8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 1, 1960 [Parr AVENE. 7. DRIVE THAT EVIL SPIRIT OUT OF THE VASE // AND ~FUEK] SPEAKING WO! NOY! = THOEE Y FACES CAN'T BE REAL ~1' HANG HE ACTED LIKE NOTHIN' HORFIELE, "ROUND WAS MIKE GAYLE REALLY HERE, JULIE ? THERE WAS A IKE GAYLE EVE, THERE WERE LOTS OF WKE | GAYLES, AS AWMATTER OF FACT lf TLL TRADE MY 24VEWEL WRIST WATCH FOR FOOD! . 1) -- p HE TRICKED YOU , HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF i YOUR J Me. MENTALITY | OH NOTHR | Z / PICKED MINE! pe > PAGWOOD, STICK v YOUR HAND OUT "et THE DOOR AND SEE sO > IF IT'S | Ge (eA NING 8 SOY rer mr ) % YY IT'8 RAINING {BILLS THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X 9 MUGGS AND SKEETER WIGGE, SOVEBODY 15 RINGING THE DOORS EL wm CH, BY THE aly ) BOWLING NEWS OSHAWA ALLEYS Mater City took four points and hand. od 5 Wig goose exp to Subway Lunch, Saywells warked down three points in their book and left Mitehells with ones Burns stepped all over Pints with » $101 win and Neshitts gave Whites # well deserved licking of three points to one; Glaziers and Hendersons shared their points (wo #if Now thet the Motor City team is in full foree would they please . raph seore 4 Burps 6, Mit. eb iets samen 5" instore wi ' 3 hy id Luneh 4 Hendersons 3 MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE City took points from Aca y our dians, Gillards kept only one while Sock claimed the other two, Gen | [Frm AND NOW B16 JIM AND FIER FEENEY CARE INAIL] THEY WON'T GET ANOTHIR CHANCE - zm b dads WE § Nae b SAFE AT HOME, SAM TELLS HIS WIFE WHAT HAPPENED + + 70 TAMPER W/TH A NOW YOU WiLL BE SAFE, AM, THATS GOVERNMENT WITNESS) ed ARN a or WHS THATE LUNA-KOR COSTUME L 57 DEAD AHEAD, PHIL.» | WOULDNT KNOW of YOU WIN YOUR MesiT WHERE TO \ BADGE IW NAVIGATION ! PIN IT, JANE | -- or - / GUFSE LOT TO THE LONE RANGER. \ STARTING MONDAY WE BOTH OWE A )| Hi + A NEW ADVENTURE! WELL HIDE THE OUTHIGOER AND FOLLOW THE SOUND OF THO6E POPPING VODKA POTTLES TO VILYUSKS CAMP ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ISLAND | and BUICK THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. © 1960, King Fentures Syndicate, Tne. World rights reserved WHERE ARE YOUR ? COR, SAWYER JUST DROVE OFF TOWARD CAPE CANAVERAL INSTEAD OF PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, MEANS THEY'RE A POLARIS, HE LEFT EARLY, pe, $0 ITAL PROBABLY BE FIRED | |° FROM THE SUB INSTEAD OF THE PAD, WELL, THERE SNE 16, BUL,,, THE 5, SIXTEEN POLARIS NG MISSILE TUBES, PATRICK HENRY! | TEST FIRING TO PACKING MORE DEVASTATION 'THAN ALL THE BOMBS DROPPED IN WORLD WAR TI, TM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS Vr - \ DAY, CONRAD, hy [Toh 1 CHECKED [7:7] THE HOSPITAL AND THEY SAID SHE'S GETTING ALONG ALL RIGHT! BUT WITH POLIO YOU KNOW ITS A LONG HALL HOW IS BO MAKIN'S LITTLE GIRL, JANE # MICKEY MOUSE WCKEY +0 WILL YOU BRING OVER YoU STEPLADPER TF T Ss ira mtd | OKAY, 4 MINNIE a 7 Vers. NO WONDER HE HASN'T BEEN UP TO PAR, WORRIED AS HE MUST BE! I KNOW MES AWFUL: LY FOND OF HER | IF ME DOESN'T SNAP OUT OF IT, THE PANTHERS WON'T GO ANY PLACE "THIS SEASON! YEAH! THIS WHIZZER CARSON