74 Halifax's new International Airport at Kelly Lake, some 20 miles north of the city, opened today, The spacious modern "NEW AIRPORT AT Mi Is for at Dorval, near Montreal, well advanced { terminal is located on a plot of ground covering 2447 acres with a perimeter of 10 miles Construction of the new airport while plans the erection of a new airport OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF WILLIAM J, HARBRON BALSAM MT, ZION large number attended the eral of the late William J bron, who passed away Wednes day, Aug 31, at nursing home Mr, Harbron was fun a born in in the Pickering Township on the Ce { a vhere He choo Mt Harbron homestead cil Disney tended the and was a Zion church In 1905 he married Fthel Pilkey and celebrated their wedding anniversary open house many and relatives called fo their best wishe: Mr, Harbron to lend a helping hand needed, The last 2 years he ha been In failing health, He hac lived on his present farm for fif ty vears Mr. Harbron is wife, a daughter Stanley Neale two sons (Gerald Station, and. Leslie Ashhurn also surviving is a ter, Mr Ralph White of Hamilton The funeral service from the Robinson Home, Brooklin Fleetham conducted the Interment in Salem tery Pallbearers were Leonard Ball Milton Parkin, Harold Parkin Harold White, William Bayles and Floyd Pilkey FUNERAL OF , DENNIS service for Stan ley J. Dennis, 615 Christie street who died at the Oshawa General Hospital last Monday, was held at the Melntosh-Anderson Fu neral Home at 2 p.m, Thursday Sept, 8, Rev. W. G yreside Zion public of the no Mit member " Wik friend extend when willing her Was ever urvived by hi (Dorothy), Mr Scarboro, and Myrtle of of Rey LJ ervice Ceme where was Dickson, minister of Centre Street United Church conducted the services, Inter ment was in Oshawa Union Ce metery The pallbearers were Bert Ter. willegar, Jack Forder, Fd, Siy ed, Tom Driscoll, Roy Day and H. (Dib) Little \ The service was largely attend. ! ed and the many floral tributes in dicated the esteem In which the \deceased was held FUNERAL OF MRS, M. DOUGHERTY The funeral service for Mrs Margaret Dougherty, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital last Tuesaiay, was held at the Meln tosh-Andderson Funeral Home at 3.30 py. Thursday, Sept, 8 Rev, Cy D, Cross, rector of St George's Anglican Church, con ducted the services, Interment was In Mount Lawn Cemetery The pallbearers were Russell Coulson, Gordon Wilson, Clifford Wilson, Harold Wilson, Wendell McLaughlin and Leslie Hall LOUIS SLANINA The death occurred . suddenly this morning at the family resi dence, 335 Drew street of Louls Slanina, He was in his 67th y Born at Hraclarske Province of Zalvaany, Czechoslovakia, June 9, 1804, Mr. Slanina was marvied there May 31, 1921, A resident of Canada and Oshawa COMING EVENTS BINGO atl St. John's Hall, corner Bloor and Simcoe, 20 games, $6 and $10, Five $40 jackpots, tonight, 8 pm FALL TEA & BAZAAR 279 Woodlea Cres Mr, and Mn Wed., Sept. 2! pm Bluebell Andrew W.A 50¢ home of N Cay, 1960, 3.6 Group, St Admission Ernie BINGO Coronation Oronge Temple SAT., SEPT. 10 8 P.M. SHARP BINGO AT UAW.A HALL SEPT. 10 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 5 GAMES $25 JACKPOTS, ONE GAME $150 A Har. C Scarboro 1876 daughter in 1955 with oslovakia was held Funeral an employee 18 years a member of Roman Catholic wireh and of the Canadian Slo vak League He is the former he wa Motors I'he deceased was Holy Cross for 34 years of General for hy his wife Magic and two John sh James Court hoth Osh urvived Anne Mrs and Mrs Margaret Gre Helen ney ol l 0 wrviving Mary Karpick, of New Jer- and Helen, Susan and Kath leen in Czechoslovakia; two hro- 1 thers, John and Joseph, in Czech- and three grandehil. Stephen and Susan are four sisters dren, John | Gresh The remains will Armstrong Funeral 1 high requiem ma n Holy Cre Church at 9 a.m. Monday, Sept 112, Interment will be in 8t, Greg ory's Cemetery, Rev, P will sing the mass the for be at Home Col fey THE WEATHER OFFICE a band of showers and thunderstorms today will herald arrival of cooler air in southern Ontario and southwestern Que. 2 Agencies Added To say FRANK HLIVAK | The death * at the family ond avenue day, Sept. 7 He was In his 71st year, Born Aug. 29, 1890, at Tarn ovoe; Czechoslovakia, the decea ed had been in Canada for 33 years and a resident of Oshawa for 31 years. He retired from the