Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Sep 1960, p. 16

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45--Reol Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate for Sole |47--Automobiles for Sale |47--Automobiles for Sale |50--Articles for Sale 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 26, 1960 15 #45---Real Estate for Sole PROP # sale, o , good MODERATE priced homes. business 19 LOTS in registered subdivision In spaCIOUSs rooms for family or could CHIP wagon, fully Svuipped. A Inter. '54 FORD customline coach, low origin. | BRIGHTEN up your home with new fA Po i H pT "in proper ang Hin Junted tar clients. Port Perry, serviced by hydro and SPACIOUS ro Vh-storey brick, good ©'ed phone RA 8-0393 ment. {al mileage, radio, pr car, excellent floor and wall coverings from Wilson Cedar Street South some with ai) cash. For quick sale wales close to lake and down town. condition, central RA 55207 | Best offer accepted condition. $500 or nearest offer. RA Furniture. Floor coverings, clearance TTT call W MeAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Full price $1000 per Int, terms. Apply a CHEVY, four door deluxe, special|®i1s. - {of discontinued patterns. Many Sheer: BUNGALOW, six - room frame, with Soop" ga "12502 or M0 8.5765 ownet, W. J. Carnegie, Port Perry, FOR SALE -- Partly completed house| Bariow Motors: 428 Ring treet! 57 PONTIAC Laurentian four-door, Va, ul designs, reduced for quick sale, attached double garage, situated on 3% Pi YU 52513 in village of Hampton i basement, | W/03 " f cents 5 per foot, canvas hacked naa acres. Must have cash. Phone RA 58840 FOR sale, vacant land 10 acres, gar.' none YU 1140 40 sauare feet, large lot. Phone CO West. RA 8-6175, automatic, radio, white walls, black| ine leum, heavy duty, long wear LARGE of, 308° frontage by 1o0|0¢s }and on Preston Road North, Maple | 5100 FULL down. Six - room m brick | 13-2257 11986 PONTIAC four door Laurentian 6,0 - AccePt| regular $1.99 sa. yard. While asin, ol {Grove area. Apply 374 Arthur Street, bungalow, spacious living room, - ODERN "three bedroom home, Har. Sulomatic transmission, radio, many a ' didi |Half price clearout 99 cents sq. yard. depth, wn well built up residential see-| 0 splashed kitchen, full basement, oom 500| Other extras. guaranteed under 7000 1] ,(Congowall, six colors, complete with tion, Suitable for church or club build vate drive, immediate possession, Mr. |mony, oil heating, decorated; $13 miles. Private sale. RA 52000. new guarantee, also '57|border, regular 69 cents per foot, 'out ing. ¥ RBA 3-434, 316 Leslie Street |FOUR bedroom stone and brick semi- RA 82041, Brethour Real Es | with low down payment. Sumer trans. ie ane. 3 I [detached home decorated, storms and l-auzon. . rred, private. Phone RA 58693 after Tour door, refinished like | Volkeswagen, very clean. RA 85179. | they £0, 44 cents per foot. Wilson's = MODERN brick bungalow, three bed. reens, close lo school, terms ar: tate Ltd fers 35 FORD customiine, $800, Will trade Furniture, 30 Church Street I p » ky g u PTT] Tooms, ouk and tile fioors, off painted, ranged. 10 5.50% 5800 DOWN wplitievel bungalow, six |= ax. private, three bed. for older pick up. 108 Burcher Avenue, (FAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon By BOB TRIMBEE {deep sea facilities. Then B.C masonry garage. paved driveway, fruit meee: | rOMIS, finished recreation room, alum.-! [#250 DOWN, Ajax, private, 75 | Al olors, 'Guaranteed, fiat 10 . C trees, shrubs, fenced yard RA 37539 |inum storms, screens, patio, fenced room, brick bungalow, aluminum = --an a Afax. Suna Hardware and Electric gl Canadian Press Staff Writer Sugar Refinery built a $1,500,000 PRIVATE. res bed DO GLAS L, [mere Re Sar or Rn et erate. to eet. Lg he DONC 0 ceo en Corer Tos Core Bsr, 1A 30 VANCOUVER (CP)--A decade bu'icloading wharf, the harbors Et - - - {5 . Be « d y al a condition, PRIVATE, three _bedraom bungalow, U 34162 evenings. 1, 3 © Wis rims, dition. Sell or take truck as trade. RA age, appraised value $1050. RA 3.3652. [NEW dinette aie, small" refrigerator, {of expansion has Jroveiled Var board constructed an $8,000,000 . : > i - , rangette, chest of drawers. couver into one of Nort mer- general pur Centennial Pier landscaped, carries for $66 monthly on CAN 1 oney., Sell | PRIVATE - Six-room house, furnace, |' | : pose Ie) a one NHA morigage, $1700 down. Full GOWER (VACA! KT property cost m an Sait orl le Dri v & Whit'| ALLSTATE | Auto Insurance. Save up to] |48--A st biles Wanted [cupboards. sm A it ely and ica's busiest ports, and several oil and chemical price $12,000 or make offer. MO 83069 {Times Classified Ad. Dial RA Vino, also seven room house, close 10|20 per cent. Six months to pay. For| _____ bedding, Pullman suitcase. 