educated In Toronto, She is a|Grapdview street south, have had them are a jellny agent flow graduate of the Grace Hospitallas their guests over the holiday, methoxyl pectin) and non-nutri- School of Nursing, Windsor. Mrs. Hoiek's cousins, Miss tiv. .weeteners (saccharin and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W, Far- ~garet Iveson of Tilbury and calcium and sodium cyclamate), row and son, Arthur, Chrisie vari Gloria Shivas, Merlin, On ese permit fresh fru to be avenue, spent the holiday week.| ___ made m- preserves pe withow! adding sugar. The result gt rr uote of four soul iow xd is ads ining less tha and dau , Mr. a rs. 8, spre. containing than William Thordarson at Massey Sugarless Jams one-sixth the. calories of ordin- where Mr, Thordarson is the pub- will = ary 'Jam. lic school teacher on the Spanish 1 Be Welcome However, like all products low * cugar, these preserves are River Indian Reserve, SUMME RLAND, B.C. (CP)~If Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Je. and Mes. G. K. Drvuan VSS: aveidiar Sum posite TOU suscepiitia to Twilé Ly A -- "lare on a diet, here's good news open 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 13, 1960 ception and birthday party given|irom the federal agriculture ima couisnes, cp peng. A he Qxlond versity, Prats partment, |" Fruits may be sed ply im. PE yesterday ey er gain At the department's labora |portant element of reducing diets 2nd. letters and shining stars in tory here low - calory spreads and in diets of people who are the realm of music Were pres Wade om _svricols, Jruses. pot normally active. The high : 8, ac | Prior to her marriage recent-|with your item of news for which ent to pay tribute to Canada's|} Wy RS 5a Serie water Song t of fru mae 1 ; dean of ici ave n developed and now|v: "ab nd refreshing ly to Mr, Raymond Hilton Cook,|there is no charge. Teleph of musicians on his 80th an- {labl , : piversary are available commercially. For reducing diets there Is no Miss Sonya Marie Juevk yay bow. RA 3-374. ' And, says a report by Dr. need fo can fruits in water, Cye- ore a Jresup al Joven g 3 The Registered Nurses' Asso- Mrs. Elmer Herring, Highland|D. R. MacGregor and A, Ww. lamate sweeteners enhance good ohn Lucyk arrang S a i tation of Ontario i avenue, has returned from Peter Moyls, spreads from raspber-|fruit flavor without adding ealor- Jamsous, flowe: at be anys clation of Ontario has announced|horough where she attended the ries and strawberries will belies. Adding a small amount of a ; 2 oor Zhuit, SOR il the appointment of Miss Laurz|'uneral of her brother, the late available soon. thickening agent such as carbo- - yr Or i celiancous shower at art of Windmre * ahe So We, Yiiam A, Moya, | Te Josparchen iy. this selvetiyl - eclilone or bettin a ein Columbus. ! 4 , sults from development of sub. male the syrup almost ine lig iat we Mh pbs. was born in Tokyo, Japan, and] Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Hornick,|stitute canning agents, Among distinguishable from sugar syrup. road south, was hostess at a Se shower and from the girls in the sewing room of General Motors Miss Lucyk received a presenta- yh 4 tion, bk Mr. and Mrs, 'William Girling| Commodore and Mrs, Erle | jess, Mrs. Thomas and Mr, | dent of the Oshawa Yacht Club, | field of Lindsay. Jackie, Mal Newell Pickering, chat with | T. D. Thomas MPP and presi- | Ralph Schofield and Mrs, Scho- C Dots ba oshawa Times |and daughter, Jackle, _fa'agh . -- Bisset -------------------- Imes | cireet, and their guests, Mr, and - Mrs, Sidney Girling of Morden, Oshawa Yacht Club S NsSors HOUSEHOLD HINT Surrey, England, were in Toron- | SOCIAL NOTICES Before cool weather sets in,|to last Friday where they attend check hot-air registers or duct|ed the presentation of Ben Hur grilles for accumulated dust/and on Sunday were guests at Ww ) n Successful Commodore S Ball ENGAGEMENT which can hamper free-air flow|the home of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Members of the Oshawa Yacht|John Smith, Mr, Willi 8 ith! Me aud Mrs. P. J McAdam od salse Yeallng cons, iif My ng ater Me: PTs p Os! acht{John Smith, Mr, am Smith a f e the e jo ee-- greed eee | WEN to Niagara Falls. Club, their ladies and friends en-| and