Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Oct 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT POR TODAY : A philanthropist ¥ liber al 7 liberal w ho is own mangy, VOL, 89--~NO, 240 TEARS AT on a prize at the 4H | in Honolulu. Jack Lar. | the Dole Corporation to Fd. STEERS A I didn't leer w rio ou Robello as he wiped vith a8 handkerchief raise my pet to he Fd alter nl patiently claim 10 Corts Por Copy Price Mot Over ---------- ¥ ROUNDUP {ee Tommy," purchased by Dole, Edward didn't want awards t wanted hi ward's pel which he Ju Tommy Improved Relations Seen In The Co P 1] } I hie tl Veaithie na the ELISABI proved FHVILI relatio Mohu cent ntry ad made more bution to Josep! | Katanga's | centr | ration oclaimed of the al ( mer al And pre leader of province which thirds of the were indicated today Mobutu flew to Elisabeth the Katanga capital ind five of talks with 1 called the on Mo hreakaway ) § dent ¢ 10m he Ome Katanga! independence supplie Ww or hi I gave hi tudent graduates hom commission country 10mne count ea sing roup of nd viobutu ersity named eneral to { end of hombe, un J ! has run the the bi year with int le | Two Killed In Liner nour folth men friendly, Before returning to Leopold ville, Mobutu told reporters "the only thing that upsets Mi Tshombe is the presence of the Communists--and that goes for me, too," BACKS CONFEDERATION Tshombe Is the champion of) Lalk 0 Ke the ngo on mean I could hard! Mohutu ahout things smi Year, { ment Leopoldyille," mumba butu announced he was 'neutral | leing" order te ate and pro dependent il iimed | i i) the alle Congo at Inee tained inde Main an I last June 30, iid "We did not reach any decision the future f the Congo, 1 to Col that, He we will military end of the govern wm ( 0 talk like politician, But | Viohutu not a ( tra Then pect on until the form of inaugurated 01m he On selzing in mid-September, Mo-| | to restore] Ha sot up! Lo oper the politicians in the country . - technical commission the government until Jan, 1 The Katanga government de power from Lu:| ~The Oshawa OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTO Americans Executed By Castro HAVANA (AP)--A Cuban fir cabinet ing squad Sunday executed two was "one of the little leaders of more Americans from the inva- the counter-revolution.," Ray, sion force that Fidel Castro homh expert whe fought with charged was part of a UB, plot Castro against the regime of dic to provoke an incident at Guan- tator Fulgencio Batista, was re tanamo naval base, placed as public works minister The prime minister linked the late last year, 27-man expeditionury force hat CONCERN OVER NAVY landed on Cuba's northeast comst|™ 0 sy admitied Conca Oct, 15 with mounting tension) SASF0 A180 AGTH bcern py about the allegiance of the Cuban over the big naval hase the navy. He threatened 10 disnolve United States holds on the Island "force unless if shapes up In Ww treaty thorough revolutionary fashion The two The prime minister indicated before dawn too, that the revolutionary pro Thompson, 36, a Louisiana 84: gram may he slowed down on venturer, and Robert O, Fuller, the home front, With the ir 25, a former UB, Marine seeking (ion of an urban reform law to avenge the Castro Govern: ing the weekend, he said "dras ment's seizure of his fAther's| peasure social and eco Cuban plantation, Two Cubans nomic front have ended, The ur were jailed for 30 years han law Cubans the right Another American who landed hy applying with them, Anthony Zarba, 27, of pur Somerville, Mass,, was executed with Cuban Insurgents the firing range In Juan lost Thursday MORE RAIDS BEEN A prediction of more Invasions against the Castro regime came from Fuller's father William, in Miami "There'll he other Fuller told reporters may fall; but sooner or Castro regime will fall Fuller, who served with the Marines in | Korea, testified at his trial in Santiago that peasants had aided the Invaders Castro dismissed of the rebel members, Manalo Ray Americans executed were Allan Dale on the gives to buy their homes the monthly rent toward the chase price Casto also Bank of Canada and the Bank of Nova Scotia were the only hanks not nationalized last week they were helping the government in financial ahroad through offices al said the Royal Ban seven same valley because Cuban transactions thelr main Policeman Shoots Youth ing Via xpedition ""Bome later g Erie Lhe The younger the import movement in side Cuban Aying counter revolution within the country ha TORONTO (CP) Wayne