Sg pS iS STR MISS Ge which an announcement was made| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 2v, 1960 § that a church choir will be form-| ee ---------------- ed from the members of Presby- hard and unselfishly during her; After the meeting games were teens and the Sunday School term, The members thanked her| played. The Presbyleens Presbyteens members, sincerely. meet on Wednesday, Sept. 2. To Form Choir [== ....! Whitby Churches St. Andrew's Presbyteens opened\ ing year is as follows: presi i their weekly meeting with a de. Bonnie Townsend; vice-president, which he said made votional service led by Sheilah Carol Wright; secrieary, Margar- Whitby a better place to live in.|Barter, A discussion followed on et Britton and treasurer, Susan Canadian St, John Ambulance or-| Fred' Ollen-Biitle, Whitby COC|the topic "The Discipline of Train- Glanfield. Wednesday, Sept. 1, ganization for the awarding of|secretary, read a letter from!ing" which was led by Miss Bar-| was the last Presbyleens meeting) REV. GERRIT REZELMAN Third Concession Rood West of No. 12 Highwoy WHITBY And DISTRICT |Whitby Man One '0f Five For Honor 500 munity, During the past year, names were presented to the citations for outstanding service|Harry L. Hammond, Field Rep- ter. for last year's president, Miss within the Order of St. John. |[resentative, of the SJAB for; A business meeting followed at Sheilah Barter, who worked very Of the 500 names submitted, [northern and eastern Ontario, -- ; | I he were selected for citations|Which was an explanation of the Let S All land among this figure was the|award to Mr. Stafford. - - Christmas in the Old Country | Go To {name of a Whitby man. | LAUDS MEMBER f Charles Stafford was awarded The leiter stated "Since 1954, NEW, LOW (7DAY EXCURSION FARES Church - This "Priory vote of thanks" A war. Stafford has maintained St.| Toronto to Glasgow .. $304.00 return 10:30-Hollond Service, Whitby, 10:30u Eighth Sunday School, J 3 2:30-~English Worship at Bowmen. ville (in Pentecostal Church), 30--Sundoy School ot Bowman. Chamber of Commerce on Thurs | or ganized not only First Aid day. Three of the recipients ofl, yome Nursing and Child Wel- | received his citation at a direc-\ yo Pps 0 T4" aining in the i the award were doctors. fare eonrses, Toronto to London , $331.00 return tors' meeting of the Whitby| | Toronto to Manchester .... $318.40 return {eyes of Whithy people. He has) Each year when Toronto to Dublin $318.00 return '| The award was presented 10 pjrgt Aid classes are about to "| |Mr, Stafford by the St. John Am-|giart Mr, Stafford with the as- | bulance Oshawa Division Super-| sistance of the Chamber of Com- | /intendent, Greg Brady. | merce, sends letters or notices to || In addressing the directors of|all the industries in Whithy, The | {the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. public is notified by an advertise- | Stafford said that he felt proud|ment in the local newspaper tell | in receiving the citation but that|ing them when the class will | [there were other organizations in|start and where, Every St, John| 'town who should be commended course in Whitby has ended with| i (for their part played in promot-| complete success, down to the / {ting SJAB work in the area. [presentation of the awards won He commended the Whitby|DY the candidates. public School Board and some of| Mr. Hammond's letter con- the churches for the use of their|tinues "Last spring Mr. Stafford : [rooms for instructional class and|made an attempt to start a St. | [he thanked the instructional stafi| John Ambulance Brigade in Whi- | lof the SIAB for their assistance|by. There was not much response in training over 1000 people in|to this effort at the time, how the community. ever, Mr. Stafford was never dis- Mavor Stanley Martin con. couraged for a moment and Vis. MRS. MITCHELL Donald Travel Service Over 25 yeors' experience selling travel WHITBY --OSHAWA-~BROOKLIN--Ph, MO 8.3304 TORONTO EM 3-8958 fle, 7:00--English Worship of Whitby, Everyone Heortily Welcome FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N.; WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E. C. Corbett, B.Th, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV, D, MARSHALL BYRON 5T7..5. AT ST. JOHN ST, TOWN OF WHITBY Notice to Retail Merchants Retail Merchants in the Town of Whitby will kindly 9:15 AM.--Radio Broadcast 9:45 AM. --Bible School Hour 11 AM. and 7 P.M. OUR PASTOR SPEAKING AT BOTH SERVICES Special Music 9:45 AM. --RALLY DAY i; 11:00 AM.