45--Reol Estote for Sale 45--Reol Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale (35 S-~Real Enate § for Sole [45--Real Estate for Sale | 45--Real Estate For Sele [45--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 27, 1960 17 5 - mo with #500 FULL dows. Six - brick | MODERN brick bungalow, three bed. MODERATE nes, Business 1 a {#16 LOTS in registered subdivision in 4 », " -- Automobiles i BENGATOW, © AA m Jame, with bungalow, XN ving oom, Ly oak nd tile floors, ofl pal ted, property and farms a for clients. [Eom ste, vacant lend North, sate] Port Perry, serviced by hydro and mai 5 Jus. cheap. for cask. appes approx re 45--R eal Estate for Sale 147. for Sale serves Most have cash, Phone BA 50810 slashed Kitchen. full basement, pric masonry garage, paved driveway, fruit some with all cash. For quick sale| Grove ares, Apply 77% Arthar Strest, [water close to lake and down town. sey, house, newly Es | PRIVATE de ~ -- Five alow. 57 Pi Laurentian four-door, V8, ---- ate drive, immediate possession. Mr. trees, shrubs, fenced yard RA 3758) call iW eddley Realtor, A Prince Gonawa. Full price $1000 per lot, terms. Apply re to o Oshawa. RA RA 53454 evenings. | fi Rong 2 basement, 3 on astomatic, radio, white walls, black PRIVATE five rooms brick and stone dry tubs, oil heating, | with Like few. Accept storms asdiand pat close. schools and shop. trade asd finsnee, WA S5170, . screens, TV aerial, redecorated, close Raton, RA 82041, Brethour Resi Es between 11 am and 2 p.m. 32512 or MO 35765, owner, W. J. , Port Perry. prion ogg oA 58200, "eon | swigroe | H. GOLDSTEIN FE som sees LS (rea io sus." RA 30793. PROPERTY for sale, GOWER SNELGROVE Sox REAL ESTATE BROKER ranged. MO 28-5050. SPACIOUS rooms for Jamily ox ood Locat focation, s. Avvly ater REALTOR CO LTD. RA 8.6286 31 BOND STREET EAST central RA 55007, FULL PRICE $10,800 43 PARK RD. 5. $oL30 ULL Trice DOWN $500.00 DOWN FoR SALE -- Partly $1,000 DOWN 5-room brick well-kept home, IN BLACKSTOCK 6-room one-ond-o-half storey home, newly rebuilt ond decorated, close to school ond transpor. ' For this six room, two storey am) Sa a tation, quiet street overlook- S-100m bungolow, hot and home close to downtown, Victmity. of North Simcoe us aid Javats, 91 Bast ing golf course, Feotures cold waoter, ng gl ith All 'modern conveniences, Oversized rooms and situated in on Complete with 4 pce. bathe ha ieinity of an nd comes. Cath oF Morme, in on nd lin i i ith ce. o , 3 terms, large living room, compect botin ong Howl. Ne ond 000 excellent location, House is vacont and you con hove immediote room, HD wiring, three bed- |Ltd., Daytime RA 32265. ____ 5.0437 after 4 pm. possession, rooms, kitchen, living ond [$IX - room house, $75 monthly with § a price 3 with ih 31000 down To down for dining room ond privote Ao down, Telephone RA 39183 after ry six room home hom to downtown wm drive. Pay only $60.00 per Complete wih Tour piece atbroam, vate Site, low taxes. Call/ cars month, plus very low taxes. wiring, Glen MacKinnon at RA 86286, 8. D. Co Cle MacKinnon oes [slow six years oid, oil heated. doy (Late: 8.6286, sion, sale. qu le ree, iced jor ind 1 FULL price with $1000 down for $8,500 FULL PRICE inte leaving for U.S. RA 58209, $1,000 DOWN For this six room home with $1100 DOWN payment, charming rick, | split level bungalow with attached ga- privete drive ond double gor oge, located on o quiet resi~ rage, needs decorating, but you will be Ipleasantly surprised with this house at only $11,800, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 58070. dential street, Equipped with |35 FT, LOT, scenic view, eastend, aluminum storm windows ond [full price. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA Ue Tip rl Piotl bathroom, Call Doug screens, venetion blin 43 ia Pg Tag vanes | Beton at RA 8.6256, 5, D, Hyman Real throughout, full basement, oil TTY custom ate. A fo A T00! furnace, twin closets in mas- bungalow. L-shaped living rooen, I pid ue mony six room decorated home, ter bedroom, neat ond clgon, |mew guaraciee, miles, also seres, good Volkeswagen, very clean. RA 835179. » pm. at 1192 = SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER. Po SWAGEN SALES o ERvic BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 $1,500 DOWN $1,500 Sunset Drive, just off Simcoe North. 1% storey brick home. Home nicely decor. oted. Oil heoting, private drive, lorge lot well lond- scaped, Asking only $12,500 with $75. a month, Coll Bill Rotcliffe ot RA 5-6544, LIKE NEW Lovely one fomily home. Everything kept perfectly. Three bedroms, Will take low down payment, Coll Bill Rot- cliffe ot RA 5-6544 NORTH-WEST RA 8-5161 E:_BA 34434, 218 Lasts Stress. a Dre north (rent or sale, near schools, shopping, ie oars 80th GM. Apply $48 Drew or RA 57716. : RAndol oh 3-346) a Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers . want for wrecking, Highest prices paid. wa 51181. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cors, Trode up or down, Liens poid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3-942) HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM~ kitchen three © bedrooms, ' Ihe Coll Joe Wannup, RA 4-pc. bath, oil heot, nearly- 3.9810, evenings RA 5-1396. finished rec-rcom Toxes 4 $164.00. Call Solly Wallace $1,000 DOWN RA B-465) -- ofter 4 RA 4-room brick bungalow, oil 5-6297 heat, good condition, private " drive, garoge, deep lot. Low VALUE PLUS monthly payments. Coll Joe Va-storey in tip-top Wannup, RA 3-9810, even- condition inside ond out inas RA 5.1396 ' Residentior area close to 3s y Coronation School, Hot water oil heot, hardwood end tile floors, 4.pc. both, gorege, well londscoped, ond well worth ao visit Call Selly Wollace RA 8.4651 -- after 4 RA 5.6297. DOWN $500.00 DOWN Bungalow located on Adelaide Street. In excellent condition, ond situcted on o lorge lot. Must be sold os owner is trons" ferred to onother city DOWN $500.00 DOWN S5-room brick bungalow in o fine residenticl area, Completely londscoped ond decoroted. Hos oll aluminum storm windows and doors. Schocl just eround the corner, Don't delay. DOWN $500.00 DOWN 5-room, 3-bedroom bungelow locoted just east of Wilson Road. Decorated ond landscaped. Only 2 years old. Handy to schools, shopping ond bus service, DOWN $500.00 DOWN BE ------------------ PRIVATE sale -- five-room frame bun. | ¥ 6-room, iyman Real Estate, #9900 FULL price with $1000 down for |this seven room two storey home with $1800 Private drive and garage, situated jjust off Mary Street. Decorated, ofl heat CENTRAL LOCATION Six rooms, hordwood down, lino upstairs, oil heat, spot. less condition, goroge. $1,- 500.00 down, Coll Joe Won- nup, RA 3.9810, evenings RA 5-1396. STEPHEN MACKO 187 KING ST. E. REALTOR RA 8-4661 Another brick bungalow with 5 good sized rooms, is 5 yeors old end complete in every detail, Full basement with oil heot- ing. Modern kitchen with loads of counter space, FULL PRICE $7,600.00 FULL PRICE $4,400 Full Price will buy this with new forced oir cil heatir 9, nice shope. Exceptional value! to see this one. Immediate pos comfortoble 3-room insul brick Nice size lot, Home is in very Call for on eorly appointment pssion! $2,500 down payment will make you the proud owner of this é-room modern brick bungglow with goroge end paved driveway. Lorger rooms thon usual throughout, Monthly pay- Home is now | | | | Two blocks to school Old interest rate of 52% ments of $84 Principal, Interest, vacant. Immediate possession on the mortgoge. ond Toxes First time listed, 2-storey modern 6-room home on Wilson Rood North. Oil furnace, boxes, Four-piece tiled bathroom, double sink. Deep dry divided besement, large goroge. Aluminum storms and screens home is situated on a lorge lot close to school and ing only $13,900 with reasonchle terms OPEN TILL 9 Steve Macko Jim Dionne .... RA 8-3798 Jock Sheriff RA 3.3775 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Ristow & Olsen REALTORS THE PRICE IS RIGHT And the terms are good too, Spotless, three bedroom brick bung- alow with full dining room just off Oshawa Blvd N., bus line Quiet, central and homey ot $10,800, owner will finance, Call Paul Ristow aot RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings, COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Just east of G.M. south plant, but not in a subdivision, o five ond a heolf room brick bungalow for only $12,700. Privately built two years ago and N.H.A, financed with monthly payments of $75., taxes included, For further particulars on this fine house «oll RA ot RA 8.5107, NORTH-WEST AREA Three bedroom brick bungalow, only four years old, with three room basement apartment, 5% H.A. mortgage, Listed ot $13,500. For further information coll Carl Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3412 evenings, CITY LIMITS Nestled on o hillside overlooking the city and Lake Ontario, yet just steps from King St, E., this most unusual property is much larger than you might think. A modern bungalow, divided walks out basement, two car garage with attractive self contained apartment above, suitable for mom and dad in their retirement years, If you have unusual requirements be sure to investigate this property, Call Poul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings WHAT A PLACE TO RETIRE! In the village of Orono, a pretty five room bungalow with a double garage, nicely landscaped lot with beautiful trees and shrubs and one acre of garden. Very convenient to downtown, with stores, Post Office and bank just one block away. Attrac- tively priced at $12,900 with excellent terms, Taxes just $157 per year, Seeing is believing so call Ray at RA 8-5107 for more information hot water baseboard heating. Velonce large modern kitchen with lorge recreation oreo, This 7 yeor old stores. Asks RA B-466) Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board R RA 5-6165 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST. W OSHAWA WHITBY CLASSIFIED THREE room apartment, $60 monthly; [FOUND on Euclid Street, also four room apartment, $65 month. heavy roofing paper. Owner may have | ly: includes heat, light and water, spa. [same by paying for this advertisement clous yard, Central location, Phone MO Call MO 8.3769. 84104 after 5. FOR RENT -- Three room apartment FOR ne NT - Two furnished rooms, leat and water. Apply 610 Dundas small kitchenette, fridge and stove, Street West, Whitby Suitable for couple. Apply 303 Perry FOR RENT -- At Cannington, Street, Phone MO 8.4470, Whitby, suit pension couple, Bed-sitting room, FOR SALE -- '33 Plymouth, good con. kitchenette and bath, Close to stores, dition, two tone, MO 8-4067 after § p.m, [Post office and churches. Rent $37 in cludes hydro and water, Write Mrs FOR RENT -- One bedroom apartment Wesley Hodgson, Canningion, in apartment building, close to schools and shopping, parking space. $59 month ly Phone OL iver 53611, Brooklin FOR RENT = Three.room furnished apartment, no children, Apply 312 Dun das Stroet West FOR RENT - Four level hame partly furnished, MO 8.3603 after 6 p.m SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary tor wav. new tanks installed Wa'ter Ward 204 Chestnut West. phone MO 8.200% APARTMENT for rent -- Unfurnished threa.roomed apartment, self contain ed, heated, central. MO 8.2780 pm AUCTION sale of new and used furnl ture ear and Y ton truck. 14 miles west of Ontario Hosnital on Base Line October 1 MO 8.4981 or MO 8.3740 use FURNIIL RE and apr liances, ele. We sell, exchange anvthing Hamilton Used Furniture. 