Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Sep 1960, p. 19

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Gloria Bathe Wed |H&S Executive, Teaching Staff | PERSONALS To Robert Bowler | At Scarborough | 10troduced At Conant H&S [Tw sm aories ernie omer a oe Moria Christin n Conant Home and School As-iyear and introduced his new in honor of Mr, Scott's mother, belonging lo her grandmother, ye Suisiina, Sughier of sociation held its first meeting staff of teachers: Mrs, Elizabeth Scott of Markham Mrs, James Barnard, who car- Robert John Bowler, son of Mrs fall with a large attendance| Mrs, Archie Long, Kinder. ho this week is celebrating her| vied It at her own wedding Biv: end Mrs, J. R. Bowler, all of 304 Mrs, Joan Smale presiding.|garten; Mrs, Joan Sanderson, 93th birthday, Also present were oUF VESTS B&o Before departiy Oshawa, were united in marriage The Dew officers and executive|Grade 1; Mrs, EN Lamb, Grade Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Skewis of 08 pi dg ii ia lon Saturday afternoon, were introduced as follows: 1 and 2; Mrs, Bertha Edmunds, Oshawa, Miss Rhea Scott and Mr iri ¥ Howers 10 her grand. The ceremony took place in St President, Mrs, loan Smale; Grade 2; Miss Joan Hobbs, Clarence Scott of Markham with ™9 , Matthew's Lutheran Chureh, Vice Presidents, Mrs, Thomas Grades 2 and 3; Mrs. Shirley whom Mrs, Scott resides Mr, John Stezik was master of |Scarborough, with the Reverend Kidd, Mrs, Charles McQuarrie; Lewis, Grade 3 and 4; Miss ceremonies at the Obst-Yoege Carl Kartechner officiating, Mrs, | Secretary, Mrs, Fred Pesarchuk: Carol Ostrander, Grades 4 and The Helping Hand Auxiliary of ycdding reception at the Knighis Kartechner played the wedding Treasure, Mrs. Arthur French:!s. My Michael Banks, Grades 5 Simcoe Street United Chureh of Columbus Hall, on Saturday {music and Mr, Alex Yonson sang Executive members, Mrs, Wil-an4 6; Mr. Jobn Galbraith, opened its fall meetings with 8 evening, September 24 |The Wedding Prayer" and "The liam Leggotte, Mrs, Douglas Grades 6 and 7; Mr, William not luck supper, The president, : {Lord's Prayer" {Roter, Mrs, Wilson Stauffer, Mrs.| Kellington, Grades 7 and 8, Mrs, George Haines, presided.| Following the rehearsal op Fri- G arri {Joseph Konarowski, | ' Grace was said by the Reverend day evening, September 23, at Jiven fin marriage by her | The Grade 1 Mothers' Tea was 7 X Moffat. Following the sup- St. John's Ukrainian Church, father. the bride wore Wedge. The minutes were read by Mrs. 4 iin lwood white silk fille e ol ge. Fred Pesarchuk and the treas ed for September 27, Mr. ©" a meeting was held in the Bloor street, the Obsi-Voege leon lace styled with an empire| Urer's report by Mrs, Harold Galbraith won the door prize and chron parlor, Mrs, A. H. Ark bridal party was enteria ned ot {bodice, bracket-length sleeves Jenkins, corresponding secretary, 'also the room attendance prize|y isnt read the minutes, Miss the bome of the bride's mother {and a bouffant skirt with prin.