18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 27, 1960 Today's Stock Mark Net HighLaw 11 a.m, Ch'ge h " % BIRTHS GAMBELL --~ Stan and Barbara (nee Hanlon) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Tracy Lynn, on Friday, September 23, 1960 at the Osh- awa General Hospital. A sister for Sharon WEERY ~-- Ron and Elsie are happy to announce the birth of a son, Ron Kevin, 7 bs. 7 ozs, on Wednesday, September 21, 1960 at Oshawa General Hospital, Wighlow 11 a.m. Chage Stock Bales Wighlow Il am OILS © Beliekeno 4000 C Disevry 2845 Con Gillies 999 Alminex ™ © Marhen 1000 440 Ban 8 or 14 © Marcus 1200 Cal Ed on M and § 232 » 7 Calvan Con 190 ' a a 4 C Oil Las 1060 C Red Pop 1000 9% - © Chiefin 1000 © Sanhorm 2090 4 eon, Dev Cop-Man 1000 € Ex Gas Coulen 1000 § Husky 2% 3 Croinor 1004) & Superior 130 5 Crowpat #009 Cont Del 21% yay. i fan y 1) 3 C West Pete 200 B sidons Rov indi gull Denison 635 40 ¥ ome x 475 Fr Pete pr 100 Dom ns js 1 Home Oil A 500 Filer 0 118 Home Ol B 300 ¥ HBoOlG 100 v Fw Long Point 683 3 Mayfair 500) Medal 60% Pace Pele 00 Peruy Oils 500 Petrol #75 Phillips #75 Place hid Hesdway 11000 Ponder 000 4 oll 100 : 100 Prove Gas 500 ] i ner 100 Can Cem #60 $2 Prova § we " C1 ¥ndry 25% ; ! . ' 10 0 Royalite * he C Bk Com xd 72 i Cans Cdn Brew 325 WwW Cdn 0G Cone fig W Cn og wt 1000 hem Chem wt 29, at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine Cem- C Curt W MINES etery, Dunbarton C Hydro Car C Ind Gas ah CIL xd Cdn Ol an Can. 150 100 21 108 Block Bales Block TORONTO 11 AM, SOCKS » B he Canadian Press oronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 27 (Quotations in cents unless marked §, 2--Odd lot, Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS es High Low I} $I8%s 38% 7h 2 4% " ye» Ld Ld 7% 50 " 100 9 7 50 00 i $44 1% "wo mo 9% 9% 9% 5. $41% wi GR Wares Goodyear pr G Mackay B GW Coal A Great West Gr Wpg vt Hardee Hi-ower z13 Horne PI 100 MH Smith p xd 25 Imp Life 25 Imp OH 1565 Imp ob zs Int Util . Inter PL 7 Intp Sti Pipe 8 Inv Syn A 110 'e 1 25 53 100 517% Net 210 am. Chige Mh + % 11 5 Hh 1 a [ 9% 10 ' 3 31% $124 833% 850% M3 Ld 89% $344 DEATHS Bi ELL, David Melville -- Sudden ly, at his residence, 31 Beatty Road, Ajax, on Monday, September 26, 1960, David Melville Birrell, in his 5ist year, Member of Doric Lodge, Pickering, AF) and AM, No. 424, GRC, member of Cen- tury Lodge, No, 571, 100F, beloved husband of Muriel Bird, dear father of| Gregory, son of the late Mr. anl Mrs, Thomas Birrell of Glamire, Ontario; dear brother of Mary (Mrs. John Moran) of Bannockburn, Harriet (Mrs Erroll McKinnon) of Windsor, Margaret (Mrs. Stephen Guttormson) Maple: Thomas Birrell of Glamire, Ont, and the late William Birrell, Resting at the new Wiliam E, Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 2 Highway, Pickering (just east of Harwood Avenue North), Ajax. Service ; in the chapel on Thursday, September « on 70 t Tung 1500 Fatima 500 Geeo Mines 210 Giant YK 2105 GF Mining 1000 Gunnar 52% Gunnar wis 500 Hard Rock 500 Bank Mont Bank NS Bell Brazil BA Oil BCE 4% pr BCE 4% pr BC Forest BC Pow Burns Cal Pow 29 225 Levy pr $21 Lobo A LobCo A wt LohCo B Loch M MB and PR 1000 50 100 North Star pr 112 Page Hers Pembina GN Gas Russel Stl, Corp St Maurice Balala-§ Beven Arts Shawn Bimpsons Bteel Can n Ms mw mo 1651 Advocate Am Larder Anglo Hur Atl CC Cop ¥n 1000 250 1700 MeLAUGHLIN, Brian Ray -- Sud denly at the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, Sept. 26, 1960. Brian Hay McLaughlin, dearly beloved son of Ray and Marie McLaughlin of 22 Will Court Drive, Whitby township, denr brother of Karen, Deborah and Douglas, axed 15 months. Resting at the W, C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Wednesday, September 23, 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Ceme tery, Brooklin. Minister Rev, J, Smith Cdn ire A C Vickers CWN Gas Cockshutt Col Cell Con Gas Con Gas B Corby vt Dist Boag D Bridge D Dairies xd Dom EI wis D Frdry PD Magnes Dom Stores Dom ar xd Dom ext Fam Play ¥ Fleet Mig 1000 Fraser xd 50 GMC ei! A r Can PL ans PIL Fuel A UU Fuel 0 Walk GW Webh Knp Weston A 29% Weston B 5 2 Weston 6 pr 2 ' West A wis 1 T J 1 1 500 10 1a ne 7% 155 200 PATERSON -- At the Toronto Hosp) en on Saturday, Sep tember 24, 1960, Kevin Troy Paterson, aged two months, beloved son of Naney Robert Paterson, of 65 Fernhill dear brother of Lori and Cathy, orial service was held at the H rson Funeral Home, Windsor, Tue day September 27. Interment toria and Memorial Cemetery, Wind gion on 1500 Toon Hite 1500 wh Will 190 00 # 24 sit 00 Bank Of Montreal Rev. F. Reed Top Advertiser |Gives Talk The National Bank placed first among all 1 North American banks, M LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements for OLFACTO HOLDUP Ton ond oll XCOSIC ns OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 roi rudder the fray ent fom held hank employees without firin made No one skunk, which he revolving steel security threatening tail the main n the! Seattle « First MONTREAL, Sept. 26-For d the -- -- second consecutive year, {Bank of Montreal has been rated GERROW FUNERAL [first among the nine Canadian CHAPEL |chartered banks and second : {among the 15,000 banks of North Kindness beyond price [30 0 adver ; America for its advertising over yet within reach of all. | o b the past 12 months, RA 8-622¢ The standing is based on a survey of financial advertising 390 KING STREET WEST -- n hank Moun! Fair y HORN Mr, and Mrs, Mervin With the exception of only two! HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs, W. [joy attended Port Hop years In the past 15, the B of M Chapman have returned home Saturday as been rated first among Ca. after visiting for a week with Mr! Congratulations to nadian banks in the "Bank Ad.'and Mrs, Raymond Petit, To-[Clemens and bride, Views" survey and has received Tonto, Carol Wright of a "Socrates Award" each year Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Peters, whose marriage look Twice during the same period, Mrs, Ralph Peters, Toronto, and Saturday afternoon in the Enni the Bank of Montreal was first Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Davey, Port killen United Church, They will among all North American banks Perry, visited Mrs, T, Salter and reside in Hampton in the home having received the rates Mr, and Mrs, Harold Salter|/formerly owned and occupied by High Award of the Year" in at the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Willlams and Mr, Ronnie the former Enniskillen, place dared on conducted by Vincent Edwards air and Co., New York, reported in the annual "Bank Ad-Views" re- "inally he arbage chute, OSHAWA escaped et Listings on Toronto Exchange Chige Binek Sales Wighlow 11 a.m. Ch'ge 1000 56 15 5 39 Murray M Nes Lah New Bid N Dicken N Marri Ne Jason N Mylama Nickel M5 Nick Rim Nor. Arime 5 7 Narenda +H # 9 #1 1 tH Norlartie MN Coldstrm Northgate 100 "we 1% on HY) 12 toe 108 Hos 785 1 fon 58 1owom 488.000 DAMAGES HOTEL (wy Finwy at CATHARINES fled the Manday Pa wn Queens night did £1,500 damage frone down ay Hotel the mated as fire on ground floor an est) RY NET EARNINGS 50--Articles for Sole 52--Legel BRIGHTEN up your home with new floor and wall coverings from Wilson Furniture, Floor coverings, clesrance of discontinued patterns, y cheer ful designs, reduced for quick sale, 25 cents per foot, canvas backed inlaid lineoleum, heavy duty, long wearing, regular $1.99 sq. yard. While they last Half price clesrowt 99 cents sq. yard Congowall, six colors, complete with border, regular 69 cents per fool, out they go, 44 cents per fool. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon All colors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § Church Street, RA 3.7624 TWO - bedroom cottage, Lake Che mong, near Peterborough, inside toilet, small boast Special for September, $40 weekly, ViHitehall 2.5063 ONE man's bleyele and tricycle, both CCM, in good condition. Apply 352 Giid don Avenue ONE good used forced air ofl furnace, burner and controls. Phone RA 58-5040, TENTS, camp stoves, camp cols, tar. pauline, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3.7624 WALLPAPER for every need at Edgar's. Economy room lots and ex pensive imports, hundreds of patterns in stock of regular and pre pasted lines. Ask for afree yardstick at Vdgar's Paint and Wallpaper, across from Dominion Store, 34 King West AWNING, plain colors or gay stripes Vrompt service, Vree estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair snd table rentals. Clave Fox, 412 imeoe North COMPLETE stork of Wilitop"s Rental camping equipment. Bargain prices, Ist tot served basis. Willop Motors, | HA #6801 I ROOMS of furnity includes chesterfield, ehalr, chrome set suite, mattress, spring, step table, boudoir and table pillows, ele. $15 down Aetivers! | unranteed Best Value!