THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September Bu, W000 1% SHOP EVERY DAY ¢ 4 ; TILL 6 Greatest \ A EF) ; FRIDAY TILL § P.M, Savings Event In Our History THANK YOU . . . FOLKS ! ST tg GLOVES This celebration is more then just a sale, It is an occasion thot colls forth a sincere feeling of gratitude towards the multitude of women who are friends of our stores, We toke pride In acknowledging our debt to the women of Oshawa who have made Ni a cali Eolan possible our growth and progress and have helped us to become the busiest store in Gl a y. this district, This is our way of saying "Thank You", with savings, quality ond fashion ®, ad ne of navy, ehamon, block no other store can equal! A WHOLE MONTH OF BARGAINS! So come and share % fli gi 8%, Reg, to $1.00 pr, the savings! hh aR 2 - ; : - Door Opening Specials | ¢ 7 svi. OFN SALE TOMORROW MORNING AT 9 AM. Tights WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Al the ars are ask or a pair of gh Never Before... Never Again . . . Such GAUGE, 15 DIN SEAMLESS / fy en D 0 0 RBU ST ER Sarge Ol oes yi 4 dha ! 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER FULL FASHIONED N Y L 0 N S g colors of. beige N Y L 0 N S First quality nylens in brand meee pa ; in lack. has, a BARGAINS 'G ' t ' : ranted lovely new Fall shades, Made to sell ©» J " ran mere ameo a 9 A for $1.50. All sizes. While They "69: MWA i.m|| wwsmeviast || BAN ION SWEATERS Sizes 5S, M, & L, As. "Esme 3 for $2.00 A 5 1.99 Flannelette Pyjamas SHORT SLEEVE A Printed flannel vith mar, 9 59 PULLOVER 2.99 " PANTIES SEAMLESS TINTED v4 J CAPRI BRAS darin. neckline ORDINARILY 4.98 colours. Sizes S, M and L ess inl | NYLONS GL vos man pp All Fall shad Reg. y B d 1 , flo 0 or . 29c PUES 1) ee ti CARDIGANS 4 fi i $1.50. Pair J Fi Sizes 32 to 38 99: aR eo G40 NYLON CAPRI PANT PYJAMAS | | oromaniy 65s N\ WRN AN NN a Reg, $1.50 4 for $1.00 New Capri length to wear under dusters, lace and ; embroidered trims, All SETS reg. 11.95 new colors. Sizes S-M-L ® 0 Reg. 4.98 value ® 2 for $5.00 ALL FIRST QUALITY BAN-LON Pullovers and Cardigans, They wear Fp pre TL ERR are | ft TTR so long and look so fresh and bright for most of that LONG LIFE. They resist pilling and fuzzing, retain their smooth texture and shape, Wash easily and dry quickly, Six new Fall shades to choose from, @ FULL | DRESSES |). uonrcows | |, : : 57 %9.59| | "REGENT KNIT NG T LEAR a a Wei 1 SLIPS oS BULKY-KNIT Sizes S, M and L. Reg. All wool transitional sheath, DN 3.98, BY FAMOUS MAKERS Imported from Italy, New NG All nylon with fancy lace straight line, Guoranteed i CARDIGANS Y TV LOUNGING PYJAMAS REG, TO 7.95 trim bodice and hem. All washable, Colors of black, Wa Jay. vice 32 to eerise, ehampagne, pink, \ Printed spun rayon py- 40. Reg. to' $3.98 royal blue, sky blue, navy, \ ! ) jamas, Ideal for loung- GIRLS gold, mauve, yellow, char. i ing or sleeping. Red print I ' 8) >A 1 88 | ove eo AEE nc only Rog. 398... ORLON PULLOVERS . $19.95 \ HIGH BULK ORLON - GIRLS' gm ws Dusior: Gants _. SIZES 8 TO 14 PULLOVERS 1 79 NYLON i ® Priiited ion quills. Coty. and. Jeo Colors of red, ink, blue, etc, All first quality. - # warm, nylon quilted by Fantasy, A Reg. Price 2.98. J s Pink and blue background with 9 { floral pattern, Sizes S, M and L., 3 i Reg, $10.85 A ' Famous makers, all nylon with fancy wide lace 5 fn aa Xs oN \ A ALL FAMOUS NAM s BRANDS \i Cite Ta, I trim. hem. Also pleated and scalloped hemline. Wide range of colors, Sizes 5, M & L. Reg, $2.98. C y R { Yo ATS | WJ Quilted chine cotton with Embossed Cotton b A i 1 All the famous names, All brand new satin lining. Warm for Fall Printed and sculptured cotton J Y LAL Fall styles. Tartans blin and blin, im Reg to opaque dusters in floral pat- kf : ' 5 i . . DE i a . ported wool fabric, tweeds, ete, All é . and Winter, With hood and t S S Mandl Col : = : erns Sizes S, an , Colors (8% A some with collars. Assorted of pink, blue and many others, I y NZ oF the new Fall shades, Sizes 10 to 20, 7.98 colors and sizes, Regular \ Reg, $3.98, BLOUSES : b.88 I A 0 | au wool TARTAN | o TARTAN FAMOUS MAKER'S N Reversible : \ All wool tapered slim with eon. |§ J find fav} i cealed zipper, Newest color com- Flannel Dusters binations, Sizes 10 to 20. Reg. | to $14.95 ; oF i wot § iy Flannel suede dusters in pliads One of Cane- checks and florals, all color da's leading LADI ES' R LOUSES Sizes S and M only, Reg. $3.9¢ 4 a Newest colour QO 4, F840) combinations, y @ MAGEE makers, wide selection of } ay Bali | Selegtion o Slightly counter-soiled white and colors in 1.99 " big a stitched down dy Ai, seed pleats, famous WOOL tyl lids, 3 Ryley In van sizes 12 to 20. Choose from cottons and ; OES brand names, / prints and Arnels d v an y " patterns etc. Swiss eyelet, cottons in collarless Regulor 398 ...... 1.99 2.99 | Bs y v Sizes 10 to 20. SLI ) 4S and small collar styles, All sizes. Reg. to $6.95. SILK nd | Reg. 19.9% Stripes and checks in all new Fall : FUR COLLAR SQUARES Sola kib tJ S Full cut in wide selection of colors 88 Cc Fancy printed patterns Reg. to ® Fancy fur collars to trim up your sweater for 1.00 that dressy look, Reg, $1.50 .. $1 ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOP ":vcxs ™