Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Oct 1960, p. 14

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 24, 1960 svi THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:3 1.-Accountonts (13---Gardening & Supplies (32---Articles Wanted 37---Male Help Wanted (44--Houses, Apts, Flots [44--Houses, Apts, Flats won iin. wowveinn, wiht, wd | CLASSIFIED AD RATES FOR wend Wing, soreying and pri NEW BUSINESS i CASH FOR SCRAP | [| BAVESMAN wanted, Saiary ib. Apply For Som : For Rent tered Aeemantonts, KA SIV], ing of your chiubs and evergiaeny | 0 FIVE . room house, near Movie Gr Ca nehools, inside Simens Street North; Apex WH 25 words or jew [for complete Gueden Servies Al WE BUY | bungalow, oi] fre x Inace sh % 8356, Osh Home Landscaming. | k SHOE repaie man, part or full time, | "IPE ¥ DU, west of 3 uk Cot. Sotto pont li legges ore | ELEPHONE ! IS I INGS STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, [Must be aauahified. Apply Baron's, us | ehiereh, ry de includes heat, | Phone MArket 32715 WE UEWAE and Co, Accowntemis § 5 CONSECUTIVE 2 y PAPER, RAGS, etc Simene Hirest South. HA 3 FIVE room hamian, wd Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 11 On INSERTIONS 226 ' greet, Oshawn, Optane, KA 6 CONSECUTIVE iad GTI 375 412 KUHN your savings with cash you get 2 i vALE, FRIEDLANIRR, owen wa | "ME v by selling things you he longer use TRY OUS | SECRETARIAL ' i ! to live, Any wee. Delivered, planting 48 done, Free estimantes, MA 39905 { Ope All Day Seturdoy FURNISHED three - 100m spariment 10 | store, love, Nok, Wusiness couple Iv pA | M Oshawa dotnet. | 5 ages | GREENBERG & SONS : pA FIELD SALES oe a hath. [PmmEE Hom Hat. wilurnished, hil OVERLOAD wn s7ins on wir sb | ENGINEER [70 wile iti "ie isine VE uit pon SERVICE : , Restor, H roam basement speri ; ' SERVIC: 7 |34--Auction Sale We require a0 graducte | gsEWERSHOP for rent Alse (oir room anburmiahed, $55, maninty ud HOPKING and Company, Corti CE constitutes 6 new orignal B §) L B S | chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, wecializing in Typing, Short -- Mechanical Engineer for an apartment, cupboards, heav) wing, | {AI516 or apply 94 oniaith Avenue, ed Pu pcenuntants, 172 King Cl { : hand, Dictaphone, Bookkeep attractive sstion in the hi pYivate shirdied RAY hed, { East, Oshews, Ontario, BA Protessional and Business listings milk shake h OB lophone okieny N SALE ty ' Pr v FOUR avien, hentad, vigcinie| TILE Soom ApRstment os fur furvished i > jonal 4 usiness fisting | " 4 feo ging, Direc hailing, IED vdustri ie 4 room a 4 # . : il 57.55 per month tor 3 times daily, li Vian Belle Gardens MODERN GRILL ee orang, | me AUCTIO Industriel Jeld working out ve: Vrigwdawe, ample paring. AVAIL [ur RA" iis or sly To Sn FoR TLANOVE Oriana Acening |} Each additional Vine $100 per ' No, 2 WE DELIVER---RA 5.3687 graphing. tor tas Nr Towmgnwill plant able November |. Phone RA 9001. (aout; ; by East on No. 2, office assistance MO 8.8181, received instructions Applicants should be 28 to |puararrs pres complete bookkeeping | month 4 a ETRY died ; Having MA 35757 "1 from the Executors of the 35 years of age, Position in- | with stave, fr {1 oy: joa rashes | ebtng for four months on) only immed: pis fai Cetams ap tors, Licensed W not paid within 7 days the throwgh an Oshews Times Classified : ogg and Oo Ph wet Charge rote will apply Ad. Catt BA 33492 today BAR-B-OUED CHICKEN of, Otawe; B. 1, Yule, CA; ¥ Above fates apply only fo original Chicken plate, half chicken PI orders for consecutive inserfions > Comm, CFA Subsequent insertions ordered of a The home of Quality Dutch with french frigs, fish and fr mall Tusiness jh pond Each Initial letter, abbreviation, p 4 i 27 Rod ---- Roce 1 ib unfur y est, Room Otfies RA 56 ign, figu cots owmanville YD # # fy 08 3 an, Loge adnan Open Evenings | 18--Loon Wanted odio epoirs -- Estate of the late Amelia volves general engineering |and dryer w site and TR dei Lo WOAZINGH, We rediied pibliel]l Al Classified Advertisements -- --------1 w-- GEORGE'S TY servies, TV serials, Dunkley there will be sold by problems related to Industrial Wa Pobiustie w Cala arson. po RA $0760 sreeountant and wuditor, 81 King Street} JUST be in by 5 pm. the day ber rotators, towers, $9.95 and up. Aer-l public auction Oct, 20th at Rubber products with consid. M0, Immediate 5. Call Pao oom house, plus twa rooms ¥ r BA B474 fore pubiication, Office hours: Baily § Mardy Privet . 