virtually nothing It has all Sampson, 18, of suburban Long| its support and strength abroad." | Branch was accidentally shot in| But the prime minister dis: the back as he fled police early closed that one of his former today 'Rhodesian i nn Leader Hurt In Fighting | had fired a warning shot into the| LUSAKA, Northern (Reuters) The leader United National Independ Sampson's companion, Robert Simpson, 17, also of Long Branch is being treated for head injuries Ihe received while fighting with [detective Taunton Wedge, Hospital officials sald Samp-| son's condition is serious, | The two youths have been charged with breaking and en Rhodesia tering a clothing firm and a of the! printing company, Accidentally | ) Sime WEATHER REPORT Colder weather will enter South~ ern Ontario in the wake of high winds, re Authorized os Second C BER 17, 1960 om Ma Post Office Deporiment, EIGHTEEN PAGES Otraws "SETTLE DOWN' EFFORT BY UN H | | ad | Fil Ris hb Eg on v 5 Bel SENATOR! | John ¥, Kennedy, Dem. ¢ N.J, Kennedy addressed throng presidential nominee, unidentified enthusl- Ben erRLi Levittown, shopping plaza, The crowd interrupted Kennedy's speech with applause when he sald he had disagreements with Vice-President Nixon AP Wirephoto reaches out for youngster held out hy astic father as the senator's motorcade moved through cheering crowd of Levittown, Storm Kills 3000 In Pakistan DACCA, Pakistan (AP)==Winds touring the area, placed the officially estimated at 20,000 in | Back To Work After K. Visit UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP)(Menon's, A source sald it came Fifteen countries on five contin-|to him when President Bekou ents pushed a resolution today to|Youre of Guineas addressed the calm things down in the UN assembly Thursday, General Assembly after the, The day before, a debate over stormy visit of Boviet Premier|colonialism had turned rowdy, Khrushchev Khrushehey had banged the desk Defence Minister V, K, Krishna|with his shoe, and the assembly Menon of Indig planned to intro- president, Frederick Boland of duce the resolution in a speech|lveland, had adjourned the meets ending the general policy debate ing abruptly sfler a Romanian in the 99-country assembly, delegate had hinted Boland was The resolution would have the biased, assembly call for full co-opera-| Toure deplored the Romanian's tion with the United Nations, ask statement and asked the Soviet all countries to refrain from ac- group to refrain from trying to tions likely to aggravate interna- make propaganda with the colon. tional tensions and urge that im- ial issue, mediate steps he taken lo solve Menon sugge world problems at an Aslan There was a possibility that the ing Friday assembly would begin debating with Fore the resolution this afternoon, | Fawzi of Repub. it of Dobriveje Widik of ) India, Indowbsia, and Yugoslavia, the represented a second peacemaking, Their (op Introduced a resolution t month to have the assembly ask for a meeting between Pres. {ident Eisenhower and Premier Khrushchev, It was withdrawn after the United Btates rounded up votes to delete mention of the American president and the So. viel premier, 'Flu Called A Killer By Council LONDON (AP)=The man who Frederik 1X of Denmark and Bponsors of the resolution are Yugoslavia, Austria, Bolivia, Burma, ¥eua-| For Ghana, dor, ¥Vinland, Ghana, India, Indo- the UA R nesia, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, | proposal Tunisia, the United Arab Repub-'iry at lie, Venezuela and Yugoslavia leaders The idea for the resolution was las Meat Packers Co-op Formed CHATHAM (CP)~Birth of a producer meat-packing eo-oper: ative will he announced at a spe. cial meeting of all county execu tives of the Ontario Hog Produe- ers' Association in Toronto Wed: nesday, it was announced today, A debenture issue to get the new project under way may also be started at the meeting, It has been rumored for some] time that hog producers were studying the possibility of pro rigged gh Bo | cessing and marketing thelr prod der which the individual prov inces would have a maximum amount of home rule, He is ar opponent of the strongly AR engine room ex centralized government of Pari ooo booked the Union Castle trice Lumumba, the premier liner Capetown Castle off here to ousted hy Maobutu day. ki and in Asked for his uring 14 Jahoimbe . Sonfedaration | The explosion halted the Lid 000 " ton liner on a voyage from Cape nounced as 'malicious rumors' |ence party of Northern Rhodesia, reports in Ghana and