Mr. Alfred Schubert of Oshawa anuoutce (ie, engage, AIR CAN SPOIL Joyed the first annual dance "The! Mr, T, D. Thomas MPP and|Anne, to Mr. Roy Jorgensen, son| Coffee is best bought In small] Teas, birthday parties, wed Commodore's Ball" at the UAW|,, a y alof Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jorgensen quantities and stored in an air-|ding anniversaries, coming and Hall last Frid Under the chair Mrs, Thomas were honored tight container in a o all last Friday, Under the Challs| ooo og a Jarge attendance| of Maple, Ontario, The marriage | io ontainer in a cool place, | going of guests and your owh holl manship of Mr, George Jacobi h [will take place on Saturday, No.| Advises the Information Branch of | day plans are always of interest the commits consisting of item out of town included mem- vember 12, at 12 noon in St, Greg: |}, on arlo Department of Agil {to this column. Write, telephone Honus. Jack Miller, 2.9 ard en of the may hay ory's Roman Catholic Church culture. jor visit the social department . . | Mr. Mrs a -- -- w---- dance committee worked to make Douglas Pearse, Whitby; Mr, and| ENGAGEMENT the dance a complele success, (Mrs. R. H. Cooper, Ajax; Mr Mr. and Mrs, Karl Kapuscin. Every lady received a souvenir| Earl Redman, Port Perry: Mr.|ski, Whitby, wish to announce the . gift and a number of door prizes/ and Mrs, E, Whitehead and Mr. engagement of their only daugh. N M i were distributed. Among the win-| and Mrs, J. Dowling, Scarbor-|ter, Millie va, to Mr, John| ow a Pr ¢ 0 | | gives you ners were Mr, James Murray, | ough; Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Schu-| Edward Che ewskl Jr., son of Toronto: Mr, Wallace Dilling and| bert, Whitby; Mr, and Mrs, Royal| Mr, and Mrs. John Chasczewski Mr. Robert Taft Bowmanville Ishil, Bowmanville, and many|of Oshawa. The marriage will FU ii and Mr, John Newell, Ajax, Mr, take place at 12 noon on Satur. . m-- ----- N---------------- - we | day, November 5, at St. John the . n . Fyvangeliss Roman Catholic Retired Missionary Addresses cure . . yl to Palrview Lodge with the ,aurel G ills King Street United Church WMS zi! on "¢ The Ann Crozier group leader, L | S T E N | N G At the regular meeting of the|to attend its fall Thankoffering Mrs. Oscar Morrison, called on WMS of King Street United service at 2 o'clock, on Thursday. Mrs, William Medland who based 'hurch. Miss Mary Haig, a re- October 13 with Mrs, M. Reid her theme for the devotions Church iss ary Haig, a re-|October with rs 1. Reld|her theme for the devotional AT THIS ¢ tired United Church missionary.| from Hampton as guest speaker, [period on Thanksgiving, Mrs Stanley Gomme accompanied by spoke of the work carried on In| Mrs, Norman Wirsching, asso Jupan and showed pictures of) ciate member and Christian Citi) Mrs Frank Hortop sang a solo some of the people with whom|gzenship convener, reported 248 "It's My Desire." y she had worked and the country. home calls and 452 hospital calls| The Ann Crozier group served She spoke of the changes that/made during the summer also alrefreshments, had taken place in the needs on} ---- » -------------- the missionary fleld and how time had helped the natives to be capable of carrying on their ; 2% : 7 / 7 churches with the ald of the mis- i 7 6 7 slonaries is 3 Ra : Miss Haig sald she received pr ai 5% joy and satisfaction from teach- i A é ing the Bible in Japanese to al class of women She chose as her theme "Into " yt ? : : : All The World Together" and uh | FER HE told how all the churches were be i } ; working together in the mission | HHH Hitt |} fleld, She reminded the mem: ) by } ' HEHE 1 bers how important it was to im- press on the youth of the church the need for full time church service either here or abroad, Miss Halg was Introduced by ; § Mrs, Fred Lean J ! J Mrs. Wilfred Harris presided i th Hi ! and opened od meeting With Ne {Hit k 4 } ; : ; : 9 3 "Fru 0 Ue ? ; > . Liss 8, HH HHH + " Don "and "Harve Hearts." 