--BAPTISMS BEGINNERS CLASSES gratulated and thanked Mr. Staf-/ pointed out that it was the wrong ford for his service to the com time of the year and they should take notice that a By-law was passed at the regu- lar meeting of C il held on September 12th, re- & CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR (Everyone Welcome) try again this fall." stricting the hours of trade as follows: Whitby United Church Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D. Rev. A. M, Butler, BA, Mrs. J. Beaton, ARC.T,, Organist Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister || Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM, "On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 6:00 o'clock p.m.: On Wednesdays from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 12:30 o'clock p.m.; On Fridays from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 9:00 o'clock p.m., EXCEPT when Friday is a Dominion or Public Holiday in which cdse stores may remain open on Thursdays from 8:00 o'clock a.m. to 9:00 o'clock p.m., ALSO EXCEPT the month of December when the store hours will be announ- ced by retail section of The Chomber of Com- merce", The plaque is in commemora- Monica Smith being | 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. 10 AM. --RALLY DAY 11 AM.--REV, JAMES LOWDEN (Norwood) 7 AM --REV, JAMES LOWDEN (Norwood) PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK. N. REV. JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MO 8-5772 INFANT CARE DURING WORSHIP The Retail stores affected are in the following categories: Paint and Wallpaper Record Bars Tailors Mail Order Office Shoe Repairs and Sales Hardware Stores Clothing Men's Wear ' Florists Children's Weer : Ladies' Wear Bicycle Sales and Repairs Home Appliances Frozen Food Lockers Tire and Auto Supplies Dry Cleaners Furniture Stores (Used and Ney) Jewellers Milliners A.M.--RADIO BROADCAST CKLB OSHAWA : A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL :00 AM.--TESTED FAITH :00 PM.--THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT Boys' and Girls' Crusade begins Wed. Sept. 28th, 6:45 p.m. with REV. C. AIDE EVERYONE WELCOME the "JOHN R. FROST" Clerk, Town of Whitby, ~ |SATURDAY, Oct, 1 Meet Teachers Salvation Army Youth Group United Church 4 W's | At Colborne H-§ svomoxas, wm SMOKELESS ' OIL FURNACE Family Monuments || oh IR Creotea To 4BES/ river. STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes East MO 8-3552 IRON FIREMAN. | CUSTOM Markl Users report % savings on oil... cuts service costs... gives ideal home comfort 102A BYRON $, MO 8-2991 Let Us Help You Keep That Well Groomed Look CARDINAL DACRON *, ay \ outlined their work for the school dit he schoo! AcRigy uss | C. ? "Just A Little Bit Better" oro 2 CORNER THICKSON'S RD. AND HWY. NO, 2 PHONE RA 8-5611 ® The newest most modern plant in the ares ® Group or individual tours on complete processing at any time. FABRICS Free Pick Up and Delivery ~-- Satisfaction Guaranteed Dads who play it safe look to life insurance for guaranteed security Help Yourself To Help Others Commencing Sept. 29th, 1960 Formerly Jerry's Clothing Store at 137 Brock St. S., Whitby income to help you enjoy your retirement years, For guaranteed security, there's nothing better than Life Insurance -- and the gener- ous dividends you receive from The Mutual Life of Canada make it one of today's best buys, Particulars can be obtained from your Mutual Life representative, Or write to the Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario. There's no gambling with your family's future when you are adequately insured through The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada. You have a three-way guarantee . . . guaranteed financial protec- tion for your family over the years, should anything happen to you; guaranteed values should the need for cash arise; guaranteed The Whitby Corps of the Salvation Army announce the opening of a Thrift Store in order to finance the great demand for assistance asked of us for emergency and distress purposes. We are making avail- able to the public at nominal charges a great variety of goods such as clothing, furniture, bed- ding, luggage, appliances etc. Anyone wishing to donate money or goods to this charitable project please contgct -- Whitby Corps of the Salvation Army, MO 8-3556. Leadership... through an outstanding dividend record Branch Office: 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario, Tel: RA 5.6564 Donald H. Moore, C.L.U., Bronch Manager Donald M, Polson 495 Masson Street RA 3.9873 2 ? | Mr, Hammond's letter con- . J il iw 4 imi i } CLUB CALENDAR {cludes "The interest of Charlie