Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Sep 1960, p. 2

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Be a = Sot inn » been re-elected at every general BENNETT BEAMS AT SOCRED SUCCESS In a clinch of victory, jublil- ant Premier W. A. C, Bennett gave this smile to photograph- ers some days ago before it was known his Social Credit had been reelected. Mr, Ben- neit's government was first elected in 1052, Mr, Bennett 'Modern Song or Welsh? BAN FRANCISCO (CP)--Alter | an Ontario that music by modern Welsh composers be used, © | It also decided to set up a fund to promote Welsh music and cul- sities J The Nations! Gymenfa Ganu Association of the United States and Canada (Welsh Festival of Song) chose Douglas Jones of Toronto as president, Miss El- uned M, Thomas of Toronto was returned as recording secretary, and Dr, John Hughes of Mont- real was made a trustee. Mr, Jones also acted as master of ceremonies of a banquet, the first held by the festival, atiended by 800 at the Jack Tar Hotel here, It was decided fo hold the 1960 festival in Chicago, 'Two Die In | Car-Truck Crash LONDON, Ont, (CP) ~ Two persons were killed and a third ia in a cartruck collision near Dor- chester, 10 miles east of here, Dead are Gary Frederick Hope, 22, of Dorchester, driver of 4 |the car, and Mrs, Verna Banks, { a passenger in the truck, 1| Sam Morrison, 51, of Putnam, 1 | driver of the truck, was taken to " | hospital with injuries to his skull, shoulder and chest, His condition was described as "fairly good." Edward J, Hope, brother of the dead man, heard the crash as he was working in the fields near thelr farm home south of High- Ss Sa SEER won personal victory in Okan. agen South, ~(CP Wirephoto) VA Minister Goes To Senate OTTAWA (CP) -- Veterans Al.|vacant portfolios; secretary of fairs Minister Brooks is leaving/state and forestry. P ay Prisoners side the wrecked car. For Jail Work? Blanket Tarif TORONTO (CP)~The Ontario et a reform Jatiutions 40parestont is On Ch . Is considering paying its prisoners for work done while serving an emica formatory sentences, | OTTAWA (CP)~The Canadian Reform Minister Ward» sald chemical industry Monday pro- the Commons after 25 years 2 wo MPs DIED Conservative MP, "Primo Minister Dietnbater| The. Duidtlo LORIN mare announced Monday that the fath- Fraser, Progressive Conserv. ly, silver-haired veteran, who i Sil" celebrate his 70th birthday otive MP for Peterborough, and| been appoint |William L. Houck, Liberal MP ' ' od to ol " the Sc 4 {for Niagara Falls, | I: in what| Chief Electoral Officer Nelson oo he yo will be|Castonguay annou fi ce 3g tn) a major cabinet shuffle, and left enumeration in the four sonst. Me, Dicfenbaker with three vac-|uencies will begin sot. a | ant portfolios to fill. | 20. Nomipation day prisoner to keep his family toge- ported chemicals--with some ex- ther, to save something for his|ceptions--at a level now apply- release and to repay his victims, |ing to about one-third of chem- Mr, Wardrope sald the reform icals consumed in Canada, program was to try to reform the, In a brief to the tariff board, offender, In cases of breaking, an industry committee suggested entering and theft, the judge that the board take the blanket might order the prisoner to re-(vate as a starting point In its pay a portion of the value of un-study of the complex taritf sys- recovered goods, tem on chemicals, [| Its brief argued that the pro. end Sept, The prime minister declined to Will be Oct. 17 and electoral Usts| en ministerial Wil be revised rom, Oot. 30 2 changes, There has been spec-|23 in urban areas and on Oct, ulation that Defence Minister in butal areas, . ak Pearkes will leave the cabinet Tr. hooky ho AEpol ment soon to become lieutenant-gover-| the party stand g in th 02-400 eal nor of British Columbia, Senate is as follows: Liberals 73, At his home in Victoria, Me, | Progressive Conservatives ul dependent 2; Independent « Pontion sald he expects to fin- eral 1; vacant 3. ge oy