2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 13, 1960 GOOD EVENING (Canada's Plowman Kills 2 Bear Cubs | ALMONTE, Ont, (CP)~Par- Nationhood mer Earl Currie has reaped a Arrested Frost Driver Policeman Suspended new crop on his distriet farm--| two bear cubs. He trapped the TORONTO (CP)--Robert Letts, at Malton and told him 1 was " 5, a federal' transport depart: very sorry i any regulation had Recalled obs au sor Shem ment police officer st suburban heen disobeyed, and that 1 re Inesr with them escaped, He will Mallon airport, has been sus gretted any misunderstanding, A new book, "Prom Bea Unto get bounties from Bamsay Town. Pended for arresting Premier|the premier sald, 1 also told Bea ~ The Rond to Notlonhood (iio "[anark County and the pro FTost's chauffeur for arking fn him not to trest my driver or 1490" (Doubleday of Canada vigeial government, Almonte is/® RO-DaTking zone, J was yo-any government ears aif "The incident, 'which By JACK GEARIN CITY STUDENT ON GMI COUNCIL Edward 8, Kolodzie, son of Mr, and Mrs, Vincent Kolodzie of 355 Albert Street, has recently been elected to the Executive Council, the student governing body at General Motors Institute in Flint, Michigan, a BE hia a ANE am volume in the Canadian Mistery Ed topped the field of 22 eandidates for the posi= tion of Representative-ate Large, in Charge of Student Affairs, securing 62 PC of 8 the votes cast by the stu~ 4 dent body, d Presently a fourthe year student in Industrial Engineering, Ed has maine tained an active interest in extra = curricular activities at the Institute, He has worked on the write-up and lay-out staff of the yearbook, was an assistant editor of the Technician, the school newspaper, and last year was editor of the Preview, the official stu~ dent handbook, He is a member of Gil« gal Fraternity where he has held the offices of rushing chairman and historian, and presently is his fraternity's publications and Alumni relations chairman, Ed graduated from Oshawa Central Collegiate in 1057, receiving the Board of Education Honor Pin for athletic and scholastic achievements, LYMAN WON'T TALK, CHRISTINE DITTO The anxiety Is killing, Almost everyone is hungry for the least bit of au~ thentic information regarding the lineups for the up- coming Oshawa municipal election, but we must be can~ did on one point----we haven't a clue, All we are certain of is that, the nomination date is Thursday, Nov, 24, and the election Dec, Bb, Lyman won't talk Neither will Christine, They are the kingpins In the mayoralty, Lyman has promised to make an announcement be- fore the end of the month, but even Alderman Hayward Murdoch (one of his inner-court favorites) doesn't seem to have the faintest idea what His Worship will do, There's an excellent possibility that neither the mavor or Alderman Thomas have the slightest idea what they Intend to do, despite the lateness of the date, Such a delay could be fatal for some candidates, but not with these two veterans of the political wars who have strong individual followings, If each candidate should enter the race, the competition would be keen, the vole heavy, If Queen Christine should decide to remain In the aldermar.ic world (where she constantly leads the polls, where she has rendered invaluable service via an intel- ligent weteh-dog role) the mayoralty would likely be= come u drab affair in which Mr, Gifford would be re turned by acclamation or a lop-dided victory, \ This would be a bad thing in an election year when the two-year term is on and a heavy vote Is desirable be« cause of the grave issues ahead, it's most unlikely that His Worship and Mrs, Thome as would both abandon the mayoralty race, although one may, There are plenty of rumors floating around about the aldermenle race-~including the one that as many as four councillors will drop out of political life=but at best they are only rumors, Clifferd Pilkey, president of the Oshawa and Dls~ triet Labor Council, sald today that he may follow the wishes of his supporters and enter the aldermanie race, The election campalgn picture Is still fluid for one reason = several of the would-be candidates haven't de= clded yet what they want to do, RAIL TRACKS PRIME ISSUE EVEN IN "48 Would any candidate dare to stand up and ralse the ery, "Lets get the railway tracks off of King street" in Oshawt'a forthcoming municipal election ? We were wondering about that the other day (now that election breezes are starting to blow), especially after veadirg the following page-one news story in The Oshavia Times-Gazette of Jan, 13, 1048, under a five column banner ("Removal of Tracks Prime Issue == Mayor") "Tre hig 1948 inaugural address last night, Mayor F. N. McCallum disclosed that the removal of