OCCASIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 28, 1960 21 3 SIRT Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange et Gen aes eience CIS (us. totaling $70,000.00, BEA -- Jack and Betty (nee Thomp Net Mr. O'Hurley was bere fo open ) appy pone v b TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS of win dsseiers, Baroars Elizabeth By The Canaiian Press Sock males Wighlow 11 a.m, CHES Sack Bales Wightow 1) &.m Chote Sock Sales Wightow 1 am. Oh'ge Sock Seles Mighlow 1) sam, OVE 0 t t the $400,000 Raytheon Canada and Beverley Ann, on Sunday, Septem. Toronto Steck Fxchs bept, 28 Un Gas Chester 20690 2% 3 41 4) O'Leary Wooo 18% 18 8 ~% | Limited plant ori " (Quotations in renis u marked $, ¥ Play U Fuel B "4 : " * har 29. 1960 at Humber Memorial Ho 2-044 lot, xd Ex-dividend, xr--Ex: Ford | ' Walk GW . Chrom 200 465 465 465 Opemiska 30 M9 We WATERLOO (CP) Defence: 1 i that pital, Weston, Ontario | Wignis, sw--Ex-warrants Yord Com 2 West Groc A 200 + Coch Will 2200 960 350 3% Orchan 1000 148 "41 ' iid ence, The minister sald that through YNDE -- James and Wilma (nee Endtn West A wi rh 50 350 30 ~B J amour, 1560 To BB Ps - Production Minister O"Hurleyithe tradesharing agreement the ie) of Ashburn, ate haviy 10 An INDUSTRIALS GF Dit A 500 7 Anglo NH 0 Mou ou ew 4 Pee Expl 63500 18 16% 18 #1 [said Tuesday he hopes to triple! government has made it possible ' f 5 War Wy. shestos 175 825% 25 29% & tk Cn 2 . . 4 srt Jone o is yp Pepi ge tes Wigh Low 11 Woe Goody i: ¢ Paper $85 IB WW WY + Phd 0 oh fA #5 {defence orders Conada has re for Canadian electronic firms to 1 he Oshawa G . 08 Ho Hale igh Low am ge ! fF ¥ 1 y pital. A Mile sister for Bryee, Leslie i so 38 . 8% oN ts . Promon 106 480° 480" 43h" +8 ceived from the United Slates un- compete on an equal basis with and Jo Anne on ! a wo » 4 150: Quaston 29 13 1B B ~% der the trade-sharing agreement U.S, industries for U.S, orders. OLLIFEE -- Guy and Tammy hap 1" Gr ' ' 12% = th De Cour 200 Quemont ji oh oe +15 between the two countries, "However, the government pily announce the safe arrival of their iv G v 4 40 e Su Realm 200 2 (2 2% + % Ye said that although he 1s ot ' baby brother, 7 ths, 1445 ons. bora Alg Cen 4 | 4 A Bm ja Wig RO" must look to industry for the next Suncay, September 25, 1960, at (the Alg Cen w h itd 1% Rexspar 1600 . oF +1 unsatisfied with the $96,000,000 nitia P Oshawa * General Hospital. The proud Algoma £40 % . Frobisher 1900 Rio Alogm 4 We Re a worth of business Canada re. Move--ihe initiative for obtaining G Dol (nee 0 n = 4 v Cenex ad Beets, Our thanks to Dr, A. E. Kng| Atamint" : 240 i Cnt Masel 1000 Roche 1000 13 12 ~% [ceived through the program last orders remains with the individ. and nurses of 4A Alum 2 pr i 0 C Husky z30 510 51 Giant YK 200 Ryanor 17300 45 42h 44 42 year, he hopes soon to push the us! Canadian companies, Alum | Inland Gas 300 ' Cent Dil 0 GW Lead 100) Bin AD 34 Mp La 18 figure to $300,000,000 He commended Raytheon for TRICK ~-- Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Trick, Argus Ir PL 06 C Dragon " 4 Gunnar 125 Sherrity 230 BO 26 26 2 gu ( ! announce the birth of a daughter, Atlas Steel In A iO b C Mic Mac Har Min 500 Sigma 100 365 365 365 ~10 $o far in 1960, Canada has re- showing such initiative, on Sept, 23, at the Oshawa General Bank Mont . A "4 2 Dev-Pal 2 H of Lakes 1000 Hiscoe 600 100 100 100 ---- Hospital, Bank NS xd Jo ad 100 id Dome Pete Headway 2000 Starratt 000 5 5 5 Bath Pow A 4 K 30 Dynsmic 805 Steep R 1338 725 705 705 ~~ Bell Phone La 90 $2 ' Fr Pete pr 100 380 38) 2050 Sturgeon 20 21 2 2 Biltmore pr 4 Lakeland Wo 225 2 5 Home ON B 400 780 780 160 Sulliven 1000 155 154 154 =i DEA Bowater pr Levy pr bo $21 " Jump Pad 500 15 700 Sunburst 500 23 2 B i Br Tok n LobCo A 4 Midcon 00 