14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 6, 1960 Aga Khan Tries Tc Save Treasure By DAVID MASON PARIS (AP) Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, serious-minded scion of a famous family, has taken a key role In the drive to save the ancient Egyptian treasures of the Nublan Desert Sadruddin, tweedy Harvard man and son of the late Aga Khan 111, has enthusiastically taken on the job of helping raise funds to keep the priceless art treasures from being flooded by the mudd Nile River waters that will - up behind the Aswan high dam, The 27-year-old prince was| called fo by the United Nations! Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UNESCO) as & special consultant for the cam- paign "I have long had a close inter- est in the Nubian monuments," the prince said in an interview. "My father always insisted we have a knowledge of the mon ments, and we visited a ns schoolchildren," A prince of the Ismaili Moslem sect, he specialized In Middle Eastern studies at Harvard Uni versity, FANTASTIC COST More than 30 private organizs-| tions or governments have in formed UNESCO they are pre- pared to help remove the Nubian) monuments or build dikes around them. But the job almost escapes imagination in scope, complexity and cost, Rough estimates of the cost to save only the two most alleviate the economic plight of millions of farmers, One of the side effec's of the threatening Nile waters, Prince Sadruddin sald, is a sudden in crease in archaeological explora tions for treasures still hidden under the sands of Egypt and the Sudan, NEWS IN BRIEF SPY LIST BONN (AP)~The West Ger man government reports that 2.802 intelligence agents from | Communist East Germany, the Soviet Union and other Eastern | bloe countries were "actively en |gaged" in spying In West Ger {many last year BERLIN ENGAGEMENT BERLIN (AP) -- American | violinist Yehudi Menuhin has 'Isigned to play with the Berlin Philharmonic and speak some lines in a German movie, "Ba bine and Her Hundred Men," co starring the German actress Sa bine Sinjen, Director is William [ee German-born American, BANKING JARGON BYDNEY, Australia (CP)---The | Bank of Ne w South Wales review said that "within the framewor) of existing ratios of conventions! liquidity and statutory reserve deposits the banks have little room for manoeuvre at pres ent." Translation: The banks are short of ready cash ' TAST WEEK YOLLES 2nd EXCITING | BARGAIN PARTY _g "HURRY - Sale Ends Saturday, 4 Oct. 8th RAW FOR 23" T.V. COMBINATION TO BE HELD IN OUR STORE SATUR- | DAY OCT. 8, 1960 - 3 P.M. ~ TRY TO ATTEND famous Nublan monuments--the Abu Bimel and Philae temples run to $64,000,000 . SLIDING SEAT BOURNEMOUTH, Eng A lake about 270 miles long (CP) Brig, Cresswell Walker and up to 25 miles wide will stopped for a rest in a shopping spread over the Nublan Valley centre, sitting down on his. shoot and its treasures when the Aswap Ing stick, Tt slipped and he fell high dam is complete, perhaps in/through a plate glass window five years, The dam will irrigate spending the rest of the day In parched desert lands and help hospital CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 7. Arab 26, Poly» 1. Btuff with cloa} nesian food 8. Nee drink #8. Custom 9. Not , Thrice 11, Foreign working (mus,) 12, Home 10, Trial , Finish 13. To box 14, Cozy Flock 14, Growls 16, Electrified 31, Certain 15, Striking, particles 83, "The as with eggs 19, Dissolve oud 17, Seine 20, Play twice C--O 18, Eject (mus.) Bucket" Yesterday's Answer 20, Purchasing 21. Swiss , Yemen 24. Detest canton inhabitant 40, Single 28. Manacles 22. More , Weblike thing 20, Port distant membrane 41, Tennis 30, Subside (archaic) , Among games 81, Lincoln's 23. Prepares, , Forearm 43, Hall! Secretary (THY bone 46, Murmured of State stamp pad Dolts interjection 82. Not fresh 34. Luzon LI 4 I native 27, Difficult 42. Put together again 