Fires A Cannon At Noon Daily KE YAN DLUSEN won hour and a lew aren chreh pow. City tourist promoters wim 4 cal Press Salt Wriker hells (lowing Ws lead Bim (0 Wepr # pened waltormn of | ERENREReY y i' ¢ Ji P . the year oh Contederition, 17, 14 JTETAW (CF) ie Ile 1005 mowomy 10 YEARS AGO |e' Ingar mission of the Wis Bite hate walocked the Mui hen he ana Ws pd wach firme of the gun. Some 4H ne The aReienl CRRROR Bnd| WETE FERAY, RE Seppe Wack WIR ourists saw him this SWmmEr Sid a W-ounce bag of inpowder HE Junge A 4 opm B¥ he, 7 dow't wank to have Song i BRECLRIGES JHIPE % to do with this craw sult)' rn shoved the bag Ine Place] He CoRR Domed HYEF Ihe prec [aid Long down it Ws om with shitl-naied ok # wh Ld Esky ad si i red wo ¢'y Li It helehed smoke and Name i) VRAD ERker oh Whack hoes "In behind of (Fees, return {i Nae done od ori Ih simmer Vm comioriahie wn shirt: ' i ip # a | sleeves ng vit ite fy wi 1064, pine years MHEE WH Whe Would wear something ne for (71 oars and he SPPERS bowght from the Imperial Forces pate such as a Simple Wie up unconcerned by, the interest sup] A torm 4 The cannon, once part of thei " Pot ey ho hie pan srmament of Py Tritton man ¥ ot on . ang ver near Poriiament Wil | Xr, Was bought WHGEE THE S51 oaspy DECIDES TODAY ders of then Prime Minister Sir John A, Macdonald to fre "the NE of the noonday gun, # hoom th | has been heard daily in Otlawe rae (ime daily' at Boon week-| Yankees have called a press con ars and 10 a.m, Sundays, 'The|lerence (oF noon today at which for move than 10 years DOESN'T TRUSTY CIOCK Mr, Davis cimly dropped # keep the pge hoy," he says Bs hs Wm VRimng nally am firms Ld Yel he a5 not te disturh church services. \nounce Wis future plans, The an Mr. Davis Fengd the pe nouncement gave no int of Slen } RA r whose boom can he gel's moves, hit i has heen re detonator plo the Hoy ROVE BH board 25 miles sway on 8 CERF ported for weeks thal the Th-yesr the hottom end he me gy and then relaxed on # PRFK old manager is gong to he wie fonder nd wird 5 ot pis bench to chal with the reporter ceeded, by conch Ralph Houk for Cianted with feigned hall-interest| MISSES OCCASIONALLY the 196} season . a his sudience--an elderly coll it was a mice Joh, he avewed, . " J ple, & reporier, park BarAeners) even when he gol only 5 cents ih NEW LEAF CATCHER y and ahoul 2 young college sti day when he fist siarted, Now| TORONTO (CP) Boron dents he gets $1.98 a day lor Wis one Maple Leals of the Internationgl Then, calmly pulling on # cig: hour's work Baseball League announced Mon aret. he pulled out Wis chained) My, Davis is amos as proud |0ey Right they have signed 1d welch, found 20 years aga of his job as he is of Ws Weteher Ron Henry, 24, of Aus w one of his tour children, Wt! grandchildren, Before taking ItIUR In the Texas AA league He would tell Ottawans when it was on, he had worked for 49 years Wit B15 with Austin last season noon. He had checked it with the as' a gardener in Major's Hl After playing with Taronte dup Dominion Observatory and he park adjoining Nepean point Ing part of the 1959 season when wasn't going to trust that "darn" following in the path of his father he was bothered hy a had knee Peace Tower clock on Parla and grandfather who also had ment Hill tended i "The bloomin' Peace Tower| Heavy snow prevenied him # clock is # minute and a half out," | few times from ting to the he remarked to anyone who hap: cannon, Twice traffic Blocked his pened to he listening (way. And about six times a year Mr, Davis looked at his watch he detonators fall and he has to again, ignoring the hells of the pack up without firing Peace Towers already pealing the Only one thing hothers Words sheh ne," hell," ana God fell both on nations god harvest Moscow, he "Despite this him Employment Opportunities "(CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADA) DEFENCE PRODUCTION OFFICERS (with engineering experi: ence and specialization in aeranauties, glectronies, ship building and 'armaments chemicals and metal cams panents), Defence Froduction, $6,600.87 680; $7,920-89,300; $9,940-811,200 Ottawa Air Material Eames FFICER, LOGISTIC RESEARCH, alo . $9,940-811,200 mand, National Defence (Air), Ottawa AUBIT REVIEW OFFICER (with registered membership in a rofessional accounting erganization), Financial Adviser's ranch, Defence Preductien, Ottawa, $7,920:89 300 MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS OFFICER (with many years of relevant experience! raining Cemmand Headauarters, Natienal Defence (Ain), Winnipeg, Man. $7,500 $8,700 Welfare Services, National Emergency 1 A $7.260-48,340 are, Ottawa LIAISON OFFICER Health and Well HEALTH BBUGATOR (university graduate, preferably with specialization in education ar in ang of the social sciences), Information Services Division, Natienal Health and Wal fare, Ottawa. $7,260-88,340 STAFF TRAINING OFFICER (with a goed knowledge of the rineiptes and practices of adult education, and a general AA of counselling and guidanse Joiten), Daminien Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, $7,260-% COMPUTER PROGRAMMER (university graduate with heneurs in mathematics), Property and Finance Division, Agriculture Ottawa. $6 840-87 BAD INBUSTRIAL PROMOTION OFFICER (to plan and stimulate industrial and commercial development in the Narthwest Territories and the establishment of markets for northern products), Northern Affairs and Natianal Resources, Ottawa $6,840. $7 860 TECHNICAL OFFICER ~~ ACCOMMORATION AND LEASING, Property and Building Management Branch, Public Werks, Te renta, Ont. $6.420-87,140 THREE INFORMATION OFFICERS (university ar high scheal graduates, with a number of years of experience in publicity work), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, One position we $6,660.87 680; twa positions ene bilingual $6,000-96,660 ASSISTANT PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS (with experience in court and general reporting, and ability to take shart: hand at a speed of 150 words @ minute), Committee Re porting Branch, House of €ommens, Ottawa, $6360: $4,900, WEAPON SYSTEMS TESTING, TUNING AND FAULT FIND. ING OFFICERS (with demonstrated knowledge and experis ence in the field of Computers, Serve Mechanisms and eles: tronics), National Defence, H.M.C, Dockyard, Halifax, N.§ $6,000-94,640, TECHNICAL OFFICERS (structural and mechanical draftsmen), Construction Branch, Transport, Ottawa. $ and 15,460.86, 180, EDITOR (with thorough knowledge ef editorial practices and working knowledge of printing and illustrating progesses), Economies and Research Branch, Labour, Ottawa. $5280. $4,180 AURITORS, NATIONAL DEFENCE (with professional auditing experienge). Chief Auditar's National Defence Ottawa. $ Puvisian ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIAN (with geod knowledae of building materials, Methods of construction and sonstoue: tion sasts), Architectural $4.080-34.800 Diy Transport, Toronto, Ont on, BIOLOGY TECHNICIAN (Aquatic Biology and Fisheries), Can adion Wildlife Service, Northen Affairs and National Re sources. Edmonton, Alta $4.620.35 160 BUY THE NEW CA CHEMICAL TESTING TECHNICIANS, inspection Services. Na tional Defense. Ottawa. Starting salaries $3,750. $4.080 andl $4,620 INSECTICIDE TECHNICIAN, © wre. Ottawa $3750.34 200 t Biology Buy Aacicul BN HOSMTAL COOKS fe nce). Indian and Northern Health Ser and Wellare, Moose Fagtory, Om isolation allowance with at least four ves ant exper vices, National Health $3.210-50.660 ph Details and application farms ot main Past Offices. Nations! Smployment Offices and Civil Jorvice Commission Oitices. 