Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1960 Prost, Lh Frost Raps | Race Prejudice TORONTO (CP) ~ Premier! { Frost called for en | |lightenment and understanding 19) s Adioad, racial dill in On ER warm x ' tarie "In owr enlightened mwiting discrimination and the depriving of 8 fellow citizen of another| race, creed or color of his dignity ond fundamental rights," he seid, open ng of sn educations! ei ign Ontario is y lines, The code, based on the Fale Accommodation Act gnd Fair Employment Prac | tices Aet, says: ] | "It is public policy In Ontario) [that all its citizens are born free ad spat in dignity and rights! | withe regard to race, ereed,| Lg fA ] place of origin, ! Thomas Eberlee, chairman of the Ontario Anti-Diserimination| Commission, seid 7.500 personal letters are being sent to eivie| officials, clergy, Whrarians, pory- ice clubs and newspaper! rer | (questing co-operation in publieiz-| ing the code London Swine | LTH og rv yy Practices! y INTERPRETING THE NEWS Algeria Problem Worries DeGaulle kind of iestion for { What 5 or lor laying » Ww," a powerful & vole 4s the les or Russia, of hure m practice fhe possitle | was established in 1945 some astate tem of so-called weighted v {could have heen (Winston Churchill has been those who have since sug. the idea~but nobody ex success for any such pro- now, five voles 959, thanks mainly diplomatic mencenvring France, A twothirds majority ucisssary for approval. ! In 1956, France avoided defest| by 8 squesk tt siagle vote--| peels his grest personal prestige, A dozen or more new African countries are scheduled he admitted ss UN members in the assembly session beginning Sept 20, De Gaulle may feel they will swing the belance against him, although many are mi the French community, (01404 TK 6) peau Valley TONIGHT But a sampling of opinion at N headquarters in New York indientes it is regarded an open) question, I UN VIEW ui Relax in Comfort Win AtEx. | TALLY-HO ROOM "Much depends on what wi | Peanu Butter 2» 79° Van Comp Beans win Pork 2 #4: 35¢ Luncheon Meat And Special K Sugar Frosted Fleke 4 00 CHEESE SLICES 2 for B3¢c SPECIAL 6Y3-0Z, PKG, KELLOGG'S CEREALS 12.02, TINS | TORONTO (CP)--Ernest Rob. happen between now and when| \son sind Bon, London, Ont, and the matter is debated," one of Canadas Packers, Maple, have f'rie! said, "The members of the| won most of the major awards in French community may he eon the judging of landrace swine at/tent to influence the terms of {the "Canadian Nations) Exhibi-| whatever resolution Is intro-) | tion duced," BRIEFING AT THE HOME FRONT A Congo women made a point | supporting secessionist move- | inces were reported today to of getting in the last wold ia ment of Albert Kalonji y Kagol | wave joined the resistance to saying goodbye to her hush province, The woman later en- | army. of Con Premier in Elisabethville, Katanga prov. | listed in the volunteer army, | the y ngo AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster _ Quality Meats Canada Packers had senior and. While de Gaulle produced noth-| |grand champion boar. Robson Ing new on Algeria in his press and Bon had junior champion conference Monday, he did em-| boar, reserve grand champion|phasize the virtues of an "Alger-| boar, senior and grand chempion| lan Algeria" in association with| sow, and reserve junior cham. France, He has a way of chang pion sow, ling stance imperceptibly '-- of} W, Bchreurs of Ingersoll had moving while seeming to stand reserve grand champion, junior still, . champion and reserve senior| Algeria's choice, said de Gaulle champion sow, (remains secession, integration or) Other major awards | association with Prance, But it Reserve senior champion boar seemed to observers he stressed ~H, H, Gellen and Bon, Inger- more than ever hefore the desir: reserve junior champion! ability of association, He gave no | comfort to the rightists who want integration and he sald secession ince, last week, He was leaving | The first elements of Kalonji | Patrice Lumumba | with other volunteers of army ' volunteers from Katanga prove 1 P Wirephoto) Liber 1 Leader Asks Identity For Canada By FORBES RHUDE sold our birthright for a mess of Canadian Press Business Editor| below-par