THOUGHT FOR TODAY flome people can't follow the admonition "love thy neighbor as thyself" because they hate themselves, lie Oshawa Times OSHAWA ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1960 oa Rl KW] LUMUMBA FREE, TALKING Ousted Premier Patrice taken Into custody and then re- Lumumba uses gestures as he | leased two hours after his ar- addresses a session of rest in a new .development in Souse Sensis lo Lespuavile the power struggle between the UN Radio Ban Off ongo In C By MICHAEL LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) -- The United Nations relaxed its re-| | strietions on airpos {casting in the Congo today and Pres bh oseph Rasavuby sought g y to upper band via fhe sad i - Congolese troops | Congo president surrounded the| ] station shortly | | ban on political! 'broadcasts was lifted, | The radio station had been ts and broad- pleaded Bolikango was driven under an escort to the Memling Hotel, Belore some 40 reporters, he for the West's help for the chaotic Congo, PEOPLE IN MISERY misery, Congo," ence to create starvation," Police with \bayoneted rifles guarded the entrance to the hotel Premier Patrice I ba's first |objective after he was released | |from a brief internment by troops | Monday, | Jean Bolikango, designated as) minister of information in the | Kasavubu-approved cabinet of Joseph Neo, broadcast his first | appeal to the Congolese, NEW WARRANTS | *Bolikango promised an all-out effort to find employment and with gendarmes an | Bolikango, food for the masses, He nounced Kasavubu has signed new arrest warrants for Lu AGAIN as Bolikango, leader of the Puna party, spoke in fluent French, While stating that Lleo's govern. ment will not seek vengeance, Bolikango sald Lumumba and SECRE a... others "will have to account for their acts." | Shortly after Bolikango went| into the studio, _steel-helmeted | troops with machine-guns ar-| rived and lined up face to face| who escorted | | Their officers went inside and, emerged some time later, "We| are ( I soldiers in the) mumba and six of his ministers, Lumumba was deposed offic ally as premier eight days ago, by Kasavubu order, but has held on to the job, Bolikango sald to- day Lumumba "is in hiding but left-wing ex-premier and the Congo's moderate President Joseph Kasavubu, ~AP Wirephoto Religion Will Not Interfere-Kennedy . (AP)--Senator, Kennedy aimed to convince gOuBION, Lv pight that| Protestant Texas -- and with it be supports separation of churchiot her fundamentalist religious and state so strongly that iflareas -- that his Catholicism elected hie would resign the presi- should not bar his election as dency should its dutles conflict president, with the tenets of his Roman| After answering a ser Catholie faith, prepared questions, Kennedy The Democratic candidate for|gaid he regarded his verbal joust held a broad - ranging with the Protestant clergy ah discussion on his religion In a satisfactory from his standpoint, question-a wer period with He complimented the ministers about 500 members of the|for applauding some of his an Protestant Ministerial sWers. les of a statement, the : Romminen told the that if a Catholic cannot be presi: dent because of his religion, then the freedoms of other churchmen are In' danger, In answer to a question, he sald: Dag Boosts Little Lands' Importance Hits Truck WOODSTOCK (CP)--A speed: ing CPR "businessman's spe- cial" knifed through a stalled tractor-trailer on a level-crossing here Monday night, driving steel shafts from the wreckage through the train's first passenger car, Five passengers were taken to Woodstock General Hospital, | we will find him for the good of the country," UN soldiers had been with- drawn from the radio station and white-helmeted troops supporting Pull Out Kasavubu put their own machine- guns into position outside the accra, ghana (Reuters)--Presl- building, dent Kwame Nkrumah threat-| Shortly 'after his broadcast, | ud ioday to withdraw Ghinaion | Phillips Seeks Re-Election | force in the Congo unless Patrice TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Na- | Lumumba is given a free hand in "his bid to control the country, Nkrumah sent a message fo | than Phillips apnounced today he Il seek re-election in Decem- Jean Newman she would Nkrumah May UN Secretary-General Dag Ham. | | marskjold saying Ghana reserved {the right to place its troops in {the Congo entirely at Lumumba's disposal, ber, Nkrumah's note sald Ghana o would withdraw its t # Lu- mumba was not allowed to bis own radio station at Leopold. Control and Monday when he attem| Council Monday night to broadcast, 2 cided to ask the Nkrumah's criticism of UN ae. [they want a Yi tion in the Congo stressed that servic recent developments *' 3 the UN role, He sald neighboring merchants along the main street Radio Brazzaville, which he sald had asked that the question be was controlled by France, and placed on the ballot. Katanga's Radio Elisabethville,| A vote in Bramtford's Dec, § "'which Is In effect under Belgian municipal election on the ques. control, were allowed to indulge! tion of Sunday movies was au- in most violent propaganda thorized by a vote of 7 to 3 by against Lumumba, |¢ity council Monday night, Dreadful Donna {service of our country, we obey| | the orders of 'the president of the republic," their commander told