103 Byron OR the best in insilation, use Pal-0- Street South, MO sail' Pal, Save money and install it your. "would LARGE nicely furnished room Jor Jou, uitable for one or two, rated, meals onal MO H ¥riried wn poultry. also feathers H'ghest market prices paid, Parker, MO 8.3644 collect, . YPEWRITERS, down payment, wanted | bedroom split Phone new and used, low $39 up, Desks, filing abinete, add'ag machines, cash regis Hamilton Office Outfitters, 103 fiyron Streot South, Whithy, MO 8.8431 TEMINGTON Chain Saw Sales and orviee, Chas. A, Bell, MO 8.4173 "TOME OWNERS Shingling. ang | aenlation, eavestroughing hi pH ATPen, 225 Green, Whitby after 5 Ne COLD WAVES (Lonolin enrtened) from 105 includes masterful shaning, sham poo, and styling by Ken Please phone MO 8.35134 for appointment 0" we can do it for you, For free estimate call H, BH Goode and Sons FOR CL PAINT |i" infu i Bf BOWYER Dodd & Souter | REFRIGERATION Pant, and Wallpaper Store Commercial and domestic. All MO 8. £93) ht work guaranteed. S05 An. derson Street, Whitby -- MO ATTENTION [2 t-- HOMEMAKERS GRAVEL & LOAM MO 8-5381 Cement gravel -- Driveway Over 90% of your weekly grave! coarse or fire--ulso shopping in your own kitchen, fill, Delivery Monday to Sat. $14 95 per week will bring urday noon. Eric Branton, o complete food plan for family of four into your home, M including a WESTINGHOUSE | 0 8- 2660 FREEZER. FOR RENT---Boating, camp. NO DOWN PAYMENT | ing supplies, gardening. ond lawn equipment, power tools, box, boat and cabin trailers REQUIRED Food Plan by SCHNEIDERS, FOR SALE -- Used boats, motors, trailers. The Finest. For further in- WILDE RENTALS formation, call Service and Soles ECONOMART 1415 Dundas E. MO 8.3226 You Con Be Sure, If it's WESTINGHOUSE one roll of| _ Sure They Are Selling Fast, 10 SOLD THE FIRST WEEK DOWN PAYMENT $950.00 with 1 N.H.A. mortgage and monthly payments of $79.00 P.I, 4.room bungalow, well locked after, A home you can move into ond not have o thing to do, Newly dceorated inside ond out owntown. The price is right, so coll us with- FULL PRICE $1,200.00 FULL PRICE Vacant lot having o frontage of 132 ft. by o depth of 330 ft Located just east of the city limits LIST YOUR HOME WITH US IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY After 6 p,m, Call Som Goldstein RA 5-6782 Mike Dubyk RA B8-5690 John _Penicko RA 8- Step... L.S.SNELCROVE CO. LID. 43 PARK RD. S. $7,500 FULL PRICE Suburban 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, forced air by oil heeting, aluminum storms and screens, TV antenna, carries for $55 month, coll Keith Peters RA 5.8761, evenings RA 5-4162, $1,500 DOWN Cosy 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 4 piece ceramic tile bathroom, large modern kitchen, living room, completely decor- ated in attractive colors, storm windows and doors, TV antenna, fully [andscaped lot with private drive, call Sid Martyn RA N.H.A. RESALE 6 room brick bungalow, ultra modern kitchen, 4 piece tiled bath- room, spotless condition throughout, 20 ft. recreotion room completely finished, many extras include valance boxes, drapery tracks, TV ontenna, aluminum storms ond screens, completely decorated ond londscoped with shade trees, call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or evenings RA 5-4162, $500 DOWN Full 6 room brick family home or suitable for 2 families, prac tically new furnace and hot water tank, aluminum storm windows, central location, easy payments ond taxes, List price $8,900, Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810, 9-ACRE FARM $1,500 down, balance as rent, 5 room, 3 bedroom family home, 3 piece bath, hot and cold water, garage and workshop, nice garden soil, located about 20 minutes from Oshawa, close to school and church, full price $8,500, shown by appointment only, Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761, or RA 5-4162 evenings, SUBURBAN BEAUTY One of the best ranch bungalows with many extras and work has been done, modern kitchen with 3 stow away doors, L shape living room and dining room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece ceramic tile bath with vanity, all beautifully decorated, aluminum storms end screens, attached garage, large landscaped lot with apple tree, located near east city limits, shown by appointment only, asking $13,900 