the railway tracks from King street was a 'matter of primary imports ance' und one which 'must be carried through to a satis. factory conclusion,' "With regard to the removal of the King street tracks, he told Council that officials of the Board of Transnort Commissioners had assured him recently that they were prepared to lend their assistance to the city in this problem, EDWARD KOLODZIE Rosalinda Klemtan, 3, pon- ders as what to do with this skein of curls from her 11 LATTER-DAY DELILAH Series, which sims not only to) tell true history but to set forth national sims and ides! so clearly that there can be no misconcep. tion on either side of the border, In this handsome new volume, Mr, Hardy gives a sturdy history | {14d.) by W, G, Hardy Is snother ,g miles southwest of Ottawa, occured fast Friday, wes disclosed by the of Canadian enterprise lending to man, 37, Struck Witness Jailed For Year WINDSOR (CP)~Rugene Digh- ay was sent 7 |the confederation of Canada East enced to one yesr on a charge | (and Canada West and describes of assaulting a key witness In 8! pealed the mighty struggles between the recent murder trial, two great leaders from Canada West, John A. George Brown, The tumultuous events of the Mrs, Georgina Chow, 35, testi Macdonald 80d gieq giro was assaulied In a hotel washroom by Dishman after she {later 19th and early 20th contur- testified at the trial of George {les and the relationship hotween | America and her northern neigh. Hardy Corcoran, Corcoran was tenced Civil Association of Can- ods, The chauffeur, John G, Wil- by the charge was laid against him, The association has accused the department of intimidation and discrimination, It has ap- the suspension of the of Johnny McMann NIGHTLY 9-12 HOTEL LANCASTER ficer, government chauffeurs to hor were triggered, suggests Mr, €1Eht years when found guilty of Hardy, by the possibility thet {trusted the Americans ~ and per- haps the Americans south of the no | # lesser charge th of "the line" in the beating death of one north o e line quite Ihe on died July 10. of manslaughter enry line were frequently lacking in| |taet, But the Canadians had their | own fish to fry and they fried 'em skillfully; the Canadian Paci: | fie Railroad, the opening of the| Was, in spite of a eounle of re: | " _ |bellions led by Louis Riel; and Mr, and Mes. Woldemar Klem many unpremeditated happenings CP Wiréphoto) | sich as the wildest gold rush of year-old sister Renate, She cut it when Renate wes asleep The girls are the daughters of | TORONTO (CP) «~~ Regula {tions of Ontario's Labor Rela: {tions Act, amended during the last session of the legislature, will become effective Oct, 22, Premier Frost sald Wednesday following a cabinet meeting, The new regulations will be printed in a special edition of the| Ontario Gazeite to be published the first of next week, One new provision gives the la bor department authority to de mand audited reports of union pension and welfare funds at the request of the department of in surance, "We might want these In re. gard to the work we are doing in portable pensions," Mr, Frost (sald, A special government commit. tee Is studying portable pension schemes, CONTROL TRUSTEESHIPS labor department authority call for the names of trustees and gn Indication of how long local fons, But Mr, Frost sald the new regulations would not conflict with past labor rules and prac tices, The old regulations were repealed because "it was the easlest way" In the light of the great number of regulations, The labor department will hold three briefings with employers and trade unions to outline the new regulations, CONCILIATION RULES The regulations also cover: A special mediator Jointly se lected by union and management who can be used in place of a 'Hidden' Children Back Home TECUMSEH (CP) "Thank God we have our children back," a slim housewife sald Wednes day as three of her children {played happily in thelr front yard, A four month long legal battle for custody of Gordon, 15, and New Labor Act "| Robber Runs 'Rules Start Soon all time, the Klondike of '96 to 98, RECALLS LAURIER Mr, Hardy also describes in.