Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Oct 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 17, 1960 HOME TEAMS WIN WEEK-END 'BIG FOUR' GAMES } i i 18, That's Jim Rowntree of Argos af the right FOOTBALL STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Big Four WLT F APs H 8 050620 18 Ottawa #4 0338 § 16 Montreal 4 KB 025 [] Hamilton 39 02% [] Saturday's Result Montreal #8 Hamilton 21 unday's Result Ouawa 18 Toronto 87 Saturday's Games Toromo al Olawa Montreal at Hamilion wiru wi 4 1 fh nh ARGON STAN WALLACE ed for Bobby Simpson (centre) ing yesterday's Big Four game (left) intercepts a pass intend: | of Ottawa Rough Riders dur: in Toronto which Argos won #7» pi ye | Toronto ~ A Pts 199 26 19% 18 2 852 M4 12 4 8B 2245 384 10 110 2171 84 4 Saturday's Results Calgary 3 Edmonton 17 B.C, 14 Saskatchewan 14 Saturday's Games Edmonton at Baskatchewan i at British Columbia | Senior ORFL Detroit-Port Huron 50 Barna Eastern Intercollegiate Queen's 10 Western 21 McGill # Toronto 7 Western Intercollegiate Alberta 20 U, of B.C SATURDAY Atlantie Conference Bt. FX 61 Mount Allison 0 Stadacona 20 Bt, Mary's 21 Dalhousie 26 New Brunswick U, § Ontario Intercollegiate | MeMaster 22 Waterloo 0 [RMC 6 OAVEC 7 {Ottawa 27 Carlton 6 Toronto Junior Balmy Beach 5 Burlington (Budden-death semi-final) ORFU Intermediate Oakville 12 Hamilton 15 Bt, Lawrence Conf, Patrick's 18 Loyala 31 NORFU {North Bay 26 Budbury National League Cleveland 48, Dallas 7 Philadelphia 26, Detroit 10 Baltimore 81 Los Angeles 17 Pittsburgh 27, 81. Louis 4 Chicago 27, San Francisco 10 Washington 24, New York #4 American League Oakland 27, Boston 14 New York 17, Buffalo Houston 20, Dallas 10 Los Angeles 24, Denver Church League Hockey Teams Hold Meeting I'he HE T ¥ 0 415 0 268 Winnipeg Edmonton Calgar Bi Bask y algary 20 5) " ol | ; | as the" Hamilton players hreak through, That 18 Russ Buckle setting ready to try for a "MOVE OVER, PLEASE" is apparently what hig Billy Shipp of Montreal Alou | elles is saying Hamillon blocks | er Boh Jarus (19) as he pushes him out of the way, In an attempt to get at Tiger-Cats | Bernie Faloney (10 vho 1s looking for a potential receiver, | Argos On Top, T1-Cats Bottom By THE CANADIAN PRESS (a flurry of fist-fighting and sho On the fisht play of the after-|Ing that nearly hroke into & free noon, Lou Agase's touchdown. for-all hungry Toronto Argonauts! The Argo attack was fired bh snatched a pass from the arms quarterback Tobin Rote's of an Ottawa receiver and touchdown passes and capped hy marched to the Ottawa Rough'a 58:yard charge into paydirt bh Riers' eight-yard line Cookie Gilohris! The Argos were 5 hut the pattern sel for IMPRESRIVE three day's top-of-the-league battle . Rote M scoring An interception, a fum which Toronto delivered a crush: 20Vve ann and one lo ' h nd a mile de field ing 87-13 blow to the Riders' Big "Malo, DPOUER his seasol { ihhed them of Fouy championship hopes oH lust hetore the ended A record Fiteheverry taried a pa #69 wee that put Veryl tional the their their season TWOPOINT LEAD I'he left 1 points, two ahead of Ollawa Rough Ride minus record rushing halfback Ron Stewart for half the game chance to avenge Sunday's loss pext Batur: eight day. If they don't, Argo assured of staying on tap of the quartet In Montreal Saturday, th auettes caught an over Hamilton Tiger-Cat machine off guard and sent it reeling hack to the cellar with a 43.21 viet Als, smarting under lashing outscored Hamilton second quarter The Toronto LL] =~LF Wirepholo | 18 W ) val Mosca, thrown out for minutes earlier, raced field seeking Cillehrist and fans milled about ing punt hut no done kicked ecemed Angelo punching