US, dollars? KINGSTON (CP) -- Canadians] "We are talking a lot about harder to eonvert an European soll free-trade area into an Atlantic|S50Hi free - trade area? Why do we|boar--C, A, Best, Georgetown spurn--as unworthy of a second PE -- EE ---- can play their part on this contin-| this threat, But what are we do- Shurii-gs wiWorthy of 4 sevond i result tn wholesale slaugh: GET THE BEST | For Less At MODERN | UPHOLSTERING 926'2 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 ' OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY ent and in the world only if they ing about it except to suggest maintain a distinet Canadian| ways of cutting off our Canadian identity, Liberal leader Lester|nose to spite an American face?" Mr, Pearson described unem-| . . B. Pearson sald Tuesday night, He said the Liberal record ployment as the major cause of | In Winnipeg Addressing a dinner of the showed that it eould reconcile domestic concers, | io . affirmed that what the UN says! Study Conference on National nationalism and neighborliness, | In the field of social security, | TORONTO (CP) Two teen: A wil make no difference Problems, he added; | Mr, Pearson said basic re: Mr, Pearson said the real issue agers missing for a month have| i" gic policies regarding the| "1 do not believe that the|thinking is essential in'the prob-{is how to earry forward the been located in Winnipeg, police Algerian war, which France res| from the United Kingdom?" Find Teenagers ter, - | UN SNUB | In any case, de Gaulle has re- roule's Beef is red brond beef--Canada's finest quality to insure quality flavor ond tenderness ROUND STEAK or ROAST 79: SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST 89: | RUMP ROASTS rouwo ovo 79% WING and" T-BONE United Slates covels us 8s a satellite or as six or seven new) states in the union, If we lose| our national purpose and identity| it will be by our own default,|tinental nuclear missiles and our| dividual, and the capacity of the! winnipeg police Liberalism must give leadership] to ensure that this default does not oeeup, "But before we start waving the Canadian flag, we had better agree on one; and before we sing our own praises too loudly, we should arrange that we are all doing it in the same anthem, This Is another Job for our party," Mr, Pearson made his com: ment in the eourse of an outline of the problems facing Canada, SEES US, THREAT lem of defence--hoth in relation to national policy and Interna: tional collaboration "With the advent of intercon entry into outer space, every: smaller powers, "Canadian polliey has not changed with it and there is no sign that I can detect that those| responsible see any need for change," MUST EXPAND TRADE In regard to International trade, Mr, Pearson said Canada will be foolish if she assumes that GATT and multilateralism will ensure satisfactory trade ex- pansion, "Reduction of trade harriers thing has changed, especially for| further improvements in the|sald Tuesday present system which are re:| Bandra Penrose, 13, is being quired, without undermining the|peturned home and Raymond | freedom and Initiative of thé in: "Phompson, 17, is being held by sustain |eountry"s resources lo i a ale 3 ns have ann' on Thursday after Appearing | ; ave ph ] vharge On. | essential function in the econ: court where a sharse of con om {tributing to juvenile delinquency i A " he added. "must not |W be heard against Thompson, only he accepted, hut welcomed { There is therefore no point in viewing labor today in the con text of the struggles for the| recognition of unionism itself That has heen decided, The sen sible approach is to view modern| unionism as a new power in the| social structure, It should then be possible to discuss how the eco. Miss Penrose is to leave Win: ° Moscow Visit 'Interesting' yards as a domestic problem out-| | side UN scope, He said f "If it 18 true that one may find | within this organization a major-| ity formed of totalitarian states | , of states badly informed or for whom international life is made up of perpetual invective, {France does not recognize in Isuch a possible majority any RUG CLEANERS ® Dyeing and Repoiring ¢ Binding end Fringing . Mothprovting Wall te well carpets