28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 6, 1960 sim THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2&0 (13--Gaordening & Supplies 17--Money To Loon (22--Redio Repairs (32--Articles Wanted | #1~Room & Board 44---Houses, Apts, Flots m1 Flots or V---Accountants " For Rent . A « RATES L ror weed kiting, sorsyiog ans prus CILIENTS money io 1088 06 first mort GEORGE'S TY service, TY peripls, ANTIQUES wanted » fioss, chins, BOOM or mom snd boss tor "gentle FALE FRIEDIANDER HUNTER ana CLASS IF IED AD A rox hr A hrs pi avergraens, | gege. Mortgage and sgrecment of sie lrmtators, towers, $58.95 and wp. Aer- lyre, ois @ buy for sash. isl 74 Wen, Enel mepls, Wwnches packed. 35% " achively Aeeor we 4 Aceounionts es Auditors i Street 25 words or lew Yior complete Gorden Service, Coll BA purchased, BHA mortgage arranged. lists moved, repaired, Free estimates 43445. or OL $3408 Athol Blaset East, BA 39541 Four « Toom. apertment 'y ' Ed Jccornied twshed Yrustée in Bankrvpie bd King Sires § y , a any whe: ET 5g A ¢ LARCE < use in Bal of 4 Yale, CA; F Cosh Charge | 86066, Oshaws Home Landscaping Creighton, Fraser, Drynasn snd Mur {snswhere a Fy oa, yi Cry y: £, 4 wilh oy % ", - fo Canadion shiver, ROOMS ond rept, with oF withovt do . oe Na ah | free washes, Arye Friedlander, 8.Comm. CPA 3 CONSECUTIVE MULCE % 9 per yard, oi gravel jhe hone wiv 9) 8 SA | aolins 8. "46 "® 50 1948 Ponid. 296 King Slieet East, pear Bi Phone R chnirally located. IW EF, MOPKING snd Company, Corti] = INSERTIONS 2 2.48 $1.50 per yard, Desivered. Bpecist fox|¥) #4 second mortgage, ele Bewlonadiond oy Members went | 8 Kond SECOND floor apartment, fons rooms. fataa § Pub Acoountants, 172 Ki 60 o comsecuTIVE parking lols snd driveways, RA 5319 : Ma perehased and 3 Bon SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT (#4 for Qshaws Com Club, Dial BA ROOM snd howd svaliebie for twp WIth bath, private entiance. Forced si \SELF . contained speriment, private eet East, Oshaws, Ostane, RA CNSR TION 375 4.12 N. Tuleh vind Mo pg dated od iT -- DAY OR NIGHT { did @entiemen to share. Phone WA 51065. Teal Immediste possession, Phone BA immediste possession, conten, 52508 St ES A Yi ORGANS wanted, slate sian and condi: KOOW snd hosed lor Iwo or theese oo (36188 or RA 57428 # not paia within 7 days the HEDGINGS snd flowering shivbs. Ex T.V. and RADIO tion. Box 517 The Osh Tim Sle Re Me SUBAEN two - bedn b BOK CLANCY'S Optarie Accounting Charge rote wil cellent quality fresh from the pursery i Lanawe Ties | BERLE R, MH conveniences, Bom e aro. as wid drapes. Telephone TWH a thies r FO Spstiminis, Services offer complete Iookkeeping Bowe: rales y Gin 8 big savin y " 4 Barbersy, cooked masts, BA B0283. 2 Gladstone ' . ep $ rigingl § at aving, Privel, res wl A MONEY T0 ALL RA 5H 86 | SHAW Avenus RA 37027 Thiad, pewr Shop Cerire ond schol Gireet Wes Room |. Office RA 5-909) nsertions ordered of © plete line of ornamental ees for small business. 184 % 0 ve insertions, § Chinese Elm, AMpine Corian equent All Work Guaranteed ROOM 3nd Board Tor youre entice. BASEMENT apariment, private Ja service, 77 Gibbons Sirest RA 37605 later dote constitiules @ original Jt od pies Pent me ig bi | { REC man. Apoty Ki Park Ro Worth trance, Kitchen pins two rooms. Api FURN Daserment at L. BUIZINGH, aceredited public Bit ala ovIIge 8 oY TIO only $4.5 Fiasek 3 Nur ery $e DoF OSHAWA AUTO WRE CKING co phane WA 02 Ts ont Yo 01 4 Montgomery or BA $6319 Lg A rmisned, 7" ns sccountans and suditor, 51 King Blrget ssional ana Business Nistings Jef Highway Be. 2 on Church Sire ECTROMICS Wents cars for wrecking, Ports | a be . C THREE oi | BERLRE, Byars, HUI cuphosrds Wie East oF RA BATH, 4 Ger month for 3 lines daily Wickering Phone WHiehall 2.4 -- ELECTRONICS er--" for sole, Gio il po ond Berea ty Ar Sroas 0 A. Cor. | ment Ry nag dia floors, wink. Wamplon, COUsx 32191 MONTEITH MONTEVTH, RIEHL, and | Each additional fine $100 per A Is, etc. bought. O | Bors. garage for rent, Apply 6 Divi. #IPPIE PRIVIBE J Sessmable Apply 162885 MONTHLY. comioriebie, ' . puntants, BA 53527, 1 me ot SODS nies for oll types of mort. PID YOU SEE OUR Sond, oi de ight. Crm | $m Street 0 King East. BA 81589. § hepted, two bedroom bungalow, Ror ; Max WH initial fetter abbreviation; o for first end second