10c and up MONEY TO LOAN als moved, vepuired. Free estimates! Geipeuants Auction Room, erable travelling Palterson, 4 ] bungalow, i on 4" ay + to town, avaliab an 00m op 4 ywhere in city and surrounding dis p: MONTEITH, MONTEATH rixnL, and | 8-5, Soturday B12 triets, Phone RA 3.9525 or RA 57521 33 Holl St, the household Must have the ability to han. | veniences, ares, p Charte Ausountanis, BA 5921 REGULATIONS " me immediate |e on First and $05_pe tenet North i Alex WH contents, upright pianos, dle problems and sell mer- sles 1, ov or, Rel |THE + The Oshawa Times hat net be Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Evers t y Mort A SPECIAL television, chesterfield Suite, chandise on the executive 2 Ek wy responsible for errors In advertise Secon rtgage gree 4 FONALD V0. WilsoW, Chartered (| ments submitted otherwise than in green ats for Sain. on 8 a. 5 -r gramophone, bedroom suite, level refrigerator, washer snd p niant, Oshaws, Ootarie. RAR uiiting, nor for more thon one |i VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING 3 g dining room suite, chrome, Good starting salary and ex- [boo drapes on all windows, LAE pg : incorrect insertion of adver- §i died d 4 improved property, residen ON FAMOUS kitchen suite, Astrol refrigs tensive - employee benefits decorated, pow 4 HEATHD, modern three - room, ki - f f, nor beyond the price RA 5.9642 tial and industrial city, sub ) ? } suite, 9 4 Shown by sppointment only. Call How: nd bathroom, Jahr, dryer, i horged for @ single Insertion of nd 4 ahing Y erator, kitchen range, rugs, Apply in person or by letter |srd McCabe at RA 56544, John A. J Ha Phone MA 3-509, Api. 7, 69 King 2-~Barristers charged for a sing g re =| urban and country, end Sum SAMPSON tables, chairs, dishes and to Personnel Manager, Bolahood (4d. Realtor, Hii Bowmanville, Also store en Ma . hy ' id 4 ---- - 7 the advertisement in which sror BOWMAN David 1, Barneter, Solel lB "oon And also reserve the right |i URORA SAND & mer cottages many other articles, Terms . MOVE In temory bedroom - ' « South. HA 50602. Wel: | oo"cioceify advertising according 10 AUS A 5 " Summerland Securities Lim yo y THE GOODYEAR TIRE |apartments, ia nary tacites and pav: | Wi ~ room wpariment, new stove A BA cla) 9 / ab pub 4 | $154 ; po p a cash. , 4 : ie on clowtiation GRAVE ited 112 Simcoe Street TV TOWERS Frank Stirtevant & RUBBER COMPANY (Karli B¢ W™*Wifion" 14d, Rewer A Ra Fes 4 %, Bayehy nd Hillman, in the cass of display advertise . y . Hr Yer met, um: || ments The Times wil not te neia || Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, | North, Oshawa, Phone RA Auctioneer OF CANADA, LIMITED [HA boosh, RA $903 oF HA 190. af Bavehyn, BA; W. A. | responsible for more Road Gravel, Pit Run d 40-fr. tower structure with / | WHITBY -- two - bed i, FUR apartment, private bath (LB 36: King Street East.) thot in which the actual p -- ng! adess AC 2-13 all -- Bowmanville, Ont fi nd refrigerator. Balcony, Ieun:|and entrance; suitable for couple op o WA 93177; Res, RAR Decupies, The pubis i? VALLEY FARM RD 19---Personal aonel heod. $59.95. com |35--~Employment Wanted |.