first elected to UIC Swindles Up This Year the Commons in 1035 and has| TORONTO (CP)--The number election since, He represents the| New Brunswick constituency of Royal. He saw service in both world wars, CHILI PEPPERED [30st rate artf "os Common: WITH BB GUNS wealth goods and a 20-per-cent "most favored pation" Tie on ' other imports--is the prevailing Trane Gibaon somplained 13 [FAle for a substantial number of lice when she discovered | a B shot in her chili sauce, A constable Investigated and found three neighbor. hood boys, age 10, 12 and 13, owned alr rifles, They ad- mitted shooting BBs Into Mrs, Gibson's tomat Police seized the guns until after the chili sauce season is over, CARE OF AGED VANCOUVER (CP)=Dr, R, J. Zonneveld addressing doctors here on care of the pged In his native Holland, sald that British Columbia has a special problem in this regard since the province has a hither Joresutage of older people than the average across of Ontario people caught illegally claiming unemployment insur- ance benefits rose to 7,811 In the 12-month period ending last July from 6.019 in the previous 12 months, Ontario regional director J, W, Temple sald Monday. He attributed the increase to the fact that people are more willing to inform on their neigh. bors because they realize the money is paid by through payroll deduct! nvestigations resulted in 377 prosecutions, 2,001 disqualifica- tions from benefits and 4,083 let. ters of warning. Frost Attacks Tax-Sharing Program TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Frost Monday assailed federal provincial tax - sharing agree. ments as a bar to an adequate program of education in Ontario. At the opening of York Unie versity, the ler said the rovinclal share of revenue aris g from Canada's post-war pro- sperity "neither suffice! Mr. Brooks, a close personal friend of Mr, Diefenbaker, has been veterans affairs minister since June 21, 1087, Mr, Diefenbaker announced | that byelections will be held| Monday, Oct, 31, in four federal constituencies: Royal, Labelle in| Quebec, and Peterborough and Niagara Falls in Ontario, Besides veterans affairs, Mr, Diefenbaker has to fill two other Meetings Slated For Bvelection TORONTO (CP) -- Beven One| tario cabinet ministers will make| speeches In Slmeoe Centre and| Timiskaming ridings during the| Progressive Conservative cam: paigns for the Sept. 20 provincia! byelections, In Simcoe, Welfare Minister Cecile will speak at Lafontaine and Perkinsfield Sept, 15, En-| ergy Minister Macaulay will be at Elmvale Sept. 21 and Health Minister Dymond at Penetangu- ishene Sept, 23 In the Timiskaming campaign, Lands Minister Spooner has scheduled a rally speech at Earl. ton Sapt, 16; Rofdrus Minister Sept, 08 i inister Maloney is at Elk Lake| "eSponsibilities and ol , 23, and Bducation Minister] Sule frankly, it is impossib Robarts at Halleybury Sept, 22, Premier Frost Is expected oded tax take part in both campaigns but , to dates have been announced Practically all the burden of ed his appearances, Traffic Signals LES 'Not Foolproof' Mr, Frost sald the assumption nelal HAMILTON (CP)--~County Ma: John E. Robinson sald firate Jota K. oobitows Ontario Canada, P.Q. Premier Raps Fishing Law MONTREAL (CP) « Premier Jean Lesage, no slouch at upset-|the Union ting ancient institutions, held a/votes to 077,818, was the first press conference in the Montreal Quebec political party to get Men's Press Club, the first time more than 1,000,000 votes; in Quebec's history a premier] Luclen Cliche, Liberal member had ever done it, Mr, Lesage chatted informally as the Speaker of the Legislative for two hours. {Assembly ; He sald the government plans Quebec's agreement with the to take some action about the/federal government on sharing in leasing of fishing and hunting|the Trans-Canada Highway pro- grounds to private clubs, Many|§ram Is to be signed 'very of the privately-leased areas are|foon"; near the larger cities, in the| The proviclal government cholcest locations, making it dif. Would support any bid by Mont. fleult for ordinary citizens to/real for the Olymple Games of hunt and fish near thelr homes. |!