NEW ALL GALYVANIZEL olurdey 6 Gy Worm | Rowmr ns oT ad Td Te | FURNISHED fires + Top Soap of Shopping centre, BA 51497 - gn, Dios, coins 2 Q Weoted ond on olf types of real wh 3 "FEL RAS-2311 BY BLOOR E, | three gentlemen, close to SGM plant. © spartment, east end. avaliable Oc |BIK-soom brick house aid goregs, sas HF DEWAR wid Co, Accountants bi Roy SNe Loe SacI engl. Al rolled, weed treated o inchiding vacant fonds e | BA 559% tober 15. Phope A 5760 end, Phohe C0 82764 snd Auditory, Cedar Glen Bide 11 On] Nr 3 bans the. gay be fertilized, Field $ ) " term mortgage for R A D E iN] 5 35---Employment Wanted | [00% wd howd fo 49 nT hilemen, nr ve pris gM A (fr tei Rg PB heated, Vo SIBEIE THOME, Rood home, ookin - A . , A X a) 176 ari Street, Oshawa Ontario b wih publication, Office hours: Baily prices, Townline ' y ul first ond second y 292 King Street East month. Phone RA ly. BA 39 i 8.5 Saturday Bel : RELIABLE woman wishes Weht work, "PP KONALD FD. WILSON, Chartered 4 ' north. of Teunten Rd wigages and agreements T O WwW E R S about | howrs diy, companion. ROOM and bosrd tor genilemen Home! FIVE - room house ot 415 Bloor Bast, MODERN, thieeroom basement spert sntant Oshawa, Ontario, R/ REGULATIONS 3.9986 ond OL 5.3 sole purchased Apply to conve os housework oF cooked mepls, plenty of hot water, ipl #villabie pow, Airply #13 Bloor East ment, with dehumidifier to ensure drys ; The © owe Tim shall not be 4 4 y Wa 26 King Street Expert workmanship im y-outing. BA E0863 glean, quiet German home, Bl Fark, FURNISHED bedroom with ichen Bess, separate entrance and hot wales RBar Die {OF Sricls In Sdvering ows, Te n \ -- 1961 All Weve Antennae |FXPERIBNCED girl will do house. | 1089 South eile, suitable for ght housekeeping, |'#P%. Phone RA 33218 ~Barristers ¢ omitred wie the 0S HAWA ACME 3-449 d 4 eeping; Hye Wn. Telephone BA 5 KOOMERS wanted, privete bath, two #dults, eentipl, parking facilities +4 THREE, or four - room epariment, CREIGHTON, FRASER DRYNAN and rect insert y ~ Bd } ---- Did You Know That We w blocks from downtown, Apply 116 -Al-| Ply 255 King East Upstairs fist. Apply B97 Verdun Road bert, evenings ONE 4 b MURDOCH, Bar licitors, No . "rb { 18-- Loan "Wanted ~Have Same Dey Service GF NTL MAN with own cement mixer a ¢ of Commerce Bi ged ¢ insertion of HAULAGE LTD, Y ne fe hr Ike work. Free estimates, Phone: ROOM snd board gentleman in| with Nving room and Bien Apply THI FREE rent ta family willing to look Pui Bank 7 eet North, BA 33466 T, % ert which error $4500 WANTED = Private only. Ful = Employ expert ans Ra 57066 private home 4 Apply 11% Bum Ritson Koad South after § alley two children while father works J Fraser, GC; oi 5. And olso reserve the right LOAM = GRAVEL security, Phone BA #5215, 6 0 6pm, | =~Take Service Calls fill 8:30 | mer Bireet § FOUR = 100m apsriment, . i Phone BA #0258 Ha rynan. GL "Murdoch, . in Tu a according 19 |I . Pond p.m | 36--Female Help Wanted | Ix CLEAN, wile hime, good beds,| hosrds, bathroom, North Oshaws Wh | FURNISHED 8 arimnt Tn Christian ' ATi fig 4 rion rite ] FILL == STONE MONEY TO LOAN TRY US 3 ERIENCED ds { pildren | HOme-corked meals, continuous hot! ® 7754. 147 Mill Street, home. Frivete hath snd entrance. Ab sompnREYs Bovcirs ad Winmen, | in the cose of diteior advertiee 2.2598 Tome" at, Sins" alia | water, Cine to Sait 63cm Shopping | AY FARM -- ond WARE IB alas] Aoners only. Phone Wh 6991 5 BE oh 5, BA; W. A ' " 3 ther RA EX Je PA £2,000.00 to $5,000 00 for d r sodas deli. : ho yescure, 10 peres clean workable, S0\ FOUR : room spariment, henled, sen 61s King Street East hot n p i err Firs d I R | CY . ROOM ani pp ' © with water, Contact Rod! tral to schools snd shoppihg, $65 month 4 o 4 d por wu OT s 5000 aces ' Sp COMax 32089 lv. Immediate possession, BA 51873 BA 51177; Res, R ¢ P end ur ¢ ' f ' Mo 82761; RA 55203 sce oll odve 3 matter CROSS TOWN | I GES Ag € 1] E\/(S ON Ei ONE double room and one single room, | IN NEWCASTLE One three room M 4 loar p y liahility f f vacant and - j SI bl) J 4 WEAFIAR I0VELY | close to hospital and bus, NGM, cook: upstairs apartment, two-piece bath, $45 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister InaeeLracies form SOD SUPPL Y / De residens | 4 ; 6, Just sh 43--Wanted To Rent ing privileges. 927 Kingsdule, BA 8-6067 | monthly, Phone Newcastle 4256 4 or, #4 King Street Enst || of advertisement ere contained a. ol or istrial city, subs 171 BOND ST, EAST ' Vo a68iRE, IVES : NEED or bout storage in| FURNISHED three + room apariment, FOUR . room house, 860 per month, no Business RA 3.2201 esi therein. *ia , 2 on 0 try, and Sums perien y Hi hy MO B5117 tities paid,' good location, per | inclde conveniences, suitable for any A-1 rolled, fert } cu . RA 8 8-678 | 0 Yndu tris) ---- - month RA 5-3054 one City waler, cupboards etc, Phone SWARTZ, Barrister fresh daily A deliy J : Montreal 39 44-- Houses, Apt Flat THREE - room house at 74 Willi A 3-409, As " | securities Lime y prs, ars om » am hs y wa special contra f § | ' ASE. } reliah housekeeper wanted to Street West, all conveniences. For [APARTMENT = three rooms, hiltin 8---Building Trades oA E QE; ; Simeoe Street | Zur "Column _ PAu 1 one child, Good For Rent move Iniormation, phone TA 53087 cuphonrds, sink In kitchen, three-piece A dy ALL 1. RA 5-85 | for y Phone RA oF ht person, friendly p ' APARTMENT = two large rooms, hed hath, private entrance, TV outlet, sult Resid | 1-402 ney Wark a 3 . 15 SPECIAL! Heat perma 6 ' on 52647 ral, for dependabl Hic 1% room, kitehen, cuphonrds and | YOTKIDE coupe, KA 65-2199 JOSEPH | MANGAN barrister ates ine BR = Wey Cold wave $6.00. Page H 6 reauived for coffee shop y 3 ink, stove and refrigerator i desired | THREE . room apartment, near Shop i 1» Joan, Swe fy Be LLDOZIN Hil | C IDE Ll 396 Pine Avenue, RA 55363 4 Phe hy es . pm . $12 weekly, heat, hyro included, see:|ping Centre, bus stop, Parking place, awa \ B62 0 B5612 | m--l be 0. 00 McArthur, Genosha Hotel wy ivi ath ond Floor, private entrance, three min: immediate possession, RA 56106 or RA : » bro at Hieourt Drive eu] LANDSCAPING | | 24--Market Basket FERED nurse required for South FEing. Bo ¥ aineps, | He Walk to South GM. HA #5217 $7584 and MacDonald, Bar | a 13 ont T™Wo room apartment, suitable for [THREE - room unfurnished apartment, pie | ALL types iiding repairs fing ; TOMATOES. 506 a b b pho ot tome, Neweasth ! and No de ihlie, Alb | Hi . A 3 El EC TROLYSIS MATOES five-day week, Phone! LARGE - odern apartment, | Le gentlemen, also two single rooms. | private bath, parking, svatlable now Murphy and James A. MacDonald, "AIK ps. RA 80394, Gordon May : fel i laid Sack, Thornton Roa ! : e, Ail private, elo downtown, PATKIngG.| HA #5512 Apply 42 Ritson Road South f oar auth of Hyd ) ' Adults, $60, K/ MODERN, three-voom apartment, pri-| FOUR-room basement apartment, with ALL f carpentry | ; i T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solic 4 eeding, clear J uperfluous hair # entrance and hath, heavy wiring, | dehumidifier, self-contained, kitchen Simeone Street North t y APPLES tosh ) ' ATTRACTIVE apartment, | yuo and hardwood, h PY 8 A pairs wghing sil i i io wa J ' and Delicious. Gls sireet ley dvi Foe-Dia and hardwood, bus, close to Northiiwe - plees bathroom. Apply 45 Bloor e RA 53741 Residence RA 59392. j,0 p00 t R 703 greens, fertilizing { 4 dn i be In Hh ay Son 4 t " HAI R STYLISTS Ho oy ' yi rn agi! \allabie now, 330 Adelaide East, | West 5 nt J p 1 : n Gla and Bo ne North 7 rige a Ie ad lf : BOWMAN PAVIDL TL CARPENTRY amin inishin oi " ) ) 25th 26h | 5-608% i . J h folle hon central. RA f evenin or | COBY four-reom self-contained apart: | ONE bedroom apartment, In apart ' bh. f teration COMPLETE p 3 i on |OBDER early, aveid ridiculous wintey xperienced with follow Aura ent, E66 monthly, Quiet couple pre-(ment hullding, close to schools and Simeone Street North erations ui 0 VEDER ¢ di QR £00 > i ferred. 104 Church Street, Apply 102) shop; ing, parking space, $50 month) prices, Store in fruit cellar. Good Bil} ing. $20 with 50%. Part EWO - room fur ed apn tment, Cen: Church Street Phone Olver 54611, Rrookiin 4 ' intment ALL ' d heating pl 2 C n __|spring, Potatoes y five Bh Fae d tral, ele quiet, close to hospital GARDEN SER 4 CE aver, $2.00 each, retail win, | Iculars in confidence, to Abily 364 Bimene Street North NEW duplex, avallable immediately, (SIX . room bungalow, near school, by a Stat MRS. ANN ha free delive HA | ¥WO Tiare) roor sPRriment. compiel 1% large rooms. On Crerar Avenuei|and park, stove and refrigerator," $1 6 ardens Teugned db PROFESSIONAL PALM TOMATOFS, pick your own 7 ashe] BOX 112 OSHAWA TIMES | ely turnished, heat, lights iad, for ir dd Iarge wlorage place, RA monthly, RA 86070 -- caf yoDe el; carrots, 75¢. bushels S:anish onions | eoup 18 veekly, RA il « 4 and repairs '] A 2 recreation sms, roofing, water proof removed i READE R | $2.75 bushel; cooking onions, §1,75 bush: | 52470. 