Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Oct 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, October 15, 1960 § WHITBY PERSONALS ter MacCari 86. N., were Mr. and Mrs, Withur reeived eon Biackivirn, thar sons Wayne and and Douglas and deughier Dele of IN THE THEATRE GUILD PLAYS Lighthouse To relatives hay aR Wi i 05 6h (esi the Lown cower. h Teauest came sociation, had suggesied it conld [emily dinner party In Toros, Sherlock 3 7 ai Points during the (rack mest hed norison (i feott (H) coun, said that she would We to ship Mr, and Mrs i wedding whieh took piace Get New Home i Cothorne 86. W .» : ud : y Whithy's more then century-old to think this over," sald Counc: ratplations from inners n 17 a 7 y # {Hahthouse frisaken mn the beach wr dopee Burne L: She ds 1d friends on Sunday, mm the Hees Mrs, K. Cowling, also of ? Hor these men suddenly committee Rem 4 e ila Wd ear Ream 2 oyelnd iene oh prep reported that Fred Weaver, when Beir Ani wedding anni Haydon, will he spending the re E t At Hi h S h 1 Verty wt Monday it's meeting of chairman of the Whithy Scout As- versary, They also enjoyed & mainder of the week with Yrs : V en 4 1 Cc 00 ! Vin from & eitizen tor the old white he nied 4s # camp house Ior the Na . : g ihuklding and in & matter of sec Scouts AL nd wion iid be he. MW oh H. Southwell. Mr " ; (onde, several commeilons decided hs the Deputy + Feeve Res ae athe iii Bo 1 and Mrs, Kyrie Southwell, grand. / A) 4 y Meng vw ALT g | pr ' ¢ LY 2 ey : 4 Wi GRECHlR 4705 RAG ME, oot Foblowing wre the ois wholiA) $4 wwe; Mary Now Cuddy Men (1) 7 3%"; Kate Men Wy Lihat 5 should not leave the town, said, It's only ood for Baht ake me rena " i § gathered the nighest pamber p fH Donne Metheral Bue (HH): Eleine Camphelt (KH); dune | Mrs, 1, i in a letter to housekeeping' " oid His Wor. "HE ThankAlering service Sunthwell atiended the Southwell: 4 dames Smith of. 'c. : tween Henry Street and Ander 76 Yard Dash Card Basketball = Throw ~~ Henry {have the biufiding tn he preserved Deputy-resve Mowat then s08:| Brussels, Ont, spent the weekend Th Satundoy In| 8, Catharines. son Street High Schools, Thurs A W5 sec; Mary Louw Cully Street 47; Henry Street; Henry) 7 : 4 her home, near bake On gested that the hilding might (001 ot the home of WE. and, Men. | IF Shar aie ed the recepl day {H) Donne Metheral (A); DIaRe Street: Anderson Street 7 7 tarin, The lig house his been s home ia ve of he town parks John T. Smith, 412 Peet 81 : House, HY {Fisher (A Softball Thiow = Jean Rose . |FESEIRE on oh of the north Councilor Inkpen, Rearing hist i Sate and Mrs. Howard Souter Plog Arb gp idl de WF Running Hoy As ¥pirman iH) Con edge of the harvor for many discussion withdrew We onigingl] Recent guests at the home of » # ok 4 Gres 2 Donnie Satby Broad Jump Carol ! ; ' i" , y Yrs, O 2s BpEne daughter Gall the week: Inter 4 ( Greer! ) nie George (A); Nancy Andrews HOw SEHR 10 sag motion os Ar, and Mrs, Charles Spencer and hi pent widiale REG GIEEFi a). Elizabeth King (Hi; Genne | , 5 destiny has Deen ar is heen down there all sum: Byron St, 8, were: Mr. and Mrs end in Carding! ps the guests of (Anderson) 16; Mary low Cuddy colon (1 4 i connell, Chamber of mer and ho one honght show Tack Sorc ard danghiee Betty My, and Mrs, Robert Meiuit, Henry) 16 Standing Broad Jump Mary and the Whithy Yacht it," said Mayor Martin, "and of Port Credit, also Mr, and Mrs mr---- - Senior dohanne Wensing fou Cuddy (HW) & 7 Diane |Clith hit this the first con pow somehady and Sveryholy Hori Richardson of Pickering (Henry) 17%; Uta Menzel 12% Fisher (A); Genna Koenan (H); ele offer ta really do some: wants it, This 16 Unnecessary stat: : y f Winners and their times In the Helen MeKnight (A ng