Oshawa Board of Works staff in 1050. Predeceased by his wife, the former Julia Safin, In 1934, he is survived by a daughter, Mary Oshawa, The held Home uddenly h7 Sed Wednes Hlivak occurred residence Osha of Frank oF wollowing a meeting Thursday evening of officials from the Greater Oshawa Community Chest and the Oshawa Retarded Children's Association it was an nounced that the association will again be a participating agency in the community chest drive, It was also announced that the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Can ada would for the first time be come a participating agency of the chest, bringing the total num ber of participants to 18 The dates the fund drive Oct. 26 to Nov. 10, have been cons firmed by the executive commit tee and the board of directors of the chest funeral the will he Armstrong Funeral at 9.30 am. Saturday, Sept. 10, Rev, John Diachina of the Russian Orthodox Church Toronto, will conduct the e vices, Interment will be in Osh awa Union Cemetery, service atl FUNERAL OF VERNON P, NDERS The memorial service for Ver 1 P. Sanders, who died at the Tuesday in his 69th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Thursday, Sept Archdeacon Hl. D, Cleverdon, | ciation operates a school at. 1350 rector of Christ Memorial Ang Simcoe street south, The registra can Church, will conduct the ser jon is 37 tudents, Most are ba [Lawn Cemetery: but a few are young adults, up I'he pallbearers were David to the age of 27. Sanders, Bruce Sanders, Thomas| yn, two students do the same Clark and Herbert Bentham, in their capacities, A few of the {most advanced pupils are capable 'Bi B th [7] of doing Grade 7 arithmetic, Both 1g Io er taught . { The address of the community S ate ing [chest office is 11 Ontario street 0203. If anyone has any queries he is asked to contact this num. | | TORONTO (CP)---The Ontario ---------- liguor control board is monitor | Car Driver | tions which broadeast into On tario for infractions by Canadian Th h D | breweries of the province's lig. oug t rowned | Premier Frost sald Thursday RCMP said Thursday they be sanctions could be applied tol lieve Nell James Costin, 30, of breweries violating the radio and Elora, Ont,, was drowned in the Ww hich became effective Aug, 1 du Bois area 9% miles northeast | The code permits brewery ad of Winnipeg vertising but forbids drinking Police said dragging started | {the board made it clear it ex . ik ; pects Canadian breweries to fol - hud fou} puted by the low the rules when advertising on Foiite du Hols dam, Clothing into? identification were found in Ontario, |! - -- -- m-- ~|cinity failed locate the owner, | Police said they learned Mr, UNFORTUNATE ERROR y ; . Ne Costin left Ontario Aug The Oshawa Times sincerely on ; ario Aug. 6 to find sioned by the cut lines under a | picture appearing on page three PUBLIC AFFECTION of Thursday's issue, The picture! LONDON (CP)--The Methodist | street and her mother outside E. persons not to neck in public, The {A. Lovell Public School, The cut magazine says: "Given the op. {lines stated Teryle was the portunity you go into a clinch, tie inald Craggs. In fact Mr, Craggs | other or indulge in a full-blooded has been dead for three years, film star Kiss." Salary $3,200 00 per annum. Annual increment surance, hospitalization, & P.S.| employer shared. Apply to DR, C. C. STEWART, Medical Officer of Health, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 4 nN Oshawa General Hospital last 8 f The Retarded Children's Asso vices, Interment was In Mount jween the ages of 5 and 18 VOars Murphy, Alwood Cook, William ork as there Is quite a range academic courses and skills are and the phone number is RA 8 Liquor Ad Liquor Ads. ing United States television sta vor advertising code POINTE DU BOIS, Man, (CP) television section of the code Winnipeg River near the Pointe | scenes, Whe as ¢ Jl [scenes. When It was announced Wednesday when an abandoned US, TV stations reaching and he car, but a search of the vi ? Mi regrets the embarrassment occa work in Manitoba. showéd Teryle Craggs, 34 Avenue Recorder has appealed to young {daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Reg. | yourself in knots, peck at each $160.00. Five day week, pension plan, group in- City Hall, r HALIFAX OPENED TODAY I covers cooler central Ontario and | southeastward, weather e cooler weather Friday night and Saturday