Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, ita : 4 | . Franc le - - a WHITBY and DISTRICT 4c Ws Crime Wave Ends jurenes Opn Manazers Lloyd Robertson rig Biron Otties: 11. Dundas Bly Yom Tel, MO, 83708] Aver 0 vacation of two months of prizes for the High Schon Blu With 48 Charge ONTARIO COUNTY WARDEN HONORED AT PICN on, pRG I vas = 0 MEEtings = the members of (EPS 16 GUE BHERIOR, BAG 18 Ee ' This evening ot the local arena IC 8t, Francis de Sales CWL Picker |1¢ wish o go he Adar Pickering Twp, Police helieve Smith's and irom Colonial Homes, marks the opening of the sll On thal we eo ing, turned out in good force BL 4 committee will glen be appoint. Hey have cracked a mansied, Jomes Franks pleaded BY 0 tarie Juvenile Lacrosse "B" Shae fi st Fall meeting, Miss Ver: ud fo study the peed for ir crime wave with & (otal of 48 theft of Miers Joi, ue series playoll. To get # under a Packer, president, welcomed English @asees in owr Parish, charges pends kguingt four liremen's hat, and 8 pool 7 MeQuoy the ladies back, and reports of Mrs, J, Howorth and Mrs, Mbp ong Rng Juveniles, The rom the South West Pickering ay he Thin host nd thelr summer aclivities Ww er & Yogerson were appoinied 10 the Tour youths ali of Fairport Fire Hall; breaking and Kidd ukiniies pin) hoy herd, Pickering Pubic Limary Board. | geo appeared before Magis the hardware siore in the West i series The main achievement of the! A roundtable discussion Wek irate ¥, 8, Enbs in Whithy police Bouge shopping centre; theft of J 4 summer was the reising of $65 held as Lo ways and mesns 10 Be court on Taesdoy and pleaded he tools wl Consolidated Build: CVEning's #8 8 contribution to World Relu- cure new League Members, W guiity to a variety of charges, WE; and theft of gasoline, i i». series gee Year, Several of the ladies was decided to have a Member: gor vuilty to others, Sg, John Pugh, of Pickering Bi Bg A Fesumes, of (oak time out from summer vaca: ship drive and Bunday, Beplember| po. ded for sentence on the Twp, Police Department, furthe: v tion to pitend Retreats and so Zith 1s to be Membership Target] Looe so nich they had plead. gave evidence, said thet the il ar A Same prepare fue soul and mind for the Sunday, Reverend Father A, Me guilty were Rongld Mollins, herd uwipment ond the fire! APROUNG busy sessions ahead. this winter, Mahon In speaking to the ladies we © Foil "gee bl" i dames man's hat were ed jn| 000 BF All the ladies were reminded of thanked them for their continued) probe "ig and Richard Findiay, ¥ranks' attic, The tools were the Annual Retrestants' Com: support hoth Hnanclasly and oir: 18 2 uid "ound under the veranda on Aug. | munion Breakfast on Saturday, ituglly, He reminded them (hat 12, I October 1, Tickets are available they were not Lepgue members Bog Piended #ulty to Meg Mollins told the court that they from Mrs, J, Howorth, Vetlersion only 12 Sundays during the [7% Frey yard in duly: break. had used his father's ear on Iwo from Father Mulvibill, Archdio- year, but on 365 days of the year, ig and entering van Sim oson's | €scapades but John Franks sald |eesan Spiritugl Director and Miss and their Vives must truly exemel ons cone tn the West Rouge thet most of the gasoline stolen {Mary Dobel, Archdiocesan Presi- plity the League Motto "For God Shopping Centre on Aug, 6: had been used in Mollins' car, | dent were read, It was with plea- and Canada", breaking and entering 8 plumb E------ ----, sure that we learned the Toronto! Plans were finalized for collect: Goo" nd Yeciing office, also in | Arehdiocesan Leagues had sur- ing for "Rosaries for Chile", ai oo theft of gasoline from passed their goal in raising funds end the meeting was adiowrned, (ue oe ked at Colonial Homes for Relguee Year, The flim showings scheduled for pg hy ; Ho ! Family Monuments Mrs, 4, Howorth, ¥duestion the social hour were not shown | J y : n y i g : | John Franks pleaded guilty to y Convenor, brought, the question'due to technical difficulties, | ,.0n"0r pasting on two. oeen:| Cregted Yo