ahowt moving i ne. I the property committee Is) Mrs, A Barnett and davghier three divisions follow ofthall Throw Councilor Harry Inkpen asked (a look into this, | want a time = Bry WEFE GHEE 6 F L 4 ws Bolth y Just who does own the limit on it" Mrs, Milton Btone of Beagrave JUNIOR GIRIA or the yacht eub, Depuly-reeve Mowat, moving over the weekend 6 Yard Dash Janis Knibh wneillor William Davidson, that the properly committee (A) 82 sec; Pat Bloye (H and oificer in the yacht club, an study the bublding's eventual vest-| Weskend Suess al the home of | Lydia Shisko (H) and Anne Guth nounced that the club had not set ing place, included a rider that a Aldi Fie (AT, up the biilding because the loea- decision must he made within 75 Yard Dash--Pat Bloy tion available was not suitable. two weeks or Mrs, Meukle gets 08 see; Lydia Bhiske (HI $ "Fhe Niehthe has now heen re- the Vighthouse, Gitfin (HH) and Maureen | th jos |_ WHITBY BOWLING NEWS |: vii do something, Japan in 1960 became (he Knibh (A) t's not going world's largest importer of won me," from Australia High Jump ~ Linda Shepperd Al # Uta Menzel and Johanne) Wensing (H) (tie); Lynda Bor W4s Beer is well known for her pel: | ing &bifity in Whithy, Pictured | i right Woian Norwood, a new ' comer to the Little Guild, who plays the part wiephone operator in the sus pense play, Sorry, Wrong Number," ~Pictures hy H, Boorman These two members of th Whithy Theatre Guild will he on stage in the guild's most re: cent presentation of che Ret plays at the Henry Street Bonnie High School on Oct, 22, Pie "Bask hall Henry Senior Relay ~ Henry Street) tured eft is Eunice Beer, who §iiry 4 4 Hem cet; Henry Anderson Blreet; wd APPEATS Ih "Sorry, Wrong Num- ghee Anderson Breet f ' her' and "SUH Life, Mrs, High J oi Cuddy (A) Audrey Brown Fairview Lodge ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesday OCYOBER 19th AT 2:30 P.M, Toys, Fancy Wark, Home Boke Table. Afternoon Tea daphin Ter Dixie Blone Wills (Hy; Kay (H) 24; Joan Farman (H) wk (H - i Volleyhall Serve -- Cathy i Graham (A); Margaret Karin aki house (HH); Beather a : Gross (H) Vowngend (H Yheow == Three Plays To Be Presented |. By Theatre Guild # ,.0% The Whithy Theatre Guild | M adding the Bnal touches to the og. [eg « 4 three, one act plays which they k {} Lido e will present Saturday in the Hepry 1sket hal Fhrow Henr SENIOR GIRLS Street Behaol auditorium r, 45; Henry Street; Ander: 60 Yard 1 a Wer The three plays pre reported (0 rect and Henry Street ing wid); Ute be widely diversant in theme, One Softhall Throw (Hy; of the plays Dear Departed (A) § on y | Frances vas awarded an honorable men y Mason (A): Muriel Brownell (H Iohanng Wen. ton at "the Orono Festiva I ' High Jump Virginia Eli (H) 10 se Pal Lowe (Hii will he directed hy Bert Heaver (H) % 27; Janis Knit (A); Gall Uta Menzel (1); Kate Menzel ani| dimes Dean, adludcatr (0) Auar (A): Anita Verfaillie {A Prances Gibson (H) (ie) the Festival remarked i ! Vis dy ange Hee si Volleyball Serve Ruth Rez 100 Yard Dash (open es A vee chan In enild Wright man (Hi 16; Vike Rowe (WH); Lowe (H) 151 6 J rman 727 (250, 266); Cee Thomas 728 Amateurs 2, Arena Sunoco | Esther Rose (1); Margot Hume fensel (1); Iris A suspense play, "Bory, Wrong. (28415 Vine, Wilks 708 (264); E.