Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Sep 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 24, 1960 sii THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&:% 1 Accountants 13--Gardening & Supplies|15---Instruction (22--~Redio Repairs i [9 Summer Properties [36--Femele Help Wanted | 37---Male Help Wonted | Hon ih in on Ein wiEi ht ED AD RATES Umeren vs 82 per yard pit gravel [LILLIAN Mae Ma dance educator, (TY, rams, ear radi repairs. Al For le IROUSEREEPER lo shure duties vith WANTED -- part Ume pe ops, Ap s-- hatte H 4 fd ard. De Ad. Bpecial tor ldancin Wool, bullet, tap, halen, ac-)maks Thompsnn Electromes, 157 Bi --- wees Lint y of two children, B54 and five! ply front desk, Genosha H TWO Ierge wninrnished rooms, 3% & oe . w iH 4 ds of loge fi y wi drivewa BA 58318 $ re sehont, ehatacter, Friday, hott Avenue, BA 1.9192 ¢ ' yEArS, lve in, aged 2555 RB A844 | i gil ' hogs BIN. Puls aturdny. Masonic Temple. BA 5.728 Fred | ¥ a A H. UPHOLATERS ~ Experienced in Wne|soirs, euphosrds #nd saris pete TY, RADIO, car radio repairs, Mil LAKESHORE ("MARE your own Jewellery" Fretiyork, seat makers, arm makers, (closets, on bus line, WF DEWAR TIVE CEDAR trees 16 es, guaranteed [HARVEY DANCE ACAREMY~Batin. makes, Thompson Electronics, 157 [wholesale catalogue, Easy to do. Sell pack' makers and trimmers, Apply n|3-9462 . and Aud » > 9 i to five Any wie Detivered, planing Top, Bova) Auedemy. Ballet, High Efliol Avene, BA 1019 (Fred), [to your Irineds, Excellent profs, Send peyson tn Tom Kelly, €/0 Braemore {THREE ~~ Foom periment, Wesied, teria Bie " / done, Free wsiin MA 39835 land, Wegister now. 434 King West. BA =~ LOT Mr your free catalogue now. kL. G.\Uohoistering IAd: § et AVE. near shopping ean, hut top, parking, 4 iT #222 b ha 3 7% . 5-612 ! [i autroya Co, Dept. D, Agincourt, Toronto, Conads, RU RA 56106 or RA 5. 7. BOVKINS AND COMPA Ce th Vins in. x and theory in v TOWERS FULL o - _ - W po Tile Hath. utilis sas odidigna i pari time, a dignified form NEAR OCYI three rooms, Bree re i 0 ¥ of app OSHAWA ACME pds ip RA by ad RCE PIGEON LAKE wos i ilk ORELf sales work with unusual earping vale entrance, Joseph Bosco, Rei ' 53509 ¢ ro ginal pn hind Oshawa 54 miles, lorge loke- liberal time off. Phone RA 81530 aftey| Potential, neat apiearance and forceful RA ed ' " " tive griion , PRIV ATE teacher, student counsellor, A401 Jpporting tows, 4 3 _ 6 ¥ personality Preferably men over 30 FOUR - room self-contained aparime YALE. VRIEDLANDER ol ' 6 fared @ HAULAGE LT D. 5 years' experience, by interview only Ho t dip gelver (aly No peint frent lots, alse off shore lots, |yeerg of age and wilh some sales ex: |Move, refrigerator adults, 8 rarity leon ore ¢ f : A RA 51054 $ with swimming ond boat |[RFVABLE woman wanted to do Wehtiperience. We will train you, No invest liso) "ug Simeod North, : } ' GRA smplete with new Woves : po " Wousekeeping and care for two HATER | ment required. Apply Mr, C, Petti | d --_ JAM == GRAVE PRIVATE teacher student counsellor Sor ter all + channel antenna docking focilities, $800 Snd while mother works, live in. KA 32368. | {grew at Genosha Hotel after 7 p.m, THREE room sparimant, bah, A STONE wars' experience, hy interview only Heat ottoae sriced rom Monday or Tuesdas #le entinnee, HAVREE; a. K ORGAN. aii 50 per n A { Total price, instolled 9 d as 50 os f oi 5 pi baby pis we vre-tchool age). y included, Town Line South, $60 Beryice eeping } me g y z | PIANO lessons now commencing, da guaranteed for year, $59.95, 4 i Pod hd while mother works, someone to Wye ly, immediate possession, ADMEmerse services fe 85 fos f wb EvIOHOn