Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 23

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September §, 1960 Call The Dire Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM. to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY § 70 12 VrAccountants LI J tified Publis Bireet East An YALE, FRIFEDIANDER. HUNTER sna £8, peecounianis snl audiiors. Licensed Yruster wn Bankruphs of King Stier East, thinpwin: KB Yale, & ¥ Friedlander. 8 Lomm. , (CPA BOB CLANCY'S Services ofier services for Blgeet We Hesidan a RONALD F Aermmntant LEU MONTEITH, MONTEITH, BIER, and £0, Chartered Accauntants. BA 58527 135 Bimeoe Street North; Ax WH 20854 x HE NE WAK and Ca and Auditors bar Glen Bide. 11 On Ali Classified taria Blreet, 0 Hawn, Onisne, KAJ MUST be b sa fore publication L} Wiikey B REGULAT IOP Sen The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors advertise ments submitied etherwise then in writing, # Incorrect DEYNAN and} sicoment, nor beyond ahicitars. No: R charged tor a single ot Commerce Bldg Simine Sr eth, HA 34406; 1. K (| the Sdvarisement i Cretan Fraser, 9C; 6, K 1 C0 1 Da: HY Brynan, G, 1. Murdoch, NHA mor iis Bur clomlmation. goles arranged In the case of di MANNING F ments The Times will ne Solicitor, Notary far Bins is King § dence, dinl KA 3-402 MANGAN, Gf ney ta nan "East, Osha HA 504056 Ll ARS CLASSIFIED AD RATES i" Cer Kip H HOFKINE AND COMPANY Arsimntants, 172 shawn, GBarie or less here words awn #3 CONSECUTIVE in ERTIOMS & CONSECUTIVE INSERTION, 3786 4.12 ¥ not pag within 7 days the Charge rate will psy Above raise apply only 1a origingl orders 161 consecutive INseriie, Subsequent insertions Graders al 0 later dale consiifiuias g new 61iging! Grier Frotessiong! and Business listings 80 per month far 3 hinges daily edditiongl line $1.00 per 126 748 Ontarin ae Accoumhing Donk beeping ik Bond hice BA S009 mail IEIness Boom | RA 17605 B. WHSON, herleren Oshawn, Ontarie, RA $7 tach man Each Inti! $ and & vgn word, Box charge 9 letter figure abbreviation is 4s # additiongl Advertisements he doy be ally Accauntanty v 8 EE -- 12 ; 2 2-~Barristers BALFH JONES. BA. nd Greer, Associate Barristers eiars, 10 King Sireel Past Mortgage available CREIGHTON. FEASER MURPOCT. Ba 4a int Publ hems WH and Soli BA 86246 rr insertion eeceerding 18 held thar al eer publishers endegyour duce all advertising malier conecly but assumes ne lighility if any Inaceuracies In any form advertisement are sentained SWARTZ Barn ster Asn Henry HA G-4607 Ciale Aw Block He JOsEPH 4 Baligitor King Hesidunce DONALD and Bol Feloephane : Bu dence, KA 537 £7 BALMERS tor, ele, I4 Office HA 539741 BOWMAN toy LR donee, HB JOHN A tar and no East, RA morgage GREER Fister 2h King J. Murph n act ple fa [LU Barrister fice 144 HA 831 Street ) Barrister treet 320) Bons King 8 HA ne Rew B8---Building Trades ATTENTION! estimates, Gliddon uel Five and »i law exteriors, painted. Phone HA 57864 GENERAL pairs, woodwork small, BA 51476 ALL plumbing and healing Phone WA 5-5581, Harold bd. plumbing, heating and ing, 1h Street South Al CARPENTRY SHAPE, PRCFOGMS mall, Experienced WH 26148 WATERPROOFING cellars. For appointment 1255 Bowmanville ALL kinds of BA, barrister, solo Bimene Btreet North Residence HBA 55542 Barrister, Solici HA 50608, Resi Bungalow owners no Produets supplied A om BURKE Pavid | $56 and ene South H0r264 CAMERON, barrister, soliel tary public, 18% King Breet 12060. NHA and private kinds af re:| No Jah toe building, ll TRABONFY supplies Stark engineer H Bar intaries Publis HA 54717, Russell A. MacDonald and MacDonald anil murph solieilng treet West and Jame Kell Bimeoe kitehen BArAKe workers cabinet No job 'toe Barristers Pickering Street soliel South phones HA 5.3368; Ter V FA, BCL. HA B58%2 JRBON And RASTER i Is # first m FEAR RA 5.55 Edgar ¥. Ha