Moscow Munukayumba Sipalo, was se that South African troops had ar. verely injured Sunday night in rived in Katan fighting hetween supporters of MOUTH FULL, tonal Congress Aboan. Ni COULDN'T BARK Sipalo, who advocates early in TORONTO (CP) An #2 lof more than 150 miles an hour|death toll as high as 3000 on the|™" sdb . goes on working when he's and a tremendous tidal wave atrengih of reports he collecetd net on a co-operative basis in an 8 he's got y killed at least ,3000 people|from local officials effort to increase the producers'|ifluenza ra hranded today as have of Fant Pakistan. mm share of the consumer food dol. ® Potential killer, along the coast of Fast Pakistan The governor was informed ||. The British Safety Council re. Azam Khan sald to: that the eyelone and the ensuing| In Montreal Nhat she creione ahd the ehaving nt alm thel Ported a direct link between flue Assoclation members el : . ; ay, nd man 3 § rie MONTREAL (CP) Violence|' ADproximate ly 80 per cent of hops, y deaths and Injuries on project will also set higher mea the » A : k ars wot | 10 Toads, in industry and In the believed to he connected with a) .0" cirviving population in the |packing standards, They expect Rome, ' ) Hundreds of bodies were he ir 9 arativ POCeSS protection racket erupted Bunday aren was left homeless by der 0oq™ orc, of on a Eh first ¢o operative processing The council, an employers' ors night near gaudy 8 Lawrence) goioiion of 30,000 homes [the tidal wave receded. A com: | PAN to be built in 1061, ee | BBNIZALION with 9,000 member Blvd Montreal's notorious The storm struck a week ago flems, complled its report after Engineroom | Gun Battle LAS Canary Island teuter PALMAS a arch | Governor | dependence, was released from prison last January after serv {ing a nine-month sentence for dition ling two persons toward ideas the attitude 8 replied plete total of those killed same viewpoints Mohutu today ahly gave reporters a aptimistie ation had the "Tull and ver with pro | financial this meant agreed to start the central govers and channelling for tr t, Katan farmlands consider more n f 1 vine morg Pre I's} in taxes ment eign « | dent uppe p eoonomic umahl had to Win ombe ph b \ 1 ugh 1 @ thi ga mine and riet CAMPAIGN TROUB town to Southampton The crippled ahr ikwater outside Las Palma h Atlantic Spain hip anchored off 1 main port of the t of nds southwi I'he ndsor Union tle Castle and neers Ww wa the and eng The Capetown years LE It 2 sent: medical to her Castle, bu 750 pas time sister on | ago, Can carry Committ ee Raps retired storekeeper for dog for munching raw liver men tried to threatened Lo year-old a [} h calmly while rob burn hom Alfred Bartlett said the men, armed with a pistol and three pounds of liver, forced their way into his" room Suns day, Hig four-year-old Gers man Shepherd watchdog cedily the liver and turned a deaf ear to the threat He the a | him his accepted when uld-h rohhet rifled They missed $16 in and left empty didn't hay an eye \ drawer pillow handed Protestant Move Non-Smoker AP the NEW YORK nit 0 Rom ed plan ermons ive an h ant nive Meanwhile VE announ ( on the tholic TR Epi Says a can) churchman Wid prominent Ang of a ! a tlood ha I I al ier topped timate mal dis ssles In the dential election, Bruce Felk nor, director of the Faker Cam paign Practices Commitiee, Sal in a lay sermon at the Redford, N.Y. Presbyterian Church Sun day I am ashamed to say te you that this anniversary in 1950 w 1 be perverted from a sacred to what 1 think is a quite profane use in many churches in our country." Reformation Sunday, 0 marks the day in 'when Martin Luther nailed to a Witten hur cathedral his "ninety-five theses," initiating the Prot estant Reformation Felknor, a Preshyleri Artiele VI of the C eal: 'No rel od bu rat cussion of le pre Oct thus ai, sald Astitution ws test is unequiv } ¢ he requ as a lgquall CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 'FIRE DEPT, RA 3.637 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 4 L \ dential offiee public United vho ion Mn of Atal ust under the ! ) 1 | tholle cannot be loyal to chureh with 1h I" ple ove a nt or hone ind with their ne wld not mealy-mouth of the forth it, to mtamou in evasions hut 10 would Ve mend | day na ns of religion ANNOUNCES CAMPAIGN A] Ford, Wheaton 1] the National A nye al an LL] massive n he launched next dealing with the role of atholie ehureh in the presi election, The movement will he climaxed Reformation Sunday, he sald, Dr, Ford told a reporter