Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Sep 1960, p. 8

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¥ Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Disl BA 35-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, September 13, 1960 PERSONALS ? tl i H season, dance will be held on Octobr 8, GROUPS, CLUBS ATXILIARES _(CanSufocate Baby inOneMinute | By JO ALDWINCKLE Chatting with Judy Adams who was in Oshawa last week, we learned some disturbing facts about accidents in the 'home, itan Life Insurance company Dotti mie retirement in 1958, Master Charles Eadie and his sister, Jeannette, of Markham, recently spent a week's with their Jrondvasents, Mr, and! | Mrs, Charles BE, Eadie, Grooms avenue, : Vs il SISTER AND BROTHER meeting of the fall season on edne Children of Mr, snd Mrs, | say, and Mr, Doneld Stewart, Wedntaday, September 7, Robert Stewart, Bruce sireet, | Glasgow, Scolland, and grest- h BC Mrs, are Diao Lym me Donald grandchildren of Mr, and Mrs, RA 38474, for an lem in the Al y ur, who is personal column for which there| yr J, B, Webster, Oakwood and the husiness which followed. | 0 the eandehisdren' of Mr, | Mr, Robert Stewart, , News of social| ¢ "home fis the most dan; are ral ren r, y " [lo 0, Chasse teas and anni-| The worship service was led. by 1000 fn which we sp Scotland, ~Phote by ireland I" United States the bride wore a ble with NORTHMINSTER WA About fifty members and friends of Northminster WA met | in the lower hall for the first! One way of letting your friends know that you are hack from your | vacation is to call the social De-| partment of The Oshawa Times, | and Mrs, ard Walden, Lind versaries as well as visitors from Group 7 with Mrs, M, C, Cryder-| m---- . me", ways wel. man and Mrs, Frank Baker tak-| "gus hacked up this startling re- out of town are always {Ing part, Two solos were SURE elation with pt of statistics Anthony Zakarow Takes As Bride comed, by Miss Margaret Prost of Whit-|Miettiof WES CH © bold neal Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Hough, (by, "The Lord's Prayer' and| jeans which occur in, the home Jarvis street, attended a farewell) "Bless This House", are second only to those caused Alison Tefiries |, smi o oe km At Bt, George's Ukrainian Ca- toe. Count vacentry, Jillom| on have thelr scratoney sslly {party in Toronto on Friday eve-| The guest speaker, Mrs, Lloyd po (rarfie, 4194 September 9, for Mr, Leon Akin, told of a spiritual hp 4 up v, drallle., in thes bins tiklow'a Alex Zakerow, son of Mr, and epeired hy covering the scars Mrs, Anthony Peter Zakarow of With lodine, Cook, a safety engineer with thea mountain trail, Mrs, seasonal pattern,' Miss Adams §| Oshawa, took as his bride, Alli , The newly live in Oshawa, HOUSEHOLD HINT wedded paly will concerned ghout the high risk of infant suffocation hy plastic bags, ; "This is @ peak time for dry ™ cleaning and the thin, limp plastie & © : film, such as launderers and dry cleaners use to protect clothing, © can be a mask of tragedy where children are concerned, "The thin plastic is airtight, Ruth V, Ogden Herbert Waite Wed $t, Paul's Presbyterian Church was the scene of the marriage recently of Ruth Vivian Ogden, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Douge 1as Ogden of Oshawa, and Herb. ert Gordon Waite, son of Mrs, Joseph Waite of Oshawa and the late Mr, Waite, The Reverend Derek Allen of. ficlated, The wedding music was played by Mr, Frank Walter and who has been transferred to Cal- 81. STEPHEN'S MC gary, Alberta, Mr, Cook left on est, The September meeting of the Bunday for the wes Mission Circle of 6i, Stephen's United Church was held at the home of Miss Carol Alexander, The president, Miss Dorothy Fish, presided, The worship service was led hy Mps, David Dughemin, Beripture passages were read by Miss Kay Wallace and Miss Dorothy Fish Roll eall showed eight in attend. ance, The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given, Community friendship secretary, Miss Kay Wallace, read a letter from the Dr, John Nell Hospital in Cold Lake, Alberta, expressing thanks for the layette the Circle had sent, Miss Carol Alexander was ap. nointed as secretary, and Miss Pauline Zyvitsky as citizenship secretary, A cup and saucer shower was held at the conclusion of the Markel Service of Canada Ltd, Wragg thanked Mrs, Akin, explained, 'and right now we are atricia Jeffries, daughter of : " Miss Wanda Blaze, Olive ave ; . WY Wht