midnight Saturday ern southern Geor Windsor ilton showers learing late this afternoon mainly southwesterly northwesterly ( burton becoming about tonight and cooler 20 20 land Kapuskasing region Sudbury and thunderstorm evening e 1] 5 to 20 CITY AWD DISTRICT CAPSULE NEWS FIRE IN TRI A earbon dioxide | guisher was ssed by ® gn extin the Oshs tinguish & truck fire street, Thursday aliernoon pariment ambulances an four calls during the past hours be STREETS CLOSED The following streets closed for construction Ritson road north, from east to Bond: Wilson road from Olive avenue Ao speare avenue, Rit will be today: Shake from King street east to Bruce ) closed to southbound traf- street fic; King street west from Waver ley to Thornton under consirue- from road! g sirike of 200 sheet metal work- lon." ! When ever possible sireefs will be kept open for local traf- such the road to east Ritson Taunton street tion Simcoe north fic, Emergeney conditions as weather could require closing of streets not on this list RECEIVES DEGREE Emily Lorraine Scott, 650 Sim- coe street north, Oshawa, who is receiving master of arts de gree in Romance Languages from t Graduate School, will be the 300 candidates for de it the annual summer con. vocation for * conferring degrees on Friday, Sept. 9, at Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, a he. among gree Malton been announced, at near Toronto, bavi (CP Wirephoto Skie both hee late today overnight In giving sunny but cool for Saturday. Temperature will reach the mid-70's | but only the north, Rain now falling in northern Ontario Is expected to end tonight (CP Wirephoto) in southern re mid-50"s in the vill clear | province | ather 10 morrow WEATHER FORECAST Cooler Weather Chest Drive | Coming Tonight TORONTO ued at 5 Synopsis: southern air cp) a.m Warm, humid Ontario northern Forecast Western Timmins « Kapuskas- ng region; Cloudy with rain clearing late this afternoon. Sat. urday unny Continuing cool Winds northerly 15 to 20 today, westerly 15 to 20 Saturday, (Cp) air Much and preadin covers This will spread over south rn Ontario today, bringing much cooler TORONTO temperatures: Low high Windsor St London West: je HT, Wingh Forecast 7 forecasts 7% Regional valid until Thomas Huron io, Nia Bay region Toronto, Ham with scattered thunderstorms becoming cooler Saturda) ton Winds Killaloe hifting to Muskoka North Bay sudbury Earlton Kapuskasin White Moosonee Erie, Lake Lake Ontav wan London Cloudy and and Lake ney im St, Catharin Toronto Peterborough and cool 15 to 20 15 to 20 Eastern Lake regions sunny Ontario Partly cloudy cloudy with scattered howers and thunderstorm noon, Clearing Saturday mainly sunny Winds southerly 15 to shifting to northwesterly 15 to Hall River and cooler POPULAR LONDON (CP) still second to the larity BUDGIES The cat dog in popu. a household pet but its Is Northern Georgian Lake, eastern Bay, Kirk Fimmins North Bay with position is being challenged by I'he People's Dis pensary Sick say Britain's budgie population rose by 10,000 in 1959 Cloudy howers cleariy thi Saturday mainly sunny Winds west to northwest the budgerigar for Animals ooler ) 8 KING EAST MARY ST, OSHAWA PORT PERRY A. E. JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined--Prescriptions Filled PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT YUkon 5-2383 RA 3-2721 Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY 'The modern way to travel is by air.' For information regarding any form of travel . . . DIAL RA 3-944) We have a direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ne ve. Conade Ltd DIAL RA 3-944) Owned and op by Thomas 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA a Fire "Department to quickly ex on Bond ered % King south Skindiving Stunt Fails HAMILTON (CP)--Stephen Ly-|erisis in indoor recreation, parks man, 16, was almost drowned for growing Canadian cities add | Thursday while testing his skill the basic need for land, a ski er vl i as a skindiver in his backyard ACTOR HURT IN CRASH swimming pool. He apparently : ore st beneath the surtace, TORONTO (CP)--Actor Donald while trying to see how long he Ewer, 6, was seriously injured could remain under, Three com. Thursday when bis car's. left jumped in and pulled front tire blew out, causing the him to safety when they realized car to crash into another and e was in trouble, Lynan is re-|then roll over, The