4 nek Street West BUNGALOW for rent on Stevenson 1 coment work, Rea a ir reader, and advisor lel. Bring contains W. Eymann, % | 001 y arime Road, $05 monthly, Near sehool and PARKWOOD able rates" MO 8.2003 RA B8-1798 ng your problems fo her. |mile east of oli' ge, Cour LADIES vate bath madam Ki imartment, pH hopping. Phone KA 89770 HA n PA, BCL i [tiee. Go north to first corn | - / A WATERPROOFING specialists, Roof | ) ntment necessar ee, Ho north ' " tave and refrigerator, Apply 461 Drew | FIVE room apartment, private en y P! RALPH JONES A om of aint t Write Ba [APPLES Spys, Macinie Dn. | Street trance And hath, Il conve ce A ilar appointmen: Vrite Box 2 ia from 10 A.M. to pys " "fe | 0 7 all conveniences, very Greer, Associn yr i " . LANDSCAPING m 10 AM, t licious and Snows. On Thiskson Road Opportunity" for central. Simeos South, Phone RA 50081 MANC R RA B-4141, 140 MODERN ae wpartment, | or" 0s ¥ t Fa A "EC ' half mile north of Taunton Road, Algo Fal i i Ch 3 Ro SERVICES ah {hat Shs ne ' 4 A ash in « Fall lorge 1 jeall equipped ! f L ! 4 ed, chang A field rae dudio | hi Season |! d ) to ehildren,| THREE « room apartment, new house, fort ns # PLUMBING ( g pipes, fit and Notary Public, 2614 King Insts asonable rates | il, gravel nd | 2V-~Personal Service | ROASTING CAPONS 36 0 f ative FL ne' bevger, HA Paring space. Apply 39 Sandra Street Street East, Phone RA 81763 estimates free on An { let Weed ™ N ed Asemen : - PIETY vi FOR r epalr alteration NT ) / | MeGIRBON BASTEDO, Ba imbing ial RA 5424 f Free estima A 4 A 0 Fr AND TURKEY 5 | or p : ns. MaDin 140 enn Jue 2 J I Mone viday. | funds a ahi « ol is 2am il | | 0 U wil apartment, 15 Gibbons Street Available Simcoe Street { ) KP 0 Wi r IN [ Order now for Thank y ™ VET I g RA No 1, Adults oF children over 1%, Ap SAGUENAY AVENUE oy McGibbon \ " | RA 5.6047 |W AGATTS School = Govern | ' y p ply 21 Gibbons Street do, & TED VEENHOF ment licence, fully insured. duat gon PHONE RA 5-6837 28 Gilmour Street, Peter i ahi uple, | BAREMENT apartment, two rooms, (PARK RD. & KING 5T | . p given tol fun linen, suit business eouple, DISTRICT) Nl "Nursing Services WELL DIGGING Oshawa [PE TER PAN fay Bursery " hiidren FRANK HOAG | i er W Apply 126 | tw girls oF gentlemen, vaeant, ATK: OPEN FOR r SOUTH WAVEN Nursing Home, New CLEAN OUTS AND : ¥ v, 8.30 i A Mo 0 P m. Contact ROSSLAND RD, W. 3 iia ¥ ; ihe. 50 Souihlawn_ Avenue PR INSPECTION a ay pre tor DEEPENING Home Landscaping [ie Sipervior, i ooe Street . xtro_money? $50.00 | BRE - woo as ariment, share hath | NEW six-ioom duplex apartment, oom Quiet, residential street ymmodation now availa Jorth, Oshawa, RA 8.2604 ¢ 36 €arn | quiet hor couple only. 176 Athol. | pletely private, 20-minute bus service, ' i 25--Pets & Livestock | after 8 pon als lirge furnished bedroom, RA 59561 2-bedroom Apartments nahle rate COM ESOR WORK 5 » i PECIALIZED IN FALL | A ir fabulou organ, "ete LAW and outhoard motor re yir lous | J 5 Rta ' Vi PLANTING AND SOI iar» harpening service Rossland [BLACK Cocker 8 P 4 gifts, toys, | SELF-CONTAINED two rooms ang| NEAR OCVI three rooms, tile hath, pri Stoves, 'frigs, TV. outlet, 4441, Visitors ne [ " d | RA 8 31864 SEEDIN( TULIP - BULBS {Sport ntre. 62 Rossiand Road West, | old, Telephone 7 ' big) | toilet. Cont located, $10 monthly. | vate entrance, Joseph Bosco, Realtor drapés, parking, ete wom-- "COMPLETE GARDEN IRA 37462 or RA 81714 [LABRADOR Retrieve in Ig. ft il» colour [HA hong eouple only, 140 Colina, | BA 8-070 Rents fram $90 monthly "yn . hdidl + 91 female w real bu ( id d | ; BASEMENT apartment = three rooms, CL. IF F BROWN | SERVICE TRY OUR wiv 781. Adderaos 1 Wirith 1 jue makes it | NICE four { partment, private |; vivate hath and entrance. ehildren wel PHONE RICHARD BLACK Optom a " 4 | of orders entranpe { it middle-aged | come, Alse housekeeping room, 218 272 5.5 conta ) y 7d" BEGINTERED © Daghshut ind lenty of order auple or 81 one pt RA 5-7273 RA 