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 414 Bimoos Brest ® ith only $200. This | hedronm and eolies 1amps WE pay highest prices in the city for i furniture Preity's Used Purniture RA 33771, 444 Bimooe South, | DUTCH fed Hay Phone ' p.m REFRIGERATOR sale 10 ew, 0, family sire. § Kelly's spevipl $108 2 0 witld like housework by MOhawk 84487 ster new yr 1966 hig| warranty RA 85153 | Golds were sng ing TORONTO (CP) the feature of market Monday n A] An Monday in of a down police and an hour shot, then in I" pend Hee of for 0 years ¥ an getaway nervously on developments or Wall Street and at the United Na tions, dropped 4.32 479.75 Base metals were off ,71 at 150 and western oils lost 2,19 at 82.49 I approach the tood between door and the gate with his held high in at into a buying Canadian stocks to MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types, 1435 KING ST. E 1046 and 1954, Mr, and Mrs, W. Harrison and family and now owned by Mr, --_-- daughter Kim, Colborne, spent and Mrs, Clemens, {the weekend with her parents,|POT LUCK Mr. and Mrs, G, Adcock, An enjoyable Pot Luck supper Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Challis/was held on Tuesday evening and their two grandchildren, when our Women's Institute |Darryl and Gail Barrett, Bow- members, their husbands and manville, were Sunday evening families met for their annual supper guests of Mrs, Theron Family Night. A goodly number j attended and sat down to tables, 5¢¢ On The [view of Canadian and U.S, finan. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 CARD OF THANKS SWEET -- We wish to express our BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT To Employment Clare, Kathy and Joanne, Picker-|the regular meeting with sever: |ing, and her parents, lati eighbors, friend d th reistives, neighbors. 'iriends 4nd the py PORES RHUDE by necessary if we are to have Mrs. Walter Rackham, who have|pastor and wife, Rev, and Mrs, | tributes, acts of kindness and cards of Canadian Press Business Editor 8 relatively st able economy, been residing in Lindsay for F. Reed, gave interesting talks ber of the Ontari sympathy, In our recent loss of a dear Cherefore, to take a dogmatic f | WINNIPEG (CP) ~ Full wife 'and mother, Viola Sweet, also we em-|nncition against deficit financing future be making their home in(Ireland and Scotland and wish to thank the Rev. Fierce of Fon ployment requires growth of the P just as pans as taking pi dog- Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, scribed interesting things of their Canadian Cancer members for their much appreciated Canadian economy by about five matic stand gainst budget sur-9 P Hogarth and also the Salt-|travelling, places visited and peo-| "We may be help and a spec #1 tanks to the Arm- per cent annually, Russell Bell, \pluces or a balanced budget," (C'S on Saturday, ple whom they met, strong _Pune:al Home. mily, |assistant research director of the" 4 ite pet. Mrs Phillip, Kingston, Bothwell and daughter provided! said, DEBT "QUITE LOW" REGULAR MEET : Dr. J. C. M, Fetterly, a mem- Points at 80. 0 Cancer Found. | Cancer Cures Mrs. Wilfred Smale conducted | tients, provided the disease is di- |plece depleted reserves, at i. Giant Yellowknife at 12'2 and Mecintyre- pine improved Ys at 26%, Steels, utilities, papers 993 Way? the 22%, Society, on the verge of als the way down off % at 45% Mrs. Albert some outstanding discovery," he with Falconbridge, Geco and In ternational Nickel all off %. Mis. Thomas Sweet and fu Canadian Labor Congress, said Is visiti daughter, Mrs. |enjoyable music, both instrumen. vincial governments' trade and|fear of increase in the public debt| Mr. and Mrs, Merwin Mount. them concluded the meeting with industry council, at this time, because the debt/joy visited Mr, and Mrs. Mel- Miss N. Horn at the plano Please Note | Among senior uraniums, Deni {Gunnar and Rio Algom PRICES relation to Monday in an address to the pro-| Mr, Bell sald there need be no J. A. Burrows and Mr, Burrows, tal and vocal, The national an. for TORONTO (CP on =m = al ville Samells, Oshawa, on Thurs-] Two men, members of the pita 007 So Lo Me. Eo day Gideon Society, from Oshawa, as- vational vroduct fafled: 10. keel Mrs. G. Adcock, Mrs, W. Har-isisted in the Sunday BALONA, nl alia o sep rison and Mrs, S. Kersey attend-|church service: which was con. off truck: pace ith population _ increase ed the funeral of thelr cousin, Mr. |ducted by our pastor. An inspir- $1.60-1,65 oud, i the Mist quasier of Hig Wilbur Bulmer, Oshawa, on Fri-/ing and informative address on To the year, eh as only one per cent above the last quarter of day 1959, To accomplish the proposed in crease, he suggested expansion of the "public sector of the economy--such as health, educa- tion, child welfare, low-cost ren tal housing, urban redevelopment roads, parks, and conservation projects, To get the required growth 4 Raytheon both private and public sectors which started| would have to be stimulated, Cur was "quite low' in national production, One of the mos pressing needs he stated, is for retraining work- ers in depressed areas and indus tries and for training the labor force with the skills needed by rapidly changing technology. Deadlines now In effect this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks == 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 75-pa P.E.I Cords of W. Wilbur and Mrs, J, Hewson