Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Sep 1960, p. 9

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SEPARATE SCHOOL GET SAFETY PATROLS Visiting Is The increasing problem of vis iting hours in district hospitals was discussed during the meet ing of District 8, Regional Hos- pital Council, held at the Oshawa General Hospital Thursday night! Harry Cryderman, 8 member of the Bowmanville Memoria) Hospital Board, chaired the round4able in which the views of the delegates were presented, He said many hospitals are finding visiting hours becoming more and more of a problem {CHANGED THREE TIMES | William A, Holland, superin- tendent of the Oshawa General Hospital, said visiting hours have been chapged three times in the past six months, Visiting is now permitted from 3 to 8 pm, with a restriction of 20 minutes per visitor and two vis itors to a patient. The visiting {period on the children's floor is from 3 to 4 p.m, Mrs, George Telford, director) of nursing, commented the prob lem "of visitors will always be one confronting the hospital, Pa- SECOND SECTION EE I,,--_ The Osha Sime OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1960 PAGE NINE GETS NEW POST John 8, Hughes, former man- ager of the Bank of Montreal in Oshawa, has been appointed manager of one of the bank's LIABLETOFINE Vandalism In Parks Taxes Board's Budget Only the weight of a car or the Holliganism In Oshawa's parks!simply destroyed and left," Mr, " : power of a tractor could have causing the Parks department Bathe says shaking his a yo . bent one tecterAotter bar in the [a Conslderdiie Yorty ai. een FOUNTAINS REMOVED way the staff found it. What hap- What happens, Herbert Bathe, Only two fountains have heen pened there is another question superintendent of Parks, and his removed by the staff this sum: vhai My, Bathe has been ponder staff, want to know, to the T0feet Mer, he reports, The peigiibor: ing for some time, 0 t hood associations know that Se fm disovpests, Ive. ot their park fountains are broken, SLIDES BROKEN Parks department regulations are! Slides are toppled over and the fom fhe agpusé in Memorial that the fountains are to be re- ends broken off, SeslopAottaTs la swing from the playground af moved, shathed on, thiown all over Lh [the Gertrude Colpus School last! The damage is not done during Place and rol " sw gs, are year and again this summer, the day time, when the parks are/$ighis that have often chains, boards and sll, hoping to|under supervision during the Staff members or been called to use the chains to drag his car summer holidays, but at night, their attention, out in the winter? Mr. Bathe says, "It is not children that do it, tients' rooms are crowded with visitors at times, she said, | BOWMANVILLE. HOURS At Bowmanville, Btaniey Wil kins, the administrator, said vis iting hours at 2 10 4 p. mand 7.% to 9 pm., but due to overcrowd ing, afternoon visiting was re stricted to 3 to 4 p.m, Only the | ustand and mother of mater nity cases are allowed fo. visit and a card system is being used to cut visiting to two at a time per patient : At the Port Hope Hospital vi Ming hours are 2 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 8.30 pm, Children's wards may he visited between 3 and 4 p.m, and maternity ward pati ents ean have visitors from 2 4.3 pm MORE LENIENT It was stated that visiting hour at the hospitals in Peterborough are more lenient, Visitors permitted hetween 11 a.m, and 8.30 p.m, in medical and surg eal ward while children's wards may he visited between 2 and 4 p.m, Obstetrical patients may have visitors for an hour in the afternoon and evening, | No card system Is used and it} was noted that the extended] hours helped to cut congestion dent volunteered at St, Gre At the Ross Memorial Hospi trude Thursday afternoon to be- tal, Lindsay, visiting hours are come the first patrol, It was or-(2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m gt principal branches, the St, Pete and Bt, Jame's streets branch in Montreal, Mr, Hughes came to Oshawa in September, 1953, He was later transferred to New York and then to the Sun Life Bldg., branch in Montreal, Born in Thamesford, Ont., began his banking career in the Bank of Montreal at