|It was reported the Federation having 16 parents present at the aoqeline Kelly gave the treasur. Mrs. Maga Voege, Gordon sireet, cess panels, flaring into a full| Conference is to be held Oct, 29 meeting, Five members volun-| ooo ono A white elephant auc. Ohawa, chapel train, The eirclet neckline|in Peterborough, teered to attend council, Refresh-\i,, 'cate was held with Mrs : was embroidered with lace appli-| Mr. Jon, Galbraith, principal, ments were served by the execu-\p. . gonley acting 8s Buc lea wie held in the Rison ques, beaded with sequins and reporte Se pupils attending { od tive. [tionger, mothers of the Grade 1 pupils NSS i" ' 'ere of - ot pearls which were repeated on Mrs, Carl Creamer, president of dn ; 7 7 : [ i ; didi ? . the skirt panels, A matching . . ests at the gi d MRS, JOHN FITZGERALD, the new Charter to Mrs, Wil- | Pauda Circle of The Daughters | Lionel Brennan, honorary past |sealloped crown held her finger E A Lovell H&S Association Bond * Jon ay neld po Ritson Home and Sch ol Associa Provincial Regent, Daughters | liam Eyre, newly-installed | of Isabella. Others in the pie- | regent (extreme right), tip veil and she carried a cas . . ag Re ay fon, $Sviested Yer Meanie in 4 ele i e large aliendance, of Isabella, is seen presenting | Regent of the St, Anthony of | ture are Mrs, Ralph Houston, cade of gold roses and white! Sole 0p ws vice- regent (left) and Mrs, --(Oshawa Times Photo) | carnations, : 'Holds Get-Ac ainted Ni ht 4. A and are thers Gale, he school Privcipal, Mr { A 5 Miss Verna Bathe was maid of : inter, explained the function of Daughters Of Isabella 3 {Leamington, England; Mr. and the unit system up to Grade 3 honor and the other attendants| 3 ' system up to Gi A were Mrs, Eugene Goodall and] The E., A. Lovell Home and School", Church and school week Mrs, Gerald Whattam, Mis The four teachers of Grade 1 Miss Marjorie Wells, They wore School Association held its first|is to be held from October 10-16, (Samuel Guarnaccio, Miss Paul were introduced and the mothers semi-formal dresses of bronze monthly meeting recently. The entertainment for the eve.|ine Guarnaccio, Mr, and Mrs. were given an opportunity to taffeta, fashioned with a wide| The meeting was "Get Ac-|ning was a skit put on by the|Allan Christie, all of Toronto; meet them, Miss Muriel Oke, a . . Organize New Circle In Oshawa midriff of tucks above the bouf-|quainted Night", members of Home and School Mr. and Mrs, Michael Cunning- former teacher at Ritson school, The daughters of Isabella or-|daughters of Isabella; and mem- Nicholas Lukas presided Council, "The proper and im. ham, South Porcupine; Mrs, Dor- and Mrs, J, H. Hart, past ; a, a A ant skirts and 8g : | Mrs ganized a new circle in Oshawa|bers of St, Joseph's Circle, To fant gists Jail Sabrina. nerves an Sieh parents, teachers proper way to interview a othy Hollingshead, Orillia; Mr, president Ritson H and 8 Associa- recently to be known as St. An-|ronto, ing bandeaux and accessories and friends and expressed her teacher", and Mrs, John Hatch Jr., Kin- tion, poured tea The afternoon thony of Padua Circle, Eh Guest speaker was the very completed their costumes and pleasure at seeing $0 many| It was announced that Miss/cardine; Mr, and Mrs, John was convened by Mrs, Ralph The daughters of Isabella 1s a Reverend Dean Paul Dwyer, who they carried cascades of yellow fathers present |Reta Robinson, a retired mem. Hatch, Sr, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Schemilt, charitable and fraternal oOrgan- spoke on his recent trip to the and bronze chrysanthemums, Mrs, Richard Lack gave the ber of the staff, would be honored Reeb, Mr, James Hatch, Miss ization for Catholic women, insti- Holy Land. Mr, Kenneth Bowler was best secretary's report and Mrs, Rob-|at the October meeting and made Carol Hill, all of Essex, Ontario;| Teas, birthday parties, wed tuted in the oy of New Raves. A worthwhile project suggested! Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 [man and ushering were Mr, Ed- ert Smith gave the treasurer's'a life member of the Home Mr. and Mrs. John McAuley, ding anniversaries, coming and Songpcticat: ni od for this newly formed circle was ______ . _ !ward Bathe and Mr. William report, Mrs, R J. Jefferies read and School Association, Hamilton; Mr, '$, - going J es and your own a national charier Ww "0 assistance in building a Catholic 7 Morrison, the correspondence etter ofl ar. Robert Broadbent intro. Pettit, Bala; ? . holida ans are always of in. under the name of National Cir gigy gchool in Oshawa, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusdey, September 21, 1960 7 Mo reception was held in the| resignation from Mrs, J, C. Me-|guced the new teachers: Miss §, phen Wilcocks, Brampton; Mr, (terest to this column, Write, tele- ir Dugien ot Javea. bed er ia mms Legion Hall, The bride's mother|Donald was accepted Clifford, Grade 4; Miss H, Rob. #nd Mrs, P, Sullivan, Port Phase + Bg He fecal Sepatt circles are locate roughou mar "B ma ng ere| The roll was called and Miss, Ga 5. Mp: ' vedit: Mr, 8 5. Peter Holin-|/ment with your item of news for 4 Eee i | received in a mauve cashmere| ne roll ertson, Grade 5; Mrs, A, Hooper, Credit; Mr, and Mrs. Peter Holin . oh ' ae a, Canada and LI ate doer LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS isheath with matching hat, assist J. Sills' Grade 1 class won with Grade' 7, Mr, 'William Hancox, ski, Powassan; Mr, and Mrs, wich Here Is So charge, (Tele. nd the inst Ilation of 19 officers ed by the bridegroom's mother|24 points, _ |Grade 6; Mr William Finley, James Purdon, North Bay; Mr, P1oPe origi', and In o a St Gregory's audi. i we | IN Chocolate brown crepe; sheath, There are two membership Grade 6; Mr, John Francom, and Mrs, O, W, Larry, Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Rohrback oo pa Oshawa "st 'Joseph's' 7 ; ; i 0h @ style with beige hat. Fach had achairmen, Mrs. A, W, Atkinson|vice principal and teaching Isabel McCrodden, Miss E. Black. "gly vin ey ois reception a se I under regent i » : corsage of yello wroses and Mrs, William McCarthy |Grade 8, ledge, all of Trenton; Mr. and iyoir home on Saturday evening Miss Rita Lacey, performed the | The honeymoon is being spent| It was announced that there| phe parents then went to the Mrs. Eugene Hayes, Mr. and iy nonor of Mrs, Rohrback's par a el atratas at Atlantic City and in the would be a membership drive on| . (Mrs. Bernard J, Rosenback, Miss . +4, nitiation ceremonies . class rooms to meet the teachers, | Yirs. Bernar ' ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Craig, A . The officers of St. Anthony of : Adironadack Mountains, As the|from September till January, By i § "| Jennifer Rosenback, Master pert street, Oshawa, who were Padua ele. Dsrows. inchde y couple left, the bride was wear-| Mrs, Alan Tutin is the Grade Refreshments were served by the|y, eo Rocenback, all of Scar- celebrating their silver wedding regent, Mrs William Eyre: vice- ; ing a medium brown wool-velour mothers' chairman, The annual executive, (borough; Mr, and Mrs, James anniversary. The former Miss regent, Mrs. Ralph Houston; hon. 4 z sul simmed with Sink, Gi cag pasty will be Jed on Nox Stewart, Peterborough, Jessie Duggan of Ivanhoe was st reg Li 3 / eige anc DROWN ACCESSOFIES vember 2 in the school auditor- , married there and the counle Sry past sopenl, | Mis. Line v 1 | Mr, and Mrs. Bowler will re- jum, the goal being 100 tables. | SOCIAL NOTICE At the Dowson - McEachern spent their OE life in Belles Mrs Leo Kryhul 'recording sec. p : vo § turn to live in Oshawa |The convener is Mrs. John| wedding in Port Perry, recently ville until they came to Oshawa Mo. Mrs. Edward Powers: 3 wr i % ---- Peale 2 assistant Ms. La RY OE | - 4 ho mm YT aE Tey hea ul rs ' Zylka;| i ; 1 E : 1: «Ack, There was a complete dis-| 1 rl : family of six, four sons and two treasurer, | i gd & 1 h Hospital Auxiliary play of publications at the back| Mr. and Mrs, Harry B, hom | A, (Bud) Warriner daughters, and four grandchile trustees, Mrs, Jan Closk, Mrs, 1 i J E . Ch of te auditorium and members sn 3 Dshavia wish to announce Of P P dren. Relatives and friends honor. all Carries 'oN 2 7 : were asked to look at the hooks the forthcoming marriage of their ed them at the recepti with iy poi WhO 4 Dies % ? 4 4 vening apter {and ask any information from daughter, Shirley Edna, to Mr, ort erry | good wishes, flowers pon gifts ) gh; monitor, I, a y : publication chairman, Mrs, Seig- Elroy Clarence Henning, son of and on Sunday a family dinner Million: Sustodian, Mes, Ant Wil. 2 au a i . Resumes Meetings fried Weiss, Mrs, Clarence Henning, Oshawa, Weds At Ottawa {party was held in the Quinte Ham H. Jurdine: inner guard, GB (Dw : wh The first meeting of the season! There is fo be a conference at|and the late Mr, Henning, - The| A double ring ceremony was| Hotel, Belleville, Mrs. Frank Maher; outer guard, 4 of the Evening Chapter of the Peterborough on Saturday, Oc-|marriage is to take place on 8ai-|solemnized in the Assumption 3 Mrs, Paul Hulaj; first guide, y J y : Women's Hospital Auxiliary was tober 20 from 9 a.m, till 4 p.m, urday, October 8 at 2.30 p.m. at| Church, Ottawa, recently, when Mrs. Donald Logan; second guide, ; held recently with Mrs, G, G |the theme "Wake Up Home and'Knox Presbyterian Church, | Audrey Margaret, daughter of Hard of Hearing Can Win h Mrs. George Gilewski; organist, Curley presiding _- | Mr, and Mrs. Louis Pilon, was Mrs, Roland McKenna; banner Minutes of the June meeting united in marriage to Arthu r| y bearer, Mrs. Joseph Worona, # 4 were read by Mrs, T, H, Greer,| J join Bod) Warrier, Son of ME Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Provin- IE ARY Fou A . . secretary, | why i |and Mrs, Leonard Warriner of | cial Regent Daughters of Isabella, JUDITH BROADBENT { SUSAN CUDDY ANN KING | As convener of the "Tweeds o 4 > ; {| Port Perry, Ontario, Father! RI aH To Tiaras' fashion show to be 2 Devine officiated, | 1] ea | og Willem Env ud Broadbent | 1 1 ! held October 19 at St, G | | " | ar "Ah | The bride, given In marriage with the Charter, ] U t Ww Cl b N veld October 19 at St, Gregory's| | ; 1 ; % The ceremonies closed with a Y niversi y omen S u ames Auditorium, Mrs, R. J. Murphy J i: by her father, wore a gown of | SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST banquet served by St. Gregory's| Wi Fi P : named those participating, It| 5 a a white peau de sole with chapel # , b Catholic Women's League, Guests ns irst rize Wi Ot L ] S h 1 hi {was further reported that tickets| i hod a Jnkth vel of alle illusion held In Help a Child to Hear" {had been distributed among the| 1 : p | place a rhinestone and pear ficlode the Reverend Dean Pati In Club Scholarship inners OCa C 0 ars 1ps {members and anyone desiring ad-| fae 4 a : Hara, he varied a bougnet " Po : Robatille, Chaplain St. Joseph's) The Scholarship Committee of Byron street, Whitby, and Ann ditional Highly ould obtain them a i y White Foss cenired by a mauve "GRAND PRIZE Circle, Toronto; Miss Evelyn] A studious girl whose ambition the University Women's Club