ante the Player some 1 three i damge wa favor ify the marched down the time nthe first Hamilton or oa and to Ju stopped the a fue H | vh Hid TOTAI d ; passe 1 in aal al one quarter crowd of ihatlo got one other Canadian Btadium leam ¢ lea am yards in ie laronto's Exhibition hometown an a ground play trom | canveretd all and ed awl the touchdowns at Na Gilehr wn out touehde LEY oalline for put an @ finest delen pain Nn tor | 160 16:7 on One wvhen Law i | intercepted Rote pass and returned it eh down, Hehreider In THREE TDK ON PASKEN fourth Hrancato gol TT ETT Hider I uronto hall ih cut to juarter chreider Bon Clark and Hal apie I ¢ and Bill Hewl } 0 added f Ai Church Hookey held re-organization King Street Chureh week, lo prepare 1060-61 season and were on hand Northminster United, King treet United, BL Paul's Preshy Knox Preshyterian and United Churches the problems whieh BOARON were disoyss made a overcome gates agreed that relerees are games and it will fill these oH a conver! Oshawa or at Lit meeting Hall thi plans for a converted al past the entalives he George hdown other are Ard: pa inte the end Hon Lancaster Argos exploded the rth vith Gilehrist's run Mann tonehidows and Ahatios il ilo went all the 1 andy get a the Mm a wnmy Ciray all on Ope seem trom Montreal and terian Al confident e andl Codlardale 5 Vay on ol last juarter, the Home f yard pa mn Af made five Halthack Daye The ap Ollawa ground gainer ng for U4 wards in 20 Seconds atter the fina Avgn's Ron Brower and Jos ended with of the Rides { "a 1 ei { ntereep Nan ie deli timekeopey and the adults yl len was th a Long rush Ma the meh Perry in all but from ¢ Carri \ We wy far pla Rell Fackle and nthe Ihe organization has heen In dwieration now for five years, Last alm i 1 fy | | Twa divisions were oper fel, Mentor tion for hoys up 0 years of age and the Junior hays up 0 15 years It was the general opine fon that the growing demand for more Junior teams should he commodated, and that the Hen Ww division he diseantinued I'he League's next meeting will he held at King Street United Chureh, on Thursday evening of this week, at 7.90 o'clock and all hurches interested should have representatives on hand, Inter ested adulis are. alsa invited to attend. Those seeking additional information ahont emering a team for the coming season, should contact Mrs, Marlyn Rob: nson, at RA 54370. The league hopes to commence sehedule play n November game HE] INTERCOLLEGIATE Mustangs Top Gaels, Redmen Down Blues Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Victories MeGill Redmon and University Western On tarle Mustangs Saturday left standings In the Senior Intereol legtate Football League solidly deadiocked Mustangs upset powerful Queen's Golden Gaels 21:10 at London to move inte a first place tie With Queen seach four points Redmen ne every appoartunity win over University Blues at Taranto ond spot bie won Ai that m from i il pa LLL hin "nee BOWLING NEWS THE PIN HITTERS Team standings Price's 18 Pazer's 8, Smale's & MoFarlane's Richard's 4, Houston's 4 Men's High Single le to Dixon division for al age \ Mustang touchdown were scored hy fullhacks Larry Ouellette and Roy Wood. John Nash converted 1 West touchdown Other hy af Les al ry Sma Hl Men's High | Gaels took a first-quarter lead Friple; Ted Tose when Robin Ritchie scored with ¢ a M.yard field goal followed hy Dave Skene's touchdown. Gaels pivot Cal Conpar completed 11 of 202. Boh team has 21 passes and had one inter p WW cepted. Queen's gained 130 vards through the a At Taronte McGill collected all of thelr paints in the first half or a Held Harry Haukkala and an uncoverted touchdown hb Moore Redmen did pa in