Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Oct 1960, p. 18

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Chamber Gets Report On Annual Sessions ing industry was 48 per cent for 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 15, 1960 LULDIY ETE William Hart, vice-president of National Liberal Federation of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- Canadas eignowned and 52 per cent for- merce, attended the recent an 4 © Motley stated "Don't be eign-controlled and some indus nual meeting of the Canadian lieve you can safely leave politics|iries is 100 per cent Chamber of Commerce. He has vl oosisicians, The Chamber in| Ours is a branch plant economy presented the following Joport OF ihe United States sponsors an ac-|and research has beep slow to de- Jae meeting to the Oshawa Cham. tion course in practical politics|velop Our president suggested that 1/°OnSisting of a sont series of dis-| Private indusiries expe nditure cover only those items of parti. CUssion sessions. Since anvary| for research in Canada is only Ys cular interest to our membership, | 1999. 100,000 persons in 1300 com-| a5 much in proportion to National As you are aware the theme of munities in all 50 states have incomes as in U.S, or England the ~ convention was "Canada's completed the course Thousands! o..oests that foreign companies Future in the Changing World." |of graduates have hecome work. i." uich they control mor than of the industry should The selPrtion-nf speakers definite. rs in political parties, some have c, per cent 1y kept this theme in mind heen elected to office sell their stock on the public mar- The national president, H. Gor- Other speakers all urged busi- et and therefore available to don Love, Calgary, in a keynote nessmen to study politics and Canadians and this would lead to address, made the following where possible take an active Canadian management responsive points work part to Canadian conditions work Quality of professional Th : ers is improving rapidly; the BANK GOVERNOR TEAM WORK J. E. Coyne, Governor, Bank of Speakers: GG. H. Sheppard, To- , ; very existence of the Chamber ronto, president, International Display models and demonstrators, marked or of Commerce movement is evi- Canada, made these points: dence of faith in Canadas and her In the first half of 1960 economic Business Machines Ltd. ; Vietor de free enterprise system and Cham- conditions failed to maintain the B. Oland, Halifax, vice-president bers should have the full support rate of progress hoped for earlier. Oland and Son 1td.; Romeo Des of all business leaders; very ef-| we cannot expect to go on in. jardins, Montreal, vice-president fective presentations to all levels qorinitely buying goods and serv- administration, Catelli Food Prod- of Government are being made ices from abroad in amounts ucts IAd; Evan McCormick by Chamber of Commerce; greatly in excess of our exports, Winnipeg, executive director The Chambers of Commerce ATE ther we should be planning to Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce made up of may diverse groups supply more of our own needs Points were: A Chamber of with different in crests yp Piiv Overcoming the deficit in our Commerce should have all neces Chambers Job » i Slass Aig balance of payments could in- sary information for its mem course which wi ave { 8 sup crease employment by 250,000 (4 bers; business men will work if port of the majority 0 ai ent of our labor force) which the program is good; a Chamber : contrast to former Per © Sans: wi ras ay part would bring it to 2 per cent or needs men, money, munitions of the world has a concern for about normal (ideas), morale; in Winnipeg with us: business has a responsibility Increasing our exports substan over 450,000 population Chamber for good government; Chamber tially and quickly is not possible, of Commerce membership is 1 00 policy developed and approved There is no financial impedi- but only 150 actually work; in the at conventions has a very great ment to the achievement of our United States they strive for a bearing on Canada's fufure by economic goal and sound finances budget of $1 per capita shaping government policy based on the principal of living Halifax is the convention centre within our means can accomplish for 1961 POLICY SESSIONS the job of solving the unemploy- 1 respectfully submit the follow These did not finish until 10.30 ment problem ing suggestions for your consid p.m. Approximately 756 pages of Three ways to do it: (a) In- eration after attending the 1060 resolutions submitted by various