| -- formally the long administration Em t Handed {of Bir Wilfred Laurier (from 1806 | p y to 1011), with its Liberal party | a . {approval of Immigrants from INGERSOLL (CP)~An nassall- i many lands, its development of | conciliation officer or econcllia. Ant escaped empty-handed In alhydro-electric resources and he tion hoard and who would dig. Ar Wednesday night aller heal-imeasures which were to make charge the functions of both, ing the driver of a mall truck hoth the manpower and the ma- A speedup of conciliation pro-|during a yobbery attempt, cedure by allowing the lahor min:| Police sald driver Ed Pole, 30 ister to replace a member of the of Ingersoll, suffered head cute concilietion board If proceedings while struggling with the assall are being delayed, lant who leaped into the truck as The rights of any party con-|It was stopped on the outskirts terial resources of Canada of | such Immense value to- Britain | «and all of us ~~ in the First | World War, This Is a vital and refreshing study of a great power by a) cerned to complain to the minis-|of town near Highway 19 | distinguished Canadian historian and deserves a place on every| Another new provision controls|and henefit employers, union trusteeships and gives the| to/able turning point in labor law," | unions will remain under the| trusteeship of international un-| ter for intervention in the event| The pair wrestled In the eab lof undue delay, of the truck, then fell out, A wit: © anndian Mbrary shell, private] EVERYTHING BUT A FLOOD LONDON (Reuters)~Cireus owner Billy Smart reaped a little more than he'd bargained for when he pulled Noah's Ark publicity stunt on the River Thames Wednesday, Virst, a horse and two eam- els refused to join a pair of elephants and other animals for a river cruise advertising a charity performance by the cir. Cus, Next, a prize sea lion named Ritzi escaped over the side soon after the steamer began cruising aroupd nesr Parlla- ment, Finally, when the voyage ended river police announced it had broken the law in seven different ways, including ad- vertising on the river and cre. ating a navigational hazard, for ministers, Letts ob, He said he got out of the ear and went into the airport bulld- DRIVE TO geauValley TONIGHT ing to buy a box lunch and when he returned Letts grabbed him from behind and the box lunch spilled to the ground, He sald they scuffled and rolled into a flower bed. Letts then told him he was un- der arrest for aseaulting a peace officer and took him to the alr- port police station, Did You Know , + » in the moin Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con nove o Pull-courss Dinngr for ONLY 956. Wilshaw sald Police Chief Wil- liam Godber questioned him and then told him to forget about it, Premier Frost, asked about the incident, sald he knew nothing about it but promised to inter- cede on behalf of the constable, The premier said he hoped the officer involved would be com mended for doing his job, "1 phoned the chief of police TREATS YOUNGSTERS BUFFALO (AP) ~~ Daniel J, Guminski, who has never been the vietim of vandalism since he opened his drive-in snack bar in suburban Sloan, treated 750 youngsters Wednesday as his way of saying "thank you" and otherwise, | Jurisdictional disputes, most ness left his car to Investigate) frequent In the construction and ™1d ie astatiant ran to a opr printing trades, by adding moans |' Ape 0 , |to end strikes created when there| IIs a conflict of working Interests {in a particular job, | The strike vote, which must be taken by secret ballot, The amended Clan Chieftain 'Dies In Toronto labor relations| act was hotly debated in the] TORONTO (CP) «== Funeral House, with Liberal and CCF|services will be held here today members charging that thelrsr Claude MacDonald, 60, chief {slight smile, cocky Owen| amendments would stifle labor Jl «a Beottish clan who died (Mickey) Feener was guided by aln of \a Beottish ¢ w three police officers through a Monday, hostile crowd of nearly 1,000 He was chieftain of the house| Wednesday and driven to the dis Mr. Frost sald, "We have of Macdonald of Sanda, an Is |(rict jail, learned from experience , , , if/land off the west coast of Seot:| The 23 - year » old former gold these regulations don't meet the land, His succession to the title, miner and laborer from Halifax situation, we will alter them," |the 16th, was recognized in 1067 [liad just been remanded to Oct INTERPRETING THE NEWS 26 on a charge of murde oy 'Secession' A Bad Word 1000 Hostile This marks a very consider Tppaving the town hall for the 180-mile drive to jail at Halley: bury, Feener shook his manacled fist at the crowd that had swelled Feener went Into court, filled to Its 300-seat capacity, wearing a three » day growth of blond beard and moustache, his shirt open almost to his walst and his By ED SIMON Sir Roy displays towards seces:|(rougors tucked Into his boots, Canadian Press Staff Writer sion, 'YOU STINKER' Commonwealth prime minis: SYMPATHETIC VIEW As he left, Rod Choulnor, 20 ters today find themselves in the| Macmillan's "wind of change" one of the victim's six brothers, bating the advisability of spank-|ter indicates a considerable de-|ing: *Feener ing junior because he sald a&lgree of sympathy with Altican| nis' oo ecne, You sinker, what naughty word, [claims for a greater share in| Miss