in|God and the presentation of vast In regard to seasonal unem- i. death of their nephew, Mr. numbers of New Testaments and ployment, Mr, Bell said the Ca-\pimer, and to other relatives. Bibles, which are much appre nadian Labor Congress in July, | ny, and Mrs, W, Wilbur and Mrs. ciated, A fitting selection was 58, had suggested that the gov-|yalcon also attended the funer-|sung by the choir, gf ernment consider introduc- al, | Rally Day will be observed in| 7 ing "seasonal biases" into such Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpsonithe Sunday School next Sunday De Rash J: broeeol instruments of economic control|of Enniskillen and Mr, and Mrs. at 10.15 a.m. Church service atl® rt als roc as taxes, Interest rates and de-|J, 8, Eddyvean, Orono, were re-/11.30 an . guar preciation allowances. Prope r|cent callers at the Prescott home Congratulations to Ge use of such devices would be al Mr. and Mrs. W. Prescott/nish, who won four first prizes Howe financial incentive to continue and Mr, A, L. Prescott called onjand one second on his Bantams $1.75 1ess here in 1956 with three| ant idle manpower, idle plants projects Ji fit Winter that now Mr, - Md Mrs, Jas. Harris, South hich he exhibited at Orono| yees and now has 190,(,04 idle resources would enable| 2" normally shu down, |Monag an, air, Sh a opens a new $400,000 plant toda expansion in both areas John R, Cann, executive vice: Ee PY Brooklin H-S president and general manager, SHIFT NOT INCREASE said the 25-acre site on which the! In regard to financing the ex new plant is built provides room panded projects, Mr, Bell said By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT |Draper, past president of Home BROOKLIN -- "A get-acquaint-|and School, with the nast presi-|\sion of meeting, ed night" commenced the sched- dent's pin, express » gralitnde NEWS OF TORONTO fruit and vegeta reported today Intosh 65 per -3 a bushel Raytheon Open New Factory WATERLOO (CP) Canada. Limited unwashed yv Cor- ph $1 a a crate; cucumber: ug plant, $2 a | 60-.65 per 6-quar on October 29 at Township Hall,|$2.75-3 per 3 Brooklin, as means of raising|per 5-pound funds, Nominating committee appoint ed to bring in slate of officers|.90-§1 per basket comprises Mrs. Elgin Finch, Mrs. | $1.50 a bushel; Don Roberts and Mrs, D, K.|bushel; Soper, Committee appointed matoes, 40 per |served refreshments at conclu-|turnips, plain §1 vegetable mar bushel, SPENCER'S SCHOOL | fall meeting of Spen 1.65 per basket; for substantial expansion. By 1963 increases in taxes would cut into ule of the fall activities of the(for loyal and faith.ul rvices| the firm plans to have 270 em-|the private secior and accom ployees and a $1,000,000 annual plish only a shift in production, Brooklin Home and School Asso- during her term of office. | The sist) ciation, at its meeting held on| rhe attendance plaque was won [SCT § BEI00L payroll, rather than an increase, Phoutt , . Ra uh in Jour Tagl ou "The only way we can finance a wd BH ©, an expansion of the public sector SS No. 6 Home and cream and butt cl | iS hont Assopis g ld Tuesday evening, September 20,y g re i gs School Association was hele 2 g, ¢ y by Mrs, Alfred Wilson's room, 2-00 3 08 day at: churn in the Meadowerest Junior School. | Mpg, 8. 1, Egan was appointed Tuesday evening at the school | today Over 100 parents were in attend- grade representative, jor contracts behind it. Included without reducing the private sec! is the transport department's i 8 : privale sec- tor," he stated, "is through a and Mrs. | With the president, Mrs, C. Dennis grade, on truck ance, an encouraging start for| Carl Kydd, sick and sunshine con- in the chair, Many favorable the new term, vener., long-range air traffic contol su- " veillance radar, now located at|certain amount of deficit financ- In the absence of the presi Field Day for the Meadow- | IDE the new decor of the school dent, Mrs, Clifford Johnston, Mrs. | rest Junior School will be held! (new. flooring, painting, ete.) 15 airports from coast to coast. M8: ' " Inc ne Don Mitchell, first vice-president! on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 1 p.m |which have changed and also Similar systems are being in PR sed economic stalled in Switzerland and an- growth resulting from temporary other has been produced for La- deficit financing would automat banon, ically bring larger tax revenues Last year Raytheon won the without any changes in existing Institute of Radio Engineers rate, award for the outstanding Cana-[ «with steadily increasing pub- dian product with its "bright dis- lic revenues, budget deficits play" radar system This PEI aould be kept to a minimum. mits flight controllers to work inion 0 fun) employment of man a lighted room and see the