Teeswater | in 1927, This hes been the biggest prob- They're way up in their teens," BUDGET LIMITED lem of all this summer, Mr, Mr. Bathe suspects, It is not the expense Involved, paine says, Drivers in Lakeview Park and Mr, Bathe insists, although the "phe official closing time fs 10 Alexandra Park are not always budget given to the parks board yy and after that hour police co-operative, Parks department is extremely limited, but thelhaye the authority to remove staff have found, The speed limit time spent hy the staff who have peopte from the city's parks, 8e-|is 10 miles per hour and when he to follow the trail of rowdyism cording to Mr, Bathe drivers have been reminded of and put what they can to rights, |" But this has not stopped young this by parks men on duty; "Our In the case of the stolen rope, neonle gathering in the city's men get no co-operation but a lot he pointed out, each time it has parks, becoming rowdy and dis! of lip and not only from teen- to he replaced the firemen have hing the neighbors, The police age drivers," Mr, Bathe adds, fo he called to secure it to the have had to he called several top of the flag pole, |times and it has become danger- SCREENS DAMAGED | The favorite objects of destruc ous 1o into a park after 10. There is not much respect for the tables inp on the superintendent reports, ball diamonds either, Mr, Bathe Mr, Bathe re has found, Boys sit on the back- ROUGHNECKS BLAMED stops and rock back and forth "The not youngsters 1v- until they snap off at the bottom, h " ing in the park area," Mr, Bathe Others climb the 20 foot mesh, dents of Oshawa and district |, of ou mmer believes, "bul roughnecks from git on it until it is sagging and who are celebrating birth. "We are lucky If we get back all over town, 1 counted 18 one forming a pocket and then com- days this weekend five In good shape," Mr, Bathe night in one of the city's parks." plain when it catches a foul ball, Those who celebrate today |gayg Mr Bathe said that people iv: po ante should instruct children Stewart Grimmes, 924 Bay- He to go through ing close to the parks should not to. stay off ball diamonds in wet ) Vhithy: Pat - pathe Park one afternoon and go out to talk to these groups but weather. both walking and eyel- 700 Athol BL, found a board in one of the tables simply call the police and ask to ing, The work horse of the Parks Hickey, 121 \proken and took it home to fix have them removed department, the jeep, grades 44 Whithy; Nor. it When he returned a few hours. In addition to the noise they hall diamonds each week but this ard, RR 3, Osh- \jater Mr, Bathe says, the other make these young people smash is not sufficient if they are going lirave 135 liable which he had last seen in|swings, slides and teeter-otters to be Kicked and ridden over in , GERTRUDE'S 88 School Has | Safety Plan The first safety patrol to he organized in an Oshawa Separate School went on duty at St, Ger trudi Friday, lk than 100 vards from the spot where a boy was struck and killed earlier this year The ed "BILL" O'REILLY~FIRST PATROLMAN AT 20 g Mm appes 0 be CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS individual parks, Congratulations and best |", taples are put in each of . a » are wishes to the following resi- |g. wits" 17 parks at the begin to happened La avenut rick Brown Whilthy Ted Centre are Separate School. Board ap the patrols Ju investi recommended the in the ifety tudent room lecture alte a cor ating the eparate Oshawa pro patrols nro Wood Ken oner man death chool Police ram and clas Twenty-two Grade 7 and 8 stu awn participate ney Debb nn a Department including Man | anized by Traffic Safety Officer it stated, are permitled al William Tane ted by Const. most anytime provided the yi Al Lavender will train them leave the room if a nurse arrive as well a tudents at to care for the patient | FAMILY CONTROL PLAN It was stated that at the Ajax Pickering Hospital the usual small hospital overcrowding pie ture exist A card system is used for visitors but hospital au thorities are attempting "a fam ily control visiting project" was who enue lecture to | the school When the chools remaining separate tanized will he a total of 29 patrols with a membership of