nue, and her cousin, Miss Freda f 4 ; Gumuly of Toronto have return. THE NEWLYWEDS RADIATE THEIR HAPPINESS Joan Collacutt, Richard Chaffe Exchange Vows In Picturesque Evening Wedding at St. George' England, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland, Mr, and Mrs, R, G, Collison, | Bloor street west, had as guests, Sion Sunday, Mrs, Clarence Bowen land Mrs, Avie Meliwain o Hamilton, Scotland, who is visit. In St George's Memorial{satin edged in seed pearls, She Richmond Wilson, Ottawa; Mr. ing her sister, and a brother in Church on Saturday evening Joan|carried a cascade bouquet of Witold Weynerowski, Bt, Cathe maronto and other friends, They Elizabeth Collacutt and' Richard|white spray orchids and lilies of aripes; Mr, David Urquhart, Dun.| aise visited Mr, and Mrs, James Southwood Chaffe exchanged nup.|the valley, accented with pale das; Mr. John Murphy, Toronto}|collison and family, Townline tial vows, The bride Is the daugh<|pink Sweetheart roses and Scot-|Mr, Ian Cameron, Toronto, ter of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Sher |tish white heather, A reception followed at the wood Collacutt of Oshawa and the| Miss Ann Gelkie was mald of home of the bride's parents, To bridegroom is the son of Mr, and|{honor and the other attendants receive, Mrs, Collacutt wore an Mrs, Redvers Southwood Chaffe|were Miss Ann Workman, Osh original gown of magnolia pink of Todmorden, "lawa; Miss Barbara Miller, To-|silk satin, handsomely embroider. The Reverend Clinton Cross son Mr, James H; Jeffries of Cobourg and the late Mrs, Jeffries, The Reverend J, C, Pereyma officiated, The wedding music was played by Mrs, William MISS JUDY ADAMS Kinsman who was also the solo. ist, f and an excellent protector off Given in marriage hy her clothing and food, However, ies load the bride i a floor-| misused i can cause suffocation lengih gown of chantilly lace and due to Ms t to b leated nylon tulle over taffeta, charged with static electricity The bodice was designed with a and grab the face with the slight: scoop neckline and long pointed est friction," sinaves ad nantls of ate " Miss Adams wished that young hanced { ant skirt, mothers would treat this on {erown of rhinestones held her fin. with the same caution as they Sertip veil and she carried a would matches, poisons or sharp cascade of roses and white knives, Never use a plastic hag|ehrysanthemums, : as a makeshift cover in cribs, Mrs, Therese Ervine was the play she/matron-of-honor, The bridesmaids liwain's second visit for a vaca. tion in Canada, Miss Hazel Van Dyke is at. road south, This is Mrs, Me. i e banquet and ronto; Mrs, Paul Aggett, Tos-ied with matching pearls and tending the alumna et & periormed the ceremony a ed by the Reverend Garry oy er of Hamilton, Mr, Alan Reesor played the wedding musie for the choral service The bride was given in mar- her father, She wore an white silk satin gown with a full cathedral train, escal. loped neckline and sleeves en. crusted with seed pearls, design. carnations in the same shades, riage b; orinina ed for the bride n Marty Switzerland, The ful ength veil was best man, Ushering were Mr, was held by a crown of white silk|Gary Hopkins, Unionville; Mr, ronto; Mrs, Michael Bonnygastle, | crystal beads, designed for her Welland, They wore semi-formal| by Marty of Switzerland, Her hat gowns of pure silk satin in ver. was of matching osprey feathers millon red, styled with fitted bod: and her flowers, rubrum lilies, ices, scoop necklines, tiny sleeves The bridegroom's mother wore a and belled skirts shaped in folds|Cornelia original in Carribean from the waistline, Their head: blue chiffon over French res dresses were crowns of roses In embroidered lace with matching jewel tones and they carried cas-|velvet hat, Her flowers were cades of Sweetheart roses and white gardenias, The honeymoon Is being spent in Bermuda, As the couple left the bride was wearing a grey and white weave silk sult with black | off Mr, Winsor Pepall of Erindale KEEP IN TRIM braid trim: an American beauty hat with matching topcoat and| corsage of American Beauty| Sweetheart roses, | Mr, and Mrs, Chaffe will re. turn to reside in London, where both will be attending the Uni. reunion of her graduating class of 1980 at Concord, New Hamp. shire, this week Bhe will alse spend a few days with her rela. tives and friends in Quincy and Boston before her return, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Cotey