Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1960, p. 7

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NEW CHRYSLER FEATURES FOR 1961 THE STYLISH and line of senger cars Canada Introduces the two-door hardtop in its 1061 body design both the V-100 and V-200 se compact Valiant pas from Chrysler ITS NEW design low, streamlined contour, and iis change ntuat pletely different gril motif, . the Plymouth for 1061 epitomizes the ultimate in mod ern passenger car styling and Herter Shocks Ghana Press. ACCRA, Ghana (Reuters) Ghanaian newspapers Monday ex. pressed dismay at US, State Secretary Christian Herter's| statement Friday that Ghana gp. peared to be moving toward the Communist camp "This surely could not be the comment of a stalesman,"" sald the pro - government Ghanaian Times, It certainly could not be the voice of reason. It must be featuring a rear-quarter aver d bh | a com e and front - ¥ popular | of | election of Also available in ries all model | Lh are the four-door sedan and the four-door suburban, Style lines which have proved the Valiant such a popular addition to the Chrysler of Canada fine line of automobiles, have been accent. uated and enhanced in the 1061 Such outstanding engin series function; The re | major remodellin 18 the creation streamlined and eye - catching ilhouette, While di is the major change in the 1061 Ply mouth, the Interior qualities of the upholstery and appoint ult of this achievemen of a slim | something else and a terrible one | at that N he Times sald President Kwame Nkrumah wants ever | African country to be independ {ent and free to manage--or evel mismanage--its own affairs, "To some Western 'democrats such an idea of course Is unten able and anyone who Is its ad-| vocate is a Communist," The independent Daily Graphic sald in a front-page editorial that Herter's statement came "as a {rude shock to most Africa" and "a surprise to millions through out the world who believe in America's understanding ap proach to the problems of our time," TELEVIS CHCH.TV Channel 11.-Hamillon WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WKHW.TV Channel 7-Buftalo ION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6-~Toronta WRBEN-TV Chanuel 4-~Buffale WROC.TV Channel 5--Rochester eering achievements as Torsion Aire suspension, unit body con. struction and antl - corrosion treatment, and the economical and dependable 'slant giv" engine are features of the com. pact Valiant for 1961, Pictured is the 1961 two-door hardtop, ment have heen More economical operation is promised {rom Plymouth's "slant six" and mark of "top 1961, Piletured is | a Fury, two-door hardtop, improved quality" for (MAPLE GROVE [= PERSONALS || | | MAPLE GROVE -- Mrs, J. T. Colliss has returned home after a |very pleasant two-weeks visit with! | ber brother-in-law and sister, Mr, | (and Mrs, Tom Adam snd family, lin Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs, Col- 1lis flew from Malton and changed |planes at Idlewild, New York, | Mrs, Lawrence Brown, Burk's| Falls, spent last week with Mr, {and Mrs, Gene Dobbs and family, | Mr, and Mrs, Doug Carpenter, | Toronto, were weekend guests of| Mr, and Mrs, E, Dobbs, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Shunk rand Ron, Port Perry; Miss Marie | Shunk, Toronto, were Sunday din ner guests with Mr, and Mrs, | Cecil Mills and family, Mrs, Jack Morton entertained {several small guests In honor of |her daughter, Nancy, who eele- {brated her 7th birthday last | week, | Mr, and Mrs, Clare Wright, Oakwood, were Sunday visitors | with Mrs Aylmer Beech, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Van Dyke, {Cambray; Mr, and Mrs, Denton | Worsley and daughters, Camer.