(are {irespassing should angrily| d without per fon of the take responsibility for having the | order you to leave his property, owner. The authors seem fo sup- proper change on hand for each| would "your children hear youlpose there is no moral issue in- child on a regular day .of the apologize to him? Better still, volved. week--say, stories are, of course, re- {would they hear you ask permis i THE STARS SAY 1 feel that the question of adop- | rather an incidental aspect of | family living, to be harmoniously wesdoy, September 27, 1960 8 YAR OSHAWA YIMES, Tomi, : | tect tat te question of adr, CHILD GUIDANCE resolved in time, if Tom's tem-} | worrisome problem to decide, but | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Bv Example Children Le Y Xamp e en arn ision of the owner of any private jected. . . . | perament and attitude were com-| . in |property to willy actos it? oli O jonall fortable and kindly, T Bec Good C metimes, of exempll- have entreated rents not to Ponders Adoption Of Children fu - 0 Become itizens iomeimes, ished, of exemplbave eniveaied, paresis ni | gy poTRELLITA | FEELINGS MIS-PROJECTED | Fn h "arent Wl) EE ren, WE er. . I surmise that you find him 8! By G, CLEVELAND MYERS [, Those living on the edge of a speak of the owner with con-\to enter or play about a house|T OF, TOMORROW resourcefulness By er New tep er bit difficult, more arbitrary than! When our eldest son was sbout|town or city may have rich|tempt as a "crabby, mean" per-under construction. Here I also) Initiative and enterprise willl iii bay off in amiable, in matters of opinion, 88/43" our family, while on a long|opportunities to hike and explore, son. How would this .parent feel beg of parents to train their chil. P3y Off mow, but don't try 10) Travel and ion for family unity, if and whep|® Fe; but you aren't willing 0, motor trip, stopped in 8 wooded|the woods and fields and streams. in the place of that owner? |dren not to enter or play around he marries you, HEAVY HAND ON REINS? when admit any imperfections in yourigiace to eat our lunch, | [Jove as yet, Thus you impute the" prin $e meat 1 peeled a ba-|{SHOW BY EXAMPLE [ABOUT EXPLORATIONS {an empty or abandoned building. |... "wily "work to your detri-lMay and June favor romance, | difficulties to cireumstances, BOL| ona and threw the peelings be- Suppose you are with your chil-| Suppose you and your hiking PARENTS' QUESTIONS ment, Use tact and diplomacy in Those in creative lines It is my impression that he isto the make-up of the man. lyond me into the brush, where-|dren on such a hike, Do you set| family came upon an a , Our three children of the putting over ideas. make great strides during preparing simply to take over| first three months of 1961. with a heavy hand, to run the by your reference to his uncom-ia Boy show his way, without due sen-|fortable childhood -- Tom is a peelings, in this col Dear Mary Haworth: I am 2a widow with three small children, one of whom is a boy. As their father was an only child, this son will be the sole bearer of the family name, I loved and respected my late Q 1 In all likelihood--and judging upon 1 was rebuked by this son, an example of good citizenship house or cabin, The children elementary grades are on allow-¥#0R THE BIRTHDAY Poy Scout, 1 recovered the|and guide your children accord-\would be eager to enter and ex-\ances. But often there is a| If tomorrow is your birthday, |for some good news of a business humbly apologized, and ingly" | plore it, And what if they knocked | scramble on a. school morning your indicates that you|nature early in January. A child born on this will husband and have been very close to his parents since his death, They are very kind and more than generous. Now, however, with a year of grief and heartache behind me, 1 have met Tom, and have fallen in love with him, We plan fo marry soon, | Tom adores the children and it| seems 1 should have no problems) at all, But as Tom was brought up in a family whose name dif- fered from his, he wishes to] adopt the children as soon as pos-| sible, so that we can be a more united family group, If he does adopt them, they will forfeit an inheritance which is substantial, if not excessive, ROB LATE FATHER? Tom has a good income and feels that family unity will benefit the children more than monetary gain, Do we have the right to rob the grandparents, as well as my late husband, of a name bearer? Could the children, perhaps, as- sume Tom's name until they are of age, without legally changing it? Although Tom feels very strongly about this, he is an in- telligent open-minded person and will appreciate your opinion on the subject as much as I will. Sincerely, G.8. CAN'T FARM OUT DECISION Dear G.8.: You are the key per- son in this situation, and you will have to take responsibility for making a sound decision, However, you should be that you know Tom very well, and know that he is a man of the finest caliber, in his disposition and capacity to be a good hus- band and praiseworthy father to your children, before you sign away their natural title to the family surname and certain lega- cles, It is my belief, frankly, that constructive adoption, wisely mo- tivated by genuinely sympathetic concern for the children's wel fare, matures rather slowly in the climate of a good second mar- riage. Therefore, I am not in