crease production; (hb) public pro-| Ontario Chamber convention in Chambers across the country jects: (¢) income maintenance to Calgary were debated and finally disposed employed while (a) and (b) are, For the next two year of by vote, Not more than half|, ints" effect on the men, money would pass, By far the most!" 1. oe scale importation of capi- morale, theme and contentions was Calgary's own oi chould not be necessary for! forcefully our program oil which recommended a pipe canada Consider the idea of line from the west to Montreal We must strive to keep up with study group so importing of crude may be Ye other countries technically espe- We are now "Babes in the placed hy Wostorn crude eo THis cially in automation Wood" at Provincial and Federal wis telerred to sie SXpeulive We need more universities and level and we should gradually scratched, and greatly reduced for clearance! Now . . . your opportunity to purchase a new wringer washer ~ at an exceptional saving! All have pump for easy emptying of mach- ine; all have fast-acting safety release bar... wringer-rollers spring apart at a touch, Some have timers -- washer turns off automatic- ally at the set time. Shop early for best choice! All covered by EATON'S Guarantee; GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY RE- FUNDED, we work munitions implement EATON Opportunity Day Special, each 0-00 ro § 50-00 political brought up again on Wednesday and after further extended bate, again referred to execu tive committee for further study The other resolutions covered items from tourist business to taxes and it was obvious that many experts had spent a great dea! of time and effort for the Chamber supporting their parti cular resolutions, Some resolutionus passed on were defeated by very narrow margins which shows the im- technical institutions build up men interested and cap No other nation so highly 'in- able of contributing to provincial a large proportion of its industry ticipat de dustrialized as Canada has such and national policy provincially in Plan to par three controlled hy non-resident com-| years time and nationally in five panies, In 1056 our manufactur. years TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamiiton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale CBLT-TV Channel 6-Toronte WBEN-TV Channe) 4--~Buffale portance of each chamber's vote. WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5-Rochester EMPLOYMENT Employment and economy were discussed by a panel consisting of Mitchell Sharp, vice - president, Brazilian Traction, K. H. Rapsey, vice: presjdent, Allen-Bradley Canada| Ltd., the Hon, J, V, Clyne, Mac- Millan, Bloedel and Powell River Ltd, This meeting was attended by Frank McCallum representing the Federal Department of Labor There are 300,000 unemployed now and it is estimated there the national would be 700,000 this winter, The A causes are 1, Increased popula. tion and reduced need because of 'automation, Each year a total of 100,000 young people work for the first time. In the past increased production lower. ed prices and increased consump. tion, Now any savings go into in creased wages» In 10 years our payroll gone up 95 per cent while labor | force only 10 per cent, It takes all the running a business can do to stay where it is Manufacturing - (secondary in- dustry) is the only industry that can absorb any great number of unemployed Premium on Canadian dollars caused by municipalities borrow: ing In New York is greatest de-| terrent to exports and help to imports Capital expenditure and exports are about the best ever and this is no time for panie but plan ning * They favored slow and gradu al tariff changes to help where necessary pointing out that in Europe unemployed is low re gardless whether the countries' tariffs are low or high, Private enterprise itself cannot cure all unemployment GOOD GOVERNMENT Business Responsibility for Good Government Panel was composed of A, H. Motley, New York, president, The Chamber of Commerce of the United States; Robert B. Taylor, Hamilton, vice president, The Steel Company of Canada; Charles Guy Pare, Mon treal, national vice-president, The Progressive Conservative Asso. ciation of Canada; Major-General A. Bruce Matthews, president, Move To Cut Claims Fraud | OTTAWA (CP) The federal government has made its first move in a new drive to stamp| out fraudulent claims for unem ployment insurance A spokesman for the unem ployment insurance commission said Friday the treasury board has approved a #0-per-cent in crease in the staff of the commis sion's