Hn MFHREYS, | ters, Bol Box specials. Roof Write (ireer Hell Barristers allable for oe Street North MeGibhon, QC; building and repairs recreation rooms, roofing, water proal ng, Brick Blog and cement work, Hes sonable rates. MO 8-204 GARAGES EXHIBITION SPECIAL 10% OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE 7, § RA B 4414 9-=Building Materials NEW pine | i 90 Charles | stedlo, Qf and Hillman WA East Hes HA| RA 0008, | Hillman, Li hy Phones: Offies 85-1604 ar Whithy Maney to loan THOMAS " nm NDLE elitr an ) Public Nr HA MO 82761 ter, soli hay ls LRT] 6---Optometrists | BH TUCK, Ro phy Aeeounts at Bank 4 Burk amined a hame FF. RICHARD oiry, the lenses, 136 Simeone evenings by up GO optometrist. Please downiown Daminion {rest Invalides o Pial BA S40 -- BLACK, De of optem | 1 Vee Business yr af eyes, nantapl FOR WENT 0 fat Calharne), CRU RA 208 hutlding, reason or examination restaurant y ol I Nod hook sl Ea AYORE, can be used Jd V mall store i ment. NA 80848, § i ny on FisMiING fodges ment m-------- sreel 7--Surveyors . { PONALR Ho OTHOLLOFS oxar, S16 i | PONEVAN AND taria Land Surve printing, 18 3642 G6. TF. HORTON tari Land Surveyors gineering 106 Dundas Whithy, MO 8.5081, Ajax 8---Building Trades n LLDOZING (UN BUI] hid ® ALL © eavesty walks, s100ps ALL kinds of building Kitehen cupboards EATANGS, eanorels Free sstimates large 0 On Adelaide LRA} Avenue and Manip FLEINCHMAN, On yor, commercial Blue J stores Blong Siyeel HA dinbris $ Fon piobure y Limited Hiverside East falin Associates On. tors Pater rough Frofossional En Nireet West iL] and DRESSMAKING and alterations. RA rt 1 3--Gardening & Supplies ANY kind of garden work by expen reasonable vale HA BIN MULCH 4 8 per yard 1.60 yard, Delivered PATKIng lots and driveways N. Tulski CALL GRANT FOR SOD FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE RATES MO 8.3015 COMPLETE GARDEN SERV ICH CLIFF BROWN Gord wghed, GRAVEL & SAND | remo i LOAM Prompt De RA 8-895] LDERS and Free estimate Hilleaurt Drive excavating Mal Yavior Bro. | Whithy building roofing chimneys, fireplaces, side RA 8.0384, Gordon May repaive pit gravel Special for and RA Span recreation block repairs, FOOmS, work DODD PAINT PAINTIN SOUTER WALLPAPER & DECORATING TRACTORS ¥ free est iL | DAYS MO 8.5211 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 § Whitby CON en ¥ na. T ees removed RA 8-1798 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY very BUI RA S.8 PATIO STON NAG STONE ROCKE 3 \ RA 8-1177 WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING MACHINE Al BY BY SPEC WH MO TILE GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES OSHAWA DRAIN L EMERGENCY SERVICE ers and special rat tracts RA 8.8111 CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND Also Bock Filling RA 5.2156 | 18a--Mortgages MORT PRECAST CONCRET TANKS tWALK SLABS | FILL #65, | [EURNITURY 13---Gardening & Supplies 15---Instruction CERAR (recs to live. Any done. Free tor wii #stimaies hedges Delivered, planing Beet WA 13095 hal mE, Sept FOR weed Killing, spraying and gran 3715 NE of vour shrubs Ana RYRIEIEERS, ne compieie Garden Service. Cali BA HARVEY gr Shieh. Oshawa Home Landscaping OSHAWA ACM HAULAGE LTD, LOAM == GRAVEL FILi STONE RA 3-3528 fap, Baton, Acrohatis Registiation Saturday 18, Musonis Temple w caiem Ballet, * H ond He ser now, V4 Wing West hia PIANO, Classical pnd formation contact Fat Wik Blieet, Oehaws {PRavars Len her 1h VRATE REPRVIENLE Aut now. BA 510% IRIvATE teacher ERIN REpEDERECE Aol wow RA 51054 pital Tuck SANT student coupse Dial sident EAI EE] by interview only pire Ei LL) ACADEMY = Baton fin HA for in 7" oy by IMerview only Thor LEARN TO DRIVE AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Sand, Crushed Sior 3d Gravel, Pit Rur Re VALLEY FARM RD Phone Mobile % 7 Fully trained