with $4,200 down. Call Sid Martyn RA 3.9810" DUPLEX Central location, consisting of 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms, private entrance to each apartment, 2 stove cables and meters, 'oil heat- ing, large lot, full price $13,800 with substantial cash, Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings, 10 acre lot located just off paved highway at Hompton, good market garden soil close to school, church and shopping. Call RA 3-9810 or RA 5.8761, Lorge red brick, 1 storey home. Every room larger thon average. Kitchen ot the back, overlooking sodded yord with gorden beyond. Bus stops and school just one block, This is a privately built home, Call Bill Rotcliffe at RA 5-6544, EDWARD ST. 6 room bungalow, attached goroge. Locoted in quiet dis. trict, Broadloom throughout, extra large kitchen, alumin- um storms and screens, T.V, tower, rotor and antenna. Lot 75 x 200, nicely landscoped. Taxes $186. Spotless. Must be seen to reclize the value, Coll Howard McCabe ot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164, $1,000 DOWN $1,000 6 room brick home with gar age, Close in location, Full basement, oil heating, schools and bus all close. Why pay rent when you can be a lond- lord yourself, Coll Howard McCabe aot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164, Members of Oshawa ond __ District Real Estate | Boord LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MARY STREET $2,000 DOWN 3 yr. old 6 room home. Hol- lywood kitchen, stone fire- place in large living room, three bedrooms, aluminum storms ond screens with pris vate drive. NH A, financing at 6%. For more information coll Gerry Osborne, at RA 8-5123, SCENIC LAKEVIEW $1,000 DOWN Buys this five room brick bungalow in immaculate con- dition, Beautifully landscaped ond 6% mortgage carries for only $88 per month. First time offered, Act quickly by calling Jim Cruikshanks ot RA 8-5123, 3 ACRES PLUS BRICK BUNGALOW Smart bungalow with modern conveniences, excellent op- portunity for young couple. New cement block garage in- cluded, for $9,900, low down payment. Call Bill Millar aot RA 8.5123. 5 PLEX APARTMENT LOT--$4,500--%$4,500 North end of city, neor schools, and shopping. Phone Bill Millar at RA 8-5123, LLOYD REALTY LTD. REALTORS 101 SIMCOE ST. N. COMPLETED TOTAL PRICE $12,500 (loan costs included) We are now introducing a new ranch style model at $12,800 with every- thing included, only 4 of these homes left No hidden charges for extras, no gimmicks, no giveaways -- just the most house for the least money in Oshawa. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET 1050 sq. ft. floor space Brick and stone construction 3 bedrooms Forced air with oil heating Large modern kitchen Exhaust fan in kitchen Dinette off living room Ceramic tiled bathroom walls and floor 1 wooden storm door Iron reiling on front porch Sodded front lawn Gravel driveway Laundry tubs Hot water tank Prepaid services Convenient location Storm windows and screens Aluminum storm door Furnished Model Home Open for inspection every day from 1 P.M. to 10 P.M. starting Saturday, September 17, 1960 LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 8-4678 For further information on these homes Call Dick Barriage 5-6243 Lioyd Metcalf 5-6983 Joe Maga 59191 Everett Elliott 3-9290Q Marion Drew 5-7610 A good home for the price, Coll Bob Stevenson at RA 5- 6286. $9,950 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN For this seven room, two stor- ey home with privote drive ond garage, Full bosement, oil heating, 3 pc. bathroom, decorated, HD wiring. Should definitely be seen, Coll Doug Bullied at RA 8-6286. $11,600 FULL PRICE $1,600 DOWN For this four room brick bun- galow with on ottached gor- age. In excellent condition, complete with oil furnace, 4 pc. bathroom, two rooms in basement, TV antenna, toste- fully decorated ond priced right for o fast sale, Call Harold Segal ot RA 8.6286. We List and Sell Photo Co-Op