Choulnor's battered and The collective culprit is the 28. thelr political destiny, although. .ched body was found Saturday member Monckton commission, [he will ugdoubtedly glve equalinaar a remote bush road, She which returned from a year'swelght to the commission's aq heen struck on the back of study of the Central African strong arguments In favor of [i head and stabbed eight Federation and distinctly uttered keeping the states together, times Prime Minister Macmillan and| comment on the commission's a ont 30 a Shiried With of Federation Prime Minister Siriadvice that the federation's|in the death of Catharine Essers Roy Welensky distinctly sald 1t/member territories be given the!si.vear-old model from Toronto Imustn't Iright to secede at some later and New Glasgow, N.8. Her body | Sir Roy is the more aggrieved date, |was found on a river bank near of the two, As soon as ho spotted] The government - spokesmen, pi oderioton last week [the word In the commission's however, have indicated that the| Miss Chouinor eldest of nine report, he protested that the commissioners will get away children, had raised her six leommissioners had no authority|with a slap on the wrist for their ! during the brief hearing, position of a married couple de-| speech in South Africa last Win-| joke through the crowd scream. the word 'secession' after both| 'He has ofered no personal {to discuss a possible breakup of| calculated indiscretion in exceed hrothers and two sisters almost Glenda Dickerson Leach, 13, was) dropped Wednesday by the Ese [Northern Rhodesia, Southern sex County Children's Ald So. » Iv city, A third child, Connle, 10, | Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the federation, which consists of Ing thelr terms of reference, And, whether Sir Roy's const tuents: like it or not, the ques without help since her father father dled and her mother re- married and left the family 18 People Watch Feener Go To Jail TIMMINS (CP)--Wearing cow-|ing place Tuesday, and as Feeper hoy boots, a striped shirt and a was taken to court Wednesday and returned to his cell, police circulated through the town with pletures of the accused man, STOP GIRLS Everywhere they stopped girls on the street and asked: "Do you know this man?" Police have re-opened thelr In. vestigation into the case of a teen-aged waitress, Dolly Woods, who vanished in Kirkland Lake a year ago, Feener was known to have been in Kirkland Lake at the time, Meanwhile, In Toronto, police checked thelr files and ruled that Feener was not connected with the mystery slaying of Elizabeth Kirby in High Park, However, they did locate Feen- er's wife, living in Toronto with thelr child, She asked that her whereabouts be kept secret be- cause she Is "living a new life," She has been separated from her husband for some time, Bull Moose Tackles Train DULUTH, Minn, (AP)--A bull moose lost Wednesday when it charged a freight locomotive "at nearby Taft, The 1,900-pound moose rushed out of the brush headlong into the side of a 880,000-pound Du. luth, Winnipeg and Pacific freight engine, Taft is 20 miles north of here, The moose smashed his ant lers, broke all four legs and lost his life, but dented a "grab iron" and buckled a heavy Iron pin used to uncouple cars behind the AG 46 SIMCOI BONELESS Steak Roasts BONELESS Rump Roasts RA BRANDED BEEF T 5.3564 STN & OSHAWA » 83 LEGS LAMB FRESH KILLED YOUNG ONTARIO uw §7° READY TO SERVE BONE IN SMOKED HAMS . 63° SWIFT'S PREMIUM--1-LB. PKG. FRANKFURTERS- 43° HOME GROWN GOOD SIZE PEPPER Squash 2/19° BLACK RIVERIA GRAPES FRESH TASTY GREEN SEEDLESS or res is, 19° | tion of secession will be on the Years ago, x was not sought because her age UNPOPULAR LINK agenda in the next phase of the Xven as her funeral was tak: engine, placed her beyond Jurisdiction of Sir Roy's agitation 1s under talks designed to bring the fed "Later a communication was read from R, C, Vaughan, president of the CNR acknowledging receipt of the 1948 Council's request for the removal of the tracks. Mr, Vaughan said that the Council's resolution was under consideration and had been referred to N, V, Walton, executive vice-president," July 28 when Gordon slipped out of the house and told neighbors he and his sisters had been hid: [White domination, a vocal min The children gained headlines ised Nogro majority In the three the Commonwealth, [territories strongly opposes the| : 5 so federation because of fear of| Pick ockets to y Shire Ne | arity of European residents dis. | Y Mrs, Shirley Dickerson Loach yikes it on the grounds that tho] sald the children, all by a pres Negroes may eventually take Plunder 'hile echoes of the latter sen. vious marriage were hidden be:|gyer, tiie slo feared they would be | ridiculed because of a gland con : Pl : timent are audible in the Brits dition Which stunted thelr |i Conservative party, Maem owmen ' ' lan has made it clear that he 1s| SPRINGFIELD, Ont, (CP) The wSiiien's Me Soclety committed to the federation as Police at the ronal on fied in amily court Wednesday an attempt to set up a harmonl: ing mateh issued a pickpocket that the whole matter be dropped (gus and = economically viable warning Wednesday and sald a and that the children be allowed state in central Africa, In Which jofal af nearly $1,000 has been re: io lve with thelr motor and noth races could work together. ported stoled, ) By Sir Roy's slogan of raclal par-| g 0 ge "eth the ataton haw Im nea apres. 