Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 4

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Half arrived here from Ottawl SERRE ond her Y Hall's body wes removed MEXICO CITY APT to ' inet 4 ilo the Juarez LE Half, 8 Tiyenrold Canadien scribed [J 'a @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdey, September 7, 1960 » | 1 Quitting Hawks Court Informed de hy polis view "2 Suester Police said they have not eatahe Yona A dat chest|lished & definite motive for the (by # women painter sabing, ' miter he ACCLAIMED or even 0 : Wyanng=3 RE Vilas | Water Tuesd 8 ! y iin at the club end he Js selling | OP Stan R sald he anisred the dance hell al "880768 other officers from the Bowmanville detachment at Pes have had rouble bi 1225 am, on th morning inl J 8 Worship se 0 question, He said when he and|¥'*h to single ut he { olden the other officers entered the hall Hawks 2s Fou he any Cawker was involved in a fight| more kaah any iy group and hed to be pulled sway from | CAUSE here ma one ef, in the group, But he said all the person he was fighting with, Pe Rospond said Cawker was|tokes for that one bad egg In any # ooh sg 13 By te Ho runken condition, e | Cawker was among the Golden| He said the courts do not eon- Hawks arrested at Bowmanvi'le's!demn a whole group by the se- west heach June 25 during ®itions of a few, but they some: police raid on 8 west beach eob-| times have to make ap example tage, of the few, is the third time pol ENT AT FRENCHMAN'S BAY such ss the walk-off last week job because te Sevient masen p dhe Jhb. Police is not 2 member r union, Bn eye on the strikers a Bg BA Wit toe Roofers, electricians, road | there was no trouble reported, builders snd the gas main | ~Photo by Barrie Pomeroy Fined $100 [Dance Hall Fight For Beer Cawker sald he was 8 member! He told Cawker to stay out of DEVELO ers expect that some of the homes will be occupied by De- cember, barring difficulties Here are the first homes in the 3000-home development at Frenchman's Bay, The develop Expensive Hunt In Grain Field ple kept on the job, Police | Ke PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE! Registrations are now being accepted for h BOWMANVILLE ((Btaff )~|weapon ard without the owner's John Ryken, of Burketon, was concent, Ryken was fined $15 end fined $15 and assessed eourt{$3 costs, or en additional five| costs totaling $16, or 10 days, days, He was waried if he was when he pleaded guilty before every charged and convicted Donald Alldread, 8, of New- Magistrate R, B. Baxter Tuesday again under the Game and Fisher. castle, was Tuesday fined $100 to a charge of hunting without a/les Act the m ximu, penalty rnd costs, or one month, when licence, {would be Imposed, {he apneared be'ore Magistrate On a second charge, to which he! A third charge, of possessing a 1, B, Boxter on a charee of sup: also pleaded gullly of entering a pheasant during the closed sea: plving liquor to a8 minor standing fleld of grain with a son, was dismissed as His Wor-| Witness Charles Brian Aldred ship sald Je "would be Taiher| (pn relation), 17, also of New- reluctant to conviet on the evil, : b, 9 Wins $1000 dence", But he told Ryken he faetle, suid In mot the accused Agriculture Scholarship was reluctant to believe his Lory. avout 5, and snogested they go PHEASANT FEATHERS hh Rowmanville to get a case of Harry Lumseen, a Department beer, of eo and Forests lologist, The vouth testified he pave the fdentified feathers produced by|nerveed part of the money for Crnservation Officer Doug Pow:|n 24.pint ease of heer which he By IVY THOMPSON DUNBARTON --- Willlam M Kay is being congra'ulated on winning a $1000 Ontario Agricul: ture College scholarship Mr, and Mrs, George McCon- Results In Fine of the Golden Hawks but is in the! To Minor a OC { BOWMANVILLE (Staff) tion, He had to be pulled away|process of getting out, He said he Purham County while on remand BOWMANVILLE (Steff) Benjamin Angi, 23, of 38 Te- from the person with whom helhas already handed in his resig. unl . cumseh street, Oshawa, was|was fighting and the officers had nation at the club and intends east and then just fo pass fined $25 and costs, or five days,|to use force to get him out of the|selling his motorcycle, through on Highway 401, when he appeared before Magis (hall and into the cruiser, The accused said however, that |= pa trate R. B, Baxter Tuesday on. On the way to Bowmanville|the Golden Hawks are not just] CANADIAN VISIT a charge of causing a