the first half. go through the ampleting Tozer 207 Claus 242, Jim Barron Harper 211 APH] Al 244: Stan, Simpson 277 268, Les, Smale M1 MeFarlane 217, 230 wines we ~ vw FIGHTS LAST | NIGHT Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS New York Obdulio. Nunes, Puerta. Rico, outpointed aves, 180%, Edmonton Fernandes RY Aires, outpointed Denny 134, Portland, Ore, 10 Qracieux Lamperti ontpainted Cos Men over 200: Ted MO: Vern § Hm Walley Lak advantage of eked out a 8.7 of Taranto gain a se Each team now ha to goal hy and dropped two Despite a steady drizzle quant erback Ken Hysdale welded the Mustang squad into a formidable unit, He completed four of 11 passes and had one intercepted Mustangs picked up 287 yards rushing compared with 123 vards gained along the hy Gaels In the al m game Rysdale kept eammg 1 stopped Q yard line We A eight in the | A 108.yard march and climaxed it couldn't erash the Redmen wall with a wuciklowa, OR three Tuning plays. A Same ohn i) thelr wper 18 Ret Carnish | Fi ai } nine shi air @ ing and yards Rlues wed half juariy touchdown ™ fon ¢ Rupert Hi fou | 30 Waller 91 lacksen 89 an Ww Simp 137) Fam surged hack in th Wilk Gy with a single k No 1 1 hy halthack A 184 yards ound hall N kedd bh Jorge and § ATRG aa Ca \ ploked 0 Audrey Do 0 m Huenos Maver Rrussels France hack ground \ Ruek hey 113 mules of the 7.000 home n 1a the cam nd ik along frre fon Weights ' DRIVING Maotarisis are LLY sed is fMVH gum y their 121 var an title) un da had Wily fo wh Ik during id drowsi nto ahle vana--Mantequilla Napoles uba, outpointed Tony Pad (pd, 128%, Venezuela, 10, moy 0 the 1, easily gestihle A A Ha ( then lod ters 0 A hen le &rn on A681 Two minuies but lean meal, egEs and lang mat Ps 10 ave 'ness behind the wheel, v ar i A 0B ANNUAL Genosha Hawks Enter New Basketball Loop Most important change wes There Is & srong possibility the lorming of & new Southern that Toronto will only heve one Ontario League, From an Omens coir A" dab this yesr snd standpoint, this wes the ig isi they 160 g this league ness of the day, A new will go into operation Also Kileh ond Welland will The 40th annual meeting vf the Ontario Baskethall Association wes held Seturdey ot Welland Oshews Gehosha Hawks sent two delegaies to represent this ety in the perse of MARREET COREH Fred Whalley and secretary: treasurer Bruno Wrubel Throughout & lengthy business session, B number of important changes in the baskethall set-up throughout the province were made, Several of these items were: The executive shall rate #ll Intermediste teams as In Class A, B or C, This was (ried last yEAr a8 RB new venture and worked owt very well, This waives the old population rule whereby teams entered competi tion secording to the population of thelr eity A report from Bien G. Mock: ford, on "Why Canada lost in the ail clubs, in all faiagorias, Who do nok play 18 8 ot There is # Iity thet With # fine! schedule meeting C1UD% May make up (he set. for Hamilton in the next week Yeh many clubs have airesdy intl Der; mated they will enter this group. i These clubs are: Tillsonburg Liv: ingstones, Senior A" Do The following members were minion Champions and Canada's elected to the OBA executive for representative to the Olympics the Soming yeor ~ Honore last year; Niggars Falls A-J's, president, Jerry Livi y 4 Nisgers District Senior "B sonhurgs honorery vice « presh cub; Hamilton CYO Montelsir dent, W, C. Newman, 8. Cather Junior "A" club, whe won the ines; Drcsidant; Sten G, Mock Dominion title in 195; London ford, Willowdale; secreiaryAress Lounge, another Senior "'B" urer, Stan C. Burnes, Walter: cub; § Thomas Barnes, last down; first vieepresident, Carl