AT ON PLA UE Stafford along with the Vondethl, ' assistance of groups such as the ADMIRES COMMEMOR | 0 MONDAY, Sept. 26. A hithy Chamber of Commerce, laque to be presented to | Whitby is viewed by Miss Irma | the first ocean-going vessel to |Unifed Church YPU has made St. John what it is to- A plaq Pp od : v | V Monica Smith and Cap- | Hoskin, 128 Dundas street west. ' {Whitby Baptist Church Expl. |day, needless to say, one of the the M make Whith jeay el J y a port of call, Yactin Cla Sr Gy wid : : ina] tain Stig Olafsson of the Swed- . Castle Chapter, Sr. Group finest organizations of its kind ish Chicago line by the town of | tion of the --~Oshawa Times Photo 13rd Scouts and Cubs, All Saints'|in the world." -------------------- sm-- 1. AwgHoan Churel The award to Mr, Stafford 4th Troop Scouts and Cubs, Unit- gates "The Most Venerable! K of C Meet | ed Church Order of the Hospital of St. John eda urse {of Jerusalem, the Priory of Can- I TUESDAY, Sept, 27 {ada, Resolved that the special | Salvation Army Cubs {thanks of His Excellency, the| New Pastor {Whitby Baptist Church CGIT |Prior and the Priory Chapter be resses Faith Baptist Church YP Assoc, hereby fouvered to Chatles Vos . i 1st Whithy Scouts and Cubs MA|ley Stafford for valuable assis ; Semi-monthly meetings of St. r Girl Guide Assoc ance rende 0 rther- King Street Home and School|students were examined and 11550: Tha Evangelist A ts of Whitby Girl Guide Assoc {tance rendered in the further Association held is first meeting schools were visited in Whithy columbus Whitby Council No United Church Baby Band ances of the Work of the Order in of the season Thursday evening|district. Mrs, Biltzer announced gags Vere held vy W ll 1s Whitby Baptist Church 3 B's |connection with the priory of d took the form of *Open|that a Child Health Clinic is held| ™ ¢ eld on Wednescay, | piajr.Dundas Street West H-S |Canada." The citation is signed House", The meeting opened with at Fairview Lodge. A question a St Bernard's i |by the Governor General. the singing of 0 Canada" and answer period Ioliowtd a Knight James Smyth y Gran WEDNESDAY, Sept, 28 Ae, ---- The president, Mrs, H. Naylor Pent Hankey Mis. Bilrae of! Brother Patrick McDaniel, coun. |St. Andrew's Presbyteens ra] introduced te piano player, Mrs. Ron ag fo gla J the cil lecturer, had as guest speaker Canadian Legion Ladies Aux BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Mollen. arious. reports were Mrs, y Ir 4 ! w assists Bela " oF ¥ given, The newly elected execu principal, Mr, Stachow, who in John's ¥ Sssistant bast 2 Pudge: Street Ean 0:5 tive members were introduced, |turn introduced the staff: Miss nn' "0 iE BE ather They are: president, Mrs. H Ackel, Grade 1; Mrs. Brown,|o 0° { La at ler Annett THURSDAY, Sept. 29 Na ih vice president, Mrs, L.|Grade 1; Miss D. Smith, Grade = . 2 ta ie rip Retreat A5| Salvation Army Women's HL Wilson: recording secretary Mrs. 2 and 3; Mrs. Bell, Grade, 2 ant Jar: of spjsteaa) dite Heitings: treasurer. Mrs K.|Mrs. Cox, kindergarten; Miss any council activities have ppipAy, Sept. 30 B, Hanings; ieeasuiey, 0x Love, Grade 3; Mrs, Baker, been Planned for the balance of Senior Citizens Group tary Mus. G. McConnell; social Grade 4: Mr. Fairely, Grade 5/the 1060 year. day bor vs ge "Creig; mem. | and 6; Mr. DeMille, Grade 4 and io. bonvenar. Mrs. inn | 5: Mr. Stachow, principal, Grade bership convener, Mrs. Marion? ' Wallis; press correspondent, Mrs 6. M. Hicks: also Mrs. Vanstickler,| The parents were invited in the Mrs. Avent, Mrs. Hawkins, Pro-| teachers' room for an outline of gram convener to be appointed. all the work to be done by the Mrs, Stubbings introduced the students for the year, Room J uest speaker, public health/tendance prizes were won by Jr. cg 2 i A Er Mrs. Rose Biltzer, oe yoo, Miss Smith, Sr. room, Miss saurt Home 2 mosting of ve a very interesting talk on|Love, | as gt Ro il of the public health] Mrs. Naylor thanked Mr. the season Tubiiay Evening: The| nurse in the schools and in the Stachow on behalf of the associa- =o in opener With the Queen community, tion. Refreshments were served gad ne M. Hare at the plano Since the start of the public|by the executive, The next meet. "% 1. Scott, the president,| health nurse in January 1958, 2500 ing will be held Oct. 20. {2s a few words of welcome, This was followed by the busi- . ness meeting, The president, Mrs, » Scott, and vice-president, Mr. H. usiness Decline [i ini. and will attend the Home and School Convention to be held in| N { B Me ber Peterhorough on Saturday, Oc. oted m i | Y | The room count was won by | {Mr., L. Fairfield' q ¥ gs | "The down town shopping area blocked and polluted and that Melody Pascoe, a 2 oom, hi of Whitby is on the way down." |there were many bad spots on the played a solo on the plano, ; . {pavements and sidewalks. Thus said Bob. Cawker, chairman A | Mrs. Scott turned the meeting! . 