279 Mary! Grimy, outmoded berths and companies added new ocean ter- to place your fast-action shopping centre, school, bus. Phone personal service at your home call RA| LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want . or five - room brick REALTOR now place you LAT 2595 15.2802 ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid, | Street. handling facilities that once cost /minals. ¥ gomivie. Phone |FULL price $4850 two oer rer 3 = tos oP ag ee $10.200 FULL PRICE [House inside plumbing. berries plant | PRIVATE sale -- - Fiveroom bungalow, " CHEVROLET, four-door Bel-Air, "A 51 a, Be hare" inde toes. the harbor dearly in cargo ton. The new facilities were PRIVATE sale. custom built home, Compact 4 room brick home : ed, Fi airly BE Srey Telephone | Ee neh ond basement, loin; poll 2auipped, low mileage, $2300. RA small boat. Special for September, $30 nage are things of the past. designed to provide for automa- x a "a Dunbarton 5 ol . * igi ag Te io. [Dunbar - |and_ bathroom, close. schools 30d shop. CHEVROLET Bel-Air two-door, | SPOT CASH lweeity. Witiehall 23003 Vancouver now ranks second to, ion in longshore operations. Said rr PAID FOR [tra table and chairs in 200d vy. vent in over - all tonnage Vernon (Babe) Goodfellow, busi- ern throughout, Substantial payment in excellent condition, Feat TWO bedroom bungalow, ideal loca-| 8 * ing centre, Safe, quiet street, Phone Asking $16,000. Phone RA 55724. | ures oil heat, 3-pce, both, fio excellent condition, reduced Price. | Ra 5.9205 - condition; boy's car coat, sports Jacket bh abe) Coogjel] and flapnels, size 14, reasonable. RA handled by a Canadian port, and th iy fpgent, or local 501 of ast year topped all North Amer. the International Longshoremen's 1 (p.m. RA 5-3805 gorage, storms, screens, nicely Ca Mrs. Walker, RA 51442 or RA - hi ith | - { G i |a $12 600 landscaped. Taxes $126. Call [we (oF PAN atte | To Foe i dtluse, or XQ Shean Gors, 1% i Ware h 's Uni Sal Wall RA 4 WE have liens for a three-bedroom 3 3, ' ¥ e ' man's bieyele and tricycle. both » o> y and arehousemens nion Jolly 4 RA 6.6297 8-465) ° INE have Jenks 11 i Bsebearoom's [steering white walls, like sew. RA DODD MOTOR SALES ars bevels NS licyele, both Jean west boast ports in. general (ny . don Avenue argo east section of the city. Also buyers! P IVATE sale -- five-room frame bun-|8-1203, 0 of % galow, six years old, oil heated, dry ; 7 314 PARK RD. S. i 2 Rata ad hb 3 ... 'We want all the improvement: Model home near comple TAXES $52 eres het 8 Ensen paved drive, bevutf loca | 34 MERCURY, sito 70 haf ton pic: | RA 3.9421 ONE oad, weed oreo me, ecrenit mers un | (hat can be had because each in tion, north-west section of $7,100 full price for this 4 [Call Schofield Insurance Associates tion, safe, quiet street, priced for ack 9, Ra 5.2009, {burner and controls. Phone RA 8 394; placing decrepit piers and in. "°° * ie eac city, oll services in. 3 bed- room bungalow, with 3,pc, |WAd., Daytime RA 3.2265 { | payment, leaving for 8A dow {58 TRIUMPH Mayflower, $100 pr | TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, tar. Stalling bulk-loading equipment Movation CHLAMECS ore Dusineet, 0 ow, wpe. | A 15 ; : ' p work w room brick bungolow, $1,500 bath, Private driveway, full |ESTATE Sale, cheap for cash, approx fer, four pew tires, good mechanical- HOUSTON'S GARAGE |pauins. sieepine sass, Find "aaa The 48square-mile barbdr ne The union b 2 rming brick, | and be attracted h down, one N.H.A. mortgage aa vD / imately 25 acres, some bush. Large $1100 DOWN payment, charming 'lly. Apply 916 Centre Street North, | ll ing) So offers 109 berths, of which 57 can c ere. Gl basement. Ouiet location in [LEN or A HO decorated, |split level bungalow attached ga'|(l APF | AND SERVICE STATION Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3.764 commodate deep sea traffic MUS. modernize with these ad- or $750 ond small 2nd ot orth end. Call Solly Wallace ose ds decorating, but you will be -- TT - - : ac p N.H.A interest rate RA B.465T. After 4 RA |oome to Oshawa RA SUS evenings. | santis surprised with this house at ("54 CHEV. two door Belair, easiom| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- COMPLETE Dock of Hilliops Send] : vances," For full partciulars coll RA 5.6297 : 4 {only 311 #00, 'Joseph Bosco, Realtor, |radio, white was, like new. RA 85179, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE come 1st served basis. Hilltop Motors, MODERN PORT Machines instead of 13 - man 8-4651 ond ask for Ossie eerns Two modern three 3-9879. {3 PLYMOUTH sedan, fully equipped] MOTOR TUNE-UP AND [RA 5.6891, "Vancouver is a modern port gangs now load lumber, by far 3 FT. LOT, scenic view, eastend, $1800 new tires, excellent condition, 49.000) GENERAL REPAIRS |3 ROOMS of furniture, 'only $299. This with increased automation allow- the largest commodity handled Martin = room | " 4 , RA miles, Appl 1 m-- as LLOYD REALTY bedroo bunga ows [fun price. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, miles. Apply rear 155 Colborne Street 67 KING ST. W. includes chesterfield, ehair, chrome set." "oC o0 0 Ten: ara there. Loading time has been re- {bedroom suite, mattres spring, step ast anytime, one yeor old, one |FRETTY custom built, six - room ranch |'5) TWO door Plymouth sedan, may be RA 3-7822 and coffee table, boudoir and table quickly," said port manager Capt.