1 EXPOSE he sore mat po proved." sald director Jack Be: same view, But some of the jue heey reported missin ol van, 'and it Is in the children's ramifications of his policy ap+ijjee said h po Interests they be at home, We|pear to run counter to the mean. --- are dropping our claim for cus: |ing of the phrase, | ody," | As the commission observes, | [8 Mrs, Leach promised every: , cuccessful partnership depends thing she and her husband can|on agreement by both parties) do for the ehlidren, [that the relationship should ex. The doctors know what we isi. Any attempt to shackle them have to do to help them all we ggether would only intensify can," she sald, "We're going to|the resistance of the African na. give them everything, We want tjonallst parties of Northern Rho. them to have a good life, No one desia and Nyasaland, which als laughs now and they can live ready react to federation with MOSPORT COULD BE BIG ATTRACTION Remember Mosport-Park, Canada's new sports car racing trock located seven miles northwest of Orono? Things are going along quite well up there, in a cone struction way, according to a spokesman for Mosport Ltd, All grading and gravelling on the 2.4 mile hard surface strip, started Sept. 2, has been completed, but paving will be delayed until next spring as a precautions ary measure, The opening-date target is May, but this depends on a number of things, Completion of Mosport is expected to mark the ad- vent of big time sports car racing into Canada, Two of the world's most celebrated drivers, Olivier Gendebien and Stirling Moss, helped to plan the course which is gral to be as fine as any on either side of the Ate antic The track is in the centre of 430 acres of land and the site has many natural advantages as well as a setting of great bed uty, (I, A Bunting, Toronto, chairman of Mosport Ltd, sald the cost of construction will be in the neighborhood of $250,000 The track alone will cost $70,000, the CAS, Istandable, While the disfranch eration to Independence within 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH NO. 1 NEW BRUNSWICK @® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS © THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS Ib. £ PRIME RIB 89- POTATOES 11 QT. BASKET CANADA PACKERS TIN Je 29: BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING Cut From Red Brand Beef STE AK SIRLOIN, ROUND, T.-BONE RED BRAND BEEF Lb. The asphalted track will be 28 feet wide along the stretches and 32 feet wide along the corners ~- cars wonld take the corners at 80 and 90 miles per hour and open up to around 170 miles per hour on the back stratch, LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Debbie Rosman, §, who lost three members of her family---mother, father and brother--in a Manitoba motor accident last May 29 is living in Oshawa with her grondmother, Mrs, Mabel Babcock, Debbie it ate tending kindergarten , , , The Oshawa Little Theatre has a big problem upcoming---what to do to fill the shoes of President Harriet Rapley when she moves to British Columbia next year. She has held that post since 1954, has directed innumerable plays and been one of the guiding lights of the organization since 1951 ,,. their own lives." Loose or in {the same degree of enthusiasm F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N, The Examination of And Glasses | Fitting of Contact Lenses Children's Visual Training For Appointment Please Call RA 3.4191 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT COMPLETE SERVICE LEAN MEATY 5 BLADE J LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB 4 BLACK, O.D. AT COLBORNE eyes PHONE RA 8-4681 NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET LEAN BONELESS BRISKET STANDING 6th & 7th PRIME RIB 9 ¢ FRESH PORK Ib FRESH PORK BUTT LOIN FRESH SHOULDER FRESH PORK END MAXWELL 39: 49: 99: CHRISTIE'S anywhere Oshawa GRADE "A" SMALL S12 [) your container i INSTANT 6.0Z, JAR FILE BREAD? 1.3) delivered HOusE $20 and over Free $10 to $20 --- 25¢ $5 t10-§10 -- 35¢ Under $ - 45e Leg of Pork 59: -v \