|Donald Motors 2, Knights of Col H Fave Heron J mher heing directed hy Brush 705 (276 umbue | Aunior Relay Henry Stree A a) y ag | " aa Gwyn "Hoag Singles over 250 Friples over 700 Include 250 32.6 ser n Bireet and ne | te | singles Marty Jordan B94 (538 Henry Siren (tie) ) Mary he oH Lind; 13087; Myrtle Reeson BOS - (526) INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Apartment House i " . Draws Discussion Camphel Marsh Blessor (#111; Dick 80 Yard Dash = Carol Greer Whithy town counell, which / Adams 748 (271); Bill Brown 747 (200); Boh Green 730 (268) has heen faced with a number of PARADE violations of the zoning hylaw in Frank Kappy 700 (274 recent years, now faced a proh By GERRY BLAIR mp h V's Card Greey Willer (0 GOOD CUSTOMER ond Jump dam ievhall § Ellen Sul ¥, 1%"; Margavet y f andra Bell (H ka Eggert (H Marion Nei i LEAGUE IAY SECTION (worth 292, Doe Dafoe 202, Russ ¥ y m Game 29, Don Denys 2h meth fii Bh to Carter 281, Jerry Fleteher Martin Friday Bars john Clark 274, J. Nelson 278 [a] | In'nen and m N 4, Whithy Bar Bey (Ruch 278, Bll Gow ed that Wr hershop 0; Millwork Builders 2,i Richard Bandford 268, Russ Ward ¢ old estone 1; Alsen 2, B, and R254, Les Reed 251 i the he k y ! ] 1) 1} [} [J ansport Li Fillings BO YORYL wiihy AND DISTRICT funn Press 2, Bathurst 1; MEN'S LEAGUE minutes alter Hamblers 2, Jokers | THURSDAY BECTION 4 heen presented iples over 700 include 250. Red Wings 3 Legion O14 ME ¥acht club f Harold Huntley B22 Sweats 0, Abner's Esso 8, Pod I would like to have heen able i, 268); Des Denyer $12 (281, gers 0; Fireman 8 Credit Union War: 8 Stone THE (B11, 2681:10; €oea-Lolas 8, Legion No. 2, 0 John Faweeit 751 (822); Bill County Bowl 2, Bilversmiths 1 726 (808); Bd Hutchinson Mowals B __Oblenhrits Fisher and Pat Bloye | 81 any eg! YER FIRST BER TO BEAUTY ANG SMIRTY" || retina ton Bloye (KH) #, Wp f H { ( Pa a Fe David Menke those » n'f We've { this Hahthouse," Martin approximate he town with it hy Call , +.» DOWNEY CAB MO 8.8151 FOR FAST EFFICIENT TAK) SERVICE Ter --"------ Notice of Public Meeting THE TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING BOARD will present The Proposed Official Plan Of The Town of Whitby At the Colborne St. Public Scheel Auditerium en Wednesday, October 19th for those persens in Whitby living West of Brock Street and On Wednesday, October 26th fer those persens in Whitby living East of Brock Street and the residents of Port Whithy, Both meetings B p.m, to 10 p.m, Bound Copies of the Official Plan containing the text and accompanying maps will be available at the meeting or at the Town Office after October 19th fer 1,00, I Planning Board Secretary, | ¢ F, A i Pal freeod) Giffin? HEATING COMFORT LIKE YOU NEVER HAD BEFORE ANTHES 191 FURNACES Feature , , Dual-AIR HEATING | THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT IN HOME HEATING IN 25 YEARS # QUTSTANDING FUEL SAVINGS " 10 YEAR FURNACE WARRANTY » CONVENIENT TERMS To Get The Facts Call Albert Randall & Sons Ltd, 102A BYRON §, WHITBY MO 8:2991 ---"c Jump Tom Aing Hy Standing Broad Jump Uta AN Tie Doug 251 side of the hullding as part of the ta side yard, The town has since den a0 learned that the right of way does| Lee 20 al Jelong to the awner of the WHITBY LADIES TUF OE wee wivised tat tof CANDY HOWLING LEAGUE tamper with construction at this for we day point might meen the town eould| Allsorts 2, Gumdyrops #, Hum be held liable for damages and it| Pugs 8, Jelly Beans 4, Life Saver Singles over 250 Doug Allg 260, ¥red Mayor 278, Reg » 1268, Lou Steffler 268 lem whieh, some councillors feel could land the town on the wrong end of a court aetion, A five-unit 62, Bill Bpencer 255 Tom Perron apartment house, now under eon truction on Centre street nerth { |15 the source of their problem and was recommended that eounell| L Lollipops 0; Maple Buds 2 and la legal adviser has told council take no such action | Peppermints 1 [that they might he liable for ex: Charles Hoag, town engineer,| Triples aver 0: T. Shaw 765 tensive costs if they seek an in- veporied that the building, to cost A. Mikacel 601, G, Wiles 680, 1 junction to stop construction an estimated 826,000, is now about Mothersill 610, H, Bastarache 563 | The building eomplained of 18 75 per cent completed and E, Walker 662 heing built by Peter Sovichett! and| Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat! Singles aver 250 7 Sons. It first came to the at-| more or less summed up council's 250, 216; A, Mikacel a0; 1 tention of council through a resi- feeling on the matter when hel Walker 248, G. Wiles 227, 204; 1.| dent in the area who sent a letter said, "I feel badly re were Greenley 224, A. Lahanovich 200,| to council eomplaining of In-[too many peopl whe knew (ool H, B fractions of the zoning hylaw ob:-/many things were wrong. Legal| ---- erved in Its eanstruetion {advice was ohtained hy those peo: | As a result, eounell sought ad-iple and still the building went on*' viee from MeGihbon and Bastedo| "1 am of the opinion that he 3 nd were advised that at least thing will he done about this, 1 pr am not sure the town is ready to) le pend $20,000 ov so to have this hullding remaved," he sald, "But We : JOHN A GUIDE T0 Vi | UES GEORGE'S naa finest igned a Na il Hoek Boston Bruin | farm elub, t WINE ROBBY ATTERSLEY, iteur hockey player League contract with the and was assigned to their Frontenies Bobby ahility, game in Montreal, against the Charlie Burn's counter, marker of the Infant season fkales Bab, as he petition Saturday night, in Kingston line of Real Chevrefils Buddy Boon the mid-way point in the game was SLarting some oi his noted ability, Prior to Baturday Boh had experienced only a half A uemendous crowd of 8600 was in Kingstor, Baturday night For Bobhy this will he his first professional hockey, although for the past seven Years Bob completed hi one of | yak ton aw 268, wasted plendid coring the no time In show tying goal Bunday afternoon McEwen, Royals, and also assisting on and Buddy Boone's fifth This w the third tepped right into coms tarache 208, L, Riley 204, as anl time or far on entering the and to gain contest, and near hour of skating cording to the height specififed in the plans, And the owner does not have enough side vard to meet the requirements of the bylaw Counell was also advised that al Council finally adopted a motion | [permit had heen issued hy the hy Mayor Stanley Martin that town for the construction of the Soriehefti he advised that his lapartment house hut at the time hullding eontravenes the zoning two infractions of the bylaw were observed, The unit is one foot ton close tn the centre line of Cen omething should he done should not sit hack and let some| attendance at private citizen perform our duties, | BURTINSKY FINA SERVICE STATION George Popescy, Manager FLORIST Tey New FINA Gos For When you need hylaws," full se receiving gon in offers tre street, if it Is to he built ac We as counell should enforce our| many Power-better Mileage to go and Savihgs Junior hockey in Ch Wher \& received a hanege to play Benoy (hath job this meant joh wi HR! an good good si Raobhy remunergting position completely knowing what h Later he branched out to Dunlop Rubber Co, whiel Ha continued to play the gi just I about ey ary mare to hockey publie, know | ff Just ks which where he Oslo, Norway fing! oul At the me with hi pra offers eon an happy to i The n WH, certainly When the W a capital he had dealer 1 Ke Lire hip, nlfiey Haostar the aous o me the the and eoach of a trémer He spent wih his wile it would eoineg Frontend to chance Hoh vy h General hockey fo d hockey him than fr 15 future m a hetlter po I Made "1 ime ne love well he thie OW 1 no included that 1 larg two hi Wa tinued to | antinue pla enue a diffioult nih Punle planned or ceased to « from y Bru Kini ' oy pro hockey Lynn ielph and a mnahl Ta well and nol Viator | 1 rea