sions in July, from a lumber yard "i Ag % 4 . [In the township; theft of gnsoline, | Individual 7 771 Child Behaviour [or mms ies aCe Sd samme rr » from Smeolidated Bullders on STAFFORD BROS, fd Rotary Topic actised ad acted se hogs wn] Monumental Works Il AUTO TRIM [that it was he who had brought 318 Dundes Bent The relation between the de- moke a living and often they about the arrests by volunieering MO 8.3552 REAR-COUNTY SPORTS gree of youthful mishehaviour and enter jobs for the money, not hy the information Ph. MO 8-812 irvesponsibility and the current bition Findlay pleaded guilty to two times was the theme of the after | #MMHOR | eharges of stealing gasoline, from) dinner speech given to the Rotary A little judicial use of the pad - m-- ---- {club on Tuesday by Thomas Har-' dle by the parents plus imparting WHITBY | vis, [faith In God would he methods 1s could use in strengthen Mr, Harris, a barrister from 21°" Lu ! DAY-BY-DAY pl Perry, said young people) x pln ae hid i" oral fi Mr, Bi |today face more pressures than 'MOTAH HITE, Acre 54 DUPLICATE BRIDGE childven in the past, With the! Tf a better job were done in " : economic system that has de. the home in the way of diselipline Whithy Duplicate Bridge Club veloped the youth has become Mr, Harris feels the eourts would opens its 1060-61 season on Tues: | symptomatic of an easy living not he plagued by the many ju day, Sept, 18, at 6 p.m, In King parents. he state ore sl veniles Sireet 4 Bm School, New mem ny hon Ay ave i prin It Is a human trall to grasp for Hing ad ] igating Attention and, if not directed, the | hers will he welcomed ecipline and yet were castigating oot getting becomes de those to whom they had relegal JAILED THREE MONTHS led the authority to discipline Claude Marsden, of Bcugog Is-| Churches and schools, although 2 hest place to give author p and ort ( ( not the best place to § [' land, and Rober orhy, of Osh ity (the family Is), have heen ial ud Jeni io 1g? oy three designated hy parents to fill the PIANO LESSONS ! OPEN ; OPEN notte hy magisirale ¥, B, fbhe| resulting from the lack of ? in Whithy police court on Tues HAR ig Mig et 0 To commence Sept, 12th Se) BAM FRI, day when they pleaded guilty to The Registrations taken beginning 3 didi rohlem of undiseiplined helng intoxicated in public; It was! youth 1a not nd never has heen Sept, 6th MON, TO TILL (he third conviction within one 3 product of the curvent times, | "4 ¥en? 8. or phone MO 08-3054 SAT 9 P.M, year, | My, Harris sald, Boerates was ae DIANE GOODMAN . J ? 10 INCE 7 te unjustly of corrupting SUSPEND SEN ) cused, qui P k G I ' B F oi | the youth of ancient Greece, Even a trick Jallag hey 42, of Pine iy Grecian time the adults were | rave avenue, Pickering Twp, | shivking thelr duties to hand out | was placed on suspended sentence (he requisites of developing | for the theft of $105 worth of ply: | I . strong moral fibre, he sald i : wood Tro o ort Union it | th hk BF dtping ) f ; Allis not a product the time y | Gallagher was using the 42 sheets | |, Pa LIL Hig of the times of plyw to hulld we hy > Officials of Ontario County | den's Picnic, at Atherley, Dure | Col, Arthur Welsh and Mrs, [01 Piywaod to hulld a howe Wlame cannot be laid entirely on sighboring counties, along | ng the dinner, Mrs, Heron | Gibson, In the lower photo, fic vounger brother broug e|E PAFENiS oF the Younis | CORN PAINT ay neig wi i oo i h: Mong | was also honored hy the pre: | Warden Heron chats with, left, os ou ' brotha brought the, "pressures affecting the teen with two cabinet ministers On | coq ion of flowers, made hy | Hon, Dy, M. B, Dymond, Minis. peer today are husiness, payeho Tuesday paid tribute to the | Mrs, J. J, Gibson, wife of | ter of Health, and right, Hon STOLE WHEEL DISKS lngieal and sociological In nature F ROLLER KIT Warden of Ontario County, | Port Perry's reeve, In the | Fred M, Cass, Minister of | Goorgo James Steevers, 16. of| 118 teenager as a market has a % BROOMS Reeve William J. Heron, of | upper photo, left to