Prot estant churches will be offered literature encourfiging voters 'to take a look at ecclesiastical in fluence in government," The NAE, whose members in clude evangelist Rilly Graham, "Isn't attacking Senator Ken nedy," Ford sald, But he ac knowledged some voters might be influenced hy the campaign when we point out the effects ff chureh Influence in govern ment." EXPLAIN STA The George of I urday director tion of ed N npai Sunday the ( 1 will ND ¥ «» member tb wand of ad 1 of NAF 8 Proest t d m 000 @ ation of repres nomina oon ations explaining the ons and statement position "When an ecole advocates the use @ il i wed a 1 roup's system nmemt slastical of gove A art re and ] that | fered by the voter,' New Disease SAN FRANCISCO (AM arder that n | ippeared four stopped smok hed when they again, says fler they i vani took up ha F medi I'he ported of He ticle ( ore re i Hookman, i, in an ar Medieine, the journal of the California Association The disorder was canker in the mouth and on the tongue They laped days after smokin stopped Dr, Bookman sald xplain the ull ria SOres dove a few va he couldn't I" Operation For Yugoslav Boy TORONTO (CP)---An 11-year old Yugoslav bay arrived here today to undergo a heart opera tion which it is hoped will save his life Igor Sabota who left Belgrade Friday accompanied by his mother, was born with heart dis ease known as tetralogy of the fallot. After exertion, he turns hie Without little yea Hospi the ation he had chance of living another 10 oper al 8 Children In few places America with the artifi and lung machines to operation, scheduled I one 1 in h heart the clal rmit for Nov Miss SC W | | Molly Whilter, overseas ary of the British Save the dren nd the h | { who saw hoy mother if mm ndan L000 lowald hos pial expenses, Rhode troops Negro Bu main," Police sald more than a dozen shots fired between two groups at a howling alley follow ing an argument between four persons and walter I'hree persons were taken to police headquarters for question ng In Bouthern and African maintained patrols In townships around Salisbury, lawayo and Gwelo In Bulawayt, where native in dustrial workers staged strikes {for higher pay last week, men {returned to their jobs, Close Finish In Presidential Race | | Meantime, sla, white were WASHINGTON (AP) = Demo] The 17 states rated as tossups erat John Kennedy apparnetly|account for 267 electoral voles has pulled almost even with Re: (close to enough to elect a presi publican Richard Nixon as they|dent by themselves, spring toward 'he finish in their In the previous | hectic race for the presidency. weeks ago, Nixon was regarded | But a new Associated Pressiag out front in 22 states with 161 | survey indicates that with elec: glootoral votes, Kennedy as lead: | tion day only three weeks away, ing in 14 states with 128 votes. neither candidate has heen able and 14 states with 283 voles were! to grasp a clear advantage in 17 listed as in doubt states J i iJ! f of " Hla ' Rumbering nearry Halt o hus, the indication Re pi in' need 200. ; Nixon has dropped by three| he hi b) o is AP oheck of thelStates and 20 electoral votes | § laley , Kennedy has the same number political situation in All 50 states x 4 , of states as the last time, 14, but ave some evidence that Ken Ide tes. The doul «ly might be gaining an edge IA Added voles ie doubt nes h ful group grown hy three in some of the hig doubtful states states such as New York (45, Pennsyl:|™" . Kentucky (10), Colorado (f) vania (32), California and Michigan (20) and Arizona (4) moved from the Nixon column inte the tossup SLIGHT NIXON LEAD class, Louisiana (10) went from The survey indicates {the doubtful group inte Ken Nix is ahead in 19 states with nedy's column Monagtna (4), 141 electoral votes, Kennedy is rated last time as for Kennedy, credited with the lead in 12 states! slipped into the doubtful cate: {with 120 electoral votes, In a gory | {few southern states, a scattering, Other tossup states: Ohio (28), {of Democratic electors might not| Texas (24), North Carolina (14), {vate for Kennedy even If he won Missouri (18), Tennessee (11) their states and Mississippl (8) "LATE NEWS FLASHES Lutheran Church Wants Bomb Ban ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, (AP)-The United Lutheran Church in America was asked. today to adopt a resolution calling for the outlawing of nuclear tests, The hoard of social missions presents ed the proposal to the church's 23nd biennial convention No Embargo On Canada-Cuba Trade