sym- pathy with Tom's hasty insistence sure sible respectful consideration indeligible facts of previous tory that he can't alter, It may be that unconsciously he is primarily interested in eras-|forts to make ing, insofar as possible, the mem- ory of his predecessor; because he has secret misgivings that he can't win on merit, in comparison, if the door to the past remains open, through con- tinuing close family ties to the children's paternal grandparents, matic and dominant in his ef- like a man. As of now, he is reading his perhaps past into your children's future 1 mark; and 1 think he should get | psychiatrically clear on this point experience, which is wide of the 8, practice of bad cit for | neurotic character, who tries 10 was deeply impressed. his-| belie his chronic insecurity feel-| | ings by being excessively dog- Sometimes the family on a trip| will pause at some out-of-the-way | place to explore, It may afford interesting experiences. However unless standards are high, some of the group may be tempted) Suppose you and the childreniout a few windows with stones when climb over frail fences, breaking|just for fun, or did some other change, them down. Suppose you leave damage? gates open, Suppose you trample down crops or help yourselves to fruits on the way, And, if an owner of property on which you and your children As editor of a children's maga- I don't have the right|should attack major objectives | with confidence between now and.be emotional, sensiti e and y A. Suppose one of you parents' the end of 1960, especially those persistent in the y zine, 1 must receive and read, in the course of a year, i stories about children' exploring an abandoned house which they) or more | Ito qualify as a helpful--or at least through her column, not by mail {mot harmful--stepfather, MH. or personal interview. Write her Mary Haworth counsels in care of this newspaper, | BOTH Swe WHEN YOU HAVE A GAS WATER HEATER Natural Gas 8 for 175 FOR COMP SALES * SERVICE NATURAL GAS or PROPANE Galt and Victoria Sts., Whitby Per Month LETE CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF OR. uy 3.20 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE DRYERS ON Call GHORGAS Today There's nothing like having PLENTY of hot water for laundry, dishes and family baths--whenever you need it. Enjoy all the hot water you'll ever need with no waiting. Get a fast, economical COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER today. No other fuel equals Per Month Gp DISPLAY MO 8-3328 SPECIAL! DESERT FioWeR Summer Cologne and Dusting Powder f | i t with powder puff 180 225 Value LIMITED TIME OFFER MITC Drug 9 SIMCOE ST. N. wien nov SPECIAL 199 | Vd po Here's wonderful warm-weather news from Shulton. After a shower or bath, splash on the intriguing scent of Desert Flower || Summer Cologne... pat on delightful Desert Flower Dusting | Powder. You'll feel fresh as the fragrance itself. And, the attrac. | tive package makes this an ideal gift, Buy several now, while || regular value 21 PUTING SOW WY AY MD ts Coin 12 SEWING MACHINE COMPANY TAKE PLEASURE IN APPOINTING J on adopting your children, as the dly indisy ble condi Exclusive Dealer for "WHITE" Sewing Machines In Oshawa And The Surrounding District SEE THE NEW MODELS SEE THE INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL WHITE SEWING CENTRE | SALES - SERVICE SUPPLIES Phone RA 8-1641 PP THE Alvi Rug Co. Specialists in ofl kinds of Floor Covering Coll us for a free estimote on wall to wall floor covering. 34 SIMCOE ST. §S. PHONE RA 5-9332 Service you can SRA 3-3425 MEAGHER'S 5 KING W.--OSHAWA '8 Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Tune-ups for all Makes of Cars Licenced Mechanic HIGHWAY NO, 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD HOME FREEZER OWNERS Choice Meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, JUICES OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE Phone 3-3012 81 William St. W, RA § Beauty Salon Look Young Fqel Gay Go To Jutta's Right Away ! WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE Rust Prevention With UNDERCOATING done with the new ""Und-a-spray" KING at RITSON RA 5-8507 OSHAWA TIMES "HOME OF THE WEEK™! SPECIAL FEATURE 30" x 54" CRIB Roxatone finish, plastic teething rails, 4 positions, adjustable spring, plostic-coated posture- type mattress, bumepr 33 95 " pad, COMPLETE . | Reliable Furniture Co. (Next to Plaza Theatre) 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 You Don't Need Cash . . . Your Old Tires Make the DOWN PAYMENT! STORES "PRICES ARE BORN MERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" 190 King St. E. RA 5.6566 WEEKLY SPECIAL OK USED CAR '55 OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR HARDTOP Radio, Automatic $895.00 Ontario Motor Sales LTD. 140 BOND ST. W. RA 5-6507-8 VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST ON 2 HWY, BOWMANYVILLE MA 3.5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees MOSIER SHEET METAL 292 KING W.