|duced. by one-third and may yet amps, pillows, ete. $25 down del Arth LIST WITH LLOYD with arage, on |bunkalow, L-shaped living room, taste (seen at Ted's White Rose and Marine, Articles For So ow *.B. D. L. Johnson. "There's nobe cut by another 20 per cent. ur goreg ylaily':decoruted ceramic bath, alumi- Kinison Rind Edst, HA 39500. |30--Artie or Sale oe Home 'Furnishings, 2 Simcoe Steet shortage of berths, and piers now| Improved effiiency is reflected THEN CALL YOUR MOVER {num storms, TV antenna, beautifully 7 - a ; . be "5 PON g | | water and sewer, (msi iv, Sime Nail vie FONTIAC couch bn, eit cong SEEETNG, tre, We Woy being "c 01 ¢ trucied should ad he port' soaring tonnage sia WEINBERGER IMMEDIATE close to four ccrn- Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 59870. 5.7285 or apply 128 Agnes Street toves 'ete. Kor top cash ofier, con. WE piv highest prices in the city for equately handle the expected in- tistics, CCFC i PONTIAC Laurentian six, sedan, |'0ct 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131 | sued furniture, Pretiv's Used Furniture onco 'in (raffic in the next few| ror roe EAD REALTOR POSSESION se! Pe ar adio, splendid condition, Call 9 to 1 or AIR conditioner, portable $49 up, de. both bs hi Th Bimete Sout + years," ' west COAST LEADER Six-room: Brick storey ond o n & Ki dd 5 10 7 at 82 McLaughlin Blvd iumidifier, automatic humidastat, han ady would like housework by 75" or ari 3 n general cargo Vancouver Shi room. prick st roy. ond a ' ' | C vay | 5 PONTIAC Lanrentian sedan. vs, es 13,000 'en, fl," Svear warranty. [the day. Phone MOhawk 8-4487 after The port expansion is part) oo 2 west Sarg ports, Hand]. 32 PARK RD. N accept half cash. automatic, two-ione, radio, back-ups, Nelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East RCo: cause and effect of Vancouver's ing about 12,000,000 tons annu- | tion. Modern kitchen, living olivia. 2} b. ' washers, whitewalls, extra #now tires, 18 FT. 6" moulded plywood paceship REFRIGERATOR sale, new 1960 biz rapid growth as an important MO 8 5366 REALTORS excellent conditions, Telephone RA! cruiser "39, 35 hp Phy complete | 10 cu, ft. family size. 5 yr. warranty 5. | port-of call on the na ship ally. It also leads the west coast (in grain exports, averaging 140, room with mantel, dining » THE HOME room. 3 bedrooms. = fomily Walter Frank, Branch Manager 8 with steering and controls, skis, etc.| Kelly's special $199, 2 floors RA 85 bing lanes. Other factors are the | room in basement. Aluminum BUICK super, V8, dynaflow ana) Reasonable. RA 58-4914 after 4 VALUABLE antique music box. hand | oe '80 a 000,000 bushels r wi for the I "storms 'ond screens. 'T.V. on. JOHN A. J | 177 CHURCH. STREET |% BUICK per, Vi #00d condition. FOUR storm windows, wood, 26" "x58"; | carved. xood working order, plete ice-free winters in the nearlyl,, ig Kingdom a J Ye Home h 2 BOWMANVILLE RA 32045 after 5 pm eight 24" x 47%", like new, $2.50 each, With 45 steel plates, some dating back land-locked harbor, development atiyatd pan, a 5 the main destinations. The har- THRIFTY BUYER | tenno. Easy terms. For BOLAHOOD og ph hone (0 1664, Make offer. RA 58132 y : » { 2 CORVAIR automatic sedan, radio, poP'} after 5 at 481 Drew or phone : - of British Columbia's rich natural |}, : | more information call Gerry MA 3.3393 back-up Hanis elo. under Tod Sie Ras 1 REFRIGERATOR, 12 cu. ft., one four- convo and the increase in POTS Seven elevators have a Cosy 3-bedroom brick bun- | Osborne LIMITED Telephone MO 8.2005 Whitby, foot freezer, reasonable for burner heavy duty stove, washing ma. total capacity of 22,000,000 bush- | |' CHEVROLET "Belair sedan; i= [quite sale. Phone RA 8-1244 chine, also 'cupboard. All good cond ! els, tion, RA 58252 5 p.m Shortly after the Second World p th : FARMS Canadian-Japanese trade alow, with goroge and patio ge ar age Or a LIVE IN LUXURY 167 SIMCOE S. | matic, radio, two tone, excellent con-| USED 17" and 21" TV sets, as low a Last year exports held close to Bry. Jorge 10 I0eally PLUS 600 acres, productive, tile |dition' One owner, Phone RA 8-1554 |$49.50 and up. Trio Television, 171 Bond GIBSON Spanish gu 'Les Paul Jr." War the harbor's future seemed ""% located on Bloor West, very R A 5 6544 drained lond 1 mile from {758 PONTIAC, four-door deluxe Laur. Street East Brand new, must sell. Phone RA 30447. j1 on pp act pout had been, tHe 1958 peak of 1,197,653,000 close to Simcoe St. Low D INCOME Lindsay. 10 brick hous enfian automat e ™ very ne RADIO for "30 Vauxhall, complete with : board feet, of which about half Say. room bric use, automatic, very clean, ake WALLPAPER for every need at F B huilt in 1929, and deep sea facil GOO Co lorge trade and finance. RA 8.5179 | Edgar's. Economy room lots and ex- aerial and rear seat speaker. 