5.5787 fhe Sim Soren (ar Comames | GRAVEL & SAND Call | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN ices" ane peace ' perience' necessary, | ition Nor rhe ATE EL) Cong. = Mai Steet. wall satobity | ; 0 | NE 2 di oh A " nin Street, well establish -- y_appointment, HA 3-4 | | OA M RA 8-6366 Chicken plate, half chicken oi haw | LA m ) oney, Write today THRE -voom basement apariment, § ed barbershop, eentrally located, suit: 440~--Rooms For Rent TUCK RO. optometrist please | - ole W french fries, fish and , on approval, of plege hath, centrally located, Telephone | able for other small business, KA 34343 [ONE room to vent, one or two single Mi, FOR SAL} RA 3.0623 after § gentlemen Apply 637 Albert Street, downtown Dominion Prompt Delivery - ------------ . - chi hamburgs, hot dogs, fox terrier pups, | ' une em - i Ark THLE} room apartment, private | APARTMENTS = TWa, three and four (81) WEEKLY, two furnishes rooms, ia 54567 : | ho epairs milk shakes years old. Brooklin OL 5-893 [ A Monarch Card . Dis il RA 6 4567, = RA 8 895] 14 House id Rep axes | anki u LA f 1 16, 47 East Ave, ha h and entrance, heavy duly wiring, | room apartments in apartment build socking privileges, also wingle room; f ond free | = ol y ! f close ta | Ing, all conveniences, laundry fapllities (central, 180 Bruce Strest between STORM windo washed, painted, put Wi A 5.3887 PUPS for sale, Walker and Blue Tiel nilt ri ane § t, RA 3.2104 available immediately, RA 5:8038 or 66 |p m "7 --Surveyors / 44 up, Mack, RA 3.29 WE DELIVEF six weeks old, Price $10, RA B:1550 a Wayne Street THREE oom unfurnished apartment FURNISHED bedroom, continuous hot | NEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On . . i ; : ab A map DONE ) 8 ' ~ QUIKBRIK YOUR local chimney clear 22---Radie Repairs THREE puppie ta be given away to] 37-~Male Help Wanted heay ving, private bath and en | THREE roam apartment, private water, very central, 'Telephone RA u t 1 ITV mmerecia good homes only, five weeks old. Phone tranoe wple preferred. RA 3-4374 hath, near South GM. Possession Og: [5.0803 . st. RA ne 5 vacuumed : i i A a 1000 TO $000 and mare, That is what Ty ar radio repairs, All| RA 8.1381 tober 1. Apply 254 Malaga Re ¢ new management) nakes, Thompson Electronics, 187 a lage number of our deners ave| THREF ent' apartment ii gMalaga Hond gan Haus keping oom, Central, GT. HORTON and Associates, On) 4 CHESTERFIELDS and ald Elliott Avenue, RA 36708 (Fred) HOXER ups, twa male, one fmeale. | gai th an organization where you! In apartment buildie No ohildren,| ONE or two rooms for one or two|RA Ho Registered, 15 weeks old, Phone Fort], ork full time the year-round, | please. Apply 108 Wilson Koad North, | #ivls, or three - room apartment, heavy harm Professional En. | CEC , A a prof eet west] MAKES OLD HOME h vered like haw. fet the hes Perry, YI 1] Write. 1 mediately, Your age must] Apariment 3 : duly wiring, self-contained, TV outlet, unfurnished, lght housekeep Modern Upholsterin couple preferred. RA 81880 ing rooms, all conveniences Apply REL] 617 ' hl at 6! Ho 8 1 A 728 BEAUTIFUL HOMES A AL a TER TV TOWERS BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea.| he between # ht ho fxperichee o Ritson Road North or HA 8-4 TON : f nl | CR ats ne. Waubhena Kennels, RA 5-612 capital needed weferably marries " THE : swly Se A DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Oniarl | Woy v in Kmat ; SE ! leigh's, Dept. J-810-%A, 4008 Riche RENTING EE roams newly decorated hase: | CARGE attic voom, (win heds, snving: La vey 16 Adelaide Avenue ; / me Ad PAINTING DECORATING hb BEAUTIFUL bahy hudgie re orf Montreal $95 MONTHL Y nished, reasonable vent ineluding hydro filled mattresses: garage; ooking phv } H f y 4 | tradesman interior or exterior, Roxa-| 40.01 orting towr training, talking strain. Apply } Hewes, quiet district, Apply 40 Frew 3 Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bast CARPENTERS vequired for suh-eon 2 | and water, available Ot, 30, Apply \ Bian Sty 4:1 sd [or phone RA 84504 - - --- [tone work guaranteed. Free estimates } i, N nt t m apartment } 02 RI Street Emst. RA 8---Building Trades lig RA 8-258 1 ( ¥ I pa -------- -- trae Work on new housing project oor atre LL R u wit Wave 2 ' Al ( Blevenson Road and Cay cation, stove and fridg