and two children, Carol and Earl of Lindsay were guests of Miss Hazel Van Dyke on Sunday, At the Chaffe-Collacutt wedding reception on Saturday evenin among the many telegrams ol good wishes sent to the newlyweds was a greeting from Mrs, R, Leo Gray who 1s holidaying in Scot and, Mrs, Alfred Austin is conven: meeting for Miss Marilyn Hendershot In honor of her mar, riage to Mr, Bamuel Jackson, A gift of linen was also presented to Miss Hendershot from the group, Games were played and refreshments were served hy Miss Carol Alexander assisted hy Miss William Alexander and Mrs, Berwin Adams, The next meotine will he held pt the home of Mrs, Samuel Jarkeon on Monday, October 3, at 7.% p.m, SIMCOE STREET WMS The first meeting of the fall season of 'the WMS «of Simooe Street United Church was held on Thursday afternoon, Septemher A, Miss Millicent Luke, president, presided, Miss Leah Garrow sang "0 Pers feet Love" and "The Lord's Prayer", Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a ballerina gown of white erystalette over net de. signed with an appliqued neck line and short sleeves, A pearl embroidered hat held her shoul. derJength vell and she carried a cascade of red roses and white perm poms, Mrs. Lewis Stone of Peterbor. ough, aunt of the bride, was the matron-of-honor wearing pale blue embossed taffeta, She car. ried a cascade of white and. pink chrysanthemums, as best man, Ushering were Messrs, Lewis Stone and George ns. or baby carriages caut! / Never give a plastic bag to a child to play with, "When the bag has served ith intended , tie It In a knot and discard i safely, away from a child's reach, Because it is so thin, it can cling to the face and cause suffocation In less than one minute," were the Misses and Ann Jeffries Arlene J and the ed with scoop necklines and satin pleture hats and gladiolus petals, SOCIAL NOTICE man, Ushering were Messrs, Gor. ald Kemp, James Zakarow, Rob. ert Zakarow and Robert Garrow, Mr, Alexander Douglas acted y ENGAGEMENT Lieutenant-Colone! and Mrs, F, 8, Wotton of Oshawa wish t the enga t thelr daughter, Barbara Jean, to Mr, John Michael Barta, son of To recelve for the bride, Mrs, Russell Kidd wore a princess dress of blue lace with a match. ing bolere and blue and white ac. floessories, The bridegroom's mos ther was In blue lace over taffeta with beige accessories, Both irl was Susan Komp, Rl ue Palierina gowns of or ganza over turquoise satin design. ower | cummerbunds, They wore white elhow-length | gloves and carries nosegays of Mr, Nicholas Nickolas was hest Ask us about SUMMER VITAMINS FOR EX1RA ENERGY Chart On Weight And Height As Guide To Teenage Girls By IDA JEAN KAIN the same weight as the average Teen-age girls alerted to pound: woman, Why Is this?" age, are asking for a weight! The trouble is that today's teen. ghart to use as a guide. Such agers are not normally active] PAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND |Mrs, Kenneth Stroud, bake table; cherts are not as commonly You do not walk and run and! The Daughters of England! Mrs, L. W, McConkey, gift table, available as adult weight charts, kip and skate the way teens' did Empress of India No, 26 lodge, | 50. clip and save the following: in a more physically active age, opened its fall season recently A very pleasant evening was Normal welght for "teen-age Girls, devise ways to he more| With Worthy President, Sister held on Saturday, September 10, girls, average frame |active--frolic through calisthen. Mary Hurst, presiding, assisted when Mr, and Mrs, John lig, secretary, Mrs, A, Clatke, The 19 14 18 16 17 18) lcs, Join a dancing class go out bY orthy Vice-President, Sister poxhorough avenue, entertained|devotional period was led hy Mrs yrs. yrs, yrs, yrs, yrs, yrs, (for sports, You'll feel alive and) HCl Taylor, thelr friends on the occasion of| Harold Roddv, Mrs, Orville Fagle Ra lithe . . , and you'll like the way The scripture was read by and Mrs, Robert Holden he you look 4 ¥| Worthy ~ Chaplain, Sister Edna their 40th wedding anniversary. ""\rigq B had two charts on pt | Huband, Minutes and correspon: Mr, and Mrs, Ilig came to Can display, one explained the work 10" Juice are Sead By He Sothy ada from Germany over 30 yoars|and responsibilities of the WMS, i | NEWS BRIEFS (bg, See Sod Nie sg 3" ed th haan Of 8g" n A bus trip is planned to Caven.