3 ¥ In addition he said that the| 10. Mr. C. Saris: w | of the retail merchants commit. i i t \over to Mr. C, Sarles who wel- | parking problem was serious in|, 1 the large . | tee of the Whitby Chamber of| that there was inadequate park.| Com the lazge number of par- Commerce at their September! ing facilities, |that i oe ontioned meeting on Thursday. wSometimes the {otire parking guest speaker will be Mrs, Phinn, "Whitby is not a town where|aFea is taton up by travellers," | principal of Rouge Hill public people spend a lot of money," . : school, Mr, Sarles expressed the : Mr. Cawker said that it would hope that a large ber of par. he said, . : arge number of par- Bob Cuwker was addressing his) be detrimental to the retail mer-|enis would plan to attend. He then fellow difectors i' the Whitby ig EB ere Ye suid Intsoduced the teachers for the COC in order to get action on|that a saturation point would soon| Suis, (orm and each of them improving the attractiveness of he reached as far as the present Whitby as a shopping area. retail' business was concerned Oe ' "Whitby is no longer a farm-| Other directors of the COC dis-|. L1€Y are: Principal, Mr, ing community, Its industry has cussed the possibility of the cone Aares teachers: Mrs, Baine, reached no great height as yet| struction of a shopping mall in| FS Walker, Mrs. Beer, Mr. and there is little or no tourist Whithy where a section of the Fairfield, Mrs. Lee, Miss Hare, Industry conducted in the area," town would be blocked off for Mr. McNaughton, Mr. Huiser, he said. uninterrupted shopping. | Mrs, VanDeuren and Mr, An-| "Whitby no longer has any {den-| The members agreed that they drews. Mr. Sarles reminded the tity", he pointed out to the COC.| would write to Ottawa for infor- | PF eats tut they are welcome tol : A mation on their successful "shop. 2ttend the monthly parties held at BROPPING AREA un : ping mall" and that these find fhe eho. Mrs, Yeates thanked r. Cawker sald hat one of ings would be reported at the!Mr. Sarles and Mrs, Scott on be-| he main Teas0ns il the declining a meeting. P (half of the Association. | usiness in retail merchandise! Mr, Cawker said that he hoped| The meeting adjourned and re- was the poor condition of the the town council and the planning|freshments were onenet os ci shopping area's roads, sidewalks hoard would co-operate with the(I, Town, social convener. and her! rhs ol . Bid ) 8 , and her|_ and curbs, retail merchants and stimulate] committee { He said that town council had more action in retail business, | . been asked to conduct an im. "Whitby is getting to be just a provement survey three years| spot on the map between Toronto) | ago #nd that no action had been) and Oshawa," he sald, 'and peo-| BOWLING NEWS taken, He said that many of the ple are looking elsewhere to -do| | curbs were broken, drains were|business." : | WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE | The following are the results of BROCK WHITBY te Whitby Mixed Bowling League, Phone MO B8-3618 | High Triples over 600: M. Jor- : : |don, 779; A. Knibb, 601; G. Jo- . Evening Shows at 7 & 9 p.m.. hansen, 606; W. Anthony, 736; J. ow Playin pa... | Bruechle, 735; M, Peggs, 612; B.| Last Complete Show at 9 p.m. | piagkett, 637: D. Peggs. 637. C.| -- ~ hd | Hewis, 619; E. Steer, 661; Ed |Steer, 785; M. Bemis, 681; 1I.| | Mothersill, 718; C. Moore, 717; |A. McHaffle, 627; D. Rowden, | |768; M. Denyer, 711; R. Pascoe, | 25; J. Kirk, 690; D. Walker, | {634; G. Higgins, 628; R. Clark, 668; L. Conner, 632, { High Singles over 215 -- E.| Holwell, 248; H. Munn, 237; J.| Kirk, 298; D, Walker, 229, 233: G. Higgins, 274; R. Clark, 220, "12; G. Wager, 226; L. Conner 2'1, 246; Des Denyer, 235; M. Den er, 283, 221; Don Denyer, 233 T. Meclvor, 226; R. Pascoe, 225, 216; A. McHaffie, 219, 220; D Rowden, 229, 217, 322; J. McCar s, 219, 226, 236; : M. Peggs, 229; |D. Peggs, 247; Hewls, 255; E Steer, 286; Ed Steer, 326, 218, 241; B. Plaskett, 323: J. Mother. sill, 221; B. Collins, 278; J. Brue chie, 219, 304, 212; G. Johansen, 254; W, Anthony, 232, 311; C. Gill 222; M. Jordan, 297, 303; V. Ig | glesden, 230, J Bob McDonald bh 689 Mary Street 'RA 5.7973 Representatives: A. George Cunningham 52 Buckingham Avenue RA 5-9464 As A IA 50 WE J, AB IN rl I 5