disturbance lock-up the accused kept curs-lout to "make a name for them-| in a Caesarea dance hall Augustiing and swearing and was sick| selves", and as ap matter of fact {in the eruiser, the officer said, 4 thefr president is trying to get alll George Mallinson, works mana. | On a second charge, of being| Constehle Pat Cornell, one of|the members to join the civil de. ger of a Bristol ashestos company drunk in a public place, Angiithe officers called to Caesaren|fense organization 'fo do some. lis 10 spend a month in the Thets was fined $15 and costs, or an to assist P.C, Rospond, said Angi|thing to win hack their good|c 0 aiciviot of Quebee visiting | additional three days. |was being placed under arrest|name,'" | estos uk 4 arhest | In addition, he was told if he when he arrived at the dance| After the evidence was heard, | Ashestos mines and ashesios yarn |appeared on a similar charge hall, {Police Chief Bernard R. Kitneylfactories, again, he would either go to jail,| He said he did not see the|™ ---- n or would be placed on probation|accused fighting, but secuffling for no less than a year, with a with the officers placing him un- 9 pm, curfew, der arrest Angi was eursing OPP Constable Stan Rospond and swearing on the way to Bow- aid he was in the Caesarea area Manville and outside police head- rlier in the evening of August quarters here when he was and while on duty there he had cleaning up the mess he left in occasion to make a couple of|the cruiser, arrests, He sald Angi tried to] Acting Crown Attorney Harvey disturb him while he was mak-{R. Brent, QC, told His Worship ing the arrests, he understood from the officers that Angl had been back up in REPORT OF TROUBLE the area looking for the same He heard that there "was person with whom he was fight. 1 4 ess he has reason fo be going! BRISTOL, England (CP)=| FALL TERM OPENING TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1960 AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Eight Day-School Courses from which to choose Modern Equipment and methods. Personal, Indivi dual instructions in major subjects, Over 100 Grae duates placed in 1960, Evening Classes -- Tuesday end Thursday Evenings 7:00 - 9:00 p.m ~~ Tuition $15.00 per month ACT NOW! GET THE FACTS! CLIP AND MAIL THE COUPON SS SR SW GS GWE SNS GES SER GER SNR AWE WW WE GE A WW A ell as those belonging to a phea-(wert ard nuchased, achie, Hugh and Bob have re sant, | He seid they went to the side turned home from a two-week Garbage From d in the Specialized B Training offered Deputy game warden Fred roads Friween Bowmanville and Payne, of Hamp'on, said he went Newerstle and "just drove o.| With officer Powell to Ryken's around and drank the heer," He residence August 2, after Mr, «lated he got to the stage when motor trip to the West Coast, Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Green, Douglas end David have return: ed home from a motor trip to Annther witness testified he | heard shots then looked down the road and saw a car, He heard more shots then looked into the field where he saw a pheasant ted he drank eight or 10 pints of Peer Town Constable Lonis Philling seid he went to the seene of an FEATURE TIMES =~ 1:35 - 4:00 - 6:30 - 9:00 PM, with other officers from Bowman: teo much of this sort of thing go- ville detachment, he entered the ing on at dance halls during the 3 | by the Oshawe Business College, hall, summer, He told Angi he od When the ofMcers entered, Con-|let him off with a fine this time, | about a re {Poy School .....000000 Evening Classes ovr nnnnne | Please send full particulars to: Powell received a complaint bn felt it was no lrmger safe for | that someone was shooting In a him to drive so the older man I field in the area that morning. He (ank over He fell peloen in the sald he found the feathers in the oar pnd the acensed hecame in. going to he a8 rumble" in theling when the charge was laid, ean in Ryken's kilehen. volved in an aceident. He admit./dance hall and at 12.25 am,| The magistrate said there fs the Maritimes, Rev. James Payton and Do othy of Gananoque visited his daughter, Mrs, D, Thompson and family, of the Base Line for neoident on Duve street south at stable Respond said, Angi was but warned him 11.80 nm. on the night In aues- fighting and in a drunken condl-'occurrence, tion, He said on his arrival the| - - = he found the vouper Alldred was hy aired" ane man carrying something put it, "'well impeired", but both denied) into the trunk and the two drove|they were driving the car, "They ofl, The witness got the licence hoth #rid the other wag the driv: number and reported the incident er,' PC Phillips seid, Conservation Officer Powell, |= r.