x 35 28 J evening classes. Phone BA 8.8695 " hoose from, Vie Highway (LIC Cred, ire rowm and board Pius) please. Write Box 10%, Oshawn Times, Street 8 i g A 5009 6 ond £ Sign countt oF © after 5 pom. oy weekend TV Enterprises 401 ond 35 to Lindsay cuts small remuneration, BA 80117 after 5 MECHANIC' S SIX - room bungslow, wil heated, aviile y ---- ahie October |, References, AL 432 Bier Residence, A Box charge 4 AURORA SAND & 253 Drew St, oH, turn right on fo Reabore [Pm X , HELPER yenaon Houd North, 1.30 pm 10 9 pm RONALD FD. WILSON harteres asi free vert nts five miles, then county road HOUSEKEEPER English speaking Ackountant, Oeha aris 4 EW A 5 dav. b GRA VEL LEARN TO DRIVE RA 3-3553 to property, six miles, follow |Weekends free, Wve in, Private room Friday, September 29, Saturday, 7.30 8572 fore ¢ Office hours; Pa Brick, Send, Crushed Stone , . -- MN, 4 : v Phone RA 56042 4 -- ---- Hie 4 ' ' ' a - yellow and bleek orrows , Must have some experience |g GE fied houskhbeping room 2 --Dorristers p Road At the Oshawa Driving School SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT marked Sunny Vole lots and HAIR Svint for newly decorhied shlon in garage or service station [wilh refrigerator and cupboards room i AL A i ' A L f y FAR M RD censed by the Police Commission, rh DAY OR NIGHT { cottages, lorge sign of en: Phone FR 2.5201, Cobours work, Write box 1500 Bow #87 Rivaon Rosd South, 4 5 SERRE BA y ! haw f ait ve Fully trained instructors 4 PAs C8 manville, ONE-, and two - bedroom apartments, ie / omit an Sdvering. hone Mobile Operalo Wondard, Automatic cors T.V. and RADIO rang ingore BR ond a BY Available October 1. All modern cone . WHAN DAVIDE v more than 4 rie 7-4 D4 | CALL RA 8 5286 STRASSBURGER taurant I F 1] on Ta Wn, i Onawie 0 ) ) f . --_-- nad, » tor, 3 2. Re trilon of any ody | RA 8-0091 woke . WIDE AGED Tady pr ponsianer to | 38 pole V1 emale #8595 od RA ¢ nor ¢ ep All Work Guarantee lve in and he companion helper for nie: 5 in ¥ # UMPIRE Y i : ig CROSS TOWN | OSHAWA REALTY semi invalid, for small wage Morne | eee lowe 10 Schon, Ponsoosion ORober A or AErnoon 0 vein, y 'EH ; SOD SUPPLY ! DRESSMAK ING ELECTRONICS | : Git "Modern home Gleasant. location. (handling & complete set of books. Good |APPlY 71 Liberty Street South, Bowe od od | fw hg . : | 133 William N, (Teterences, Write Box 46, Oshawa opening for qualified person, Benefits manville ; : -- - | Times Please give experience and salary ¥e: [TWO - room furnished apartment, sepis tilized d cut or | Lindsa « N |quired, Box 101, Oshawa Times, ral t p Oni phil wel y " y del i COURSES | SPECIAL y |WOMAN to work in restaurant Must | wi AR ah ranee di pit Jo M6 King Mone Dn Ivery OPf NING oc T 17 Fairview 4-637) {be willing worker. Apply Envoy Hes |39---~Agents Wanted Bireet West Hd By Special ¢ f ra i . F 4.6148 F ' taurant, 522 Ritson Road South uk : Rm y J 0 om ] for and Not . 13 endeavou RA 5-8504 2 days weekly, Monday, Tut ON FAMOUS Qiry BY VERINGS MEN Viansani puidoor work Aver Sk 116 Bor East, Phone' RA 34123 Es 2 % 4 ¢ . bi ' ni shat J-0) ' | Salesmen on property {age 82 per hour. No experience nece alter 6 ud mort 1 g [ | 4 Ve! SAMPSON kend CASHIER-TYPIST | sary, Write Rawleigh's, Dept, 1310VY, | pa on GREER A ag cigs a 1 c oDS be weekends 4008 Richelien, Montreal | THREE roam apartment, furnished » ' p 4 p . N arn to cut your own pat | Interesting and permanent i 3 -- San. |0F unfurnished, heavy duty stove and 10 adver V conta J 4 CHRISTMAS Card agents, Sell Can a : Dial HA 428 oe ths ond. sev e whole TV TOWERS 130--Lost & Found varied work with customer |ada's best selection