THOUGHT FOR TODAY The most miserable spendthrift is he who dissipates tressores he had stored up in heaven. dhe Oshawa Sime Increasing cloud with scattered rainstorms, Chance of fog later, Price Mot Over 160 Camts Per Copy Authorized as Second Class Ma Post Office Department, awh TWENTY PAGES ION FOR SOVIET LEADER N E al YEW HOT REC PT in York this (AP Wirephoto) Here sot ' where Boviet Pre ed on arrivy and pr played ACTOS 'Name-Calling" Assembly Session Khrush ad Janda are ne p hich were reel from East os mier Nikita Khrushchev dock morning Donna Recovers Viking Ship MANABQUAN NJ. (AP) The remains of what may a 600-year-old Viking ship rests on Alhert Marazitl's today a block from the sea it once con quered Appropriately heathed reminder adventurous people by hurricane he property of Soviet Premier like! ter One be the al 1A) se nm The star potlig cast, bu ion of « objective avere United | e min a propa the eopper of a bold and was washed Donna last the gene assem Wi Slat if from Lhe eloped nations of Afric Latin America to en heating Lhe 1eadiine € attracted without the The rea three-month development unu bh Isolate possible i underde )! Asia and There major by elrcumstances actions 4 hig hore Monday It meetin ! not been authenticated | but Robert Maxwell, a for | naval architect, says the construction indicates it before the year 1400, three kinds of wood is 40 feet long and M optimism that nas ements wil unde of the eh have dra little all affected the ier mill an achie he picture 1, The war following nig May six months the mer assembly One will in the last recorded hoat's was built dm of or mie : Made of African nations, which will in jhe segment 4 ogy ou an The growing trend lo chatiel future add to the urengih of the iron fittings, Maxwell thinks the | 3 Id probicon da he | ited growing neutralist force in he original vessel wis shout 100 feet alions rather 1a world organization, BAginGL VeRel Wat! them independently {wel : 0 kee Some of the past heen characterized labels or bh Issue theme acceleratio f the cold (he he be the new the collapse of few positive four summit conference las ssion re he AT THE UN fro-Asians upport Dag CPito coun- | day As: |i open pessions have by u 1069 special pecific meet on The @ or € pled] dele ( ing, lor xampl heard spirit called hy is p mat Victor EXPECT In comin Any epe ol It wa peace' | Peruvian diplo-| Belaunde the! gates speak ol David "the Amy assembly of iden in Andre CIRCUS scannin ne A Tues to fin to on i oall Sixteen NITED NATIONS African and the N.Y Asian General another meeting morning If necessary with the Issue In time the regular Session schedule in the afternoon nee Ung bu propa gang hel mig urged today Dag n the tris you ht ca embly ol JY kpold's hack 1) Hammar name cal Mosl the the Hu mosphe General of the hefore mission Congo hey face n ALLATAR CANT | Beside Khrushehey presi | dents Nasser of the United Arab Tito of Yugoslavia and of Indone Premier Cuba and seven/| Soviet republie! leaders will attend the regular Congo A08sion President Eisenhower | also will attend Thursday to fw peak | En route to New York aboard] the liner Baltika, Khrush chev said in a ship-to-share inter that Hammarskjold hacking the Helgian ecolonialists in the Congo. He also said, "the Soviet Union has helped and will help the people In thelr struggle independence.' wssembly hp olution in Will a le pushed their Wo 1 ¢ Soviet Union Hammarsk)old determination wut vhenever past and » the ( the Ww chan nternati tins ted hy Republic i menace eated hy the United i] the Republics ¢ and its expressed Sukarno Fidel ( atellite the end the ide a channels em rtieular Congo help Sov vorld Ave UN astro of pleased The emt el tem tiled he to it and peace igre Nlates of a2 eney nation assembly n on the seheduled today actions of America Soviet Soelalist Another assembly, armament ar years importance the talks in the whole lap of the of A Union session Saturday for Sines they d 1 adopt major issue before meetings the ha of t might tonight ater arrival of Khrushehev for opening prospeet resolution vere the hours Soviet Premier the regular problem of L Soviet Cus pecial but it takes nin Lhe this breakdown Geneva on | view was because of 10-nation time of the session dumped nto the whic back embly Pres Victor An helaunde of Peru was ready Assembly ident Congolese for que as | | Assassination Try | On Mobutu Fails two| UN flag reporters He id United to New General answer . Lumumba summoned Parlia ment for another meeting today