over 500 students under Constable Tane super vision, Each patrol is divided nto three teams under student lieutenant, The students will be on duty for approximately 45 Families are notified to arrange minutes a day divided into morn. thelr visits among themselves ing and afternoon shifts, Each 80 as not to all he there at oncel team has every third week off, |and to prevent overcrowding The patrol at 8t, Gertrude's is! The council accepted the in only upplement the adult|ivtation of the Bowmanville Me: | guard and at no time|morial Hospital to hold its next| he guiding quarterly meeting there, It will busy King/be held on the fourth Thursday of March ) | are or there road to sing a patrol member students acro cro other treet I'he patrols w following cro River AL, LAVENDER HELPS JOAN STEPINAC WITH UNIFORM CONST, Il be ing on duty at Farewell hoth north There will Harmony Iimmy death, It oe the it Kin ide, ind south King i150 he a patrol on thi Creek hridge where Haines dashed to hi vill the patrol duty that nobody crosses King cept at the guarded I'he patrolman the street but re dents until they Oshawa Time Speech Delivery Club Reviews Donald 8, Sugden "Today we must all do more speaker at the Knights of Columbus than be sorry for the deprived or No, 2671, Sept, 27 at the Knights underprivileged child, We must of Columbus Hall. The of find ways of working with them Pointing out that a organized his talk will be "How o that they will to live! child is frequently lives fruitfully and many the basic need pare And Deliver A of them have great potentiality resulting in the Mr, Sugden Past declared Miss Gertrude Tucker, thrown out of president Toast- Reg. N,, supervisor Puhlic sulting in masters Club. No. 236 a na. Health Nursing, who was the! ed child tive of Oshawa and i peaker at the Oshawa Kiwanis employed by General Club's meeting this week Canada as a method Under the direction of Kiway The ven al Reg, Lancaster, chairman of 3 "the club's summer camp number and school a security ing to Tr » the Trootmi Tenure» group, th xecutive | sul X guidance as jeots a a report of the 1060 camp, str A windy hild : is permitted to Aa citizenship the hatin and financial whatever he wants and whenever! Thomas J, Dafoe was chosen various organizations fo urvey e summer he wani thi vl chairman of the Greater Oshawa . MA Mental Health As tion but rather the importance feeling hi Youth for Christ organization re oherate 8 Sanioeh a "we home, of which he | the Kiwanis Kedron Camp to the 0 he cently, The meeting was held at" @ temporary basis, The can community the contribution the Oshawa Christian Y out hjleen has been in operation for made to the welfare of the Centre, Warren avenue, Other|four weeks and is a great ser group children who offices for the 1960-61 season are; Y'C® to the residents, Mrs, 1, R sven a summer holiday. through Currie has heen appointed vice "the efforts and facilities of the Vice-chairman, Tony Peleshok; (¢hairman of this committee, Kiwanis Club Homes;! P, W. Kennedy advised the treasurer, Mendal Smith hoard that a first ald course will Other hoard members are Jim|{be conducted in November and Aldous, Frazer Bell, Jack Zurba, further particulars will be pub Al Nicholson, Herman Morris) lished in the press, Mr, Kennedy and Mel Smith and the members of his com: Fhe advisory council includes: mittee received commendaiton work done at the camn by other | inted out Rev, 8, CH, Atkinson, Rev, E, C, from the Ontario Division of Red club members, including the "a Fong al md satisfac. (Corbett, Rev, R. E, Dargan, Rev,| Cross for the excellent work done wraperty co ittee r ¥ 3 N \ 4 reemi tev, J, §, Plerce § | hair 4 mshi ne : iy Rohe by tion in achiéving success in his ha ay iH W Je hy MY ars n Osha, i { ! p of ! of sin? h awackig : | Mrs, E, Hoy, sick room loan members of the camp core praise when deserved Dive or Steve Zurba, who for cuphoard chairman, reported that mittee and other individual stressed important the past season has served Great it was necessary to purchase new hers mn er Oshawa YFC has been api. y equipment to meet the demands HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT Pointed to direct the work In the! for requests for