of personalized | FeINECTRION BUVELE ERtFAREe Adults Gre A ] [ ' A-1 rolled, weed treatet , / fr dren to ' . . contact, Excellent working [greeting eards. Over 50 cards to ehogse | only, Phone RA 53004 Kelly, PA, 1 [ adult | 40-4, Yower structure with [MOST German Shepherd. Answers to i loves be from. Speeinl business cards, Write for THREE . voom modern _spariment, 10 fertilized : between i: 1, | nale Radess AC 2-13 all. |1e name of "CH Brown ang beige conditions and employee ben your free sibum todny, W. k, Bmith|stove and refrigerator, parking space, icdadP an y | i prices. Tow it RA i en ' eh d [Toa $50 0 J {Tag No, 485, Reward, RA B-1076 afier| efits, good salary, Career op and associates Lid., Alax, ol {Apply 76 Centre Btreel ) ynline N A B.S anne! hee ) rome ] " . -------- BL a L : a . bf J Y | | portunity, Merits roises 5. teeter VOVELY three . room apariment, plus north of Tounton A plete y installed end guoran 41--Room | & Board bath and storage room, heavy winng, " {POUND ~ In downtown bank, photo. day week oi 16--Insurance | tee ; oF TE) ; " 0 t " { CREIGHTON 3.9986 and Ol eed year graph album. Owner may have same ROOM and howrd for twe or three {auch Jospilal arse, Feqtonable rates, ) { os a oh ! ots og pL Bu oa Pe RA 8- 81 80 6) entification. Phone RA 31700 alter Require gentlemen, all convenienges, home 4 i p { es | yo» ne WEN BROTHERS CO to 2 rent, hs to pay, For i p.m oR Junior matriculation or coms cooked meals, RA 60283, 21 Gladstone [TWO - room apartment, privele en. i gy ¥ OWE JTHERS r #t your home, eall Avenue, trance, suitable for two gentlemen, RA I 8 / : -- parable experience with good (7 | TREE EXPERTS LL, | OSHAWA TV 32--Articles Wanted sburindl gt Pi Room 3d Board Tov enti men: elass | £9018 after 13 noon A tn downt Apply 35 Hall Street, RA|TWO, two + mom newly decorated We specialize in tree pi 17 ~Money To Loan 141 GIBBONS ST WOODEN duck decoys, whistlers, blue: | i mawn: Apply n apariments, cupboards, ank. around ) ced 9 bills, and redheads, good condition de. PAC |F|C FINANCE VE floor, third floor, reasonable rent, RA WE HAVE lie v hie | sirable, paint not important, KA nl, | : . WANTED ~~ Huis Kentieinan, ApstOn 5.6457 tan [ " - 0a odp - er for meals and room ply it ' I Sura 4 nd DID YOU SEE OUR 2am ii [ CREDIT LTD, Or Ton ai ANT COMPLETELY furnished two » room " , ' ts { g ) S, Hyman WANTED -- pressure pump and tank apartment, modern kitchen, sink, cup. 3-5287 7 King Street Bast, Oshawn, BA | DN G \ ) [12 to 80 gals, for shallow well, in good 6 YE S ROOM and board for youn Benile boards, television antenna, automatic Ll G 4 yIMCOE 5 ' man, Apply ni Park Road North or} condition. Phone RA 34484 eal, use of phone, radis, laundry fa | OSHAWA phone HA 50: cllities, business couple, abstainers | GRANDVIEW 4 dey io loan ou lite} mort RADESS {IYANTED lo Juy ~ ene B ed ROOM and board for gentiemen, single only, 137 Eigin Street East, RA 5:1568 « - « C ' HA mortgage arranged pe 7 dade ag . heds, water and sink In _voom, 81s0|gGiR -- bedroom house, South of GM Ol UPPLIE ff , 60 Motors, RA 57784 DONALD BLANKS } . p D ) ) ) on, Fraser, Drynan snd Mur |COINE, stamps upplies bought and h Harage, near Motors, ud OF plant, immediate possession, 1518 Lake. and { ; . AVE Ww. 1 fertil a |sold Royal Coin and Stamp Store, 64 147 Mill Street Held Btreet Telop) I i ' Ye ali } ] | King Street West ROOM and board for young gentlemen : : n dence, RA 8 i Free ¢ A 370 fzed field f rompt ¢ FIRST Jog sceond | morgage, = sels Expert workmanship CLERICAL Home privileges, good food, BREIsh oor TL UT TRL { t liveries f how ) he peo r speaking preferred, central. Apply 51 GEER , pairs, | liveries ; nie) and Hen ky Hnreistons, 31 King 1961 All Wave Antennae WANTED ASSISTANTS Colborne East, Phone RA 57087 Riva. Routh . ¥ ; ; " Aer proc | | f tree AA = BACHELOR apartment, newly furnish. 