31% 1600 Teck-H 500 175 174 175 =4 BA Ol bh Lob * Nat Pete 500 185 185 3500 Territory 2000 17 1 17 +% Birrell, David Melville Suddenly, BC Forest 24 Pa Peis ho ya 955 1500 Fort Joie - 5 3 i» at his residence, 31 Beatty Road, Ajax, BC Pow 1% % fo ete w 30 550 " 1000 y p a 96 SA 2% Wh = on Monday, September 26, 1960, David] Brockville ; bermo pr Hb 8 1685 Vaite A 75 585 560 560 Melville Birrell, in his 51st year, Mem. Build Plod 4 4 . Provo Gas 2000 105 ids 5260 Halle m Yom "n mw ber of Dorie Lodge. Pickering, AF and] Burlington ' My Royalite 300 3% 540 1000 Wr Han 00 123 128 123 ~2 AM, No, 424, GRC, member of Cen Burns y B Bb af A #30 bs 04 2100 108 105 106 4 tury Lodge, No, 571, 100F, beloved hus Can Cem Barce plo oh Wh b, or 3000 17% 11% 17% band of Muriel Bird, dear father of £m oils ' % ] cat vi 000 hi hid 00 Zaman J sregory, f the late Mr, and Mrs, an Malt N Oils 0 1z | 2300 NO OPEN Gregory Pireel oe pig Ontario; C Pack A " v 4 W Cod 0G 200 100 100 wis 50 Bulolo 100 oa WY 925 dear brother of Mary (Mrs, John p Jack B a ON Loa: > t 4 2000 ib dtinatid Moran) of Bannockburn, Harriet (Mrs ; m x or abate: 2 a 700 Vrroll McKinnon) of Windsor, Mar. Cdn Brew ~~ Page Hi 'g Ard 190 Thurs, Till 6 pm, garet (Mrs, Stephen Guttormson) of CBAL A wt ax Ga 100 * % 4200 ' Maple; Thomas Birrell of Glamire, € Chem w 5 aN Gas wi 100 2500 Fr, Tin pm, Ont; and the fate William Birrell] € Curt' W ': GN Gus wt "100 7100 ELSE Resting at the new William E, Sherrin C Dn p xd Roval Bapk : 310 ' ' 40 Sot, Till 6 p.m, Funeral Home, No, 2 Highway, Picker. : Dredis A StL Corp ¥ % I 100 (Just east of Harwoo venue Falrhks Salada. ) A : y 1 » t 000 . North), Ajax. Service in the Chapel on| C Feirbks B Balada® = 130 A : Mult; ) TORONTO (CP) = Churning Thuredn tember 20 at 2 pm, In Wd Gas Si 4 A " . 1 12500 os terment_ Erskine Cemetery, Dunbarton Cl BAIR 43 Banat - ) ( 100 cream and butter print prices SHOTGUN SHELLS IN MEM {Gn pet % psons 210 Boveon ) 6 16 y roo were reported unchanged today, Imperial special long range. Reteil 3.885, 2 a9 , } Ins 5 0 1 I ( Ll} h f J) r 3800 : # wh LALONY op Entered into i in ow Gi J % a Ake : A B ; 2 tam ' nd 1000 TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Speciol ot Oshawa Discount House, box ,....... i 0! y day ang st W ) ) ' [ ama ) : Stbtember 27, 1900, Edith May De Lomb Em 0 Can ) 8 f pormar 1300 600 600 600 12500 fruit and vegetable prices were Mille, widow of the late Charles Irwin on Gas | 230 § : 00 800 6 70 Lalorie, in her Bist year, Resting st| Con G : . Brimewiok Wh ww Juda i" reported unchanged from Tues- BLACK & WHITE ROLL FILM the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh opp ! wl pea i awa, with Memorial Service in the] Crush, . 00 550 550 550 Colstrm 1200 day. : In the popular sizes of 620, 120, 127, Chapel, Thursday, September 29, at 2 st Beg os y 9 3 ' 3004 y y pm, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme D ¥nd 4 1 Fin | . SB 0 Bo h. 308 TORONTO (CP)--Potato prices Only, voll ,..oovvvvinnrinis rersresnsneranes tery Rom Stores, Tr Can | Cent ! 13 O'Brien 2300 were reported unchanged today, MOORE, Pauline Rose -- Suddenly, 3 Andsay, Ontaric Tuesday, Sep : . : g \'4 L BL i TB 50---Articles for Sale 50---Articles for Sale 50--Articles for Sale "Attempts to produce lung 8m.m, MO IE co OR FILM tombe 57 18 allo Hove ost io vaonie moor 55 DOUDE DIMOK@S [cancer in" animals by havin] Well-known notional brand, 50" ol, with 13 a oor ae en CLA IF D [LARGE reinigerator COVTIELD washing mashing. Sood). rv. cost 9070. THuhe aw olen Hu wey inhale tobacco smoke havell processing, Only ..........o00evvvvrvennsess Wo au er of Mr. a Ld ur 4 € ) 77 ( ( 20 A 3 ' y gauy sister of Marjorie (Mrs. R, Kay) | pict 424 Pard Road Sout PEWTER pn b | ause ancer falley consistently. he added, Sask. Jimmie, David and John, in net ADVERTISIN dg NOW as iso MONE Guerm furnace used 1s e said there is "no evidence 10th ar Resting at the Chapel of TWO mont old, step table f 1 riter 0 months reasonable, Tel ne 57 the 3 . McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for desk; chest, G.