instructors Sandard, Automatic cors RA 8-0091 TEmple 9 BALLET STUDIO BY OSHAWA OF TORONTO GARDEN SERVICE MARIA KURTHY LANDSCAPING mer Men Vienna Opera Mouse Ballet bat dane classe sf Regi 6th p.m 0 p Sunday WE rat ar 541 fe her the Specializing in fall seeding ond planting acy nation RA ( tap 14th 3-3222 on Sept ars on Dail 6 Wednesday cluded. Register soon 64 ALBANY STREET OSHAWA RA 5 +0050 Sep For complete garden sery- ice and maintaining sodding and fall planting Call RA 8-6366 mw and € DIAL Al the Oshawa Driving School Licensed by the Police Commiss ion I J tration 4 OSHAWA LANDSCAPING LOAM GRAVEL - SAND FILL STONI RA 5-5279 LANDSCAPING SERVICES ited, field il, gravel, mplete ser |, Free estimate "Eo KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 Yebfonty To Loan | monies available sy cond MOrgAKes land agreements of sale purohi Apply M, F, Swartz, Barrister and tary Publie, #6'5 King East, Osh HA 5.4607 ALLSTATE to 0 pe personal HA 5.7418 bid HAVE clients OF loans on first and if of wiireements of sale, | GC, 47 King Street East, | 5:4648 CLIENTN money to loan on |Rage, Movigage and agreement of purchased HA morigage arvan Creighton, Fraser, Diynan and dah FIRAY and second mortgage ments purchased and sold and Henniek, Barristers, 41 East, RA 3.7238 HOM foy Auto In cent, six w services al monies second MOVE E [} Oshawa and Weed fr d. top fill, € nursery and, Weed $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 f¢ First an Agree Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, immediate log M Sale impr property tial industrial urban and ¢ in on Second ment rigage for vacant ar ved and We re of sh ele VAN BELLE GARDENS) 2 Miles till have a good selection . | Evergreens, | | ul un eity plant boxes ide wintry, and mer tages trees and potted réses, Summerland Securitie ited ] North i568 Oshawa, Phone East of Oshawa first Mortgages ased No awa. | Hyman, guaranteed WIVIIAN Mae Marsh Dancing Senom, MAY fever LAWN mower HA first mort sale ged Mur sitle Hen King _IMONEY TO LOAN d vd iden | 18a~Mortgages FIRST mortgake wanted on room briok house downtown Awa, Will pay good interest rales Or wile Frank Haslent 3005 Balk Alreel, Torani 18. Fhone RA A173 evenings RU ¥.957 MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE VENINGS) money n (OPEN PLANT NOW! EVERGREEN wplete stock [19--=Personal ROWLERS! For fun and 100 our sogial bowling club RA 58881 RIDE wanted 10 and Queen. Mon Fhane RA RIL] HYPNOTHERAPY tension permanently lax, sleep belles weight, stop | therapy oan problems, free Initial eonsultat Ethieal Hypnosis, awa. RA A017) HYGENIC supplies (rubber Ho¢ {mailed post paid in plain sealed o {lope with price list ampl ORL E M samples, $10 | Dept All Nov. Rubber Hamilton, Ontario DRIVING to Toronto and Bathurst 8 a Kindly phone RA Phong \ ' Taronta fay VIoInity through {sd vanes LAWN SEED in harge for- seeder) POTTED MUMS PERNS CAL FOLIAGE PLA) VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY NO MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE T4--Hou ehold Repairs YOUR nevs bull | stalled mates PROFESSIONAL ) « Helieves ner You dain confidence This with from free Ontario Street, ml smoking help emol had you on ha 2 . nix N Co, Box arrive ve laeal eleaner. Chim HAs linings in wanted from Oshawa of ol, Free esti Arriving Wh around PaRer MARE WAGARS uarantend work: [gens i RA 8.0086 Hols. C3 Painter, paper . woven Know rhmanship and abouts of John Maga RA #0086 ate by phoning EM 3.0718 in Tora ad MOTORING 0 Cal V0 Goy insured, dual RA 88820 fully and evening PROFEMmION a hang ma Anyone the wh PAINTING and decorating Free mates, work guaranteed. RA 37742 CALL JOE, RA 86444 for carpentry painting and handyman, Work guaran teed PAINTER and paper and exterior and plastering nates. RA 82344 Hornig around Ww 20. Roam tor ane