Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Oct 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, October 18, 1960 "Toronto Non-Ops Welcome Strike TORONTO (CP =~"Toronte rep of traflle and emsequentsy place resent s of Canada's 15 non their jobs in jeopardy operat Way wo ech Hams The lette are simpy Monday wight roared approval of tempis to inti midate the employ a strike that could grind the two ees," he said, "nd | don't think major raliweys 16 a ha You gre gong be intimi- More than 0 cheering dated her approved strike yg : support, demands for 8 cont PLEAD INABUITY \wage Increase, The increase In rejecting the conciliation re | proposed by a conciliation ho ard, port, the rallways pleaded their was turned down by Canadian! inability to pey and seid the em National and Canadian Pacific ployees now are adequately paid Railway officials by any reasonable standard Frank HW, Hall The majority report is based on the principle that Ineresses are at 0 mem petion to chief negotiator heard some Wouldn't Talk INTERPRETING THE NEWS Goes ToJail | Canada Is Still Polite To Castro Alderson, 18, who risked going | By JACK BEST jail rather then formation ahow Canadian Press Salt Wrkker Wh relations het found pA guilt breach of probit od MBaies and Cubs have steadily sour since Fidel a Mon said In Winnl- that Canada tention whatsoever of embairgs on Cana in Cuban trade, A n report last week said had made such 8 re: Vructentianer Dunday Right on we ence for his ' € Ween Ih ho ¥ Ln J Week dian goods EFKES ann if of the EFown Caste 4 oH 8 Canada imporied worth of goods from shipping $15,252 0% Caribbean eountry Alderson is yen pended sent part tering last Sept Constable Alan provincial police, testified Mon grabbed power on the day thet Alderson dechin to Caribbean island, those heiween with another person believed in- cordial ' bis 0 ar b é° 4 ' " J volved in the cage Officials in Otawn have | Cube while Testimony disclosed that the givings about the Jeftist Wm ye J constable was aware of the other (oo. the worth to the Cuban revolution by for the 15 unions workers demand more hen Cont recommend ation Mr was terminating CYoRS-COount peries of stop meeting with non members explaining phe case WON'T ACCEPT LESS the igtion Hall whihs operating union's # Port Bianley breaking and en give informaiton in connection Canada and Cubs have remained Quer suspect before Alderson wis sept needed Lo prevent a widening 10) enced but waited until. the youth ge gap between raNwaY had been placed on probation to and employees in the press for further evidence durable goods industry This, the court ruled, was Earlier at a press conference implied threat of loss of free dom, Mr, Hall suggested that govern ment subsidies are the only ans wer to the wage impasse between the ways and the unions, wo ur rian But they Inoaern erally Wane unduly We have a bilateral enarpeter ada see this as part of & NO CONFISCATIONS trend--a trend that gen Canadian | with Cuba has seems to sppiy Ms owe heen curigiled and Canadian and hence they mre erprises in that country have alarmed been confisepted aE 0 y in concerns, have feeling is that the midht have heen ton Hf Washinglon had ad un wy Wn all of meri heen Bo quarrel at with Cuba i And we ters that g ¥ one offi wan Way eit alone SPACE MICE AT PRESS CONFERENCE Jast «on outer space hown at miles Into Thursday, Sally, Amy and Mos black mice that were sent Expert Explains Fire Hazards three 700 | flight that took them 5000 miles ares Fourteen n's by NEW YORK (AP) lose winners out of tel unk how Lo use equipment we Kino What employees do in the first ever 30 seconds afier discovering firelihe mi 3 ; in the home, or In the plant, may precious Hy plant in gone quiz show era surrended f ch we depend our livell- Monday to answer charges of Hg big ing Jaen 4 Pl hood," n perjury Between them, they won which This was the! "Bmokey ed th ' im mote than $500 0. on Even ways J § M. portance of the trian ere some contestants theme 4 od hy My Wis pos to fellow and to coached secretly in question and seminar Johns: the home, From | answer