--OSHAWA Oil Burners Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 " RICKSHA . CHINESE FOOD ° "42 King W. RA 8.1676 GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Home of Fine Foods Open Every Night Till Ten p.m. We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques, SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Your Polaroid Headquarters Gifts For Every Occasion Two Stores to Serve You Better 20 Simcoe St. S. and Oshawa Shopping Centre 174 Ritson Rd, S. Oshawa WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OPEN THURS, TILL 6 P.M. FRI, TILL 9°P.M, SAT. TILL 6 P.M. Oshawa Discount House 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 CLEMENTS Supertest Service Your Downtown Location For PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 102 SIMCOE ST. N. MOTOR CITY CAB 9 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1127 Fast-Efficient Service, Get your coupons on the "Polaroid" by calling us for service ED WILSON sez: "This Week's Special" UNPAINTED BOOK CASES with the purchase of any piece of Unpainted Furniture ONLY 99c¢ WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST, SCOTT Outboard Motors for Sales and Service see TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE RR. 4 OSHAWA King St. E RA 8.5924 PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS Our Speciality GUNS, New and Used REPAIRS FISHING TACKLE end Taxidermy 589 ALBERT ST. PHONE 5-5798 EDGAR'S Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St. W. RA 3.7351 LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping at KINGSWAY SUPERMARKET TOWNLINE, RR4 KING ST. E JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. PITTSBURGH PAINTS 948 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-0514 Johnson MOTORS Sales & Service SPort IF YOU ARE THE HOUSEHOLDER OF GOOD AT ONE OF THE PLACES OF DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? TIMES OFFICE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE A $5 THIS HOME, CALL AT THE OSHAWA E 00 PURCHASE ORDER BUSINESS SHOWN MERE. BONUS MON Yes, you too might win a Polaroi one of the stores listed here for y to buy, no jingles to write , , , s chance of winning. WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good THLY PRIZE d Land Camera. Simply visit any our free coupons, There's nothing imply sign your name and deposit It Pays to Shop at I. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family 50-54 KING ST. W. | OSHAWA RA 5-6311 PET CENTRE TROPICAL FISH ALL PETS AND SUPPLIES 9 Celina St. RA 8.0403 E. C. CROXALL & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Cement Always In Stock, Glozed & Clay Tile & Fittings .| OL 5-4841--Brooklin STATHAM MOTOR SALES YOUR ESSO DEALER Repairs to all foreign & American Built Cars, Dealer in Peugeot and Skoda Cars, International Trucks, KING & CENTRE STS. RA 3-7712 SUDDARD'S 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH C.C.M., RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS--LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5-3979 MACKIE MOTOR SALES KING EAST--OSHAWA For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars RA 5-5743 THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Featuring C.I.L. Paints, Free Estimates on PHORES or Painting PHONE OL 5-4531 BROOKLIN, ONT. Brown's Marketeria Your Friendly Red & White PHONE OL 5-4521 BROOKLIN, ONT, GENOSHA HOTEL FOR "FINER" FOOD COFFEE SHOP' COMPLETELY AIR-CON. OPEN 24 HOURS Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST. (at King) e Spanish Imported Chundeliers @ Modern ond Danish Creations e Ceramic ond Opal Glassware. ® Walnut and brass room dividers and pole lamps, with planters, book shelves, cabinets MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates fully automatic pin setters 78 RICHMOND ST, W, PHONE RA 3-3212 BERG'S Ladies' Wear ""The Store of Better Values" 8 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1932 1960 BUICK DEMONSTRATORS THIS MONTH 3339 ONLY... ... Cliff Miiis Motors Lid. 266 King St. W, RA 5.6651 3.4634 3.4638 YOUR PONTIAC, BUICK & GME DUMONT Aluminum Products 377 Simcoe St. S. Oshawe Specials On . . . WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS and SIDING VAUXHALL DEALER RA 8-1651 HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING IN STEAK ON A BUN OPEN 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5-5332 Specializing in FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales and Service, YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS. SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN OL 5-3301 STAN'S SHARPENING AND RENTAL SERVICE 227 King St. W., Oshawa RA 3-3224 WE SHARPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING SHEPHARD'S FOOD MARKET Prime Meat & Poultry Fresh Vegetables RA 5-3564 Crysler Furniture Co. "STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE" EVERYTHING LOW COST! Easy Terms -- Free Storage Free Delivery 46 SIMCOE ST. N. Stephenson's Garage OSHAWA'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST 15 Church St. RA 5-0522 29-31 CELINA ST. OSHAWA DRY CLEANERS for Free Pick-u SATISFACTION CALL RA 5.3555 SHIRT LAUNDERERS p and Delivery GUARANTEED VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A. Gas & Qil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 3-4872 WARD'S FOR FINEST IN DRY GOODS! 31 Simcoe St. S. PHONE RA 5-1151 Buckingham Groceteria TO SERVE YOU Where Canada's Choicest of Red Brand Beef, A Full Line of Smoked and Cooked Meats Supplied by Canada Packers. 28 BUCKINGHAM AVE PHONE RA 5.2213 LEAVE YOUR FILM HERE FAST 5 HOUR SERVICE On Black and White Film In by 12:30 P.M. Out by 5:30 P.M. Jury & Lovell Lid. 8 King St. E, RA 3. 530 Sinicoe St. S., RA 33 a