16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednmidey, Ocioher 1X, 198% OH0P JoWNTOWN BR Iv WAR 4 drs 9 | ( \s (krRESGE'S) d 1} 1 / \ / | 7 K RF = S G E' S TR i |Y3 A 7 . RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS AL SPECIAL! SPECIAL! WEEKEND SPECIAL WHURS TRI, AND SAY. ONLY BOYS' PYJAMAS Flannelette Diapers | | "Watsons" RAYON UNDERWEAR 1.57 12 IN A PACKAGE SUBSTANDARDS Flare Leg ........ 94¢ SIZE 26" x 26" Cuff Panty & Vests 83c Oversize Flare Leg 1.09 Reg. 1.98. Boys' stripe and novelty print flannel. wire, Sizes B to 14, Two piece style, lapel collar elastic insert ot waist. Popular golors, Special Sale Price, We alu 5 ha omplete range of heavier cotton and wool mixture underwear for the % 7 hile days ahead SALE PRICE . . . . 2.5 9 SIMCOE "VE 21 simcor sv. 5. ZELLER'S LIMITED rrone ra 3.2204 ST. p SOUTH 3 ¢ Black: A. 72 9mcor N 3 3 i 4 MORE toe room Our Secon Spanning NN ~ a L BETTER ORLON KNITS WSS outa Bonionn lel sport i" A wonderful little two-piecer that packs, tra. ; re | ; po ASSOCIATION ; BEST 4 vels, washes and drips-dry like new! Wear it rl +A Ks x 4 i A g now and all year 'round for almost any occas is = Jif ; k all round comfort i sion, White, beige, black, turquoise, sea green 0) » Sn 4 - . % or firecracker red , , , sizes small, medium and y hee i d i" Suttering from foo} diseamfert! Thies os 4 large, avy i : ¢ ! RR Boi RM Mp the world famous br, Lo ake " Bpaint fit comfort fest, Get bles 1 vb oliof ae i® 4 from sramped toes, bunion poo red 1 " W font w= ver, Recapture the joy " (RE 1 of. doing hous sework, shopping and [ust - ay i doing work, shopping end Just 2 From our Sportswear =e Main Floor v/, i . plain old-fashioned walking! ol Available Only in Oshawa at | Black. A LADIES' WEARLTD. | py DANCEY"'S i% 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH OSHAWA RA 5.1912 Wr 18 SIMCOE ST. §. In Downtown Oshawa RA 5.1833 pre-- Special Clearance Dont Miss Out On This Weekend Offer GIRL'S AND LADIES' \ BY DUNN'S SHOES | , Boys' Men's Matar kr arm | | Flannel Pyjamas Flannel Pyjamas Mostly Queen Anne and squash heels , . . ® SIZES 8 TO 16 ® SIZES 36 TO 44 variety of colors and leathers in brown, black green, red and grey , + «» not all colors and : ® REGULAR 2.95 ® REGULAR 3.95 iizes In each style \ -- | $1.77 $2.77 CLEARING PRICE 7-98 orl ih | 9 " ork a D NN' 36 KING STREET EAST (5 Doors West of Regent Theatre gl RA 3-7611° SE DAVIDSON'S p- = SHOE STORE py Oshawa Area For L I oH HE Over 50 Yours ; Don't Miss This Best Quality Bargain : meen 4A WEEKEND ONLY Confidence Where u See This Don iia ci 3 ow oN A A CLEARANCE OF MEN'S FINE pr FOR ANY OCCASION UNLINED GLOVES For Quality Stretch FEATH ER HATS ALL SIZES ALL SHADES Reg. value 4.95, Reg. value 7.95 to 8.95. SEAMLESS TIGHTS A 2.95 loa 4.95 Quality knit of soft stretch nylon yarn fo fect ] 29 ] 08 : + fir ny comfort yo bie . to . CHILDS SIZES 4-6x pair EACH J Oo i nN % T (Ce) nd r % + MISSES SIZES 7.14, pair A variety of colors to choose from (OSHAWA) LTD, 8 SIMCOE ST. N.