reporters, Bollkango later said the troops originally had been for Lumumba but changed sides after "the problem was explained to them." The best available explanation of Lumumba's release from ar- rest Monday was that he had convinced his army captors that he already had resigned as pre- mier, and therefore they had no reason to hold him further, When he left his caplors he paraded through the streets shouting "vie tory." He tried to gain access to the radio station but failed, The UN restrictions on alr traffic and broadcasting had been {for several days a major block to Lumumba's operations. He was barred from rallying his fol. lowers over the ri and his Sov were blocked from 3 country, Twice in the last two days| Lumumba, fired as premier by Presidént Kasavubu, attempted to penetrate into the station. Waves caused by Hurricane Donna's winds pound two cabin cruisers against shore of Crans DONNA'S FINAL FURY Of Cong UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) ~The Soviet Union foday asked that the United Nations Security Council convene at 3 p.m, to con. sider what it charged was viola. tion by Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold of the council's instructions on the Congo, sador who is president of the council this month, conferred with other members of the Soviet request, made In a letter to him, was no immediate deci sion on whether to convene the meeting, The council went into a brief session Monday, and U.S. dele gate James Wadsworth moved quickly for adjournment, He explained 'there is not much point in talking until you have a sound basis of informa- tion on which to speak." The vote for adjournment was 9 to 2 with Russia and Poland {against it, \ what the meant, about B00 paratroopers to the Congo two weeks ago, A UAR, J sovereignty golese airports and radio broads casting stations, SOVIET TAR Charge Violation o Orders a Kanza sald be was oly Cy Hh BH n Fival, He had heen delayed br ihe refusal of authorities from Egidio Ortona, Italian ambas- ake off UN finally put a pl disposal Leopo are razzaville, across the river the Congo, to permit him for New York, The ane at his at ville, It was too soon to see cf U.AR, winaranm President Nosser sent kesman in Cairo accused the N of violating the Congo's taking over Cairo"s Middle East News | Agency said the U.A.R, and East African Sudanese troops turned 'control of Leopoldville airport | over to 200 Congolese soldiers, The Soviet delegate, Deputy | | Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin, tried to get _an urgent night meeting, but council president | Egidio Oriona of Italy decided the meeting would be of ie use, ; the council before Wednesday, sion some time today, this. afternoon, A number of yachts and cruisers at the Edgewood Yacht Club were lost in the storm, . j ston, R.I, where they broke up s Will Muzzle £155 Propaganda Should the press ignore Soviet|try our best to avold propa. Premier Khrushchev and his ex. ganda." fireworks| mditor and Publisher also re-| ceived these responses; propaganda when he appears at the United Nations General Assembly? Letters, mostly from women Times, president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors-- "The primary obligation of the American press Is to print the news. Mr, Khrushchev's visit to the United Nations will, in our 0 and bearing some evidence of an organized movement, have been pouring into newspapers, maga. zines, television and radio sta. Three were released after treat ment, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Hospital authorities sald the Secretary - General .Dag Ham. other two were In satisfactory marskjold has attacked any no- condition but refused to release/tion that the big powers should names. run the United Nations. He said Marvin Making of Kitchener, little countries had become im. Overland Express driver, leaped) Portant, too. : from his truck cab shortly before In a commentary introducing the Toronto - to + Detroit train|his annual réport to the General Stasted Ini.) ol the Bigoway Assembly, Hammarskjold sald crossing, The cab was 100 foot a ee Sak aud the the DN hg fullected the traller dragged about 50 feet, The| thought that the powerful per truck wreckage was burned out enol Et hed poy A five-loot long gash was cut! oe i in' directing group for along the side of the first diesel| yy. ond community," But, he unit, No passengers in the second aqded, the 15 years since the car were Injured, although sev. UN's 'founding had proved this eral were thrown to the floor. |idea obsolete, Just A Rainstorm HALIFAX (CP) = Hurricane winds as igh as 80 miles an hotir {Donna brought heavy rain and/to some of the Maritimes, little high winds to most of the Mari-|damage was reported. [times early today but falled to| However, fear was being ex- cause much of the trouble ex-|pressed for the apple crop in pected of her, Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valle | The weather office here sald where winds reached the re {the storm was centred early to-/80-mile-an-hour mark, day just west of Caribou, Me, | The rain brought by Donna ex- {and was moving "very rapidly" tinguished most of the fires that {to the northeast, have Hague loresis Jo Find | The storm's centre was ex. Weeks ova _Bcotla, New {pected to pass near the Mi hg Brunswick, Prince