| lon; Mr, and Mrs, Charles Run. | | dle, Oshawa, were Bunday guests {of Mr, and Mrs, Steve Doyle and | Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Jeffery | Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Swallow | were tea guests of Mr, Russell {Perkins and Margaret, Zion, on| Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Morton called on Mr, and Mrs, wil In Properous By RUSSELL ELMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer SYDNEY, Australia (CP) When a choice downtown busi {liam Munroe, Baltimore, on Sat-(ness block was recently sold al a |lurday evening, record $115 a square fool in the Mrs, Lloyd Beech, Burketon: | most expensive land deal in Syd Mrs, Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, call-lney's history, few Australian ed on Mrs, Aylmer Beech on were astonished at the price, Monday To businessmen the sale to a About 25 attended a corn and|London company of the site for a weiner roast on Saturday evening 26-storey skyscraper was the la in honor of the Junior Socceritest phenomenon of a spectacu {team which was held at the home lar real estate boom, But to fam of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Mills, |llies across the continent it was | During the evening members Dew evidence of a dynamic surge of the team presented Messrs, (Of Progress that is changing the Howard Bradley and Don Flint|/face and character of Australia with gifts of appreciation for their] Today Australia's 10,000,000 in untiring work and support of the! habitants, swelled by more than o team, A pleasant time was en. 1,500,000 postwar migrants from joyed despite a rain shower to- Europe, are gripped by an un ward the end of the evening, |precedented confidence in Per lCouEY'S luture, Many liken Aus Boy Saved From Snare a generation ago, but at a much faster rate of acceleration, COOKSVILLE, Ont (CP) -- Allan » made cars, and fattening six-year-old boy escaped injury bank balances, To them the ne Monday when he was flung 10|found material comforts plus vir feet off the ground and left|tually full employment and a dangling by fhe waist from alarge measure of social security sapling snare, are the proof of Australia's pros James Williams, son of Mr. perity, and Mrs, Fred Willlams, was : rescued when a playmate, Kathy CONTROLS LIFTED Hurst, 7, heard his cries and The great spurt forward "Down brought help. Police are looking|Under," coinciding with the open. for the person who set the snare./ing wide of Australia's doors to approaching Canada's, Austral fans Justify their optimism pointing with pride to their new {TV-masted homes, shiny Austral their With a standard of living now o by li 'Real Estate Boom Furopean immigrants, has been in the making ever since the war, Today wercome shortage, Australia has chronic housing lifted building restric tions and a few months . ago eliminated nearly all remaining import licensing controls, Aus. tralian and oversess investors, encouraged by relatively stable political and labor conditions, pouring millions into devel. oping the country's vast potential in both natural resources and in. Though Australia basic ally still off its earnings from wool, meat and cane sugal xport the economy Is gradu. lly becoming less dependent on the sheep's hack It is imp ble for a 1960 itor to avold being impressed y Australia vibrant atmos phere, I are the same by Jet airliner northern gateway Darwin, by ship in the throbbing cosmopolitan metropo- Sydney with its 2,250,000 I dent The air § of pneumatic keletons of and Even finally ust dustry he sf he remote ns whether land the in or plerced by the beat drills as the steel new office building ury hotels leap skyward once-stald Melbourne now (temporarily) of Aus talle building, an 8 Imperial Chemical Indus. House, LATEST FASHIONS Streets choked with ears seeking elusive parking meters, boast tralia' torey tries For Lu NOW THERE'S A COMPLETE SPECIAL VIGORO PLANT FOOD You Grow. 10.20.10 ANALYSI LAWN START for New Lawns SPECIAL VIGORO THE LAWN FOOD SPECIALLY Scientifically-balanced for- mulations custom - made to match the feeding habits of Canada's most popular lawn garden and landscaping plant. 