4 K work, Rea ers and special ro CLIENTS monies available for first] Did You Know That We Dressmaker's form, in good ROOM and hoard for gentleman, inres ed and decorated, self-contained, pri- : tes ers, vate entrance and hath, near hospital 0 ' ind eons oftgnges Mortgag \ am day Service X THOMAS M. Ri WATERPROOFING or Wool ta, 19°! RA 8-811] nd agre it ol ale pire) ws Have ame Day } eendition GOVERNMENT Stam and OGY]. Bult two. RA 33 r y expert Technicians eitor and f ¥ - J nt, Write Box =Q Apply M. § riz, Barrister and No . Ie - ROOM and board optional, good meals, 1 Street | How . A ) 20's King East, Oshawa,| =--Take Service Calls till 8:30 PHONE RA 5.8310 DEPARTMENTS close 10 NGM, 10 minutes to Four Cor: BASEMENT Avartment =~ : ME, - ners, garage for rent, Apply 840 DIV {oo00 " Age hou sekseppl ing room, Is Ro hors, ¢ . Y . i COMPI ETE pm TRY US SHAW OSHAWA, sion Btreet Celina or phone RA § ROOME with or. without hoard, suil four | Biv E. room unkaiow. i three bedrooms, 1 ED VEE NHOF GARDEN SERVICE MONEY TO T R 0 AUTO WRECKING CO. ONTARIO gentlemen, doiible garage, home priv.|on Gin Breet, 875 fionthiy, 8vailable ileges, single yg vd central. 80 | November | Apply 100 Alma Street bes "5 --Nursing Services Wants cars for wrecking, Parts | SALARY: $1,680--$2,220 |Prock Fasi, RA 8fot iween 6 and 7 pom. weekly : I lan y d cut frees for sale, also scrap iron and BOOMERS or room and hoard for | §EMidistached five r sale, 1 "| room brick home, BOUTH HAVEN oR | ( ! : [ LOAN TELEVISION metals, etc, bought. . Open For full. particulars as to resi- [fee Mentlemen, close to BGM plant. nicely decorated, 10 minutes from Oshe | | | earl . \ _T 00M and board for two gentlemen, (Iv, CO 32205 és of mort 171 BOND ST. EAST R A oR . see posters on display at the |B vi 0 B : two single rooms, good home, cooking: |sTORE -- . doh cl R 781 RA 5.2311 B9E LOOR E. National Employment Service [Apply 892 King Street East, hid RE iain Siresl, well establish castle, 0 : ' "RA 8.1798 8 a Saturday all day, Phone dence, qualification forms, awa, available immediately, 950 monthe RA 8-3864 ort . en al f real A - and Post Office. Apply before able for other Ib a \ 4 Oo ROOMERS wanted, private bath, two or other small business, RA 53-4348 LOAM 8 incl vacant lands; WANTED October 4, 1960 to the blocks from downtown, Apply 116 Al: [after 8 4 BY for bert, evenings, TWO and half room, furnished park 40-FT SCRAP IRON. POULTRY CIVIL SERVICE ROOM and board for gentleman in|ment, private entrance, bath, parking Apply 118 Sum: | stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, washini Bom ACE IFF = ' {PR "RAVEL ; i 4% SAND | ui nd second ) por motos Ba minor LOAM | GRAVEL - SAND 'g nd agreements CHANNEL MASTER AND FEATHER TICKS COMMISSION [mer Sireet. a"s vase. fin," citi' sntv, weit dy Bank i B ! ) pply " ho, 9 r preferres its, @ elu on amined ai home. Dial | Brammt Deliver M. Swartz, 261; King Sireer IV. TOWERS l. TURNER 25 ST. CLAIR AVE. E, [ing ihafliee "Fos lubrmalion' shone io ¥. RICHARD BLACK ; | FILL and STONE | W elepht R : 9014" NA 6-05 Room only, OF room # etry, / : Qc » : phone RA PLUS RA 3:2043 -- RA 3-3374 TOORNTO 7, ONTARIO ce | 1y 0 MONUAAY) ABP $00. Ahoy" Breet 0 8 ) 5 169 ROOM and board for gentlemen, good | 4 lenies, 131 0 All-Wave Rodess B-213 (collect) css | meals, Ninches packed, single. beds, | it Anylime, evenings M | \ Antenna Installed