nger A Who PASSENGER we NFS, ATTIVIRG M4 8.1 RA Bota CAR Island P ald like dam Tide Kindly hanger, interop Free esti Prince leaving for d Am mod Friday. Can aoe repaired and Good sober dutver See our mal ce KR. Dallas \ P Street i L ad LL) WANTED ¢ » 01 Tor oul-ait you | find exactly Call RA 3.3482 ne 1 FAINTING adesman inte the warker yeu Ad Road ELECTROLYS IS Re A Qsh, Pho Wa Tunes Wani eslon Ww DECORATING Wy * oexteriar, Roxa Free estimates Rat wove { fo Sin or a free and ald s Te CHESTERFIELD ng RA S88) tf, Our wvered ates and new ARK ang at ost Mumbing es free om a Dial RA Sa FURNACE SALES Suge AND SERVICE mui! HM Mackie Ca a Fri learn to Institute a Qu please eammy wi Osh Call hi rat ior relaxation Ron Hay ay Ve lose dynamie onal Nits of Osh wis) nve Order 11 on sled nity LX ern oon ere A no Aug none ta Soar eall hane Aves ant MO RA jx 5954 8 R § Teves Service C AND C HOBBY SHOP NOW OPEN AT VeMorwetos CAG MONEY AVAILABLE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS FO nd Ist Q CURRENT ALLIED KING § Me Sh f R 2nd MORTGAGE LOA LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS \ AY RATES TRAILER 2V--~Personal Service (32-~Articles Wanted i " Wilh pay 92 to 900 tor Pg ih oot the silver dollars, 198, 45, '8, 1s King Street East, Phone BA bit CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS---METALS PAPER--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL RA 53432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET sliers Puritron machine Supply Wholesale wna suthosrd mor re PRIF and sharpening service. Rossland Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Rosd Wes, HA 47462 vr RA R1734 TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chie plate, half with fries hembuirgs, chicken fish and hot dogs, ken french DAY chips milk shakes MODERM GRILL DELIVER --RA 5 WE i887 Sal td "5 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE ort Engines & Rotor Til Used | es Bought Sold. A ized Clinton, Power Products, Pin 81 Central Park RA 5-4633 35--Employment Wanted KELIABLE desires prt tine RA GWI25 LADY wants might ng, Beh washing sitting. BA 5775 EXPERIENCED National Bookkeeping Machine oper stor MO B45] fady Go Phan and Lay dor Blvd 22--Radio Repairs LA] ma work, office wih. No selling or n Ser VICE Phe INE world like work, free estimate FEpRIFS RA 57006 "ADO ar radio kes Lronios, Thompson Fie housework vlenn baby Avena Phone GENTLEMAN with own cement mises Phone | Eiioit Avenue. KA 56782 (Fred) rifin Kleetronics 19702 (Fred) radio makes. Thompson hott Avenue. BA SPECIAL ON 'FAMOUS for permanent position, Appi awn handwrt 0 PO Box SAMPSON HAR tylist ih shite TV TOWERS itentions, to Box 929 Oshawa HOUBKREEFER A041. 10 ingle Rade Write Box 826 channel head eT TEPRITE J 15 HOUSEKEEPER required with three small ehildren LLY RESPONSIBLE middle cre for intant hy de north west distriel, Write hy live in aled in new Box 28 full 4 ie Time modern Times for Oshawa LADY lo take charg {live in, telephone {GIRL for record har cash, Apply Dise Shop. ping Contre, KA 8:65 structure with AC 2:13 alle $59.95 come pletely installed and guarame RA 8-8180 et ISHAWA TV [iis FUE] HAIKDREREN, 361 GIBBONS ST wer ¢ HA 5.0820 year £5 KIven you as bonus American fashion frocks ni investinent North Ame to friends fr 14d Montreal 360 Piean experience Phone RA 54642 EARN 868 WEEKLY plus a free oben your spare time, Just Fashion Frocks to friends, No CRNVUsBINE experienpe Meg Write North Lid, 8425 Industrial Blvd Montreal 39 GENERAL Hike ehildre Hox Ad hoy REKEEVENR e days weekly ox 16 Oshawa HEGISTERED {teresting part time renumeration, Write imes Day or Night OSHAWA ELECTRONICS RA 8-5286 FULLY GUARANTEED TV RADIO Hi-Fi PARTS AND SERVICE Dept, | wanted Apply housekeeper £000 WARS Oshawa required Binal Times for home nurse required for rv $10 RADIO All SERVICE old Box #5 vance for your icture Tube For Fur Store TOWERS tin 10 eho alse Phone inters we office experience P 10 assist in 1 elling AM. for Thursday afternoon, 3.7921 fro heavy galvanized Thursday 16-90: teel. Installed with {year y RA Antennas moved , $10.00 . .. 