air- and 'ar he craft's continuous flight path in. POWer and resources had been stead of a momentary radar achieved, a balanced budget, or "pip." even budget surpluses, could be The parent United States Ray- plaice: if necessary, to avoid thoen has been an electronics ™ ~: ; pioneer for 35 years. The Water Flexible budgeting will always loo plant markets many of the" ' soi arent firm's products, . : Prices Stall rode 68 cents, steady with recei the singing of "0 Canada" and priday, Sept. 30 at 1 p.m, {the school. ure on Canada word's Prayer repeated in uni Mr. "John Wallace introduced A deciding vote was given in livered Toronto, son, minutes w read by sec | (he guest speaker of the eve- favor of purchasing soccer ball for| x 1arge 55; A retary, and report of finances upping,' Mr. T. .H. Houghton to date, presented by the treasur-| Ajax, Inspector of Publlciyounger children to use at play er, Mrs. William Manning, Schools, who presented an excel-| periods. grade: Ontario Mr. John Wallace, principal of lent and informative address on| In order to raise funds for this pon tenderable Brooklin Senior School, perform. "Standardized Tests" and 'Re: purpose "A Games Night" will be | trading: Western ed the introduction of the teach- port Cards." (held. at the School, S---- 7 St 0) : ing staff, VOTE OF THANKS or PERSONALS Meadowerest Junior School: Mr, Thomas Nicholson, : Sibir ak ho aati WR ITY Mrs. Rie a Rel garam convener, on behalf of As:| E. Marshall Wick has returned| MONTREAL vinfi rags ' to Gallaudet College, Washington, | mitriu of the N Mrs. Harry Lade; Grade 1, Mrs. | sociation, expressed vote of ¢ llege, Washington, iu i Mervyn Bird: Grade: 1 and 3 thanks to speaker, D.C, after summer va ation Atle, ub wo, Miss June Kellar: Grade 2. Mrs | At the next meeting to be held|spent at the home of his par. Dual isT i Ralph Milner; Grade 3, Mrs. Wes. |0n Tuesday, October 18, the guest |ents, Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Wick, In an opening ceremonies ad- Routley, principal of Meadow. speaker will be Rabbi M.| Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wick ac Butter prices: {made two years | Dickson of Hamil {not compete this | ---- -- - with past week, visit Senior CHOOSE HARVEY MONTREAL (CP) -- Members of Montreal Canadiens' Monday elected veteran defenceman, Doug Harvey, captain of the Stanley Cup champions. Harvey, 36-year-old stalwart preparing for| his 14th season with Canadiens, ers dress, released in advance to the fence and civil orders, TORONTO (CP) -- Baron Rolf| crest Junior School Keitziner of the Oshawa Hebrew companied by Mr, and Mrs. Cyril the defence production depart. and a dictatorial take-it-or-leave Graham; Grade 7, Mr. Ronald| A soeial get-together followed dian manufacturers should be! Total number of pupils attend The 1st Brooklin Scout Moth- the District No.'5 Annual meeting| Miss Lillian Po a Canadian export companies very decided increase over fr The president, Mrs, R. L. God-/jng at § p.m. at conclusion off Mr. and Mrs, press, Defence Production Min ister O'Hurley said he was pleased the firm had taken the| initiative in obtaining both de-| He said Raytheon had shown Beck, Visiting Biitish industrial. Brooklin Senior School: Grades Cor egation, who will speak on Wick attended a family reunion "vigorous response to new oppor. | ih S414 | i ye Slot ob-'3 and 4, Mrs, Lee; Grade 4, Mrs.| Tolerance." hE party, held at The home of Mr. tunities" in obtaining United Stacies to sale of Canadian ex- Verna Hodson; Grade 5, Mr. Wil. Mee ing adjourned S and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Wishing States air force contracts through Port goods are inflexible prices|liam Boyd: ade 6, Miss Joyce Ing of "The Queen. Wel! drive, Agincourt [it attitude MacKenzey; Grade 8, Mr. John With lunch served by mempers with friends and relatives at Cale-| Mr. and Mrs, | Chairinan of the Slip group of Wallace, principal of of He Sxeculive. of Home and qqopja, : i [June and Ralph, companies of London, Baron! thool, INAS Foe ation. ,| Several members of Brooklinjend with relative Beck said in an interview Cana. TOTAL NUMBER SCOUT MOTHERS' AUXILIARY [yo iouitural Society attended after attending F prepared to megt competition in IN& Meadowerést Junior Schiool Auxiliary held its September held on Friday evening, Sept. 16, returned home on terms of price, Zquality and ser. 3%: meeting on Thursday evening at Christ Church Hall, Markham!ing several vice, not only in Canada bul Total Sher of pupils attend jhe Some of Mrs. David Bur-,g,q Scarboro. (nome of Mr. abroad. ing Senior School, 165. eign, On Saturday, Oct, 1, commenc-| Bradley, last year's term chaired the meeting. The|husiness. Mr. B: i t . §8, Mr, agg succeeds Maurice (Rocket) Ri. must