365 Park : p ted went to the Atlantic coast and 25 priced, $800 down and only : all conveniences, Two ties ha ve , lv deple OF all M 6 rooms for the owner with be oh AGEN - - pensive imports, hundreds of patterns "oad South, RA 85072 ties N80 Sen Seriou. Jy. cep. or ce i % Si hy 8 STes r Hignel Heidone Tosh e 1 SACRIFICE SALE L-shaped hip roofed barms ton SKEWAGEN, gxcollent condi ("took of regular and _pre-pasted SICKROOM equipment for' rent and for When a $3,000,000 CPR pier was BE 4 sol hi ihe South Sea islavds. rene Weinberger, RA 8 holwial lieldsione fireplace stores with 8 room. Rouse Tremendous value * of only |} OL : lines. Ask for afree yardstick -at|gate wheelchairs, nospital beds, invalid! destroyed by fire in 1938, Cargo Pulp and paper shipments were --evenings RA 3.7244 bsolute separate ond private city: Stores . rey i 50 per acre, Easy terms ) "VROLET sedan, excellent con-| Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, across walkers, com: modes en lamps, |, andled manuall i le @ record 1,299,000 tons. 3.room self-contained apart y €5 are grocer onc dition, wili finance from 6 to 9 p.m. [from Dominion Store, 34 King West crutches, eanes away beds Was handled manually and trade Port officials hope Japan's in- | ment. Two-car garage, extra butcher shop, equipped 275 ACRE DAIRY FARM U5 Albert Street | AWNING, plain colors or Kay stripes, |and cribs Low rentals. No investment. was being lost to U.S. ports with} ast In voal and iron deposit Q | fot included allowing pur House has 8 large rooms and Toronto milk contract, 14 |' METEOR Niagara, tritone tudor, Prompt service. Free estimates, Order Free delivery and pick-up. Phone Aid- more modern and efficient facil-|/6'eS% ay posits | f to I | {| hi od gorage. 2 baths, Complete $ from Oshowa. Ten room |excellent condition, $895 cash or trade. now for early delivery. Chair and table Rentals, RA 5-1644 itie in B.C. and Alberta and the new chaser to build apartment ad- price only ST4.500 to se 5 0M Kurt's Fina Service, 146 Liberty South, rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 imcoe North.|RCA Victor TV, 21 inch $125; old a w oc. Dulk-loading facilities here will joining present dwelling. Reo- Y 4 house, All city conveniences Bowmanville a-- - tove, $15. Phone RA 8.0 A new era and road to pros- : t J e '] whole project. Only sk I= VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, stove, $15. Phon i 2 " further increase traffic. They say ea for onable down payment, ow | 900" ) y osking Good barn. Stream. Owner |'54 BUICK, standard transmission, cus-| parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. PIANO for sale. Phone RA 8.5016 perity opened in 1947" when the| =' f the St. Lawrence net: will tke back: belonce $1,900 down ond carries for leaving country Asking [tom built radio, good condition. MO teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free.|oUTBOARD motor, new Scott 3.6 11, [National Harbors Board wiped °PeNing 0 + LAWrence hea at 6% interest. Phone Bill only $75 a month interest $45,000, Terms 8-5110 {Rentals Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-|2)" reversible electric fan, 3 spadi lout the port's old debt interest way has had no effect on Van- OSHAWA SHOPPING Millar ot RA 8 5123 ond principal with existing : ' OLDSMOBILE hardtop, top condi |!¢®. RA 8:0591 anytime Phone OL, 5-4836 Bil, It provided new capi-| CENTRE | 7 year mortgage ot 6%. 128 acre Christmas Tree farm 253 lots of extras. Phone RA 8.6080, ORDERS taken for storm sashes, wood FACTORY clearance, smooth top mat pays expansion at 2% ar cent! Liovd Realty Lid. Real Hurry for this one on highway, 120,000 pruned edar Valley Avenue [or aluminum, {ree estimates. Terms. |( esses, 220 coils, fabulous savi 17j1al lor expansion at <% pe ulated for additional develop- oyd Realty Ltd ealtor ' 5 PONTIAC Laurentian, $2100, radio, [Phone RA 3-4989. |only, $19.88; bunk beds git pieces interest, compared with the old scotch pine Christmas trees. 3 ment of the harbor's 98 - mile A 5. 88 RA 8-5123 -- RA 8.5124 [back speaker, many extras, Like new. AJAX Bargain Centre for the best complete, three star spe $38; con- rate of five per cent R 65 fa 38125 JACK APPLEBY Thousands yoody for Morke [Phone RA 8-4245 |deals around town, New and used ap-|tinental beds quilted, 12 only, single| "4 Joo e harbors. board 1 le, including Serizcement . this year. stre '46 MERCURY, motor in ve pliances, furniture, New deep freezers, |%'2¢, crazy low price $36; roll-aw bs i of old structures us: primarily Y 5 5 3 Ey + motor in very good ial ia, f 224. complete, special $14.88, Wilson's Fur- stalled radar in the port, the first S TR YOUR OFFER 10) Simcoe 1, N RA -6 44 SA Iniire propery. $25, |conthtion. Wa sola Ay manufacture, "tive year gas] niture Company, 20 Church Street forth ie F i to handle coastal traffic. A $7, IX roo $ storey © 4 -- . 