Member of Oshawa and __ District Real Estate Board A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 12 ROOM HOUSE $1,000 DOWN Fabulous buy for $12,000 full price, large rooms, cen- trally located in Oshawa on 125 x 175 ft. lot overlooking ravine. Excellent for rooming or boarding house, Terms ar- ranged. SPLIT LEVEL WITH GARAGE $1,180 down, $11,800 full price, $72 monthly including principal and interest, 2 yrs, old, brick, 3 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, modern kitchen, location Oshawa. HOME WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT 3 bedroom, 5 year old brick bungalow in Whitby, Self contained basement opart- ment fully furnished, rents for $70 monthly, Garage and lovely garden plus many other features, $16,900 full price. Terms. HOUSE PLUS 1 ACRE 5 room bungalow with breeze way and garage on one acre on No, 2 Highway. $13,500 with terms, For information on any of the above coll Bill Schatzmann, evenings MO 8-3253. A. J. SCHATZ Member of Oshawa ond __ District Real Estate Board SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, Reg. Aker, Pres, Bill McFeeters, Vice Pres, LAW STREET 1 year old, 6 room brick ranch style bungalow with 2 car garage. Large bright kit- chen, 3 good size bedrooms, 1-4 pe. and 1-2 pe. bath plus extra stool in basement, Large completely finished rec room, with bar and built in sink; Aluminum storms, screens. Call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. SUNSET HEIGHTS S.room brick bungalow lo- cated on a quiet street, close to both separate and public school. 2 blocks to bus, alum inum storm windows, Asking $12,000 with terms. Call Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8- 8423, RITSON RD. SCHOOL AREA é room, 2 storey brick home, consisting of 3 rooms down and 3 rooms up. Modern oil furnace, taxes $179. We are open for offers. Low down payment, acceptable. Call Russ Recve, evenings RA S- 4840. SPOTLESS CONDITION If you are looking for a bet- ter than average two bedroom bungalow, convenient to down town, etc, This is the one. It features a large living room, 2 bright bedrooms, a modern kitchen and bath, full basement and oil heat- ing, hedged and shrubbed lot. Asking $9,500, substantial down payment required. Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243 List Co-op Through this Office Members of Oshawa end District Real Estate Board RA 3.2265 OR RA 8-1624 inum yard, landscaped, RA 58761 storms, screens, patio, num storms, TV antenna, llandscaped, 73 ft. lot, Only $12,700. | Owner ransterred. Best down payment Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA Bargain for quick sal 0. IN A 5.069 after 6.30 W p.m. $800 DOWN split level bungalow, six| ---- rooms, finished recreation room, alam. J YOOmS, or BA| Street, six per cent mortgage. 650 DOWN, new "bungalow, three bed recreation room. 744 sie A 5-4162 gs. L. 8. Ig! Ltd. now to place your fast action ad! house, ed, fairly new, Uxbridge, Dunbarton, TE 9-1458, TWO bedroom bungalow, ideal Call' Mrs, Walker, 86228 VAC CANT property cost money. Sell =| lease yours Quickly with an Oshawa| Times Classified Ad Dial RA 3.3492 FULL price $4850 two storey frame | inside plumbing, berries plant | Telephone Toes: | tion, excellent condition, reduced price. | RA 51442 or RA OTS - LOTS - LOTS $1,600 for this 45 x 180, sewer ond water, off Bloor St East, $1, 850 Suburbon Lot, North of Oshowa, in an area of lovely homes. Size 100 x 150 $3,000 for this 60 x 150 in Apple Hill. Sewer and water, $3,300 for this 52 x 115 on Harmony North, built - up orea, Very close to new school, Beautiful treed lot, Call RA 8.4661 EXCLUSIVE AREA One of Oshawa's loveliest streets Bessborough Dr, Elegant 7-room tri-level home with ottached garage, gleam- ing oak and tile floors, ample cupboard sbce; finished rec- reation room, forced air oil heating, professionally land- scoped ond decorated. Owner sacrificing this gem at $17,» 900.00 with substantial down payment, LAKEMOUNT ST. N.H.A, resale, 6% = Well- constructed 3-bedroom brick bungalow, finished recreation room, 4-pc. colored bath, forced air oil heating, No. i ook and tile floors, patio aot reor entrance, fully land- scoped and decorated. It can be yours with $1,800 down ond only $13,950 full price. Why pay rent when you can be the owner of this nice 4« room bungalow on Dean Ave. Full price only $4,800.00 and with a low, low down pay- ment, and monthly payments of $50.00, Don't miss this bargain, Enjoy country living with city conveniences in this spacious ranch style brick bungalow featuring 6 rooms, 3 large bedrooms, dining area with large picture window front ond rear, natural stone fire- place in carefully planned living room, kitchen -- (A real gem), ceramic tiled bath- room with colored fixtures, forced air oil heating, Pierson windows, These are only a few of the many outstanding features and it con be yours with only $5,000 down. Situ- ated on the edge of Oshawa, For an appointment call LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3.2254 S. Macko, Realtor Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 DREAM HOME $3,000 DOWN Choice north-west location, split level, huge living room, modern kitchen with built-in stove and oven, good size bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath up, 2-piece tiled bath down, oil heat, garage, 4 blocks to school, Move right in, HAPPY will be the family that buys this 4-bedroom brick home, with finished recreation room, tiled bath, forced air oil heat, paved drive, garage, land- scoped fenced lot, home is completely decorated and equipped with storms and screens, storm doors, LOW DOWN PAYMENT, APARTMENTS for rent, $95.00 for 2 bedrooms, $75.00 for 1-bedroom. Stoves and fridges supplied. Only 3 blocks to the SHOPPING CENTRE Open Evenings And All Day Saturday Representatives: Lloyd Corson Dick Young Bill Norris RA 5-6588 -- RA 5-6589 RA 5-6580 AJAX 3-bedrocm bungalow, resale, living - dining room, land- scoped, close to schools and shopping. Immediate posses- sion, Phone WH 2- -5183, G. MILLER REAL ESTATE RA 5-2993 Pontiac just off Sommerville three bedroom brick in im- maculate condition, Full price $11,900 with ea 5% % mort- gage for balance, Close to schools and transportation, Loi) Phyllis Jubb ot RA 3- 240 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W, RA 3.7822 50--Articles For Sale ATR "conditioner, portable $49 up, ge. dies 13,000 ft. Syear warranty, Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East, 18 FT, 6 moulded plywood paceship cruiser '59, 35 hp Mercury complete with steering and controls, skis, ete, Rene "aA 8-4014 after 4, » OU, Norge refrigerator, in in_sood Sos nion "$60, Teleprone RA 5-196 FRIGIDAIRE refreigerator, 7 eu. i 10 years Sd excellent working order, calm 8-8369. or oll space heater, with blower, nearly new, one year old. Price $75. Phone RA 88876, ONE space heater, iwo oil drums and pipes, heats six rooms, 20 volumes Collier's Encyclopedia, one rug and un- derpad, Phone mornings RA 8-264. ONE clothes closet, $18; 30" continen- tal bed, reasonable, almost new, $19, Telephone, RA 86718 after 6.30, REFRIGERATOR, $150; range, washing machine, $50; crib, $5; pet. i chimney antennas, $12. 85 e, $60; play- Mo re "piece Kroehler chesterfield suite, rose elke. Solos, nylon covered, gi hone 1. 32187, |47--Automobiles for Sale CASH, '54 Oldsmobile, power |e" ca two tone. RA 85075, 'i? STUDEBAKER, good condition. [Phone RA 8.5020 after 5 p.m, UT for cottage, "RA T8303, STEP-table, two months oid; writing desk with drawers, Apply 162 Hibbert Avenue after 5 p.m, CHESTERFIELD and chair, in good [a1 PONTIAC, Al nechani (ally and body wise. RA 3.7043. |'55 CHEVROLET automatic four-doo good mechanical condition, $800 cas 11 Tudor Street, Ajax, WH 2-105, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Sa 20 per cent. Six months to For personal service at your home pA RA 5-2802, "51 MERCURY, also "50 half fon pick up in good condition, or trade Jor ton, use as tow truck. YUkon 5. 53 TRIUMPH Mayflower, $ r best offer, four new tires, good mechanical. ly, Apply 916 Centre Street North, Whitby. 's4 CHEV. two door Belair, custom radio, white walls, like new. RA 8.5179, 51 TWO door Plymouth sedan, may be Joon at Ted's White Rose and Marine, ingston Road East, R. A _.. reasonable; also 8 5 enamel utility table; kitch- 3 electric fixtu large drop- 1 GREEN studio couch Seotereiis 30 trim, 7 ft. venetian blind, Phone RA 59364 after 6 p.m. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Ree frigerators, TV' J washers, pia nos, stoves, ete, For top offer, cone tact 19 AY Street, ik RA 81131, APARTMENT size plano, ore year "old, $399, Parkway Television, #18 Simcoe Street North, RA 3 ELECTRIC hot a (TT 23 gailons, $ three brush floor polisher, $10; also 28 ft. green scroll fencing. RA 8:5507, CHILD'S crib and mative: blond finish; combination gp i = BUICK RA 5-2345 after 8 p. dp size 16, ; MODERN rangetis, good as sow. Phone CORVAIR automatic sedan, Telephone MO 8 Whitby, Tadio, RUG, 59° x 9; drapes, lined, beige, back-up lights sibs "Wha 9000 miles. : pa , like new; davenport; walnut 50 Cone articles, 5 CHEVROLET Belair sedan, autor matie, radio, two tone, excellent con. dition, One owner, Phone RA 8-1554, 5h PONTIAC, four-door d entian automatic, very trade and finance, RA 25170, 130 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condi 2020, tion, $650. Phone CO 3- '08 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con dition, will finance from 6 to 9 p.m 145 Albert Street, "36 METEOR Niagara, tritone tudor, excellent condition, §895 cash or trade, Kurt's Fina Service, 146 Liberty South, Bowmanville '54 BUICK, standard transmission, cus- tom built radio, good condition, MO 8-5110, '56 OLDSMOBILE h hardtop, | top condi- tion, lots of extras, Phone RA 8.6980, 253 Cedar Valley Avenue, 5 PONTIAC Laurentian, $2100, radio, back speaker, many extras, Like new, Phone RA 8.4245, 2 16 MERCURY, motor in very goed condition, RA 8.5725, 8 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, biack, good condition, 15,000 miles, Phone RA 8.1732 after § p.m. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. ° Every job guaranteed BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (just East of Wilson Rood) RA 3.4494 Res: 5-5574 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA | RA 3-7132 TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS T.R. 3, VANGUARD, ENSIGN & HERALD ON DISPLAY AT SMITH SPORTS NORTH SIMCOE RA 8-5912 1957 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE naught, 5 to 7. SILENT electric Servil refrigerator, "1 aur. | Phone RA 5-1087, SOLID drop leaf table, 54" when extended, reasonable. borne Street Fast ONP % width natural stained bed with springs and spring-filled mattress; matching chest of drawers; cwstoms built dog-house; 5 HP Mercury out. board; washing machine motor, RA 5 , squa 154 Col FOR SALE Dressmaoker's form, in good condition, PHONE RA 5-8310 All aluminum products == Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. C-ll now. Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8-5385 Now is the time to have a beautfiul home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town Quick service ALEX VAJDA RA 3.9851 SACRIFICE SURPLUS SALE WOODWORKING SHOP Circular saws, jointer, Skile saw, Misc. tools, hardware, Ceramic tile, etc. MUST CLEAR BY SEPT, 29th, Even- ings 7 to 9. Saturday 9 a.m, to 6 p.m, 121 MacMillan Dr, COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Ph. RA 8-0887 Good condition. New paint job. Beige and brown. Phone RA 3- 4854 LL. WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd. BROOKLIN ONT. oL S- 3641 FOR SALE One used Livingston Cea! Stoker, in good condition, may be seen at Cedardale Fire Station, 761 Simcoe Street South Seiaws, or Phone RA RA 5-0331 (Continued on Page 18)