vom. aell.oanta LARGE comfortable furnished room -- ve 26---~Farmer's Column he FOUR roam self contained apartment: for gentleman, with refrigerator, hate NO DOWN PAYMENT |PAINTING and paper hanging mp ele new ter Aven ater 'and Hin nho A J i and pa channel antenna Tu nate an na Bn free 0r B48 To: ma | Rlate, dishes, in nige district, central A ) { I | rk. free. If v stra Ww § 35 acres in field 4 4 g I washe € oo WwW WARD UP TO guaranteed low 1-081 y installed and [AF Straw for sale ¥ | AHOE repair man part or, full time, Iraf : A PRY 18 Elgin Street East off Simeoe '} ON [ ( YA VV hy) J BO ( # Must be aaualife ily Ba 48 appointment ca va VELL DIGGING BY 36 MONTHS TO PAY : Y Lot And . r year, $39.93 READ farm stock picked up prompt! meoe Street Bouth, HA 38264 Cal at A § THREE - room apartment, aelf-oon Te Sloss. to SGM. NA 59508 BR ¢ a 3 v Wry or ve 2 , y Phone eolleet, Hampton, COlfax 52781 AR sal an wanted. Apply in per 1.4144 P tained, suit couple, one or two small y "a MACHINI RA 5-8372 or RA 5-9591 ds row 1s Neaanu v Enterprises Margwill Pur' Farm Tyr ein a ri, ons pid led ' eiiliven welcome, $60 monthly, 17 | fer 4.30 p.m ) 29 Md lbs fosehill Hivd FURNISHED three » yoom apartment, TILE - 3 Drew St SALESMAN I i in rural i t Rk ¢ resuphol ' ---- y heal bbl : of, [Private hataroom, TV outlet, suit esuple, 27. Fuel & Waod phigh had OAR LAIR BR THIE «room modern apartment, pri: | Private hataoam, TV outlet, suit vouple, TRY NTARIC 11.--Business Opportunities|'! NITURE HITBY ONTARIO PP tered. Kee our materials for ve-cover RA 3-3553 a A Phat LULL IR APA iy» - vale entrance and hath, three minutes ® Hahei phie nad p A FISHING and Hun camps, resorts, |Ing. Bruce R. Dallan, 75 Chartes Street AE1ORT "hardwood ends, siltable far fur. (PARSE, BO BET GENS Ir [fa North GM, close to downtown schools 0850, Fhone RA §138 ¢ dor develop: |RA 3.731 haces, staves, fireplaces, ete large ind shopping. RA 8-8016 after 7 TWO furnished reams, suit bachelor or 4 ile ations: - load delivered. Phone RA 80418 men wanted, full time oF eve SIMCO 088i AND urn , : A mink Kawartha Lakes |LHESTERY 4 HOR rebuilt, recovered TEL EVISION i for dignified saleswork, in IMCOE AT | Il THREE - room and two - veom apart: [000 lo, alsa twa basrders wanled, park ; A like new nore Our rates | hs 28 S P 4 Ny and oo Frida Red rated ; ments, refrigerators and stoves, sinks |INE RA 37580. 3068 Pacific Avenue Bowes and Coks Limited, Real a i Hafastion guaranteed C ERVICE CO ummer Properties far better (han Average earnings. Can tria ir ! : and ecuphoards, close to Duplate, pri:|ONE bright spacious bed - sitting room e[Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery wk : HAY BAY Furnished housed g/he permanent f on wha qual AME i | | vate entranee, Child weloome, Apply [with modern furniture, In clean home, M PHONY \ 24 i Howard Street onaking fapilitles i desived, One man terborough, Riverside 2-423 2. 16 aid Street st Val RA| ¥ 3 |Ca, 10 Bond L We Dial A collages, heated. flush toilet cperionce in diveot selling helpful, ; Shopping Centre, Gentleman 2 a --- 1311 3 - i RADIO---HI-Fl Bruce Huyek, Napanee 9198 ntlal, We will train you; y y ; ule to 12 Dressmaking PAINTING and decorating. Free esti TV--RADI a BA to 0 years, neal appearance after FOUR he atm, Around flor Anhrt, only, 86 Fernhill Blvd, KA 5.7265 A 9 XPER SERVICE UOTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in| 25¢ #4 PRERSMAKING "and alterations, WA |[MAles, wark guaranteed. RA 37742 EXPERT SERVICE . 8} ade 10 and sobriety impartant. Apply Box 116, children welpamed. Avallable Oct, [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avails heautiral K+ warhe Lak banistrieh, [Oshawa Time APAR TME N T'S [BRA 8.4763 able in private home, #2 Wark Rond IRNACFE SAI F CALL ing folla, write Bowes and Cocks Lim: |[FRODUCTION foreman for steel auto SEVEN rooms. Two + storey vesidence, North, 8:7 p.m, RA 8.8671 : 13 - Gardening ir 4 Supplies FURNA 'S ted Hos iltars, Peterborough, Riverside | m vg, dim business Right shift, Apply [oo |, P all eanvenionves, lavage lot, In the Vil [TWO furnished housekeeping roams, i i " nD NIC | Ajax iehall 2.0430 | i ! \ | of Leskard, S50 manthly, appre: [Kitohen, sink, cupboard refrigerator lL gl Ee aiod arantend AND SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 