be prepared to gamble that! Mrs, Don Mitchell extended pr topic of business underthe group by chard, who retired two weeks a lower markup will yield a hearty welcome to the teaching discussion was planning for the film on Africa 450. (higher volume of export sales. Istalf, and presented Mrs. Ted! "Hard Times Dance" to be held Mrs, Victor Parkin spent the lawa. neinal : cipal showing colored at the home of morning were reported today at: Ontario, trade: the good work being done by the|truck: 75-pound-bag range, $1.80 Sympathy Is extended to Mr. Society in spreading the Word of 2; P.E.L car lots, $2.10-2,35, (CP) at: 11-quart basket; beefs, $1.25 ; mushrooms, $2.50 bag: onions, $1.60 1.65 pre 50-pound bag; squash, $1 a bushel; To- | TORONTO (CP) on| were quoted by the city creamery in onts were received vegard.|8" comments were received regard. The egg market was reported |OR a fairly light demand. Fy . Country dealers are quoted by ge chaired the meeting. Following| and for Brooklin Senior School on 2dded to the whole atmosphere of |, rodaral department of agriet of use of pupils, also balls for the|gmall 29.90; B 31; C 21. WINS ROAD RACE |one hour and five minutes, short: of the course record of 1:01:20 3607 Mike Brown spent the weekend |Bradford and Toronto dist days' entertained|were dinner guests on Monday Jack Keenaw and family, Osh )--Potato prices $7.65, yund-bag range. TORONTO (CP)--The gold in car lots, $2, September, 1949, | The section was 91.45, a new up also high for ble prices were Apples, Mec- basket, $1-1.25 day on the the day 6-quart United State ; beans, aid depleted 1! Monday reserves all the senior produc 25 per va $1 a bushel i, $1-1 11 of 1 sharp turnover Golds also advanced Wall Street markets While pivotal crate; cele corn, $1,752 $1 a basket bushel; grapes, | t basket; lettuce on the other issues in tions to 2 ov and Dome Mines rose 2% and Campbell Red Lake 1% CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 17 parsley, rtlefts green) $1 a pears, 1 pepper pumpkin, 6-quart basket; , waxed row, a (Continued from Page : Churning er print prices 50. Articles for Sale all makes, hes, guaran Estimates free, 1st! VACUUM clean ¥ rts, attachmen repair , b ced rebuilt machines ing cream, 63 cents; deliv- ered Toronto, 66 cents; special|Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser RA 8.0501 anytime, DERS taken for storm sashes, wood or aluminum, free estimates, Terms. {Phone RA 3-4089 JAX Bargain Centre for the best als around town, New and used ap- «|pliances, furniture, New deep freezers, a" pO L117 cu, ft, special on sale, from $224 grade CEES, de- Canadian manufacture five year war Cases: panty, Complete food Insurance Just Aloff No. 2 Highway, Harwood North, | Ajax first TV TOWERS, 40 it. self-supportin ander. aq. (hot dipped galvanized with all. tenderable 83: | Cannel head, installed and guaran. 6214, in Nght iced for one year, $57.95. Trio Televi: 62% (nominal), pts adequate for in fibre medium 42; anada, sion, RA R.6781 =| DUCK season special, migratory birds, ¥ sants and partridge mounted at {reasonable rates, Paul's _ Sporting (P)--Basil Di- Good 2, 89 Albert Street, Telephone fontreal Francs|RA 5-579. . Montreal's an- MODEL A Ford and box trailer, RA po Q " i 13-902 race Sunday in| 1 t [ONE 5% Ibs, In perfect condition, double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, $65, RA ago by Gordon! gyseriic guitar, typewriter, adding ton. Dickson did/machine, like new. student desk, very year, reasonable. RA 3-4434 rm | ONE Light duty : condition, relatives RA 58105, ts. |LowEST prices in town! Curity diapers st quaality, regular $4.99 per dozen, $3.60: baby earriages, new car-bed style, $28; large full panel s at Beaverton leribs, half-price clearout, $19.88; aver N spring-filled crib mattresses, $9 88; Beaverton Fair. | tive ®'Sa 0: nigh chairs, 87.80; gue, of Lindsay, [strollers $5.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Sunday, follow-| Church Street visit at the/FRIGDAIRE range, large si os | good condition, deep-well cooker nd Mrs. Lloyd) ss adelaide Street __ |FOUR storm windows, wood, 26 x58"; Arthur Elliott eight 24" x 4714", like new, $2.50 each. Apply after 5 at 481 Drew or phone A 3.9851 USED 17" and 21" TV sets, as low as $49.50 and up, Trio Television, 171 Bond two burner, Call after ngette, sonable ng George Boake, |! spent the week: |g y 40%, Apply Mr. and Mrs glock | walkers they climbed Fr to their best daily win In 1 jgentais 12 On Index, they jumped 4.08 at oon OL, 5-486 01.18, while industrials, following ¥ACTORY clearance, smooth top mat ) 18 complete, special $14.88, Wilson's Fur: Golds, faced with the prospect} of the United States government of d ity re- | Church ; Were USED parts and repairs for all makes paced by Dome which gained 2% of wringer type washers, % HP motors rose, Porcu- Hampton, CO 3.2241 and WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Medical Panks all suffered at the hands|apriiances at hard to beat prices. CO nee should soon he able to ©f International and financial un. ?