____ ee | 0¥0, a0 po ans, TY anion. mater wilh child. vy. care Valiahle, Mo 7161; WA 58, | 45 reproduce all o ng ma Phone Mobile Operator ; pletely: installed and guaran. \NURNE. will ease for Taian or shi 39--Agents Wanted [Avply Apt, 10, 101 Crayon Mond, MO ' correctly bit as ) 4 TEmple 9.2541 ADIES ve yo f de 10} teed | year dren, any age, by day, hour or wee} we ARH -- UNFURNISHED (hres - room hase. CC OIEBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | ony inaccuracies np mateh i / velmiirs, vel in own home. Excellent references, MEN Pleasant outdoor work, Aver: (agian Three - room apartment, ment apartment, omplete privacy, lt ie sont 1 | or "een Gnioned Soret cuit Wa Thi" ; Prone WA" Viia evr ho ies AE el ator sd Seared, Way oo lcelon, BA aS Street North ere) model, clean and blog 500% ry, Write Bawleigh's ve MeGibhon, QC) ANDSCAPING RA 8-8180 LADY bookkeeper requires Job, full or $003 Richelien. Montres) oe Street South In periment me" (THREE - room a co wove and x id L dd \3 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) ' pis gM iipidbig asl BLL. THR . B (bamboo_drapes_included, BA 81296, refrigerator, close lo hus stop and shop: ENWERON. Ea criier. saliol | SERVICES mailed post pad In plain sealed en 0S HAWA TV | lence, fluent English, BA 84704 ch HSH IAS ors, efi Cit SNRs. acoment. Spm ping aves. RA 8.6006 or RA 8-334 " 7 ' HA J y elopes with pries st poy 8 A a's hb had . Punic, 180 King Sirest| B-Building Trades Weeds treated, field nursery cents; 24 samples, $1.00, Mall Order J | LADIES leave your ehiliran with me greeting cards, Over #0 cards to hose | pine Apply 108 Wilson Rosd North, YNYURM] HED lng: iss Mitel VHA and private |g LoS RPROOFING specialist yol 16 {, tof il, gravel, sand Dent JAN Rubber Co, Box 91 161 GIBBONS 57 \while you shop or work, day or eve Form Riv al, us ness Faris } Hie fo for | Apartment 3 ". LY SY Wii ALY cellars; For appoatment, Wr nx fill, Complete service. Weed apition, Oniailg dd A ND 23 ning. Heusonahle rates, Phone RA Co ociates Lid, Ajax, Ont [FURNISHED huchelor apartment, bed: (couple only, Ma f, HA PY rh and Thomas W.11255 Bowmanville f SPECIAL P ent. was 6.50 14% | sitting room, kitchen fully equipped, APARTMENT -- For stave Free estimate "rma C isters and Hol x 4 , § Hw hu fers WA wii ALL plumbing and heating supplies ED KNOWLTON Fdward Bewuty Parlor, 5 Celine TV TOWERS | EXPERIENCED day care for children 41--Room & Board hutivin a bho ap re ea Deaton, od lose to bus, no children Bid, HA Chinese Elm . 8c ond up $72 000.00 to $5000.00 for iN RA 54521, Harold RH 4 treet. HA 37633 t 1 ' allihie Pha ne lambing heating and p | RA 5.6047 Fun a ay oiling 2%" nigh HOOM and board for two gentlemen, Mclaughlin Blvd ALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister ing, 255 Simeon Street South hl MRS ANN i y ty 0 4 Wn le Joan food home cooking. | | FURNISHED hres-room Abariment in ed pits bedrooms, t 6 tree LL SIAL : ) poly 292 King Street Eas ove nme Hairs, siness coup) ' / BULLDOZING and ] 4 ( ' owe b6-- te avely home, upstates, Du Va. Wes | SU Free faylh 14- -- "Household Repairs PROFESSIONAL PALM Sup wer 3 Female Help Wan ROOM and board for twa or (hres | Reasonable Oshawa district, |": Phone KA § Brothers, 2 Wilton Vt CHENTRRPALLDS and old chairs 1 READES J / 10. Paint, 1uEED extra money? Bell your no long: (aentiemen. all onvopien ow, home| telephone RA 51065 MODERN two i | SWARTZ, Barrister,| c= veniry, concrete and ©! ke new, Get the etd i i ew Wave. er used household items with a fast- cooked meals, RA 80283. 81 Gladstone | VERY Tocated, self wove, reftiderator, dry Money to loan, Asso-| ALL types of chrpeatry, eoner 1 y y Bimeo § th : ' i-ch ntenna. |aetion Oshawa Times Want Ad, Make | Avenue four - room apartment, adults prefer. | ESAS ¥ BA 830% BA, Henry od your st and phone BA 34402 Woday. wi om and hoard, six days a week, red, 870 monthly, Call RA 57844 after |= |HOUREKEEPER required, to live in, home cooked meals TV privileges, | "i Vast, WA estimates. Phone RA B50 South. tA ' ' ter y I installed i" ra 4 ¥ avian i A J f f Ir 5 Re Jinn rly nosing ) mi ne nr FURNITURE repaired i phe 1 dal} m 10 AM. | ranteed for year, $59.95 Private room, heral time of, BA [South End, close to Pediars, Fittings. [TWO - room apartment, modem kiteh a harnstes Brothers, 26 " ' Whitt ed € our material env B4141, 140 TV F nte ff rises i-il12 RA 4.2625 en, hed - sitting ited television hat Otfioe d ' " Dalton 5 Cha oe ' J ) 5€ 4 let, facilities supplies