haskethall tournament at Bolog- year's All - Ontario Inter, A" Popkey, Windsor; second vice: na' was heard, Apparently Cen- champs, who are moving vw to president, Wilf Gervett-Welland; ada's Olympic hasketballers Senior "B", Hamilton Quigleys, third vice-president, Vern Mac: were overconfident to sey the Inter, "A" and Oshawa Genoshe donsld, Hamillon and registrar, least, Hawks, Inter "A", Fred J, Bibby, Toronto FAVORITES WIN UAW Hockey League Off To Flying Start und, whacked home # (on mesting, one way or the A They pried the lid off the 1060: den; defence, MeClinton, Bryan, winners' i 61 UAW Hockey Lesgue season, Middleton; forwards, Tamblyn | pair of isl yesterday morning in the Bow-|B, Bution, LeGree, Elliot and nanville Arena, with all four en- Lodge tries seeing official setion, Ling +4 PERIOD The league, as in past seasons,| 1 Tony's: Harmon is operating wih fad scalon (Myles, Reid) , BO ers and have thelr games sched 2. Tony's; Myles uled between the hours of 10.00 i eid) i Ta 14 am, to 1.00 p.m, Tony's Refres-| FEenaliEs---1id £ A ments and he Merchants (for:| SECOND PERIOD merly known as Belko Redy-Mix) | Elliot 0.00 pre-season favorites in the eirs LeGree) 44 oult, both claimed victories, In| 4 Union: Bryan (Lodge) 12,38 the lid-lifter, Tony's whipped Tony's; Reid Credit Union 7:2 and the Mer (Myles, Harmon) ovoev: chants shaded Bakery Vending Tony's: Myles fi4 and the others, BAKERY VENDING ~ Goal, ke Woodeock, Cockerton Gaudet, Lintner, Bur Ford, fl non MEREHANTS rr al , Union Hout, (lyn, Wallace, Corbeil; forwards, Westfall, Tran, Lane and' 8, FIRST PERIOD I, Merchants; 8, Westfall (Tran) 4 H ' 14 [] (Reid, Harmon) 19.19 Penalties Goulding, THIRD PERIOD 7, Tony's: Myles (Harmon: Reid) 'ee Tony's: Hill (West) ,,.) Tony's: Goulding del Paced by the line of Al Myles, | (Hill, ¥, Button) 10.46 gpcoND PERIOD Bobby Harmon and Joe Reid, Penalties Reid and Middle" "sorchants; Lane the Refreshment puckchasers 'on 6, Vending: Lintner seemed to score AL every given opportunity, This trio compiled a total of 14 points, Myles spear:| headed the attack, notehing three ok goals while Harmon and Reid added singletons, Other Tony's| marksmen wree Sonny Hill and| rookie Len Goulding, + CREDIT UNION Tony's Refreshments scored three unanswered goals in the final period, against Credit Union in recording an easy 7-2 triumph TONY' TONY'A 3 Vending: Hamilton (Bannon, Ford) Penalties Corbell and Gau 4.44 [] 10.25 { LJ TILL MERCHANTS » BAKERY VENDING Newcomer Hank Lane, a hard ating rightwinger, fired two goals including the winner as the Merchants squeaked oul a i b over Bakery Vending in the sec. Coekerton and Armstrong ond tit | THIRD PERIOD Ronnie Elliott, former North! Lane scored the winning tally 8, Vending: Burke Plant Hockey League wigard andi ai the 16,01 mark of the final] (Milton, WrIght) 40ers rearguard '"Mo" Hryan replied period to break a 44 deadlock.| 9, Merchants; Lane for Credit Union, |The Westfall brothers, George (Arnold) , TONY'S = goal, Melnick; de: and Stan, along with last year's fence, Smith, Goulding, West;|seoring champ Syd Arnold, eom:|lace, forwards, ¥, Sutton, Myles, Reld,| pleted the winners' scoring | Referees Harmon, G, Sulton and Hill, Ronnie Lintner, who was draft-| and Lionel Wilson; CREDIT UNION = goal, Mor-/ed hy Bakery Vending from the! Shaw, Montreal Ball Club Seems Doomed Tv Go 6, Merchants: Arnold (Armstrong) Merchants (Armstrong) Penalties -- MeMahon, 7, Westfall" scorer, MONTREAL (CP) = A Cana: weak gates produced heavy fis dian syndicate has apparently nancial losses the last three or yea) BO | flopped in a bid to take aver the four SOAKONN, (000 one source sal Montreal franchise in baseball's] war (he last month the syndi class AAA International League, gate held talks with Sherburn In: ENTRY FOR 70 YEARS it was learned Bunday [vestment Corporation whieh A Montreal entry was The syndicate was unable tolowns the 20,000-5eat negotiate a rental for a suitable Stadium in the easi-end, playing field, a key condition in/Monireal Royals since an option granted by 1 Dodgers of the National League, A deadline to exercise the op: the 1 brand of hall tion expired al midnight Satu | But when the deadline expired day and what happens now is up the two sides were reported Lf for speculation, where close to agreement' on a moter Under the terms of the deal|rental figure Wak \ with the syndicate, the franchise] It was learned (he investment conference as agent for the new plghts revert to the Dodgers. But corporation wanted $60,000 a group, they have already announced year and the syndicate was un they are no longer interested in prepared to go morg than somes an 1. Montreal farm elub, thing in the vicinity of 840,000, WEAK GATES | "Mare aver the corporation has disclose their identities, ; LA pulled out after an associa: already rented parts of the sta He left Montreal Saturday be: would have cost the syndi 390.000 to $75, mained as a tenant, Loren Cassina LONDON (AR) Tottenham) Centre forward Hotspur, wonder team of British geared three goals for soccer, ramped to a 40 away victory aver Nottingham Forest Saturday and stayed out in front of the English League First Divi. sion with an unbeaten run in 13 games, The Spurs raced ahead 340 al halt=time, slowed up later in the game but still left Nottingham staggering under the attack The Spurs have played 13 games without defeat this season. They have won 12, drawn one and lead the division standings with 23 paints, Sheffield Wednesday stayed four points behind, lashing Black: wool 4-0. Sheffield has collected 21 paints fram 12 matches They've won nine, drawn three and lost none Burnley, &4 winners aver Man chester United, and Everton, 3.3 winners at Fulham, ave brack eted at the 1h-point mark A crowd of 30.000 turned out to see inside right John White kick Tottenham's first goal in the sey enth minute. Left hall Dave Mae kay got the next before right wing Clif Jones rammed in the other two Although HRlackpon! had re called 4h.year-old star Stanley Matthews, it was still unable ta answer Sheffield Wednesday's at tack £1 . Is 'Satisfactory Still Undefeated ported in satisfactory condition Former English captain Nat Sarnia Friday in which he is sus 1month absence with an ins injury ton going back to 1930 becauseldium for other commercial uses! fore the deadline expired, TORONTO (OM) = Raymond Dennis Violet i papante General Hospital Suns Lofthouse seared his first goal jury, The shot gave Rolton its He was taken to Toronto Sun: | ' Tottenham 'Spurs Sia Footballer Griffith, 10, of Bamia, was re: Burley: gay following a football game in SINee returning to soccer after an 140 vietary over Cardiff (day, LEAGUE and drive at ease! Prompt Road Service, Personalized Travel Materiel Valiahle Parsanal Accident and Ball Bond Protection wre just @ faw of the Membership Privileges, Join the world's largest family of protected motorivh today le Over 7 millon member belong to OMLCAAAAAL CLOSED THEATRES Mare than 400 movie theatres] an Britain closed down during] the 12 months ending Maveh 31 i 11960 ing early in November, embracing commit thelr cube at the Homil | |O'Neill Seniors Thump Pickering By ALAN DEWAR During the second half the Red OCYI Seniors played host (0 men picked up another 25 points the visiting Pickering snd District with touchdowns wy Chaytor, High School