Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Sep 1960, p. 19

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many nations] associstions sre Australians have less scope for) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Serwdey, September 24, 1960 19 establishing head offices in the ties are subdivided isto many - b a capital and 8 multi-million dar self-government, Most large ob - p vig "| Australians, unless they ean earn ficuly for some Australians to Urban Growth he anges national capital development municipalities, which may be re shou , have give & ly without feeling long OL sponsi than i hd hd program, sang the Pass oo onde or, litle ote Ths sive to get ahead ond prefer em min. in shops end hotels but ustralian Attitudes me i fs rok oh oe 308 sas Pymets wc snd sect he rvs eos nce ape : pute their respective Claims toe only form of metropolitan comfortable living plus a large lenced by 50 Many overseas » oh amount of leisure. Hence the ors is vanishing rapidly, Hotd ' . 4 é being the commercial or enter Government Is in Brishane lo ooo,' "Tous cervice car. slumbing may not always be w RUSSELL ELMAN day's complex wr society | wis and p A eon JERE fhe € though Sydney is studying the PoParity of a civil ser ar ymbing may ay » Canadion Press Sietf Writer | For most Ausiraians now We siitutional reforme--to be studied toh aol Mistiia. possibility of seiting up a system "7 #nd amyhatis on lium to serieh of $ch yout ore CANBERRA. (CP) -- Ask an 2 Cities and hive Hetle pet again this year--are RabMusly | ions competition, This fre Pier to Toronto's, Sor, bo Eu, hollays, and bull with central hesting 2 Australien to paint 8 mations) With the goalie Pay 47 e% defestod when put to YoLers I B quently vockerous rivalry, em.| While some politicians 884 | conditions in union eollective bar. private baths, Restaurants stay self-portrait and the odds are tralia of the hy ge 7 bel in nations) referendum phasized by sharp dimatie vari téllectusls voice concern at in geining, open longer 'and serve better he'll describe his country as B CUSIVE British omageneity Yet today the federal govern gions and the playing of differ. creasing centralization, the gen Although sfter the wer Aus (90d, & unique contribution from land of easy-going rugged fn been diluted with the WIUE Ofiment's power Is virtually su ent codes of foothall In each ers! Australian attitude BODERTS oii often hit the headlines with European seitiers |dividualists where Jack Is as 90000 European Unimigranis. A (| preme because it controls the siste, heighten an impression of one of apathy ond indiff ¥alla vies 4 ds vot i a hod maierial- al good as bis master thelr iuvred villet in individu, purse strings of the country, & regionalism, This is more appar- Yoiing is compulsory in nations! me waterfront, the last few years vancement bas been secompan | A "dinkum' Aussie, he mayor 8 LO vermentai Vustion brought shout In iWo\ent then rest and a Queenslander elections, ye J takes 8 Mar 16 wus heen largely strike - free led by the emergence of 8 ew {add, speaks his own mind, gives and ine Fease {world wars and the economic de- seems to share 8 more distine sue to whip up any degree of prosperity with rising wages and upper class In society, whose {himself no airs, hates to he ser: v {pression of the 1930s and egal tive nations! outlook with his dis election fever, a reluctance of wives to permit mein qualification is wealth, Ex lyile, dislikes to conform to regul- STATES RIGHTS {ized through court interpreta-itant West Australian brother than At work Australians conform to pushands to go out on long wlop- pensive homes, yachis, motor {ations snd relishes his freedom | 1m theory Australians enjoy allo" of the constitution, Pleas of perhaps a Newfoundiander does a rigid lahor system under which pages when so many househo'd cars and mink costs todsy are lin short, & good-natured rough! le of doioutr I iad premiers for state rights on with a British Columbian, nearly every employee belongs 10 goods are tied wp In weekly as mich a symbol of success and diamond combining the hest/Erester degree of Oecentrs the grounds thet Australia Is » po wc 8 trade union, The Arbitration' credit payments contribute to an status in Sydney as in Montreal, lqualities of the now legendary government than Canadians, Theon of sovereign states tend to, M DON'T CARE Court's annus! ruling on the pa- unwritten truce between em- Yet few Australians might ad- louthack pioneer and the British constitution on paper delegates to carry more emotional than prac-| State governments, heavily de- (ional basic wage eventually cov- ployer and employee. mit to class distinctions and boss working man, the federal government only cer tical force, pendent on federsl financial 81d, ers every occupation in the coun Standards of workmanship cnd worker may drink freely to- |" In the context of