wight, are | Highways, Plekering Twp. was Hit'od "$10 hocome one a the major dramas "w J! Jap, J 3 9 a - T ) JY or * J PAVY o Broek Twp, at the annual War. | Warden Heron, Mrs, Heron, Oshawa Times Photos |aog costs when he pleaded fullty |" adeLn ghverhung, the heavy Re 9c Valup METAL TRAY . ud Rui -- -- -- A | ie BULlY | p 8 Lod u to the theft of two wheel disks he 9 LJ DYNAL ROLLER forces them to make decisions from a car owned hy an Islington ! Ly man, which had heen parked in eatly in life, sald Mr. Harr, | EXTRA GOOD QUALITY Reg 2.50 Value J y TI bh | Youths today are, and they are y Pre dicts Cc ount To the township, Pickering Twn, Polyyqt entirely to blame, lacking am f lige told the court that Steevers bition, Easy living makes young | His Warship termed the theft : [4 Now 1.29 SET had attempted to sell the disks | sters piek the easiest route to : hd . "kind of a mean sort of a trick", i JEWELRY "ol EN | - - esponsi 11111eS aatTWELRY STOLEN WHILE WE HAVE THEM COMPARE THIS BARGAIN WHITBY helieve a $6000 jewelry robbery Ontario County Councillors William Manning 1s a member of from a eity home Was the work their wives and other guests were § the Prime Minister's advisory PERSONALS of professionals, The weekend councll and suggested that they robbery, disclosed Tuesday hy told at a dinner in Atherley on Tuesday night that county eoun might make the county council & police, was al the home of APP : 1 : N ' py . i . i Mr, and Mrs, D, W, May and|W, A, Oshourne, executive of LIANCES instead of disappearing as more important ced on the ma f A shourn executive q GOLD TRIM trimental to society and hence the juvenile delinquent, he said, expression, the els, many have predicted, will prob _. chinery of government, Amity spent a few days camping | Rahoock-Wilcox and Goldie-Me MOS 3707-118 BROCK ST : ably assume greater responsibill: 6S ao Col, @. Arthur Welsh, Ontario|'® Algonquin Park, \ Wiech, 8 : This Week Soy cup & ties in the years to come, Hon 4 4 County Sheriff and a former! Mp, and Mes, Charles Me! " -- ouTSIDE WHITE SAUCER Dr, M. B, Dymond, Minister of cabinet minister, delivered the Aughey spent the holiday week Health, guest at fe Warden's J address of the evening in Which end al their cottage on Kushog | * Picnie, in honor of Warden Wil 9 he asked county residents to give| Lake in the Haliburto striet, BUY NOW liam J, Heron, predicted that in v more assistance to the new Cana | Haliburton distrieg LJ Gal. ANCHOR GLASS WHITE a lew years county councils would Fy B® dians which are entering the! Mr. and Mes, Ivan MeKensie ADVANCE TICKETS REAL GOOD be assuming the same responsibil county, have returned from the holiday | ities as metro governments now i Last year, he sald, nearly goo Weekend where they visited in h Liat QUALITY BARGAIN . [ SET assume persons received their citizenship | Smith's. Falls, the guests of My in say entral Exhibition ; In a short address at the din in the county court at Whithy, ®nd Mrs, Lorne MeKenzie, ner, Dr, Dymond sald that it had EE v He urged that residents assimi:| Mp, and Mrs, H. J. MeKeown Se tember 21 22 23 24 taken him a long time to see the 1 gf | late them into their S0Ciely In and family, 708 Athol 8t,, have p ] y light insofar ¢ y councils § order that native Canadians could | returned from a week's holiday phd Ohare i hi i Er ener om thelr culture and shen in Michigan City, Port Available at ECONAWASH, ' H oir talents, ; y ig 48 But 1 now realize that at pres- | § "ou ont assets are not the United Baio, ier Parte of 109 Brock St, Whitby RANGE TOP--48 CUP---REG. 4.30 VALUE ent they are a very valuable cog 2 A " | in the machinery of govern our forests or our highways," he i Bb ae MA are so Bi Baw PYREX TEA POTS NOW 3.77 : i ples y i integrity of our people, Thy ave! family spent (he Labor Day week . the day will come when the coun end In Kingst as the gue ste rave \ the ones who decide where the Sh 1 KINESion as the guests of ty system of government will nation will go." Me, and Mrs, V, Lundy, | take on new and