young couple WANTED woman to look after school | ROOM and hoard for gentlemen in . . awn, HA B29 hl RA 37 53 | « |uge children while mother works nights| good home, close to hospital and north | loaning a must, new home, reason NEAR 0c 1 three rooms, tile hath, 4 | C CHESTERFIVLDN W, ree a 223 Drew St [in exchange for room and board. MA |GM, lunches packed, TV privileges, [Able RA 3-4350, oe Hy Pri Joseph Hosen, Real! ad MacBonald, Bag 0S HAWA SUB ike now. Why pay more? Our rel . lS RA 3.3553 13-5000, Bowmanville English wneaking preferred, 31 Col. THREE. or four + 10m apartment po} 0 anid Notaries Public Ye nn §it anion | - - 3-3) ee co borne ant, WA 57687 land garage, very central, available REE and two-room apartments, ri HA D471, Wi well C ONTRA( 10) C eases Febiilf, Oshawa U pho! tor wem---- FOR WOMEN a renting bask | ROOM and board for" mather "and | Immediately, Apply 331 Arthur Mireet. |frigerators, stov winKS, me i es A, MugDonal " \ mil Bireet West. Dial § : il of superfluous ha 23---~Women's Column [news for well known health products, child, with day care. Ajax, Phone WH THIER rooms and two rooms. Roth Frivale entrance. Child welcome ooh BA, barrister, sole) BRICK BLOCK ANI : commission plus bonus, No experience | 2-4544 (apartments oy pontained, with own | SOWAL Aree! mene Btreet North 4 Rebird, cdl emmney cleaner, Chir re VECIAL Heat permanent $0.00. | necessary, For information, phone BA | yes 0 in orivate home, ideal |€ntrane James Gibson (up: [ONE ment, suitable Hesidenes HA 5:5542 TONE WOR} built and repaired, gis nk ) | | 26 { « 86.00, Page Vairdressing, |B.6294 or toa 030 pi ht Houck ering CHA i Folin Street, RA 5.7665. ~ (ladies or gentlemen, D BAVIDL.. Byvister, Solich Phone MO B.-4122 or lled, furnaces vapuumed. Ves : tol Pine Avenue. RA 5-380, | desired, parking facilities, private WEST END~two bedroom svartment GL Bn s 'Rather works, Apply 128 ond ih. RA 5.9592, Res 8 ( ¢ 7 ji bathroom, Apple Hill district, RA A-3814 (private bath, heavy wirin we MO B-4259 Whitby PAINTING DECORATING ' ' nimer 24---Market Basket $100 MONTHLY [¥ URNISHED hase ments floor, heat, hydro included, $70 month | THREE room apartment, share bath, partment, ILETIOr OF GXUEFIOn, TONKA: | messe-- : [three rooms und bath, in quiet home. |1¥: 340 Buena Vista, RA 8 let Jom, couple only. 175 Athol, y | Ste |11- "Business Opportunities | tone work guaranteed. Free estimates. | 2] --Personal Service HONEY Jmber and woldon,| Reliable person for house: |ceniral RA 3.9800 aiter 6 pm TWO - room apasiment, refrigersi . Punk of Commerce Bldg Hin i ee Tos 1 iguid or provess bP Aude wan, hold ton. ive in. privat ROOM 1 i for. gent) {and stove, sink, cupboards, shaved | FURNISHED two - room apariment, : poe J, ean be u . - : itso d No y on, live in, priva und hoard for gentlemen wil men wnt North, RA 33466; 1, K hig or store, situated at 406 Athert| KLEENER BERVICH { PETER PAN i Children y n rth hone old position p Abr IG le Rll, Or Sektiomun a bath, 15 Fairbank Street, RA 5.2380 trance. ground. flops witshe C, Fraser, street. RA 5.2062 ter f awl HAY aay 1 gi phe room, Must be fond of chile 36105 FURNISHED room, two single beds, |" rigerator, parking, also single furdoch, NHA mort A a " 4 | room, ng y om, Vv ventral, A abit WE Have an. Ins nt opportunity | 1A 8 four busine "The ' 4 trent | RAPES Me for Juice. Phone] on Phone BOARD and care fo may he shared with friends, cooking v VOry contrat. Apply' ave an ' ' , rhs TH My or flderly ladies: | privileges, refrigerator, 87 Monirave | Contre Bt © whieh will give you bh n { 1 i seggrate rooms, private home, close to + Ht (UNDLE, arriater, er cent annual returs oi} f NTING ann paper hang oro FRESH carrots hy the six quart or RA 5.7704 ohilfches, shopping, Whitby, MO 84363, | Avenue after § p.m, LARGE ike Pre apartment, y 3 p ' oe ind re work, free estimates, work wAGAR'S 1 ool. Government | poker" free delivery, RA 33086 or RA [i UNFURNISHED three » room basement |b / owntown, parking, we HA 8.17 furned to you plus anmiit anteed at tow pices, WA 8088, | Yioence yd ROOMS and board if desired, close to apartment, Heated, private hath, en: Adults, $60, RA & ] ! fowntown and NGM, A : The Warristers, Nollcl | payments over n one 0 FRTRTING and" aucorating Fron stl [CH V8 i OM, Anil J Elin {rance, Available Nov, 1. RA #114, [FOUR room Ad apartment with mone Street South, [plan of your choles ' ory mite 0 Avante A 37742 ¥ ORDER earl void ridiculous winte two piece bath, Residence y 0, | write Nulrin Coop fa I" Ahlen, work guarahiend. 