5 ER TUESDAY EVE, 5.00 PA, 11=Family Theatre 7--=Rin Tin Tin 6~Follow Me S=Playhouse 4-Fun To Learn 2-Three Stooges 5:15 PM, 6--Here's My Pet &=Big Mac Show 5:30 PM, 7--Early Show 6-~8ky King 4~Re ublican Conven tion g~Metiraw i100 PM, United Appeal 6:30 P.M 11:5:4.2 «New ! 3~--Today 6:43 6-4-2 New G=Hunt! Report 7:00 PM, 11 -Family f--Seven-o-one 8~The Rifler &-Rurns and Show 2--Sergeant Rilke 8 PM, ¥=News: Weather 1% PM, Wyatt Earp Where were you Directors' Choice S2-Lara ° Film Featureit 8:0 P.M 6 1960 P.M, Brinkley eatre an Allen ° Wyatt Karp Dobie Gillis Play house 9:00 PM, 1n6--Front Page Challenge T-Cast The Fi 3 Medicine Tom Ewell Show Thriller 9:30 P.M Red Skelton Show + St 116 Colt S--Arthur Mura 4-Red Skelton 10:00 PM, 11.4 igeria aa Presents N Ale t=Coronado $--Roya! Canadian Mounted * © 11:00 PM, 07654 2-New Weather: Sports 1:13 PM, ¥--Late - Show &=Viewpoin 1:3 PM, 11-Late Show Sports Views #2-Jack Parr 4~Theatre 1:45 PM, 1llate Show S-Socoer ne WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM, Fun House Today 4=Neows Roundup 8:15 AM, 4~Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM, 1l=Romper Room Deput Dawg Ding | 4 ¥ 2-Trouble With 9:30 AM Dong School yhouse Father T=Romper Room on Allen dl Riley ( M, Hride of Jack Nars 11:00 AM la y Show Right Boh Mclean Show | centration Serial Drama 12:00 NOON Rugs Bunny and Friends T-Restless Gun §2-Truth or Consequences &~Nows and Weather IPM, Matinee A Day eo You Search for Tomorrow 12:45 PM, All Star Baseball 1 Gu i t 1100 PM, M Matinee Midday Matinee Faces L the Millers 13 PN Hearing rp W I Turns 2:00 P.M, Day In Court Adventures With )--Jan M Show n Series 2:30 P.M, Cooking wetta: Young catre so. Party 100 PM. The Clock Doctor Malone e Matinee rom T 1:00 PM ve with Capt A an Randstand | &=The Brighter Day | 11164 | | | | & | 5% A | e=Trackdowa | & 1:50 P.M, New 4-Edge of Night 2~Checkers and Can Can S-- Buckskin WEDNESDAY 5100 PM, Family Theatre M Friend Flicka lin Time ny house Fun The EVE, n To Learn Big Rascals 5115 P.M, ¢=Big Mae Show 5130 PM, Barly Show Huckleberry Hound ~Felix The Cat 6:00 P.M, 6:15 6--8ea Hunt 6:30 PM, News Today -=1980 News: Weather 6:45 PM. 11.6:4.2- News §~--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M, 11=The Rebel 6--Seven.o-One ~ Vikings 4 Cannonball 2~The Quarterback Club 1s PM, T=News; Weather 7:30 1. 11.6<Provinelal T-Hong Kong §:23-Wagon Train Th Aquanauts 7:45 PM, 11.6-Country Time 8:00 P.M My Three Sons 8:30 P.M 114-ROMP V...Ozzle and Harriet t~Wanted Dead or Affair 11.8 Alive §2-The Price is Right 92:00 PM, Happy he Hawaiian Eye 4 The Millionaire Happy 2:30 PM, 11.63 Tate 4=1've Got a Secret 2~-Ta 0:00 PM, Fred Astaire Sea Hunt 2 Asta i~Circle Theatre 10.30 P.M, terpol Calling M Four Just Mea 11:00 P.M, hard Be Now Weather; Sports 1:15 PM, . WW wpa 11:30 PML 1 te Show Trackdown tack Parr ' Festival 12:00 PM, MADE FOR BUILDING NEW LAWNS Get Builds root grass off to a faster start deep-reaching, permanent Sys tems, Contains extra root-strength nutrients, New, lightweight form in a handy carry out bog, NEW PINK VIGORO Canada's all-time favourite plant flowers, vegetables, shrubs a richer 30% A ed plont diet for more abund- Now in new, oe farther, tronger stems, healthier Available in bag or handy FREE CUSTOMER PARKING 54 CHURCH STREET DIAL RA 3-2229 The formulas for these new Vig- oros 'are based on extensive plant nutrition research, They provide everything plants need except sun, air and water , , , put back every- new, Go thing plants take out of the soil to pew, | x 100 tt bag maintain == or improve -- soil fertility year after year, new THE FOOLPROOF LAWN FOOD IN A BRAND NEW FORM Golden Vigoro o full 5,000 pitcher, Spreader now is available in a Formula, One