enforcement and investiga. tion division, Under a special labor depart ment estimate, an additional 4 investigators will be hired-hy the civil service commission, in creasing the division's staff to 122 from 78 Last year the enforcement di. vision recovered some $2,000,000 in fraudulent unemployment in surance claims, | | COOL CASH NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) Burglars stole $50 hidden in a re'vigerator at the Mama Rosa Pizzeria here. Ia another break m at a service station across) the road from police headquar! ters, only a box of chocolate bars was missing. | need | 6:45 has| 2-Johnny Midnight 4=Uncle Jerry's Club 3~Follow the Children 11:00 AM, 7--Mary Knoll Reports 6~Church Service S5~This Is The Life 4~Morning Worship 2~The Big Rascals 11:30 AM, TChamplonship Bridge 8-0ff To Adventure 12:00 NOON Bugs Bunny Matty's Funday Funnies BA SATURDAY EVE, 5:00 PM, 11--Outside. Broade i Jean Gascon 4--Bowling Series 2~Twilight Theatre 5:30 PM, 11+ artoon Party 7--Early Show 2~Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M, 11-S8tories of the 1 Century 7- 6--Speaking French Hong Kong . 6 Wrestling 5 6:30 P.M, , 1--Father Knows Best B=Mr. Fix-It 2.-Tales of Texas Rangers PM, | 64=News; Sports 7.00 P Rocky Jones News 2~Gene Autry 12:15 PM 6=Dateline UN Film Featurette 12:30 P.M, (1=Family Playhouse 7--Rocky and His Friends 5~Reading Out Loud 4=Bozo's Cartoon Story Book 12:45 P.M, 7:30 PM, 6-UN Review 11Sea Hunt 3~Newsreel 7 Expedition 1:00 P.M, 6-Red River Jamboree | |1.--Adventures of Roh 4--=Perry Mason Hood 52--Ronanza 7=-Roy Rogers 8:00 PM 6---Good Life Theatre 11=Gunsmoke Star Bowling American Civil War | &=Film Feature Aquanauts | @=Family Plavhouse 8:30 PM. 1:15 P.M, Jamboree 11~-Queen's Park Rep Lea It To Beaver | 4=U of B Football The Tallman Checkmate 1:30 P.M, 11:6--Country Calendar 9:00 P.M, | 7=Premier Playhouse 11-6=Hockey Night In 4--~Football Canada sibs Lawrence Welk 2:00 P.M, §2-The Deputy u Sunday Showcase 23 PM | remier Playhouse . Ne t | G=Junior Magazine Sut CAmBAIER and ~Feature Movie Have Gun, Will 42-Football Travel 2:15 PM, 10:00 P.M, 3~Family Playhouse 7-The Law 3:00 P.M, 4=Gunsmoke THA 10:15 P.M, Family Playhouse Juliette 3:30 P.M, 10:30 ".M, ¥=Not For Hire 3--Play of the Week 6 4Grand Jury | \ = Highirope precair Siaytouee 10:45 P.M, 4:15 PM, King Whyte 2--Foothall 11:00 P.M, 4:30 P.M, 1:7:6.4.8-News: Weather 6--Four Cities Sports Country Calendar 3 Fury 3:00 P.M, 2--=Award Theatre 16--News Magazine 1:15 P.M, 7--Famous Tales 5 4 11.6--Dennis The Menace | 7--Matty's Funday Funnies Highway Patrol &~U of B Round Table 1 3.3 1 & | 3 114 §:2~Cleveland Hrowns 1:00 PM Twentieth Century 11:6 11-News and Weather Youth Confidential 7--Late Show Amateur f~Man Hunt Mack Foothall Sports | 2 11:30 P.M, 5:30 PM, The Rifleman 11=Late Show 6~Feature Panarama Why Is It So News + Sports S-=Mavie 4~Playhouse GE College Bowl S-Award Theatre Foothall 100 AM, 6:00 P.M, 8-News and FBI Boh Cummings Show 180 AM ==Disney Presents Moet The Press The 430 Nationa! Automobile Show People's Court 6:30 P.M, Stories of the Century Walt Disney Presents Walt Disney Presents 420th Century 2-Farm Home and Walter Cronkite Garden 2-Pete Smith 145 AM, 7:00 PM Man To Man | 11:6--~National Velvet 2:00 AM, | lassie Nev' Oral Robatts 28hirley Temple Show 7-The Christophers Ti00 PM, SeRar-3-Ranct 11.6 Hattul of Musie Popes Playhouse ?-~Maverick Your Church US Marshall Invitation Hour Ted -Fieti Theatre SUNDAY 8:00 AM, f==Chureh In The Home 8:15 AM, #-Christian Science 8:30 AM T--Herald of Truth 8 Rar-3-Rawch Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M h-Giselle Mackenaie 52 National Velvet +-Ed Sullivan 8.30 PM. ~Lawman Tab Hunter 2:00 P.M, 116-GM_ Presents 11 Temple Tidings 7-The Rihle Answers 5-Tim MeCay T 2~Public Service 2 10:00 AM, N=The Christophers «The Living Ward The S~Christian Science TATHe Rata Lamp Unto My Foot | 00 atte Mavhouse REY The Islanders 3~Ind ' = Tim MeCow 10:30 A t-Jack Benny Brave Theatr Program T=The Answer 10:00 P.M. $=Christophers 1-8-Angel \ Show Cartoon | | b%~Loretta Young A=Arthur Godfrey 10:30 P.M 11.