#72. The premier also lald to rest SET VOTE RECORD speculation that he might call an In other announcements, Mr. election within a year to seek a Lesage said: His Liberal party, in defeating Nationale 1,077,195 critically injured Monday night b way 401, He ran to the scene and saw his brother's body lying be: Monday the plan would allow the posed a blanket tarilferate on im:|o for Abitibi East, will be proposed |8¢ TORONTO (CP) ture through facilities of univer- and other organizations, Bounced CAN BE QUESTIONED When Mr, Pepper a in court the judge could direct that be required to return, A search of divorce records was undertaken by Mr, Roberts' epartment following Mrs, Abis- cott's CBC Close-Up appearance, A Toronto lawyer, Theodore Nas imok, recently was sentenced to three months in jail and fined 'Shady Lady' Back In News $1,000 for faking divorce ev- idence, The attorney » general also Expenses CHATHAM (CP)~Civil defence in Kent County was strongly criticized at a city coun. | night, meeting Monday i" HUGE SPECIMEN VANCOUVER (CP) -- A 250 pound porpoise of an unusual spe-| cles which foundered and died on a 'Hawaiian beach and was frozen for display, has heen delivered to the University of British Colum- bia, It is about eight feet long, twice the usual size, By FORBES RHUDE anadian Press Business Ci Are Canadians spendin mon on the wrong Would they be better off if bought fewer "gadgets" and more schools, roads and pitals? These questions are being asked in many places, including last week's Study Conference on Saltonal Problems at Kingston, nt. thelr i The questions generally assume that an affirmative answer will be given and there seems to be eneral agremeent that we need spend more of our money on what are called social services, However, a clear definition of what we mean by "gadgets" Is lacking, To try for a definition, ask yourself: "What have around the house that I could easily do without?" MATTER OF CONVENIENCE When you try to answer the question you may find that the word "gadget" is often synony- "oonvenience' and or "conveniences" have become part of what we call our higher standard of lv. ing. Gadgel Li Jooderh us range, Kitchen 0 & Mr stole in addition to a fur coat. The money spent on these hina would help build schools, roads and hospitals, Even now, however, they do help build these social services because a good part of the price Timken Strike Continues TORONTO (CP) -- No agree. ment had been reached late Mon- day at a meeting here between union and management ne tors from the strikebound ken Roller Bearing Company Thomas, .H, Gargrave, district sentative of the United workers of America (CLC), sald it did not appear that agreement would be reached Monday. The union seeks higher wages, seniority and union security, R. V, Bradley, conciliation of- Stoel. of labor, sald no comment will be made by his department until settlement is reached, The strike, now in ita fifth week, involves 320 men at St, larger majority, Thomas' largest industry, Few Volunteers For Congo Duty OTTAWA (CP) oJ A Recruiting United a ions _tervice In green light at the same time, 'William McConnell of the de-omic and technical assistance Jarment of hi aways testified branch sald M A defects c-activated Only two ans have left Is" could cause all four for the Congo, About 35 more are at an intersection to show being sought mainly the same sigoal. tions personnel. 