equipment. E. J "The maintenance of a child's Greater Oshawa area for 1960-61. reported no disasters in our health and development of his Season area during the summer job performed hy total personality. are not isolated Steve came to Oshawa from \ Mr. and Mp Thomas cidents hut Winnipeg two years ago and has FAMILY ASSISTED the members of the with and de heen an inspiration to Oshawa's! Individual Emergency Ald! health of the family youth with a spiritual leadership' (welfare under the chairman! ted out! mu \ \ mn the Youth For Christ move ihip of Mrs, T. K, Creighton, as that in her position as a public ment sisted a family with special baby health nurse, Miss Tucker has or § ho ¢ Y th for Christ is an interna:| formula Dentures oy provid: | been of invaluable service to the ppled to tonal Ahization known theo for a veteran's widow, Sum Kiwanis Camp Committee mem ken world over with headquarters ingioal "dressings, shoes for chil. bers and man of recent speaker Wheaton Nlinois n \ Midren, milk, were supplied and yoars, in assisting in the selee- quickly 2 countries with 257 chartered many families were assisted with tion of groups of Shildren In need rallies in Canada and United groceries of a summer camp holiday The Oshawa Blood Donor Ser Miss Tucker was presented vice has earned the reputation of with a bouquet of being the best organized service token Apprec in the province and has set a res offorts in this cord for oneday el One thon Previous vears sand and seveniy-nine, bottles of problems blood were collected in three ADDS TO EXPERIENCE \ With one months, The - chairman, R. H. At the outset of her can be anything but Stroud, at the request of the On which proved a glowing testimons derived from a ca Very often the children tario Division, has assisted in or al of the value of Oshawa Ki Iv. may not express their apprecia- ganizing clinies throughout the wanis Club's Camp Kedron to the tion or affection and so in carry: province community, Miss Tucker voiced ng out this work, one learns that) The Oshawa Branch of the red! | AF preciation to the members of efforts of 1 it is more blessed to than Cross is a pant cipaat in the the club for making it possible wanians in supplying receive. Greater Oshawa Community selected groups of children ities and work of Kiwanian Alan former Chest and through the generosity hy to have summe Lirector and i 1 camp man, of the chest is able we 40 Tucke conte d \ th v he 13 nd apprecias citizens of Oshawa MEAs {hese ster sha nt i the to Miss have volunteered to her fine addres Summer Work Reviewed By "iv: Red Cross the stu reports cross In (he the he to treet Crossing dot trains can he the of the Counell will covering various the work olf committees during summer months were pre ented at the first fall meeting and of the Oshawa branch of the Ca become nadian Red Cross, Donald H wallable, The equipment Is pur jowe presided and introduced chased the Oshawa Safety, newly appointed treasurer, League with funds donated by they McAlpine Oshawa Kinsmen Club I'he Homemaker chairman, Mrs, J, J {ported an exceptional {mer, There are 14 meeting receives, we do know thal It add to his social experience lve tated he rest of the patrols will he as soon as helt to equip them deprived for whom provided life being and re disturb + » YEC Names them lo Pre Speerh one raincoats not child he able their are » who Is a balance the 76 ol of an emotional of lay people, both members and) pegs {ment can't do It alone," the adherents will be called into ac The idea of the plan is to give superintendent says, present] Motors of NEED FOR SECURITY I'he re child a fe ly and soc lip Murray - - Boland, 203 | placed so far this summer in {front of the bandshell, rierson street; Randy 1216 Belvedere street: trict Bector Plan was held in St, Oshawa; chalrman of local com:|a ppAGE A PROBLEM day aver Douglas and Donald | George's Anglican Church parish| mittee on- arrangements; Rev.| aoa noe' slime oause of another Suppesa, twins, 1206 Cedar The Sector Plan is a co-opera.