However, Mobutu's soldiers have prevented the largely pro Lumumba Parliament from meeting whenever Lumumba tried toa convene it since the military takeover Mobutu's command squelched a Sunday Lu mumba had called turning back the 34 senators and deputies who showed up. RED DIPLOMATS LEAVE sald agents) were oir | | commotion and found the men grappling on the floor Rakasa was handed over Congolese army Mobuty, who seized control the government in a bloodless coup last Wednesday, sald Ra kasa had made a full confession Mobutu the army will know how with Rakasa and with officers ald were He did the other number Lumumba seemed to have lost another round in his strug for when his ( forces n AP LEOPOLDVILLE M Col ONGO Oday Lumumba insisted to he still as premier he had appealed to the Nations for air transport York to take over the Assembly but no Joseph yh W relgni OW plot gunman Maobutu charged ers Patr plotting the Sunday at the in the cap he had heen murd Lumumba hy President came shouting A have the capital Mobutu tipped olf and an ao army Maj. \ Mobutu to oers he Rakasa WN pounced man a to the mn the i at coming him an personally ove of nt K got AMY Lumumba suppon of oe with sal to deal 1 othe in the plot not give the conspirators assas lon attempt Ah premier na i he ne Hime owed he he rumors deposed ip | alte d 8 red names ol | ar their usted as premier Kasavuby pe days ANCE bu i loseph Af hidin easily Mobuta out \ ¢ session de lese t power ose hy ad province ny chal APpeared to secessionist Katanga agreed to withdraw The United Nations peace mis sion said the commander of Lu mumba's forces had approved reat { fmilewide no the Katanga 5 And n hand in the 'WY ¥ ned { Was eady Congolese sources of the deposed preemie ating in the capital trying to ir up tribal strife but that Lu mumba's strength was weakened the departure during weekend of Soviet and Caech wak diplomats expelled by Mabatu Lumumba A} ea A man s along KX The f observed, would go a long way | h and wader nan ente has W ace to rasty and Ww esto pe hand : the V ar-threatened AROUT FREELY LR wrested cooked revaly RARASA OVERPOWERED UN Mo ¢ va fice in. Cam th ¥ m ined at MON 1 it he sat "aot mmunist " y ¥ S Mgh United Nallons attempt to fly roops fram Stan home town ana TS miles northeast of A a, meanwhile, re was 1 oust { w i the n A! ted Nn apparently undispuate rig 0 WW ¥ diplomats and asse 0 he v 1 M take steps so He wl dence aw he Em? ween sak blocked capital PLARS \ al Aan his SOUEN reluge aly nto the A'S cow) le Lumumba wise Sunday afte 2% y oyy stronghold Leapaldy Th wp sh CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.113% FIRE DEPT, RA 53.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 owed art hs TUTROTS pla up d and Ww te a killed od e Soviet Union accused apolies." supported | ting wp a lyncl gimme n the Congo gn declared the withdrawal of ssian diplomats was analy tem! $ pe him From his residence, Rying the aa "= OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1960 KHRUSHCHEV ARRIVES TO WET WELCOME MAT 76 Known Dead In Air Tragedy found the 17 who lived L i AGANA 76 persons Blates m Guam (AP)--AtL least: They most of them United | through some of them lying itary personnel and near or under the wreckage, their wives and children home- others wandering in shock ward bound, died today in the The were taken to explosion and crash of a World the US air station hos Airways transport on a pital in Agana. Three were re jungle-matted hill of this western ported in eritical condition and Pacific island 14 severely hurt Seventeen peksons survived . The plane left Clark Air Force The DCHB, on & contract flight Base north Manila a t 11:46 for the U.S, Military Air Trans. P-m. Sunday Manila time, with port Service, crashed three min. #0 undisclosed number of passen utes after takeoff from a refuel). BETS It landed on Guam shout 4 ing stop a.m, Monday, Guam time, refuel. A led and took off at 6:02 am It The wings crashed three minutes later plane as It Those who bosrded at Clark path through AFB were mainly American mil: the side of personnel from various Mt, Barrigada posts in Asia, The plane was de Cause of the erash was not Im stined for San Francisco, with mediately determined several stops en route, There were conflicting stories on what occurred, Some military sources sald an explosion blew apart one of the four engines just before the crash, Others said the explosion came on the impact Rescue units slashed their way up the dense hillside greenery with