-2241 cure one in every two cancer pa. "ertainty. Tot, International Paper Influenced motor, Must be seen to be appreeiated agnosed early enough, a London, its group with a drop of 1% at Cheap for cash or terms and trade-in Rev. and items of business transacted, Our|/Ont., doctor said Monday night, 86, Maclaren jumped three e f fi ( Page - Hersey saw the biggest Cros ometime, and will in the near|on their recent trip to England, dation, addressed members of six loss among steels, off a point at|tube de- Oxford County branches of Hudson Bay showed base met. West. son eased 10 cents at $8,90, while| both|;z gained five cents at $6.65 and|noudoir dex Monday scored its best daily Ontario, off win on the stock market since Times Want Ads everyday looking for 4.35 at|to place a fast-cash-getting Want Ad the GUNS, Wholesale year, Golds were active also Fri-| plies, / dow the index gained 3'2 points|gireet West, RA 5.6511 on the prospect of government plete cub uniform buying Canadian gold to boost its ONE baby carriag $1- scored substantial gains and! mower cabbage, .90-81.25 a case; cauli- even speculative issues enjoyed ajalso child's erib, MO 8.2535 tremendous savipgs yor 0 groups were dropping from fragte 2¢ 3 points, Homestake Male dres apiece ferings, rogular $39, ul jim | IStreet East, box, hand complels back |YALUARLE carved {with 4% lin 1664 antiaue music working order ef plates, some dating Make offer. NA 58192 |MEFRIGERATOR, 12 ou. 11, one four burner heavy duly stove, washing ma | cuphonrd. All" good cond) alter 5 pm "Les Poul Jr" Phone RA 3.0447 ADIO for 60 Vauxhall, complete with crinl and renr seat speaker. 305 Park {Hond Routh, IA B72 BICKROOM equipment for rent and for sale, wheelehairs, hospital beds, invalid commode health lamps, canes; also roll.away beds Low rentals. No investment ee delivery and pick-up, Phone AM. RA 5.1644 [OUTBOARD motor, now Scott 36 HP, 0 versible electric fan, 1 speeds INRON ¢ rand pew guitar well erulehes nd eribs tresse 220 coll only, $19.88; bunk complete, three star tinental beds quilted ize, erazy low price $36 fabulous savings, 17 beds, eight pleces special, $58; con 12 only, single roll-away cots niture Company, 20 Church Street UN NTED bookcases, only 99¢ urchase of any ve of furniture; students' desks, $14 rawers, $17; bookcases, $5.99; van dresser, $26, Wilson Furniture, 20 Street with to $10, wasners and guaranteed reconditioned stoves, Paddy's Market, DOMINON Beatty Market appliances Bros.) now Hampton (a division of sold at Paddy's A complete line of 3-22 FALL bargain! Cabin cruiser, 19 fool, # of accessories, 60 HP Mercury may be arranged, Phone RA 8.4733, unfinished | chest | M1" GAS IMO 8-875 ¥Y 21" television, new pieture i one year guarantee, and |completely overhauled, 30 days free |service, $59, Meagher's, 5 King Street stove, good condition, Phone iD, |ELECTROVOME RCA Victor, Admiral, |The finest in TV, Hifi and service, highest trade-in allowances at Parkway Pelevision, 918 Simcoe Street North, Color TV on display, USED tires, moct all B, F. Goodrich Stores PRICE , $3 and up, RA 5.4543, lamp sale, trilite, table and lamps. Large selection of |store samples and discontinued lines, |now clearing as low as % price Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South CASH buyers are reading the Oshawa used baby furniture, Turn yours into quick cash easily by calling RA 3.3402 ammunition and hunting sup- new and used, terms 10 per cent wn, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond 00D, clean 40" continental bed, com- Telephone RA 5.5670, and one full size with mattress, excellent condi. reasonable. Phone RA 5.8205 t ELECTRIC hand lawn sump pump in good condition, crib, on ironer, one WAREHOUSE ends, famous clearance of odds and slightly marked. Many lines, costs forgotten, , dressers with mir. regular special $38; walnut chest of drawers, regular $39, reduced Mr. and Mrs. double genuine ser, regular $129, slashed to saver davenport, smart cov. special $36; arbor. r $20 95, sale $10.95; slightly soiled, some brand 35; Space ite top desks, re springfilled mattresses, clearout $14.08; lov arborite coffee les, regular $16.95, seven only, $6; walnut and blond end tables, plain and fancy, values to $20.95, out they go, $4; broadloom scatter mats, $1; trilight floor lamps, regular $19.95, slashed to $7. Wilson's Furniture, 20° Church St, OIL pace heater, two steel furnaces, one ofl burner