=Saber of London Two Faces West 6 Encounter S~Phil Silvers Show A=What's My Line 2-~Lockup 11:00 P.M, | 1147:6:5:-4-2-News) Weather; Sports | ®~Award Theatre 1:15 P.M, TLate Show 6--Night Metro S-Movie 2=News 11:30 P.M, 1l~Late Show 6--~Background A=Theatre #~Award Theatre MONDAY 8:00 AM, 7 Popeye i 2-Today 4=News; Roundup 8:15 AM, | &=Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AN 11Romper Room 7-Deputy Dawg S--Behind Closed Doors 4=Popeye's Playhouse 2~My Little Margie 0:30 AM, 11==Maovie Y=Romper Room S~Home Cooking dLife of Riley 2--Susie 10:00 AM. S8=Dough Re Mi 4=December Bride 10:30 AM, 7--Dr. Hudson §52-FPlay Your Hunch 4--~Video Village 1:00 AM Morning Court Price 1s Right 1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 7-Love That Bob §-3-~Concentration 4--Serial Drama 12:00 NOON 7--The Texan 32 fom 7--Music of the Season | §8-Truth or Consequences 11-Bugs Bunny 4~News; Weather 12:15 P.M, 6--News | 4=Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, Queen For a Day Movie Matinee It Could Be You Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 1--News 4=Guiding Light Lo P.M, 11=Mavie Matinee | T=About Faces t=Drama S--Feature Movie 4~Meet The Millers 2-Warld Series 1:30 P.M, T-Divorce Hearing ~The World Turns 1:45 P.M, &-New 2:00 P.M, t=Day In Court fi--Ches Helene §52-Jan Murray Show Series B38 1) 11.6 Nursery Time Hh PM 116-0pen House ¥--Road To Reality School 2.5 Loretta Young 4--~House Partly 300 PM, Reflections Beat The Clock §3-Young Doctor Ialone 4 Milllonaire RI PM Public Service Guide «Wha Do You Trust 64-The Verdict Is Yours Fram These Roots 4:00 PN 11---Popeye With Capt Andy T--American Bandstand Eve Arden Show 52-Make Room For Daddy Serials 1:30 PM viendly G n 116 2 ant 5 Cold Wan N of Night 2 Rascals $145 PM, Junior Round-up L} EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 257 PHONE RA 5.7373 Worthwhile savings on N Ordinarily Much Higher Priced . .. / Men's Penman Sweaters PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Cotton Plisse Granny Gown Oversize only , . . low Good-looking, comfortable sweaters in classic styling; cotton-knit, styled with long sleeves, two pockets. Closely ribbed at cuffs and waist for good fit; colours of steel grey or camel smonth priced for quick clearance Light-as-mist cotton plisse = in a dainty 'Granny' gown. You'll like its light 'weight, airy weave . . . the way it wash- es, with little need of an iron. Square neck and yoke are frosted with embroid- ered nylon; bodice is gently gathered. Pastel blue or pink grounds with deli- cate floral designs. Sizes 42 and 44 only. EATON Opportunity Day Special, each EATON Opportunity Day Special, each 1? EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 Two Delicious Lowney's Bridge Mix . A taste-tempting assortment of chocolate-coated nuts, raisins, caramels, soft centres. 59 tates raersinaner EATON Opportunity Day Special, Ib, Terry's Assorted Fruit Pastilles soft, chewy pastilles in various shapes and fruit flavours -- Delicious and tangy orange, lemon, black currant, lime, etc EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 214 54" Black Needlepoint Coating A handsome wool coating from England 0 dlepoint keyed to the season's splendid uit It drapes well, is beautifully int at Classic black with every 3.98 that go EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, Ad DEPT, 233 Candy Specials | 9.59 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Opportunity Day Special, Ib. PHONE RA 5.7373 4 Fall Fabric Specials! For the creative fun of sewing 36" Printed Travel Tweeds Hand-washable, creaseé-resistant spun rayons in Autumn weight weaves and new Autumn prints! Have for sheaths, skirts, attractive jumpers, go-everywhere two-piecers Designs come both small and médium-sized tweedy deepened tones, muted nov. Included are brown, aqua, PHONE RA 5.7373 54" Novelty Wool Weaves in subdued strip, ffects and wool weaves that may be made up into many, many foshions: Blazers, skirts children's togaery housecoats and so on. In this group (mostly Blues turquoise beige, gold-colour and black-and-white lighter tones skirts Included in the lot are browns, greens, greys, rust, blues, navy 1 98 . EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard PHONE RA 5.7373 ' "Morning Glory" Prints Lustrous and lovely , . . a "Celanese acetate-and-cotton that takes on added beauty through its jewel-tone beautiful prints! Im pressionistic flowered designs and other novelty See these other novelties rayon these men's sportswear, prints to put charm in your wardrobe in dresses and blouses! Basically in Fall tones of red, gold-calour fuchsia, peacock blue tan, violet, royal, avocgdo green, brown, char rose, Mossy greens blue coal. EATON Opportunity 1 39 grey, teal, beige, gold-colourings Dey Special, verd hd EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 Tweeds) greys, wine vellow new effects in Fall's pink in brighter shades red elties, some for suits voug folks' wear

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