second car covering in hospital hit a third, The actor was sup- 1 posed to have opeled at SEE END TO STRIKE the Crest Theatre jn John Os-| TORONTO (CP)--The end of borne's Epitaph for George Dil-! against 50 mn ers city contractors : may be ight with settlement HARD WAY OUT { Thursday beiween one contrac- LETHBRIDGE (CP)---George tor and the union, The workers, Kempa found himself locked in new members of the Sheet Metal a hank Wednesday night, He left! Workers' International tion (CLC), walked off their jobs doors at the front entrance, He! three weeks ago when they were received a two-year suspended | won-union. Many of them are re- sentence Thursday on a charge) cent European immigrants, of wilful damage and a nse . ' {month sus sentence for TWO CATCH POLIO being drunk. Police said Kempa CHATHAM (CP)--Two Chal oaiieq into the bank through the ham children, neither of whom front door left open by workmen have had anti-polio vaccine, are renovating an office, i in hospital at London, Ont, sul- fering from polio, One Js six SEEK U.K, MARKETS years old but did not attend city OTTAWA (CP)--A eustomer- schools where all children have ping Canadian food mission been inoculated, leaves for London today on a sell- JONG JOURNEY ENDS ing tour of the United Kingdom, TORONTO (CP) --Locomotive The 12 - member mission a with a rolling record of 1,200,000 headed by Ben Ormseth of Te-1 miles » officially turned over cumseh, president of the Cana- to the city of Toronto by the dian Food Processors Associa CNR Thursday for permanent ton, display at the Canadian National] KINSMEN CLUBS MEET Exhibition, Built in 1942, the lo-| sgn . i M comolive hauled passenger trains KELOWNA, BC, (CP) ore connecting Toronto. with Mont. than 1,350 Canadian Kinsmen real, Sarnia and Windsor, | Club members began Thursday ' {three days of business discus- sions and hi-jinks at their 39th {annual national convention here, The Calgary club set up a chuck wagon on Kelowna's main street and dispensed pancake and ba- Alban-t h e-Martyr Loyalist Me-| con breakfasts to the public, Vie- T0 UNVEIL PLAQUE ADOLPHUSTOWN (CP) | Lieutenant » Governor J, Keiller Mackay will unveil a plaque here Sunday to commemorate the St Associa- by walking through two glass THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 9, 1980 3 HURRICANE Cross locates center of Hurri- cane Donna, which today mov- ed toward Florida Keys at a- | bout 10 miles an hour, The hur- ricane was about 215 miles south-east of Miami this morn. ing, It's winds, ranging up to | 150 mph, pounded Cuba's north coast during the night, Residents in its path were warned to expect heavy rains and abnormally high tides. ~(AP Wirephoto Map) MILLIONS HELP IN HOUSE Census figures indicate that over 20 million US, women need household help, That's the latest statistics on the number of women 'gainfully employed", When you want dependable help in a hurry turn imme- diately to the Oshawa Times Classified pages Classifica- tion 36. And place your re- quest by calling RA 3.3402, A Dine In Good Taste AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL Our coffee shop and main din- ing room completely eir-con- ditioned. friendly Ad Writer will help you, morial Church whose foundation) toria delegates passed out tea was laid in 1884 by Lieuten-|and crumpets, John B. Robinson 4 Within the Anglican church are porcelain plagues honoring prom- New Jobs » Promised By Starr stone ant-Governor 29 ORGANIST Johnny McMann NIGHTLY 9-12 HOTEL LANCASTER RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, inent Loyalist families who landed at Adolphusotwn, in the yay of Quinte, in the 1780s, TORONTO (CP)--About 40,000 new jobs should be available in Ontario under the winter works {tional alr al v of Carpets, Stair Runners. GET THE BEST For Less At UPHOLSTERING (L .., Mary Shront 926Y SIMCOE ST. N. | RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHA Installation by our own mechanics ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY RA 8-4681 din. ROBBERY CHARGE LAID SIMCOE (CP)--Leo Tisserand of Labelle, Que, 'and William Laramee, 46, of Simcoe were] charged here with robbery with violence Thursday, Steve Dag onya, a 24-year-old Simcoe farm vorker, told police two men b ved Wednesday | rave , Simcoe to Port Program announced | esday Srv hin tam Sincos io Pod by Federal Labor Minister Starr, | beat him and took $80, Dagonya