of'King is the daughter of Mr, and ticket convener Members of the 1 2 i : Miss Heled Pilon was brides: | Glori Bennett, provinclal 'secretary|is to be an all-round person', Oshawa and District has an- Mrs, W, B. King, Centre street,|Afiernoon Auxiliary may obtain ® | maid, attired in a cotillion blue | nous 14-day, Judith, Broadbent of OCVI, 18 this nounced the winners of its annual Whithy tickets from Mrs, 8, J. Nobbin,| nylon ballerina dress with mateh.! © T " Fane Pald ear's winner of the first prize of soholarships for 1960. First prize| The scholarships are awarded] Mrs, J, J, Bolahood asked for etm ing picture hat and accessories.| % TP for Two to PARIS -------------------------------- y ' |8150 awarded as a scholarship by winner of $i50 is Judith Broad on academic achievement, (66 volunteers to sew aprons, night. {| She carried a nosegay of double| "via FMA GROUPS, CLUBS [the Mstverney, Women's Club of pent of the O'Neill Collegiate, To per cent aggregate on elght/ies and doll's clothes for the , 7 pink carnations, Suparsot 2 RUXILIARIES Oa a Nr and Mrs, R. Jr. Ann King and Susan Cuddy, both papers); leadership qualitios and|evening chapter display table at| : 4 : Mr, Dale Warriner | was Dest 7-8 Brotoment. Lauder road. Judy is of Whitby High School, who quali- probable contribution to the life the annual Festival of Gifts Ba. man, Fhe us ers vere Mr, wl Plus a | yo ACh, 4 fied equally for the second schol The candidates 7aar to be held in November, " 5 4 i net Warriner and Mr, Donald +++ TV SETS! RADIOS! Mrs, | West. The reception was held at| 8 weekly Contests 25 Prizes Each 4 the home of the bride's parents.| Week Valuable Hearing Scholarships Receiving, the Sides otfiet to deserving children! wore a sapphire blue crepe dress with black accessories and a pink Nothing to Buy! No Obligation! carnation corsage, The bride Visit your Zenith Hearing Aid Dealer an accomplished pianist as well . " gp 0: the university § 4 FIDELIS GROUP % an OD ane au She oD arship of $100, a scholarship of must he proceeding to a degree Reports = were read by | The regular meeting of the ainad her associate degree in the $00 each will be awarded this course in an approved university, Murray Powell, treasurer and| Fidelis Group of the WA of Sim- n | 3 (ep year, " {Mrs, Erie Sutherland, corres- idelis Group L Roval Conservatory, Toronto, last", The scholarship committee con. | i 4 coe Street United Church was Fel id ' The girls are all registered at ponding secretary, di held in the church parlor, Mrs g JPUBLY: ds. Judy: has the University of Toronto in St, sisted of Mrs. K, H. Braithwaite,l Mrs, J, H. Lockwood, knitting Harold Boddy, president, opened aware loved soho Nomony Hilda's College. Judith Broad: Mrs. R. E. Richardson, Mrs, convener reported seven baby) i : Che bri Wosabind i the meeting with a hymn and| 2 Ways oved school Emory, ont is the daughter of Mr, and W, W. Baldwin, Brooklin: Mrs, outfits and two pairs footwarm- groom's mother chose an avocado entry blank and complete detalls! prayer J york and homerk were 10 v0 RH. Broadbent. Lauder H, Lewis, Bowmanville; Mrs, ers had been submitted by the £ green Jace dress with yellow ac- . § p er and she J Ah Ary ot gi 38 LAT 4 y SNE Ars time: es Ps her corsage was Mrs. Jack Young, whose group ot or fo hes Jui she found Hime road. Susan Cuddy is the daugh-|C. B, Willis, Uxbridge, and Mrs, frembers co TR Mrs Slotimer : range ve ENITH 4 : i ' tay . 