bag ft, (a big 50 And the handy with a handle pours like a settings on bag, Farther Q lawn area) To control white grubs and other use Golden Vigoro with Dieldrin ( Only one application needed. VIR, :VIGoro! EVERGREEN | FOOD Special Holland for- mula, Helps build bigger bulbs and blooms, Formulated with built-in control of soil insects, AVAILABLE AT Contains a balance Contains of all the nutrients roses need to grow healthier and strongs er... promotes bigs ger blooms new growth ous root coloring, YOUR ONE STOP GARDEN CENTRE MASTER FEEDS balanced elements for healthy develop ment and rich green lawn insects, END-OF-PEST). Oe 9 VI6oRo) AZALEA FOOD A balanced plant food needed by acid-loving plants uch as Azaleos, dogwood, magnolias, hydranges and holly, special vigor (OSHAWA) Mon, STORE HOURS: Tues, Thurs, & Ful, 8 AM, to 6 PM, Wed, 8 AM, to § PM, Sat, 8 AM. to 12 NOON SKYSCRAPERS DOMINATE SYDNEY WATERFRONT In Sydney a new expressway Is being burrowed into the heart of the city, At the opposite end of the continent in Perth a six-lane pre - stressed concrete bridge across Perth Water Narrows was opened shortly before Christmas, Swank stores on Melbourne's tree-lined Collins Street display the latest Paris and New York fashions; Adelaide's Rundle Breet at night Is a technicolor blaze of neon lights; big depart ment stores in Brisbane are opening branches in new multi unit suburban shopping centres; the North American supermar ket is coming into is own, In Melbourne My Fair Lady with an all-Australian chorus is running for its second year be fore packed houses nightly; Ade laide has just completed Aus tralia's first major arts festival in which Toronto soprano Lois Marshall sang as a guest artist sales of TV sets in Sydney and Melbourne are nearing satura tion three years after the first Australian television pro- gram went on the alr, Each state capital Is rapidly being ringed by dormitories of thousands of new bungalow-type houses, The homes are furnished with - the latest in modern appli- ances, purchased on credit, In these new enterprises na tive-born Australians join hands with new Australians --- Britons, Italian Germans, Hungarians, Hollanders The newcomers, adapting themselves to the Aus. tralian way of life, have not only filled a vital gap in Australia's |work force but also made a con- {tribution to their adopied coun itry's living habits, | only THE OSHAWA TIMES, TussCoy, September 27, 1960 13 Seem: UNIT STEPS ® Nationally Advertised ® Nationally Sold Now Available From , . . Hambly Concrete Products The ONLY Dealer in the Oshawa-Whitby Precast Ready-Mede Concrete Steps and Railings by Unit-Step THE QUICK ECONOMICAL WAY NO MUSS -- NO FUSS ® Gives your home a whole new look ® The ultimate in performance and safety (Safety Treads on every Riser and Porch Top) ® Over 90 different sizes to choose from ® Completely installed by us Phone Today for FREE Estimote or Drive Out to the Yord UNIT Hambly Concrete Products MV 7d Highway 2 at Thickson Road MO 8-4159 o PATIO o PATIO SLABS ® OUTDOOR BENCHES o SIDEWALK BARBECUES SLABS This is a true story, announced firmly: "But I cant spend my telephone money!" | One of our telephone people recently passed a neighbourhood lunch counter where some children were about to order a second round of milk shakes and soft drinks, One little boy, called Jimmy, found he only had one dime left. He "I can't spend my telephone money!" Obviously, Jimmy's parents had convinced him that he'd never have to worry --nor would they -- about being late or getting lost if he always kept a dime for a phone call: there's always a telephone nearby! So Jimmy's telephone dime buys his mother peace of mind... it seems like such a good idea that children know how to reach home by phone, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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