WHO § SLIPPOSED TO BE $0 MOT, HE DIDNT LOOK GOOD LAST NIGHT! AND THEY VE GOT NOBODY ELSE | USE YOU FIGHTING SPIRIT TO FINISH THE DAM | I WILL FIND A WAY TO HANDLE OF QUR PEOPLE, SPEAKS WITH A WISE TONGUE VERY WELL! BUT Fave 2 AMORE BAD THING HAPPENS TO OUR PAM~ WE RIDE THE PATH OF THIS IS BAD! KRELL WALL TRY AGAIN TO WRECK OUR DAM! HE MUST NOT SUCCEED! IF ME DOES, WE ARE IN FOR A MEAP OF TROUBLE, TWO SHADOW! GRANDMA ( I'VE BEEN BAKIN'SO MUCH HERE LATELY, ,~ Pa BACKS T' GOOD USE wi THOUGHT I'D PUT ™ FLOUR 4 _ Fy \cman* ---- Lf ' bh NOW! 1L WAVE AN OBSERVER HERE WHEN You ARE ol a. READY | CIF T HAVE TO WALK ALL THE WAY INTO TOWN TLL BF A SODDEN WRECK v= L SHOULDA HIRED A CAR IN THE FIRST PLACE = SOMETIMES I'M ALMOST TEMPTED TO THINK IM Nor Too BRIGHT = NUN TIROS GATS ANY MORE GIVE ME TWO PAYS | # 1d. MEAD BACK TO WASHING TON SIP, LET ME PORTRAITS OF THAT SPACE: 1 KNOW, YOU HAVE A MISSION. YES Tle WBLP SHARY GBT ESTABLISHED DR, EASTLAND, Wik YOU HANDLE SHADY'S AFPAIRS FOR HER? | * ONF THING I' DO KNOW, | GOTTA GET THE KID AWAY FROM HERE «SHES A SMART LITTLE COOKIE AND NEEDS A CHANCE = AND NOBODY AROUND WERE | CARES ENOUGH TO SEE THAT o SHE GETS IT/ Be a} A -- Tv-- I STILL HAVEN'T MADE UP MY MIND WHAT I'M GONNA DO WITH LITTLE ANNIE ~ MAYBE T CAN THINK STRAIGHT ONCE I' GEY BACK IN MY OWN { Rals BUSINESS MANAGER, TA GOING TO PUT HER IN SHOW BUSINESS! THAT WON'T BE NECESSARY! UM GONG T BE WER N WouP IT sVaAL!] SANE 0 Ivar SAY LEA AVAL meow! NTR. SN | MR. FLING TOLD ME Th PACK, $0 I'M | PACKING ZERO THEY'LL RE COMIN' ¥ | TAKE THE BARGE AWAY TOMORROW OUR HOME WILL BF GONE AN' MR, FLING CAN'T TAKE LIS AWAY WitHour BREAKIN' THE LAW = SO I DUNNO WHAT'S GONNA ~ Vi ~-y A) TBE (3 | MERRY MENAGERIE World Rights Reserved | SH] 0. Rim Bont tice. Se os "I'm new at this-- just Distributed by King Features Syniia how DOES a cat play | with a mouse?!" '| SALLY'S SALLIES osha also took two from Ardee, while Westmount kept all three from Clarks, The night showed only two 700 howle ers; BW, Jay 746 (259, 283, 204) and R, Harrison 718 (209, 199, 220), That's the way to fire, boys! Bowling In general was good this week and we find the 600 rank was filled to capacity ~~ R, id 4 3 ni, 168), €, Weeks 642 (250, 164), T, Mona- han 639 (150, 235, 245), ¥, Johnson 638 (328, 173, 136), D, Hooper 631 (183, 280, 178), D, Kolomon 621 (213, 224, 186), D, Williams 614 (211, 201, 202) snd R, Arcand 607 (176, 258, 177) Other good singles over 225 were rolled by ¥. Schnieder 251, V, Claus 249, FE, Bastarache 246, B, Webster 239, A. Smart 220, J, Bell 230, ¥. Hay ward 225 and M. Thompson 223. We had two little Lemon Drops this week N, Olesiuk, with a desperate 99 and V. Hayward with a terrible 52 What ever in this world happened to you, Mr. Hayward? Keep trying boys! ALBERT NTHREYT CHURCH The Suckers have taken the lead with 10 points, The Chums and Lucky Six have eight each, Pals 7, Invitas, Can. aries, Stars 6, Hustlers 4, Beavers 3 and Fehoes 2 High lady for the night without handi- chp was Welty Grandy with 278, 239 (704), Next was Winnie Scott with 233, Marg Jacklin 231, 210 (610) and ¥velyn Hawley 205 High for the