7 EARN len & Lou's TV EXTRA MONEY RA 8.5804 or RA 5.7844 | : FREE SURVEY Salt 250 view warrant ele If Ama Qver Delux Chie i nal cards Toys, Books, welry, Many Club Z3--Women's "Column SPECIAL Cold wave i Pine Avenue items 8.50 Religiou Hawrdressing I includnig Velvet veryday ond Per Wraps, Ribbon D and Je item Py catol approval leandr Greeti 1253 King 5t Ont Heat 8.00 PUETANENLS mi Page HA 24--Market B Basket | CORN Gif YOUF awh For lored Apanish containers Nichalls first oor mph 0 cents do pick Jue amples on Ey mann Garage, Courtice ner 25--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL training, talking Broad, 114 } n Go north to milton LADIES half have half haby bhadgies, veady Apply East for Mis gin Street Just about the ydult $30 RA BOXER puppies 188 Celina, side Apply 39046 p for sale door or pulation day; tek, every the t wie lip 26~--Farmer's Column DEAD farm st pie collet, Hamplon Yui } They all use ip and tooths fd up prom COlax hone ena» Mariw WANTED WO Tow attachments ash pr immediately good used oain planter with fertilizer Any make, Will pay top ice. Phone OL 53019 27--Fuel & Wood DRY hardwoo Raves, stoves aad delivered CALL LE 6.0627 COLLECT il ends far fur 5 large suitable fireplaces, el¢ Phone RA 80812 PRIVATE SECRETARY for NIOR MEMBER of LAW FIRM 28---Summer Properties ™mwo Wong hedy near he oltige, Lake Che de toilet $i Peter wh, | small boat. Specia Seplem be weekly, WHitehall 23083 cottage haat ws Beach, All conveniences available for Seples Lake Daliymple, RA COTTAGES, camps, homes Kawartha Lakes northeast T 10. For free : Cock Wn Peterborough, Riverside MARJACK LODGE STU RGEON .AKE ewim acreage in distriol, 8 Tist tod, Realtors TET) WRITE BOX 21 OSHAWA TIMES Steno- © Cashier = HOUSEHOLD FINANCE HAS AN OPEN FOR A CAPABLE GIRL COMPETENT TYPIST W OR HOUT m 28a~-Trailers CAH FOR RENY amadates Tent ¢ sx people ader Phone week 2 MA NG 29--Summer Properties For Sale SALE 5 TH SHORTHAND FOR WiT 32--Articles Wanted WANTED TURNER 2043 RA} HOUSEHOLD FINANCE RA J 3374 SHAW WH KING EN 36--~Female Help Wanted | family RA woman te home Osh Osh home of widow's home, experienced on Oshaws Shop | CHRISTMAS hist "resting cards | 848 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dress l Special husine Just show North! from No your experience Fashion 3425 Industrial Bivd,, Dept 41--Room & 'Board preferred ward how nest RAL American Fashion Frocks #16 | fo couple Write (Room and hoard for gentleman wove plenty of 37 Male Help Wanted : YOUNG MAN To start in the advertising of Oshawa Times Some typing knowledge helpful, good spelling es- sential, Age group 16 to 18. Come in and fill out dept WANTED an application, ASK IN YOUNG MEN Hig 28 ror 10 tery part Plen port All fit FOR THE AD h Intensive prec fe ¥ ede iewing of job ty of unity end modern pr gram MRS VT training advancement ple Straight advancement HOUSEHOLD CORPORATION fal: | 05H 64 KING sition KENNEDY DEPT school graduate 21 to pre Is moje salar employee bene FINANCE EAST, OSHAWA ¢ BLOCK ) AWA 6 JITE 208, SHOPPING CENTRE ) r Ye of hr securit ) Y 39-Agents Wanted Ada's fi and an noom At W HOOM and board for two young gentle Appl vall HA men Card Over oh socintes or il Bireet ast, § 13 Pa RE] ne selection A roam and board for Iunches packed A rk ents, Sell of cris, Wen Ww L ax, Ont J J-4541 Road Nor ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, dow HA AY al town HA two | cooked lelenn red, or twink 965 | ROOM all Imeal Hoom | men, & | downto Inoom kel noon [Woom [share packed two