(Mrs, George Westfal} were co PERSONALS Ln ot 4 sont shaver id in of Mrs, Lavrence | Lynchock, The shower was held Mr, snd Mrs, James Ward they will mest Mr, Girling's 1 st Mrs, Hosking's home on Bras [have returned to Winnipeg siver 0s, Mr und Sirs. Sidney Orley street, Among the guests visiting their daughter, Mrs, Wik Oe, Ey vid wis Mrs, Lynchock's grand: liam Robinson, Milton avenue, Afrport, After s few days' sight- wother, Mrs. George Corby, As ond Mrs, Ward's sister, Mrs. seeing, the Visitors will be om sting 1 serving Jrireshments LA. . ing to Oshawa for a month's hol- were Mrs, rgin, , Cr Ar Tous, Bagot veut, - UR, (Doveias Knapp and Miss ce irgin, : of the Wom. Beyisutulinines Mr, and Mrs, 7. K. Creighton, en's Auxilisry, Oshawa General . King street east, have returned Hospitel, met with representa from Ottawa where they atiend- fives of auxiliaries from Ajax, ed the sessions and socisl setivid Bowmanville, Cobourg, Lindsay, ties of the Commonwealth snd Peterborough and Port Hope hos- Empire Law Conferences during itals on Thursday evening in Me the past week, Laughlin Hall and exchanged ideas on fund-raising and serv. Tess, birthday parties, weddin, ices to their hospitals, Mrs, H, A. anniversaries, coming and going Humble of Port Hope, president! of guests and your own holiday] of Region B, brought greetings plans are always of interest from the provincial y eo) h | this Write, telep or Following meeiing the repre-\visit the social department with sentatives repaired fo the cale- your item of news for which teria for refreshments provided there is no charge, (Telephone by the OGH board of directors, RA 33474, Members of Bt, Gertrude's CWL Mrs, Kenneth Hosking and Council who attended the ABU) |= mmm rem Retreat at "Our Lady of the Cen-| acle House" in Toronto were Mrs, | | | . . W. R, Branch, Mrs, John Polman,| , din an Mrs, Angus Neil, Mrs, James] Migs Elizabeth Joan Aker and | urday 2, in St, John | Aker of Oshawa and the pros. The engagement is announced | Bt. George's Memorial Church [lins and her fiance is the son|Kraemer, Mrs, Eugene McAvoy, | Mae. Mies ' | on Friday, Ociober 21, The | of Mr, and Mrs, Christopher J, | Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mrs, | gdh ooo | opective bridegroom Is the son v Miss Donna Ann Col Mr. Robert Edgar Tavior whose elist Church, Whithy.| of sy and Mrs. Percival ¥, | 1098y of Miss Donna | Frank Markey, Mrs, Stanley! oiliie ride-to-he Ang 1 T 5 and Mr, Allan James Ma- | bride-to-be Is the daughter of | Mason, all of Oshawa, engagement | announced fo ' » the daughter, Taylor of Toronto ling and aR ] Sheridan, Mrs. T. P, Hanrahan, ['] day plan to he married on Bale | of Mr, ane Reginald F, | Photos by Ireland | son who plan to he married in |Mr, and Mrs, Edward A, Col Photos by Ireland yn Alex Borovsky, Mrs. Albert SCHOOL OF DANCIN day 4 . - -- - u - _ ~ |Wihlidal, Mrs, Alfred Baumgsr- ton, D.EA.--M.D.A.. Oshawa Girl's Prize Outfit | A miscellaneous shower was! Ballet, Tap, Toe, held recently for Miss Sylvia Powlenzuk who will be wed Octo. | Character, Baton, New York Bound For Finals ber 1, The shower was arranged | Acrobati | crobotic, » by Mrs, Fred Crome, Montrave A prize « winning satin sheath in New York, she and her moth a held Tog with a draped skirt and three- er, Mrs, Joseph Dominik, Ritson] Avenue an he at her home. | quarter length coat skilfully sewn d south, will he invited to Mrs, C. E, Flewwelling assisted Kinderdance ond hy Rose Margaret Dominik, 17, of that city for a whirlwind, all-| the hostess, | Pre-School, Dr, ¥. J, Donevan Collegiate, is expense paid trip of sightseeing | New York hound this week for thealre-going, and press and TV Mr, and Mrs, Wiha Girling further judging interviews and daughter, Jackie, Lakeshore FRIDAY & SATURDAY This fuchsia - colored dress and Ag a winner in the Teen Diy Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 [ond ase Spouding the weekend t th . ---- | : at the coat ensemble was one of overigion, the 14 to 17 age-group 0,000 entries in this year's Singer Rose will win $600 and, should Young Stylemaker Contest. Fol-she top her category a one- § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 24, 1960 lowing local and regional judg week tour of historic U.8, eitie ; ngs for sewing and style expert: fo thre person 5 ATTENTION! | MASONIC TEMPLE io garments. tiched vy 13 cu| Todnte, te Yous suremaer Many Hogtesses Entertain | | nadian and 9 American teenage) Conlost prizes won by this fndy Y : CAARGE or BUDGET ACCOUNT [ 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Eo ne lop Hi agony: swing machine, "0 @ Special For Marilyn Evelyn Muldrew | KAYE'S Sports & Ladies Wear | Information: RA 3.7253 ew-il-yourself advocate trious Miss have included; a fit makes the "top fifteen" categoryisewing machine Simons 81, N.. Othaws Mir Lawrence H., Muldrew, was made by the staff of the! RA 5-548) L B ALENDAR Jarvi treet, was hostess at a Boapd of Health, | trousseau tea for her daughter A miscellaneous shower was Miss Marilyn Evelyn Muldrew held at the home of Miss Donna MONDAY King Street WA whose marriage to Mr, Donald Elliott, assisting were Miss Jo Southmead Park Au Arvilla McGregor Am Artbyr Whitebread took place (o-| anne Bell and Mrs, William Rich. Bl A ant Mon ; Mt. fap Wome asl « Asan day In King Stieet United Church, ardson BI! uty d | NIC HAIR STYLISTS 10DE (Prince Philip Ch First Baptist WA Ihe hostess received in a dres Mrs, Harold Whitbread (Jr), Castle Chapter Alumnae Friendship Group of Dior blue crepe complemented Rossmount avenue, was hostess be vu 13th Scout Mothers' Au Beta Sigma Phi by a corsage of pink carnations, al a miscellaneous family show Outaowa Lioserigs horcas, Grows © assisted by the prospective bride or. Mrs, N. Collins. and 'Mi AMIN / room mother, Mrs, Harold Harold Canning served OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Whithread (8r,) who wore a dress, Miss Catherine Burnie and Mrs TOPS Club Victory Lodge LOBA | of forest green taffeta with a cor-| Gordon Young were hostesses for Ri Kcho Lodge Rebekah ] og NO, ge of white tinted carnations,!a luncheon at which time the fe. A SA Home League Storle Park Auxiliars and the future bride wore mint|y,q1e staff of City Hall presented nnounces the future bride with a place set- lage w a corsage of g St Matthew's Guild Bre i lace witli a corsage of gol Christ Church WA THURSDAY K : : . > ting of 'her dishes and erystal Canadian Legion Aux Calvary Baptist WMS Pouring tea were Mrs, Leonard Howe f : jy ap Wish \ George Whithread, | followed by a pantry shower, Ont, Regt, Assn, Aux Christ Chureh Eve, Guild Isher ! 100rge Hihread, | grandmothers of the prospective] A neighborhood shower and ® Holy Trinity WA ! H and 8 Council bridegroom Miss Wilhelmina presentation was held at the Jessie Panton Aux Muldrew, New York, Mrs, Rus {home of Mrs Douglas Kirkland, Court Oshawa, IOV | SOCIAL NOTICES i Savery, Mis. Willium Mul Where the, bridecives was bre (ANTOINE STYLIST) Albert Street WA drew, : Calvary Baptist YWMC | ENGAGEMENT aunts of the bride-to-be; Mrs, lamp and cushions, Serving were : ' .1.