Manville Foronto|overed hy employees The defendants accused of Plant, Port the course wid lying to a Manhattan grand jury Batzer conducted th ult in the Ji. meenl the rigging Process Johns - Ma Al the eon The 14 included Elfrida Von train them G, Binh Nardroff, who set television fire-fighting general mani yinning record of $220,500 in trol Jolms-Mar Twenty-One in 1068, and Charles Pre 8 ertifieate Van Doren, the winner of $120 members of the the 000 on Twenty-One who was the Fire Department { central figure years ago in fitey and Inspector a big scandal rigged quiz sington, Fire Chief shows represented Ihe All involved have Department, Al attending since vanished from the network 8 Buest Archie Tom, of that once promoted them firm of arsh Mele Besides the 14, there are half a Under dozen others, as yet unidentified due surrender later BERVED The indictments carry two counts fied to give against each defendant, punish 8 course, Durls able upon eonvietion hy a maxi an officer in the mum of two years In jall and $1 Navy, (000 in fines, A grand Jury rec vention and | ommended the accusations last ing aboard Allied veek erfront port FREED WITHOUT BOND tieipated ag AL Officer In he defendants cami day for ball hearings most major / reed Ww { operations Following his dis:lough; 8. Copeland, Whithy; M fried without bond for charge from the Navy with the Malcovich, Highland Creek; H rank of Lieut Commander,|wW, Kerr, Scarborough; M, May "Smokey established his own hew, Bcarborough; W Adams, | on-the-job Industrial Fire Pree jighland Creek; J, Highet, Agin vention Training firm, and now| court; E, Bulloch, Ajax; 0 ae travels throughout the eivilized! Lennan, Agincourt] world lecturing and demonstra™ Searborough n hy ov ting these techniques [Hills R, Winkworth, Toronto; YSmokey" Bate arrival at C. J. Mulholland, Scarborough; Toronto Plant was announced |. Carter, West Hill; R, Taylor by billows of smoke pouring West Hill; W, Neilsen, Port] WASHINGTON from a corner of the f we may { or Ihe Saving in they work Carrying Oy ees wide bre attending hould re CXpPrE Balzer held at Canadian Company's Union ' emp the are Smokey much § for to ention community to on of the jee-pre COUSe Iu COUrse Ie employes fire pre damage 4 and adi training completing Empl tak J, Rigshy 1a Highland Creek port dent ( sented i Hr 4] n and { i oon } in sent guests were (wo SONS Searhorough COUrSE Captain Tom Jim Pen Don nae Pickering { part were J ¢ two Bpine over Fair nam Da Dziek ens L A | h borough; D Dn, Barefoot Dunbarton horough 5 For eek Bell { Of py Bearborough Hill Jd, Foster, Strader, Whithy L. Beliveau, Highland Creek R, E., Martin, Bearborough; G in Smith, Willowdale; €. Granger asion| Pickering; DD. Allison, Scarbor On 4 " oh the shows " as Lhe Fire wa Vi riter IN i nién farnab who are to NAVY alzer Hi Port Riley Searborough ckerir WwW. Ben WwW, Jay, We Toronto; G nto hiland Union We Ww Whith Ange ell quali-l( Ww Hill W tion instru On such he Ar ne United State for Fire Pre Fighting (rain and wat facilities, He par Damage Control sault landing Pacific ny LL) ine eretl responsible ire hip i in Mon and were ArTaign wm following day gasoline probably In about six nD ger shown training time of is a if we to town hy hi factory, | Credit; 1, Bedard, Whitpy: W.l heads of The smoke was due to a smoke! Carmichael Ajax L, Clarke, servants bowed to provincial gov bomb thrown hy in the plant and the home, Every session during the day, then sent plece of fire fighting equipment telegrams to Acting Premier tested equipment against Rast oll and fires Louis William Fisher, 24/6000 a secrel referendum will he charged with murder, was taken held tendency to he complacent! the June -10 knife laying of Mrs have good equipment, Hows! Margaret Bennett, 36 wy i | | slightly injured Monday when the bus and a loaded gravel truck | merston, was unhurt Released alter treatment Damage to the bus, carrying 24 students, and the truek was {lesque show of 26 girls in night {dress when she refused to have [12:30 am, fire drill when she found press and photographers Shot To Death -9N0t 10 