| fly out of a bush, Then he noticed a man stoop and pick something up, He noticed another man and the two went to a car, The one Youth And Girl Return To Homes BOWMANVILLE (Staff) province-wide search by police for an 18-year-old boy and 13 year-old girl, who left their New- | Nome .vovnnnnrsnnnnnnvnnne Phone Now (ov nnnnns Age teen OSHAWA DRIVE-IN | Box-Office Open At 7:30~~Show Starts at 8:00 pm, ACADEMY AWARD WINNER CHARLTON HESTON in several days last week, They re IT turned home on Aug. 30, accom panied by Betty Payton who | Grade attained of High School ,..... Signed rove es | spent the month with her sister, | WW WE WN WN WNT WN WS WOW WW WN WW WW WE WW OW WW A Mr - Guay was (aken to hospital after his daughter was missing. | Meanwhile, provincial police| took out a warrant for Fisher's) 0008 BY TECHNICOLOR | Mr, and Mrs, William Dowie| lo | -- ke spent! Ryken sald he picked up a and Gays visitng. with Me. and Wchbiker on his way fo Haydon Four Rescued and on the way, they saw a fox Mra, Howard MeCloment, Mary| atl in the field, He sald he shot| home on Tuesday, | went and got it, Ho aid he ou From Outboard Congratulations to the Squires|the fox in his trunk, thea too CLEVELAND (AP) Four |castle homes Saturday afternoon . 8 home and burned It, oe 4 »(arrest, charging him with ahduc:| Baach Junior als ol om He admitted the feathers came| Cleveland men who spent twoiended Tuesday afternoon, [tion of a child under the age of| McKay shared the pitching and short stop positions with Leona Sleep completing the battery as catcher, Comprising the rest of , Arthur Thompson Ba, A They Jeft. for at It two or three times then {nights adrift in 8 small outhoard! Jon Brian Fisher and Mildred sare Tuesday ion. from his home, but sald he had! nights a 3 . . |14 years Tuesday morning, After lor, ins ay Oe Killa about half a dozen cats around Motorboat on Lake Erie were de:|Eva Gudy returned to Bowman: eturning with the girl, Fisher! the team were Ann Thureson, Sandra King, Barbara Smith, Judy Buksa, Linda Plitz, Brenda Day, Beverly Marco, Barbara Gibson, Phyllis Rooney, Carolyn Plitz and Linda Rooney, Mrs Oliphant acted as team manager with Mr, Piddiek as coach, Mrs, J, F. Mills is now Rome but Is still having a bit of dif. fieulty getting around as her eyes are &'ill hothering her, The Bay Ridges Subdivision, which was progressing very rap. idly, has heen delayed bv the re. cent strike, For several days last week police were standing by to prevent any outhresk of trouble Miss Lorna Hamilton visited Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Raymond in Wexford last week, Miss Sharon Gibh visited friends in Sawba Bench for al [the pl ace and they are always|livered to their anxious relatives ville around 4 p.m, Tuesday after-| was arraigned before Magistrate PLUS MAD-CAP RIOTOUS FUN! bringing something in, they may have hrought a phe sant into the house, AEC Lowers Danger Point WASHINGTON (AP) The Atomic Energy Commission an. {nounced Tuesday sharply low. ered radiation exposure limits for workers in atomle industry plants, The AEC sald the changes are '"hased on a desire to bring ra. diation standords Into accord {with new trends of sclentifie opin ion and to reflect awareness of| the probability of a large future] increase in radiation uses." The new rules will Limit the He said here Tuesday by coast guards: noon to visit the girl's father in| | men, | But first they got a lecture from coast guard officers on sea. | manship, The four, reported missing Sun. | day night, were sighted two miles off the Ontario shore by the| Canadian tug Leanie, which sent| a radio message to the coast guard, They were: Donald Buchman, 23, owner of the boat! George Juretz, 21; Jim Petro, 24, and Joe | Palinkas, 21, | The coast guard sald the four, left here for Cedar Point, Ohlo, | en route to Erleau, Ont, al aj time storm warnings were out for the lake, The 8%-hour gaso:| line supply they had was insuffi. | cient to power their 15-foot eraft on the trip they planned, and they ran out of fuel, The coast guard sald they had no compass, ro charts and no flares and rais R, B. Baxter, without plea, on the abduction charge, Ball was fixed at $2000 property and will be in effect until next Tuesday, when Fisher is to ap- pear to answer the