pe tncation | Mil al Room {teacher {North MOB HOOM howd SON IN Cl [water centre | ROOM Room oparale | Bireet Ho n Hid town, 4 mis FOR married couple or three meals fulet Germa work with excellent Road South OSIawh (BOARD and room two close ie room eds and board anveniences Elgin ome North GM gontinuous hot n gentleman fr to for I Blreel hot home wil Ll] Pp lends to four hoys ih THRE onok nme personalized 0 cards to choose Bmith shat downtown, RK ® for entle | a9 th or clone East, | 80108 INTORE or one ohild option: (ral, heated vlose to down: | Ings LL water LU Park re ed |44--Houses, io, Apt Flots ROOMS iy or Fast honly oh APAREMENT = modern wo rooms, with wove, 9 "Yau or aller 5 pom. RA 3758, Five werial, heat, hot water, 04 pad oepupaney, BA 51343 or BA APARTMENT = ment, Hey couple A wo leo three ne, hare ed, BA 87577 or KA $0111 THREE lncnied, separate epirance, henyy wir ing, A 5 nished, RA 3421 coking facilities, Close to hospital and | lovely downiown BA | {ented, suitable for other small business {1neke {drapes and adequate parking. Located "THREE | Street after vy THREEROOM heated apartment, #1 Gladstone Avenue, RA 8.0083, | and b ingle wn RA 8:0064 und hoard | Auiet and hoard Close to Telephone HORS A reet and hoard and Adela 014 A and #04 BAN quiet meuls ard for ladies or ible J or ventral for North HA ROOM or room and board private for workers le w King Street East, he [1 rooms, el teachers o, HA 5004 Hentleme Plant, Vara home Wilson, Centr entle 08s lo r day | alter n 19 two gentlemen Park vicinity ith or w ime, good Continous near Road Phene Ithout Ri beds hot ¢ ¢ to South GM and shopping | #1 Park Head South for gentlem and hoard rooms 10 South GM plant for Apply hoard opi RA 599 ional, 3 two gentlemen, v as au ROOM and board in new home, park [ing fa RA 80 ities a Foy nf ROOM and hoard fo meals home RA #4 Room ROOM tinuous Apply FOR double ROOM Arate bi ain NEAR neato packed PONLIRY | Road N ™o home | Lunihe 43--Wanted To Rent WANTE ton ably WANTS ne 0) THREE Road unehes privileges 39 and hoar meals, plent Germa and ho hot #1 Rit ard | water packed elo we d for gentleman y n b GENTLEMEN lunches pack for eds one hreakia South GM home hed walter uth entiemen to PHY , Heges packed 11} for three Oshawa n we and two teenagers abstainers wo " good parking share home RA Furnished business girls Wise storey ormation gentlemen single to down of hot home Ll ¥entlemen ame priv an Road South single ples RA #2064 gentlen if desired and down phone Food | beds, town Home water, in Park COR ! legos and good op RA Lown, unohes week single cooked m 3 T043 apart vicinity Carners house, W Park beds neals | Taun: | nent Write prefer | "Phone RA 34) y Te Write MAR quiet Write Fw rom Flats THREY nol vig For Rent de a location 5 apes. facilities Prete apartmen w wparate wm 4 LOVELY lune eluding stave and refrigerator, private [Near sohools Shopping Paoilic vi suitable for | Nouth (if al {Naughton Avenue 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent FIVE apartment, haste #64 lights and whier supplied, od » RA S955) He am lob Lud "hd 1% WHITBY modern three bedroom. ne on fo yi, MO iy : (TWO. hoom apRriment. wo Vary hod hy 3 Avriy | wry Lund sto kien y velrg Yor 7m 1CORY list, very sentra, bath, built pew linaleum For Rent only, oo ad hosed, a ek. _ Ketrigerator, washer FOUR RURILMEM, ERIE monthly, in three - room, base. | 40d oy wiring, ewphosrds, wit | Bly winng, ouple, one owid, or elderly souple, y 210 adie Siroet {ula one _ehiid, o ba oom apartment with stove, UPNEAIRS apartment, Fonsn Apariment, _-- ii only, 870 moninly. Cali ou THREE . room spariment, private ene hast and water Inelud {runes hewvy wiring, TV outlet, sui | quiet working couple, Phone RA B57! womtrally | after 5 pom $810 4250. [ONE single room for refined Iady himadinte