Vea PRICEVILLE, Ont, (CPM) "Smokey" inlAjax; W, Gale, Rouge Hills; M. ernment pressure order to observe the reaction Mayhew, Highland Creek suspended affiliation with of employees to an emergency B.C, Federation of Labor (CLC), he were spent H B b | The executive of the B.C, Gov While Waiti ised A the ihe nal dy 1 e al ing Erie Martin and to the labor fed was spent in the on fie (eration announcing at least a temporary suspension of ties Commenting on the seminar J Lowry, Toronto Plant Mana. to hospital Monday have her sald; "This seminar hag/sixth ehild . us . the importance ofl She was taken from the corel Injured In PALMERSTON (CM Four collided at an intersection near this 15 miles north of Strat {ford | The truck rolled over, spilling hospital were Marie Brown, of Fordwioh; Beverley and hon {nie Noble, aged 16 and 17, of ¥ {merston; Jean Wallace, 15, estimated at a total of $2,500 Bans 'Burlesque' | WATERLOO, Ont, (€P)--A col them participate in a surprise fire department drill last Thurs day { Mrs, Marianne Binhammer, of outside She sald she did not want the girls "tangling up" with male residents of Willison Hall who Rest, G2 yeardid district Iwas found dead Monday bullet wound in his chest [quest has been ordered in demonstratio of hazards ernment Employees Assoclation . where members of the fire bri Murder Trial President Dave Block of Nan in our actions at the dor outside the courtroom where high school students and . [its load, and landed on its wheels {merston, and bus driver lege house mother sald Monday Conrad Hall, Waterloo College took part in the drill, | Priceville 30 miles southeast which might be encountered both met in a seven-hour emergency gade, superivsors, and guests TORONTO (CP)--The wife of Amo later told a press confer an emergency There her hushand is being tried for driver of a school 'bus were Driver Robert Brown, | Boonstra, 31, Gorrie {she was trying to prevent a "burs refused to let the girls out for a line and ripeard himse of Owen Sound, fely (CP Wirephoto) Corpors al Alfred Coxall of the Raval ~ Canadian Engineers risked his life Sunday 10 reso a student parachutist, George van Roosmalen, dangling helps less below an alroralt from a half.severed down the Raos on slid van the para Caxall line pulled with a An in m as I 1 hiv He ied down Ke oh is were # Ray] farmer, | tainer that housed them on their | down Range v Show Winners Face Perjury Charge v doh clas sald the teas Hy tele reac things on Wi Frank ner M Won Pi on M won M O00 Timothy 200 on $35 " non Dou 1g $47 {1 0 on Jos $1.70 M yon Dy ner Al New Ne Civil Servants Break Labor Federation Tie The Weeks British Columbla's elvill association's He Monday and pers would approve the with organized labor As mitt that sul" NTO T nour tinul tion vine attacked tinued fede in rece Al days to continue affiliation with organ ined Lah Lal) the the prohibits ton Ti men he 71 ing "«" Mother Bound, | Tortured I John Karpyn was they lighted ecigarets I'l au She {when she defended her one-year old han wision porters he now is Twent support of the andi Bes € with He reassured Wis "Under no circumstances aecept Yess than the recomme 3, ations of this conciliation hoard' Phe 115000 non-nperating work now hy mail op re trike, Returns due Nov ¢ old reement| ions expired Dec Laundry Broke Lord's Day Act TORONTO are voling salution by abot ratlways' er {the are Atlanile Mig I (AP Wirephoto) | with the The cone proposed the to ] i (CP) Reversing a magisirate's decision, the On lation board's melority ario Court of Appeal Mondsy average WW convicted Sarnia laundryman he applied y ouis ¥. Gordon of breaking the Lord's Day Act Magistrate J f missed ainst Gordon ¥eb his ealling be the report i inerenses at period Hall terly attacked iit and CPR presidents for in a letter to employes trike would lead CEnt-an-nour O-yi over ) " the n ( Dunlap of two eharges 16 of carry by onersting autom stie laundries on Sunday ithout giving reasons, the Ap Court of Chief Justice Dana Porter, Mr, Justice ¥, G, Mae Kay and Mr, Justice W, F Schroeder reversed the decision and fined Gordon $10 on esch connt Fitohieoke ( Sgr g a A sLing that loss! t a to los n UX. Bases For ' U.S. Atom Subs LONDON (AP) the United facies MArines carry les under gn Agreement nearing completion, British thorities reported Monday night The agreement will be the first its kind and has heen under wtiation in Washington for Its announce lament expected on Doren stood before Judge nes n Murtagh with ped and head howed nothing. His involve me nt quiz scandal cost him hing job at Columbia Un ver plus a consultant's berth in Van Doren, 84, told re. | "doing a lot of writing and an hands and in f will exlensive sub ml now au Britain pilates for nuclear ing Polaris township eaid Mon doy it will ask the Ontario gov ernment what it can do about regulating coin laundries Councillor J, M, Allen said ex isting laws do not cover the laundries which could operate 24 hours 8 day, He said there was some doubt what authority the municipal government had over businesses operated without hu mai endants vi ' has fing and various hers urrendering Monday h Bloomgarden, 3) of 896.000 on Twenty re. Vivienne Nearing £5,500 on Twenty-One Bain, 43, who won $2,500 One rs, Henriette $4,100 on Tie orton Harellk on 'Tie Tac Horan Tie Tac chard Klein, 41 on Twenty « One gh wid Mayer 00 on Twenty ith Miller, 50 Twenty-One eph Rosner, 46, winner 0 on Tie Tae Dough rs, Patricia Sullivan $14,500 on Tie Tac Michael Truppin of $3,000 on Tie Tac 3 " | defendant are from York area lof IY who One 4 0] I monn n Par month ment is il next ald the agreement United State ihmarine tender at an unidentified It will fill a support Polaris-carrying sub coming inte serv Informant will allow for hased Beottish port role for the marines now jee The of lo station admin Dudley Tac J Dough W 1! Dough winner who the to arrange he i of f winner of Dough Won Tie # Tat who and allowed tech opera vould also he ritalin navel trative and onnel needed submarine forces will eriss-cross North and arctic waters 17, who | ih Warehouse Employees | Vote Strike HAMILTON (CP)--Warehouse|* employees ton harbor pis ho 08 OF amily to strike vote, the New Party appe in support of wage and contract names demands, an official of the Inter opinion of the national Longshoremen's Asso member ciation (CLC) sald Monday Bernard Doherty, the union's ties international representative, the strike would he joined longshoremen and tle up whole harbor, No deadline heen set, he sald The union the 25 or 0 vaorkers employed hy the com mission on a casual basis receive 25 cents an hour less than the $1.00 rate paid ILA workers hy private firms By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nominations closed Monday for to sus. Canada's big Oct 41 byelection whose test with 11 candidates seeking At- the four Commons sents that are up for grabs, Filing of 0 in One winner winney neal, tional tain the of patrols antic of 2 per nomination papers howed three-way struggles for election in Ontario's Peterbor ough and Niagara Falls ridings and in Brunswick's Royal constituency, The ¢ampaign In Quebec's La pelle riding will be a straight ruggle | Conservative and Liberal candi intes, New political ared beside can: didates' NEW PARTY ENTRIES The lahel--resulting from ac tion of the CCF and the Cana the 11,000 fo get he helleved the mem severing y sald hy {he has was adopted hy candidates peterborough and Niagara Falls But the third man in the fleld| against a Conservative and a Liberal in Royal is going under the CCF banner Death of the forced the Ontario hyel eetions= [Liberal Willlam L, Houck in agara Falls and Progressive C Nt Constable Charged With Negligence TORONTO (CP) A six-year veteran of the Metropolitan Tor onto police force was arrested and charged with eriminal negli gence Monday after the shooting of a shopbreaking suspect, Constable Harold Lamber, 81 fired a shot early Sunday while lehasing Wayne Sampson, 18, {suburban Long Branch, The . [youth is In eritie al condition in In two weeks they have heen | | hospital following an operation to) questioned in connection with [remove a Ai-ealibre slug from hreaking, entering and