cleaned In your home Mayor's STEAK or ROAST Ib. 89- Canadian National Exhibition Show Beef Available at SPROULE'S this week----Enjoy The Finest SWIFT'S VUE-VAC COOKED MEATS MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF -- DUTCH LOAF--BEEF--VEAL--PORK & CHICKEN PICKLE & PIMENTO ...... YOUR CHOICE 6-0Z, PKG, IG UO CRE TR te Tire LRA ATRL AAAS AS) nomie and social goals of ee OTTAWA (CP) ~ Moscow's ban planting and especially the He said dependence of Canada on the United States market for trade and on U.S, capital for de. velopment is an increasing threat to Canadian independence, and asked, "Have we escaped the colonial frying-pan to have jumped into the Washington fire ave we is as important as ever but not cries as protection versus free trade; imperial preference or reciproeity, "Furopean developments have which we don't seem sufficiently aware, Why aren't we trying Cattle Honors Go To Ontario TORONTO (CP)-Ontario ex: was Cheapside Betty 34th, owned hibitars, continued to take the top by J, A, Atkinson of Nanticoke awards. in cattle judging at the|She was also senlor female Canadian National Exhibitionichampion. Reserve grand cham: Tuesday, but an English entry pion and reserve senior eham was topg In the Hereford judging. [pion female was Maple Ledge T. Alek Edwards of Arva won| Rosemary 8rd, owned by Clan the premier o Xhibitor andence A, Peacock, Milton, hreeder awards for O60 Other major winners Angus with E. P, Taylor of Tor Reserve junior champion bull onlo Funenup {Hillview Homage, D, 2, Gibson The premier exhibitor award 0 Son. Caledonia: roserw for dual purpose shorthorns was| » LRledOn A; reserve sen y ' or champion bull---Marshall 8rd won by Allan Wallace and Son of in" o MeCa Cav Courtland, Q, E. Wiggha and|™ mus, Gavan, Sons of Kemptville won the pre:| The grand champion hereford mier breeder award, The top/bull was Chadshunt Paragon, The two awards for regular short:|Willls entry was also senior horns went to 8, G, Bennett of Champion bull, Georgetown, The reserve grand champion a major significance for us of| now in terms of such old battle| ism can best be harmonized with! mayor says he | " |dence of "weak knowledge" of lawns, the cleanliness of wooded the publie interest." | The sessions, heing held at| [Queen's University, will continue! until Saturday has detected evi Russia among Canadians, Nickolal Bobrovnikov in @ the sponsoring committee, sald pe observed a keen interest by | the meeting was one of "liberals minded people" but not of the| Liberal party, | C., M, Drury, Atlantle Treaty Organization should he in forms which will| contribute most to growth of the| Canadian economy, Mr, Drury, president of Pro vinelal Transport Company Lim (ited, Montreal, added: "I am {afraid that what we are doing now 18 not ton helpful to the| Canadian economy." | Ronald Ritehle of Toronto also] slated that Canada's contribution should be both of value to the alliance and her own economic strength, | Mr, Drury and Mr, Ritchie were commenting on the malin address delivered hy Dr, James Kayrs, assistant professor of po litieal economy at the University of Toranto Prof, Euyrs United States fiid it is not the and her presence on Canadian soll former deputy| "Ny must frankly admit," minister of defence, sald Cans|gaue Sithat the questions we were the attractive packaging of ada's contribution to the North|gametimes asked testified that|goods, colorful shop window digs certain Canadians possess rather Plays and advertisements, {Canadians in Russian life, peo ple, sclence and culture while uring Canada, he weak knowledge of the Soviet, "For Instance, some of them were of the opinion that deputies to the Moscow Soviet (roughly the equivalent of a Canadian city counell) were not elected but ap: pointed and that only Commu: nists eould be deputies "We, therefore, had to explain deputies were elected to the Mos cow Soviet and there were many nonsparty people of different pro fessions among them." Mr, Hobrovnikov headed a dele: gation of Moscow Soviet deputies on a visit to the Canadian cap. ital, Montreal, Toronto, wall, Niagara Falla, Hamilton, |Gananogue and Ingleside at the after winning as senior champlon| George Stallion { invitation. of