5. m rey on Jory |"88 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, good ranty. Complete food insurance Just UNPAINTED bookcases, only 99c with The board widened the entrance 000,000 terminal 830, |couver Meanwhile plans are being for- rth America so uipped. No equip} for Vancouver Street. Needs ao little work | condition, 15,000 miles, Phone RA (off No. 2 Highway, Harwood North, | h f f unfinished imi i . but otherwise sound. Private NEW HOMES RA 3-3398 100 acre mixed farm, neor 18-1782 after 5 pm, | Ajax [Rarnitare: students: desks, $14: chest channel to 1,200 feet and deep- Wharyes Limitey 13 10 he Soin drive and garage. Could be Ern;skit/en os room insul-brick ™w TOWERS, Wf self-supporting |0f drawers, $17; bookcases, $5.99; van- ened it to 50 feet, making the| Pieler 4 upply de 8 Rod just what you are looking Yembers of Oshawe and Ee ric, tar, CASh vanized with _all-|¥_ dieser, $26. Wilson Furniture, 20 10 vnor accessible to the world's to 59 deep sea vessels, possibly f _ District Reol Estate Board good barn, gravel pit, stream pe, installed and guaran. Church Stree largest vessels also the larger nuclear-powered of a, | Asking $18,000. Terms FOR YOUR CAR teed for one year, $7.95. Trio Televi- USED paris and repairs for all makes arges se freighters of the future, ers, ¥ HP > . sion. |of wringer type washers, 4 HP motors CONSTRUCTION BOOM "Ultimate growth cannot be { FULL PRICE $12,500 One Mortgage ee ae JOHN A. J 52 acres near Orono, house VAN HEUSEN DUCK se special, migratory birds, ($5 to $10. guaranteed reco Market, In 1950 Northland Navigation estimated," says Capt. Johnson. pheasants nd partridge mounted at | wasners and stoves Low down payment Large Y i 19' 3 bed- $73 MONTHLY B 0 L A H 0 0 D with of} SHY, (Fonveniences reasonable rates, Paul's Sporting Hampton. CO 3.2241. _|Company touched off a construc- "The port will grow with the kitchen long L ' arge barn. level work- rooms, 12° x 13' master bed- Yes, automatic oil heat able land. Excellent view MOTORS "0 Mert Slzeet. "Telophons | |DOMINON appliances (x division of tion splurge with replacement of metropolitan area 2d 8 at approx- room, 4. tile t | RE -- | i m 'imately the same rate.' ot now: Immediate po $795 LIMITED HES Tem 149 KING ST. W. ~~ |wons rn he, pt, Sin fe Mls Svoarold per by modern imately Vacant now, Immediate pos- E : session. Call one of our is your full down payment for REALTOR INSURANCE 24 acres with 4 room bunga- very job guaranteed E double barrel 12 gauge shotgu SUrieoUs. salesmen row. | these 6-room brick - bunga- 167 SIMCOE § low, excellent trout Sica, | van in perfect condition, $65. RA Tren Cn pled Man QO ARTMENTS ive + ND SECOND RA 5-6544 | Term. ISABYAN MOTOR Ect, fi. Somer soy Bam of oh aor iit ai P AND NOTGING STORE-APT Asking oy $8550" win SALES LTD. Br ons. so. ge Mo 8755. sont condi. Pose | Starts Business EXTRA TO BUY Large building with full base~ ! ' own STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN [trailer Best offer. Apply 370 Steven- CROSLEY 20 television, new pictire ment, big store on first floor, | son Road North. i - aule lay | WE REPEAT NO J |46--Real Estate Wanted SALES ond SERVICE ONE light duty rangette, two TT Fhe A Tae » ays free SURREY, B.C. (CP) -- Jim, "That's what you get for centre. Two bedrooms, with stove and. fridge supplied October 15th occupancy $97.50 Open Evenings and All Day Seturday paved street. Coll Bill Rat- [¢Xchunge for nine.room modern rug OSHAWA, ONT Two blocks to the shopping | | | | modern 6 room apartment, ; HIDDEN COSTS second floor, double garage, BUNGALOW near bus stop wanted in 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH food condition, reasonable, 'Call after West, McCauley, 53, is running a do-it-| becoming a businessman," he | brick, storey and a half with nice base- ES | ELECTROHOME RCA Victor, Admiral. yourself ~ rehabilitation program chuckled. Now he's working , cliffe, RA 5.6544 " LOWEST prices in town! Curity diapers | The finest in TV, Hifi and service, son inlg . " i v iy: Representatives W. T LAMSON {ment apartment on Simcoe Street] Tel: RAndoiph 3-346) first quaallty, regular $4.99 per dozen. nighest trade.in allowances at Parkway Since one leg was shattered inshorter hours. His wife super Bill Norris Dick Young . GOOD LOT | Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3.2512 or ~|now only $3.60: baby carriages, new Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. an industrial accident and his vises the little sawmill with the Lloyd Corson REAL ESTATE.LTD, BUYING OR SELLING SEE [1960 carbed style, $28; large full panel|Color TV on display health became impaired. help of a foreman while Jim {MO 85765 North-west area, has eld a -------- ° cribs, half-price clearout, $19.88 RT ~ d d RA 5.6588 -- RA 5.6589 : | CRGENTLY in need of listings !Two- springfilled crib mattresses, $9.88 D tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, | mer 2 rator, drums up orders. RA 5-6580 RA 5-8831 house on now, new house on ' Igiorey and modern Tesales. Poy prompt TED CAMPIN $7.88; |B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 A former bulldozer ope have At the end of the box-making playpens, $8.88; high chairs, i " a each side, asking only $3,300 |and courteous service