0 v own, dy ) d » Pe. 4 J 1 sa 8, 4 had charge of the meeting, con- music examinations demanded, 'er of Dr. and Mrs, IF. A. Cuddy, [H ported eight scrapbooks had been In the evening the guests were o ducted the devotional period. The! She believes that if a student completed for the children's entertained at the Standish Club LIVING in Hull, Quebec, treasurer's, secretary's and flow-| has a system, he or she can work ward Vo i A f i' er convener's reports were given. out the time required for private LODGES AND SOCIETIES Mrs, Curley welcomed two 5 7 For travelling the bride chose HEARING AIDS Various projects for the fall study and still have time for so- guests, Mrs. Richard Bassett, ni 4 a beige French suede walking season were discussed, among cial calls and recreation president and Mrs, C. D, Russell, _ _ 2 suit with brown accessories and them a rummage sale to be held| At 0CVI she belonged to the, DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND Final arrangements were made! immediate past president of the . 5 ---- A 4 § a corsage of bronze chrysanthe- ZENITH HEARING AIDS in the near future, debating, French end German The Daughters of F and, Em. for the visit to Cavendish Lodge, Women's Hospital Auxiliary,| | FREE ' mums, ARE AVAILABLE AT After the short business session, clubs; was a member of the stu- press of India No. 26, met re-'No. 68, Willowdale Mrs, Russell presented the pros § i i ae Rasa nab i The couple left for a honey- 4 4 Mrs. Leonard Bigwood gave a dent council and a committee cently with Worthy President Sis.) Refreshments were served by posed changes in the constitution, moon in the United States After Imperial Optical very interesting talk on her re- member of the Get.Together ter Mary Hurst presiding, assist. Sister Ethel Cochrane and her|It was announced that the annual CELEBRATE 40TH ANNIVERSARY their return they will reside in| cent visit to Alberta, Club. Last summer she attended ed by Worthy Vice - President committee, WHAS convention would be Hawkesbury, Ontario, | Co. Ltd, Mrs. Young and her committee, a special course at. Laval Uni- Sister Edith Taylor held October 24-5-6 at the Royal Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Wig- | sons, Russell, Ronald, Gary Out-of-town guests bob pres/ 11 Ontario Street Mrs. Robert Carrie, Mrs, William versity, Quebec City Sister Marjorie Carey reported NEW TEACHING York Hotel in Toronto. Refresh! gans, Beurling avenue, cele- | and Wayne, two daughters, ou Bom Tron a yoidd RA 8.6239 Bannon and Mrs, Lloyd Whitting-| Judy 'can't stand television"|gisters Kay Elliott and Clara CHICOUTIM © ments were served by Mrs, W.| brated their 40th wedding anni- | Mrs. Gordon Jarvie (Dorothy) hit erry, Oshawa an Orn: J I Que, (CP)--Mov-|A. Holland and committee, versary recently when they | and Jacqueline and six grand. wa' | ton served refreshments, {and although she loved music, Havton on the sick list, Minutes ; 4 particularly piano, both classical and correspondence were read '¢ television, radio and news.|™ were at home to their many | children, Another daughter, ALICE JACKSON AUX, and popular she says it is no ac- by Worthy Secretary Sister Doris papers now are an Important APPLE PIES friends who called to offer good | Gloria, died when she was The September meeting o the | companiment for homework. She McDonald, and Sister Nan Kirk- part of school life, says Msgr. GILLINGHAM, England (CP)| wishes and congratulations, Mr, | seven years old. Mr. Wiggans Alice Jacsson Even jary has always found it better fo bride was installed as district Marius Pare, coadjutor bishop of Kent county armers