Edward Island the St. Lawrence River, then veer ahd Newfoundland, towards southern Labrador. Other fives less heavil yn Alt | rain smouldered weakly, | hough the big blow brought uo Tove Th Socreds Return, Majority Reduced VICTORIA (CP) -- The Soclal| handily in his home riding of) Credit party, standing on its rec- Okanagan South but two of his ord during eight years in office cabinet ministers were defeated and championing the cause of and a third won by such a slight free enterprise, was returned to margin that a recount was con power In the British Columbia/ sidered almost automatic, general election Monday but with CCF Loader Robert Strachan, 4 reduction In its majority and 46, and all nite of his socialist share of the popular vote, | mates who sat in the last House With uly two of the 52 seats were re-elected. Liberal Leader in doubt when counting ended for Ray Perrault, 4, making his first the night, this is how the partie personal bid for election and his stood: | first battle as party leader, won Social Credit E 10 |a seat in North Vancouver, 1 10! Progressive Conserv ative Liberals 2 Leader Deane Finlayson, 41, be Labor 1) came a five-time losor---including Doubtful «| one federal appearance--when he Total 52 52(fell behind Liberal and Social The doubtful seats were Atlin, Credit candidates in North Van an isolated far-flung northern rid- couver, His party didn't elect a ing where the CCF held a slight candidate, lead with less than half the polls; The Conservatives ran far be- teported, and one of two seats in hind In almost every riding, fin- the Fraser Valley riding of Delta. | ishing fourth in 46 constituencies, Premier W. A. C. Bennett, 60.| The Conservatives, Social Credit mer Conservative who has led and CCF contested all 52 seats, jal Credit since it first won| the Liberals 30, power in 1053, was returned) The Communists, who entered 19 candidates, and the five inde: pendents trailed the four major CITY EMERGENCY rties, Three of 13 women seek: of the polls, the vote was 941,418 compared with 817,397 in 1956. | Social Credit received 9 per cent of the votes, compared with 46 per cent in 1958. The CCF per lcentage was 33, compared with, 3, the Liberal was 31, comparef POLICE RA 5-1133 RE DEPT. RA 5-6574 ITAL RA 32211 # election were successful, i | The vote w rd, With PHONE NUMBERS returns py trom $8 per cen come worse as strong winds hit Shelburne on Nova Scotia's south. ern shore, : The 500 men fighting the out. break were withdrawn Monday as Donna charged up the Atlantic coast, Fires that raged over more than half a 200-square-mile dis. aster area in western Prince Ed. ward Island 'were fizsling out under heavy rain, The weather office predicted heavy winds for western New Brunswick and eastern Quebec today but sald the storm would probably weaken in force as it continued to move inland. with 22, and the Progressive Con. |servative was seven, compared with three, | Labor Minister Lyle Wicks, 47, known as the father of Social | Credit in B.C. and the man who {kept the party going here in lean | years before 1952, fell to the CCF Pickering Man Wins Scholarship GUELPH (CP) ~-- The first $1,000 scholavshine. awarded un- der the Ontario Agricultural Col lege Alumni Association Founda. tion have been given to five On. tario students, Nearly $100,000 has been do- nated by OAC graduates towards the annual scholarships, This year's winners are Ernest F. Jerome, Glanford Station; Eric R. Norris, Staffa; Donald B, Stoltz, Guelph; Patricia L. Shier, Toronto, and William P. 8, Me- Kay, Pickering, that tions in the United States asking hrushchev be given the silent treatment, Newspapers queried by Editor and Publisher, the journalism trade magazine, don't think much of the idea but some urge re. straint in coverage of his propa. ganda activities, The Christian Science Monitor urged editorially that all news media refrain from lending them- selves te Khrushchev's propa- ganda daring his UN visit, newspaper sald: *, , + We shall refuse to the Communist chief the advertising he seeks , , , his offi. | cial statements will be reparted| + + » We shall cover the news but Angers LONDON (AP) «= Soviet Pre. mier Khrushchev took the United States to task today for restrict. ing him to Manhattan Island while he attends the UN General Assembly, . In a message from the ship Baltika In mid-Atlantic en route to New York, Khrushchev called the restriction an unreasonable {in Dewdney, which he had held since 1952, Agriculture Minister Newton VANCOUVER PAPERS Steacy also was defeated, losing his seat to a Liberal in the tough North Vancouver fight, Recrea- tion Minister Earle Westwood was returned with a margin of slightly more than 100 votes over CCFer Colin Cameron, former member of Parliament, in the Nanai and the Isl con a OTTAWA (CP)--The Restric- tive Trade Practices Commission today proposed court action to editorial independence stituency. When the result became appar ante dit Khgee trend {analysis indicated the govern. | ment's return at 10:08 p.m. PDT|0f Vancouver's two dally newspa- 10 am, T tw hour ater Per---The ge A The Sn the s closed--Premier Bennett |-- 8 common po {ownership of Pacific Press Lim. ited, said: | "This is a wonderful showing : [considering that we were up, The commission's report, Is against not only the CCF, but Sued