Premier Frost said Friday, was treated at hospital for head] He said Ontario is 'much in and face lacerations favor" of the new Oct, 15 starting Hip |date for the federal-provincial-| TOO HOT FOR SNOW municipal winter program. | T NTO (CP) » interna- { TORON 20 A prt migma: The usual opening date for the cancelled Thursday. be. Winter works program is Dec, 1. Cause poor visibility caused Municipal Affairs Minister War-| by 90-degree heat, Minimum re render said the earlier date quirements for the air show at/would be particularly helpful to the Canadian National Fxhibi-|northern municipalities, tion are a ceiling of 1,500 feet| Ontario and its lities and three-mile visibility, |already have a capital works ! : WA : UP {program under way employing| TORS w RS oD ue: 310,000 persons, The jobs include tures hit. 90 here Thursday and|Work In highways, public works, usually » frigid Lake Ontario(health and other government de- warmed up into the low 70s, |Partments and total $1,000,000, 000, Premier Frost said. YORK U, TO OPEN Touching on another aspect of TORONTO (CP) Premier/development, Mr, Frost said Frost will plant a white rose|there is a danger of a bogey be- bush Monday at the opening of ing created about investment of Canada's newest university, United States capital in Canada. York niversity will start opera: It jg silly to talk of finding Lom In he 4 rogm ormor home enough capil in & population of 1 "a eve n University of Toronto campus, 3000000 10 develop 2 iy ry Mhere will be 14 instructors and|'"© bi Sd . registration will be limited to 100| students, | TO DISCUSS RESOURCES DRIVE T 0 A two-day | TORONTO (CP) conference on parks and nature] Beau Valley TONIGHT resources, to be attended by top| conservation" authoriites of North| America and Britain, will open | here Sept, 21, Some of the sub-| jects to be discussed will be the The Drug Store Open DOWNTOWN OSHAWA This SAT, EVENING, Sept. 10 -- 6 fo 9 p.m. WILL BE MITCHELL'S DRUGS LTD. 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3431 The other downtown drug stores suggest that you make sure you get your prescriptions refilled before 6 p.m. Saturday of each week and avoid any in- convenience, BUSH LEAGUE BOWLERS First Night Of Bowling MON., SEPT. 12th-7P.M. MOTOR CITY LANES CITY OF OSHAWA 1960 TAXES DUE FOURTH INSTALMENT Color of Bills Ward Fourth Instalment Nos. Realty Due Dates 5&6... Pink Sept. 12th PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if cone venient) enclosing COMPLETE tox bill--receipted bill will be returned AVOID STANDING IN LINE by paying before any due date OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque and Tax Bill in "City Hall Mail" letter drop at City Hall main entrance any time, ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN BANKS OF COMMERCE will accept current taxes within two weeks before any instalment date providing Tax Bill is presented for receipting AND PRO- VIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE WITHOUT CHARGE. ALSO PAYABLE AT CITY HALL if preferred. Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays SPECIAL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M. INSTALMENT DATES ONLY FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due date necessitates the Tax Collector to proceed to collect by several Statutory and Local By-Law provisions such as Collec tion of Rents where property is tenant occupied; Division Court Action in some coses ond by possible "Bailiff Seizure of chattels Telephones: RA 5.1153; Evenings Dial RA 8.6880 CLARENCE L. COX Cl' C ADMINISTRATION BLDG.City Tax Collector Business * Green . rT PARKWAY TELEVISION Presents "The Saratoga' by Admiral (Wide Angle TV for '61) (THE SARATOGA MODEL T24K31X) Ultra-slim Super Table Model with wide angle 23" aluminized 114.degree picture tube, Top front tuning controls, Push-pull on-off, Transformer powered horizontal chassis delivers 18,000 volts of picture power, "Golden Signet" tuner, Front speaker, Walnut, mahogany or blonde grained finish, Match- i ee MAHOGANY & BLONDE GRAINED HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 90 DAYS FREE SERVICE FROM OUR OWN SHOP NO PARKING PROBLEM OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. LARGE SELECTION OF 19" & 23" MODELS COLOUR TV ON DISPLAY PARKWAY TELEVISION (The Finest in TV, HIFI & Service) 918 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3043 w