machetes and bolo knives ANTI-RUSSIAN SCHEME SWAMPED NEW YORK (AP)--A heavy rainstorm just about washed out a nautical demonstration by longshoremen against the arrival of Soviet Premies survivors naval plane of were ripped off the plowed a 100-yard dense growth 640-foot hill ealled on A itary Maritimes Need 'New Approach' HALIFAX (CP) Newfound. land's vice-president on the At: lante Provinces Economie Coun-| § ell the federal government must face the problems of the | Atlantic region with "other than the standard approach," Gordon ¥, Pushie told APEC's annual meeting Sunday New: foundland favors the council's) Krushchev gestures with both attempts to get special aid from : 8 evil Ottawa hands on arriving at the Rus | He sald a primary purpose of| sian United Nations delegation {the annual meeting is to use the Khrushchev, region's unemployment as a basis A chartered eruise boat |i get special ald which headed out to meet the | The Atlantic provinces had suec:| Soviet ship Baltika carried only Leased in getting special atten. 114 passengers, | tion from the federal government | Capt. Willlam Bradley, infer put "APEC and the premiers national president of the Inter |. nference are looking for more national Longshoremen's As | than recognition," The four At-| sociation, was enthusiastic as |1antie premiers are meeting here he boarded the ship al 5:30 &, |in convention with the APEC m., but he was sodden and | meeting, disappolmed when he returned | . four hours later v . One red.eyed longshoreman S S complained uits eq "Nothin' worked for us, First the rain kept the boys from showing up, The early hour | The fog kept | from being seen and did't help either police and coast to our sign the harbor their noses in worse," ¥ 5A | § SOVIET PREMIER Nikita No Food OTTAWA (CP) ~~ There have been no oficial complaints from Canadian army units in the Congo concerning any food short. age, an army spokesman said to. |day Y South Atrical The spokesman sald all troops of 200 sum sent to the Congo carried 10-day monses elaiming more than ration packs in case of a shortage £400,000 ($1,000,000) in damages| Put that they had not been used arising from the police shooting? to last Thursday of Negroes at Sharpeville March He also said that if there was | a food shortage, supplies could be 21 heen served on Justice niet ents vx Nehru Signs support [] Pakistan uel S.A. Slaughter CAPETOWN, (Reuters)---A total guard stuck make It even More Money For Mounties | increases enter ice Minister Fulton, They are re S 1 li t ice Instead of two and second Kahan pl Pakistan signed today A $60 increase will boost trum I'he treaty finally was made Other Increases included $320 4.004 on her road to a care-for-| Nehru will stay here for five of $6,120; sregeants, $340, to give| General elections to the power), Nai, io of waters of the In | | ree 0 . $720 to give them an annual rate! Preliminary figures showed the Three since independ 7 25,000,000 Pakistanis seats of 232 in the new parlia war. Each rate of $16,000 ment | The treaty sets up a $1,000,000, {were needed before the World {Rank won agreement on the October 1 inte a new armament branch was announced today The widows and families of the 69 killed are suing for "loss of The minister is given 2 days to| OTTAWA (CP)-Pay 5 s to delond ranging between $60 and $1,500 a an appearance to de fo sie? aa: Water Treaty Mr, Fulton also announced that KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) class constables will be promoted In Sweden a treaty for distribution of Indus to the rank of first class con River waters, ending a 13-year W 1 El ti peter's pay to $2,400 the lowes! in ec 10N | possible by a §1,000,000,000 invest annual increase. The six assist | | ment by the World Bank and six to first class constables with one ai socialist state under the com:|days for talks on the Kashmir years serviee give them an) ond of soclalist Premier Tage|dispute and other problems be . 