please call strollers, $5.88. Wilson Furniture, 20|15 PRICE lamp sale, trilite, table and Jim and his wife Lea seas 5 i 661 MOTORS : of started their own factory, mak-| Season, they turn to filling re- for everthing. Call Bill Rat- Stephen Macko Realtor, RA 8-4 Church Street. boudoir lamps, Large selection 5 - : store samples and discontinued lines, . table boxes for| sawing contracts for local lum- cliffe ot RA 5.6544 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA now clearing as low {ing fragt and vegetable 95 ber mills and - make poultry : vi as Ya ie g | lumi ---- arons' H Furnishi 424 se. the farmers of this district W HITBY CLASSIFIED $900 DOWN $900 USE THE thn ann" Wilson - Road) +B iii Produ = Street South. SI hgh ment | miles southeast of Vancouver or iL abu laces Nader v p Res; 5.5574 awnings, TV 'towers, paving, [CASH buyers are reading the Oshawa| In their first season in 1958 ite x be ranch style brick Times Want Ads everyday looking for they made 20, 000 boxes. Produc- me ull bas J SHAWA IMES 0 nm § p as | ne, ement, oil ( ) T ne contract, nothing down. sed baby f ture, 'I s able to instal a ne bandsaw HELP WANTED --- Lady with book: THREE room apartment, $60 monthly; eatin: Ideal family home ANDY N Y' i i Tha mire SR Fours dio tion sine Hen has doubled au k | h g. ld f ly n AGY'S For free estimates call quick cash easily by calling RA 3.3492 UC soon, They started out with an keeping and typing experience, short|also four room apartment, $65 month-| ith lor Kit po 3 are employed arge kitchen. 3 bed BODY SHOP ALUMA SEAL CO to place a fast-cash-getting Want Ad, |six worker ploy obsolete saw and 'nailed 40 boxes hours, hours could be arranged. Apply |lv: includes heat, light and water, spa K i is GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-|peak periods. ; : ged his knee in a day by hand. 7 Osh T Whit lol rd. Central location. Pl M rooms with closets. Close to Box 807 Oshawa Times, Whitby clous yard. Central location. Phone MO CLASSIFIED MERCEDES - BENZ + ties now ADE Nhe: rms 10 bor etl After he damage Ee ELT - - 8.4494 after 5. school. Call Bill Ratcliffe ot FOR RENT -- Two year old five-room RA 5-6544 DKW RA 59365 ANYTIME down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond), (;)) gix years ago in Vancou- three-bedroom brick bungalow in East| FOR RENT -- Three room apartment, fo. "Dominion Tie a Jim found it. impossible to| Yhitoy Call MO 82410 or RA 58761, heat and water Apply 610 Dundas © a] memes Co pot heat and water. / MEMBERS OF OSHAWA COLUMNS SALES AND SERVICE SALE GOOD, clean 48" continental bed, com os kine at a heavy job. Hel 'Yawnin Hel S FOR RENT -- Three room unfurnished [EMPLOYMENT WANTED: Bookkeeper & DISTRICT | 408 KING W., OSHAWA plete Sub NniorL, I¢levhone NO doen says he tried to talk the work-| apartment, no children. Apply 312 Dun-|3 years Toronto Insurance office, urgent REAL ESTATE BOARD 45--Real Estate for Sale | RA 3. 7132 Aluminum Products of the ONE" baby sarfiage, ond ono ful size Wont s compensation board into das Street West |ly requires position. Whitby or district, |. best qualit crib, 3 [ty -- om ------------ mi) y at the best 4 Oy gd J... FOR RENT -- Four bedroom split. Part time considered. Box 416 Osh -- Fi Li prices, fully. guaranteed. tion, reasonable. Phone Ra Saas cashing some of his p sion 50 IO uctivit : ELECTRIC one hand lawn je rt a business, but awa Times, Whitby ironer, could start level home partly furnished, Phone A Lod LL MO 8.3603 after § p.m ROOM and board for gentleman. Apply LLOYD REALTY TRIUMPH MOTOR CARS Double cSN9 Windows only mower, sump pump in good condition, jie." wouldn't hear of it. : T.R. 3, VANGUARD, : Also child's orb. Baha friend of| TOKYO (Reuters)--Yawns and TIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary 901 Walnut Street, Whitby o i AREHOUSE cle -- Finally a farmer u , Lymer Aluminum Co. WAREHOUSE clearance of odd mine tallied me into the box- mak-| stretches are increasing produc- new. tanks installed Walter Ward. [FoR RENT -- At Cannington, would ENSIGN & HERALD RA 8-5385 ends, some slightly marked "He as-|tion in Japanese factories. 04 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-236 | uit pension couple. Bed-sittin salting room, 558 DOWN $558 A n : {famous brand lines, costs forgott i siness," said Jim, FOR RALE -- Eight room brick house, kitchenete and bath, Close to' stores, $ $ ON DISPLAY AT - -- ---- tremendous savings, dressers with mi Li 8 us us of the first order for, Managements of large factories nut a , immediate possession, Apply 201 Byron Post office and churches. Rent $37 in. SMITH SPORT : ' 0 ater. rd . . hs rors, regular $59, special $38; wa whi ). Biwet Soul ois MO hi hr Sudes Lydie and wales, Write Mrs 6 Room Brick Homes £10,500 and $10,800 NORTH SPORTS Now is the time to [chest of drawers, Jegular $9. reduced | 20,000 boxes, SO aut Nauk, nan, iy a aire ME) r rent -- Unfurnishe: i to 26; Mr. i Mrs. double nuine | aor came rough with oan. three-roomed apartment, self contain.FOR RENT -- Spacious modern two $68 per month plus taxes. 