} 136 Sim root | MOS hoi, 2 A 31 VILLE 1 Cp, [that smoking causes heart di AUTOMATIC KNITTING MACHINE service on Thursday at 2 p.m, Inter Call afte 62 H RA 3443 : 1. Xocrigerans, His gt , i NAS "ly enn (AP) sease, 10,000 stitches @ minute with the amazing new Auto Knitter, J ment: Pine, Grove Cemeten 50--Articles for Sal THREE REFRIGERATOR apriment size, rang: | "oo tor Auick sale. Phone RA 8-245, «New evidence tends to throw m---- ' 4 / bi 3 Articles for Sale ni table, RA 5.0796, |COLEMAN spice heater with fans, doubt on, rather than support| revere fl Knits all your family's needs easier, 39 95 ROMANIUK -- Entered into rest in cou Tig | ¢ Hie » years old, best offer. srr. aiher than support,| CHICAGO (AP) Traces of foster than ever LL " " the Oshawa General Hospital on Mon. ONE double barrel 12 gauge in, | RA Ont ] CHESTERFIELD I two cha see | mg me Ol f the charges 15st smoking as ickel absorbed th wl]: Tere I, Rasa ptr Ad doh dE dd day, September 26, 1960, Nicholas Ro-|514 Ibs, in perfect condition, $65, RA|AIDert Or | Phone RA 8.6374 + major causative factor" in|"ickel absor! ed from the soll yi 1 [aniuk in his pt your. Resting at 8.6017 oH STERFIEL LD And tw ' for| 5 pT RBOROUGH 74 h r 18 HP BRITISH ARMY {lung cancer, Dr, Clarence Cook|tobacco plants may be a cause, with mass in St, George's Ukrainian|grEoTRIC guitar, typewriter, adding SPACE heat Te 4 . uv Ih : Js 4 Little said Tuesday, of lung cancer in smokers, a re- OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE Greek Catholic ray machine, like new, student desk, very! condition, RA ) Ritson Road North Parliamer consent to the! pr Little is scientific director|searcher suggested Tuesday. | Gregory's Cemetery, (Prayers will be reasonable. RA 34434 NORGE ref ) OLDSMOBILE VE with motor just Maintenance of a standing Brit-lof the Tobacco Industry Re-| Dr. F, Willlam Sunderman of! 90 ALBERT ST RA 8.0311 held at the Funeral Home Wednes-| ~~" ite eight way Lloyd bab RA 8-055 : y vepaly and new paint ish army was established in the search Committee = which, he Philadelphia said recent studies) 290 . 4 doy 8 pm) carriage, in excellent condition, willl SACRIFICE 14' boat P H in at RA 8-63 17th Century as a result of a sald, has granted more than $4,- show that heavy smokers inhale (Between Gibb end Olive) --- ii \ 1 t $1 3 4 " sell for half price ew maternity top, motor, and a ' FHREE . p hat . ii if set, 81h strug between the Commons|000,000 to researchers studying nickel in amounts sufficient to WERS FOR ALL average Nisei: some £rahe Thien) as Bald ' : yn " and the Stuart kin 'tobacco and health questions. cause Jung cancer in rats, Avenue 25 Ba " : Flower Shop Coronation, 55 King St. W., Bowmanville, Free delivery daily in Oshawa and Bowmanville. Phone MA 3.7141, after store hours MA 3.2944 LOCKE'S F FLORIST | Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all ! occasions, { OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types, 1435 KING ST. E Ph. RA 8-311] or RA 8.8876 IN MEMORIAM MAKARCHUK -- In loving husband, fathey father, Harry Makarchuk away Sept, 28, 1957 Sweet memories will linger Time cannot change them it's true, Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you Remembered and loved always by | wife, family and grandchildren CARD OF THANKS | LEAVITT = Don anda C ¥ithia Leavitt memory of a and grand. | who passed | forever, | and family would like to all friends and neighbors who alien sent flowers and for other services, in our recent sad