theft [is stomach, from a drive = In restaurant, | Constable Lambert said theft from 8t, Anne's church |gun acoldentally discharged when) a hom 2 car in the chureh [he tripped over a curh, He was prraing ld they arrested Monday night following! to return the an Investigation by Chief Con their parents after each inels stable James Mackey, dent, The 10-vearold will ap A second youth, Robert Sim pear in juvenile court Wedness | 10M 17, also of Long Branch, suf day on oharges of breaking, fered head injuries when he fell entering and theft against a bullding during the The, younger hoy cannot he |ohase. Both yeuths are charged prosecuted because of his age [With hroaking and entering a clothing firm and a printing com. pany soclation spokesmen ad ed, In answer to questions the move was a "direct re of pressure from Vietoria SAYS PR DEDUCTIONS 0 provineial government an wed this week It was discon ng its deduction of dues from payrolls, and Pro lal Recretary Wesley Black the association's con affiliation with the labor ration, which worked actively CCF during the provinelal election annual the sitting UEROCIA ANCIENT OFFICE The office of notary publie to day 1s somewhat similar to that carried on by scribes In ancient Greece and Rome YOUTH ON A CRIME SPREE SUDBURY (CPA six-year old hoy and his 10 « year « old sidekick were pleked up by po lice Monday in connection with the latest of a series of erimes that have police stymied he cause of the hoys' ages The hoys were questioned in connection with an altar fire at St Anne's Roman Catholic Chureh nt Is convention 10 § ago, association decided labor although urging the utive to keep a close eye on gltuation constitution political ac association's partisan we telegram to the t asked that eheckoff of due Immediately vole govern elnstated pend the members' JRONTO (CM) hound on Mrs, Louise and gagged the body with Monday ww woman was found tied to hair by her 13year-old son told police she was attacked were foreed 1 burned youngsters to son who was being assaulted ice have char her hus 1, Michael, §0, assault, ged with CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Buy yous now, by instolments or for cosh, of ony bronch of the "Royal! THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Competition Stiff In Byelections hetween Progressive| Mr, For the first time In a federal] designation] stituency was established in 1952 sald dian Labor Congress to set up albaich of byelections new left-of-centre political party Marsh, a ini two members| to keep mat ! ghen a mare flexible approach to the Cuban problem, ! There Is a disposition in Can oy fo view ini in Cuba in he light of developments which occurred in other countries following agrarian' revolutions US, ACTION HASTY The prime examples cited are There is a feeling here that Egypt and Iraq, They were pro the U8, reaction to Castro's pro- Soviet and bitterly antagonistic vocations has been both unwise awards the West at first, but and precipitate. The contention then swung hack to 8 more or thit a velvel-glove approseh jess centre position, By its pol- vould bring better results, that icles the U8, is making it dif the Americans' clenc hed Aint pob- fie ult for Cuba to ride this pen driving Cuba ever dulum all the way the Communist or he same sentime felt on the Cuban side man for the Cuban em described relations tne Countries as "" are ev dently Epone y hetween perfect In Crash LONDON, Ont, (CP)~Twao per sons were reported in seriou condition in hospital here folio ing # head-on crash Monday or Highway 23 near Listowel, 25 miles north of Stratford Mrs, Vivian Delues, a London Free Press reporter, sutfered er ensive injuries to her rig lacerations to her face and & hock Wilbert Steinhagen, 24, of Pal merston, suffered fractured right leg pin internal deeper injuries hi Industrial Commissioner Ts Fired INGERSOLL commissioner Monday night town council Counell approved a bass two les are nto a and sible Considered particularly unfor- unste are the USB, economic anctions against Cuba ~ which Canada tried to persuade the U.8, not to impose. The picture of a hig rich country tightening the screws on a poor small one in this fashion is not likely to gain the Americans many friends in Asia and Africa, it 1s (CP) Industrial held James W, Dean oan dismissed by! Further, there Is considerable doubt whether the Americans mation to can in fact succeed in bringing fire Mr, Dean, appointed Jan, 4, Castro to his knees through eco: following complaints thet he had nomic action their presumed) not brought new industries to the objective, Cuba is a wide open | town country and can fill its needs from other sources In this connection, Prime Min Boys Saved From Bay Breakfast « Lunch » Dinner Business Men's bunch 12:2 HOTEL LANCASTER DRIVE TO geau Valley TONIGHT Did You Know +. , in the main Dining Reem of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have a Pull-course Dinner for n ONLY. 95¢. (servative Gordon K Peterborough Royal became vacant when : mo . former veterans affairs minister! - HAMILTON (CP)-~Terry Cas Brooks was appointed to the Sen.|tello, 8, and Donald Arnold, 12 late last month and Labelle was|/both from Bt, Joseph's Orphan. {thrown open when former secre-| age, were fis shed oul of Hamilton tary of state Henri Courtemanche| Bay Monday as they were went to the upper house in Jan. splashing around in the water, uary, Both were wearing life presery PC STRONGHOLDS Harbor police sald the boys Mr, Brooks repesentéd Royal were playing In a boat when it always a Conservative strong began to drift out into the bay hold, steadily from 1045 while They became scared and jumped Fraser represented Peter: | gyerhoard, borough for the Conservatives | from 1040 onward, Two More . Polio Cases The present Niagara Falls eon LONDON, Ont, (CP)~Vietoria Hospital officials said Monday al 24-year-old Luean woman and a 26-months-old Chatham boy are being treated for polio, Nelther| are considered critically ill A 2L.year-old Goderich woman admitted to hospital last week and a two-year-old Chatham boy are suspected of being polio) cases, Eight pollo cases have heen treated this year, | Fra STILL A FEW BARGAINS LEFT Gigantic CARPET SALE NU-WAY RUG CO, 174 MARY §T, ers {and Mr, Houck had held the seat] for the Liberals since the general election of the following year, Seeking to hold Niagara Falls for the Liberals is the lone fe {male candidate in the current Judy La 3h-year-old lawyer, The women In the Commons at) present are Progressive Con servatives Tmmigration Minis ter Ellen Fairclough (Hamilton (West) and Margaret Altken (York-Humber), Niagara's Conservative eandl {date 1s Keith Lougheed, 41, a {high school selence teacher, and the New Party candidate is Ed. | ward 1, Mitehelson, 50, a sclence | teacher and reeve, [ The Conservative candidate In Harold Mat Oshawa & District Public and Separate Schools Red Feather PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST FINALS For the Henderson and Karn Trophies will be held in the CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM JUNIORS (up to and including Grade 6) WEDNESDAY, OCT, 19th, 7 P.M, SENIORS (Grades 7 ond 8) % THURSDAY, OCT, 20th, 7 P.M, PUBLIC INVITED ADMISSION FRI Peterborough is thews, 47, partner in an insur ance firm, Running against him are Liberal C, Donald Munro, §7 a retired school principal, and Walter Pitman, 81, history de partment head at Kenner Col legiate in Peterborough who |i running under the New Party hanner, | Hugh John Flemming, 61, new federal forestry minister seeking a seat in Royal agains Liberal Harold A, Fredericks, 35 | year-old businessman and' the [CCF's George H. Wheaton, 81, rallway employee Paul » Emile Lesage, Plogres sive Conservative, 1s opposed hy (Gaston Clermont, Liberal, in La belle | Present standing in the 265-seat | Commons: Progressive Conserv ative 208, Liberal 48, CCF &, va MLL ant 4 the PRESTIGE HOMES from HARRY MILLEN REAL TATE Enjoy a fireplace? Then may we show you this home, having living room, dining room and three fine bedrooms. Located in @ desirable North-West location INSPECT TODAY BY CALLING RA 8-1679

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