WINNIPEG (CP) Prime Minister Diefenbaker said Sunday night Canada has "no intention whatsoever 'of imposing any em | barge on ( anadian goods in Cuban trade," He commented in an interview on reports that the United States has made overtured to Canada to Join in an embargo on Cuban trade New Canadian Arms Plan Coming OTTAWA (CM) posals in the United Nation dav The pr ng survey two that six has Canada will launch new disarmament pro this week, reliable informants said vdmed at tin mament neg at Russia walked oul 10-nation t y 1 ' YWOSAlS ¢ di i again aftey talks at Geneva last July, fe 0 tations of the , may today, doing most of its damage| nay to six small offshore islands in| the Bay of Bengal, The islands STRIKE PERIODICALLY in the Noakhali district--are/ guoh killer storms are Jabbar Amin, Hatiya, hi Alexander and Ramgatl, They Naerly 500 persons were killed in| have a total population of 300. (he same area by one in the fall 000, but like most of the rest of of 1058, | Rast Pakistan are extremely) 'Here they are called cyclones primitive In the Pacific they are known as Communications with the oul:|tvnhoons; in the Atlantic, as hur side world were cut, Not untiliplioanes, Their chief devastating sunday, when government offl-i oharaoteristio Is high winds that | clals produced their report 8Her pail up the sea and smash it an on-the-spot investigation, WAS) against shores the estimate of the dead made. "ry the storm last week many It 1s feared that the figure May fishermen failed to return, Sur rn out to he higher vivors told of boats being thrown| Governor Azam Khan, about wildly by the glant seas, | The tidal wave that followed was the worst in memory, Subsidies Answer To | Rail Dispute TORONTO (CP)--Government § subsidies are the only answer to between the and the non-operating labor negotiating chief Hall of Montreal said | never he possible com tu who is the wage 50 rallways unions Frank today, He said the railivays should be given enough to make up for th low statutory Crowsnest Pas frelght rales on grain and for uneconomic passenger oper ations, since these were main tained as public policy, i It might cost hetween $100,000. 4 000 and $110,000,000 a year, hej sald, but it was the public and| not the railway employees 'whol fg shonld subsidize publiely-directed services At a press conference, Hall said he sees no alternative to a strike in order to bring the| wage issue to a conclusion, Legion Kills Algeria Rebels CONSTANTINE ters) troops impas 1s Mr, | Algeria (Rew| French Forelgn Legion killed 147 Algerian na: tionalist insurgents and captured 45 others in a battle Friday in the Aures Mountains south of here, French offigial sources said Sunday night At Herhillon Press reported, 11 and a Moslem were when an Algerian led a nade int "ey The Associated Frenchmen wounded terrorist a cate In village Sunday and to Fire department HANGI it's officials work sher | plane which sed | house shortly aller takeoll to. | free a this night, } snag on we re of the Bhatd, man in this part of the world, | interviewing motorists, police, doctors and factory officials, It urged mass vaccination against Influenza, Speech Tour The Report says. fatigue--~chars 4 dul {acteristic of the early stages of WASHINGTON (AP) = Pres: |influenza~is one of the A dent Eisenhower leaves today on causes of accidents, In 1857, the a nine-day coast-to-coast speak: (year of the Asian flu epidemic ing tour whieh will take him into|road accidents involving illness some of the major battleground were almost double those of the states of the presidential cam: year before, Industrial accidents palgn, But the White House 15 also were among the most nus calling the 6,728-mile trip non-po-/merous in recent years, litieal "Undoubtedly this increase Travelling aboard an alr force came about because many drive jet airliner, the president ar ers or pedestrians were suffering ranged a mid-morning departure) ffom influenza in its early stages for Detroit, first stop on a six-/and their judgment was thus ims state itinerary which also in. paired because of general fatigue cludes a brief visit to Mexico, |and distraction," the report said, Ike Leaves On NG FROM THE ROOFTOP day. Four the | tached to wrecking equipment plane were injured when the | whieh pulled the plane free right landing gear caught on | shortly after this A ) the real, The thin lines leading | taken, off to the left are cables ats occupants of n =A Wirephole

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