3 storm from the Hurricane Don. Crew members of ill-fated na at Kelly's Landing in Boston two-masted schooner turn their allention to rescuing a fellow | save vessel during today, Crew member in water | communica: member as they were trying to | was saved but vessel was dem. | 80 cameraman Leo Henshan. raging rain | olished when driven against sea | Canada Spending Habits Studied Eater lanes for hos. | 1088" lives, the "little red ficer of the Ontario department) si.. i [suspicion motivated by political for them consists of such purposes, To ITT e argue, 4 when we lived simple "gadget school: house" was also very simple, We don't build schools, roads and hospitals individually, So apart from a measure of personal voluntary contributions to hospi tals and the alumni fund, it would appear tha? if we are to spend more on these things it must be through taxes which will take away the money we might other. wise spend on "gadgets," This. envisages a somewhat more austere, disciplined and regulated way of life, Advocates of such a way of life say that regardless of our individual wishes, the competition of more disciplined societies--such as the Communist-make it necessary that we match them in efficient use of our resources, This may be so. However, when we talk about Jiving up "gadgets" It might be well to Jo Siar 1a to what we are Gall» ! i: TH § EE £3 HE E g i 8 oh 8 rl ety : i i Feist tH % : « For g g wt if i i : = ; United Stal the there, U8, money authorities appesr to hope that ches) tay and perhaps 1h JAGEINE 3410 try a aps gging sal of some appliances, In turn this could mean more factory output, more jobs, Steel Moves From Strike -- Bound Plant MONTREAL (CP)~Two truck- loads of structural steel moved Beasetully Son te attikerbotnd Dom! ridge Cmpan, t in suburban Lachine Yonda Wi a bailiff supervising the ob. Court orders for delivery of the " Daniel sald that Tunisia and the SE oy. chauvinism, The | a fue, had Dae towing things to say, 8 8 $ - whose editorials hav anti » Gaullist, was even blu its disap proval, SHOCK DUE In a news dispatch, It also passed along a warning thet Gaulle is due for a shock in Al geris, Writing from Tunis, Jean pa- w e the fifth man arp (waited in a getaway car, The four ordered the manager to oon, a time locked vault, He re But five minutes later the vault opened automatically and the bandits got the money, As the four ran from the bank, LX, 8 iF, got the drop on y and took revolvers, Algerian rebel government are getting ready to announce thelr "fusion" Into one nation, as a means of internationalizging the steel were obtained Friday by the Place Ville Marie Corpora tion, building a 42.storey project in downtown Montreal and by contractors bullding the 34-storey Canadian Industries Limited bullding a few blocks away, The steel had been paid for be- fore the strike began four weeks ago but had been held up at the lant by a strike of 1,300 mem of the United Bteelworkers of America (CLC), Some B50 truckloads will be taken from the plant under the two writs, : Hydro Not Linked By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian P Staff Writer TORONTO. (CP)=Not a word of evidence has been produced at the royal commission ing into the Sarnia land deal to lin the Ontario Hydro - Electric Power Commission with a con. spiracy, Hydro counsel J. ! Arnup sald Monday, | Opening his final argument be: fore the commissioner, Mrs, Jus- tice G, A, MeGillivray, Mr, Are nup accused Liberal and CCF counsel of using "argument by innuendo and suspicion" against Hydro. iberal counsel Roy L, Kel locks' argument by innuendo was that somehow the Hydro deal was crooked, Mr. Arnup sald, Mr. Kellock had sald there was "generally a conspiracy to make Hydro pay an excessive price" in its purchase of 176 acres of former Chippewa re. serve land for a tr er ata Dimensional Investments of To- ronto had pald about $2,200 an acre for 8,100 acres of reserve land. It sold the 1 portion to Hydro in Mareh, 1009, for about $7,000 an acre. SAYS SUSPICION BASELESS Norman Borins, counsel for Di mensional, sald an allegation of conspiracy 1s nonsense and based on suspicion only, "groundless considerations." He sald there was nothing il legal in the business transaction conducted by Dimensional, there in Rome, $400,000 of thelr own Sigler and Sam Dimensional, |b With Land Deal money and further transactions have been held up pending the result of the royal