8 Prove it for yourself with this Mrs, Hales Barker conducted 2 3 é . . p service for t ate qx ie Thee Fran Canker, who was 3 i.) i 0, ) special introductory offer life member of the MS. rs, A \ ® 3 i § § Douglas Lander accompanied at : : B gon a Mrs Frank Hortop p 3 k uy Mareoni sang a favorite hymn of Mrs. | Cawker's "There is a Green ; ; an | Cowler s here is a ee fio 4 > d hl] | oy all three Mrs. Howard Brown announced > : P 5 % Sh AM and FM RADIO that the newly formed Woman's Organization will be called "Unit- 3 og Lo : ed Church Women," also the two . AM/FM SIMULCASTS new mission boards are to be . : « fdelite® named "Board of Home Mission,"| | . Full fidelity reproduction of your favourite recordings Ng ; oben and "Board of World Mission." HEINZ Members were advised of jhe 3 s+ § g annual Thankoffering Sunday Yoh wile ov dolats ov Jaks oaiow owas Skseapbacie Radios morning, October 2 with the Rev- : Phono, graph that will be one of your proudest ated ag To guest va of a dial you can select ols pf FM ponent. At ie speaker res I ME play any type of recording made . , . enj jon of to be held at St, Stephen's Church, H APPY LITTLE ANINE J I ors wade A ranjoy 2 fullness and perfection of North Oshawa, October 18 at 9.15 Choose from three different models in Marconi's Citation Series " " D is { am Mn CG ie as J wating for the "birdie" is | granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs, Aor 190 Each ve Sutives ewes ctronic imp , including guest speaker plo ort, aughier St ages | Albert Hale and Mr, Edward even a built-in Jloreousger: 4 igh conplsue stareo antidst Mrs. Juek ane Secretary: Boulevard north Janine who is McBrady, all of Oshawa. On disp I a ives at wa ny lig we read the minutes. Mrs. L. A : ' , splay at your Marconi dealer! mahogu Muldrew gave the treasurer's fourteen months old, is the --Photo by Hornsby y ni dealer's now! report. A - - An invitation was accepted | Where dependability isa must = it's Marconi from St. Andrew's United Church -- y Ew mss or | WOOLWORTH [FOWLER TELEVISION By ESTRELLITA | FOR TOMORROW Visit our Bakery counter -- All Pastries 306 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-1685 RECOMMEND Be sure that oi communica. b ; ] : 1 tions are clear: planetary sspect ked fresh dally in our ovens on MARCONI PRODUCTS havoc and confuéon in business; : on the leisure side you can for- the premises. get this and indulge in recreation and social activities. | FOR THE BIRTHDAY I FAMOUS Lawrence-Rowiand Furniture If tomorrow is your birthday mor your bl v, WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW hy dvocates, po Swiss in | CHOCOLATE BANANA | Ain ates soc cate Spout. You TOY Marconi Prod Rave a chance to be a hero: or CAKE arconi roducts en HERE'S HOW THIS SPECIAL OFFER WORKS: == CLIP THIS COUPON FOR 2 FREE TINS==% Beginning early in May the] Reg. 59¢ SEE AND HEAR Simply buy 4 tins of new 'bettertasting' Heinz omens of hi and. to and be | SPECIAL 53¢c MARCONI PRODUCTS AT CE Se I A. H. J. HEINZ CO. OF CANADA LTD, old, your best chance to become | DEAN KELLY ENTERPRISES LTD. four labels with the coupon at al ee DEPT. A. H.,, LEAMINGTON, ONT. @ suddenly rich. In th ddle of M es =r lL Ph'. il, we' n the middle of May your yy 38 KING W. OSHAWA RA 8.5153 mail, we'll send you a voucher redeemable at Here are four labels from Heinz Condensed Soups. Please send erratic strokes of genius will be pki gad Rein Ble your grocer's for 2 free tins of any kind of me my voucher, good for 2 free tin i Y s of any Heinz Condensed Soup. ed | Heinz Condensed Soups! and you may get sudden insights into the purposes of friends ph WOOLWORTH'S FAMOUS NAME associates. See the MARCONI Stereophonic Le wee sad] RPPLE PIE TASTE THE DIFF ill reach a cresce: \ H from mid May 10 the end acende on Display 5 Vise ie 0 RENCE! STREET a welcome "Indian sum I ; t you think all soups taste the same, it's time me fy Se, ool CHERNEY'S gow ah en i dre id RS% 45¢ Oshawa you tasted Heinz. Delicious new home-cooked PROVINGE suteped jh Simost any Drulussion SPECIAL C flavour makes Heinz Soup great for your full: : PLEAS : ysical ac- i : . : ASE PRINT PLAINLY course dinners or quick snacks and light This offer expires December 31, 1960 tivity, | I lunches. RS 0 in <a ALLOW US TO DEMONSTRATE st SAE OY ad ETE Fis || MARCONI PR ' : : WI B> "gi [| MARCONI PRODUCTS | 10 jo) thio special offer! limited fime only! as little as possible, according to A Sh convenience the lnformation Branch of the On. oh > tario Department of Agriculture. | OSHAWA and WHITBY n