and " - i home privil lose to down town |FPURNISHED housekeeping room, (rig, Bly di -- - | RA 5 527 18--Loan Wanted Gierad tor 2 Von CEDARDALE |37--Mole Help Wanted rn ges. soe lo and stove, linens furnished, Near "south =----3urveyors h 4 | \ 3 AP heats pd Part {ime "openings, Men Room and board for wentleman Home p24: on A sand ; ; ; ; L NL 18, oe ws ia MONEY TO LOAN $55.00 SCR ain operons tava CHRD Thole 6 Mt Yar FUNIE, vats Beles Src d ; ).00 to $5,000.00 f Da Night TV. Elect IRON METAL LTD, Richelieu, M ws al. ep, 13108, 4008 §iGad south RA on 00 3, 0 or day or Nig V ectronie chelieu, Montrea a -- Ba it y, N y \™ ro & | h ' ay t ; ' ROOM and board for gentlemen, ocon:| THREE "rooms, elean, mlorabit PINAL W.. ROLAN _ V , OLD / Weed fed reery | I ri ¢ Wd EALL TV oo RHAULS IRONS -- METALS SALESMAN 10 handle o compete fine Holos id bord for' dendemen, con apartment. heavy wiring. re bt Lund LD ( oe A \ J OMES y ) i ! 0 \ | f $ - : h JL PAPERS -- RAGS [funy concerning present contacts and | PPIY 241 Ritson Road Bouth pve 51015, : ' 4 " | r € f weed ant include ) 1 7 M territory red, PO Box 331, Oshawa, | TWO genliemen (0 share, single beds, - > DONEVAN A FLEISCHMAN L ¥ 1 control, | | y iden | All parts and tube OPEN SATURDA YS ALL DAY bibl dd AWA: home privileges, home cooked meals Wo "room bachelor apariment. fre 8 , q J € | , h RA 5.3432 {Lunches packed, RA 57043 pished, allo conveniences, near North ta , ED KNOWLTON and ine | ub 2,~Cleaning tuner, controls, FREE PICK.UP | wernt | GM 34017, ; RA 5.6047 Arb and country, ond Sur prekers, ease SIDENCE RA 5.4139 $50 WEEKLY |i cuus auae, Fome, go5 dh dw uous me . walter ) Complete alignment 100 ANNIS STREET ov, 0, South Fea shopving BALE, pe Rieti, Subeirds, tnd Building Trades | OWN PAY ' { Summerl Secutis ' ater, 8 a9 NO DOWN PAYMENT | i Su me rand Lim 4 service and bench labor i -------------- centin, Bi Park Road South, 812 weekly, heal, hydro ineluded, sep BULLDOZING \ UP TO | Os awa ite 1% i treet y==Picksup and delivery |35--Employment Wanted ROOM and board, South distriet, clean ond floor, private e ane. , three mine Mo 89612. Vree 1 MONTHS TO PAY A | North, Oshawa, Phone RA 6.~=3-month warranty | Aecainmodation, lunches packed. RA (ule walk 0 South "aN: RA 85017, gohers 2n ) rey nddiihdlid Home Landscaping | ss ALL FOR ONLY $24.95 [LADY will mind ehildien in owh home| WHILE IN TRAINING hie: wpevetae THREE - foom apartment, privaie i " y . Y 7" R A f 9591 anh : ALL _, A -------- wy day, on quiet street hone HA 5.12 ROOM or Toom "and bo for gentle. hath, near South @ Possession Og. DODD & UTE \ 172 or R 3-08 { PEC ALIZED l1 FA 19--Porsonal | [vor NG marvied man desires em You can make big money on men, good meals, Jinches packed. 335 {ober 1, Apply 254 Malaga R PAINT AA 5 ; ; PLANTING A RING WANTS $ | CITY 1 V ployment, chuvffeur's licence, Anyihing| our high commission sales [Athol Bireet Kast, RA § SIX.To0m hungalow, recreation roam, PAIN \ ATIN --Business Opportunities| SEEDING ULIP BULBS WANTED ' Koarhoro, Hilinion | ty an & rv considered. MO 5004 | 50441 A £ GARDEN pnd arson, arriving 490 am, Phone ormetly Len Lou VI) [EADY would Tike housework by the| delivery customers for major [10 down lows 2 Elgin Street East. i500 Lakefield Street. f lu vr develop ERVICE 805 31M QF 5T. § day or haby sittihg. RA 5.6849 bakery Mr. Learning, 80 | 4 y THREE-room basement apartment, self HA, } J rl ae 4 HYG NIC supplie {rubhbe goods) RA 2-78 844 GENTLEMAN with own. cement mixer Wellington St. West: . Tore [FOR married couple, one child option: |pantained, © private entrance, Central DAY 1 y cha Call valled post