| anniversary with General Motors) pol 18] WET SHOCK {dish Ledge, Willowdale on Sep MM Church Council Boards which ave po | ish Ledge, » 3 this year, The couple reeeived| composed of men, Miss Luke em. ember 26, Any member wishing 120. PENTICTON, B, C, (CP)|to gq was asked to get In touch pH- igi FY 123 Twelve-yearold Neil Stuart sur with the president, ulations from friends and rela: Retwoen the two FE. Mn. G. 136 vived a heavy electric shock, He| +Lucky prizes were won hy Sis. tives, 'm 35" meeting, 130 stepped into vainsoaked grassiters Ann Heaslip and Ethel Hor ~ . 560 134 133 while holding a metal lamp con-| ton, The Grand Lodge report was 7 18 i 130 nected with a power outlet, and it| read and discussed. ® First Ist Quality : at 1a : {took an inhalator squad 30 min:| Refreshments were served by The above chart represents av- ; utes to fevive him, | Sister Beatrice Hurst and her 31 GAUGE 15 DENIER erages, not necessarily the ideal GRASSHOPPER YEAR Soe, SIZE 8)4 TO 11 -- DUPONT NYLON YARN weigh for you, Your height EDMONTON (CP)--What crop! il. J A. weight timetable may not be qulie the same as the average, protection supervisor J, B, Girba calls the worst grasshopper in. If You Can't Warm Her Heart Warm Her Feet Desirable weight depends not festation in 10 years covered| only on your height at a specific! about 10.500° square miles in Al | LADIES SIZES ATO 9 ~~ MISSES SIZES 6 TO 3 Mrs, Michael Barta of Oshawa and the late Mr, Barta, The wed. ding will take place on Saturday, October 8, at 8 pm, In George's Memorial Chureh, Waite, A reception was held at the bride's parents' home on Central Park boulevard north, For the occasion the bride's mother wore pale blue with gray accessories, The bridegroom's mother was in pink with white accessories, As the couple left for the wed. ding trip the bride was wearing a red wool crepe suit with black accessories and a white carna. tion corsage, Mr, and Mrs, Waite will live in Oshawa, 7 i v The meeting opened with a versity of Western Ontario, hymn and praver was oftered hy the president Mrs, Rex Harper was appointed as treasurer and gave the treasurer's report, Mrs, A, E, Horniek read the envelope report, The secretary, Mrs, H, M, Smith, recorded the minutes, Mrs, Leonard Blgwood read) the "thank-you"' cards, Subscribers to the Missionary Monthly were advised to hring their subseriptions to the October meeting in order to assist the wore corsages of roses For the wedding | ing a tea for the Bluebell group trip to the! of 8t, Andrew's Woman's Associa« tion, to be held at the home of Mrs, Ernest Cay, Woodlea cres- cent, Mrs, H, H, Tonkin, group leader, will recelve with Mrs, LODGES AND LAL LIKE BATHING YOUR FACE IN MINTED SNOW! NO SKIMPY LUNCHES Lunch is a meal and should supply about a third of the day's food, including one third of the day's proteins, 'advises the In. formation Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Hat, Supplement the STAR 1 AVA DITSY uf *)- y 101 106 110 115 120 many beautiful gifts and congrats phasized the importance of unity IT 1 I 1 Cool Glow BY RICHARD HUDNUT Awa MINTED CREME FACIAL CLEANSER Gives you a fresh, glowing sensation of vs + Cleanses RS a er at nas on of butt COFFEE, INSTRUCTIONS, a CHECKING & EI. fone vy A fos: | 'PARKING "sll rock unearthed near here by | age, but on our dody bull on) ag Sid branch a hy berta last month, an increase of | tree--slight, medium or stocky.|80 per cent over last year, | On the height score, may , mes since "PARAMETTE' SYRUP "PARAMETTES JUNIOR Minhgrean, mintclean, Cool Glow stimulates as it cleanses to the every Leaves tiling om o cleansing your face a stimula ting beauty experience, Get COOL GLOW by Richard Hudnut «os today 89 and $1.39 SPECIAL RATES environment are of Sreuter sig: Tuko has been estimated between experts said the rock Is of afi hone Ron -- RA 5-88351 stripping their parents in height, | it Is obvious that nutrition and | Sonsiruetion worker Henry And: esti: 60,000,000 and 70,000,000 years old, | | Univareity of Alberta geological | was 12." {type peculiar to central Alberta, | a me, and| -- EE -- & 21 Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements Do Your RUGS and UPHOLSTERY LOOK DULL and TIRED? WF SO Let ws give your living room a new complexion by cleaning your rugs, chesterfields and chairs. Cleaning done in your home Rnd for use thy same day. ALL OUR WORK GUARAN. \" AL. SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RA 5.7408 442 MILLER AVE, 5 ~N g : oo €. WOOLWORTH CN AS 9. o

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