1050 square feet RA 8-5912 have a beautfiul home |!Sume dresser vexular $120, slashed 1o| Ager came through with a of a good yawn plus some sim. $53; space saver di : LOOKING AHEAD | ple exercises increased efficiency. ed, heated, central, MO 8.2780 after 5 bedroom apartment in new duplex. 320 po . . : Pert 4 Bungalows or Ful a with aluminum door: + . Save i erry Stregt. Phone MO 8-3453 galows or Full Two Stories, S |erings, regular The Shukan Yomiuri, a weekly into the business, magazine, reported that a tran- s ho AAR oo A naks £29 05 . $16 1 leys p plowed AUCTION sale of new and used furni. LARGE nicely furnished room for rent 1957 MORRIS ond windows, best ite fon desks; Jor gions; he Mec Buoys ave 2 8 ARK DIO! Ss ¢ : tor factory near Tokyo had re. or Bad 1a ink. Th Tikes suitable for one or two, centrally io Completely modern with all the extras, and ; mit 3 ) west of Ontario Hospital on Base Line. cated, meals optional, MO 8.5236 Le Quality Const ; CONVERT! quality, lowest price in flearont Siam hori Cole bought more machines and hope Sis i . . L 3 5 -- ui paul or MO S340. rom RENT -- Two roomed apartment p Quality Construction BLE | town Quick service |walnui and blond end tables, plain and [to grow still bigger jetisoied a drop in Modastion SED RNITURE and applianc monthly, everything included : | fancy, values to $29.95, out they go, $4; But Jim worked 12 to 14 hours) a etc. We buy, sell. exchange anything. Apply 66 Church Street, Pickering RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 | Good condition. New paint ALEX VAJDA [broadioom scatter mats, $1: trent] Eo FET He" husiness|ous hours assembling parts of Hamilton Used Furniture, 103 Byron | {yvE pouliry. aiso feathers wanted job. Beige and brown. Phone floor Juns, Teguiat $1955, Hushey 3 ay Then he had to go to {ransistor radios that required a | 4 - | high degree of concentration. Street South, MO 8.8431 Tahal omar hie Street Sout ; prices' paid, Jake 101 SIM T. * - i SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Parker, MO 8.3644 collect e---- COE 3 NO sas RA 3-4656 RA 3-9851 OIL pace heater, two steel furnaces, hospital for an ulcer operation. | Mio 1 ok way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, [ry pEWRITERS, new and used, low | 3 Tr CE = {one oll burper unit, 200 gallon oil drum, TT, he company consulted a Tokyo sed, low - windows, doors and frames, lumber, | University professor who special- 304 Chestnut West. Phone MOhawk 4 0 4 | . en | #25 own payment, 9 up. Desks, Ning) | SACRIFICE SURPLUS SALE bricks, timbers, and steel b beams, - ized in the study of increasing ters, Hamilton Office /Outfitters, 103] | WOODWORKING SHOP |[ete. Mir. Vic White, Town Line North, inge uses {production from the medical ap- HOUSEWIVES |i warox chy whith. MO 8.3431. | Ww | L L | S Circular sows, jointer, Skil- Ye Hie, Bott Saunton Village, east fide proach, He recommended fhe N Chain Saw Sales and | saw, Misc. tools, hardware LONG wedding th redingote I F N h {girls be given 10-minute rests in rvice. Chas. A. Bell, MO 84173 ; v RE Load lw BIR eg ed t Cash in on the big Fall WOME OWNERS -- Shingling, siding, REAL ESTATE LIMITED M 0 T 0 lL S ay pt Sor ys? I I font Ae ee n ar or | the morning Sid Serum Hus , 1 nsula . pStro . jable, A i 00d condition B-5676, | "Www ' Ww note a and Christmas Selling [mail Hamer. 2% Gramm mantind| 40 KING ST. E DIAL RA 8-4678 | ings 7 10 9. Saturday 9 am, |e: All in good condition. MO BWM.| yyy NWT. (CP)--Arctie| "Physiologically and. psyepo- Ren | Season. Be an Avon Rep. | Cl saw DUPLEX $2,000 DO | For Your to 6 pm. 121 MacMillan Dr. _ [Mom "Math capaci, 'ma. school buses 'have sprouted logically it is not good for fhe resentative in your neigh- [{OkD WAVES (Lanolin enriched) from 00 WN } A _-- statically controlled, just ike new. Wings. i" : health and mind to remain in the $5 Incindes, masterly} shaDing, sham... | : 4 USTIN CAR Phone RA 8.623 Hundreds of smiling Eskimo game posture too long," he said. r , and styl ive free in this one -- double house -- 5 rc n each sid a ---- 5 = > Boia ne posture too long, Bho. I edicls poo. i RR a phone Shabu iidl Lor Ring, Suse RET. on each vide, GOOD ASSORTMENT COOK' S TRAILER and Indian children Jarticipate Now production stops for 30 - FOR the best in insulation, use Palo. after 5:30 call Joe Maga at 8-4678. USED CARS SALES AND SERVICE SEE HOME APPLIANCES [annually in one of the world's | seconds on the hour every hour collect. Pak. Save money and install it your.| HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE OSHAWA LTD most unusual school transporta-| while rows of girls yawn together, S-- mee | S¢16, OF we can do it for you. For free COLLEGE HILL TAUNTON RD. E. ON SALE 90 SIMCOE SOUTH jus projects. . throw their hands over their fitimate call HH. Goode and Sms d 3 é FOR C.1.L PAINT |uid. 601 Broek North Mo #29 | 3-apen ri brick he me, good investment, a real buy -- just RA 5-0331 | LON NONE ces FOR FRIGIDAIRE me urea hs Th heads Bhat the inter- ihe years old -- excellent condition -- well located -- totel price | ---- ALES A SERVICE | ep school 2 . b CALL | i | SALES AND SERVIC new government school at Inu- val and the management found BOWYER eau, Yi $3,770 gown. After 5:30 sell Dick Sar. The Weather Is Ph. RA 8- 0887 Domestic and Commercial |vik, 185 miles north of the less defective work in the ili ---------- RA 5.5332 Arctic Circle products. Dodd & Souter REFRIGERATION The children were recently rm -------- HARMONY HEIGHTS RESALE SHARP OUTBOARD 52--Legol Th hi inl isolated homes Paint and Wallpaper Store Comm Mod: e 3- ¢ ercial and domestic. AN odern attractive 3-bedroom brick and stone bungalow, holly- p-- - » sche thic sace 107 Byron Street South wood kitchen -- storms and screens, tiled hall, newly decorated, AND SO ARE MOTORS | io tie st ol which has accom esearc ad S ork - Mo 8-5231 work guaranteed. 505 An landscaped -- full price $13,600 -- one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. FOR RENT TOWNSH | p dents. It is one of the Dest: = Pre sy FIELD STONE HOME OUR CARS MARINE STORAGE | OF DARLINGTON [iiped elementary schools in| Pyne] Voyage ATTENTION me ---- Beautiful 8-room natural stone house, situated on paved road . METEOR Customline Se. and SUPPLY Ltd Operation School Bus is part | p Ie of kp n HOMEMAKERS [GRAVEL & LOAM | 1 = Grove. caent sone work -- os'mich land don -- Radi: heater, | BROOKLIN ONT. OL 5-364! | Tenders for Gor Word lor the Dropram whieh as bees! SUNENBURG. NS CPlutue MO 8.5381 new motor job, excel. |= mem ---- Model S.50 or equivalent {undertaken by the department of (1,200 - ton Canadian navy ship Cement gravel -- Drivew condition $395 northern affairs for the educa- |§ Sackville and the 600-ton Voma, Over 90% of your weekly grave! rove or o£ veway Modem 7-raom GRANDVIEW GARDENS : . 2 FORD Two-door -- Good FOR SALE Sealed Tenders planly mark tion of the Eskimo and Indian!owned by Columbia Univorsity, shopping in your own kitchen fill. Delivery Monday to Sat- 00m dining ro wai Pp ve | ame : with attached garage. Living ondition, heater = $295 ed 0s to contents will be re children of the Arctic have returned from a 4,400-mile $14.95 per week will brin urday noon. Er r ¢ p 9 , amily room with seporate washroom on MONARCH Sedan & ceived by the undersigned is a long-range plan which scientific journey thiough Can- 9 ic Bronton Ist floor with 3 good bedrooms and 4-piece tiled bathroo A One used Livingston Coal 12 ¢ : Y a complete food plan for a good house in a good location and a " To. Good condition $295 Stoker, in good condition, may until 12 Noon, Monday, Oct- 1s also seen children flown to'ada's northern waters. fomily of four into your home MO B 2660 with 6% NHA 9 on priced to sell ot $19,500 MERCURY -- Custom. be seen of Cedardole Fire ober 3, 1960, for a Gar Wood rovernment schools at Fort] The Sackville, staffed by 12 including @ WESTINGHOUSE | ah ; . morigage izéd, radio, heater, '53 Station, 761 Simcoe Street Model 5.50 oil fired suspend- Simpson, Fort Smith, Norman fisheries research board scien- FREEZER | MODEL HOME motor, Sharp $225 South, 'Oshawa, or Phone: RA ed unit or equivalent, com-- |Wells, Fort McPherson and Yel- tists under Dr. Neil Campbell of NO DOWN PAYMENT FOR RENT---Boating, camp- Be sure ond ' n Nowe To. Ch F 8-644). pletely installed not later [lowknife : Dartmouth, N.S., jnvestigated ing supplies, gardening and sure and see our furnished model home open for your in. ore To Choose From -- than November 15, 1960 The children love it the potential of the waters as a REQUIRED lown equipment, power tools spection daily from 1:00 pm. to 10:00 p.m. $12,500 with # Plans for same may be seen "They all broke into smiles as fishing ground. Included was a Food Plan by SCHNEIDERS, box, boat and cabin trailers $730.00 Sawn, oF 5 iow os $475.00 down if you qualify --9 BUCK S 20 OUTBOARD ot the Township Office oon as they came in the door." [study of currents and the chemi- The Finest. For further in FOR SALE Used boots 5 he firs ays tuatéd on Wilson Rd. N. at Lansdowne Hampton, Price to be quoted id Rev. L. P. Holman, Ancli. cal properties and microbiologi- formation, call y : motors, trailers a Drive P DY SHCP CABIN CRUISER oe a0 ge Fuel. sank and on gan, juniser in charge of the v8) Japucts of the water and ECONOMART WILDE RENTALS AFTER 5:30 CALL 361 BLOOR ST. E Custom built, 1959, tully Lowest or any Tender Last year we didn't have a} The idea is that should the we Se ut " Service and Sales Everett Elliott 3:9290 Joe Maga 5-9191 Marion Drew 5.7610 N Savipped Jess mote Fall necessary Secs tec c single case of homesickness or a Grand Banks ever be fished out . Ul 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 | - Dick Barr 9 " rice 2 ilson undle, Clerk. |case requiring disciplinary ac- Canada's commercial fishermen ck Borrioge 5.6243 Lloyd Metcalf 5.6983 RA 5-4513 th Homoton, Ontario {tion." : imay have to look elsewhert.

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