paid in MN Ain sealed would Tike work. Free estimates, Phone b 9 y M 4.711 3 § al, two or three rooms, Slose to down: | Park Hivd North, Call RA 30860 ! x sample -- nto a " . ; A ables, $1.00. Mall Order %3--Women' [] Column [RA 8.7066 on y Jon, hh GM continuous hot ater: |p Ekroom apartment, sink and oups boards in Kitchen, private bath, avails nt 2 5 Real. | '. C} ' Yep 1 Rubhe 0 t « bs ) p - -- A RA 8 6366 Dept, A- ihher ( Box 01 BVROIAL: nur n pt ATeaule housework, ex ROOMS and Yeni, Wilh OF wilhot|able now, Parking. mn 85880 after § rio Heat permanents, $8.50, | perienced 1 i, 206 King 80 t, Rit tn pave vv RAT nasag, PRR OVER FORTY bookkeeper deren IMMEDIATE son Hod Sask: wale w or two rooms for one or we \AA 1D \ ibs a Derimanent po iin SxndHencey Bd HOOM and board available for two | -- or thre A apartment, h MAJOR Ol CO. PLANT N OW! EL EC TROLYSIS 24--Market Basket {accounis receivable, hayab) : a CARFER gentlemen to share, Phone RA 81003 [dity' Ving, sol orkid TV outlets ' n presentatiory securing home ROOM and board for i close available Immediately, A 1} also posting machines and typing hi le preferred. R nar: v val f. 'superfuous hair Phone RA 32160 couple preferve EVERGRES ob dion " TOMATOES Pick your own, The -- 43---~Wanted To Rent TWO + room apartment, bulliin cups complete . Viart dutf wi IN bushel; parrots bushel; nani 36---Female Help Wanted | THINTIAN family desires Vhree.bed. |noards in kitchen with ink, stove and Vi awa, Oct. 4th and Sth, [oniais, AT Buchel) 'wooing ions OPPORTUNITIES CHRRTIAN" fn, estes WERNER ak ar Si af rach ahd. vgs Be rh I SLYG bushel Bring containers, W, By. [FREE room, cooking privileges for y private entranes and ball | LAWN [ | 'e' Genosha Hatel on mann, 4 mile wast of Nicholls Garage. [lady who would look after three ohil References supplied. Phone RA $0030, RELATE SHI Pply (no charge | lates for appointment Courtice. Go north to frst gorner dren Manday to Friday, two weeks on, IN NICE district, two -hedroom self: [7% ge es i --r ble POTTED MUM | two weeks off, RA 5.3600 IN THE contained, uniurnishod apartment, Rea. | LORY two 2 Sroom bunualow off nt . e TOMATOES -- Plek your own, 7c, a : sonable, Call RA 3.70% venson Row orth, mon Ns pica f t f NS CACTI MRS. ANN bushel. Bickle Road South, Courtice, | REGINTERED nurse. required for South gant October 1. Phone RA §:1 | | - f A 1 IRA 5-00 J Haven Nursing Home, Newoastle, Ont A THREE - bedroom A orth or ARR Ai] M. Chantler E PLANT OFESSIONAL PALM | hi Live in or out, five-day week, Phone east end preferred, references avail: Two now Masement ana rim y VAN BEL LE READER | eno RK Bartlett pears, $3.00 hushel | Noweastle, 4441 y Canada Ltd Ca raidas 1 {and ¥i0. "a basket, Pollack Orchards, a | | ard reads and advisor east side of Ne 13 Hithway 4 Houses Apts Flats Roatt near Hampton, CO & Whith On Bring your problems to her, | > REGULAR ARMY 4 J " MODERN, four rooms and bath, base: : 4) 54 CAR DENS No appointment necessary [APPLES $1 up. 8pys, Macintosh, De HOUSEWIVES For Rent ment apartment, private ground level MO 8.3211 | : Oneiy: gaily from 18 AA a {Uelous and Snows. On Thickson Road, , entrance, recently decorated, Aerial HIGHWAY NO 2 On v dail Li n 9. Pi {half iia narth of Taunton Road, Algo.| Cash in on the big Fall and Age 25, Whale, fit and and heavy wiring, parking, abstainers. . pm, RA ma Orchards S { 3 : #3987 i} NIE | . AA 1.5787 y mm ' | Christmas Selling Season. Be bi Ld EN OPPORTUNITY N A Simcoe South RIPE tomatoes for ohill sauce. 