( ONS represent four denomina-|ihrow stuff away right alongside," Hugo Goemans, 1001 MeCul. [tive program, sponsored by the tons in five districts are: (Mr, Bathe says, lough drive, Whithy: Lynn ligations to the Christian Church and Wenminster United Anglican Who Just tip chicken hones and receive double tickets to The [In the world-wide scope of its) AdAJ y ANRHCARn hor" debris off thelr tables for Regent Theatre, good for a Bathe says: * ave severa dian genius adapted and revised mn Bath A L hove Had seve of Phone RA 3.3474 the plan to sult our particular The next Training Dinner LJ es rrom 1065. So successful was the ven:|selecting leaders and planning the Parks leaving a regular mess to ture that the idea spread event:|jocal church's program, Groups/clean up, Mr, Bathe says. busy sum. died her Thursday night tion, culminating in an Ev er Y|every person an opportunity to| If park property is damaged homemakers] Mr. Robertson apparently Family Visitation on Sunday express an opinion on the value|/the publie's money goes to repair | Chur Sharon Cook, | Plan ! aunched One or two people have tried to Delmar Rints, 1111 Palmer- | [hall Thursday night, Following Clinton D, Cross, Kt, George's never ending problem that the street; Mrs, June Anderson, Canadian Council of Churches to] Oshawa St, George's Angll-| "Lakeview Park Is the worst In Landry, 2 Henry street; Jack {evangelistic enterprise and 8t, Paul's United 4. [someone else to pick up four-week period, The current "e : ' :t (the garbage." situation. meeting will be held in St Shower Burn ually right across the Dominion, | wil analyze the existing program,| "1 know It sounds as if I have turned on the hot tap instead of Nov, 20, of the present organization and to/it and, Mr, Bathe continued, peaker engineer need for a ling of helon ial ha it the fam home ich din peaker of talk Clo eral Steel! race De. {good shape, was nothing but a built for smaller children, Anyone|p oi woon The staff is simply not Bustos ih I stroat frame and a mass of kindling found damaging park-property Is qo qoiis (0 grade dismonds more burton 0 reel, wood liable to be fined $50, the super . ' Oshaw Mrs, Harvey i nal 1. ut reorient hi often, Mr, Bathe says. on hd "They are nc remove ut' intendent warne: yx i Hove i . Memorial Park seems to be the favorite area for lifting flowers, the staff has found people in the Nonquon road; Dennis {area seem to be fond of geran- 115 Easthaven {lums and 40 have had to be re- Jim Murray, 152 Col. Tommy Taylor, remove the flower boxes on the : b Scott. 640 B bandshell platform, found them on iarbar NCO ure " ' § J p ton Baden Brightling | The first training dinner meet- ough; director, Rev. Mervin A loo heavy, 0 oi abd Simply 188 Farewell avenu ing of the 1960 Oshawa and Dis. Bury, King Street United Church, 4ropp em on Those who celebrate on Sun» [the outstanding success of last! Anglican Sh hi Doha Jo {Parks staff have, 565 Farewell avenue; Harry |YPAr's campaign, the number of di A Ww R am ing ati "You can put out as many Agar, 116 Baldwin street, [Participating churches has in ™ 3 : oh HOE emer | garbage pails and receptacles as Brooklin Elizabeth Simmons, |¢reased from eight to 13, he 13 participating congrega:| yoy ike and people will still 05 Patricia avenue Mrs [further the spiritual development ¢an, St Matthew's Anglican, Holy! ig respect, When it Isn't dogs MacDonald, 50 Nassau street, |of congregations, to discover la. Trinity Aslican, Knox Presby-| geting into the garbage pails and I'he first five persons to in. [lent talent of lay people, and to {erat a vation Ato, 5 'N& spreading papers and plenie form The Oshawa Times of |face the challenge of financial ob. Siree nited, Harmony United) gopsns about then it _is people their birthdays each day will Pickering Yickering Unit 4 > Originating with the major de| Doasing B/ keeling United Even on Sunday members of attraction is "Tall Story", nominations of the United States, Hill Anglican » auls the Park's department are on Reports on birthdays will [the movement quickly spread to Scugog Island Scugog Unit. uty picking up garbage and Mr, he received only hetween the the Canadian church scene, Cana y B Seugog V hours of 8 am, and 10 am, George's Parish Hall, Oshawa, There are people bordering on The first experimental Sector|on Thursday, Oct, 6, at 6.29 p.m. the neighborhood parks, too, who Plan In Canada was tried out in| From now until then, the individ.