greater respon COL, G, A, WELSH M am 8 | und, 8 Sig hese pow cu Mr and Mea, Chain 0, Mg 8 GE. TEA KETTLES «% 11.77 He sald that he could hardly, '1® suggested that Ontario peo Radians & chance Ao do their! Lean, Mr, Harald Allman, Whit: | ole 14,95 [) part® he asked, "Sometimes 1 hy, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Aadrew, | | gee the necessity of forming any ple should take a closer look at 4 A 7 mare metropolitan areas in the the county system of government think not." Rickering, and Mr, and Mrs. Les b ® | -- ALWAYS BUY THE BEST WITH GK, "We have people whe have Allman, Oshawa, spent the week provinee because It appeared fo in Great Brilain asd possibly ap |jived here pe and do not end with Mp Mrs, W, A, him that county councils could ply it here : : know all the provinces in Can. Reid, af Camphbeliford, | assume their responsibilities He also noted that County Clerk ada nor even the name of the | ' mayor of Oshawa," he said.|, MM Jim MeLean spent the [These people have nat been Labor Day weekend with a friend, Phone MO 8.3618 | iven the opportunity in five years) M™ Jack Draper, of Hobeaygean ! ta learn the elementary faels| Mr, G. H. Randall, of London, | ; | WHITBY about our country, We could do a! On'ario, spent the holiday week > ® i SAVE NOW! BARGAINS great deal more than we are do end as the guest of his sister and LAST TIME Evening Shows At 7 & 9 pom, [ing brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Les | "Why don't ' lubs | McLean, of Euclid 8i, I AF ak TODAY Feature Starts At 7 8 0123 [do someting yay wis lelean, of Hue id 8 " at HEAVY DUTY CHARCOAL asked, "This is a matter of na | Mrs. Hugh McMaster, accom. nding GALVANIZED ADULT ona marian Wo hve goto fd har mother, As 4 © le SCRUB TUBS sun 15 > 3 3 10 adel, ave PLUrnes "Ql - ai | ENTERTAINMENT cee Juotle Mi eet week's trip, They flew from To, a Reg. 49¢ ---- ronte to Montreal and them ens 4 Joyed a boat tour, as far as Mur MOVIE-WISE. ray Bay, Quebee, | 2 NOW 1.59 NOW 40° Drove Truck | 50 FT, 7/16 IN, 8 IN, 115 VOLT { QOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED THERE | Mr, and Mrs. Ross MeLean ELECTRIC F LAWN HOSE Hy G FANS NAS NEVER Through Fences, [ii sili a wider id Suspend Sentence |, it rx Aer ey LAWN Ja ALUE 1.27 woo 877 1] OUT THEY GO AN NING | A l6yearald Rama Twp. youth ding anniversary on Sept, 7, On LIKE E who drove a truck through some Saturday they entertained friends back fences was Tuesday placed and relatives at a garden party Wi suspended stnisnce ht eis Miss Mary MeNee, of Montreal, "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AN SARETY* i I ene o ah B . the awner's consent and malicious hi Bag] a py iy Ne . . ' damage. « Gregory Shilling was M i k ot McNee, 12 duel Eg Se Magician tp, 4 Mos Robvet Meee, 101 Buell ll soilth. @ age. do. fil every. need Ebhs in Whithy police court LOVE-WISE, Shilling's trial was held last . » HE th in Breoh lice court, 1 DISCUSS HARBOR I LAUGH-WISE mains rok J ,J1|_coman a CONCRETE WHITBY HARDWARE LTD Worsh ted that the evidence Zoverament analysis met Tues *. or OTHERWISE-WISE! indleatect that Shilling had taken day Bi council members of | 0 PRODUCTS A ---- a truck from a farmer's yard, but, this Lake Ontario town 40 miles JACK LEMMON fnstead of ariving it oy on the west of Belleville discuss Ne BROCK ST. WHITBY PLAZA " Toad, hu oul the wires on some Ways Ho improving harbor facil LIMITED * WHITBY ONT SN hae ences and had driven ities. Acting mayor, Reeve Jack RLEY MaolAINE through the fields yl. Heenan, sad towp Biady Bitsy : : A FRED MacMURRAY The accused offered no explan. a er and betle al and o For Free Estimates Rey ation for the incid $ dW achieve th th Walston w Edie Adame «ov BUAY WILDER wo LA L DIMONS His Worship told aceused to i Ap aid to be Dial Oliver 5.3311 ---- AY WL 3 " : ig DER Td mt on 0 AN NY ATED MTETY 'stop all this nonsense™ while he ened to 20 from 18 feel to al Was on probation, low in coal and oll tankers -- -

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