charge, Still wearing the black slacks, | white shoes and grey sport shirt Initial Meeting he was reported to have heen anny GRACE MILLA ins YoOTIE When last seen, Fisher of the Women's Auxiliary 10 the told the Times he went to Winni- Afax and Pickering General Hos. | P8 Saturday from Malton and re. J ld on Monday | irned there Sunday afternoon, pital will be held ¢ * |He sald they took a hus to Mal:| | evening, Sept, 12, at 8 pm. inion "then flew to Winnipeg and| \ . N { the nurses' residence, [returned to Toronto Sunday, He Members are being asked fo'said they ran out of money and| bring at least one friend who may | walked from Malton to Whithy be: | he interested in joining the Aux: fore getting a ride to Bowman: | liary, ville ! There will also be a Dutch Aue-| = tion following the business meet ing, for which members will do-| nate small articles similar to) those brought In the spring [ Bowmanville Memorial Hospital after reading press reports thal Auxiliary Holds CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON "DEAR GREAT AUNT AGATHA . . WE ALL LOVE OUR NEW ROOM!" "It has so many uses, Right now I'm using it as a writing room but the children use it 3 GRAND ACTION. THE GREAT CRISIS OF THE NORTHWEST! BOLUNBA PICTURES pol J to study in and Bob keeps his library here, And , , , best of all , , , we can convert it inte a spare bedroom er guestroom so that you'll finally have a room of your own when you come to see us, BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES supervised the whole building job, and of course it was built with their beautiful materials," Free Estimates , , . Remodeling Plan Books FREE DELIVERY ; {caloulated the drift of their hoat, al external radiation exnosure|----- - that any worker mav accumulste a beyond the are of 18-the bherin CATTLE BREEDER One (10 REG 0 «eit dO CALLAUGHTON. England [ning of the a ae (CP)~S8hropshire farmer Richard | to an average of five roentseas| Milner, who helps look after one a vear and to mot more than of Britain's most famous Here:| EYE, England CP) nls three roentgens in any one guar. [ordshire cattle herds, is to attend Onyon, helieved to he Britain's tor {the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, |aldest druggist, was 05 last am tte Sn, ied 1 Alrx| Present. mits. op radiation | He hopes to sell one of his prize month, He was mayor of this Rosnital las ( ras I | bulls, Wem'ock Beamish, |8utfolk town 13 times, buried on Tuesday from MeEach-| workers are 0.8 roentgen a week, nie's funeral Darlors, A {or anproximate'y 15 a year, with. eb Rig igh out further resirictions as to de. Blue Mountain Camp at Collin. |cumniated dose, A roentsien is a wood, mepsure of x-ray quantity, week, returning home on Monday. |, + Mr, and Mra, Gordon Jackson | and family who have heen in Metz, France, for the last three| years, spent two weeks with Mrs, | Jackson's parents, Mr, and Mrs C. 1, Fletcher, They will he livine in Ottawa where Mr, Jackson will be nosted with the RCAF, i Knitters will work on baby] hootees and wool will be on hand at the meeting, ECHNGOLOR OLDEST DRUGGIST JURGENS DAWN ADDAMS THE HOUSE (0]3 INTRIGUE lr) TODAY ONLY "LI'L ABNER" | "THE FIRST TEXAN" -- For valuable training in the design, epplication and selling techniques of RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING attend the ACADEMY OF LIGHTING ARTS 12-week course the picture W a loan of Need a rumpus room? We'll show you how to turn your basement into one, SAM SPIEGEL smesenne BURN CLIFT LITABETH KATHA AYLORK TENNESSEE WILLIAMS JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICI SAM SPIEGEL ig ADU ha Give your car the home it needs, See us about a new garage, 7:30 pom, to 10 p.m, every Monday night = Mon, Sept, 13 «+ Mon, Nov, 28 Inclusive BARDOT Brings You Fabulous FUN! AY The Public Utlitties Building, 100 Simeon Street South, Oshawa, Ontarle, STOP IN TODAY FOR ALL THE EXCITING DETAILS BROWNS LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL RA 5.4704 7? QSHAWA, ONTARIO Sponsored by Ontarie Hydro Oshawa Public Utilities Commission or bankable SUPERIOR FINANCE Je FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 17 SIMCOE ST, N. CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.654) Branch offices throughout Ontarie. For ink JACK RISEBOROUGH, -OSHAWA P.U.C: TELEPHONE NO, RA 3.4624 Columba Meters Posenty 4 Baal § Leg Peedvitmn I "Babette Goes To War® | awenag JACQUES QNARRMR * lan

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