possasson |gentieman, close to Hospital snd TWO two-room Rpariments, sls three: snd North GM, office worker preferred, oom apartment, furnished or unfur | BA BOT. 327 Kingsdale [APARTMENT in Whithy, suitable one full lor two business or professions ladies, surroundings, MO $8613 NEW house, Dovedale Drive, Whithy, $100 monthly, Phone Toronte, WA 4160 wpariment, aiier 7.30 p.m al homn hase SWKER rooms, furnished or uphurishe PM ire, Available hone | #0, Close Lo Shopng cen Phone now, #l conveniences, Adults only, | AVY 040 King West very old house, wig with full Basement adults es Foon 2h Ao ight, oom ApRriment, Ld FURNISHED bed - siting room Girl preferred. Phone #0507 MODERN three room Inrge kitchen, Also three ment apartment with Both with separate snirancs, HA 34218 Hix North Oshawa, close to hospital, imme. | | th dinte possession, Apply 923 Leslie Street Fy fag Fy ig FOUR . room unfurnished apartment, ion Oshawa Blvd, North, Vmmedinte couple only, \mmediaie possession 24 pw session, Phone COlax 32074 yng Street West, Call between 1 10) RAMENT ~ Utes + room, Dane: ; {ment, Wewvy wiring, euphonrds, sult BTORE for Street, well icoupie, one ehild, 210 Chadhurn Street established wenirally 10 HL room unfurnished apartment, heavy wiring, two - room furnished iy | Apartment Adults. 72 Cadillag Bouth STORE, ventral location, good size, for | vio any business, reasonable rent {KA §:2729, 142 Bimeoe Bouth Foun room apartment, all eon venlenges, close to South GM, Apply 301 Cordova Road, Apt, 3 FOUR-room house, newly decorated, floor furnace, fenced in garden, heavy duly wiring, antenna, wood condition, suitable for couple, WH 2-4826 EMALL house, three hus stop, suitable for child only 358 Bulalie A 1783 FIVE room house, newly decorated, sion Beplember 0128 THREE yoom apartment, refrigerator slave and TV seripl 425 Ritson Rond Bouth, KA #0060 hriek all gone very Phone RA 6 eel bedroom house on qiel slrest in rOOme Ad rent Main hirhershop, Phone RA 34343 after 5 pm APARTMENT four King East, Ground floor sion Sept 1, Adults, L. 31708 MODERN electrically eqiipped, (wo bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Roed, Whithy, MO 5-5229. ™Wo month, - renms, 50, Posse oo Hancosk,! BA bedroom apariments, #8 wove, refrigerator, washers, dryers, hamhoo rooms, close to aouple with one Breet RA In North Oshawa, Call Pat Patterson at JA | B4061 of Douglas L, Gower, Real slate FOUR room apartment, suitable for couple with ons or two children, self contained. Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd HREE - room apartment, heavy duly wiring, eupheards in the kitchen, bath room, large hall Avoly 164 niell Alreet, close to Shopping BL or room, self « contained apart phone RA §-5053 THREE ment, heavy duly wiring, parking, util ities paid, reasonable, Telephone RA pentrally henting, wdults only located, posses RA | ol 15, private bath, Apply hungalow, central WIX-room venisnoes, 18:1040 after TWO-room unfyraished ground floor apartment, bullfin ecuphoards, double steal sink, private entrance, Phone RA B-0457 TWOhedroom apartment, Wilson Road |North at Lansdowne drive, $105, Main flooy apartment in duplex with bale oony mt 851 Lansdowne Drive near Core anation Kcheol; stove, frig, washer and dryer; possession October 1, Call op Frank Haglett, 3006 Bathurs Toronto, RUssell 51735 or RU business of parking, R Ah ®, Very oen 55980 even HA FOUR « room apartment, priv and entrance, Very central, included, Phone RA 51829, ROOM apartment, two hed room, one kitchen, hedroom, Karage, | available now ARIS, B14 Arthur | aym eras, 70987 | MIXroom house h Garage dhol entrance, adults only, KA 501 Bond arate " Drew Street, with Kast | arae, hardwood floors throlghout, rooms, available now, bullt n!lots of cuphosrds and clothes close Ripheards RA 3214 or 775 King Street | Apply 17) Kaiser Crescent [HOUSK for rent, suitable for | recreation room two storey Call RA BH apartment, heavy duty hath, separate entrance, #6, 49 Gladstone Aye THREE ROOM vis rooms | couple, abstain or 168 Harmony THREE-ROOM modern apartment, |frigerator and stove Street before 8 p.m artment, No pets Road North after 6 (Fou R-ROOM wiring, share Bept J 4064 re: | Available Apply 79 Centre {nue HA [FREE home to Protestant couple for full eure of wel boys eight and south OM, abs enue paren, completely ta hu irivate en: No children, Phone three:room apartment, In {hath 485 Witsoe nRoad | stainers ply good location RA D078 or all MO yume E ROOM | fvmished lose trance and bath RA 81780 THREE ROOM home, tiled Abstainers lately, heavy 130 Elgin [MODERN two-bedroom apartment, ar shopping centre, stove, refrigers ator, immediate possession, RA 3.4379, HA THREE ROOM apartment, heavy wire ing, private bathroom, sult two, S68 per month, electric ineluded, 337 King Nireet West corner King and Burk (GIVE yoom vent free to woman op couple in exchange for minding four ohildren, three evenings a week, Tele phone RA 5-8507 APARTMENTS = TW, room apartments in a ing, all convenieno #vallahle immediately Wayne Street [THREE-BEDROOM apartment, unfum [nished, private driveway 180 one fur nished room, in year old home, Teles phone RA 5.9561 [UNFURNISHED ment 2 trance hedroom APARTMENT SIMCOE N,, AT ROSSLAND Redecorated five rooms, stave, fridge, parking, Adults 100 RAS. 3302 "APARTMENTS small, elec: For further Apartment, private hath, no children please, only, Possession immed. duty wiring, RA 5:2677, st One large, one trically equipped information phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 BRIGHT bedroom LAIDE wood three and four artment builds ndry faellitie RA or ATTRACTIVE apartments, MANOR Holly. kitchens, electrically equipped, brogdioom, locker, hot water and parking in cluded, IMMEDIATE OCCU. | PANCY, Contact R. Vickery a | 2. ADE. round floor, apart rooms and hath, private ens adults, central, Also furnishe§ Apply 335 King Street East, --- TO RENT Modern, fully equipped ene and two-bedroom apartments from $95.00 monthly, Real Estate, 46 King St, West, phone RA 8:6228 ~- evenings RA 5.6342 FREE 2 WEEKS RENT Modern one-bedroom aparts ment, $85. 105 Croydon Rd. MO 84770 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT blocks north of King aot Lansdowne Drive, large living end dining room tove and fridge proot building, Immediate posses » GOWER---REALTOR RA 8.4651 Older-type apartments being redecorated, $55.00 monthe ly Modern 3-bedroom bun $85.00 monthly, Whi Mathews and Allen Ltd, DUNDAS ST, ¢. WHITBY MO 8.8531 Evenings TE 91812 (Pickering) and YU 5.7780 (Port Perry) alow, 215% 213 fF treet sound OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT, 2-4.6.ROOM UNITS, CENTRAL LOCATION, Phone DICK BRADLEY RA 8-1296 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevator service, oo 440--Rooms For YARaGr ladies. ro twa single men or also one Single privileges. Apply 8 War ren Cooking Avenue LIGRY housekeeping roam {trigerator, ventrally located {Elgin Sueel East. RA 310 LiGny houekooping double nicely furnished elrigerator Suitable Ml couple. 47% ue of Te Apply WN OOM, sink, fo King RA between | FURNISHED dowastal person preferred Apply | Street SINGLE room Apply [Ywo room ural shed apar ment. |irgerat ¥ y central, {private eatre Street E ast LARGE Stree borne Street and 8 pow, elderly Albert 5 reem ne clase 19 bus and shops Elena Stree) Apply 333 Ath 389 Pass New coated In Moderate rent, evoilobie THE TIMES BUILDING moot TL WILSON Phone RA 3.3474 anger building, Centrally downtown Ledses now {TWO fu frig. and sink APPIY 16 Simcoe Street |e ane Bb Ra Twe ae ve FURNDMME a wen

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