|throw thelr garden rubbish and he Stratford-Woodstock region in|yal congregations will be busy other bits and pieces into the This fall, sector plans will be Inland suggest improvements and in.|@ grudge against the public bul CA . ; operation in all major cities, and|povations which will tend fo the parks are their's after all LINDSAY (CP)=Walter Rob: many towns and communities strengthen the position of the/and it is up to them to help ertson of nearby Dunsford, | throughout the nation, Thousands| church, and increase its effective. keep them, The Parks departs committee scalded in a hotel shower in a Burns, re- Portland, Me, hotel last week, on the staff, TO OPERATE CANTY the cold when he stepped into the| The officers of the local organ: (suggest needed changes, and to|anyone seeing' damage being M Bald ANT ' hotel shower, He was transferred ization are as follows: counsellor,| formulate plans for future growth|done should stop it or report it ra aldwin reported foriio hospital here Rev, Joseph Abbott, of Scarbor-'and development, immediately senlor citizens, The management . - ve LAY com need nig love to ittee on millet well a sin po en's I do| committee of Hillsdale . Manor has empowered the Red Cross to not and nn hot of opera to do it must 1 of that adult ure a feel ociation oa unconcerned and ha Ing of insecurit Miss Tucker y child needs to le world as it to with a nd he allowed daydream" and use his ima nation, to have the freedom show his own individuality, rath er than be subjected to the rigid ity Guidance doe con he + member These i for ate a part of the gaged in hy the members of Toast maste Intern nal non-profit m-partisan non aking engagement training en elect i oul at vitl conform pointed ed of were an to live ai the at group to seclay Oshawa 10 oeretary Edward tion self ment in educational orga dediea to a to XpPre ell-improve COMMITTEES PRAISED In Miss Tucker Lancaster hy and introducing Chairman Reg pre faced his remarks paying tribute to the exceptionally fine of planned activity not mean plannin tant 'direction and or advice 1) own activities, the value ne com mom outstanding «¢ were who made tributions of service and a Kiwanian Reg al mention of the mad tand sup also out camn ervisors Cotie and camp aff Kiwanian Lancaster pol are Interwoven endent the and the Tucker tn mo upon com costly mend matiy cure polio." aid neglected the on hy the "The becomes 3 1 perates oddler ol troubled cha adolescent "Im goodness wind in ation for a (€ ens to A tunate, ( de comm States alone Youth for Christ operates en tively on a faith basis, depending 8 men in the of the s to be wetion other { fo on ( the mai d red M out tha hy of nity roses co-operative of N he on interested busine of wip community past season and 1 not Iw nes JAYCEE SPEAKER The speaker at the O Wh Spoke their mships help them with nd their another easy the Tucker who Junior meeting wed no yardstick determine the np immediate here | vhi relat of ber Commerce, at Genosha Monday night Norman W handling executive for Woods, Gordon a firm of Tor consultants His 1 will be What i Wants From A Young Maa'\, Cham Hotel will be hawa 1d ACY ne oan benefits of Hayman, wha is KIWANIANS PRAISED placements Praising the a LOR Taylor, former justice of the | strong, In the background are | Chief Co nstable Reginald peace and court reporter for | the pallbearers: Chief Cone Parker, Pickering Township; | Ontario' County, Leading the | stable Herbert Flintoff of Osh- | Sgt. Gorden Keast Bowmans procession is Rev, J, K. Mol awa; Chief Constable George | ville OPP: and Sgt. Charles tal, minister at Simcoe Street | Rankine of Whitby; Chief Con. | Hefferon, Whithy OPP. United Church, and A. W, Arm. ' stable Dunn, Ajax; =~Oshawa Times Phote Company, the 0 : for Ofticers of the Oshawa, Whit. onto management 4 Rowmanville Pickering y hip, Ajax, Pickering Vil and Ontario Provincial form a guard of honor | funeral of George W, this ey u to serve the Town Mem s la with at camp While the n ol not have a vardstick \ to Tuvker, ting the exact bene! Police at tw é assist 1s that a child y {the forthcoming campaign, for \ George

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