ecambined) wsaking a ight hold forth ition with the Nn very nappy i} nda played it ealm of hile 15hle you the He im any nemor roy hut ng with Hoh Ihe to the busing ep fora young ps folded, that | Using to help ame Patrick, gen wd Wren Blaly felt Limp lehat the chedule BROCK (Whitby) Now Playing MO 8.3618 EVENING SHOWS AT 7.00 and 8.20 BRQTTTE B (Restricted) JEAN GARIN TOWNE FOR LEN -_y CLAUDE AUTANTLARMA 4 BADR 1 LEVY momen ARR ET Sw Once it belonged to A dead man! No one seated during the nerve shatter the | font permit was issued, the build: hvlaw and be requested to reply inspector had included a 12: 1a counell hy the meeting of Nov wide right of way on one ¥ percentage .of the games meaning he would have to commute from perfectly with the biggest el for Baturdays and Bunday ta forfeit anly Whithy ta Kingston nald Bab, "1 have | inder the manager A minimum of time spent several wonderful years Wren Blair, and have been y part af two Allan Cup winners, a world champions and Olympie venture with Kitehener-Waterloo I would like to have a fling at pro and 1 can't think of a better hockey executive for than Wren Bla the Boston Bruing hip of hip Dutghmen, now hockey to pay and wganigatlon Every hockey thinks seriously af playing pro hockey at ane time or another, and I'm no excep= Vian, This may be my last oppartunity to do 50," cams mented Bobby Bob certainly player hasn't forgotten the people of Whithy, and their splendid support they gave him, Ta his appreeintion=he sompletely undertook the financing of a pee wee hockey elub in the Whithy Minor Hockey Association, and mest of you can probs ably the such a venture, "I ean remember the days when 1 plaved minor hockey, and received a sweater and some equipment through the elub, or man Without them I certainly couldn't my start in Hookey ald Bobby, "Hy sponsoring a pee wee team. I hope to he responsibe indirectly for some Whithy youngster getting his first veal taste of organs teed ' concluded Bob, We know that he will spend every available minute with these Kids, passing on his wal] respected knowledge of the game of hockey, TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Many Whithy and District hockey fans have heen inquiring as to the situation on the newly formed Senior hockey club in Whithy. Ta date we have received no concrete ins formation fram members ov of the team, We hope to have some forthcoming news to pass along ta you, the hockey public Also we understand the Whithy Hillevests, defending Junior YC" champions are working out frequently at the Whithy Community Arena, and this season they have elevated ta the Junior "RY category, We alsa will report in this earner about their progress as soon as we receive any data from eluh afficials Clinton Comets of the United States Eastern League scored an impressive 8-0 vietary aver Welland Senior hockey olub on Saturday night This was just the second appearance in actual combat for the Comets, They dropped a close 6-8 decision to the Peles Petes earlier last week, The outcome would probably be reversed if a return game were 10 be plaved at a latex when the Clinton would be in y iter condition, The Petes on skates for three weeks, compared ta only work the Comets Kingston Frontenaes ave currently tied for third position with Montreal Rovals, in the Bastern Professional Hockey | of their 4-4 tie wilh the Royals on Sunday alternoon in Montreal, show ascertain cost of graciousness of some service business have got hockey officials the bora Junior date, olub wehbe had pee davs a 'ow out for LAEue, hy virtue Flowers You Need Us € Pringle, 604 Perry St Phone MO 8.3324 124 Dundas St. W., Whithy WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, Phone MO 