'A J MINON n f a far. i id ult ool " "Good gt ROOMS and rent, with or without SIX-ROOM hungalow available Nov. 1. #60 Monthly, iaiable Novemher & BA Be KA ? or: (No, 7 and 12 Myrtle pn [OTR of EIMirove Avenue an pris oli wholesale, five hags|. board. 296 King Street East, near Rit:| 1enants to look Mier #4 Joby old shila 94 between § and 9, Pi ick WA idk nrord 0 sen wi FURNACE SALES | tu 12 hiv i sa hu este ie! paint" sparomen Fou Tog , -------------- ' v - - -- ) er dulivery. RA B:1005 y ter 6 p.m y i (22 Radio Repairs | ¥ BOOM and hoard for gentlemen, good |RA 5-5825 & 6--Optometrists | 12-Dressmaking AND SE RVICE | - ] % BLUE grapes for sale, also door, regu INSURE YOUR meals, continuous hot Mater, Apply 348 FOUR + room rR ir HARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom: ALTERATIONS of sll kinds, reason £Y, radin, car radio repairs, Al lar size, Call after 4 pm, at 1192 Cedar \ d A 5-R006, inundry servis, b x. ¥ Ru A imation of eyes, contact able rate, Phone RA 5.0466 HM, Mackie ( Lid makes Thompson Electronic 157 Street TWO gentiemen to share single he ig: Madd hl Sa p Elliott Avenue. RA 30702 (Fred) name privileges, home cooked meals, | RA wan evenings, "A ERLL =" onl ventengan, available now. Apply coe North (at Colhorne) | z » rp - -- Po -- f ' ; mee North a alhor DRYSNMAKING and alteration HA RA 5. 5954 |25--Pets & Livestock Merry C ristmas lunches packed, HA 87043 STORE for vont. Simone - weil | 24 Malaga Road. CH TUCK RO, optometrist please a. cl 'Sot | SERVICE WHEN YOLI WANT DEERNOL wn Aen TT a [ROOM Jnd hourd for gentlemen, will:(established barber shop, suitable for |[VHREE rooms and bath, private em i ints at downtown Dotinlon| 13--Gardening & Supplies $7 plus part IB DAY. OR NIGHT! [yuare oid, ettent unter. 1100 woener] Earn Christmas money [IX tn share or single, five days a week ater smal business, RA 34343 after ro i farie | 1 at home. Dial RA 54367 ANY kind of garden Wolk vy expert iy ------ IV. and RADIO Prive | selling Avon's nationally |R0OM wid board for gentleman, three | FIVE - room house with sunroom, bath, | 74% at door. RA 3 reasonable rates, RA 8-15 15--Instruction f 286 HOXER pups for sal Pedigreed, eight [minutes from Four Corners, Apply oll furnace, village of Cadmus, $38 GROUND floor, Worl 100m paris Surveyors ----- M f CAl i RA 8-F ho | weeks old. Phone YU 5.2004 advertised gift sets, 2 Charles Street | monthly, Marvin Nesbitt, Blackstock | ment, private entrance, ample parking, PNET PLET {ALLAN Mae dd line rycai Al Work: Guaronteed | ROOM and hoard for ladies or gentle. | $4711 Reasonable. Apply 763 King Rast, R HORTON and Dseiates, on COMPLETE danoing school, ballet, tap, bata, 4 irk Guarantee BERNARD. puppies, bursbred | CALL men, close to downtown and NGM. |NIX-room vanch style Bungalow, clase | 1900. At treet West, GARDEN SERVICE {Kata Ht A Temple. HA i { OSHAWA Noll. hi iddook Roads Apply 20 Elgin East or RA 8-364) to hus, school, shopping and South GM, THREE . bedroom bungalow, oil heals IH you aren't using hiring | Immediate possession, Apply 1848 Weck: ol, on Oshawa Blvd, Nosh, Avattahle . Alax 1 ADEMY Raton. | 2 cS rr Kends POWER tool | PROLLOPE, Ontariel Gardens ploughed ( NARVEY PAN Fi REMY -Belon ELECTRONICS Fur ee er Ee rat l E 6-0627 cash fast with an Oshawa Times Classi: | © _Drive, Noy. 1, Telephone RA # 216 Adelaide Avenue! landscaping, wood cut, tre [tand: Register now, 424 King West, HA | Wm . [vou d Ad, Phone RA 3-462 today to Place THREE. room flat in rivate, residence, THREE » Redroom, bubaslaw, leat { A122 I] 0 + Houble garage a AT TTL ME removed parle TH TT Ee DID YOU SEE OUR REGISTERED dachshund puppies for Collect, immediately IROOM "and beard for gentlemen, pon Fay Houlevard district, olose (0 HL fourth house Commerce Stree J pacher, studen unsellor, | " hone MO B42 ) : y 3 i repay. sommarsial blge RA 8.1798 Hpbi Biri] by interview only, | NEW ALL GALVANIZED ' 10 " { tinvous hat water, home privileges, Ap:| North GM, Ca ceommodations, Rea: Kaa, Frenchman's Bay, Apply next Bloor Street Fast, RA Aut no HA 5-1064 BOXER pupy t y and | 37 ==Male Help Wanted ply 241 Ritson Road South sonable. RA 59734, 00! i " - - 5 female, $40 J) May | In an "0h y ok | BRICK house, six roomy, and garden, TO RENT to reliable party, seven, pm CLIFF BROWN HARVEST cash hy selling your thei R A D E S S pen any time, ba) Fox Street, Osh [Ni ED two men al once, no wal ' ox hogs oT ard Jutday whe, hydra, close to school and church, one|room house close to 401 Highway, furs through a dependable Oshawa im » - \ perience NOCessialy or "ppc m 86 Park Road mile west of Columbus RA A-8075 Ap nace and water akatem Vacant Ot, 1 8. -Building Trades GRAVEL & SAND [Classified Ad. Call HA 33492 toda : 9 telephone RA B-2363 near South GM, central; Sf mile went ba oo IF 9 " b) [ 0 WwW E R S HEGINTERED dachshund pupples six south Ply after HARDWOOD oe upphied, laid and ks old, also grown stock, Cedar we m---- TWO room apartment, frig, stove, {FIVE room apartment, heavy wip: f Old Tioors ve urfaced. Ajax LOAM | LEARN TO DRIVE ' - \ View Kennels, Telephone RA 85062 STOP- 3 Wanted To Rent private entrance. Centrally lockted, 845 ihe, tie Jind sandran floors John and PLEMRBING f ealing pipes a Expert workmanship in DARDING trimming, bathing, deflea - ) y JR y ben ' 6 IHREN hedroom house, reliable ten a " nd used, chang:| Prompt Dr livery At the Oshawa Driving School - 1961 All Wave Antennae |! &, Vas ' Buli ; al Opportunity for two sales ant, would consider venting with option FIVE. « furnace. curb 45h many : Wumhonras. ont: Nine rooms, pe Wie Fate. | RA 8-895] Licensed by the Police Commission] pid You Know That We i a hha strain. Auply Mrs.| fepresentafives with initiative [io butchize, feferences, Write Box 1831313" colina Hireet, Owner will be wssession. RA 39011 or RA on any Fully trained instructors | Mave Same Day Service Hroad, 114 Elgin Strecd Hast for sales manager, Nationally ~ premises at § pm (5404, WANTID three, of four 100M |ygpwE hodroom bungalow, Kitchen, [TWO (arge unfurnished room a SLLLLE FALL SPECIAL | Standard, Automatic cars | Employ Tec BO] -------------------- advertised health equipment 4 , KE te npioy expert lechnicion 6 \f « apartment, self-contained, heavy wir o oping on living dining room, four-| ment, second floor, sink with hot and | 26--Farmer's Column High commission paid. Start [lug hy Navember 1. RA 400. Ask for | mpliaion rin, Of mbit, second for. sink with hat aud FRESHLY DUG C w=Talke Service Colls till 8:30 : y 16 ft. Well Branched RA 8- 0091 p.m [DEAD (arm stock picked up promptiy,| now to qualify for Christ Mr. Sweet ATTRACTIVE thr wphee, on bus line. RA 5.0463 . 2 to HOMES COTTAGES 12 DWOOD MAPLE TREES we collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2731 mas bonus, for interview treet level, private, three-piece Bath, h TRY US gwi'l Fur Farm, Tyrone phone 44---Houses, Apts, Flats bg frig. Abstainers; adult home, GARAGES Regular $12 -- NOW $5 | DRE SSMAKING : [WELL roted manure for sale. RA 0.6082 For Rent contrat RA 5:3676 evenings or Satur: OFFICE SPACE FOR Oshawa Garden Service J C) days, . OAT tr aw for sale, 55 acres in Held - i v p T ' R J F Sale RA 8 6234 THREE « room unfurnished apariman, GOOD Brick house, hardwood floors, ninum - Glide B6 Taunton | | West nade. Kit nn Q Hghts, water and heat supplied, $88 ; RA 3.3222 ( ( UR of S " Ph! three bedrooms, dining reem and lly. Free Esti . nt ott hashes ? " L [ 58 INTE HNATIONAL 100 Utility trae . month, Apply 4 Albany Street ing yoom, kitchen a pantry, Avail: gation, Terms. | PATIO. FLAG AND | OPENING OCT. 17 TELEVISION Wich, 303 hoes ee ct' ove] ~~ PUNCH-PRESS [CLEAN moor, three, oon" wor | ab Rov. 1. WA RENT 1 pon, Lid | . | 1 lav . 