5 | second chamber of the Swed them an annual rate of $5,640 io ea save the head of dus basin will lead to a settle sergeant majors and staff iy & . ment of other issues between the ne § 032 038 Pak of $8,280; superintendents, $1,120, Social:Democratic Labor party, Shee 194, va And In 14% Hak to sive them an annual rate of Which has dominated the Swedish) = 4 X 2 Pakistan threatened This was a gain of five, [time India warned Pakistan to LATE NEWS FLASHES [iu fie sma {Fund to provide both nations with Defence Branches Amalgamate The armament branch will be headed by C. L Muir of Burford Ont, director of vear for all ranks of the RCMP the action, to he hrought before! NCO's now will reach their max Prime Ministre Nehru of India stables after a year's satisfactory old dispute between the two na ant commissioners received al STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP)-|of its members, Canada is one of annual rate of $3,800; corporalsipyjander | tween the two nations geants, $600 to give them an an. the world's oldest labor govern {two countries $9.700 nd deputy mioaion fering with the water supply of LAL am t of SSN top g on water from {ample supplies of water, Fight OTTAWA (CP) Amalgamation of the ammunition and ammunition branch since 1956, J. M. Dymond, will retire were announced today by Just: (he Pretoria Supreme Court, imum pay after one years sery land President Mohammad Avub service Instead of two tions $1,500 increase to $13,500 a year. guoden decided Sunday to march the contributors, $300 to give them an annual rate | Ayub has expressed the hope nual rate of $6,240; inspectors ment a strong vote of confidence. | titriea lame ince 1932, 0) 6 parliament since 1932, took 1160 Each time ers, $880, to give them an annual s | India, | years of tedious negotiations gun branches of the defence production department, effective from government service Oet, 1 Italian Rains ROME (AP)-Rallway traffic {up and down the tourist crowded [Italian peninsula was almost at a [standstill today as nearly every main line was flooded or blocked hy Provincial Police Start Campaign TORONTO (CP have been assigned to a entting the hway death Commissioner W, H vill begin next iriving mm Mare than 100 provincial police officers life" campaign aimed at il among Ontario rural school child Clark, announcing today that the week, said 40 Ontario children died on highways during the save-your ren cambalgr wh 1959 80 school landslides At least 25 were known dead In villages on the Southern slopes {of the Alps where scores of com [munities were isolated hy flood waters up to 10 feet deep { Two hundred were in hospitals injured walking hieyeles te Canadians Use More Tobacco OTTAWA (CM Canadians consumed more cigarets, gars, pipe fob and snuff during the first half of this outing down on the use of plug and raw leaf tobac od today. Cigaret sales were 130 000 last Cigars reached at i y, 11.415.000 pounds from and suff to 40.000 pounds from 401.00 wow 0 persons bureau of statist 49 264.000 ¥ 360.000 from 144,182 000 2.000 pounds pounds las your £3 th most of them x 0.8 yea in the collapse of The Tiber at Rome, butidings was rising rapidly hac headquarters on New York's For Canadians Boos, Catcalls Greet Red Boss Poland and Czechoslo NEW YORK (AP) Soviet Pre-| mania, mier Khrushehev stepped ashore | vakis, today on a rickety, rainsosked! Also on hand were two UN of- East River pier snd said the! ficials, undersecretary G, Arkade prime world . question is "the of the Russian delegation and the problem of general and complete! UN chief of protocol, disarmament under the appropri Dag Hammarskjold, UN secre ste strict international control," |[tary-genersl, was not on hand, He headed a group of Commu Fight Russian children carry. nist leaders bound for a crucial ing bouquels of flowers for session of the United Nations Khrushehey huddled in the rain, General Assembly, opening Tues- The old pler's roof, with open day skylights and holes that could not While rain poured through the! be repaired in time, offered scant ancient roof at Pier 73, .Khrush protection to those below, chev read a prepared 3'%-page Khrushchev sald the Soviet | statement in which he sald he is delegation is coming to the UN "eonvineed that relations be- "in the name of consolidatin tween our great countries will peace and solving complica improve," nternational issues," | He sald he is sure that "de "It is, after all, known that spite all their efforts, the evil| however dark the night, the dawn forces who want to poison the at-| invariably breaks," he declared, mosphere in relations between IN GOOD SPIRITS our countries will invariably sus. he premier was welcomed ens tain a defest thusiastically, by 100 or so Soviet The good times of warm, greeters, including several small friendly relations between our girls bearing flowers, He waved peoples, . between our govern-| heartily as he walked down the ments, will come about," he sald.| gangplank and smiled broadly, HEAVY POLICE GUARD | Hardly audible on the pier was The liner Baltika carrying|a chorus of boos from a crowd Khrushchev and a large delega-| kept by police lines across East tion from behind the Iron Cur. River Drive, several hundred tain docked as hundreds of po-|feet away, There were cries of lice guarded the pier and kept "murderer, murderer" from the crowding demonstrators welll erowd, . away from the dock » i . " | Park Avenue today, Khrush- | Khrushchev, bare-headed and out Soviet leper detiotnted 48 | ehev, who came to attend the |smiling, stood on an upper deck cent criticism by State Secretary N. General Assembly meet: | of the Baltika as she came along:| Christian Herter of his visit as ing, will reside af the head- [side the pler at 9:20 a.m, propaganda quarters during his stay The only American officials on|" ,, ! "4 44 "A 4 b d If certain Individuals declare (AP Wirephoto) hand were members of the state that Khrushchev has come to the depatiment ull aud Security United Nations General As ha g 3 ay uj | sembly to indulge in propaganda, yor, the Baltika did not receive % the usual 21-gun salute accorded it only remains for me to take pride in such a propaganda mis. eraft carrying visiting heads of |} 4 ipa state, from army headquarters oe fr the good of peace," he on Governors Island, i The Soviet leader waved In ap-| parent good humor to the people at the pier, y ' EATON ON HAND Cyrus Eaton, Canadian-born In. Shortage POLICE CONFER First to step to the pler were a dozen Soviet security officers who conferred with federal and New York police security officers at the foot of the gangplank, Khrushchev was surrounded by sent quickly by RCAF planes There are two maintenance Signs A week from Trenton 10 qucivialist who has urged friend 1e Longo, lier ties with Russia, was in the H A The army was commenting on| welcoming group the waiting delegation as he reports from Leopoldville that a| New York longshoremen had Strode on to the pier, He shook food shortage there is nearing the chartered an excursion vessel so hands all around. eritical point and that Canadian|they could deliver a raucous soldiers are complaining about a unwelcome' to Khrushchev as low United Nations allowance, the Baltika steamed up the har. The spokesman said there prob. bor but all except official eraft ably are cases where Canadian! were kept at a distance of 500 soldiers are not getting the stand. feet ard army food ration and that a A police launch kept a close new ratio scale is being re. watch on the excursion vessel . pared and its 200 longshoremen passen- UN Meeting A Cana 50 » yp | HOTS | # Congo Mecelves is seslar Cann.| Police and coast guard hell| UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) dian pay and allowances and. al ©OPters hovered over the Baltika, Thomas Kanza, who was desig. foreign service allowance be. 8 White-hulled ship with a golden nated to renvesent Congolese Bre. sides, This latter allowance Ntmmer and sickle emblazoned mier Patrice Lumumba at the ranges from $0 a month for a pri on her red and white stack, The United Nations, sald Sunday. vate to $85 for a major general, | ANP had sailed from Kaliningrad night Lumumba Is expected to A married soldier in the Conga b . (arrive here in several days to |also receives a separated family| The Eangplank was made fastyead the Congo government deles allowance ¥ and Khrushehev stepped to the ( m to the UN Assembly The spokesman said an extra Pie" At 9:47 am, Kanza and Jacques Lumbala, allowance may be paid to Cana: CARPET SOAKED elary of state for the Lue dian soldiers in places where, Awaiting him was a plush red/mumba cabinet, issued a states there 1s no army messing. Such carpet, sodden with rain, and|ment denying a published report an allowance is pald Canadian|about 150 Iron Curtain country|that they would give up their soldiers serving with the interna.| well-wishers, They included offi:|Lumumba mission to join rivals tional truce supervisory commis-|clals of the Soviet Union, Bul-|[sent here by Presidemt Joseph | sions in Indochina, garia, Byelorussia, Hungary, Ro. Kasavubu, Lumumba will Come To se - 2 Killed By | a MERRITTON FIGHTS 'TOGETHERNESS Laushing residents of Merrl. | town hall, The hanged effigies | Include Merritt nin the amak Ont, gather around effi: | represent W. Greenwood (left) gamation of §t Catharines gles of two members of the ' : and J. A. Kennedy, both hoard | Grantham Township and Port » Ontario Municipal Board hang ing from the front of Merritton's ; Members, The board decided to | Dalhousie, (CP Wirephale) Raid " FETTER Se | .