Georgian taliy-oonsumed meal was on the one of six Kinds of unemploy. member congress argued this soviptions of voters who weve rations | Bay community tahle nent the labor body said plagues Would ot be inflationary be. Forget \ hee Yai Sufi: HEARD NO SHOT he SOONG {oause Canada has the means of piencient ahd tather o nS a | Nearby residents sald they The CLC brief, presented hy|Produetion and necessary labor in the chest hy a shotgun teed , cog'oo ono Friday night, With President Claude Jodoin as the 10 produce extra goods to mate through the window of the eahin| oy Bunters in the area. they two-day conference opened, re the extra money put in olroulas Hod the 10-acre Christmas tree) cig" lav would not have paid | ar erated peated a demand for an immed] ton farm he operate much attention bomber" is loose | fale, emergency session of Par] The 12,000 - word brief sald M In [ The hody was discovered byl Chief Arbour said when he en:| § lament! to start now implement | chronic unemployment, in evil ust crease anal Tolls {F. J. Brady of Strathroy, Onl. iiered the cabin, the radio and an pet ing proposed solutions dence hefore the current de HAMILTON (OP) -- Tolls on the Welland Canal will have [MV Forget's employer electric heater were on but lights It sald the steam has gone out] crease in production and likely to be inoreased If recent improvements are to be amortized | Police sald rabbery may hive! were out : if defence spending and privateito be worse even after produc aver the next 80 years, Gen. Howard D. Graham, president {heen the motive Relatives olf Forget, "a widower, moved to WeSLINen although they vesltion turns up again, is & bigger and general MADAEer of the Great Lakes Waterways Develop IM Forget sald he had with. Cobourg five years ago. He had] 3 nained big factors in economio! broblem than recession unem ment Association, sald today drawn between S500 and S1LO0 returned to supervise outting of owth, Large sustained ineiployment just beginning to be y from the bank Friday. Police did] Christmas trees on Mr, Brady's asd were required in spend. felt \ 3 . not find his wallet farm amd his own lst wn health, eduoation, ohild! The most Immediate problem Auto Industry Needs Protection A taxi stolen Friday night wa He had withdrawn the money " y ---- " was to reverse the tread te fall "OTTAWA (CM Protection for Canada's auto indusiey recoversd and is ng examined Friday aight to pay employees . . -- HE A Le A {ing production which was pro hard pressed hy foreign imports, was urged today hy Cheysler {hy provincial police identification! and often carried large sums of CITY EMERGENCY ducing recession unemployment,] Corporation of Canada, Limited, before the roval commission [experts (rom Barrie. Two child: money with him, relatives said and the best remedy 'Is tax on the antomotive industry ™ ound he car on a dirt road Palice sald they are investigat PHONE NUMBERS |". Fos toe ss Ye SU UWE SHUNTER DERAILED IN OSHAWA purchasing power, and hence Snow Snarls London Trattic Mr. Brady sald he went 10 For tion between the shooting and the {business activity, faster than get's oabin about 8 am. and armed roahbery of Mrs. Harvey Shown above Is a ONR diesel | the line between the mala | tracks blocked, so that traffie POLICE RA 5.113% anvihing else . The first heavy snow of the season swirled inte centesl could nol gan entry. He en Turner, 74, a storekeeper who shusting locomotive devalled at | depot yards and Geneval Moo had to use another line across FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 | in addition, the perennial prob and southern Ontario today, or PPling traffic in some a8 with quired at a neighbor's: then re. was beaten and robbed Thursday a awitah between King street | 1078 iH remained across the Bruce streel and up Ritson W \ why lem of "seasonal unemployment falls of up to olght inches. London's morning rash-hour was urned to the cabin and saw the nigh Two armed masked men tracks all moming waiting for road "which connects the depot HOSPITAL RA 3.2811 joi 10.0 workers Is a national] snarled hy an elghtineh fall, heaviest reported for an urban | hody entered her store and escaped Oa nd Athol stveed Hus a ovane from Toronto to Ht tt 10 GM : scandal renlre { Police Chief John Arbour en iwith $18 worming The gpaine is used on | back in place. Thiy left the Oshawa Tunes Photo

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