have ap-| and Mrs, Wiggans (the former | is a former organist at Albert of whe Street ated didi work quietly in her room without deputy Chicoutimi. Teaching methods pealed to housewives to bake an| Miss Evelyn Hamlyn) were | Street United Church and is a was iy EES roedt. p a Jado or record player : Sister Beatrice Hurst was pre- must be readjusted to take ac- apple pie at least once a week,| married at the bride's par- | member of the Ulster Flute Miss Mary MarLean welcomed ial SS B students with an canted with her past district dep. count of mass media, he said in because here is a surplus of| ents' home in Oshawa on Sep- | Band, ; the iaentbers and visors. Miss antipathy for homewor k 8 ,1y jewel, She thanked the lodgelan address |cooking apples, tember 2, 1920, They have four | ~Photo by Stannart | | 4 : : tackle the work you dislike or|gor their co-operation during her - ne s-- meets | servi ---- a emee-- 1d the Maurie! Wilson read the serinture fing difficult first. Once that's/ferm of office and wished Sister| ALL SMARY-BIRLS | ~ Mrs. C. A, ed done you can wire through the| whore ory nt ; LL IRLS SAY 00D: the new study book, "Into All the Some I $40. Wife Surah Kirkbride lie. 56s aod happiness, als No! Ne! wo! Family Diet World Together', theme for the Hkoin 3 2 : : | ' 1 CORE er | Her ambition is to be a teacher, !at the piano. ; 3 with FE The minutes of the June meet. | 7 ing were read by Mrs, A, E, Hat. field and Mrs, E. D, Shreve gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Bruce Brown suggested 4 J " two new books be added to the a aree library. Thankoffering meeting will be held in October, Mrs. Orland . Latest in Hair Buckles Orr's groun will have charge : Ey with Miss Marjorie Blewett con- : NO NO NO Coiffure Barrettes : y a -------- vening. ; ' te shampooing! mixing! \ " Plans for a rammage sale to & a : ' Ee i held at Simcoe Hall were made, § SLR RICHARD HUDNUT ih toler ce Suitable for French : ] PAR A M B |) B GOODWILL GROUP a \ i c ° 9 meHARD NUDNUT The monthly meeting of the - 3 TB. Goodwill Group of the WA of : 3 | Gaskion, Ql Galion "unum 59¢ Bh : ; ONLY EACH Simcoe Street United Church was ; PY held in the church parlors, Mrs, } 3 New Salon-Tested Home Permanent D, Cleverdon, chairman, SOUND John Dyer, president presided. All reports a read. It pres sug- | Contains Exclusive Clean Curl Neutral. izer , , . amazing Built-In Shampoo! gested to invite former mem. p 4 4 Bers of the group to. the October No shampooing before or after waving! hte ne i New Fall Patterns No mixing! No "perm" odor! Guaran- "CLEAN CURL NYUTRALITYR : RI meeting. Mrs. Charles Anderson ; » tie devotic teed to take. Guaranteed to last, pig ok rp SET Colorful Mrs, L. S Bigwood gave a talk $2.50 »n the plane trip she took with A custom-built house, loaded with extras by 3 & taal + ace Elements At rd | BE PR | PRINTED HEADKERCHIEFS 21 vianios, Wiel nd "etresments were scved vy (| FOR JUST $999 DOWN 32x32 Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs, Geometrics and Paisley designs wenargson. Pel Full Price $11,999 - | NHA Mortgage S---- FRR CER BR onty 99 each ATTENTION! CALL RA 8-4651 TODAY You ore invited to open @ CHARGE or BUDGET ACCOUNT DOUGLAS L. GOWER, Realtor ir, Uh tte ACI OPEN FRIDAY of KAYE'S Sports & Ladies' Wear REPRESENTATIVES: Ouie Martin RA 8-404; Seily Wallace RA 5-6297; If sew this seul 'af 3 9 P.M. 60 Simece 3. No. Oirawe at Patterson RA 5-865) 0D A 3- 3 RA 5-345 1AL3-464 SALON TESTED PERMANENT

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