28 Tre ¥ ™ | TWO men wanted -- some sales exper: | trically equippec t olate veferences Hamilton's Insurance heavy Hut Vanke, adult, 89 Drew off \ f t A \ i { ~ C 3 4 Al rajiers lence preferred Phone OL = §:4749, | information phor iv ou Grong, Ontario or phone Qrone | King East (five minutes to four ears GRADING [HEN "manu ¢ i cattle H RAB 5954 , OSHAWA RA 8-424) FOR RENT -- Tent trailer ny woek $04 [ hii : ; a RA 5 28 15 or ue . No a, POMS, Up : \ is. PI 10) J ¢ ate ee hone WANTED w= licens achanie for o J R . AVATING hy W d loads. Phone RA \ oF BOWMANYV ILLE aceamod ates six people. Phone M gh ANTED - cen od mee Nanie fe Bt RA 8 y 185 BUCKINGHAM stairs, i nhc: Siboards - leanou vie ARR _| Bawmanvilie . closets, 8 line, Telephone en work by expert $ / labor plus parts MA 3-3883 9 S P gl 4 I { quiva : Ai MANOR hhife MEW : " . -- 3 ITER ACCOURtE TUT RA 81504 i 2 ummer roperties { Hat TERER accountant or 6qu APARTMENTS NICE furnished room, all convens for large vetall husiness In Osh | y ta Osi Imes Bao ne \ P fences, 3 Royal Street, RA 58508 For Sale awa. Apply ta Oshawa Times Box 116 rnmediale : . Ore and Shediem ARGH 15--Instruction . - >] i ati ualifications, experience, aH 2 TRAOTIV & pe sRANDVIEW [rRIVATE tudent Rsellor SPECIAL LAKE SOUGOG, fully winterized, six: | 2HHAE SACRE pe may 5 Attra ments, electrically equipped, Al Tac TIVE ilished Joona Ho teacher, st enn andl when available SOD SUPPLIES [38 yuale' exberince: hy nlerview on ON FAMOUS {roam Ramis Jaraiaied gottage, Bas ihe required | apartm ¢ best location, $88 and $100 [North & 7 pm. RA 8601 monthly, Simcoe St, Nerth, ONE furnished light housekeoping room | 1 low taxes. YU 5.2482 ar YU 5.7767 ay | es ¢ NARVEY pad ACAREMY Baton, | SAMPSON y tay 38---Male or Female Melp| cq | t Ap. 15; RA 8.8676 With we of fig, Apply 163 Simone \¢ AH m Hallet, High: | \./ HRI vom colt f hed A Lod : now. 424 King West. RA \ Myer Lake Madde Call tw Wanted locker, he \ wking Street South | \ 0 OFF § , x | 1 - tween 7 and 8 pom. RA 841 \ led | 109 LARGE furnished housekeeping room Uh \ | TOWE S as PRESSER. part time, Saturday until 1 ihtuded, Lalit + Upper and lower Duplex, " y ke 4 : {PIANO lessons now commencing, da V R FOR SAL} Summer eoltage. fur (4 ERAT 0S Adelaide St. W., RA 5.6604 Apple Hill, § rooms, 2 beds I od Nitable Jor te oF tw. Park C ~ [§ f ro ela Phone RA B.868 x a 1 nished, Halsam Lak 100 ft. lakefront _ r-- fore y ¢ } 5 5 Ru COLONIAL HOMES BRE Tay, he 40-f1. tower structure with [RE hour drive, three bedrooms: 17 x 48 39. A - ts "W ted before 1 pm after J rooms, Also a lower ROOMS suit four gentlemen, si le . > ILEIAN Moe" Niaveh. dance siacals single Radess AC 2-13 alls [ft living room and kitehen eambined -- gen L] ante pm ment, 3 large rooms, beds, cooking privileses, use of rein RA 8.8111 | aohaol, Baliol. Tap baton: Av channel. head. $59.95 com fireplace, haathause, dacks sand heaoh, | rEN™7" plaasant ontdoar work. Aver St. at Bloor, immediate pos. |orater, TV, 87 weekly, double sara, 1 wimming and ine excellent, Phone | Si se nor hour NO Xperlonee RNeges. session, only $75.00 monthly 29 Hrock East, RA 8.6607 pletely installed and .guaran 10 6 ph. RA # - - 3 J 2 ay. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept, 1-310:VV APAR TME T ; TWO-roam furnished apaviment, frig t¢ yea COTTAGE At Thurstonia Park, [1008 Richelien. Montreal \ N includes he at, lights, water Washroom, private enivance. raring: andl garage. Call Jack Apples very central; alse single roam. Ri Hardy Privet ind up dibindial VOry 'ease Quick sale. For In| ogpgpmas Card agents, Sell Can Chinese Elr 8c and up LE LEARN TC ) DR IVE "RA 8. 81¢& 80 io ite Mrs. 1. Gallaghey oh bhi 3 an oh Bh orsanatiaed FOR R ENT by at RA 5.6544 or 3.3398, [sonable. Apply 96 Contre Street sathirng " OS} AWA TV | ynooih, Ont reeling ards, Over §0 cava Shane | John Bolaohood Lid, Riv ORE fuss hod room for gentleman. xed comp a. fram. Special business cards vite fo ply 620 Simeos North ix At the Oshawa Driving School | Bl 30---Lost & Found your free album todiy. W. Ly Smith] Two-bedroom on Rossland Rd. | Upper Duplex completely |Site: EE Te y ings L tq | by the Police Commission ) C and associates Lid, Ajax, Ont : lerr ' nt Id 2 A LARGE, furnished front room, Haht . 