10) g i! a sap. MO 8.4782 THREE "modern basement apart: ao | ROCKERY STONE | 2dovsweskly, Monday, Tues | 171 BOND ST. EAST | re ree SET UP MAN chen, efor ond stove tied four, FEN FLCUIR Socata praia | Passenger elevator service, RA R.4614 [ STONE PLANTERS even : 70) | 27--Fuel & Wood / couple only, $75 monthly, RA 8.7617 ¥ ; o hot water tank, Phone] Now building, Centrally le he) . : y vour own po . after & 3.) R , TOP SOIL AND SOI ! RA 8-6781 | REQUIRED it p.m Two. | NEVEN cated In downtown area, [] THREE-voom apartment, newly modeled, private bath, new gas sto Degted parking Bouth end, Abstaine, PIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and SOOM, Barriste Solicitor No m bungalow, twe ye SUPPLY AND LAY \ ew for the whole - DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur 3 MODERN electrioally ~ equinned ' , | # N eplng elec eally ' D & SOUTER OSHAWA am the children to Hiieplaces, ste, 85 large IMMEDIATELY bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Road, | heat nd Sarage; C H Moderate rent, Leases now ) i DID YOU SEE OUR -- aeme-- | Whithy, MO 8.8108 ine _Avenus between Re ! 28-. ~Summer Pro erties Avplicants shuld have ex 3 ROOM furnished apartment, stove, Pp perience on high speed auto refrigerator, private bath, entrance; FREE y ESTABLISHED hunting camp has| Matic punch Presses and pro parking; washing facilities, Lights, THE TI MES | | - . wning for eight to 10 deer hunters, gressive dies Is position water ingluded. Adults only, Ca " A ' coll NO ] D 'essSm akin R A D [ S S [1 Wi dogs supplied, for rates is In addition to our present 3-4583 - 2 weeks rant in very modern | MO 8.5231 \ esSMme g ad formation contact, Youn, 309 SIX - Toom house, no furnace, 850 a| one bedroom apartment with BUILDING | imeoe Street South parsonne month, . 91 Nassau Street, RA 5.0382 15 RA" 5.7426 TOP S( OI C ourses 1 O W E RS S COTTAGER, camps, homes, acreage in This is an opportunity with a after 6 RA 39210 Mleay, P35. Cronin Rd, f Whitby {beautiful Kawartha Lakes district, 83) ,qn5idly expanding company FOUR - room apartment, and bath, 2 DAYS WEEKLY ert workmanship miles northeast Toronto, For free list : heated, heavy wiring, private entrance, Contact T, L, WILSON YARD LOAD 7.00 4 3 q a) ing folio, write Bowes and Cooks Li with comprehensive fringe | PY hone J . MONDAY TUESDAY 196) All Wave Antenna ¢ a Polarborouih, NRIveraide benefits and profit sharing 363 a month Phone RA 8-998, MO 8-4770 Phone RA 3-3474 WARD | Phone RA 3.3162 | EVENINGS 7109 | i You Know Thay We [LE Rapl In confidence curing (TIRE, iy Sprint, FG : (one PR a DIGGING BY Y-16._Eut your awh pal Have Same Day Service {28a~Trailers ue. aqusatian and back ber 1, Apply 254 Malaga Road MODERN IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ( r mploy exp echnic ---- ound 10 § Yo Ne ¥ . . MACHINE Osh wa ond sew for the whole £ nplo) ort ' hn : » Tg 7 NEW sixoom darlex apartment, cum 2 BEDROO OF Nav. 3g A NG IN 30" TILE shawa | ymily, trom the children to = lake Service Calls tll 8:3 avcomodates six people. Phone MA PERSONNEL DEPT also large furnished bedroom. RA 5:81 M Aliractive (we Sudroar. aarts WHITBY, ONTARIO . A pA 3263 : MARK INDUSTRIES LTD ATTRACTIVE three « 1 riment, ment, ollyw on, \ MO 8.3809 Home Landscaping - -- TRY US = . 0 NDUSTRIES LTD, [ATTRACTIVE tres « Wom abuitment, APARTMENT electrically equipped, broads 4 / SPECIALIZED IN FALL |V6==Insurance 2 [32---Articles Wanted 165 YORK RD, stove, refrigerator, abstainers, adull loom, drapes, T1.V. outlet, AND SODDING ALLATATE Aut | T R | O ORGANS wanted -- State sige and oon GUELPH, ONTARIO home, central, RA 55676 evenings or at 15 Gibbon Street | loaker, hot water and parkin lak VALLPAPER = | GARDEN SERVICE "Cali between 5 and 7 Df RATING RA' 3.3229 RA B.5771 NEW ALL GALVANIZED TOF Saturdays PLANTING / a } \ SEEDING, TULIP 1S \ \ dition. Box 117, The Oshawa Times. | "FIVE voom house immediate pow.