500 of an Avon Reprefentative in able to meet army enrolment FOR RENT UPSTAIRRT TOOm Apartment, selfs | | able, Phone RA 3.2004, bulll-in eupboards and sini BOWMANVILLE {han R your. 4 Beths . . oO . standards contained, heated child welcome, eens ESTA! JRA NT AND [32 | 21--Personal Service [a amas. Torna Hoa: Your neighherncod, Far in WE GIVE Qne and hat stersy brick 5108, \ a one book from city mits | ediate placement call L X , ome, Spotless, close 0 Toh 7a Household Repairs LRN Tae ard are Sir air 0 ity Twi 6.0637 coll WORTHWHILE PAY A in Contact Mrs. Tier« [MIX + bedroom house. on quiet streets CO D SE RV ICE : BRIE NE a an | ua - -------- 064 collect PENSION AND MEDICAL downtown ontac $ olase to hospital, $135 per month, Ape \ {ho yeu wam \ ' edt [Spats Contre. 3 Rossland Road West 25--Pe § ' 8 "Livestock BENEFITS | ney, RA 5-5207 RIX 33 Leslie Street I TRONIEY OF tepals nay WA SH or HA Sai i Po ---- . LJ partment, 8 years [do Andrew Kroonije, 28 X BOXER fupples, two months old, A LOW-COST INSURANCE DON HOWE REAL ESTATE First tne : A y Street PETER PAN dav nursery. Children, ply 760 Cambridie Avenue. $50 WEEKLY THIRTY DAYS PAID ane ST, RA 5.7732 BUCKINGHAM : 5 ye, all ay 0 Waday nda } anytime ( ex t turnover, |PURNITURE vepaired and rewshol (Fridny. 030 am to 3 ih » ig n jax 10 SADDLE horse for sale, well manner HOLIDAYS A YEAR . Py, -- MANOR RA R.)17 } o.( trod. Be0 GUF materials 1or Pe.covY bg" Mn ul Pr 1 Ald "lod. OLiver 5.3089 . RA 1177 | ithe, " n 0 Rn. Dail " Marion Street North Aa nA 0 2004 Rete uw BOXER ups, two male, one fmeale GUARANTEED CHALLENGING CAREER FOR RENT APARTMENTS | b RA 37218 ; i Registered, 13 weeks old, Phone Port | A TAD 2.bedroom Apartments, elecs » - ! WAGARS Dil Schoo Gove Hi , p OMRADES Pp ents, elec WwW. WARD CHESTERFIRLDS rebuilt avered, | mant liesnon, fully insured, dual con. | FOrEY YU 33083 WHILE IN TRAINING ite ot M RADESHIP 3 = NEW trically equipped, best locas n Q 290 ' Wi : wT trols. Call evenings #-HA20 ROARDING, trimming, bathing. deflea ADVENTURE AND GOOC ) AY ba eS WELL DIGGING RY RA 8-3203 ble. § oLAD QUATAMORA. |v 4 AX TA by order, | NE Wanbena Kennels, RA 0031. You can make big money on OPPORTUNITIES FOR SHOPPING PLAZA fon en my 4 i MAC 4 : Mattre rebuilt awa Unholstery | i) early and avoid disappointment BEAUTIFUL baby budiles roads far! Our high commission sales PROMOTION Simcoe orth, Ap H 9 AL 1D a p, AOED -~ to, 10 Bond Street West. Dial later. Dial CO W RROINtman h pining, talk Dat ot x i h od Ne M presentation securing home Discuss plans with Recruiting STORES RA 8.8676 SPECIAL IN | ( Ol N OPI RR Al I Dic CURNTRRFIELDS and oid hairs Broad: 1M Elgin Street Bast, | delivery customers for major staff at Oshawa Armouries, Simcoe Street South, reasons WHITBY ONTARIO UNDR vored The now: Cin ihe net rn tu TRY OUR DoF ar Ers. CoNR bakery My Learning, 30 every Tuesday between 10 able, smart stare fronts, parks OFFICE SPACE » > A : \ ) ke Modern Upholstering, 92844 Simcoe R VED ~~ ellington St lest, or am. and J p.m. or write 3 lacatio Iv POS: Far Ly a LAUNDRY HAVE roel North. Call WA danas toro fos) BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN | Giin = immedinioly "wood 3iea| onto -- EM 4.7113 .__| ARMY RECRUITING STATION | ina good iocqtion, earls Feb FOR il x f | EXCEL | EN T x a ¥ Chicken plate, halt chicken bi] b onl -- gi Wi erties : 567 COLLEGE ST Taken Suit drug store, barber { BLIX TING DECORATING | with rench fries i ehments, any make J yt Qs . , ® . A rac AR be Bg big Be Xin re i" -" b Jn ne [cash price Phone OF sao "| Experienced credit sten- TORONTO or beauty shop, etc. Contact . RENT 7 ai a Va tone work guaranteed. Fron estimates | Of hh, bal DEAD farm stock nleked TRE ographer, knowledge of ) 194 4 lack Appleby, RA 5.6544 or LOCAT ION RA #2350 milk shak Prone coool Hoa shed un wromplly.