8.2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Garments Fully Insure 150 Colborne St, East UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repairing For Old Quality Value With Madern Re-Styling Phone MO 8-2344 Whitby, Ontario Time and addre advert in Whithy on th WHITBY - BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vie" Van Luven Th Royal Tires "The Best Deal on ew and Used Tires Phone MO 83644 S01 Brack St. N., Whithy OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Ormamental Metal Wark Furniture-- Railings Fire Escapes Guaranteed Wark Oshawa Ph, RA 3.4141 Whitby Ph, MO 8.2681 AJAX - PICKERING A More Personalized Service When You Shop Locally TOP NAME MERCHANDISE, TOP SERVICE RIGHT NEAR HOME, See for yourself, look at the line uw of famous brand, top quality goods your lecal merchant offers, Compare the hanest value throughout, And you'll find that extra bonus here in this distrjet that cannot be found away from home, a friendly, neighbeurly feeling, sincere desire to please, an honest effort to satisfy you in every purchase, however small, You'll find sho WHEN YOU SHOP WITH YOU See it your name Is in une these advertisements, This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names es of people living in Whitby ements carefully and if you find your name, ¢lip out the advertisement in which you tound your name and present it along with a sales slip or label ta The Oshawa Times office howing that goods or services have been purchased from any ane of the advertisers i page und you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 arder to be spent for. merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on wh eh advertiser they wish ta spend their order, prices with goods bought elsewhere, You'll find ping pleasant, convenient and economical OWNFLOCAL MERCHANT, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry, Read the Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Phone MO 8-4232 932 Brock Sb, N, hithy ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location at 216 MARY 87, EASY 1 blegk North of Past Offise in Whithy Is Mest Canvenient For Your Buying Needs Of Quality Goods At Prices That Save EE STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Warks Member of the Canadian Association of Memarial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages Barre Granite and Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8-3552 Whitby J, A, VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8.3323 and MO 8.484 4 FREE 156.00 LOOK FOR YOUR NAME WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Solicited Industrial=--Commercial Real Estate Hay Jermyn, Managem 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontarie Geo, Hamers Lid, Plumbing and Heating * Autematic heating Automatic Heating Units Gas and Oil Bumen Eavestroughing General Sheet Metal Wark Phone MO 8.3011 212 Brock 8. § Whithy GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co. Lid, General Contractor and Builders Aherations--Repairy Phone MO 8.3346 411 Fairview Drive Whithy ALEX PEARCE Decaratar COMMERCIAL Ey he W Brush a 1 Mu Roller Pape! Spray Hanging Signs 05 Bayview Ave, Whithy Phone MO 8-527 DOME WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNGING "NEW FIBERGLASS FENDERS" For AN Makes OF Care "33.'40, Specializing In RE-CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS Al Grille & Acconatior--'32.'40 Ne. 12 Highway One Mile Nowth of Whithy BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R, Cotten Weekly ial PORTABLE AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYERS a y A Foote, 30% Sb Laweense 118 Boch Sh, 5. MO 3707 Whithy, Ontario

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