'Quot of GEORGE, NEW YORK (A srangest Biblicist whe has ARAREY Wish Lo North Americs He says Muntly tht he AER retary believe wm # Aeiy wd he 0 skiold wwe all sapernatiri aspects of Khrushihey said yet he CARE BEER 10 old adage that there REVREF wie Ha, Ralowed! por have YET DEER AY SRINE OR phrases olf Wis earth." "I pilended chuich school #6 # Phe w bie "I won BPE urs pH from the priest tor knowing the! uri figure of hewrt." Pi be thet this early aaothe iin fis ' dip " 7 a TT selons and vocabwiary m hibical but Vm not for that 1RBEY. iiusions and proverhs "You may say thet | perso BH heist," he wf J) -New York .: . n W YORK (AP)=New York reps RELIGIOUS TERMS A felers repeatedly pod ' favoraiy to Christ and bis lon earlier Bring Bundays was set 50 MARAKEF Casey Biepgel will an Euage (Mus is - sprinkled with "un apiritual Wess 'Meaven Ysacend Auty' "soul," 'the devil" Borrowing me of Jesus par ahles ghoul the sewer whose sae stony and good ground, he used this picture In insisting to the United Nations that his government i158 working for peace and friendship among like the sows 80 that man may have a ower who Upbrailding a Mew York news paper woman for allegedly writ ing unfair stories about him from told her I do not harbor Atheist Mr. K. es Bible , CORNELL, aby 1 wilh and in fact, when FU 6 Communiot RERVER 16 Estamiehed | 1s Nikita I wilt sey to God fist ended She misindersond we' situption had "OR RERYY KF ADA SAV] has THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Octsber 18, 1980 37 Chance To Trade i775 With Communist sivikie and Poland, wd thet We [TRmework for Rng with the maior Boviet Woe countries re SEIGNIORY CLUB, Que. (CF) tries have had to adapt their sell Ab # Los Angeles luncheon, fie Viahy Rew opportunities exist for|ing methods to re (6 ndge the said: "WETE Wl Inends and 1TRAE WHR COMM CoNmnes Wh usiness methods wick long ald "eWeRr om the Bie On We (ow |" the 15, last yess, he (98 #9 iowa frmer; ; "Goh Bis hehped you i lof, BEs Loven you so, bt gow the IWERL Hh WE ORY YOR ton 14 'Lot her iw When he bore down on UN Bec Gener Dag Hammar SEEKIRE Ws Ouser, "Phere 1% aR He added, Re parallels closely the pire voe (FRAWRE PRIIRET However, Mr. Pybus added, the of tivde rathers welore Christ, W. G. Pyhws, of the depariment exists between the two worlds . 2 Ta cates Benes, We Quoted one of the I on Addie 1 fhe Comaionsed 10 the press In mdvance of Hing gvernment-controfied (rad: 0 Commantments, "Tho whist Mah EXporiers Association, oy "Phen very sie and comin: not Kill" And in soothing over| Mr. Pye, chief of the Ewin TARIFF AGREEMENT iy A ; Mr, Pybus with another scrip \Fehzion 166 ue to Iorgive Fes iplernations) Wade FelationslCanade Exehmn ' peck, that the|pusses of others, , , LraNeh, sadeds OAENANESE § POW - ov eomirnels, filled the cup ofl Once, during the invocation at "IN cannot he overdooked that! ence "We are hearing R\chev's lo appeared (n move oth ides is essential, Canadian) long with the prayer and Iater|\Iisinkss en With some siecess The Lda of Khrushehey's he Compl imenten the minister, Im tragiing with Sino Soviet coun Travelling Overseas way NOT FLY FS For information regarding any form of travel , , . DIAL RA 3-944) We hove a direct Torome telephone ne 161 prompt Airline Reservetions MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE of TEBE VST OAL ™ Tk RR" Vian ments with Cenede's leading wre marked, ahd ROmerons ithe Arauing that Wis country advo of (Fade wid commerce, said to Text of Tis speech was 16 d # spat, he seid: "Ene Chistian pean Givision of the Aepariment's commented that le proflems in the { o to oveifiowing." Aida PHishureh {hen Khriish (Co-operation between traders on reer) ! 'The modern way to travel is by air' Free! Mais Frise ~ "EARNER hess 1661008, Wile inday! 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