| Ographef, a WA 4.7346 RA 3.3398 John A, J. Bolas Passenger elevator service DE R ef : ODE : : 1 credit for accounts re A \ RECAST PROFESSIONAL painter hang MODERN GRILL Margwill Fur Farm. Tyrone hood Lid, Realtor New building. Centrally los OW DD fuatanieed we and ma WE DELIVER ~-RA 5.3887 ------------c@ivable required. Posi ~ - e uilding. y LOW DOWN Al Conroy RA 8.003 oe] AT ~Fuel & Wood tion requires fair amount OPPORTUNITY cated in downtown area, CONCRETE p AY MI NT [nates work mu % toed RA TTR 22--Radio Repairs BRT. havdwaod en suitable for fur A initiative, 5 day week For a Salesman who APARTMENT Moderate rent. Leases now MT IVE A GEORGE'S TV servic IV weriale Daces, stoves, fireplaces wants more recognition k a. Sine ne A SIMCOE N., AT ROSSLAND | @voilable. ; [PLUMBING "and neaur Sera HY load Welivercd. Phope RA denn. | Apply box 105, Oshawa CED ro " 'RL wl J Ae ' a TIC TAN Mings, fixtur ew af sod, chang NOV repaired. WN oy nares TT a -- and room for growth Redecorated five rooms . | SIDEWALK SLAB | HARRY BENNETT [ing fram senile tank Ea APS | red, Aree hlimalet| 98..Summer Properties Times ------ ! ! Installations at nahle rates ip hone 19323 ar RA 374 p National corporation requires $100 fridge, parking, Adults THE TIMES DAT EH] \ ED P 3 armation and estimates free an any COTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in RA 3 3-4977 t al R ! heautifl Kawartha Lakes dis i EARN a representative in the Qsh. -- --- -- TELEVI | jut - Rortheh H or Ma, Far free: lst awa area. Must be employed T2--Dressmaking ov in SION fhluitvite nts wnt Cocke tit] EXTRA MONEY | ones, ut ds employed RA 53302 | BUILDING ALTERATIONS of a a " dled, \ Vogl ei SE RVICE CO +42 high school or bette educa . Ee ---- \ J t SER ¥ Agent Clubs, ete. Sell tion, resident in Oshawa § APARTMENT Contact T. L. WILSON , : : 280-- Trailers | Canada's finest Xmas cards ears OF mor ompl BROOKLIN PRESKMAKING "and aiteratio aa A Srl the re XW TVaeRADIO--HIFI |For mess a a | Tan ae funnels | FOR RENT | Phone RA 3-3474 R an ' va Times Want . h b Tent traller by. week 324 C21 RA 33402 now EXPERT SERVICE {dccomodates six people Phone MA! (tems includnig Deluxe, missions from the start, and | Pua bedroom on Rossland . 13--Gardening & Supplies Religious, Velvet. Chrome for attaining minimum quot Ra E hl 0 CRE IE C / M---- -- E «dav and Personal cards. " ole non-repayabl ¢ near Jimeoe, In mod A M h ER cl FURNACE SAI ES | oe: [29--Summer Proper | NEI REOIUTOR EL | SS Wee | gn meron, Bldep, Bo APARTMENTS tral, $63 monthly, RA r------ ° loads. Phony RA block om buse kitchen Te) p Lisl For Sale | Dolls and Jewelry Mdny year Ie fee rh " ne large, one small, elees I ' DAY OR NIG X > AWN ne Rn 4 $ . PRODUCTS of garden work by expen AND SERVICE | AY OR NIGHT YOR SALE Sums Pr Gift items. Prompt Service | electrically equipped, free trically equipped. For further i M k Lid mer cotlag h x . M ' HAL Hh . intext > confic washer and Hryer service rmatio h os RA S130 SHAWA RA 8.4241 nished, Balsam 1 100 11. lakefront For colored catalogue and Enquirie treated confiden A ih information phone LIMITE o : RA K._ROK " v f priv ols 3 sama 8 N i vially. Send employment his DA ANG evergs RA 5.59 -- and te e number CALL MR. BAILE RA 5-3815 or 1.20 ap R 11 Steel C ) WA VILL t jock, sand heach ocd \ an $ ter to. Box 102 Oshaw Dave RA 3.2033 OLiver 5-3311 staws Home Landscaping. } $7 labor plus ' MA ) 33 RA Dat reliant, Phone) Hamil bin by \ ali og Eves RA 5-2484 RA 8-6485 Times

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