| Adults or children over 10 included. Call Apt. 1, 30! COMPLETE GARDEN 4 orviy v T VIS ) WILL way 83 10 820 lar Canadian silver (sonston. Phone HA 48K Aoply: 21 GIBBON STREET | Adelaide St. W RA 5.6606, ERY -- El IC N f ni fland i oy Moo = Hi DO YOU {NEW five.room bungalow, near school, Apply BON STREE | before 1 P.M. or after 3PM . 17 Money To Loon 171 BOND ST. EAST i for Oshawa Com Clab Dial RA shopping, South GM. Apply 448 Drew| | ) Call . ce y HEE APARTMENT BUCKINGHAM 1 fin AVAILABLE for first warignge RA 8.6871 WANT A JOB INEW attractively decorated, Hve.room FOR RENT MANOR ) 0 Lp} BOYER DEY an Tati, « { apartment, including range, vefrigera. RA 8-6366 ee it 5 HAW WITH A for, TV anienn, washer diver atl Two bedroom on Rossland APARTMENTS money to loan on Hirst mo ; parking, ol Shopp 177 0 and 'agrement of sal 40.F1 AUTO WRECKING CO "n [Frontenae Avenue, Ty entre Rd. E. Modern sparment One and bedroom Aparts RA B. | | CIN murltage arranged AAC 3 " ; r wreckiny - - FIVE - room house at 66 ¥ | building, close to churches, ments, electrically equipped, : ! HI || ! / Sry tnyoan. and: Ww CHANNEL MAST eR rap ir - f UT URE 3 With GATANS for Pent, Phone RA Paty Bus passes the door, free best location. o 53 and $190 LANI APING ; Je «RR . vel 1 ils, ef ught. Open ; se FOUR om apart , selfp washer, dryer, TV outlet, $95 mont imcoe St, PRE CA qT | NA d socand mortgage, x) T.V. TOWERS Xtc) haut. ner It there's a fine future og) gis decorated, Kiohonetto vam] per. month North, Ap. 15; RA 8.8676. \ = -- in Canada's Regular Army for [plete with stave and refrigerator, NELLA J wh K and ky, Wa in King PLUS N | oc | i . \. 79 AlLW 2 >a RA 8 231 | 89 Bl OOR k una men 17 2 QO 0 {three Diece hath laundry room, park CALL MR BAILEY CONCRETE som g Mig ane vata 01] "Antena ; I | rum me ry [Mra A i DAYS RA 32008 | PARKWOOD pat wa v ANS anf svand 1aon rate ) a fit > de to meet the THREE - room furnished apartment, EVENINGS RA 3-248 2484 " " oa va \ Gu * ho are able reens, fertilizi . T wi lean, well. furnished. sonable. Ap PAPA X { Hyman % : A { ) ¢ « urnished, reasonable h EPTIC TANKS \ ing St ty ONAN ~ RA TRE 00 W N ! E enrolment standard {ply 282 Huron Street MANOR EAA A Cl ARC ~ . - 340 \ \ CRAP IRON POULTRY SIX © room hungalow, In good resden: DELL JIXE \LK SLABS | ( SHAWA Niaht TV Blastremnt . ) Good pay, travel, trades train | n Sng FEATHER TICK tial area, close to school RED PATIO | y y ing, and an excellent pension | Will sell ar rent. RA 3.308% RA STEDS HAULAGE LTD. | MONEY TO | rau rs®liemau LoTURNER peal =---( APARTMENT | APARTMENTS | u 2 043 RA 3.3374 RRING Si 3 ) ydvantag f a coreer in the APARTMENT NEW BUIL DING ON WELL TILE i y { OAN | oh farts Canadian Ar SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND $105 $120 SAGUENAY AVENUE \D( A 2.289 ; i CEDARDALE Why not discuss the oy Redecorated, 2 bedrooms to C RD. & KING § EROOKLIN RA OJ = ty ae Y re AD tunitie available with : tove, 'frig, parking, adults MONTHLY PAR RS ' : . ond On on Member 9f the Regular Any Yio OPEN FOR INSPECTION CONCRETE Grandview » a | Fr-hicoun and delivery N METAL LTD Recruiting Staff ot the Osh PHONE RA 5.3302 WEST-CENTRAL s 4 : J ! h | "ALL FOR ONLY § PAPERS---RAGS 1 Armo ach 1 - EASE Quiet, residential street, We spe n \ A FOR ONLY $24.95 awe Moury ec uesday WITH OR WITHOUT LEASE bt 8.9 P.M. or Two bedroom apartment 2-bedroom Apartments, PRODUCTS Neri Ky av n i I ' - | a MN , 5 Wi Pa DAY i mn 10 AN to 3 Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, : CITY 1.V white La Salle Court, available LLOYD REALTY drapes, parking, etc trict, Field loading for 1 { ¢ App! FREE PICK UF 9 LIMITED ors and speciol vot " yD Ciree . tormerly A Lou bei A 5.2359 Army Recruiting Station naw: Phene RA $.3815 OSHAWA LTD. Rents from $90 monthly tract | ih] : 07 College Street PHONE Oliver 5-3311 RA R.A) 4 ny {| 100 ANNIS STREFT | or RA R.A4RS RA 8.5123 RA $7272 RA S SYAP

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