90¢ 4 i [bie k Digs a. { 361 GIBBONS ST LOT = Lady's wrist wateh, gold and | Mes LN m " ern ha ment buile modern. 2 bedrooms, living housekeeping Ruiviieges, lady relerred, 3 do sr Phon t | : 4 { | ail instrucic | - rust. Reward. RA 5.8095 ing, close © churches, bus room with dining area, mod: near hus line, 81 ark Road South fesmc ' A -- r X Y / { standard, Automatic cars 40-FT LOST Lady's Fontaine wristwateh a1 --Room y Boa d past the door, free washer ern kitchen and 4-pe. tiled HOH Ry x RA 8.1177 RA 8 009] vicinity of Five Hall, bus terminal, ROOMERS or boarders, sead eolean| dryer and TV, outlet, $95 bath, $100 monthly, | year [LARGE furnished roam, 'ivig, central VEN | CHANNEL MASTER Whitby, MO #2002 Si SL te Ba NA AR per month singh Rag RE lane Or" Tom. IH central PRECAST | we sects in wee oun | DRESSMAKING CONCRETE re Sling, tree ve COURSES 426 q 0 TOOMS, Mi wrehy Bolahood Ltd, Ri GM, Ample parking Fhane RA 8.3018, I 'LUS old Rayal Coin and Stamp Store, 6d . LR 8.9484 -- © All-Wave | s B-213 King Street West OOMS and hoard if desived, close tof ¥ FURNISHED roam for vent, suit single 1 Antenn nsta " {downtown and NGM. Apply 23 Elgin \ T" WAR ARRIY 330 Celina Street \ntenna Installed and [Street Bast or phone RA $1814 ~ TWO-BEDROOM yg i hedraam } tor 2 Year WANTED [WOON and hoard for twa gentlemen OFFICE SPACE APARTMENT ness Wan Apply 38 Colborne Street West after 4 pw . " - -- as W ' § \ adios " \ y ' all Ted C nghe A hod soem Jor one oF cous T.V. TOWERS [32 Articles Wanted NOARR and care for elderly iad CALL MR AILEY Saas Nae ot RA NICE furnished taom for one or couple OPE NING OCI. 17 v vale hom 0 or Housekeeping priv near sont |COINS, stamps, supplies housht and) ohio BOpRIng. WHithy, MO he DAYS RA EPTIC TANKS . . i M th GM. Apply 48 Division double, twin $55.00 RAP IRO! : FOR SIDEWALK SLABS | p - $d nl AND FEATHER TICKS | ET ry gg my] WILSON ROAD (ELAN (arent toni "ments: COLORED PATIO | OSHAWA SUB- t own pat Nv Electronic AND FEA viloge Shon me conked meals RENT NORTH AT central, RA &a40: ids TURNER LIGHT housokesping room for twa DURA TE PS 1 € ON RACTORS ! Yhele t OVI RHAULS p / R and hoard for two gentlemen to] Passenger elevatar se | LANSDOWNE DRIVE HeRtemen to share, Anny 201 Colina RB G v A A a hame arking space : - KAN Hect aptional. RA 83814 New building. Cent $105 TWO partly furnished housekeeping W ELL TILE . VOR k i RA § . » A \; \ wh, of to Fittings. | coted in downtown avew | roams, couple preferred. Apply 48 Divew _ Malloable edlars, Apply 47) ve. frig. washer. drver. 18 Street Phone M ¢ 2 -- - : ! \ a 2 . ht ) Madera p Qse ¢ | » R AC 7 RY ; 16 Insurance CEDARDAL E q - RA I | Moderate rent. Le living room. huge kitchen TWO unfurnished Hght housekeeping MQ 8-425¢ toy te alig SC R AP {ROOM and board for ladies or gentle | available . i k lovely roams, heated, semi-private entrance, < bes LS A lose ta downtown and NGM icony overlooking Qvely parking space, near Fark Road South ALLSTATE. Aut v \ e ar : \ men ¢ 0 20 IRON METAL LTD Apply 29 Elgin Bast or RA #364) garden, two lage bedrooms [Apply 25% John Street West ~ IRORA © ANP er vent ' ey Y CONCRETE AURORA SAND sery MOE, 03 Yh - ROOM and board for gentleman, three | THE TIMES with lots of cupboards, tiled [TARE room for two single mon or IRONS METALS In Corners. Apply f | bathroom, Located at S81 [ladies, single beds: alse 1 single ream, GRAVEL < nite ira Four AS " t LY $24.95 i Charles Street Lans he Brive ai cooking privileges. Apply #8 Warren Lansdowne Ve on main Brick S e -- PAPERS RAGS ~ 3 PRODUCTS Sn 17--Money To Loan PAPERS -- RAG Lg BUILDING A are U0 Wain. v R JrQv WE HAV . . C a ry TI V. I SATU A ALL DAY th GRE. all conveniences. Inches | \ + tor inspa [FURNISHED om, suit one or twa D VALLEY FARM RD ! : RA 4 \ ¥ week. RA 3 | N Ek Me ott RU gentlomen. Bus stop at door. Clase to LIMITED ' ' A & 1 Tv) Ri up FOR ma annie. ane Shild ante % \ ¢ an NO South GM. Apply 336 Park Road South le. | : A 50 Lo Wil A bh hb ONE lovely furnished roam. suit gentle: | e A i r * Louis ¥ 8C ! g RES A 4 C A woo of 3 y . bi 5 a col East hy nN hAidy ™ th GM continuous het v . ¢ k Hazlett, 3008 | ) NOME. APPLY Ol.iver 5-3311 TEmple 9-2541 | 4 Sen 4 RA 5-7844 100 ANNIS STREET [EIS Oh contingent hot' vate | Phone RA 3-347 athurst Steet, Toone, Bed Br phase RA STON 1 FerAl,