unit, 200 gallon oil drum, windows, doors and frames, lumber, bricks, timbers, and steel high beams, ete. Mr. Vie White, Town Line North, '4 mile north Taunton Village, east side cirele driveway, edding gown with redingote, 5: spring coat and winter coat, e 12, Other articles, reason. All in good condition. MO 8-5636. GLER gas space heater, three to room heating capacity, thermo. statically controlled, just like new, Phone RA 8.6234, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 52--Legal AIR TRANSPORT BOARD OTTAWA, CANADA NOTICE OF HEARING 22 September, 1960, (1) Application by Nordair Ltd. /Liee. for a licence to operote a Closs Scheduled Commercial Air Service to tronsport per- sons, mails and/or goods serving Montreal, PQ, Kingston ond Toronto, Ontario, Application by Quebecalr Inc, for a licence to op- erate o Closs | Scheduled Commerciol Air Service to tronsport persons, mails and/or goods serving the points: (0) Montreal, P.O; Kingston, Oshawa, Toronto, London, Wind- sor, Ont, with restriction on through traffic be tween Montreal and To- ronto, also between To- ronto and Windsor, and without loco) traffic rights between the points Toe ronto, London ond Wind th) Ottawa, Kings ston, Oshawa, Toronto, London, Windsor, nt., without traffic rights be. tween Toromte, London and Windsor, sor Application by Serna Air Lines Lid, for removal of the restriction which pro. hibits the licenses from carrying local traffic be tween London ond To- roto or London ond Windsor or Toronto ond Windsor under Licence No, ATB, 783/56(N%) which authorizes the ope eration of a Closs 3 ire regular specific point commercial oir service, based at Sarnia, Ontario, By Notices of Hearing dated July 5th, 7th, and Bth, 1960, the Air Tronsport Board has fixed certain dotes ond places for the hearing of the applications for local and regional - services described therein, By Notice of poste ponement dated July 22nd, 1960, the proposed hearings were adjourned to a date to be set in due course, The Board hos now set Tuesday, January 10th, 1961 ot 10:00 AM. (local time for the taking of evidence ond hearing representations on the obove applications ot a public hearing to be held in the Charles Camsell Holl, De« partment of Mines and Tech- nical Surveys Building, 588 Booth St, Ottowa, Ontario, At the hearing, the Board will receive evidence from ond on behalf of the applie cants or such persons @s may have filed submissions in pursuance of the notice pubs lished in regord to the said applications, In order to as sist the Board in coming to a proper conclusion es to the best manner in which the public may be served, full opportunity to be heard will be afforded to air carriers, government departments, pub lic bodies ond private groups, and individuals, Applicants will be expected to establish the self-suffis ciency of the proposed ser- vices without relying on any financial assistance from public funds, The decisions of the Board will be based on the evidence, documentary or otherwise, adduced ot the hearing and It is therefore imperative that the record of proceedings con- tain all the information ne« cessary to acquaint the Board with all the material ond relevant facts, The decisions to be given by the Board as a result of this hearing may affect some or all of the ex- isting services, If the applicants, Inter« veners or other persons who propose to appear before the Board to give evidence de- sire to produce documentary evidence at the hearing of such a nature as may take the parties by surprise or tend to result in a request for adjournment, notice of the proposed production should be served upon the Board, the applicants and interveners at least ten days before the date of the hearing. The Board will not consider the introduction as exhibits of any form of evidence of a documentary nature under such circumstances as would result in the lack of oppor- tunity or denial of the right of other parties to cross-ex- amine, Counsel, Solicitors and rep- resentative of applicants, in« terveners and other parties are requested to appear at the Charles Camsell Hall at 9:15 AM, (local time) on the opening day of the hearing to be briefed by Board Coun- sel on the procedure to be followed, AIR TRANSPORT BOARD D, F. QUIRT, Secretary, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 1960 TAXES The second and last instalment of 1960 TAXES are due on or before SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1st, 1960 TAXES may be paid at Columbus, Ontario, or at the Township Office, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 27 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ont, PENALTIES WILL BE ADDED TO UNPAID TAXES GEORGE FARNCOMB, Clerk and Tax Collector, after October 1st, 1960,