Iadies with handicap was Pearl Marlowe 256, 230; Ivy Gibhs 239, 206 (601); Helen Corbman 231, Pearl Cooper 224, Tuva Allman 215, Helen Moring 212, Grace Locke 211 and Betty Taylor 200 High man without handicap was Fred Coleman with 265, 5 (866); Perce Clark 240, Glen Maunder 235, 200; Bill Pike 238 (613); Bill Grandy 223, Mark Hill 214 and Stan Gray 200, Jack Taylor was high with Ferd Cap with 254 (607); Andy Marlgw 248, Frank Cooper 235 (607); Leon Parks 212, Gord Shemiit 204, Perce Bent 204, Ed Hawley 202 and Reg, Pike 202 We have only two In our Lemon League this week, Bowling must be getting a little better for everyone Noten Corbman 80 and Marg Mossey HARMAN PARK LEAGUE The Alibis eame up with the high {otal of the night 3127, to garner their first four points of the young season but failed to gain ground 'on the Beats niks, who for the second time ina row, took four with a total of 3017, Men's High Triple -- John Gow, 678, Ladies High Triple --~ Olga Thom. son, B56 oMen's High Single ~ Denny Weiss, L} Pid High Single = Josie Kellar, 600 Triples -- John Gow 678 (230, 227, 221) and Denny Weiss 648 (278), 200 Club Ross Godfrey 261, Gord Robinson 250, Ben Page 215, June Mors vis 214, Elinor Rukaruk 208, Gerry God« frey 208, 203; Bill Maule 205, Pearl Montpetit 203 and Rollie Morris 020, Lemon League -- Mary-Ellen Carey 30, M, Johnston 54, Sallie Plume 73, B. Blanchard 73, V, Miller 74, C, Mo« Fall 77, EB, Joseph 70, I, Young 83, J, Curran 85, M, F, Carey 91, V, Stansbury 02, 8, Bare clay 95, J. Guy 97 and D, Barclay 99, PARTS MEN'S LEAGUE For the second session of the season, the Parts Men's league was plagued with at least six absent, The majority were either on holidays or slok leave but some who were transferred and wished to howl, have failed to be pres. ent, They will be replaced soon if word is not heard from them, ' Chevrolets chalked up the first 4.0 score over Diesels and are tied with Olds who won their second 3.1 victory from Maple Leafs, Vauxhalls and Cor. valrs came up with 31 scores over GMC's and Buicks in that order, and in the other match Cadillacs and Pons tacos split 2.2 The high single to date came from John Stanley who rolled 678 (33%), but other good scores were rotied hy Bob Jones 634 (M7, 244, 200), Hugh MoLeod 2H, and Alf Brisebois | FL] 2H 668 (309, Good singles were more prevalent {with Doug Crandall leading with 206 over Jack Guiltinan 244, Roker Crook Don Marshall 235, Mitton 228 Frank Elliott 225, I Harold Niu 11, Don Morrison 221, 28 and Kew Sanders 22) eres and the standing Chev 5. Obamaniles 3 346, Cadillacs AENALLS 4. Vauxhalls 1-3-4, 34 GMCs 31.4, Maple Leafs [I 2. Diesels 10:1 FALL PLANTING TIME IS HERE AGAIN! We have on hand o good sup. ply of High Quality = Top Size HOLLAND BULBS Master Gro-Koted Lawn Seeds and other Lawn Seed Ingredients Peat Moss, Bone Meal and Fertilizer MASTER - FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. Oshawa DIAL RA 3-2229 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING [rem-- ------------ L | {en BON "So you're making up for last Iii weekend, Shall I wake you Monday moming Cavey 89, J, Joseph #0, |