commission Mr. Borins and later Mr, Amup defended A, J, B, Gray, Metropolitan Toronto assessmen commissioner, against a 'con. spiracy to damage his reputa- D.!ton Mr. Gray, evidence showed, was to have been paid $275,000 for services rendered to Dimen- sional in the transaction with Hydro, FAILED TO EXPLAIN Mr, Justice MeGillivray sald that the basis of all allegations against Mr, Gray is the failure to provide an adequate explana. tion of the promised huge com. mission, Mr, Boring sald Mr, Gray was one of Canada's most exper enced planning experts and that on the deal worth $6,600,000 his promised commission was not so excessive, Besides which, he sald, Mr, Gray's affairg are not within the scope of the commission and it| is not the commissioner's func. tion to pass judgment an him, Referring to the submission of Kenneth Bryden, CCF member of the legislature for Toronto Wood- bine, that Mr, Gray should be charged with perjury, Mr, Borins said Mr, Bryden was making an attempt to sacrifice Mr, Gray to save his own face, After numerous political cries in the legislature, the CCF have utterly failed to prove anything alum Hydro, he said, and Mr, ay had become Mr. Bryden's scapegoat, The commission, established last February by Premier Frost after CCF charges that Hydro ungled the deal, moves into its final day today, Travelling Overseas E4| WHY NOT FLY MAN OVERBOARD AS DONNA SINKS SCHOONER | wall, This dramatic photo was | made by Boston Record-Ameris ~(AP Wirephoto) ¢ wk 'The modern way to travel is by air,' For information regarding any form of travel , Ll) DIAL RA 3-944) Wa have o direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Arline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SUMCOR IT, SOUTH, OSHAWA TT DlAL RA 3-Ven , | elevators and th 1 Milling Algeria question, Did You Know , » » In the mgin Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con Elevator Men have o Fullcourse Dinner for ONLY 98s. L Sue Union BUFFALO (AP)~Grain eleva tor owners filed a $1,200,000 dam. age suit Monday and asked for a temporary injunction to end a strike which has paralyzed Bul. falo's huge flour milling industry, Supreme Court Justioe John 3 s ing once od Sian. pt pear A The strike, called last Thurs. day after negotiations fafled, has made idle more than 8,000 work. ers, Including 2,200 flour mill workers who refused to cross picket lines, The walkout closed 12 grain flour mills of General Mills, Pillsbury, Interna. tional Milling and Russell Miller Company. The strike was touched off hy the layoff 10 days ago of 13 work. ers at the Buffalo Terminal Grain Company's elevator, Murder Suspect Found Insane SUDBURY (CP)>-Alfonds La. bus, 36, of Sudbury, charged with murder in the fatal shooting of his wife, was ruled unfit Monday to stand trial, by reason of in. sanity, He is to be imprisoned at the leutenant - governor's pleas. ure, Lobus was charged follow the shooting In a Rayside oo ship farmhouse In September, 1069. He was found behind the barn with a bullet wound in his chin and skull, Two defence psychiatrists tes. tified Labus, part of whose brain was renfoved in an ation at Toronto, was unfit Ao an ta, A psychiatrist called by the crown sald Labus suffered only amnesia and should stand trial. PRIVEE TO peau Valley TONIGHT 4 fi GOOD FOOD | Busi 's Lunch "Ng 2 Dolly Air Conditioned DINING ROQM HOTEL LANCASTER NU-WAY RUG & OARPET SALES Broadloom wall te wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stale Runners. Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 Eid am Canadian Club of Ontario County 1960 Pall Opening THURSDAY, SEPTEMMBER 15 Dinner at 6:30 P.M, HOTEL GENOSHA, OSHAWA Speaker: Charlotte. Whitton FORMER MAYOR, CITY OF OTTAWA LEADING CANADIAN Subject "You and the Democracy" for Tickets and Further Information Please Taibives James McCansh Treasurer Phone RA 3.2248 a Program Meeting WELFARE WORKER Decay of Dr. (0. M, Vipond Presidont Phone RA 8.1461

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