| Norman Fisher, Mrs, Harry Whit: Mrs. John Bentley, Mrs, Ralph | ye td Mis, Edward A Col bread, aunts of the prospective Knapp, Mrs John Brockman, OF VANCOUVER AND NEW YORK S Farrell Feted ment of the i younger hs bridegroom, Mis Bonnie Kitkland and Migs ; 0 ounger de or, " ine! Patsy Brockman, Donna Ann, to Mr, Allan James Serving were Miss Catherine) © a " . Maso 4 { Mr. and Mrs, Burnie, Mrs, Gordon Young, Miss Fhe 24th Oshawa Cub Pack of | 2 nl | : At Many Showers Christoph Ay a: and Nes Betty Savery. Miss Judy Whit Which the future bride h Jn} Who has joined our staff of stylists | ) hread, Miss Shirley Muldrew and) assistan eader, presente er Prior to Wedding java, he wedding 1s Till Miss Dorothy Muldrew and Miss With a crested gold compact, Donna Mercer. The bridal attend-| More than 125 guests attend. MICHAEL is an artist in personality and high fashion, as well as (J Mis Sandra Jean Farrell Church on Friday, October 21, at a. a 4 to will a 7pm y ants, Miss William Richardson, ied a community presentation arid Miss Joanne Bell and Miss Donna held at the home of Mrs, William i i ok 1s taking place at Nort shox taki "| Mh ee al Noth ENGAGEMENT Elliott assisted In the room where Walters, Elizabethville, at which practical styling. ¢ ' 5 were displayed and Mrs, | time the bride-elect and the pros. Hoi rod al seve ow Mr. : Mrs sinald F. Aker! the gift has been honored at several pre Ir. and Mrs. Reginald F. Aker Harold Whitbread (Jr) attended | pective bridegroom were present nuptial partie of Oshawa announce the engage \ A miscellaneous shower was ment and forthcoming marriage the guest hook ed with an occasional chair and a 0 é 2 ow held at the Slovak National Hall, of their daughter, Elizabeth Joan,| A presentation of oven ware Sliver gravy boat, PH NE RA - 72 N Ritson road south, Oshawa, ars to Mr. Robert Edgar Taylor, son Following He whiearsal, Mr ranged hy the prospective bride: of Mr. and Mrs. Percival F, T¢ Wl Cl ) Octo. @nd Mrs, Harold Whithread, par. ' ' ' Oe ne rats elive bode. ol nd Min, Pereval i ed Urited Church on Friday, Octo Ct of the prospective bride for your appointment, or drop in without one. |f MICHAEL is busy, cos, assisted hy Mrs, Michael take place in 8t. John The Kvé groom, entertained the hrida 1 161 : { NH Jo AR A VAL lg aan ENGAGEMENT | party and friends at a buffet sup: one of our other five qualified stylists will look after your needs. and Mrs, Harry Peleshok, The day, October 22nd, at 2 p.m Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Strong, per. A Port Perry, announce the engage | hride-to-he received a large array a | | of linens, household appliance MARRIAGE ment of thelr daughter, June! 'Phis is the time to make plans| PSiess | china and gifts of money Mr, and Mrs, Richie Mason of Ethel, to Mr, Garry Allan Me: for where the student will apply| A MANICURIST HAS BEEN ADDED FOR YOUR FURTHER CONVENIENCE From the mother of the pro./Oshawa wish to announce the Hugh, son of Mrs. Royce Crulks for entrance, how to make sure pective bridegroom, the bride: forthcoming marriage of their|shanks of Port Credit, Ontario, the needed funds will be available, | to-be received a walnut bedroom daughter, Sandra Jane, to Mr and the late Mr, Clarence Me: and what the youngster's course | suite, Her mother, Mrs, Gordon John Maxwell Barkwell, son of Hugh, The marriage is to take of study will be, | 8 I I y Farrell and her sisters, Mrs, Don Mp, and Mrs, Laurie Barkwell of place on Saturday, October 8 err OSE