Seniors, on Friday Weugh snd Yandeshenvel make afternoon at Alexandre Perk with ing the final score O'Neill #1 the OCV] griddery scoring # S16 Pickering # a by Burke and IW Barlow, the latter after & specs Fllgewinr Boyardvun down (he " Oring SPIE field iid wit ia Pickering (00% lo the air times completing SEVER PRISE . and Ban four first downs, Waid snd of fhe half the There OF Neill passed 11 times complete were four Louchdowns scored dur." five and made 15 first downs, ing this half, two by Tumpicitie! Wilson and Howr were (he ond one each by Waugh and Bay. Quertervecks for Piel and low, with two conversions by Ree. Burke and Wilson ph the O'Neill team to victory on Pickering managed only one We should also lke to thank touchdown during the geme, by Mr, Francis Francis and (he Botton, The Pickering team, sl- Band of the O'Neill Collaglate though they were seveyely handl- who (ogether with the well capped by score, most of the cheer lenders, provided halftime £Ame, never gave up irying, entertainment Cobourg Plumbers Thwart Acadians Acadian Cleaners missed s gol: Going into the fifth game with den opportunity to move into the two wins apiece hoth clubs esme driver's seat when the Oshawans up with some rather spotty bowl drop # threedoAwe decision to ing, with Cobourg gaining the the Meclvor Plumbing Club of Co- victory with 1074 against 1040 for hours, & new entry Wn the Toron- Acadian to league Te ol oR The Cobourg e¢lub hy besting Pog Pr Al Bf ow Acadian, piced up thelr first win As is ususlly the case when & jes while Hary Burke get as the bowling was away be Lloyd Hamilton registered low the usual standard in the To: supposedly better ehh, Vanstone; de fe n ee, Rorabeck, forwards, Ivor Plumbing and , Wright,| were really struggling in this one, amilton, Milton and Ban God ridge; defence, MeMahon, Sharks, Ivor was a hig man in this game Armatrong, Amold, 6.22 2, Vending: Lintner (Knox) 16,52 19.82 Paul Kawsenuk Jim and renovations for baseball next | week first Delorimier| fielded ih the IL 70 years ago, home of [In the 1040s the Dodgers bought it was|the stadium, They sold it a few L08 Angeles built in 1020 and the only park in|years later to the Investment cor the city that could accommodate! poration and the farm elub ve: When the Dodgers announced 'no: the option proposal Sept, 14, pro. of Arva, Ont,, was Introduced at a press of the season and it was probably yi A the cheapest victory they will ever ry auld Annaar wil Er ably get the verdict ageinst » |ronto league, The first game went to Acs {dion with 1034 against 948 for Me. both clubs With the leading Peoples club dropping three games against the Stan Jarvis Insurance club, 8 five point win for Acadian Cl would have put the Oshawa club on top, bul the chance was miffed, so it will have to he ans other day for the locals, Acadian (16 now three points behind the leaders The Cobourg club took the see ond game with 1157 against 1108 for Acadian Cleaners and B, Me. with a 260 score and Walt Wrigh {had a 276, while Hank Bagnoveky 1268 and Bob Gallsgher 23 were John Hrieo was the top shooter Acadian's hest for Acadian with 244, 160, 253, 288, The third game appeared to he 197 for 1162, Bob Gallagher 201, improving but the howling tapeved #38, 241, 217, 241 for 1138; Oeie loff in the final two frames and Keeler for his three games rolls Cobourg took this one with 1256 6d a 784 which included 224, 200 against 1163 for the Oshawa hoys, | and 251, actually high for the day; Owzle Keeler who finished. strong Hank Sarnoveky had a bad day, in the third game was injected which is unusual for him, 190, 258, [into the lead off position fn the 216 and. 166 for #27; Lloyd