postwar Aus lain defined fields of authority--| Canberra is gradually being ac #1 fulfil an important adminis try, affecting management and have improved with a corres. gether in a Melbourne pub, There itralin's dynamic progress, this external affairs, trade, defence, cepted as a true nations! capital, 'Tative role. Public works, rail hourly-paid worker alike, ponding demand for better Aus is, remarkably little racisl pre {traditional opinion may be open nations] revenue--with residual not merely the sest of pariia-|Weys, schools, hospitals are ad- tralian-mede products, as more judice--either on religious or co- ito revision, Attitudes nurtured in powers belonging to the six ment, The large defence depart ministered centrally on a state- FEW STRIKES {Australians have more money 40 lor grounds--although some dis- la pioneering, pastoral country states, Tn 60 years of confeders- ment Is moving its headquarters Wide basis, | Minimum wages also tend 10 be spend, Service, as known fin crimination may be practised i may not fit the patiern of to. tion there have been few formal from Melbourne to Canberra! AL grassroots level, however, max C ly many North America, still comes dif-'not tolerated officially. AS a -- MISS SECRETARY Clalre Douesnard, secretary | daughter of Mr and Mrs, Ror | -- "wy men Peuogquen Bnd was mar in a Montreal paper firm, was | vied to a Montreal school | chosen Miss Secretary of Can: | teacher 18 months ago | #da in Toornto, She Is the | (CP Wirephoto) Congo's Tragedy Shown On Faces | on Hy BERNARD DUFRESNE (he insists on being called "Mon LI Canadian Press Stall Writer | sieur Paul" now f LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) ~Capl 'I ean manage in French with Ted Day of the Canadian Army|them," Day sald, "especially if : needs no reminders of the tra-|they (ake it slowly, But when gedy that erippled the Congo and they get ex ited and start yelling its black people after indepen- and screaming In a mixture of dence last July French and their native Lingala Fvery day the evidence crowds|l can't cope, Bo I send for Paul him. It is written on the hungry,lor an army clerk who Is thor dazed faces of dozens of house. oughly bilingual." hoy cook ind cleaners who a . " - (0) come to him for work GOOD WORKERS : 1 If he steps outside the Cana Most of the Congolese are good 4, dian contingent's administration Workers, The kitchen help and | t block at the Athenee Royal Pri-iwallers wear Canadian army y/ § AY vile School they erowd around|Whites and are clean. But they / / him waving their work cards and|8!L work in their bare feet : ™ Some are beginning to pick up a WwW /\ { v ON \ $ 4 leading in a mixture of French| Pea iE in 4 ¥ (few words of English, such as and Congolese : ART) . 'g aflernd Bir lease The more enterprising sneak: 00d - afternoon please, se 1 hah I foto the block and come to his vihan you and "corna biff" for f WE \ corned we Dahl office, knoe king politely and| : A handing in & note of recommen: Only two have had to be fired 4 | enltigd ajo f |] wii, HY - of. one for theft of food, the other Us ation fro United -Nations datlan trom a , 0 because of superstition and still |v ficial or from a Congolese gov ot official prevalent belief in witeheraft eben X | : TR Py One of the diswashers," Day Api ad DESPERATE MOVE said, "kept getting beaten up by Pre» *) NN The more desparate will run In| his fellow-workers, He would just FR Y : front of his moving jeep, forcing sit in & corner and mope, n % 4 him to stop suddenly, Then they 4 button-hale him for a Job, A UNDER SPELL } score more will then gather] Questioning the natives directly around the jeep was no help, So Day got the "For { apt, Day, 28, of Ottawa househoy of a Baptist missionary - ' , 98, . adiutant of the contingent's ade/to find out what he ed. i trike ATT ministrative ine re ment, these turned out that the dishwasher Albin bitty 14 ALY things ocourred dally when hel had a spell put on him hy the : pyre | ! began hiring Congolese to run the| Wt th«doctor in his native village PPP EL id PTE LL services that are provided for|@8nd the other Congolese wouldn the Canadian signalmen who op:| Work alongside him Varke i a---- -- erate communications links for We tride to put him in charge ; the UN force in the Congo of cleaning the men's mess je UD {where he would be by himself " but he just dragged his feet and mt office Day sald, adding | | " a i Bh for work | moped So we Just had to get rid " of him," | these boys are . hese a se were left by the Day sald some of the Congo. thousands to fend for themselves lese came to him with the after thelr Belgian masters left problems, just as they would to the country in a panie following their former Belgian employers the national army's revolt against A couple brought in sick wives hte affiors 1ast July and children, Day wrote a not Suppose you were selling farm wagons. Do you think you to the native hospital asking the| PADD 3908 LB or 5 4) could rence your sales by Mrlag "mnivihwa' nw {NWVESE your adverti sing gardeners came daily to deserted! 