DON K IN VNING ENSI iL : R KE 1 [INIK IN WI ! MELE Lyons and Mr Michael Yourke. Burlington, Ontario, The wedding 1960, at 4 pm, in Port Perry - vich, presented the future bride is to take place in Simeoe Street' United Chureh p -- Tobin-Carson WIFE PRESERVERS "Ni tid civ, asst by mm RAN NNN FRR NUNN SN NN NNN NN RS an er mother du fiion id | Chapel We SN el end GLECOFF SUPERMARKET | RE iE % an A In ope wl al in 3 { p J W iss Joyce th od Ni : Am . n vtomatic United Church, ( Are ¥ Ly personal shower at Miss Wark | | | i 174 Ritson the Rev a ¢ | ! u man's home on Glenmanor drive bE I T : officiated at the double.-ring cere bY, Be Among the guests in attendance al io Bl aad mony uniting In marriage An Ww i 5g were the future bride's co Rd South NA Sophia Carson, daug! if i ; Sh : workers from General Motors Ac A g ' A . and Mrs, Warren ( \n. A$ ceptance Corporation and former tonville, O nd A P a " school friends, Among the lovely - 1% $ Edward Tobin \ A \ ts received the bride-toshe wa : z Mrs. John Tobi J eo si t sole presented with a bride's book w { gl a Newfoundland 0 So made by Miss Hart i) GLECOFP be Open Daily Miss Eugenia ho } ¢ ( © Su A presentatiog of a Royal Doul | woetmaner awa, played the w ng mu \ ton figurine was made hy her 10 p M | f *® The bride, given in 1 A ea co-workers at General Motors Ae --NAY fe . i | or our resent urnace her father. chose ar pe ceptance to the future bride | na. We 1 | 0 . ] tume styled hy Rene 1 ) WIFE PRESERVERS \ gift of a white leather has . --R.. RET . peau de sole dre sock was presented te her hy { i f Mrs. George Hamilton on behalf Jemble Her Ape feo de OR ba : . : down of the neighbors of Garden Court To The Residents of Whitby, Ajax LN} Whatever its type . whatever its fuel | t x A . maribou trimmed th n { \ \ lore andl on Crescent . \ Following 'the rehearsal last and Bowmanville sole bow and cessories. The B ! night the bridal party was enter : 4 carried was ; \ a \ fained at the home of the junior s+ + It's simply @ nice 15 minute drive to GLECOFF'S , , , N s $ mauve orchid and mauve not I%eaks hridesmald, Miss Colleen Pele where you'll enjoy shopping in comfort at our large supers plume with white forget-me shok, Winona drive market , , , bring your family, Lots of Free Parking for your 0 y mon y Hes convenience LP VV VV VVVVV VV VV Specials for MON," TUES. & WED. ON'T GET MARRIED... }| purren moomoo gas Free Installation . . Free Burner Service | until you see CIGARETTES ALL BRANDS AVE She 3.09 } OUR WEDDING PORTRAITS }| mean eee ass | © ENJOY AUTOMATIC HEAT | NEW POTATOES we 119 | § : . boas Rig Bod hig CHEESE SLICES "ww nage | w CLEAN © DEPENDABLE « SILENT « LOW COST Mrs, Barton MacNe her sister's attendant sheath dress o t¢ K with overall pale b € ery. With it she Wwe a white feathe hit sorles, Her corsa W prised of pale i Mr. Eddie formed the d The bride black silk je green overp and gloves anc bronze chrys For their hon « Manitoulin Island ) ned a die \ green print skirt | grass ! loden gree gloves a compieted he \ Y On t} t ys M Tobin will reside a Oshe Your gas company does not em TOMATO SOUP "*¢ Te 1.00 ploy Rout douh Jalen Jot ; IRELAND STUDIO }| CUCUMBER PICKLES "2 'sx g5¢ | [motor or dos band (Consumers tas Jans ) stall | i coll { 2 AtHoL sT. wast OSHAWA apr S05 Seta: 48 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA . RA 3.3468 4 RA 3.3680 SHOP and SAVE at GLECOFF'S "You'll always be glad you chose Natural Gas® wwe 'Subject to gos company approval We Cash Baby Bonus and Pay Cheques _ 0 at of ! A \ i wv