bereavement of our beloved daughter Sandra, A special thanks to Doctors C. E, Mellveen and A, Rundle, and to Dr. Darte and nurses of Prin cess Margaret Hospital, Toronto and a special thanks to Mr, Young and Rev, Dr, Telford and the MelIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home METCALFE The family of late Mrs, T. W, Metcalfe would to take this opportunity their heartfelt thanks and apprecia: tion to everyone wha showed them so much kindness and sympathy dur. ing the recent sad and sudden passing the like of expressing of a dear wife and loving mother. Many thanks Mr. T, W, (Bil) Metcalfe Sr, and family. OVENDEN -. Len and Dorls Oven. den (nee Metcalfe) wish to express sin. cere thanks to all their friends, neigh. | bors and relatives, especially to the Rev. C, D, Cross and the Armstrong | Funeral Home in the recent loss of thelr | dear mothers, Rose Ovenden and Mar | garet Metcalfe, OVENDEN .. We wish to thank our many friends, neighbors and fellow em ployees for thelr expression of kind. ness, sympathy and floral tributes at the time of our recent bereavement, Special thanks to the Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Dr, W. M. Shaw and Dr. R Guselle, also the Victorian Order of Nurses, the Rev. C. D. Cross and Arm strong's Funeral Home The Ovenden Family Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cards of Thanks -- | 9 AM, SAME DAY DEATHS -- | 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 100th BIRTHDAY | FAIRVIEW, Utah (AP)-Peter Peterson grinned at the question and said, no, he did not expect to live another 100 years, He's al- ready lived the first hundred, He was 100 years old Tuesday, His wife Celestia will be 100 next month. Their 82nd wedding an niversary is Dee, 11. SALE! oRDER TODAY! Serta Smooth Top Maliresses Priced To Save You Money Built and backed by the makers of the famous Sertapedic "'Smooth-Tep" Mattress Mattress and box spring both selling this week at the same low price, , AND YOU GET ALL THESE FAMOUS SERTA FEATURES "ee ® NO-sag, pre-built borders Handles ® Hundreds of Electrically Tempered for Greater Resiliency ® Longer Life Conditioned Ventilators ® Exclusive Heavy Quality Serta Specified Ticks ings in Beautiful Prints or Fancy Stripes ® Layer on Layer of Deep White Cotton See curely Anchored to Prevent padding shift, lymps or rolls, Perfectly S*M-Q-O.T.H, level top --» button or tuft to disturb your rest ALL THIS plus the famous SERTA guarantee ot the lowest prices ever! ® Fancy Turning Springs eo Air not a SHOP IN PERSON... PHONE OR WRITE If "Sleep" sold by the pound , , , there Is to the you would WILLINGLY pay for it, can buy a good night's sleep, at Cherney's, for as was price 10c a night, So if sleeping is a problem, here chance to do something about it.--=Throw out mattress and invest a few pennies in Guaranteed You will sleep better! Look better! Feel better! ordering this week you can pocket the savings, Makers of the Famous 'Perfect Sleeper" FULL , , . THREE-QUARTER , . . OR TWIN The construction details on this mattress like you on this mattress is the appearance, Why ANYWHERE and it is much anything of comparable quelity, lower MATTRESS Order A "Serta" Today! "Serta" GLEN-NITE BUILT AND BACKED BY SERTA "Serta" BODY FORM above, are all listed in the top left hand corner, and although the list is impressive, what will really sell in and see it? It's equal to anything you will find in price thom BUILT AND BACKED BY SERTA MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS "'SERTAPEDIC" Full . , , Three-Quarter . , . or Twin Sizes 7 Ad no limk But you little a8 Is your thot old Comfort, And by 88 "0 445 MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING SIZES the one not call MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING ®