WILL SNAP ME WNL CANT TARE A PICTURE OF SOMETHING THAT ISN'T THERE 7 J i att | foes BIEN at E¥. hit 5 g 221 sf g E8 is wl § BREE HI! THE LIGHTS IN MY AREA ARE OUT... MIND IF I FINISH THIS HERE? Millen Real Estate --~ Judges, Marion Auto, Vaughan's, Esstway an from ET Ey Fo Re, Te Wo Te ee Team stan ~ Eastwa Vaughan's ge Untouchables 4, Subway Lu tal G ng so anyone d in the first few weeks but it is who stays on top to . the end, who wins. We will be bowling A NM D0 AS J ASK AND YOU. THIS 18 [T & for a city championship this year, so it MAY GET EVIDENCE 70 JAIL FIXER EREAK TT. 4 will be a Uitle more interesting and M. BE there will be tournaments during the FEENEY AS WELL AS B/G JIM. L0sEP / season and for OS ly at the N \ : end, lg / ¢ ---------- 'THAT'S VERY 800D/ T CAN -- SEE YOURE FINALLY GETTING THE TRUE THANKS, TWINK « GIVE ER ANOTHE PEEL OF ABSTRACT ART, Ei COURSE, IT'S NOT ~ WV, QUITE FINISHED, , -------- &H~ & LADIES' MAJOR "B" LEAGUE Second night of the first section is over and scores are not what they could be as only six girls made the over 600 list, Mitchell's took over top position with a victory over Motor City, Sub- way Lunch, Saywells and Burns each took three points from Nesbitts, Glaz. lers and Hendersons, Bints came uj with a Jovely game of 1126, to finish in a tie for points against Whites, Team st =~ Mitchells 7; od 2. AS DARKNESS GATHERS, SAM BATES PREPARES 0 [Linch Saves "ar." Motor crip Tue LONE RANGER CALLS ON MARSHAL HAWKS ,, TO MEET BIG JIM« « . 3; Glaziers 2; Nesbitts 2 and .Hender. sons 1, Over 600 -- Loretto McLean 670; Bert Cole 649, good going Bert, (where ---- there's two, there has to be a third) : Mildred Turney 629; Helen Trott 628 t i " ", and Marj Ford 62 TTT] : DUCK IT, JANE! BMY APOLOGIES TO YOU, HE CERTAINLY ISNT 0 THAT PROBLEM SHOULD J FOR UNLESS UG SRY No Lemon Leaguers to report, WHAT AM (| : WELL READ MSS READE --T AW OVERCOME WITH YOUR | NOT CONCERN YOu AS eC ME WITH TWENTY *YOL Anyone having taken by mistake, 8 1 FEEL LIKE AUTUMN Nas | SAYING ? ) \ PAILIVON HARL 1r | aTeR/ AFRAID ON KARL WAS AUTHORITY, VILYUSHww | MUCH AS HOW WELL | 10 ASSIST Ae J Ove Tie beige, corded cotton saat, with one bub. A MILLION BUCKS A) Mis / --, : THREE 4 SLIPPED A NOTE OVERCOME WITH THE CANT YOU Keep YOU CAN CONTROL SPICE Sars, 1 le ton 'missing. Please got In 'touch' w THIS MORNING 4 | ( G : OR MORE INTO HY HAND "5\ ROMANTIC ATHOSPHERE PETTER CONTROL OF YOUR recrLe, CONSCRIPT THEM = - J , 2 . ' k NN M0, ( MINUTES OPE ¥ XE / BEFORE YOU ww A RIGAN fim THIS GENTLE PERSUADER / AUX, NO, 27, UAW b DH 4 _ An YOUR MEN % J POCIOR COA Et Ellen Burrus is our all around bowler " iy n 3 4 y) Fa ; this week. She must be having ! fn 7) | AN Pons A 4 A wheatles, Just cast your looker sat her y i \ bo 4 R 4 3 / score. Only two singles, and 15 lemons, Doubles -- E. Burrus 453 (212, 241). Singles: H, Baker 230 and M, Ricketts 203 THE LONE RANGER \ dw Blowouts took 3 points from Go. Gelters; Happy Gang took 2 points from Luckies: Moonbeams took 2 points from Union Maids and Busy Bees took 2 points from Jo'ettes, SECRET AGENT X 9 Team Standing -- Moonbeams 8, Jo'ettes 4, Busy Bees 4, Blowouts 4, Union Maids 3, Happy Gang 3, Luckies 1 and Go-Getters 0. SPANISH FOUNDER ONLY A FEW LEFT ... AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS ae bo later governor of New Mexico, ATORS SEE 60 PO NTIAC DLMONS LLL ons LTD. ||RINKERS 77 GEE, GRANDMA, J] [WHY YOU DON'T ENTER THAT OL' BLARNEY SURE RA 5-1 1 91 I JUST DON'T IN SOME O'TH' BEAUTY S | |IPOES PAY OFF. 1 UNDERSTAND. || | CONTESTS / " " {is GO ABOUT MEETING THE ( WATCH ME 00 A HEY, TaATS | | (AND, GEE, ROD! MR. SILI! : ot] I hs, { The Best In Town 4 THIS ps | L17 € ! ; MANAGER HERE... ONE OF THE PRIME ACK DIVE, PADDY! WONDERFUL, HE'S GOING TO BZ, THIS w!T'S INDEED : p Pe ; A 7 4 RFs #4 os he Q V4 4 oo 4 3) " 4 m------ A LS n ¥ IN A WW /| 8/6 PRIZES | . ; 4 4 : / & a : ) | Se 4 CLEANERS GRANDMA SUSPECTS, -- PEPPER) 6 18 IR. SILK, A PLEASURE - ERNIE CAY MANAGER TO MEET YOU, OUR MOTEL. MR, SILKI, #i LUMBER 7x MAY T PRESENT HOW ABOUT A CLOSE-UP ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS MISS LANA LAYNE, A J{ OF You AND MSS LA ; | YNE, | | . : OR sore duns ve ica | f CD ROWAN SBE PHONE RAndolph 5-0122 WHERE THE [REPORTERS WAVE BEEN A | - h PLANS 1 3 ANDROMEDAL = il : 53 ALBERT . ST © 1900, King Festures Syndicate, Inc, World [OR] OH! LOOK WHATS AY OH! OM. LOOK WHAT'S y tr BE ke HAPPENING TO WHIZZER] ER CARSON IS IN HAS FoR 80 MAKIN! MAYBE LOOKED CAN MAKE THE TERRIBL FERS cLicK! 50 FAR! HOW'S YOUR SOCIAL RATING? Toke @ good look at the most popular people you know. . Chances are that all of them - a -- OU NSULY MY CHEAP 21? Now WHO's BEING THIS *00LL" IS NOY IMPRESSED WITH YOUR. Or wel) groomed; neat ond WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I'M INTELLIGENCE, MR. FLING ~] INSULTING 2 WHEN J.K.FLING TAKES WEALTH, AND YOUR BOASTED CHARM ESCAPES clean at oll times. Let us help TRYINGYO *BRIBE™ You ? | YOUR PURPOSE WAS TO A DOLL OUT YO DINE, TUE BEST i © ME COMPLETELY = NOW, MAY WE PROCEED you to look that way. Send all ALLT DID WAS INVITE /| WOO ME AWAY FROM IN THE HOUSE 1S NONE | WITHTHE BusiNESS THAT YOU TO HAVE DINNER HY SWORN PATHOF Jt T0OG T._ ME HERE 2/78 Your glegning fo us, . yi \ 0 3 NEY | I RE GOLD MEDAL Eh i. \ | \ 3 3 WY BRICK BRADFORD CLEANERS 21 Bond Street East RA 3.7332 ------ IM STARVED! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ENAGERIE Sa L b es Sau WY 2s hy FALL XBAIIINXINNNRI 7 SEX x} | ys d or Sipate in ac activities aimed at RN Ras e's d (Toren organi io or] PLANTING TIME » X ae b, 5 mers and othe oups. OCR nS 7 XXX 5 QS X S meare | John sing o db, Ohio, IS HERE AGAIN! AN ) RR | MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude W28 re-elected president of the WN Q reat heh : : en a . i x good su D0. 5. or ASE N Jodoin, president of the Canadian| "1" and John Purdie of Mont.|| We have on hond « p= | Labor Congress, attacked Friday real was re-elected Canadian dir-|{ ply of High Quality -- Top Size {what he called "smear cam: paigns" aimed at breaking the H 0 L L A MN D , QS unity of labor. SALLY'S SALLIE B 7) L B S : aN dis | NEF Speaking at the closing i WHAT YOU DOIN'OUT THERE, KID] [I DION'T HEAR ANYTHING, ) [PUT YOUR GON AWAY, SMIGHT! YE Ee] : of the Tobacco Workers Inter. = SPIN ~THAT'S = MR. KRELL = HONEST! I AFTER ALL, THE KID'S WORKIN! / SFZ7ER BE. E ' 0 RT national Union (CLC) convention, 1 Master Gro-Koted Lawn R. SALO. WHAT! LET ME JUST WANT TO en Werk Us! rs pry NX SA AN Mr, Jodoin said many slander { 0) Seeds and other TAKE CARE Q' J I/~ BOUT h R > > ! {ous campaigns develop from the | 4 / MR 3 > \ % unemployment situation ha Lawn Seed Ingredients a a ¥ Nm Soon te teeta . | Some government authorities] ||| 5 oF Peat Moss, Bone Meal ¥ V n = J 4 : : lelrculated unfounded rumors be- \ and Fertilizer \ 47 Ra pt cause they don't like labor lead- ers who claim to have a solution d / {to the problem, Hi a, | He said Prime Minister Diel- enbaker"s recent announcement "a S tha. an effort 'would be made to ; / solve the problem by calling a // -- (conlerence of labor, farmer: and J} 54 CHURCH ST. Oshawa : Are fast for class 70k Eiow, management is "nothing new." aN, : f 02 "Qu, the two ° the ¥' in Ge UW, The same suggestion had been Lg mg DIAL RA 3.2229 ate, --4 PY ; ~~ or Features Syndic: BOY ROGERS made by labor long ago. At that a time no government leters) "Arrying lumber on top of- FREE CUSTOMER PARKING |thought it worthwhile, sour head!®