Bahins fourth game for Acadian and re- 180, 214 and 183 for 646, sponded nicely with a 300 game! Saturday's action will be at and John Hrico who was also Bayview Bowl and the Oshawa (Knox, Hamilton) vere B80 howling very steadily rolled a 208 hoys are looking forward to this 0 the sear st year, 1244 series as they racked u son's high at Bayview {to give Acadian this one, {against 038 for Cobourg, fe wir, New York And [Cookie Gilchrist «« Houston To Get 18.01 Penalties = MeMahon and Wal: Moves Into Second By THE CANADIAN PRESS ' Conkle Gilehrist, brilliant twos N h way player with Toronto Argos XL. Franc 15e8 [naiits, took over second Fri CHICAGO (AP)-The Nationa) the Big Four football seerin League is expected to dole out race Sunday as Argonauts wals major league baseball franchises loped Ottawa Rough Riders 87:13, to the cities of Houston and New| Gilchrist, who scored 18 points York when it holds an expansion on a touchdown, five converts meeting today, {and two singles, now has MH Houston, Tex,, Is certain to re: points, 14 behind George Dixon ceive its franchise bul New York of Monereal Alouettes who heads must either guarantee comple-ithe parade with 102, Dixon tion of a new stadium hy 1062 (wo touchdowns Baturday as the or work out a lease with New (Als beat Hamilton 48.21, York Yankees to play in Yankee| Gilchrist moved four points up Bladium on Ottawa's Ron Stewart who The American League, falling was held scoreless In the weeks In its bid to move into Houston, end game, Stewart is In third has scheduled a meeting for a place with M points, Dave Mann, from Monday, Oet, 24,15 twodouehdown scorer for Tors when it will act upon applica: onto, 1s in fourth spot with 78, tions to expand to 10 teams, The American League has ap | plications from Minneapolis « Bi Paul, Dallas-Fort Worth, Toronto and at least a dosen other elles seeking major league statu, The American League also Is con fronted with the problem of mov ing Into Los Angeles Lineman Doug Brown is trys One group headed hy Hank ing to prove that the scoring Greenberg of Chicago is demand: race can he won without touehs ing a franchise on the west downs as he booted 10 points for coast, Another faction ineluding|Calgary Stampeders' 85:17 heats [Nate Dolin. of Cleveland and /ing of Edmonton Eskimos ¥n one [Tom Yawkey of Boston Insistélof two games played Saturday Calgary Lineman Boosts His Total Ry THE FANADIAN PRESS He sald he represented 13 men|the league should first move into night in the Western Interprovine Upom const to coast' including Minneapolis-St, Paul, four Montrealers, But he did not celal Foothall Union Although nothing Is positive as) Hrown now 15 one ahead of yet, hy the time 1062 rolls around Bskimos' Johnny Bright, holder land the two leagues have ex-lof 78 non kicked points and | panded to 10 teams each, Hous: (rails Willy Fleming of B.C, with [ton and New York ave expected 14 touchdowns, Fleming and to he members of the National Bombers' Gerry James are tied League and Minneapolis-8t, Paul!--11 points behind leader Jackie and Dallas-Fort Worth will have Parker of Kaka, wo become members of the Ameri {ean League, League for pitohse Bob Allen, | Allen, a southpaw, was 16:11 with PLAYER SWAP Mobile in the Southern Assoolas CLEVELAND (AP) Cleve: ton In the 1960 season, Indians {land Indians Thursday traded in: also sold the contract of inflelder fielder and pingh:hitter Bob, Hale Billy Moran ot Toronto, where he to Toronta in the International batted 296 the past season, | pected to have suffered a brain 5 cents will buy only half-a-cup ~~, of coffee | but TRUM i CANADA'S LEADING _ CIGAR

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