today by Justice Minister labor leaders who had thrown Fulton, said steps should be taken their full force into the election/to prevent any changes in the for the first time in a Canadian Ownership agreements that would provincial election, [reduce "the degree of o Mr, Strachan, who led the CCF (ence which now exists re- into an election for a second time|SPect to publication" of the two and promised to nationalize elec. Papers. | tric and telephone utilities, said: It also recommended steps to "Big business bought this tion for the Socreds." Bid To Preserve Independence crease the disadvantage to the public" resulting from common ownership under Pacific Press since mid-1057, ers proposed: "A judicial order which would restrain the parties from any alteration in the agreements quirement, elec. prevent any action under the who desires to place an ad (agreement "which would in [ment in only one paper. without the approval of a court, "In the proceedings such an order, a review could be Restriction to the best of its ability." R.I, Journal and Bulletin--'RI. diculous." Times Herald--"The suggestion that Mr, K be given the silent treatment by the American press smacks of Russia, Tt sounds like something they might do if Ike went to Moscow." J, he(D.C,, Post -- {American people to know about|r would like to see the fee ro overriding shat the suord i of investigation here in need and if we help each other e 50 overriding 'that the blow o n an @ help eac! as McCarthyism has done in the communism will go down in des feat, It is our news can not and must not be| states." aah down In 8 ut a § lo the flow, the tide 80d wipe ou accelerated or diminished in or. der to demonstrate affection for| OPPOSES PROGRAMS or dislike of a foreign visitor, He said cultural programs by'communism." mba. Each faction 1s mu Hitler's Stupidity Stalled Nazi Bomb HAMILTON (CP) -» Hitler's Unless there arises some in, Stupidity prevented Germany _ |terim. development of supreme from WeApons importance, it appeared there during the Second World War; a would be no further meeting of German chemist sald Monday. on atomic Dr, Joseph Mattach, divector of Ortuna was to make his decl- [the Max Planck Institute Chemistry "could not in Mainz, sald Hitler understand wow 'Justice Turner Catlbdge, New York Court of Ontario justice called for an investigation into inion, be important news, The ew York Times will report it the authority he would outlaw the Communist party, | Mr, Justice L. A, Landreville| suggested the investigation Mon. | day during an address to 120 dis- Michael Ogden, Providence, Felix McKnight, Dallas, Tex., at a breakfast meeting of the Sir Thomas More Lawyers' Guild. Noting that Communist em. bassy representatives had in. creased in Ottawa to 111 from 40 |a few years ago, Mrs, Justice ins, Washington, Landreville said: | 'The need of the "We must fight fire with fire, same type in Canada! R. Wiggins, the Auibary, Bu Suiaw trict lawyers and judicial officials SO poh dh Ls They would only become stronger, prey on the sympathy tion and a themselves in the position Asks 'McCarthyism' HAMILTON (CP)--A Supreme' the Communists attack "eur way has of life. "They (the Communists) sneer the growth of communism in'at us from our bottom level of Canada, He also said if he had| government to [sneer at and try {our bel the 'o break dova "If t were possible and T had I would outlaw "If that happens, they would of the na being persecuted." He sald one way to defeat communism is for the "haves" to help the "have-nots." "The Communists proy on those Mr. K.. measure which "cannot be 3 fled by either ideological er moral grounds," Khrushchev made his views known in a cable to the London Dally Express, The cable, reply- ing to questions put to him by the newspaper, was also widely ublicized at the same time by oscow radio and the Soviet news ageney, Tass, "If the United States were guided by good intentions and by the desire really to resolve the urgent problems that are vitally important for a)! mankind, it would not have wanted to put me in such a position," Khrushchev sald "We must be guided not by likes and dislikes re nding this or that individual or and that social system, but must take into account the actual | condition obaining on our planet." : "Ot course," he said, *T do not | towards myself on the part of the American authorities, hy "But I am empowered by ! ple and government to sent a way to ensure w ce, I have done and will do this with, the utmost resolve." i made of the situation with ve spect to the requirement that Khrushchev also bi ate tacked UN Secretary-General Dag general advertising must be Paced in both papers, which re we consider, ales to the detriment of Hammarskjold for his handling of the crisis. » oper] He b Coane that Hammarskjold Ky., takes the second heat of Anyone was acting "consciously in the the "No vertise- | interests of the | imperialists. and, Mayors' Day fo-purpose handi- | poo" at the Louisville aire | claim any special consideration § WINNER, BY A LONG, LONG NECK Omar C. Burns, Mt, Olivet, | grounds driving his Australian Ostrich stretch runner several long necks ahead of two other pacers. The mayors added this bit of nonsense ® their serious. purse-nothing added minded meeting yesterday at the Kens tucky State Fair. Farm-City committee