44, Drury sees (Eng) 45, Existing 46, Not suitable 47. Baden wee 48, 8all pports DOWN 1. Pant 2. Leather flask 3, Persian coin 4. Girl's nicknamy 8. Half an am @, Buspends Employment Opportunities FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (Civil Service of Canada) MECHANICAL HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING EN. GINEERS, Ottawa, Saskatoon and Quebec City (Bilingual), Up 10 $7,140 PIPEWORK LAYOUT AND STRESS ANALYSIS ENGINEER, Montreal. Up to $7,860, MARINE PLANT DESIGN ENGINEER (to advise on Instrumen tation, testing and corrosion control), Ottawa, Up to $7,« 860 COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS RADAR ENGINEERING, (0) to design ground radar counter measure device assess design features of new equipment Ottawa. Up to $8,700. (hb) field maintenance of radar ystems, recommendation of maintenance procedures, Of tawa. Up to $8,700. (a) construction and maintenance of Radio Aids to Air and Marine Navigation, Vancouver, Up to $7,140 TELIPNGNE PLANT ENGINEERS | hone plant design, specificati Bu Up to $8,700 COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERS (0) to supervise a staff ene gaged in design of communication equipment, evaluating electronic equipment, Ottawa, Up to $9.800. (bh) systems design ind radio communications and radio navigation aids, Ottawa, Up to $9,800. (¢) preparat tions and evaluation of existing ground radi tions, Ottawa. Up to $8.700 COMPUTER ENGINEERS (digital and analogue comg emphasis on design logic and programming equipment applications), Ottawa. Up to $8.700, ELECTRICAL POWER LAYOUTS AND ILLUMINATION and working drawings for elettrical power di ems and interior iNlumination systems) $7,140 CONTROLS AND ILLUMINATION (t application of electrical components to con ments for agricultural products processing Qr h), Ottawa, Up to $7.840 Professionally qualified engineers are invited te write to the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, OTTAWA, Attention Profes- sional Sel tion, giving appropriate specialization, full details of education experience and nemes end addresses of persons who may be contacted for reference. BEDROOM SUITE! Suite consists of 6-drawer double dresser with plate glass mirror, 4-drawer chest, and bookcase bed. Fea- tures include modern styling, finished interiors, hand- rubbed tops, and dovetail construction, In Walnut or Shantung Mahogany, Regular 279.95, g li ial f poi i SAVE ON 5-PCE. CHROME OR BRONZE SUITE 7-PCE. 5-FCE, SUITE SUITE (as shown), 36" x 60" heat and stain re i , : table, 6 chairs, d stain resistant top, 4 chairs with heavy embossed vinyl upholstery, Addi 88 Regular 109.95 tional features include modern styling,.no-mar floor protectors on all pieces, and. Features Mar-Resistant Plastic Table Top You save $18 on this deluxe 5-piece suite, Dinette features 30" x 48" table with contour backs on chairs. Buy now and save. As little as 2.35 a week delivers. 67 2-PCE. KROEHLER WITH FOAM CUSHIONING And 100% E38 Nylon 3 Frieze Covers! Features comfortable foam cushioning, 100% easy-care Nylon Frieze covers in 6 ex» citing new shades, Kroehler's famous "plus-built" con struction. Buy now -- save $50! 12.75 a month de- livers, 179° REG. 239.95 VALUE HI-FI STEREO- RADIO CONSOLE ® 4 Speakers ® 4-Speed Changer Fleetwood features include twin amplification through two 6' speakers and two tweeters, 4- speed automatic record changer, 5-tube broad- 95 cast-band radio, and Wal- nut finish cabinet 11.50 A Month Delivers SERTA 4-PCE. CONTINENTAL Features Spring-Filled Mattress Continental group features buoyant spring-filled mat REG. tress with sisal padding 99.95 and soft felt insulation; turning handles, air vents, and durable ticking; matching box spring; vinyl padded headboard; and a set of legs CLOSES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Tel. RA 5-3519 SHOP DAILY 9:30.6 P.M, FRIDAY 9:30-9 P.M.