1 haven't heard anything homes and did their work with/more about it, %0 1 guess It the hope thelr masters would worked all right," around downtown Oshawa carrying front and back signs which They think I'm an employ come back Now, With no likelihood of a re ' boldly proclaimed the superiority of your wagons? Chances are ! un sede, tov, os, vr Cabin Recalls y Of your way + hE y + dollars where they heat" 0s won 6 ve) Negro Cowboy bapa yous from this form of advertising would be very dis a vide RROOKS, Alta, (CP)A stout . \ y Cong Day's efforts to help the CORgO hop aanin fashioned by John lese in his own small way so far Ware with his own hands stands x h . | have produced about 1, Jobs i in nearhy Dead Lodge Canyon as . : t i arr: i oe 8 LMT ot A Why? Simply because you have directed your sales message lo WI do € MOS g ood : launderers, There ave a few as to a oh Bo Hee i 2 on IR A sistant cooks, dishwashers and Det 9h Ihe th of his body the wrong group of people. Too ow {ar DEFE did " oe ig very job available, there Ware came in 1083 to the raw PO ev p ¢ ¢ are 40 or S0' Congolese gathered JIC, U4, ML OUGE (0 LEO signs. Lots of city people would see it, but they don't buy farm yerta, He was a cowhand with he door every morning 21 the vu a trail herd from the United FORMER EMPLOYERS States and stayed 10 bocome one wagons. The few farmers who might be in town for the day and The wazes, set and. paid by the of the top hands on the Quorn The Oshawa Times Want Ads are an excellent medium for selling UN. are a basic 2,200 to 2,400 Ranch south of Calgary ice S44) a month, UUs "The horse 18 Nol running on chance upon your walking ad would not constitute a big enough almost anything! The proof of that statement is yours for the small allowances for wives and the prairie that John Ware can't M ' » ginall allonanees oF WVGh alle Brairie that Joh Ware son. market to sell many wagons. reading. Look at today's Want Ads and see the variety of items six-day week about him. As a hoy in Fort en the gules Rava or NO ay oe offered. You'll find everything frrom a baby carriage to a going barracks and messing facilities, learned to vide and rope " . "es < > ; : Dav. under arrangements be When a cowbay companion was Apparently the "sandwich man" is the wrong form of advertising business, or from a Cadillac convertible to a "top grade" floor sovernment, began hiring helplgeq age ay his stirrup, Ware . {rom A Pac. i RL o drageed a Bod NN id aN fo sell farm wagons, polisher, the big boarding school ho ened animal and saved his ole went to Paul, the carelaer ions Hier eft behind by schoo adam J N called imself a "smoked . : bration, for ¥ U0 38 porn, [ishman" and could laugh if a No matter who you are or what you have fo sell, it's wise lo ~~ Remember, no matter who you are or what you have fo sell . . . and Day asked Paul, a daldingonee Hrew iggy the Congolese, 10 get in touch WIA Wi Gy 'calgary ole when remember that there is one form of advertising which is right for it pays fo use low cost Times Want Ads. Phone RA 3-3492 today the men the stranger made a derogatory qty 100k (he She IN eipiay. remark about Ware's color selling almost anything ! and WATCH THE RESULTS! He dunked a couple af cowboys ment officer and get thelr papers a . ing n A in order. Getting them through in a oreek for playing a practical the gate was a tough Job, not be Joke on him. heaved A mah cause the Ghanaian guards would[across the street for dangling a not Jet them through but hocause smoke in his face and rescued his three times the number tried to dog from an Indian by roping the thief's teepee and yanking i to the ground, scooping up the dog MONSIEUR PAUL as he went auld call out a name and. Ware began ranching on the would step forward and outskirts of Calgary and in 1802 € hough the gate," married Mildred Lewis, comely I couldn't tell one daughter of a Negre family that he had just moved to town vord got around tha The Ware family atiended the padians were hiring Cope: Raptist church in Calgary oF lose the ane hy the dozens 10 Sundays ar Ware was always the school door. At first, Day ready to help whea neighbors tried to line them up for Intel needed him views but they Bept hreaking! He was riding to the city one ranks and crowding around him. day when he stopped at a ranch He gave up the idea to find a woman alone and In Pau, the schoal caretaker, Is alabor, He delivered the bahy sort of self-appointed foreman for found help for the mother. then the Congolese workers. Ry red went in search of her hushand son of his sewiyvdound import: He found him in a Calgary sa ance ia the eyes of the Congolese, loon, ( get in NOW Ww

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