Mayor Nelms of Ottawa that Canadians| His article makes no reference Bonnle Heather Sensation, owned Corn: | t 8-4681 174 MARY STREET {broad development of parks and |PaFia and the recreation facili. ties set up there for the public signed article in the Russian em. are quite interesting At the opening session Tues: hagsy's slick « paper magazine day, Mitehell Sharp, chairman of USSR distributed Tuesday says "The members of the delega- tion were impressed by the ore ganization of trade and catering service In Canadian cities, where progressive methods of self-serv- lice have been introduced, | "Our attention was drawn by! FALL TIME TABLE Effective September 7th,, 1960, Buses will run on Daylight Time SERVICE BETWEEN OSHAWA & TORONTO REMAINS UNCHANG- ED. Tickets & Information at OSHAWA Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Telephone RA 3.224) WHITBY Harry Donald Led, 300 Dundes St, KE, Brooklin Stallion Wins At CNE TORONTO (CP)--W, J, Taylor and Sons, Grand Valley, have! won the grand champion stallion award at the Canadian National| Exhibition judging of Clydesdales| {horses, [ | The Taylors' Bromley Blue {Pring was named best stallion | The grand champion mare was STORE HOURS SPROULE'S--King at Ritson THURSDAY H AURSDAY Open Till saTurpAY 10 O'clock SPROULE'S--Simcoe at Mill Open Thurs, and Fri, Nights Sproule's - Simcoe at Colborne ® Best Value for your Food Dollars ot SPROULE'S ® AMPLE FREE PARKING ® DELIVERY AT A NOMINAL CHARGE AUNT MARY'S SLICED ok BREAD "5 19° MAPLE LEAF BRAND CANNED HAMS "1.39 TIN GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN 5°19 LUMP CHARCOAL § 1b. bag 48¢c Barbecue SAUCE '": 3@¢ 39¢ PICKLING NEEDS VINEGAR salir 79° PICKLING SALT i. 21° Bog PICKLING 28° SPICES Metal RINGS 35° 3.08, Bottle Celle CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID 16-01, Tin Dex, Mrs, V, Wills of Warwickshire, 'aud Junior champion bull was| should be worrl t vide 'alls| by Dougl ' " shoule ed about, It was,|!® an incident at Niagara Falls/by uglas Wilkinson, Middle England, exhibited the top grand Jarvis Battle Royal 43P, owned ig A oh Pt I yan where he was spattered by an port, Calrahil Fashion Girl, ; Iby § \ Telephone MO 8.3675 champion hereford y the Jarvis Hereford Farm, years, China [0g@ thrown by a European refu: owned by Charles F', Halliday of | In the Aberdeen Angus exhibit (#00 and he suma up the visit as Chesley was reserve grand other awards were Reserve senior champion bull ~Anokamere 87, Ross M. Kohler and Son, Cayuga; reserve junior champion bull=Abdoller T, of Prospect 8, D, RB, Weldon; re serve senator champion female Pauline of Angus Manor, Irvin Schenk, Petersburg, In dual purpose shorthorns, the Wallaces' Darlington Lord Duke was Judged grand champion bull as well as senior champion, Cli max, owned by Wiggin, was named reserve grand champion bull as well as junior champion The grand champlon female). Three Saved From Rockfall | nace BAY, NS§ --- (cP) hree coal miners rested in hos pial here today after a cave-n n the Dominion Coal Company's No, 20 colliery buried them for hour, A fourth miner was Andrew Conron, 58 + year - ald mer Drivers Erred In Fatality STRATFORD (CP « A con oner's Jury aled Tuesday that the drivers of two care were guilty of faulty judgment In a July 33 highway acoidest in which Mrs ry EB Finth, 81, was Killed She was a passenger la a car driven hy her son Francis which went out of control and struck a tree after colliding at a Strat "ford district intersection with a car driven hy Gran Smith, 3, of Siratiord, The jury said Francis Firth exercised poor Judgment In aad Alempting to stop at the cross and Smith - was operating icle with faulty brakes ht been with driving. . ! presid of the miners' {local here, was erushed to death | When huge pleces of rook broke {Away from the roof of a mine {section 2.000 feet from the sur face. Rescuers reached his body after two hours of digging, The three injured men were 'aot In serious condition Barl Abbott, 25, Oswald Sulli van, 52, and Michael Gardiner, 3, all of Glace Bay, were work ng with Conron when the rool suddenly gave way RIG STONER SAVED 3 "We were doing one of those routine Joba" Sullivan sald. "We were cleaning up for the next coming on, "Suddenly the roof came down Oh Ua A stone about as hig as this bed fell first and caught all of wa wader Rt "1 figure it was that stone that saved our lives. More stone came down ht Rt bounced off the first stone, { "wes ying there, walling for \ "useful and interesting." Two features of Canadian life retail merchandizing and elty planning----apparently struck him partioularly "We liked the way the city councils and special commissions id great attention to the plant ng of greenery in the towns and help to come and all the time 1 suburbs, The experience we was watching that roof and jt = A kept on moving and more pieces kept dropping, The fall blocked False Alarms -. At Deep River off the roadway and we were ly ing there, all the time expecting the rest of the roof to come mn DEEP RIVER (CP) -- Cons solentions civil defence volun teers moped around wearily most of Tuesday, Three false alarma kept them hopping in | and out of the night before, Some time ago they had been warned to watch for a Civil Defence alarm four blasts from the steam plant whistle at this residence town for ems playees of the nearby Chalk River atomic centre, The first false alarm came at midnight from a water emer gency alarm at the beach When firemen and police couldn't turn it off, angry cits ens helped hy pulling out the wiring Ninety minutes later another false alarm rang at St. Mary's separate school 'vse! hy firemen, It rang again, this time setting off the steam plant whistle at 2 am About 30 people answered the anticipated warning. "I was conselous all the time and that was probably the worst part, "1 would rather be knocked out and not know what was happening." Tractor Kills Car Driver NORTH GOWER (CP)--Hugh Achel Jones, T™. of Manotick was killed Tuesday when an 11 on tractartralier truck plowed no his small foreign car Police said Jones was pulling out of a laneway on to Highway 18 whea the big truck, driven Gabel James Agaston, 0 of Clarkson, rammed iste the side of the litle oar Peter Good, 8, of North Gower, a passenger In the oar, was taken 0 hospital with serk| ous juries, 5 {champion mare as well as re serve senior champion, Other results | Junior champion stallion-Cres. cont Jeff, W, I. Batty and Son, Brooklin; reserve, Elmview Johnny Surmount, Robert Storey, Elmvale; junior champion mare! {~=Dale Lea Princess, W. J, Tay-| lor and Daughters, Grand Valley, | reserve -- June Gartly, Mr Storey, | Your Conctote (oe ake Sehuee Suit Is Launched |SUPPly Teachers TORONTO {(CP)-The ownersioshawa Board 'of Education ins of a westend six-storey AAT | yas applications from qualified ment block testified Tuesday injraachers with public school teach the Supreme Court of Onarioling experience for positions as that tenants are moving out bes supply teachers in the Oshawa! {cause of ceiling oracks and falls| public Schools { out af concrete { John H, Gilbert and his brother Harry, of 77 Spencer Avenue| eon interested In doing (Limited, are sulng Murray Assos occasional teaching in this eapas clates Limited, a precast con.|l!Y. 9nd the year 1960-8) erete products supplier and eon. Ple0%e contact tractor, for 500.000. They claim [coment beams and slabs in the C, M, Elliott, {three-year-old building are erack: Superintendent of Public Sehooh, ing and disintegrating and have \79 Simess Street South, weakened the structure QINAWA, Ota, Murray Limited 1s claiming Telephone ~ Randolph 31107 $0717, whieh It says I sul) owed hy IT Spencer Avenue Lim ited on a 1956 contract to supply G. A. Fletcher, and erect precast concrete prod. | Thelmen, ets for the apartment building for $80.217, The apartment own: 'W Gordon Bunker, ors are counterclaiming for re: Busines Administraten ra of the $14.300 already paid, {and $500,000 general damages, | AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS COLGATE BEAUTY 150m. Tim 29° 3 Tine 36° 2h. Top DOG FOOD SOCIETY ~~ Sc OFF CAT FOOD COUNTRY FRESH GRADE A SMALL Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables SELECTED QUALITY BANANAS = 10: FRESH DRY BLUEBERRIES 39¢ qt. box; 6 qt. basket 2.29 New At Their Finest We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you

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